Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1913, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRLKCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 3:3 No. 5 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, July 31 1913 W, H. EDITOR and PliOP r \ A Dastardly Act A lerious crime was committed on Saturday night of last week at the farm of Richard Woods, lot 9, con. 1 , Mel- ancthon. Mr. Woods was the owner of three imported Clydesdn'e stallions. Gay Gartley, Newton Don auJ Sara Brown- Mr. and Mrs. Woods wero in Shelburne on Saturday nignt and returned home about 12 o'clock. It is reported that when Mr. Woods was pu t'ng hia horse away he noticed a man running across the field away from his premises. On Sunday morning when he went to feed Newton Don and Sam Brown h lound both animals very ill and noticed that paris green was scattere 1 around each feed box. He telephoned to Shelburne for Dr. Morgan but he had just lett for Birrie, so Dr. Shields drove out as quickly as possible, but nothing could be done to save their lives and both animal 3 died about 11 o'clock. The third horse Gay Gartley, was at James S* inson's in the New Survey or he probably would have met the same fate. The stallions were both tine animals, and were insured at |2,200 ic the Yorkshire, and another Live Stock company. The crime is a serious one and if ihe perpetrator is found out he will spend a term in the penitent- iary. Crown Attorney McKay was up on Monday but says there is no evidence to offer so far, if an investigation was held. Another sensation was caused on Tues- day afternoon when word reached Shel" burne that another animal hud been found dead at Richard Woods' farm. The report was correct. Mr. Wood had a mare hired during the season from R. A. Jelly of Shelburne. and on Tues- day she was found lying dead in the woods at the rear of his farm. Dr. Mor- gan was sent for to examine the unare and he found that a fractured rib had entered the lungs and caused death. The frac- ture was no doubt caused by a kick from another horse. Shelburne Free Press. Markdale A case of whiskey addressed to Jas. Robinson, Holland Centre, was seized at that station last week by License Inspect- or Halbert. By paying a personal visit to all the James Robinsons in the sur- rounding tiwnships the Inspector was convinced that they knew nothing of the consignment. During his temporary absence form the Centre, Mrs. Mclntosh of Owen Sound, appeared at the station and claimed the whiskey, but was polite- ly informed that the case was in custody. This seemed to greatly concern the Udy who made a hurried exit from the village. The Inspector was ''wise" to her name, however, and she was summoned to appear before Magistrates Armstrong and Enr.is on Friday night to explain her reasons for attempting to smug^o booze into the lccl option town of Owen Sound by this roundabout way, but she failed to put in her appearance. The whiskey was confiscated. An assault case which has been "hang- ing fire" for several weeks, came to a termination on Monday night before Magistrates Armstrong and Knnis. John and Richard Caldwell and John and Matthew Aitkens, farmers of Holland Tp., were the parties concerned, and the cise arose out of a line fence dispute, which dispute became so acute on the Ifith day " f June that the Cald well's are said to have proceeded against the Aitkens with clubs and were going to forcibly demand a settlement. In the melee the Aitkens came off second best, and the police court Case was result. Mr. W. D . Henry was counsel for Aitkens and Mr. P. McCullotigh for Caldwells. Both lawyers and the magistrates have exercised considerable patience over the matter.havingadjouredthecase four times in an endeavor to bring about a recon- ciliation between the parties, but their efforts have beea futile. At the tina sitting of the court on Monday evening, the Caldwells were found guilty of assault and were fined f 13.00 each and costs, in all amounting to 944.30. The line fence dispute still remains unsettled, but pro- ceedings will be taken at once to hve this adjusted, to be hoped with satisfac- tion to all parties concerned. Standard- Meaford and Its Bars The Provincial Secretary has decided that Meaford, Ont., shall have licensed bars until after the local option question is again settled at the municipal poll? in January, 1914. This *ct ; on is the result of a com- promise between the rwo local uaities. In January last the local option by-law was lost by a fraction of a vote, and as both sides claimed illegality, the temper- ance party began an action to have the proceedings annulled. Lster on a deputation waited upon Hon. W. J. Hanna to urge the need of making Meaford "dry" in view of the f ct that there were no bars and a strong temperance sentiment in the surrounding districf. As the provincial Secretary ! '. -vi-il that the action would be settled in the courts within three months, he suggested that licenses should be issued for that period of time. The action, however, was not brought for tiial, and the parties arranged "that licenses should issue as on August 1, that the parties should consent to a judgment annulling the proceedings, that the local option by-law should be submitted again en January 1 next, and that upon its carrying licenses should be forthwith discontinued. This arrangement has met with the approval of all parties concerned. In the evsnt of the defeat of the by-law in January licenses are to be continued. Thrown Over Saw Hanover, July 23. Mr. James Mc- Malum had a very narrow escape yester day from a horrible death at his sawmill, just enst of the town of TIanover. As it i*, he lias a bad'y cut leg and a strained neck and shoulders, which will incap- acitate him for the harvest season. He was engaged filing a large circular saw, and was sitting on a bench with the saw between his Ie,*8. He had turned the power off but bad left the belt on. After filing a tooth of the saw he reached over, pot the large file in the next tooth and drew the saw towards him. He was just about to go through this procedure when one of the workmen in the mill, not knowing Mr. McMahon was about, started the power. Mr.Mahon, who had placed the tile in the groove just prepar- atory to pulling the saw towords him, was lifted bodily like a shot and hurled some fifteen feet away, alighting on his head and shouldeis. He escaped the saw with the exception of his right le?, which received a deep wound some nine inches in length. Had he pulled the saw to- wards him he would no djubt have besn cut in two. Kimberley Budget Miss Eva Black, of Thornlmry, visited friends in our vicinity a few days the past week. Mr. Jaw. Fawcett erected a handsome Hag-pole in our public school grounds, on Monday last. Mr. Hartley Lawrence visited friends in Markdale on Saturday last. Mr. F. J. Reid, accompanied by his sou, Stanley, and daughter, Margaret, visited Stayner friends a- few days the East Mountain Haying and berry picking are in pro- gress. Word was received here last week an- nouncing the death of Mr. Geo. Harbot- tle'-s sister, Mrs. Duncan of Ready. Messrs. Thomas and William Harbottle attended the fuueral. Mr. and Mrs. K. Donnelly and little son, of Epping, visited ut Mr. Harry Thompson's recently. A very successful school meeting was held in S S. No. 1 one evemnu last week when the cleaning of the .school and past week. Mr. J. H. Hetherington, local manager j other J obs were let - the Municipal Telephone Co., was a ' Mr. Carrol Humbeis'one aller in our burg one day last week . Miss Ethel Reid, of Rocklyii, ac The will of the lite M chael Frazef, Portlaw Mr. J. H. Watson received the sad news from Toronto on Saturday last of the death of his sister, Mrs, Gej. Carter. Deceased had been in ill health the past year or two and the news was not alto- gether a surprise. The fuueral took place on Monday from the noon trim to.Muutit /inn burial ground. Mr. H. Holmau attended the weddiiiu of a friend in Toronto and remained visit with other friends. Mr. and Mr*. T. Fletcher visiUd friends in Thornbury. Mr. W. A. Morton is laid up with a severe attack of inflammatory iheuma tism. Mr. Jeremiah Thompson, Collingwood was a caller with old neighbors Tuesday The garden party at Mrs. Taylor's under the auspices of Mount Ziou church and Sunday School, turned out a magni ficent success, financially as well as socially. A baseball match between Inistioge and Eighth h u _ resulted in a victory for the former teum. The ladies provided an abundance of tempt ing viauds and a refreshment tent did rushing business. Mr. Hatzen took th chair and rushed along an eujoyabl program, consisting of singing by th choir an. I Sunday School, In strumental music by tho nort line string band and Mr. Gladstone Bry son of Toronto, solo by Miss Stevens duet by the Misses Henderson an Roome, a number of selections by Rev Mr. Lees of Dundalk and trio by th Mitses Hendersoj and Rooiue, the Midland octogenarian, whv fiKur*i ; a & ienSaiitinitl WatriUge with Mis Hannah RoberUtth, of Dundg, will be tiled for ^rebate in a few days. The papers in the tase aie all prepared and the values will show the estate to be worth between $fiO, 000 and $80,000. MM. Eraser, under the will, is the sole beneficiary, and will come in for all the property. Mr^rrawr leaves in a few days for a protracted nip to the west to the net proceeds were |7' iupauied by Miss Mal)el Bell, of tayner, visited at T. J. Reid's on riday last. Me.ssi-s. W. J. Black and C. Knott, of 'hornbury, visited friends in our burg onday. Master Elmer Cox, of Collingwood, is Mrs. enUined a number of his friends on Tuesday even- ing of last week, when the light fa itastic step a- t ipped until the wee ma'houts o' the mornin'. Tne dancing took place on a large platform built outside for the occasion. Light was furnished by lan- terns until midnight, then die silxeiy moou arose and shone through 'he cur- t'Un of darkness, throwing down her bright ravs, thus furnishing light tor the , happy dancers. All report a very enjoy- Give u* another next year, i- it ing with his grandmother, ..hn Plewes, at present. , able time Mr. AH>ert Latter, of Union, occupied Carrol, ie pulpit in the Methodist church on Miss Elvie Lever of fleaherton visil.d ;.nday ">niiug last. : M j M H<lxel A1 , en and o , hw fricuds dur . HJHM Mable and Pearl Reid arevisit- Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists . Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor* nr_r. sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onable rates. Get estimates. T. Blakeley , Prop. FeblT) 13-iy Jewelry Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 11) Dundalk Wednesday, April l(i Flesherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 Flesherton Wednesday, Oct. 15 Duudalk Saturday, Dec. <i Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Fle-Oierton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. ig with their uncle, Locklyu. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. "horn bury friends on M Mr. D. L. WoKc rip to Cherrygrovc- Mr. Mclntosh, aller in our burg, Robert Reid, of, ing the past week. Stuart visited nday. ] made a business one day this week. of Meaford, was a n Monday. Mr. John Carefont and sou, Thoma-s, f Moaf.ird, made a business trip t.> our iurg one day this week. Miss Ethel Mows, of Owen Sound, is isiting at tno Traveller's Home. ux'seut. "ome Back, Come Back, Lord Uhlan Cried Cobourg, July 29. Holiday-seekers Miss Lucy Ryne of Toronto visited Miss Mildred McMulleu recently. Mr. Thompson Allen and wife and daughter, Eva, visited at J. Cargoe's, Klesheiton. Mr. George Gorlcy has improved the appearance of his house by having it sided again. \Ve must not force t to extend our con- gratulations t'> Miss 8-idie Bravender, who has become the life partner of Mr. is Alex. Maxwell of Lady Bank. We wish at the young couple a long and prosperous journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. Georg.) Carrutheis and family have returned to their home in To- ronto after an extended visit with Mr Alex. Carruthers. Mr. Fairell has returned to his home in Ventry after completing the stone 1 FRUIT, FLOUR Si FEED ! Fresh fruit arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We can sure please you. >ianie it on the having nothing elae to do ; foundation for Mr. Humberstone s new indition, but it bids fair to artord the i barn. raMJMBU gossip r>r many weeks to Mrs. George Allenauddaughter.Aunie, i visited Mrs. Fetguson at Kimberley, and A yountf man from 5>t. Louis, spend- . _ J , Miss Manola tcruuson visited the Allen iig his vacation it one of the largest ho- . . I families. Is here, had been paying a great aeal | . >f attcnt : on to a pretty society girl from Toronto who happened to be staying with riends living here privitely during the aumtner. About 5 o'clock Ceylon Friday afternoon a \ arge automobile diew up at the foot of he back lawn of the hotel, and there lurried down to it the young Lothario roiii the south. Taking a seat in the , car he and the girl were speedily driven by a friend to the Methodist parsonage j and after presenting the license procured ! not n tha morning from one o : the local jew- ellers, were married in the presence of the friend and the minister's wife. Our village was once more thrown into consternation Tuesday evening hist, when word went around that Mr. Jarvis Uazard of Stci.es line, who was employ ed on the railway track, was just coming in from work, when about Ferguson's gate he asked the men to stop the hand- car and fell btick dead. Mr. Hoz.in.1 has been well for some time, being troubled with his heart. He had re- marked that day he had not felt so well for a long lima. But the heat and day's work were too much for him. Ho was Five Koses, Five Lilly. MeGowan's and Eclipse Pastry Flour. All kinds of feed always on hand. Get your Binder Twine. Machine Oil. Coal Oil, axle Grease, Jem Jars. Bread, Biscuits. No. 1 Groceries in all its lines. ICE CRE AM WHILE WAIT, AT THE YOU FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN The clergyman deemed it a case where the two young pe,.plo hud become sudden- ' " honest, h,rd working man, and leaves vfc his loss a -wido.v and nine He also was a member of the y enamored of each other, but evidently j to mourn considered it well to refrain from asking j children. ^estions since the license certified that "** The funeral took place the mau was 24 and the girl 19 years of age. Oncoming out of the paisotiage family and aged mother. Messrs. Stanloy McMulleu r returned to Toronto on ! after their respective homes . Mr. Will Stewart, sorrowing and Roy Monday, at to Fleclierton ccme'.ery, on Thursday afternoon last. The seivice was con- I duotcd by Rev. Lece of Priceville, and ' "! Mr. Kerr, of Flesherton. Much syn- pair re-entered the car, which was headed for Port Hope to catch the train there* but the light-hearted bride, seeing a gii friend passing at the moment could not j resist the tempation to call out to her the . , , ..w ji" : aftur a pleasant two weeK s excited words: "VNeare married! Feminine intuition directed the girl friend hurriedly to the nearest telephone : and the lady with whom the bride had | r " ved Moud y '"^ to Vl8lt been staying was informed of the facts, and father who IB ill. A young friend was astride his motorcycle Mr. and Mrs. -Shaw are guests in a trice, anc!, having tliR advantage ot Radley s. living on the road leading out of Cobourg i Miss Lyetta Morrow, of Dundalk, is a to Port Hope went full speed ahead and , visitor at Mr. S. Hemphill's. waited for the happy couple halfway up a ' M Moggie Ferguson, Toronto, is hill with his revolver ready. \ home U>i her summer vacation. Ladies' Cool Shoes for Warm Weather We Ivivethem in black and tan colonials. also Pump and Patent Button Oxfords. ai\d a good wealing line in Tan and Gun Metal Button Boot?. In Men's Fine Boots we have Velour. Gun Metal, and Patent Blucher. They are neat and nobby and jjood wearers, also blue colored running shoes Staple boots in Men's. Women's and Children'?, in. ^re;it variety. EGGS TAKEN AS USUAL ! AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL at Jas. Four minutes elapsed ere the eK-per* hove in s ght. "Turn back, you dog, else I'll you," the young man with the gun threatened in a very convincing manner. Mrs. Brown and three children, of j King Station, who has been vUiting shoot friends for the past week, returned home 1 Saturday. Miss Myrtle Hemphill is visiting her BOWLER. The Tailor- Teacher Wanted ForS.S. No. 8, Artemewa, protest- ant. Duties to commence after mid- summer holidays. Salary $600 per annum. New school, everything up to date. Apply stating qualifications and experience up to Aug. 8lh to W, J. Jamieson, Sec. Treas , Portlaw, Ont. The auto slowed up, the girl screamed uncle on the 4th line. and the episode came to a sudden term- Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, of Durham, iuatinu. ^e visitors at Mr. U. Collinson's. i\ionds took possession of the bride J Mr8i Mcllvein, Owen Sound, who at- and accompanied her back to Toronto to ten( j e d the t'uneial of her father, Mr. J. her family, who may hive some share ui ' H azar d, returned home Friday. the decision as to what shall be the out- come of ten days' romance by the lakeside. __ Three children were burned to death inarecenttireatFesserton. They "' sleeping upntairs tnd could not be ev*d> Mr?. Angus of Owen Sound accidentally took too large a doe of laudanum, tier i husband and a friend walked the woman Mound tne t . ce course for five hours to j preven t her from going to sleep, and t)jU8 gftved her life> French Cleaning Done Every SATURDAY Get your old Clothes r e n o- vated .... - makes your SummerSuit from the Choicest line of Goods to be found any- where .... Our prices are right. Our workmanship the best. Give us your order . , . . J. Bowler,THE TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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