Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1913, p. 6

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I til One of the Garrison; Or, A Hysterious Affair. CHAP1KH XVI. Cont'd). By ten o'cloo* we bad walked i-lom upon twelve mile*, uiid were compelled to call .1 bait for a few minutes to re- "".<! our breath, for the last mile or two wo bad been hr.ati.ng tliu long, wearying -i.,pe of the Wigtown jiHU From lha uuiuiit of thin i.mf . which : iK'Kl.crc m. .re than a thounund feet iu height, we could we. looking northward. such u i. e of biciikiuv, and desolation an can hardly be watched in any coun- try. Kight away to the horizon tftrctchcd the broad expanse of loud and of ..<:. roinirled and mixed together in tho wild- est chaos, liku a portion of some world in the process of formation. Here, und there on the dun-colorrd r/ifaeo of 111. a great inarnh there had '/mvt OIK patches of yellow reed 1 * and of liv.d greenish STIIUI, which only Served to heighten and intensify the t,.>< my ell.< ; of the dull, ll,<- .11 < holy l >. ;ir-c. Oil the Hide llc-l'- to UH son* abandoned peat cuttings lUnl ubiquitous man had been ut work there, but beyond tin -e few petty ware there was uo ig,i anywhere of hu- man life. Not even a crow or a seagull flap]***] liu i way over that hideoug de.-'Tt. lh. is the great bog of Cree, which may be aeeu in tho maps to extend over Dante ferno. with a fresh terror for h'g In- The whole bog In this part appeared to have sunk in, forming a great funnel- shaped depression, which terminated in a whirlpool- a perfect niaelHtrom of mud, sloping down on every Hide to th:.- Bilent und awful chasm. Clenrly th:s wa the spot which, under the name, of the liole of Cree, bore such u sinister reputation among the rustics. I could not wonder at itH impressing their imagination, for a more weird or gloomy scene, or one i more worthy of th avenue which lt-d to | It, could not be conceived. The ntcjj* pawed down the declivity which surround- ed I he abyss, and we followed them with a sinking feeling In our hearts, OH, we realised that this was the end of our search. A little way from the downward path was the return trail made by the feet of those who had como back from the chasm's edge. Our eye* fell upon these tracks ut the name moment, and we each gave a cry of horror, and stood curing speechlessly ut them, for there, in tho!,e blurred fnotmarks. the whole drama was revealed. Five had gone down, but only three had returned. None bhall over know the details of that WAS A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC Now Finds it a Pleasure to Enjiy Meals Bere b a case which seemed a* bad and as hopeless as yours can possibly be. This is the experience of Mr. H. J. Brown, 384 Bathurst St., Toronto, in bis own words : "Gentlemen I have much pleasure in mentioning to you the benefits received from your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and can cheerfully recommend them. I simply had coo firmed dyspepsia with all its wretched symptoms, ana tried about all the advertised cures with no success. You have in Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets the best curative agent I could find. It ia now such a pleasure to enjoy consequent .nouris ment that I want to mention this for the benefit of others." The fact that a lot of prescriptions of so-called "cures" have failed to help you is no sign that you have got to go on suffering. Try Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and see how quickly this sterling remedy will give you relief and start your stomach work ing properly. If it doesn't help you, you get yourmoney back, joe a box at your druggist's. Compounded by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Montreal. 141' _ considerable urface of the hir ol , ""range tragedy. There was no marke of Wigtown. It i- a Halt-water marsh form-! strnggl* or sign of an attempt at escape We knelt at the edge of the Hole and endeavored to pieree the unfathomable, glootn which shrouded it. A faint, sickly exhalation seemed to riw from its depths, and there wan a distant hurrying, clat- tering Bound as of waters in thi* 'bowels of the earth. A great stone lay embedded In the mud, and thU I hurled over, but -..._ -_.... ._., _,. ...._ . . we never heard thud or splash to show wTldernoBti.'as" fronT'impure wiiirr"aiMt de- j that It had reached the bottom. An we i .'rin., i hung over the noisome chasm - by au inroad of the sea, and so uiter- !.! is it with dangerous swamps and treacherous pitfalls of liquid mud, thai INI niMii would venture through it unless he had the guidam-o of one of 1he few peasants who retain the tccrrl of its paths. As we approached the fringe of rushes which marked its border, a foul, dank tmell r..<- up fmm the liiagn.int dark to me. Why the l>.-':. - of Qhoolab Shah should havo removed their victims to the desolate Hole of Cree instead ot taking their liven at C'loomber, ia. I eon-, fens, a mystery to m. In dealing with < < u!' laws, however, we roust allow for our own complete lguoranc of the sub- ject. H.il we know more we might see that there wa goine anakgy between that foul bog and the sacrilege which had been committed, and that their ritual and customs demanded that just such a death was the one appropriate to the crime. On this point I should be sorry to be dogmatic, but at least w miiBt allow raying vegetation an earthly, noisome nung over uu. noisome i-nunm u r. ...,,., Dogmatic, but at leant we muet allow smell which poisoned the fre.sh upland! did at last rise to our earn out of its tllat tlle Buddhist priests must have had nir 80 forbidding and gloomy wan tho | murky depths. High, clear, and throbping, S( , me very good cause for the course of upect of th place that our stout crofter it tinkled for an instant out of the, abyss. a ,. tjou wn i c ), they so deliberately carried ' to be succeeded by the same deadly st'll new which had preceded it. I do not wish to appear to be HUperxtitioue, or to put Months afterward I saw a short para- graph in the Star of India announcing down to eitraordinary causes that which \ lllat llire(> eminent Buddhint* -Lai Hoomi. may have a natural explanation. That ; Mowdar Khan and Ram Hingh -had Just one keen note may have been some returned in the wteainship Deccan from a strango water sound produced far down ehort trip to i.; urop) .. The very neit item In the bowels of the earth. It may have: waB a eT(jM .,i to an account of the life and been that or it may have been that in- ister bell of which I had heard so much. Berv i,. P8 O f Major-Ueneral Heatheretone, . h , l( , ] ate | y disappeared from his Be this as it may. it was the only sign : wmutry houw , j,, Wigtownshire, and who, that rose to us from the last terrible rest- , lhpre iB too mu( . h r ,, agon to f< , ar _ i, ae been ing-place of the two who had paid the debt which had so long been owing. drowned." I wonder if by chance there wan any other human eye but mine which We joined our voices in a call with the i traced a connection between thew para- unreasoning obstinacy with which men graphs. 1 never allowed them to my wife will cling to hope, but no answer camo or to Mordaunt, and they will only know back to us nave a thousand hollow rvver- of their existence when they read these Derations from the depthti beneath. Foot- pages. Hjro and heartsick, we retraced our BtcpH I don't know that there is any other and climbed the slimy nlope once more, point which needs clearing up. The In- 1 "What shall we do, Mordaunt?" 1 asked, telligent reader will havo already Keen ' hesitated, and it was all that we could do to persuade him to proceed. Our lurcher, however, not being subjected to tho delicate impressions of our higher or- ganizations, still ran yelping along with Itfl nose on tho ground and every fibre 'l itn body quivering with excitement and MWMM. There was no difficulty about picking our way through the morass, for wlier- ever the. II >e could go we three could follow. If we could have had any doubts in. to our dog's guidance they would all have been removed now, for in the soft, black oozing soil we could distinctly trac. the tracks of the whole parly. From theso we could see that they had walked Hhn.iM. anil, furthermore, that each was alMiut e<|iiidi*tant from the other. Clearly, then, no physical force had been used in taking the general and his companion along. The compulsion had boon py--h- iral and not material. Once within the, swamp we had to he ireful not to deviate from the narrow track, which offered a nriu foothold. On each Hide lay shallow I we is of stagnant water overlying a treacherous bottom of fccmifluld mud. which row above the SHT- face here and there in moii-l. sweltering banks, mottled over wiih occasional patches of unhealthy vegetation. Great purple and yellow fungi had broken out In a dense c-uption, us though Nature ! afflicted with a foul disease, which manifested itself by this crop of pl.iinic. finite. Here and there dark, crab-like creature* etitt!ed at-ros* our path and hideous fiesh-colorixl worms wriggled and rr.thfd amid the sickly rccdn. Hwarms of bussing piping iiin'.t- PI-.- up at every Mep and formed a denre cloud around our heade, settling on our hands and fuen and inoculating us with their filthy venom. Never had I ventured into no that UICM- poor uien may in.-, t nilh eouie l'. -iile.it und forbidding a place M>ir- . li: ., M - .: . .n in another world for all raunt llen'.hcrstone strode on. hn*ever, -|,at il.cy hv nilfercd in this." ! ence proved mathematically that an iron with a iK-t purpose ujion his swar.hy \ n ,i |^. free from ali devii.^h religions H hj|, could not swim, and science d<M-lared hr.iw. and we could on' follow him, deter- j and their murderous A oivh p.ier!" Mor- that a steamship could not crow the At- mined to stand by him to tho end of th | daunt cried furiously. " ~ " ' - -- - STRANGE CLUBS. The Most liif.'imoiis and Famous Found in London. Perhaps one of the most eccentric clubs now in existence is the Block Bean Club in London. The mem- bership of this select community ia strictly limited to 40 persons, each member paying an entrance fee of 10 and au annual subscription of 10. The club assembles once a year, and at these annual meetings a bag is passed around containing 39 white beans and one black bean. The member who draws the black bean is bound by the rules to get married during the ensuing twelve months, the committee undertaking to furnish a house for him nd to defray the expenses of his wedding and a honeymoon. Before the meeting is dissolved, each of the re- maining 39 members has solemnly to swear that he will remain single until tho date agreed upon for the next lottery. And then, again, there is the Sighing Club, an institution found- ed solely for the benefit of love swains. Silence is strictly enjoined at all meetings, and the members who sit in solemn conclave, each holding a piece of ribbon, a lock of hair, or some possession of his be- loved, are required to sigh at least five times within a quarter of an hour under penalty of a fine. Suicide clubs have been compara- tively common. The Man Killing Club, however, was a London insti- tution somewhat out of the ordi- nary, membership being confined to persons who had slain opponents at duels. On guest nights a separate table was reserved for visitor*, who had to be friends of members and to have drawn, at any rate once, an adversary's blood. But of. all the curious clubs of bygone times perhaps the most famous, or rather infamous, was the Abduction Club. This was started in 1776 by a number of young Irish bloods, who banded together to arrange, for themselves forced marriages with wealthy heir- WHEN IT'S HOT AND STICKY MOM? An mi Iced Tea is most refreshing. It cools and 1 invigorates without harmful results., Sealed Lead Packets Only. Allow the tea to steep for fire minutes and then pour off into another vessel to cool gradually. Never use artificial means of cooling until read/ to serve ; then add sugar, ice and lemon. in a subdued voice. "We, can but pray , the reasons for the general's fear of dark that their souls may rent in peace. ' j faees, of wandering men (not knowing Young lleatherstone looked at mv \ii\h , ) lo w jii pursuers might come after him), flashing eyes. "This may be all according of visitors (from the same came and be- to occult laws," lie cried, "but ive t>Mall cause his hateful bell was liable to sound nee what the laws of Kngland have t > *ay ] at all timesl. His broken sleep led him up. ,n H. 1 suppose a chela may be hang- 1 | o wander about the house at night, and ed as well us any other man. It may the lamps which he burned in every room not be too late yet to run them down. | were no doubt to prevent his imagination Here, good dog. good dog here!" He from peopling the darkncfs with terrors, pulled the hound over and *et it on the. , Lastly, his elaborate precautions were, as track of tho three men. The cre:iture sniffed at it once, or twice, and then, he has himself explained. r:ither the re- sult of a feverish dc#iro to do something fulling upon his stomach, with bristling i th.ni in the expectation that he could hair und iinur.idmi; toi.Kue, it lay shiver ing .mil trembling, u very embodiment of canine terror. "You (xc." I said, "it is no use con- really ward off his fate. Science will tell you that there are no such powers ae those claimed by th Kantern mystics I, .lumen Htrtherglll tending against those who have powers West, can confidently answer that science at their couimuud which we < annot even i wrong. For what is science? Hoi- give a p.'nif to. There is nothing for it ence Is tho concensus of opinion of but to accept the inevitable, a,nd to hope scientific men. and history has shown that it is slow to accept a truth. Science sneered at Newton for twenty years. Hci- adventure. As we advanced the p.i'h grew narrower and narrower until, .n> we naw by the trucks, our (ir.jdiH.-t-worH hail been rom- lielled to walk in mnir!'.' !. r'ullarton HUM leading u< i'h th" d-ir. Kordsvunl b'-liind him. while I bfpuffhl 1> the rear. Justice compelled me to acknowledge In my own heart that the murderous spirit had lantic. I-ike Ooethe's Mephistophelcx. our wise professor's forte Is to "stela vernein- -, j en." Thomas Didymus is. to use hi own! been set on foot by thu L'hri 'tian jargon, his prototype. Ix>t him learn that iicl.ir.- it was taken up by ;hu lIuddhiMK, ' if | l( . will but coasc to believe, in tho in- Iml I forehnrc t" remark upon it for fear fallibility of his own methods, and will <>l nutating my companion. I-or ^ long | <)( ,|< t,, 'the Knst, from which all great lime I could not draw him away from movements come, he will tlnd there The peasant had IM en Milky -and surlv the s. ..in, of hit) fathecs death, but at ' pi-hool of philosophers and of savant* who, | for a liH'o tim buck, hardly iini-*'er.ng I.,.;, by re|Mati-.l arguments and reason- working on different lines to his own. are when spoken 10. but he t'"n Mopped i-h'Ti 1 ings, i Mi'vee.lvd in uiaking him re.ili/e 11Kl ny thousand yours ahead of him in all, Mini iiusin.cly refihwd to go a iiteu far- |i v y ui!eli> and unprontublc. any further ,1^ essentials of knowledge. effort! on our p-iYl inn-:, necessarily (THE KND.) esses, each member promising to assist the others. Originating, no doubt, from a joking spirit, the idea soon devel- oped into an accomplished fact.. But when in April, 1779, two young rnon, named respectively Gerald Byrne and James Strange Villard, forcibly removed from the home and married the two daughters of a wealthy landowner in Waterford, the government deemed the time had come for interference. So abduction was made a capital offense and guilty members of the club punished accordingly. Another celebrated club that was Btarted, but did not last, was also in London, where the members were to meet once in three months solely for the purpose of dining backwards. That is to say, the dinner began with cigars, coffee and liquors, and finished up with sherry and oysters. One such re- past, however, seemed to prove quite sufficient for all the members, and on the morning after the inau- guration banquet the club was in- formally disbanded. WONDERFl'L BLOOMS. Bulb-Splitting Produces Strange Results. A novel experiment is that oi growing two hyacinth bulbs toge- i ther. Two bulbs are selected which are known to flower about the r-^m.-j '. time, although in other respects the ! more diverse they are the better- 1 Each is cut from the crown to the base with a sharp knife in such a ( way that the central shoot is ex- 1 posed, but not injured. The two j larger portions of the bulbs are then tied together, the cut portion! facing one another. The double bulb is then potted in the usual ! way. If all has gone well, a single stem conies up, while the flower may be blue on one side and pink on the other, ^according to the col- ors of the bulbs. The result ii highly mystifying to gardeners who are not in the know. The experi- ment is often carried out by the Dutch growers, and rarely fails, if carefully executed. Stek headaches neuralgic headaches splitting, blinding headaches all vanish when you takft Na-Dru-Co Headache Wafers They do not contain phenacetln, aceuntlld. morphine, opium or any other dftngerous druf. 2Sc. a box at your Druggist's, 133 N*T>OMAL Onva . CHEMICAL Co. erOtiuM. LIMITED. At once to d<> Pic'ur* colorlnB for QI In their horn* with our wonderful Chem- ' B JIT* *^** i*'Vf*v n i i .Li _ -i l i, ' . . i*i_- 1 i m ^.tUTHl- leal Process. Simple, mechanical work, rapidly done. All oat- terne furnished. Poeitively no oxper-enoe required. Wo furnish the Process and chemicals and supply you with pictures to color, which you return to uu. Good prk-ei paid promptly by the week or month. No canvassing -or tllin our trav- ellers MO the goods and the field i unlimited for our work. If you want clean. pleasant work the year round for whole or spare time, writ* us and w*> will tend you contract and the prices we pay. COMMERCIAL ART WORKS. 315 COLLEGE STREET. TORONTO. ONT. "The Hole of Cree! What is that. Wlell''" ' It's a great min-kV h'.'e i'i '.lie ground tl.iit If.iliK J*;v dollll r-'i deep thi' c'' J Inidv could ever reach the u-.:toltl. Ir lis-d then- are folk vh:i xiy tha' it's .M'st n ilcir ic.idin' lir.ao the bottoming ]:'. up our ol tile; ther. _ 'It's no canny." he n;d- ' "''< '"' I ko'i prove, and in uu! < :ni: ii.ui to reiiirn wall | where it mil lead 119 Me!" ; uic to t'loouil.cr. "h ! the wcai i;-o.ne. ted-' Where, i hen?' 1 a sed. K..IS ,|.,:irne.v! It had seemed long enough "I'.ie i.li.- Hole o Cree.' he :. nwer-d. ; ncn ,\ e had some tihifht Hicker of hope.) "Its no far frae here I in thinking." now Hurt our w.iis; te.iis were fulfilled it a 11 1* a red intern, ilia hie. li.'.i.-.int guide al Ihe uiiir.K>rts n.ir-li. und haviug restored h.s dog v.o ,cl him tlnd his owii way holm, wiuiont (el'iiilt him anyUiing of tbc ici-ul'.* of our exj,eili;ion. We ouivelvc* pludded all day .ner ih moors will. l.'-.i\y lee: .ui-J heav- ier llCilMS 111,1:1 We baw tlle ll!-o,l.ened i'.v..-i . l C':<>,>inber, un\l al luM, r.h : lie tun w.is inciting, foui.J oai'sulvm onto inoiu beneath itn rov*f. 'IheiK in no ,iecil tor me to enter into You have been ;)ier<- ihen 1 " I asUed. "Been there!' b cned "What would I lie d.illl al the Hole O 1 IV.-? N.\ ! never been :lie.-e. nor any other man In )iis senses." 'How do von know about it. then?" Mv g'ca' graiidfeyther had bio. there, NOT TO BK SM'HBKI). Saliiteil His I .! -hi. .n. il,!.- I n.-ml >Vhilo ( iiiii.n- I'rom Work. CircuiiMit-ances forced James Keith - li'uv< v -ch. .>' and oarn his living lirfnro he was sixteen years old. Like many another boy, he had no bent toward any particular trad* 1 , and no took the first job that offer- ed. That happened to be with a Mv g-ea. gramlfeyther had b.eii tlu-re. rilrtncr a,. iulili . ,- ,<> ,iT,bu tlle grief,' nd (bat's bow I ken. Hi" .-irt-.n ai.^wr- . v,bi'-h our iidingti eonv. >-t u. mothei nd i tinsmith : arid he became an ex- .,1. He vt.i- ton' one Kuturday incht mid ) t<1 daughter. Their long vspucui.oii of j,,. r t w ,,rkinail. He was pretty well ',",', r s-alistiixl with liis job and with the he went '..- u het tic ii ilir. > .' 1 ilk j oiu ciilauiity was Lot i-uttlcieiit nl,oot it ji:.i.ird. and 1m nMn-i <!! |, itr e .hem tor the terr.blo reality. ii' what befell him, but lie w-s ayn feare.l W( .ek my pior Udbrit-l hmered between HKHie.V lie llia<le at it, Illld he saw no >' the, very iii-nie. ties the llrit KiiMar- , ]; (u a .,a death, and though she -'ame | ' i i K ti<inUI ll.ink anv ttie ton thaiH bwn at the Hole o Cree. uud| r<jUI1 a al lailli thai.ks to Ihe nur:i.g of ] rp|1 "" w '.'> " UK an.N I- hell be ihe lint for me. If yell Ink' my my ;u'r and the proitweioiiai >k.il of ' less of h'ni.vclf because tho useful giing hame iiBiiin, for tlirres nv gulil iue be g.it oot o' th;r. pin. We fliiill g" on with you or without I J.HI Mordaunt answered. "I/et us have yo.ir d'. and we citn pi< k you up 01. our ..t -tianiu.,. b |i h.. , k , .iveied her | o, fcuH.-i,-,l hatuls and s<ini<'timeK Ins face. he rie-l: no hao my never U) thin day entirely i lormer vigor. Mordauiu. t , ull) . h ,,, r mtluf ,_ UU<1 lt WlU1 OIl!y | ittter oui 1 reuiovul to Edinburgh lli:il ho' rallied from til* .hoik whuh he had uu- < A* u> yoor Mm. II. :itherhunie, clay's liard work on a hot roof, was ()ni . , < lllst us Keith, be.grinw-d i, f ro.sult Of a neither inedieal iitiention nor rii:tii*;o ot air can ever huvu a |I<M iii.n.ciit <!! t upon her. Hlowly and mr. y, hut tery plMvidly, *h ha divlin<>d in nealili and etrength. until it ib evident h.a in H \ery tew rteekn ni the moHt i*he will have re- joined her hiifthand and ir tored to him an llog n.':r.>ti w: bogles ami ruiining down Aul Nick i> .( he were * hare The dog hull bide wi' in* " The dog shall go wiUi ns. ":'iu '/ colllpalilon. w.th his ev. blSSlOf. We have no time to nrg.ia wuh yi Here* a _ ( _ ^ __ I- \ r in.il ii-l no'e Ml Us huve In* (log, or, . , M( . , Ml . || lin ,r which ho ri.ur. n.i\i Klild- I et I ' i' I 'J 1 .hall take it bv fores and B ,. d , !,, behind. i affectionate devotion to his widow home, lie rnot Mrs. I^andon, l<l frieiul <if the family. Mrs l^mdoii had always likod Jim; for she honestly admired his cheerful (pint, his sturdy character, and hit> had fasli- l,v heuM-n. 1 (hall take i > L .,.,i :., leave behind. throw von in th bog if yon hinder im. .j j,,. i, air< ( ,,f llraiiksoine came bXUMJad UHither. 1 could realise the iieatheivtoi I forty ( ,,, m i tll | y restored in health, witu the) T | ..fu-r,,,,,,,, however she veai-s Hgo when 1 s-iw the Her.-e and slid- i j.,..,^, thul wt . w ,.,. t , ,.,, I111)e lled to return! JIl > " " ilen wrulli -h it'll lit up the fentuiei Ol ',. m ,, re t<i Kdinbtirgh. The change wa ( lieei, calling u|Min B<ime if her I hi sun. . . .. . mreeahie to us. for recent vein had cast | i,,, ln l||,. actlliaitltances who liv<-<l not h-iber the bribe or the threii! had the , c i ou ,| ,,,er o'.ir counlry hie anil Imil . ., '..,,. i i i desired effect : for the fellow grabbed at , IP T O u,i.led UH with unpleueaiit assoe.a- ' far from Keith H ll.lllll', and lmd Ull the money with one hand wbl'e *:'\\ t b tlun , it,. h ide. it highly honorable and .fortunately alisol'lx'tl a little of the older h mirreiidered the leasa l rrU m n e rM tiv appointment in opnneoUOn , , '. __ ; i ,,.i ,.. (I,,,,, held the Inn her l,ei.v.ng him t ret, . . ; WM)l . , , llVMBlty hhrary had be,H>m B M>1' 't ' lluL JHfN ailc<l ailKillg them. h i , mt ,,--"-- ),,. h -,.|i" we eontlnued to make on, .t> ,,.,, Into thr utm<*t rere^stw of Ihe great <)f ,| 1 , ^iiuip. Tim tortiio.is path grew I."., and 1,.,, denned .s we p.,,. ec.lfd ami was covered in piucfs with wa'er; 1 i.ie.i ..ivred in pia.-en wt waei ....ngeiiml a post. In tin inere:iin* 'U-iupi.t of Ihe knund and t, al .^ t<1 KxJinbnrgli very the ilbt of tho de-p fool'" 'f"' '" '" ' , portiuit iMHiplo than w '. It may be that Jim WR.H a little Jfa^JT than Usual ; perhaps M rs. L&Ddon feared that her now mends would not understand if they mini, stlmuliited n* to pus!, aflcr struggling throtigb * f hiilruhe. we cam* on a iK.rror of !i.eh might ha" m mid had. through the kindne late >ir Alexander Ura.u. IHM-.I otternd to my father, who, an may > ..led, lost no time in accepting so ngeiual a i>ost. In this way wo came much more mi- ! , V. oft it. mid with ' should .^eo her sjieaking to this ho further reason to be uneaer nbout. the I sxx ,t y voting Workman. At any rate, I detail* of housekeeping. But, In triiih, | ; ' .,...,,.,. .i..,,) Kn ., *riwl tj> 'the whole iMJUsehold has been -,- i i 9 I Mi ' ' f..r us he approai'l have been married for some months avoid his eye.. THE PERFECT SHOE FOR SUMMER SPORTS ASK YOUR DEALER. to mv rteur tiabriel. und t'jttber i* to be- 111" Mrt>. M.'. till. -I .'lie IIPOII tllH I'.l'll Of . nth. If slm innkrn n in uu good wifu an lu nieter nan inadii to ni, w 1 n. MV both -! .nin.i Iv.-., down an foriun- Hte IUVI1. mere donuwlie ep xoden are, ait I lint Jim felt himself quite as worthy of respect in his working clothes as in his Sunday suit. Nor had he any intention of passing an did friend of tho family without, greeting her. And so as he pa-used My obiect in drawing un this *Ut*Bini j Mrs. l.andoll he took off his hat, ..n,i jiiii'hthing thr evening. Mrs. I Jin don ! It's the affairs before the public, but to lea to on record n authentic narrative of a most remarkable series of events. This I have endeavored to do in an nieth- ...i . ..I a manner as ponslblo, exaggerat- ing nothing and iipi>reMiiig nothing. Th* reader has now the evidence before, him, and can form hi> own opinions unaided by mi> a to th rausM .if thn ilisnppear ..ii.." and death of Hnfiin Mmilh and nf .lohn Berlhir Hsathevslone. \ .('.. CH There u oulf on* point which - rtiil old Jim un<ler all this dirt!" "The 'H' is silent in so many English words.' 1 "Maybe that i wliy the English drop it MJ often." Sugar For Preserving buy St. I*wruce Bztrt Qrt- nulatod by tb bg. You get the chokrtt, pure oaoe sa^cr, mitoueljd by imv hand from Rf huery to jour kitcttvn and \VWOHT g^roolh., ^roolh., I.IK.V. lolb. * C*rteMjifc.,s|te. . A H.U SONOPA 4^V/ilV^rVr\ HORNS GUARANTEED for on year against all mechanicaJ defects' PROVED by several years ol experience A most satisfac- tory horn. The Sonora ia motcw driven, using but liOtle current. Hy a new device the Sonora doe* away with the rasping and niotallk scr-echea so muth notic<i. It pro (luces a smooth, ear-pleasing ton* SPECIAL PRICE TILL AUGUST 1ST. Our stock must be reduced by that time for the annual stock-taking. Sonora Brass Horn (Motor Driven) Reg. $20.00. Sale price $13.25 Sonora Mcki'l Horn Reg. $24.00. Sonorn, Comb. Hand & Electric. Brans . Reg $30 00 Souora, Mckel . lleg. $36.00. P/iona or Writ* Sule price $14.25 Sale price $17.90 Sale price $>.00 RUSSELL MOTOR CAR Accessories Department. COMPANY, LIMITED WEST TORONTO CEMENT ^^ The only building material that has not increased in price is CANADA Portland CEMENT It makes concrete that you can depend upon foe satisfactory icsults. whether you use it for a lilo Ot B^rc'.rti walk. High quality and low prica arc made posniblc by efficient .ugmniran'on and maaufactkr.int economiei due to a large and growing demand. See that every bag of ctnwnl you buy bei lh "Cwd*" UbJ U a you guarutec ol satWactioo. .-^Jj^fri^"^.. _ ./' Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal Hnttftr *fr* n tfttt ** " "*/ " fornur Cf* I* Witk Crr*. "

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