Juno 5 1913 THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE ! IN THE HISTORYF Having bought the splendid General store stock of P. F. Me Arthur, Priceville, at a low rate on the dollar WIWILFOR DAYS STARTING ON Sell all lines of the Me Arthur stock, at less than wholesale prices. Just think of it ! GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES Gent's Furnishings, Hardware, Tinware ' Paints, Oils, Glass, etc., etc. ALL AT LESS THAN COST. N sale to some othersWe mean what we say. Has such a buying opportunity been given* the people of Grey County. See for yourself. Put us to the test. Don't compare this Remember this Sale is for 1 5 days only and the terms are cash and trade. EXTRA SALESMEN HAVE BEEN ENGAGED DURING THE BIG SALE. REMEMBER THE PLACE. * Pattison & Co.-Big Store,-Ceylon, Ontario