Flesherton Advance, 3 Jul 1913, p. 5

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JulyS 1913 THE FLESHERTO NAD VANCE :: i m THES1ANDARDBANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PEfc CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 31st July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholders of record of 25th July, 1913. By order of the Board. Toronto, 17th June, 1913. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. 14* Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.28 p.m. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Miss Will* Wright, teacher at Harrow, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LeGird of Chicago Going North Me ting relatives here. 11.28 a.m. ! Mr. D. McKillop of Mimico will open 8 p. m * i up a tinamithing business here sometime VICINITY CHIPS The mails are closed .t f '^eiton at dufi h ent h follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south a*| At the Epworth League on Monday 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south evening the members presented Mr. and mailcloseat9p.ro. the previous 'g | Mrs. Wellwood with a handsome carving ^^_^^^_^___^_^^_^^^^__^^_ st at a memento of the happy evenings ; tpent together. Visitors fnm Toronto for the holiday : Mis. W. Bentliam and little son, Mrs. Joseph LeGard, Walter LeGard, wife tnd two children ; Miss Margaret Pennell, Mr. Oshwell Whitten, Joe Radley, Ed. and Will Bentham, Elwin Jamieson. Mr. R. J. Wood of Corbetton wdl address the mtmbers ani friendi of L. L. No. 882 at the Orange hall. Ceylon, i on Sunday next at 2.30 p. m., and will I also address the member* and friends of Valley, at Mr. John Pjrker is visiting friends near Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cullenof Torouto ] spent the holiday in town . Mr. and Mrs. J. rT Thistlethwaite of Toronto were up for the holiday . Rev. Mr. McLaren has removed his tamily to their ne home new Peterboro.' , SO9 ln thelr hmll> 7. o clock the tame evening. Mr. James Buckingham of Stayner called on Flesherton friends on Thursday j Ttu re ul " meetmit ' f the W ' L wi " , i he held in Flesher t Park on W ednesday, I July 9. at 2.30 p. m. The subjects are Owmg to the holiday we find-it imposs- 1 . Cherry p|e anj p uddin!r by Mfg ibU to get .11 the copy sent in put in type | Wiloox . .. Ditfefent US4} , of 8lr wbereiMf - this week. , )y Mrg Gilchrist and Mrs. Chas. Bel- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston of Thorn- . femy. Refreshments at the close of bury, spent Sunday Mrs. Oeo. Stewart. rith their daughter, meeting. Everybody brim? a new mem- ber and their husbands. Everybody welcome and bring yuur baskets. The Annual Excurtiou to Toronto, Xiagira Falls and Bufftlo will he run on Mr. Wilson of Brampton visited hw Friday, August 1st and 2nd. C. P. R. fiiend, Mr. Brown, of the high school j to Toronto, Niagara Navigation steam- Waff, during th.3 past week. ( r* to Lewiston, the American Gorge Route tn Niagara, the Internal iocal Electric to Buffalo, returning by way of | the Upper Steel Arch Bridge and the 1 Canadian Scenic Route to ',':.[,-( n. Mr. Fred Smith and Mis Tulloch of > and from there to Toron'o. See lar^e Hillshurg spent a few days of the past j bills for fun her particuUrs or ask any week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith. | C. P. R. agent or J. A. Peacock, Secret- Miss Muri.l McTaviah returned last ; r y of the Excursion Committee, Owen week after a three-months' visit with J Sound. Chatsworth ticket* good for four friends in Hamilton, Buffalo ,-vnd Roches- days August 1st to 4 inclusive, ter. : Miss Swiizer of the public school staff bin u'or.e to her home at St. M'trys, and Miss Bell to Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. George Kettridge of! Toronto spent a few days of the past i week wi'h Mr. nd Mrs. B. Welton. The greatest neighing machine in the United States in at Washington. Evea the uTffit scales upon which freight cars with their load of many tons are weighed are insignificant when compared with this government scale by forty tons, and its work must be accurate even to a pound's weight, while the railroad ccale is con- sidered goud if it weighs within fifty pounds of exact weight. This govern- ment Mcale is used for weighing the great gum us-d on wr vessels. To demon- strate the accuracy of the balance, an officer threw a half brick on the platform and, by consulting I he record, found that the brick bat weighed just one pound. The Barrie Advance says: A team of nones belonging to W. H . Drysdale be- coming badly frightened at an automo- bile, ran awy near Elmvale, last Friday, instantly killing Root. Shepcott, the driver of another team, alto one of the hones the latter was driving. The fatality occurtd on the 2nd of Flos, where the men were engaged in hauling gravel. An auto, driven by Dr. Brown, who was accompanying his mother, Mrs. Brown, of Bay field St., Barrie, to Waaapa Beach, | came along, and Drysdale's team, which was at the top of the hill, became fright- ened. Before the man in charge could get hold of the reins they dashed down the hill, crashing into Shepcott, who was standing beside his own team, killing him almost instantly, also nne of his team. Shepcott is a young unmarried man. about 27 years of age . He was doing suiuu road labor. He was taken to Elmvale immediately after the accident, but died shortly after being placed in the auto. Mr. Wellwood and fanrly left on Tues- Bannon-Robinson day i' r their new field at Sunderland. They drove across the country by way of Onllia. Mr. J. 'S.LeGard of the Southa.tu Pres., Tomnco, accompanied by. his friend, Mr. H.A. Miller, spent a few days of the past week with the former's parents tiere. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Campbell of Durham wrie in town ono day last week visiting at the parsonage, previous strong to the removal of Mr. and Mrs Wellwood. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robinson of Proton was the scene of a quiet weeding on Wednesday. June '25, at high noon, when their eldest daughter, Miss Maud, was ui ited in marriage to Mr. Miltou A. Bannon, sou of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bannon of Arteniesi. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Leecu of Dui.dalk. M - Lilliau Arm- of Flesherton, cousin if the groom, played the wedding march. The j 1/nde, who was given away by her father, Mr. and Mrs. Go:don Laird returned looked lovely in her wedding gowu of from Regina last week. Mr. Laird has ' cream satin. She carried a bouquet of tak en a petition in J. A W. Bojd's store : white roses and carnations anu was uuat- They are taking up residence in the [ tended The ceremony took place under Strain home, opposite tho Methodist ! n arch of evergreen and white roses on church. | the lawu. The bridal party left on the The Flesherton ball team pUyed a 4- ' *'etnoon tr.iu for Toronto. Niagara and inning game with the Eugenia team at a ! otlu ' r P oint9 - The bridtj ** ' garden party ther* Friday evening last, tne score standing 5-3 in favor of Flesher- ton. A five dollar prize as the it cen- tie. The membets of the Ladies' Aid of the Me'hodist church met at the parsonage on Thursday evening last and presented Mrs. Wellwood with u handsome gold mounted parasol as a souvenir of her pleasant association with this auxiliary F'LESMERTON VOTER'S LIST 1813 Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Secticn 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies required to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made, puisui.t to said Act, of all pernons appearing by tho last revised Assessment ' Roll of the said Municipality to be entit- j led to Tote.it thesaid Muncipality at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Ass- embly and at Municipal elections ; and that Hie said Lit was tint posted up at my office at Flenherton on the 30ih day of .hint., 191.1, and remains there fr inspection. And I heredy oil upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omuwions corrected according to Taw. Dated the 30th day of Jure. 1913. W. H. Thurston, Cleik. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE HILL BROS.. MARKDALE OURGREATJUNESACRI- FICE SALE IS IN FULL SWING Hill Bros.' Specials for This Week The Success of The Sale has gone beyond all our expectatioss. There are still eighteen days left for you to buy good staple up-to-date merchandise at a big dis- count off regular prices. We will meet competition in any line we carry. Our prices will convince you that all we say is true. Come with the crowds and get a $' worth for a dollar bill. We have just placed in stock 25 LADIES' St'ITS in Whip Cords, Tweeds and Series. There are Suite in this lot that are good value at $25.00 and during this week you trill save from $5 to 110 a Suit on this lot. All Brand New, Up-to-date Goods. Prices, per suit, from $990to 914 50 We have One Hundred Ladies House Dresses to sell. All this Spring's Goods in Ginghams, Prints, Ducks, and Clunuy. Just the thing for the hot weather that's cumins;. The lot all specially priced fr jm 85c. to 95.50 Ladies Skirts' We still have a limited quantity of Ladiet' Good Duality Skirts to clear t gg,, Boots and Shoes Our Shoe Stock la still in jood shape in spite of last week 'a heavy selling. Discount, for iustance: We are offering clearing lines a: Big Ladies' and Miaes White Canvas Shoes, rt-gular 91 to 91 75 ; to clear Ladies' Fine Oxfords In Patent, Tan and Dongolas, rrg.fti, $3,50 & 94; to clear j 95 Ladies' Fine Boots in Patent, Tan and Dongolan, -ej{. 93, 93.50 and 94; to clear 91 99 Men's Shoes and Oxfords in Tan and Oxblood. regular $4 and $4 50; to clear $1 99 All of our regular Shoe .Stock subject to 15 per cent. Discount. Men's Furnishings Department NVe still have a gooi as orttuent Our Values in Summer Underwear. Fine and Weiring Shirts are remarkable. to clear. Men'* Fine 3-ThreaJ Balbriggan Uuderwoar. Regular 50:., for Mens Fine Shirts, regular 75c. to tl 25, to clear at Men's Work Shirt.*, regular 50c. and 75c.. to cleir ar 35,, Grocery Department Specials Fresh lime for sale- W. Meads, O.D R. Eggs Vats fur Sale Suitable for cis- terns or watering cattle. Prime condi- tion. Will re sold f jr half what they cost to make. M. Scully Co., Flesher ton. Out. Seeded Raisins 4 Ibs. for 25c. Granu'nted Sugar 22 Ibs. for 1.00 Granulated Sugar, per sack 4 DO HILL BROS. Best Corn Starch ................. 4 Ibs. for 25c. Cosmos Suip ........................... 3 f ot ^ac. Broom*, 50 J"zen. each ............... .^() c MARKDALE. a navy blue suit with tuscan hat. The presents were numerous and useful. The father and mother gave a cheque. The young couple will take up theit residence on the Torouto gravel road and will be at home to their friends after Ju'y 13. , The lictle 18 months old child of Mr. an( J Mrs. Wm. Dale, of Midland, was choked to death with a peanut. The child was in the yard playing with other children who gave it s..me peanut*. One of lhe kernels btuck in its throat.anddes- P ite despenrte e tjb rtg h y the physician to remove the nut the child succumbed. to churth work . Tha Methodist choir drove over to on Wednesday of last week and in (he program at a garden party. young people ware thoroughly on the way home by a rainstorm i Shelburne has hid some excitement but it did not seem to dampen their ardor this week even thounh the SGth Regiment judging by the sweet sound wafted on Band and No. 7 Company are at c,\mp. the night air as they arrived in town at On Sunday night about 11 o'clock Wil- 1 o'clock in the morning. j fred Oillespie. when near the Methodist church was ordered to hold up his hands -instead, he shouted for help and the be foot-pad ran away. On Mon- ' dy- lively runaway took place down Mu street east and on Tuesday another For Sale cheap and on easy ternm.good 9-rooir.ed Lrick dwelling in Flesherton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two good lots with same, young beating orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing andsiable. all co-nplete. in first cla.s condition iind tepair, with hard and soft water. Wi 1 sell very ?heap if sold this mon'h. Apply R. J. Sproule, Fleshev ton. Ont. Nof"tf House For Sie - In Flt-sherton, a first cUss brick dwelling and stable with two errs i'f land, hard and soft water under cellar, undoubtedly a very suitable re;i dence for any retired farmer. Apply to Silas Shunu. Kleoherton. For Sale Tho undersigned otters fur s'e three lots in the village of Oyln,on which are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling. 8 room?, with stone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Anplv t-> .las. AuMuwn. Owen Sound, or W. J. .-.pllamy, Flesheitnn. MISCELLANEOUS" Lost between Markdale and Price- ville. by vay of Flesherton. Ladies black suit noa'. Finder please coiiimunic<le with Mrs. Huh BaiH. TKornbury, or leave at The Advance office I(j5 ft Wf OWES SOUND, ONT., X Fall Term opens Moi d^y. Sept.^J guaranteed a Every graduate position. Thorough courses. Lirne staff of Specialists. Individual instruction. Best equipped Colle in Ctnada C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal. >G. D FLEMING. - Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO A A * 2 CORN! CORN I Get your corn for planting. I have on hand a largo stock of all the favorite kirrls. including Comp- ttKi'jj Eirly. Xrth Dakota, Whitecap and Improved Looming. Dwart Essex Kape seed, the b e.st to sow; Mangels Sugar Beets and Turnip .Seed. Get you ^supplies from the Old Reliable dealer in Flour and Feed Ogilvies Flour. I ive Roses, Dundalk White Rose. Koid's Pat- ent and morning Glorv. W. L.Wright, Grocer, Flesherton. TheMelhodiat church was filled with an attentive audieuce on Sunday evening when the pastor, Rev. B. E. Wellwood, preached his farwell sermon. The les.on was from the 121 st Ps.lm : "I will lift up mine eyes unto the bills, from whence , horse and rig made a lively trip down the oometh my help." The sermon was pre. l ne rlh of Mai streetFree faced by some rood healthy advice k to the attitude of the church towards tl<eir new pastor. Rev. James Dudgeon, who will arrive ou Friday of this week from Englehnrt. At the close of the service Among his calves Mr. Wm. Gagon, of Tossorotito, has the novel and interest- ing additiuu of a deer. The animal ia nvidently a year old and U nvikiug itself very much at home, lUyina closely with choii and audieuce sang the beautiful us newly found friend. Mr. Giigou is Epworth League Benediction, "Gd be , careful not to frighten ihe visitor and with you till we meet njiain." The new i n t| 10 week that it has been with the pastor will be in his pulpit on Sunday calves it has become quite tame and qui re morning next and the evening service -accustomed to his appearance s th it ic will be withdrawn, owing to the now shows r.o .signs uf flight bh:n tie Presb> terian anniversary services. I calves do. Fiesh Lime Burned this week ready to take itway . J. Ducket t, Eugeni*. Tenders for certain excavations at the Public School will he received up to (> o'clock on the 28th inst. W. J. Bellamy Secy. 9-000 private fund) to loan on farm oiti'agtf security a' lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. 10,000 wool wanted by H. J. Ped- well's succefsor. Feversham, Out. Store opens on Saturday, June 14, at 3 a. in. Lost Iron binder, between thest-ition and Hoy'c. Finder please communicate with Jns. Porteous. Rock Mills BULL FOR SERVICF Registered Holstein Bull, Korndyke Pietertje Clothilde. N". 14780, whose dam, Trizie's Clthilde Pierertje '2nd, No. 2988, has prod 1 ced over 80 Ibs. milk per day. Terms Grade cows $1. TO, j.ute bred i-ns..". All cows not retuined wilt be charged. A'so registeroii York;*ir b<^w. No. :f45*l .Term* 11'. HEN-RY HOLM AN Lot 40, Con. 4, Aiteme*:a, Port law PA*. Ginartf DR. BURT 5pelillt in dUH'Mei of ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 Oh t. east, Owen Sound At the R.;vere house. Markdale. 2nd Thursday each mouth from 8 to a 12am. Duniltlk. 1st Thursday of each month. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hour* by appointment R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements- Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, S!eigh, and Gasoline Engines, Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always <>u hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fevrsbam, Ontario. Bull for Service ThnrUKhbret Americn bred Here- ford bull lor service on lot 15 1, 2ml W. T. andS. R., Ai-teim-sia, Terms $100 ca>h . -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. HARVESTING MACHINES busker and shredder McCormick machine They are built rigbt you will find it to jour interest to buy McCor- mick machines. ' Hemphill, - Agent CEYLON, ~7~ ONTARIO. MCCORMICK mower for the hay; a McCor- binder for your grain; a McCormick corn binder to cut TOOT corn; a McCormick ft%ht,and

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