Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1913, p. 4

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July 31 1913 THE F L E S H E R I N ADVANCE T H I *f Icohcrtou C udrnt newspaper. iiuhlighed every Ttuirmlay at til' 1 office, (faipngwood Street. Flrahertnii. Subscription price $1 IXT annum. when iid in advance :*! ."..I when lint BO paid Advertiniiifr tati-n nn application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. i!,. 1 1 .-,.!; Kclltor GLOBE AND GUARDIAN The Christian Guardian of lust week give tlu 1 <;!..!.- editor .1 : i-'i : iM'.i) that lie will not noon f .ruet, and to which, tliu> far, he bus lierii uimlile to lind words in which to make i tilting reply. It K> k as thu^h the Guudian had ad - ii.;i.i.-ii ! i a ki. . \ uut blow. The whole trouble between (he Gimrd- ian and (ilobf IB the fact that while homing enthusiastically for the abolinh- im-ir of the btr it I'.ntris its aid towmds building up A market for net noods sans the b.ir. The(ilot.e BndMVOn to divorce its editorial p.u from the adveitis- ing i.ij,- In fuel Rev. Dr. McDonald, the editor, repudiates any connection between the two. The general public and the (iuardian cannot Bee eye to eye with him in this respect The advertising, you know, helps t > pay the editur'a salary and therefore the two cannot be divorced by uny mean* whicli the editor of the Globe cm employ. The (Jlobe charge* the churches with bem? bound up with the ln|ii >i traffic to the extent of beini; forced to pay taxes to- ward the cont of government, while the churcheiare untaxed.thus obliging the liq- uor busiuess.to help pay their share. The Guirdiui's answer to this is a cUsmc in Its way and should forever silence such n argument. By u-inj such l<^ic, the (ilobe lays itself opm to one of the inns' cutting replies that we have read for some time, and which has l.y this tune no doubt lii- ftoiked thoroughly i>ito the Globe editor's lu.i. ,. The Guirdian's reply to this iispeot of j the i|ueation is as follows. "Mr. Sloi-n-kei'piT, we ju-tify the . \> inpti' 11 of cliuich |i:.i[-'iiy from taxa- tion on the un-und that the church in a public benefactor. It is u social and nconomic blessiug. It does mote lo keep law and order in the community than three dozen plain clothes policemen would.. It Kutxeti the ne (jliborhood in which it is placed at many points, and .! My> or shall we - >y nearly always, to trength*n uur argument.' helpfully and healthfully. Thu coininuiiity owe it -'.rnethm.'. owes it much, and you, Mr. Saloon keeper, are a member of the Cuniniunity thst owes it a special debt." "But really, my dor fir, you will excuse me for saying so, but the com- munity doesn't owe you xery much. Your bushiest! is a social &nd economic curse. Every up to'dnte economist or i>ciolui(ii)t in the world s:,ys the tutine thing, HO we can l>e pardoned for mention- ing it. You make your money with less expenditure of bnios and cash than nyone else. Whatever economic value .your business may have is wiped out many times over by the f ict that it is a woeful nuisance in the communty. You mulce. for lawlessness and disorder. You lielp to keep our police courts woiking overtime. Why, you are the greatest hindrancn the church ho* to its work. It wouldn't need to hate half so n>uch fin its pom- fund if you weren't on the .j"b. Why, man, you owe every one in wight. And if everyone took lOinethinjr our of you every time you wouldn't even then half pay your debts. The little the church gets out of you isn't the one- t!i -us.'imlili part of wlmt you owe it. And the chuich takes it without com- promise, too, for it would kill your busi- ness to-morrow i' it could, ind sund you off to do a decent man's joW." Accidentally Shot On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Juhn Staples riii't with n accident wliich terminated in death on Sui.day m< ruing last. In puttiiiK away the gun ho had been usiiii;, he . in-lit it by the muzzle, and undertook to Imnu it up by the trigger jn.ii.i. The weapon was loaded, and whether cocked or not, we do not know. While nt i .-ni|.i in.; to put it in place, it discharged und the load lodged in the upper portion of his lev. The accident uppu'ired serious from th Hrst, but re- covery was hopeful. Medical Hid was at once summoned, mid till possible assistance rendered. He had Nome nails in his pocket, and these were dtiveii in- to the leg by the force of the charge. Blood poUoning set in, nnd the suffering man was in a state of intense ngony t< r several hours, before his surteriuits were relieved by death on Sumlny. The deceased gent leumn, who was (>8 yeais of age, has been it resident o (ileneli? for a greu* many year*, nnd was well-known a.s an honest, upright citizen and u good neighbor. He has had a great deal of trouble during the p*st few years, having lost live <.f his family, three sons and two daughters from tuheicu- losis. Five or six years' go, he hid his barn burned, together wiih his year's crop, and 'bore all his misfortunes with a calmner.s that would crush most men. Reside* his sorrowing idow, he leaves four daughters, Mrs. Joshua Dean, and Mrs. Fentiman, of Toronto and Mrs. Wesley Ball of Mr. Forest. Besides, he leaves four brothers and two sisters George, in Glenelg; James, in Murkdale; Benjamin, in California; Dr. W. D. Staples in Hanover; Mrs. James \\ hit- more, in Glenelg, arid Mrs. Cowie. in Allandale. Another daughter, Mrs. Wilson, lives at Invermxy, Ssk. Interment under i>. <>. L. colors, took pUce Tuesd-iy afternoon t.> Trinity ciuich cemetery. Durham Chronicle Dundalk Ueeve Boll ht> been Muttering blood poisoning hut is nw on the mend. Some lime ago he received a inicty ncrpe on ihe arm and pnison from the wound went thMURh the system. Fishing on Sunday is contiary to ihe law anil it is also an ctt'ence againtt the morals of tlm roinnunity. Tl'e llow- lioltom Fishing Club have a suspecud case and the member* of the club are very inil gnant that an ufeinpt at illegal tisMnn bhould be made on their premU-r. A destructive tire occurred at Bryce Hill early Thursday morning of last week wlu-n Mint WooUey's saw-mill wns des- troyed, with a t|iiantity of shingles and lumber. It is not known how the tire originated, but it was beyond control when first discovered. A large uumber of neighbors assisted in saving some of the stock. The mill was established a number of years ago and did juite a large business in lumber, shingles and grain chopp IIR. Its removal is a decided I<KB that community. Much sympathy is expressed for the owner, who is a heavy loiier. There was only a small insurance carried, as the rate on that class of property is very high.- Herald. Messrs. Jas. .lelly, W. Calhoun, A. McGrath and Dr. Frank went up to Mul- mur Like Tuesday and returned Wed nes-lay, bringing with them as trophi-s of their prowess four lake trout, each in the neighborhood nf two feet lang and with a combined weight of seventeen pounds. Another trout they landed weighed a pound and three-ijuarters. The I'ig ones biiug to mind the trout weighing over ten pounds each that were caught in this lake a few years ago. Shelburne Econ- omist. An Great F. R W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. July Clearing Sale AH Summer Goods ^s^^^s\ 4 Reduced ! Special in Fresh Summer Groceries. Kindly Note that the store will be closed Civic Holiday, Monday, August 4th HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Ideal Vacation Trip Via Lakes Steamship At this season of the yeur when so iiiaoy are pluming their vacation trip the question "Where To (<>" naturally atises What could be more delightful than it Grett Lukes trip, where tlm .nr is pure the sun shines und cool refreshing breezes blow/ Few people realize with wlrit ease, fciid speed a trip from the Kist to Kort Wil- liniii runt Winnipeg, can bu made via the Canadian I'ucitic (jreat Lukes Express Steamships. You can leave Toronto 12 45 noon Tuesday or Saturday -ind arrive Winnipeg l.40 p. in. Thursday or Monday. Fifty-seven hours from Toron- to to XYinnipex: twelve hours faster than any other service. For those who wish to leave on different d.iys in the week, and have a little more lime on the water, the trip can be made leaving IVrontn 12.4. r i noon Mondays, Wednesdays and Thiirsdys, arriving in Winnipeg 11 40 a. in. Thursdays, Saturdays mid Sundays. If you nre contemplating a trip, don't let this slip your memory. Canadian I'acitic Steamships make the fastest time, have the best of accoir.odation, and the table is unexcelled. Full part iculars and reserva- tions on trains and ships, at every Cana- dian Pacific Ticket Office. Civic Holiday I hereby pMclaim Monday, Au. as Civic Ho'iday for the Village Fli-sherlon. _D. Mcl'AVlSH. Heevo THE WESTERN HARVEST PROBLEM There is a probability that the financi- al Mrtngency and dearth of speculative buying and depression in (he West will full heHVily on the farmer when it conies to harvesting his crop. From all uc- cuunt and judging by conditions, the ex-jdus uf farm help from old Ontario will ho a serious fllin off this year. Work is plentiful hcie and wages good, while llh country, ton, has been pretty well drained of y-miijj men suitable for harvest work. In ihe past many young in.'ii have gone Weil to work in the hu vest, and later to become settlors. 'I in..-.' who go for the harvest alone find that it does not pay if lliey purpose re- turning, as the trip out and bick takes ij. UK i of their earnings. Wo have known some to return without having a dollar of their earning" left, but the ex- |ierience may hav hven as bread cast on the waters. To the young men who wish to make thrir home in the West Und these are now limited in thissection f jr reasons before mentioned) the har- vest excursion is a good thing ; liut HB a money-maker it is a failure, mid with the present plethora of work h'>ro nd good, steady wages, ihe inducement will not be great enough to draw the army ol workers required fur the western wheat field.. The governments of the prairio pro- vinces are trying to entice workmen this year from I'liii -h OolumbU, whore con- -lii I..H- have foiced many men into idle- ness. Let us hope that they will bu successful. Young Man Suicides On Fiiday last the neighbors of the six h line of Sunnidale were shocked to hear of the sad and trag : c death of Mr. John Wines, a much respected and well- to-do young man of the vicinity, ho tuok his own life while in a stato cf dts pondency. Mr. Wines hid been a resident o Sunnidale all bis life nnd last fill purch a el a farm on which he lived alone. He had been ac ustomed to gut his meals at Mr. Marchel Desjarilinu'*, a ncighbi in.; farmer, and to . h uigu work with another neighbor Mr. Shepherd. < )n the morning of the tiadgedy Mr. Shepherd sent his little boy over to Mr. Wines' farm to set* if he would come and help him draw in hay tint nflernoon The little la 1 wits not able to Knd him. mid Mr. Shepherd went to Mr. Desjir dines ut dinner time expecting U see him there, and not finding him he went across to Wines' barn wlu-re h<s found htm hang g in the stable, ifj being extinct. Dr. Mel uul nf Colllugwo. d, the Coroner, wni notified at or.ce.and he decided an inquesl ai unnoceHsaiy. Staym r Sun. Fire In Mono Orangeville, July 27. The house ol Ililli-tid Anderson, ex-iteeve of Mono win totally destroyed ly lire, together with 'hu cnntentp, <>n S.it unlay morning. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson wer here whet word was telephoned of their loss. Harry Itrown, young Knglish farn hand, who formerly worked fur Mr. An i 1 . i "M, was arrested by Chief Marshall a 3 o'clock this morning, charged with ar son, and lodged in the county jail. Hi told a Ktory of baring 1 >: held up hi two men and shot a'. The omit of (hi prisoner hd the marks of throe revolve shots, evidently tired fivm the inside bi the man himNelf, as the cloth was burned The revolver wns, it is alleged, stolei by lirown from Andi-rson, and trnded a wilch at 'oeil jewellei's tUoro, anc the watch sold. The evidence against fliown, who i> about L'i> years old, is .-, i -i to be strong. Liter the youn man il that in- burned l'i house. I ARXEMES1A VOTER'S LIST 1913 Notice is hereby given that 1 have raiiRinitted or delivered to the persons nentioned in Secticn ', of the Oulnrio iters' List Act the copies required to be transmitted or delivered of (he list mide, putKUiiit to said Act, of all persons ppearmi! by Ihe lust revised Assessment loll of the said Mn.iiciptliiy to be entil- ed to vole in thcsaid Muncipality at elec- ions for members of the Legislative Ass- iinbly and nt Municipal elections ; and hat the said Lint was first posted up nt ny office at Flesherton on the 26ih day >f .Inly, HUH, and remains there f' r , iiipeotion. And I heredy eill upon all voters to .ake immediate proceedings to have any , rrors or omissions corrected acci'rding | o law. I Daled the 29.h day of July, 191:). W. J. BELLAMY, Cleik. I GOOD LOCAL AGENT | At once to represent th Cb Old and Reliable F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries Splendid lUt of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall drlivery lii:> and Sprinit delivery I'.iU : : : .Start, t once ami secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit nnd pay highest commissions. Write for full particulars. 1 Jly 111 Stone & Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT. Our Clubbing; List The following pi ices are for strictly pai.l in advance suliHcriptiniiMinly. We hnve no accounts with other papers. FlrHherton Advance I 00 Yivjths Companion 1! OO Toronto World, daily I! 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe !H) c D , Mail-Empire .... .... 75 5. Kand, Family Herald & Star ; Toronto Star I W\~ Farmer Sun . . !H> 1 Farmers Advooita 1 50 ' Weekly Wil,<ie? 90 Sut unlay Night 8 OQ J Iliiine Jimrvsl W)| I'oultry Heviow , 401 I t.nl and ( in n magazine '."> JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these ^ootl&. Every- thing Up-To-Date as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner : : : : : ; C. BLAKELY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building r ii il 11 II ! i iMl Jas. Pattison & Co. CEYLON, ONTARIO. V+f l< The place you can j;et nearly anything you want in Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes. Also Hardware. Hay Kope and Bindcrtwine. Brant- ford Bindertwine J.30 feet, and 600 feet, can't be beat. Also Canadian Portland Cement at $1.50 per barrel. Paris Gieen in 1 pound and half pound packages. Scythes, Blades and Snaths, Scythe Stones and Rakes, also the best machine oil. Remember we pay highest market price for Butter, Eggs, "Wool, Tallow, Skins and Hides. j TERMS CASH AND TRADE ANADIAN PACIFIC Great Lakes Service 57 HOURS *..-..* Or**m Lu ST E A MSHIP EXPRESS NOOT - -. .* A SERVICE PERFECTED BY STUDIED EFFORT AND YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Kuril nMday, until Hctnl.er > WINNIPEG ANORETURN $35. on EDMONTON AND RETURN$43.oo OT nt H POINTS IN PROPORTION. Kotiirn Limit, two mouths. HuMESEK.Kfl' TRAIN IciiveH Toronto 2.00 \\ T. t>ACh Tuonday until AuKimt 'J>'i. in- clusivv. Kent traiu to take. EXCELLENT SERVICE - To- Muskoka Lakes Kawarthn Lakes Point au Baril French and Pickeral Rivers Rideau Lakes, etc. Slimmer Tourists Rates Now if? Effect FULL PARTICULARS FROM ANY C.P.R. AOENT. JAS. PATTISON & Co. |~ (GENERAL MERCHANTS t ~l CEYLON ONT. NERVOUS DEBHTTT OUR HEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure von and make ft man of ' you. Under Its Influence the brain becomes active, the blood purittetl so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up: the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, baahfulness and despondency disappear: the y<?s become bright, th face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical ana mental systems are invigorated; all drains cease rio more vital vaste from the system. V ou feel yourself a man ami know marriage cauuot be a tailuro. Don't let quacka and faki ra rob you ot your hard earned dollars. IV KG NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers -elates his experience: Agent, Flesheiton Flesherton. Dates of Fall Fairs Flfsherton Oct. 7 8 1 Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY B.isket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday evening. CLEANING and DYEING We are "I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. I lay It to indiacretiun and excesses in youth. I became very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. I imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at eight weakened me my back ached, had pains In the back of my head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the. morning, poor appetite, flnRors were shaky, eyes blurreu, hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in tlm fingers set in and tlio doctur told me he feared paralysis. I took all kinds ot medicines and tried many first-class physicians, wore nn electric belt for three months, but received little benefit. I I.Ike a drowning man I commenced the NEW METHOD TRFATMF.NT and it save my life. The improvement was like magic I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have lent them tuauy patients 4 and continue to do so, CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Wo tr*a and cor* VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND f URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES .ad 11 Di...... ', peculiar lo M.n. .. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE, If unabU to call writ, for a Qu..tlo Blank for Horn* Tnatnunt. . ")''"" .................... Sopt.2.! 24 (.VMwrtter ................ Sopt. 18 1! Dundalk ................. (>oi.9- 10 T FISHER, Diirhani ................ Sept. 23 24 ; __ i.gon. for l'rker' S Dye Workn-Clothe. mid Jyod, fowthors rejuvenated. PROPRIETOR p or Sa|e by Tender Feversham Sept. HO, Oct. 1 Maikdale Out. 14 - 15 Men ford Sept. 30 Oct. 1 i Tender* w '" '-' received by Ihe under- ... v o . ._ ..j'sianwd nl I'ort McNifholl up lo 4 o'clock ' ' l , Mpt. 17 - 'j,,. m . Friday 15th dyofAuust for th- Owon S.nmd Oa. 7-| puro lme ot the solid brick store mil Prieoville Oct. 2 3 dwelling opp laite Fhur Mills in the Hocklyn Oct. 23 village of Fevorshnni, also for the Shelbnno Sept. 2:1 L'4 ' i" llvlm i Nl ' " f '. l ' e ifT"*' 1 '^ ^ olli " '"; tl _, I property on Wellington 8t, West lately lttri1 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 ow ,| V d ),y John Speors. Tenders to Walt IT'S Fulla Sept. 10 17 . state their own torim of |Miymnt and \Viarton Se| t 23- 554 ' >nt*io<t. Ij->west nor any tender ool \Vo,Hlbrid H .e 0:t. 14-15 nece<1 ' fttil y e;>ted. I. HAUVEY I'ERIGOE. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. A11 letters (l " m Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat BO patients in our Windsor offices which are fjr Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat .Writ* for our prlvt address. Tam worths {or Sale l'otl\ npx nearlv reart) tor broodiup. Pi iocs tight tor quick sile. \V. ROSS. Boar for Service A larso white Yorkshire Hor for service likttiu. ril ranga \V T. As, U Artnuusia Terui*#l,00' H. WALLEIt. BULL FOR SERVICE Uegi.steied Holstein Hull, Korndyke Pi.tertje t'Uiihildc. N... 14780, whose dt'n, Triz ,-'s I'l'itliilde Hietertje % Jnd,No. 2J18H, hasi pioluced ovev 80 Ibs. milk per Jity. Terms Grade cows $1.110, v iuo \ <rt & cows 1:H. All cows ii ut returned will bo charged. Al.so rcgisterc I Yorkshire V>onr. No. :U581 .Terms $i. HENRY HOLMAN l.ut 40, Coti. 4, Arttfiiietia, t'ortlaw P.O. Onuurtl - ' : ' f < < ,

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