Flesherton Advance, 3 Jul 1913, p. 8

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V July 3 1913 THE F L E S H E R T X ADVA N C E BUSINESS CARDS Selling Out W H.WRIGHT. TKLKOltD * McDUSALD Burliter. Solicitors, A-e. (itlluen, (.n v * Kruc* Block, Owen Bound. Btauilaid Hank Block. FlMberton (8tuft!avl. W.H.Wright, \V. I'. Tellord J-., J. C. M^Joual 1, 1.. I,. B. SOCIETIES AO V W lueeti oi> the Itit Monday in acb moutb, In their looge room ClaUoa'ihill Plasherton, at t) p in M. W., W, J. liullmny ; Kuc., C. H. MuiiBhaw: fin., 1!. J, Si'roule. VuitlnK brethrB mvitod PRINCE ARTHUR I.ODfiE, No. !J,A.F4 A II. IDMI* in tin Uaoonlc ball. Arm tronc s Block, KleahertOB, every Kriilay on or tefoi-e tlm full moco (i. A. Wat>un, W. M.; Tbo. Clayton. 8cr*'.*ry. fOURT^LERHERTOS, 095, I. 0. F. ire in w Cteyton'l Bloek th* latt Wednen lav cveuine C ^acl! inniiUi. Vinltiue Foirntem heartily weic, :,;. i . K.. (;. Bellamy : 11. B., (. < irt,s; K.:i. r-it- , W. llunkiD. i'ir*.-.- i.y liin * to Flu. Sec. bcfora the first av of the month. SNAPS WEEK OF CHOSKN FRIENDS Flcsnerton Council i Kriende uiectt in Clayton 'aliallflrat ar.rt Ibird WsdBMdJn of L>KC!I mouth 8 u, m l'v vKMonienu to tue Kcoorder on orbeforg . nrt i'av of each month. Cliii-f Couucillor T. l<:a.k*lev: Recorder W. H. Hunt. The Farmer's Club uieeU in tin, hi-h school l.niliiiui! on the nrM lliur^.luy iu each niobth ? n 0,-li.ek |i. in. VtMitiK fariuem )Mi>liv uivitef. F.i'iiarJ rif.-i'Uut, I'. \V. Dellatftv. Suc.-Tu-ac. Rt'Dl) MATHK'VIv Markdale. Licenseil auctioneer for tne county of t^rey. Goo<* vicf at rent uable rate*. Dates cau he tua u- a*. 1 i.e Advance, o 09 MEDICAL OABTBB M C I 1 A- S Ont. Physician, fiuryeon etc and resideuce 1'oter it.. FleeherUm JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgnon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College remit:. cf F3cond door south wett.on k.ry Hreet This itrt-et raus buutb Prektyteriaa Chorcli. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. Ml'RUAY L. a fi.. dental surgeon hooo, graduate of Torouto University and HPVK! < ollege of Dental Kurguons of Outario, Ga aduiititiiitered for teeth extraction Iffice at reniileuce, Torouto Street. Fleiherton. LEGAL I UCA8. RANEY & hEMtV-Harriter, ^ Dolicitori.etc.-I. H. I.uca, K. C. : W. K. ):.:.. K. C. ; W. D. lleury, M. A. Offices. Toronto, MJOU Tiadom Hank HlilR., |>hone main 1412; Jtlarkdale I.m-ai- Klock. I'bone 2 A. Brauch office at Uuiululk o|wn every Saturday. busiXESS CARDS CULIXJUOH A VOUNO Hanker* Uarkdale ^oaral bankinR buin. Money loaned at rcaaooabl* rte Call ou tia. TCH18LETT, >'oi,t uiartrr. Cfcylon. ComtulaaioDer to H. 0. J . Conreyancer, deeds, u i.r:.-i I--, i, ---, will* etc. carefully drawn up ollectiona mad*. cbarKM reaiionahle. Also rocvriv*. flour, feed etc. kept In atock. Prices Isnt. DUcI'HAIL. LlepDMMl Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Termi moderate and aatits>ction guaranteed. The arrangements and dat< of aales can I..- wade Tuic ALIVANCK office. Residence and P.O., Ceylon, Tvlephoue connoction. Dec. 8.07. WM. KAlTTlNii, l.n-.-i... .1 Auctioneer foi tb* coootiea of lirey and biuicoe. Parui nu'i Klock *ali a upecialty, Term* moderate, latlntactiou giiarnt(ed. Arrange- 4ueot f'.r dates may be made at ti.r Adviuce offtee. f-r Ceotral telerhonn oftjce tvvernliatii or by addreisiug me at Feverihatn, Out, CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClockl.n's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line ol Keady-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in !,,, of charge, if required. top] ft EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With thn lament uttcndnncu in its hiktorr, The (Jollingwood Himiness College has |ilr<l in a good posi- tion, every uraduate of the present year. Wmii-r turn, from January 2, I' 1 !.: Si-inl for him. !, 'in.' ColUnsjwood BUSINESS COLLEQE T. E. Hawkinit Principal Sat,, June 28, to Fri., July 4 ODD VESTS 18 only Men's UJd Vests, fresh and clean ami nice patterns. All six.cs, n-gular 1..'0 to J2.00, to clear 98c. ODD COATS 14 ,.iily Men's Odd Coats. All A 1 lirst class 87 giirniKiits'. dmo early wlulo H>-ortmeiit is bes*, and take your choice $:) .'.-) TABLE OII& 4 full new pieces Table Oil C'lotliK, 1] yards wide, nice fresh patterns, solu everywhere at 25c and Me. Come early S 'tlurday for choicj 19c .TAr.LK LIXKX J:.ir'.';iin 1'riceson all Table Linens Satur- day, We have a special tine damask regular ."i.V, which will bo cleared to tirst comers at only HAND JUGS Sanoles of .1 leading Wholesale house, not Hoilvd, all lea'hur uood.s. and a go<>j HHsortment worth 8!'. 'HI to 1^ (K) a do/5, wholfsil") Choice of lot 50o. FOU MEX otte Balbriggan for :Uc 1.25 Fine Sbiit* for title 7. r >c Work Shirts fW 5!c -; "I 1 ,-- . choice !IHc Llama Socks ll)o Duuiex l!i , . 1!I TOWELS Saturday only, 1 p. m. to tl p. in. 500 yardN moie Tie Towelling and 100 Pairs 2<)c litith TowelH and Homo better IIIIBH. Only one pair to a customer. He on hand harp at 1 p. m. at per towel 5c. SAMPLE HOSE ">40 pairn Men's and Woiueu'ii Sample S^uinmer Hose. Only v> pnii-j uliki-. From best house in < \tmula. Not soiled. Lot* of high class OUCH. Don't miss a chance of a l.fctim?. Huduced ONE THIRD HARDWARE A Vanishing Colony Wtitten for The Advance " All that tresd the uhibe are but handful to the tribes that slumber in ill boMnii.'' 'are you, go away, 1 belong to de Lwd, yo belong to de devil." On one occasion he and some other* *ere woi king in a feinall clearing when a ) lonurs , JftnOX looked oferthe brush fence at the Promotion Examinations men. He was a : r.iy animul that hid wandered <|uite i dixtance from his own- ers place. For many years tnive'crs going west from the Toronto Line on the- old Dur- Johnnie at once brought his faith ink ham Road, a few miles out. t-mld see an'exerciee and said he knew de Lord had old cemetery, where is now D:ilt'in'!sent dat ox to pervido meat fo His chill'n, Corners. It cannot b seen now for the|so they slew the ox, concealed the hide, level surface. Well cultivated, it annu- and for a time the savoury odor of stew- ally responds to the call of seedtime andjing or masting beef could be detected in harvest. And why not! Is not the SOIIIB of the cabins. Then the owner of earth one vast cemetery I If the (,'ene-jthe ox eaine, the hide was found, anJ rations through all the ages tried by confession made. A suit for damages Lever, Harry LeGard, Bertha nirtible shaft or granite block to perpetu-;followed wbich left the perpetrators of K.is^el Trueman, Ruby Lever, ate die memory ot their loved and lost, the deed much poorer than before the <>\ Those taking 7n"i or more have taken Names in order of merit. Jr.3 to Sr. 3-Mabel Fields(H),R. N. Cornfield, Frank Bunt, Clarence Fisher, Violet W'ltson, Mabel Richardson, Rene Cargo, Ada Thompson. Olive McMullen, Wes Arnstrong. Sr. 2 to Jr. (i Geo. Mitchell (H), Kstharine McVicar (H), Ernest Davis, Ed Lever, Kendull Bnyd, liert McLeod, Stewart McTavish, l"ri|uhart Shuttle, Flossie Kiclnrdson. Jr. StoSr. 2- Gladys Lever. Ve.ra Smitln Promotions in Primary Room for June 1913 there would be no room on the earth's appeared. urf.ce for the living. And though these; In ft , iule , buiMi not fa , ffOm , he almost forgotten sleepers in tl.a'.. OHl': ceilMltery these c , )lollred , e worshi j Cls 1 Sr. to J.-.2- \\ilfred Lever, acre, folded securely in earth's embrace,! . o , d , willillteH preiic hed to them. K '' na Fen ' is ' Gord " Bldke ' y ' "*"* iped. (j 'dly I*mi.ster3 pre; . . slumber on through the years, yel will Ami) , |g them we|e |na , |y g(jod sin , /erg C*mngton, J.m Stafford, Jim Wright. th - come forih at the last call as surely a|!(] , hl . Ilu . 1()die8 Uarned at tho old J Cecil McTavish, Mamie McTavish, May and perfectly as the honored dead rtbL^fog, down g()u , h were ofte ,, B(J ' rest in the transepts of Wartainttert,!^ the H|tle oui . di , lg wi , h llHilit Abbey. Who he there? Many of a sweet har , nony- \anished c'tlony that fur some Lime peo- pled that [irt of the township of Arte mesia. f th>t ( -." lol ;>'' "'" "^ " f ""' m peace in that old cemetery, rwardlef.s In tho early Hftie, of tho last centu.y of , ,., a ,, d ^b, harvests a c,lo,,y of colored people settled along !libove ,,., S(jma J f ^ ^ ; the Durh.iu Ud east of Priceville and tiii ,, f t| , e ha(d , jf ^ to Co!Jin ashortdisUtnca^toftlmtviiUse. The Cctrriniiton. Class 1 Jr. to class 1 Sr. Jack Kar- ' stedt. Olive Mathewson, (Xorval Stuart sud I'. r.ji.- Boyd, Lillian McMullen, , goneunce the coming ^^ Bellamy>John Canington, Evad Wilson, and Esmond Walter. A- - (Primer) to class 1 Jr. Ferris, Nelon Shunk, Dates of Fall Fairs Ayton 8ept.23 24 C.rldwater Sept. 18 19 Dundalk () c i.! 10 Durham Sept. 2- 24 Feverehain Sept. 30. Oct. 1 Fleeherton Oct. 78 Msrkdale ~. .Oct. 14 - 15 Mraford Srpf . 30 Oct. 1 Mt. Forest Sept. 17 18 Owen S .und Oct. 79 Priceville. Oct. 2- 3 Elocklyn Oct. 23 Shelbune Sept. 23-24 Tar* Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Walter's Falls Stpt. Jti 17 \Vi;irt n Sept. 33 24 e Oct. 14-15 . F.sher. Alfred F.eUi, Cargo Kenneth S tu,rt, iod, Owen Sound or Chatham, _,. ii.i.i. M of Lopeman, W M l,ini{ton, Doug- L,, frcr the ahi ,, jlion f , i '*>". ';""' Cargo Kenn lass, Henderson, Levi. Johnson, Brown,j went wu lo their imive coiinti . ' David Colgan and Ida Lever. Simons, Handy, Crawford :md others be-l , i t ., , ,- , , , Along the line where they once lived Ipnged to these DUBtUtM. Many of them Carr- , . . . , , were escaped slaves who found refuge in the freo stats*. There their fancied se- curity ended by the coming in force of are rich nml wealthy farmers have S. S. No. 4. Artemcsiu. Sr. 3 to Jr. 4 Ida Stinson 88. Luther . . taken tFfe places of the vanished Colony Love 73, Liiwson L ot . kh art C6, Edn of wh.ch only a memory remains. the fugitive i>la\e law in IK.'iO, by which their old masters could seize them and; force them back to slavery. Canada! bicKme the beacon star of freedom. Now the second time they made their escape from possible slavery and its cruelty. What wonder they fell on their haps K. A. P.ckell. Scott 6;5i R|)9S Stevens 50, Ren Achesou ;.r,, Willie Hoard, fi2, Willie Nicholls .%!, Joe .Stitison (roc). Sr. 2 to Jr t 3 Krnie Stinson 83, Susanna Lcdlow 73, Gertie Stitison 71, The most striking example of the pre- < Willie Nixon 07, Ottilie Lockhart Oti, Stamping Out Smallpox ventive eB'ects of vaccination, which per- * >e&r ' Scott G2> I{e 8* ie Stevens 39. haps has occurn-d in any country, cer- i J'- 2 to Sr. 2 V. Miners (H), tact-sand kirssed BiitUh soil whun they 'tainly in umdern times, is that of the Frank ^"' cn l' 8 found themselves a free people in Canada/I Phillipinc Islands. Prior to 1905. some t ' r- * to ^ r- 2 Edith Stinson (H), No more would they feel the cruel lash, or the teeth of I he sleuth hounds. How- O.OCO deaths each ytar were due to M J r y Nieholls (H) Stella Acheson (H), smallpox. In Ihat year the Cnited States ever,freedom brought it* responsibilities, authorities, believing its efficacy, intro 1 They must now make homes and livings duced the prat ice and their officers j>er- for themselves and families. In those ' years work was not always to be had a easily as now, especially for these men 10 <his horrible plague. Formed the erioni.oim niunU-r of :<,lK4,ti3. r > ! vaccinations, this effectually stamping out ' inexperienced in our method* of agricult- ure and clearinii of land. At that timt there n much talk of free land in thest- townships and these people came and lecured i.n m- of their vriy own. For the lirst tiiiie in their liven they Ind the privi'ege ' voting. Life wi not all suiiiliine lure. Thei difference between the sunny southern! elimate and die region of our winters wa keenly felt by (hem. True, they had the cutting, but warm, nor were they clothed to withs'und our severe This is but a modern instance of Lottie Nicholls (H) Allie Little (H). ROCK MILLS SCHOOL The report of S. S. No. 17, Artemesia. From Sr. to Jr. 4 Violet Smith 410 (hon.) Irva Park, 400 (him.) Francis Betts, H91 (hon.) Leta Partridge 'Ml, Id and scientific pi.tice, which, unfor- ' ***** }tlte *'?' Lorne Alkillscn 353 < una-.ely, t..-day is bei - K neglected i, y , Irene Smlth ;543 - p-trents, municipil authorities and! From Jr. :< lo Sr. :t Perl Porteous governments. Such neglect has entailed , 3(W ' charlie Stafford 259. heavy loss upon many communities: -hould be wise before it is too late. abundance of fuel for thrir cibinn were not The Calback Tragedy The Calback shooting CHIC in Collit g- wood has attracted A gi-eat deal of atten- tion. It will le remembered that Mis. C tlhack rus shot in her home, and it was From Sr. 2 to Jr. :$ Jean Milne 3T>7, Lilian Park 344, Lily Fisher 28fi, Bertie Porteous 810. From Jr. 2 to Sr. '2 Clifford ParfriJg 2.M), Lnmier Smith 255. From Part 2 to Jr. 2- Kdith Bett, Jenet Black, David Black. Sr. 1 to Pt. 2-. Margaivt White, Hazel Porteous, Marnll Herts. clainu'd by the husband that ,t child 3i waa lmr<l to overcome. They were opti- y cdr " wl(1 h<ltl dy ''et lit) Uce-J with H 22" Jr - l "' Sr ' R^ssie muiic, evin under hard preisure. As eitlil>re "no. At the coroner's inquesl /' ''"'""' W ' k> l<lsck - t,oci'iz?mhii>, l hey averaged well. Theyj" FliJ y last Ihe following wrdiot wan Smith, Joyce - M. E. POLLOCK, Teacher. $1 TiO Screen Doois, neW ............ '.I8c 1 1 (JO Scteiin Doors, new ........... 7<Jc Silver Steul Axes ........... ....... (Site Solid Steel Shovels MIK! Spaili's oOc lliiinmerf, Unices Siiw-j, Trowels. . . l.V Vests and Hose .'>) do/. \\ ..in, i. . fast black Cotton HoHe, all fii/.-is. l.'i uoz. white Cotton YeMN, Summer wi-i.-lit. A urt-al .snap lit ,1.,.,,. for lOc. $1.00 Boxes V an; iimkiiH; up Snn,i ''All For A Dollar" HuXiJit CoiiUimnu $!..")() to t.'.^5 i-iicli of useful Stap'e ArUclrs Mich as welling, Thread, ItromiiH, Hardware, liin.-eiie. 1 -, <iiiiiiiii',i>e. Choice were g- IK!, tUy were Wl, Ihey wcrei return "' 1 weak, they woresttong, W'se wd (oijiish,; "The boy, Janus Cillmcli, did not lire 10 Wi'ie we, llieir wlnto neit>hbors. the shot from the lido that killed his i A Hunt; them were the varied types ol mother, Ida C,lbnek. We are of the! huiiiiiniiy. (opinion, however, thut the evidence of Holroyd '.'84. Memory recalls vividly one of the most ? m . e " CM "^< '. " '"> Calback, s,-. 2 to Jr. 3 Mary Bravender 2ttf, jr., is very uuiwtisfactoiy and coiiMietin, Stewart MeMullt-n -.'37. and our verdict is that th,> deceased came Jr. L' to Sr. 2-Nollie Uuchiiigham, Sam S. S. No. C. Osprcy Sr. 3 Jr. 4 -Clara Short 315. Jr. :i t'> Sr. :! Itettha Slum 31i, C!eo. iif the most looking women I ever saw, l.i.;li llobr. anth was ^ $1.00 Groceries 15c Silmoii ................ | o e l.'ic Salmon ................. 9 C HOtSE AND LOT FOR SALE Concrete dwelling hnusn on Victoria ulroet 1'iitt. in the Villagu of Fevorslmm with two I'H; Also BLACKSMITH HHOP on u.iner of mill roserve and Wellington atront. For full |iai i iculaiN apply to Kli Robinnun, Fevrraliatn, or the undormanwl. -IUJBKKT BROWN, Doi 4!M>, Kumhl , Out. Allf.ruior KurKuin Iiines Still on Sale. Gem Jars ('lieaper limn you can buy by the car load. All ".ii u. mi, r, I I'M.: ,,,!. pack- Kos nut broken. IVr DOKUII A gallon . 1Hte, Impnrial ViHit"< 77', '.'uuN (tile, und Pints |(2c Umbrellas All our Purasols and I'mbrellas at Cost. Price. Spnoial 3 do/.. Mfoptnini UmbrelliiM, Stpol Ko,l, Double Hibbed, Heavy Springs _ no,' Stunners fi String I'.i ....,,! o; (C 7 Mars Onmfoit Soap 26o 4 yd Kit|;li*li Linoleum $1.75 Hoy al Ymnt ;),, I Km) A (inld Hfudiul l; ,,,,., . .....il&o [ortnltn A d ,,-i ,.,-, HintH f iu Splendid K ii t .ii reduced |4.0O Don't Miss Th Hoc Tapestry Carpet for 4(lo All i mini,, N Prints iV OinKhami. ... Ho Trimmed data to clnar SI 'is 1000 UK. IIAKOAINS HKSIDKS. McFarland & Co. Markdale, - Ontario. browed, sUU-ly and digintied. She might eatily have been a iiKwlern Conduce. Anolher womtin stood in ihe doorway of her own .inn, clad in a itny prin' die.ss and snowy turlutu ; strong, cupable and liiirly pio|iortioiu'd, holding in her anus a strong vigorous bnby, whosu linvly roumli'd I l.t. k lnnl> und n>orry face i- a pchiri' in itself. Then when tho men cunu out in vote thu tirst time, taking li-i i cuU through the woods and p:isNinp cloiu )>y Ihci early home of the writer, lliry tiled iilio the house to w:mn. They were a cheerful crowd, and felt the dignity of manhood. S Hue of ibn women .>< excellent cooks. Many savoury touthern dishes were served, when Ivn.tm-ipai n-n diif wai> celelnaled at I'rireville. Tlie patriarch of llio Colony was father Handy, whosu mummified face and a few whitu curls on hi* head spoke of a very long life, how long hv did not know. is usually silent and preoccupied- porliaps with thouitlits of the lon>{ when wivui were torn from (heir husbands, childrun from thair parent*, as one after another they stand on the block in the slave mtrket. He had a son in middle life who in turn had grown up soua and dau^htera. Tho comical diameter of the neighbor hood wan old Johnnie Andrew*. John was a man of grrat faith, euoh M luileil himself at the time. He used tr frequent the liihing grounds t Cullemt lake, uot to ii-.li, but to get a Inn-. A story Is i "1.1 of two lads who went In tiah one day. They hung tin n lunch basket on a tree. Johnnie wan not far away and sorn became hungry. 1U took down th baaket, aat down on a log and brgai. to out and volilo<)ui2 thu: "Blear, da Lawd, H vviy |(uod to oln Johnnie, He gav* the chill'n In ill. wildeness a ob In , i,l, but II* gib Johnnie a ob inoat, too ' The boys coming back fnimil an empty Ivaiket and Mid, '.l.'liniur you hav* eaten t>ur dmnci 1 ." With a look of fin* ooin b laid. "Who to her death fiom a rifle in the hands of Short, Sadie Izarf, KdJie Howard. Nomo |iernn in tho house, and thst there ' Jr. I toSr. 1 Dorthy Poole, Stella is not sulhVifiit evidence to show l ; red the khot." who SeweH. Primer John l!uckiiigham, Lois Short, by lightning. A mar- It caught tiro but thn lilaxo was extinguished be- i foie a reit dt-al of haiin had been done, i Our Clubbing List Th following prices are for strictly H,iy White. ;,iil in iidvniice subscriptioiiKonly. We Ivy Iznid, Hex Holroyd. ETHKL E. CAIRNS, Teacher. Port law School Sr. 3 to 14 Hubert Taylor, Murray Cornfield, Clarence Watson, Willie Tay- lor, Florence White. Alice Wilkinson, [wve no accounts with other papers. Jr. S to Sr. 3 Kleshert on Advance ... I CO N "!' y ' Yii'itliH Companion SJ 00 *' lo '' r> ;l -Lulu P Toront-o World, daily 3 00 Pedlar, Lizzie Thompsdii. Toronto Daily News 1 TiO Pr. to Si. 3 Hoy Lyons. Weekly Globe <K) ' Mail-Empire .... 75 Family Herald & Star IK) Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 00 Farmert) Advooata I 50 Weekly Witont Saturday Niht 3 (H) Homo JourujJ IKtj Poultry Newn..,, 6 Poultry Koview 40 Hod and Uun maKaziue "n Sadie Shier, Violet Me- l.iuiie KIMUKRLKY SCHOOL Heport of those who paaxed the Promotion Kiaminations t Form 2 of Continuation woik. The figures are the total maikx, I'.'U' to pass. v,. i II.MI Hishop 743, Hachel Hutchin- son 741, Harold M,-l.,-:ui 1*183, Klsie FeiriK 070, Lulu Ellis ti-Ji. Kdtu Wallace MHi ( I \ i-i-oi n in.' r ili-il . ) CANADIAN PACIFIC GREAT LAKES SERVICE Fastest and Most Luxurious of Steamers SAULT STE. MARIE, FORT WILLIAM. Steamship Express Leaves Toronto Oaily, exwpt Fri- day and Si i in l.i v, 12.45 noon, and Olhoi Luxurious SteHiners, MOM- anivoa at Ships tide .165 p. m. days, Wednesdays, Thursdays. Parlor Cars, KirM-class Cimohos. PORT McNICOLL, PORT ARTHUR, 57 HOURS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG Laavintc Tuesdays A Saturdays. A Service Perfected by Studied Effort and Years of Experience Homeseekers* Excursion* Each Tuesday Until Oct. 28 WINNIPEG AND RETURN tM.OO EDMONTON A RETURN $43 OO Otbxr I 'units In r ,u|,oii.. lUtnru lima twouioathi TRAIN I,-.... Toronto 9100 p. m. oaeh T<i*adaj. until Au|us( *- TartlottUr from aoy i'auadlau Faoino AM ut HORSE JROUTES PROHIBITION KING THE TK/rmG COLT Breed to trotters and ge"; trotters, asid to show horses to net show horses. Prohibition A.u^ .-> vuiiuinon So. !*7> has been enrolleti in accordance ith Chapter 07 of the Statute of Ontario 2 C.i-i. V. Prohibit "U King m his two- year-old form is H nice clean, jet black | c.'lt, standing 15i hands high. He is I bred to no f-ist and is certainly gaitedtogo fasf, being one uf those high going, open gaited trotters and we may well expect thi-t colt to step fVt in another year, as- he is bred .ind paired f-r it. He nas made his first appearance in the how ring, defeating -such horses s Red Top, K'kvullia, etc. Whut will this fellow do when he comes to !.is growth. Prohibi- tion King has the fast connections and | by reading over his pcdUree you will 1 find he is of the same f.tmily as Minoo- Heir l.oi, the only horse, livin? or dead that ever beat 1'ui Patch, Lady of the Manor 2.C4 > Pare Devil 2 U5, Heir at Law 2-OOJ, Lotd Darby 2.05J. Night- ingale 2.08, Mockin* Boy 2.l)J<i. King Charlie 2.08, The Abbott 2.03J. Shadow chitnea 2.0, The Monk 2.(K">i. and hundreds o others with very low reccrds. Hs sire, Lord R-ss :<5ti7:!, A. T. R. was one ot the best bred horses in Cannda nnd was a winner whereverhon and also won sweer^take f(,r beat Stnnd> ard Bred Stallion and three of his colts : and sired by a full brother to Dare Devil 127!*, by Mamtrino King the handsomest hore in the world. His dam. Net tie, F by Prohibition 2.21^.21812. byPotoskey 3!>33, ho by Geo. Wilkes 519, was one of the few to have 158 ti.st prizes and diplomas to her credit, and that she speaks for herself is the U'.-t evidence that can be given. Monday morning Will leave hia stable, Meaford, to Clarksburg for .neon and to Chas t HiH'a for [night. Tuesday South to John Uobson's for noon, then by Maxwell sidetoad and H. Guy's. Maxwell for night. Wednesday By gravel road to Thos. Mi-Arthur's, Ceylon, for noon, and Mark- dale tor night. Thursday- Berkeley for noon and to Win. Geo. Dixon's 10th line for night. Friday North to Bognor for noon. DON CARLOS The Sweepstake German Coach Stallion will h.ive same route and stands. This horse has been enrolled No. 1"47 under Chapter >", of the Statutes of Ontario The altove stallion was under ?aid Act inspected by the officers of the Board and {mind to W free from the inalfommtions and diseases uamed in the regulations of the said Act. Arrang- inents can bo made for living colts by applying to the manago'. JOHN FINPLAY, Manager and Collector. Meaford, Out. Farms for Sale SO Acres West half lot V, cou. 11. Township Ol O-1-: i v . 30 Acra-Kast halt lot K, cou. 11. Township ot Oprey. JO Acres West half lot 7, COD. 11, Township of Osprey. 50 A r'8--E8thiI( Iot7, oiu. 11. Township o(0rry. 100 Acres -Lot .14, Cou. 10, Artemeaia. 100 \ .-!,-- 1 ..[ .la, >MI. U. Artrwetla. 0)0 Acres Uot 3. 1'ou. IS, lot 4. fin. Usprey. HWAoes- ' con. H. Arteiuenis. 100 Acr Lo! . oou. 14. Vitoni.'-ia. 100 Aorwa Cast half lot 7, con. 4, Kupnrasia. 8bi Acr*a U>t It anil ii, eon. H. Ariviuesla H9Acrs-t'art I ,.: Hi. n., HO, t'ou.3. S. B. T. 8. H., Ar'omesia. Aors Lot :i au.UO.oou. u. Arteuiasla. :, Aor SI. oou. Id, Arte<uia. %V. A. ARMSTRONG, Flwherton MAIL CONTRACT SKA LED TKNDERS addressed to the Pvxstmaster General, will h<- received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 1st August UH3, for the conveyance of His MajoMy's Maila on a proposed Con- tract for four year?, *ix timea per week over Rural Mail Route from Dundalk"Via Bad/eros and Shrig. ley". Ont- at the Pleasure of the Post Master General Priuted notices containing further in f irmation as to conditions of prottoged Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Dundalk anj at the Oth'co of the Piwt Office Invpctor at Toronto. Post Office Department, Mail Serrico Hunch, Ottawa, June 13th, 191S. G. C. ANDKRSON, _ Superintendent. TamworthA for5ale QKO. W. ROSS, ilaxwll P. Boar for Service A l Yorksdilr* Roar for T.*8lf. 4 i t R. W A I.1..-K.

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