Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1913, p. 5

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July 31 1913 THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A N C E : ' I i THESTANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 31st July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholders of record of 25th July, 1913. By order of the Board. Toronto, 17th Juus, 1913. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. satin, trimmed with lace and pearlx, crrrying a boquet of roses and lily of the v.illuy and wore a bridal veil with a i wreath of lily of the valley tod also wore the groom's gift, a gold bracelet. Mis s Ethel Bond, sister of the bride, acted a* briesmaid, being gowned in pink satin with pearl trimmings, and carrying a bouquet of pink roses, and wore the groom's sift, a pearl and brilliant pendant. Miss Gladys Marshall presided at the piano, playing Mendelssohn'*) Wedding March, and wore the groom's gift, a puir of gold cuff links. The young couple Uft on a abort honeymoon for VVhitby, Port Perry, and other points, and on their return will reside on Shirley street. 149 Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.28p.m. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Mr. George Chard of Vancouver is visiting his parents here. Mr. James Little of Teeswater, called Going North l on Mr. Will Moore on Monday. 11.28 a.tn. 8.58p. m. Mi. and Mrs. W. Hall of Whit field are visiting at Mr. F. G. Karstedt's. Mrs. ^ Application has been made by a Lon- don man for the release of Private Moir from prison. The first two bucket dredges under construction for the Dominion Govern- [ mcnt was launched at Collingwood. When the Crocker Land expedition, under Mr. MacMillan, reaches its head- 1 receive wireless telegraphy The mails are closed at Flesherton at follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and | Mfs j Crane of Owen Sound ia viait . ! quarters at Flagler Bay.Ellesraere Land, "7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south ao! ,' ' ' the governments of the United States 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south >? her brother, Mr. W. W. Trimble. ^ ^^ ^ ^.^ ^ mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev g ( Mr ind Mn) Jim ^1^ of WhitBeld _____^^__________^_^^_ ' wele visitors at Mr. F. G. Karstedt's on Sunday. thousand miles north of the arctic circle. Miss Edoa Limin of Durham is the It is expected that the reports will prove guest of the Misses Lillian and Laura of great value ss warnings of storms and . Armstrong. Quarterly service will be held in the j Methodist church, next Sbbth morn- j t Flagler Bay will send the messages I j n g a t 10.30. ! some hundreds of miles southward to a Mr. and Mrs. Holland left Wednes- ! P 08 ' of the Hud8on *"* Company which day morning to viiit friends at Wood- 1 is now the nl " Bt n "' therl y wirele38 station bridge, Tottenham, etc. ! in the world ' The F erator th ' r * wil1 | rlay them to another post of the corn- Trie Eugenia Women's Institute will i ^y on tne sout hern shore of Hudson hoine j meet at the home of Mrs. Me Mullen on Q AJ< an( j thence they will go to Ottawa. j Wednesday afternoon of next week.Aug. I gy means of this service the expedition has^ti. Visitors welcome. itself will never be long out of touch VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. David Wright of New York was the guest of friends here. W. Pent ham, Toronto, visited wi'h friends here over Sunday. Mr. W. Keefer and wife of Chicago weather reports by from that place, which is more than a temperature changes. From a bluff a thousand feet above the sea, the operator visited friends here over Sunday. Miss Tena LeGard returned Sat., owing to her mother's illness, Miss M. Wilson of Chatsworth been engaged to teach m the Ceylon school. Married At the Methodist Parsonage with civilization. i Flesherton, on Wednesday, July 23, by] Born At Owen Sound on Thursday, j Rev j^ .Dudgeon, Alex. Maxwell, to July 24, to Mr. ;ind Mrs. Victor Phillips, | gadie Bravender, both of Osprey Town' ' a son. Miss Annie McDonald of PricBville is ship. A garden party in connection with the guest of her cousiu, Miss M:iud Me- j Rockvale Baptist church will be held one Donald. ! niile east of the church on the Silas Phil- Do not overlook .he Sunday school lips farm, on Friday, August 8, when a excursion to Niagara Falls on Friday of j splendid program will be given Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE this week. Born To Mr. and Mr. R. Stanley Gamey of Toronto, on Wednesday, July 16, a son. Died In Toronto.on Sunday, July 27, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R.Stanley Camey. Mewrs. Wilfred Henry of Orangeville and Harold Karstedt of Shelburne were home over Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and children re- turned to their home in Collingwood on Sunday, after a three- weeks' visit with relatives here . Artemesiu voters' list is now ready for inspection, having been delivered to the Cleik on Saturday. Examine it and see that your name is not omitted. bills for particulars. Rev. A . McVicar and son Donald are ! Fresh lime for sale W.Meads, O.D.R. See Driving mare for sale, 4 years old, Ab. Brino. Sound iu wind and limb. Fred ; .lamiesnn, Eugenia. holidaying io Simcoe County. Mr. Mc- Vicar'a pulpit was supplied on Sunday by Do your buying *t the Northern Rev. Dr. Gray, of Toronto, and next ' Brokerage Co., Feversham, where you Sabbath D. C. McGregor, of Orillia j et g ou<L<l at ri S ht P fice8 - one of the strong preachers of the church will supply. The repuUr irecting of the W. I . will be held iu the High School on Wednes- day. Aug. 6th, at 2.30 P. M. The) Priceville Ladies will be present nnd provide the programme. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. Everybody welcome. Flesherton does not care to be singular Calves For Sale One Thoroughbred Holstein bull calf and one Polled Angus bull calf, for sale. A. Harrison, Fles- herton . buying new goods at old in its tastes, therefore Reeve McTav- ! Northern Brokerage Co., i.-sh has proclaimed Monday next, Aug. 4, ; Eggs Vats for Sale Suitable for cis- terns or watering cattle. Prime condi- tion. Will be sold far half what they cost to make. M.Scully Co., Flesher- ton, Ont. Our old goods are all S'.ld out now prices at the Feversham. For Sale cheap and on easy terms.good Mr. F. T.it of Lucknow spent Sun- civic holiday.and all places of Business j 9 . rooir . ed brick dwelling in Flesherton, will be closed. Markdale, Priceville, day in town. Mrs. Tait and two child- j will be closed. Markdale, ren, who have been spending some weeks Dundalk, Durham and Walkerton ire here, returned home with him. ! also takicg breathing spell that day. Mr. Louis Pedlar, who was operated Mr. Turn McKee of Rock Mills was -on in Colliugwood for apendicit is returned the recipient of a painful wound one day home on Sunday, and is recovering j last week, when an edging flew from saw at which he was working, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two good lots with same, youug bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf a striking him on the upper lii> and cutting it nicely from the effects of the operation. Mits Clara Hulse of Oraogeville has been engaged as assistant teacher in the high school. Miss HuUe is an experi- enced tsacher, und comes highly rec- ommended. Mrs. H. C. LeGard had a very severe ! the guest of Misses Mitchell, favored the attack of heart trouble on Thursday [Audience in the Methodist church Sunday night, which rendered her unconscious ! evening with two solos. This young lady for some time, but we hope to hear of a ! Is an accomplished vocalist. Her voice speedy recovery. j ia well trained and of remarkable sweet- Mrs. W.R.Hanley of Ottawa is visiting ness and great range when her youth is her molher.Mrs.Oaboroe, at W. Stuart's. Mrs. Osborne is in her 89th year and is in poor health. Mr. Hanley was also up for a few days last week. Mr. McKillop, our new Our buyer, Mr. Waiter, has just re- turned from Toronto, where he picked up some great bargains in Dress Goods, clothing and groceries. We are srlliu? bran new uoodsi at the old prices. Bring considered. She posseses in her rich mezzo-sopranno voice an asset Fever- throuiih to the teeth. Dr. Carter dressed us your butter, esus and cash, it will pay V" . >_ T> I y-i r. and stitched up the wound, which was a ! nasty one . Miss Evelyn Hall of Toronto, who is you. Northern Brokerage sham. For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in first clat-'s conditir.u and tepuir, with hard -and sofs water. Will sell very cheap if snld thit month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. Nov7t our. mcrxiuop, our new tinsmith, i . , c , . , , terest and pleasure. now busy at work and finds the demand vn his skill fullyasgreat as he anticipated. Jarvis Hazard, He is an expeiienced man and will doubtless do well here . The Eighth line baseball club ia hold- ing a garden party en Mr. Gex Liwlor'* lawn, on Tuesday, August ." Admission, adults 25c, children 15c. Everybody come and have an enjoyable time. Mr. Ed. Loucks, who has been out at Swift Current for some months, returned likely to be of much future value to her. I She has been heard here on several I occasions and each time with added in- House For Sale -In Flesherton, a first class brick dwelling and stable with two i acres of land, hard and soft water under that is cellar, undoubtedly a very suitable resi- dence for any retired farmer. Silas Shunlt. Flesherton. Apply to For Sale The undersigned otters fur sn'e three lots in the village of Ceylon, on which are erected a good one and a half farmer living on frame dwellh)g 8 roon|9i with btolie Stones Line, died very suddenly of I ce iu r . a ,,d fi KOO d frame stable. This heart failure on Tuesday evening of last will nuko an excellent home for any week. Hehadbeea working with the ! P er8ou - Terms easy, price right, Apply seetiou gang on the railway north of this station that day and came home on the ' orr ^ in l ^ e even ' n K w ' 1 ' 1 tne rest - After pumping up the heavy grade north of the station he said, "Boys, let me off to .las. Aslidowu, Oweu Sound, or W. J. Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS 32000 private funds to loan home Monday. Ed. says times are very on farm . . * ,, ~ , j iic'i i ^ i^- otrv*vu IV . .-rtoi. rlteS OI 111- I m sick. Heot off, lay down on the |teresr Apply R j s [n . ou i . Flesherton. grass and expired almost immediately. ! ! mortasg* security at lowest The remains were interred in Flesherton cemetery Friday afternoon. Deceased leaves a wifa and nine children in circumstances. Chard Bond bad iu Saskatchewan . Men are being la ; d off in largenumbers owing to difficulty in liiMiH-iiil public and private works. Mrs. James Hare of St. Vincent, narrowly e.oapeil death from lightn- ing recently, being badly stunned, and a few days afterwards she was thrown from a rig, had several ribs brok- en, and was rendered unconscious, but is ' recovering from that also. We notice that Mr. Wesley Smith editor and proprietor of the Battleford Bulletin, has been elected major of his , Georgina was united in town. There were three candidates in ': Mr. John Wilbert Chard, the ii> 1.1. and Mr. Smith had See our two pair hose for 2oc, two pair socks 2oc, men's shirts 50e, 1-idies' belts at 5c, 4 boxes corn starch 25c, 2 cans P or j salmon 25c, 2 packages Magic soda 5c. Twenty per cent, discount on all shoes. We have just pUced on sale new towell- ings, tickings, flannelette, lace curtains, blankets, shirts, underwear, hats and overalls. Northern Brokerage Co.. Fe- versham. A very prttty wedding was solemnized, at'the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ! v . The A """ 11 ' E i cu " i . ou .|,, Toronto, i Niagara I* nils and Buffiuo will be run on and Mrs. Bond of Shirley street, Toronto Fr iday, August 1st and 2nd. C. P. R. at half-past two o'clock Thursday after- 1 to Toronto, Niagara Navigation steam- er* to Route : noou f l ast week, when Miss Rosia marriage with n . o er ar, of Markdale, double the formerly of Flesherton. The ceremony number of votes cst fur his uext nearest was perfoimed by Rev. Dr. German, of competuoi. Wes learned the printing ; Toronto. She bride entered the draw- trade in this othoe and has more than ing ivom, which was prettily decorated rt ,y O f the Excursion Committee. Owon made good in the West. The Advance j w ' f h ferns, palms and roses, escorted by , Sound. Chatsworth tickets good for four tenders hearty congratulations. 'her father The w.is gowned iu ivory [days August 1st to 4 inclusive. Lewiston, the American Gorge tu Niagara, the International Klecrric to Buffalo, returning by way nf the Upper Steel Arch Biidge and the Canadian Scenic Route t> Vueenton, and from there to Toronto. See liu-jje Whirlwind Sale SPECIALS Week of Monday, July 28 to Saturday, August 2 Wall Paper Half Price This is Wall Paper Week. Entire Stock to c'ear. We have sorted out stunning bargains for you. A Big Lot of Choice Papers, reg 2JC. Take your choice at lOc . Also i >dds and Ends 2 double rolls in a bunch to clear at per buuch BRAN For this week only, July 2lst to July 2tith PER CWT. $1.00 Slater Boots Entire Stock of Slater Boots to be cleared At Cost SUGAR Carload Redpath aud St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar PER CWT. $4,70 Money Savers 7 Bars Comfort Soap p... 25c 4 Durham Starch, 4 pumpkin 4 Salmon 25c Herald Salmon loc Cleaned Currants, 3 Ibs 2.>c Rangoon Rice, tj Ids 25 Pearl Tapioca. 4 Ibs . . . 25c Green Tea, 28c ; Black, rea. 3Jc. 27 40c Blue Ribbon Tea 35 N'ew Scissors, reg. 50c 25 New 25c Hair Brushes lOc Summer Fancy Vests for Men. . . .'J8c Men's 2 piece Summer Suits. . . . sti.'.'* Cleariug Line Raincoats $1.98 Men's Summer Lustre Coat' $1 43 Clearing lines. Suits flO and $7. 98 ; Boys' at 3.29 and fl.'.W Overalls and Smocks, reg. fl.25. .89c Felt Outing Hats 39c Stockings lOc 12ic ; Vests lOc ; Towelling 5c Work Socks 12ic, Fancy acd Cashmere 1'Jc Big Lot Boors 31 9S, Black Can- vas 98c, Baby Boots 25c Women's is. 25 White Canvas buttoned il 89 Women'* Oxfords at $1.98 and.fl 3!) 65c Quart Cans Paint 43c Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers per doz 73c Wall Paper 5c, Fine Shirts B'.te. Work Shirts 3!>c, Pants $1.19 Men's .Summer Underwear 33.C New riook On and Knitted Ties I'.tc Trimmed Hats at |2 99 and $1.98 Women's and Girls Straw Hats 98c, 0!>, 39c 25c and 19c New Silk Mulls, reg. aOc 25c Royal Yeast Cakes, Fresh, 2 for..5c Wrappers 59c, House Dresses 79c Repp Skirts $1 . 48 Silk Waists $1.48, Children's V\ ash Dresses 57c Red and GulJ Seeded Raisins, 4 packages for 25c $2 00 to$2.50 English Felt H<tts$l.iH) Black Putette Silk, 1 jd. wide, reg ll.rtOfor.. ..7'.) 1000 Matches The greatest bargain in matches ever seen in Canada. We cleared a wholesale house of- 20 gross Saginaw Tips. No better match made. Put up 1000 matches to a box. Double the usual number. To clear at per box of 1000 HATS & CAPS 100 Men's mid Boys' 50c and 75c Caps and a big box of Women's and Girls' Straw Hats, choice lOc. BROOMS No. 2.") Brooms, 5 strings, perfectly straight, rei;. 40c 25c TWINE Deering Binder Twine 6.")0ft. to Ib. STRAW HAT WEEK e>.ny Straw Hat AT W. BO YD FLESHERTON Harvest Straws And Scores t\ of Others I We close on Monday, Aug. 4, to go to Priceville Demonstration. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements Wagons, Buggies, Cut ter<=, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers aud stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost it Woud Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fmrsbam, Ontario ^ Fall Term opens Monday. Sept girt. Jp Every graduate guaranteed a ^f position. JrJ Thorough courses? W Large staff of Specialists. Individual instruction. Best equipped College in C-tnada. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A.. i? Principal. 5r* O. D FLEMING. - Secretary. OWEN SOIND - ONTARIO ^I WESTERN CANADA A BUMPER WHEAT CROP THOUSANDS OF MEN REQUIRED This Year's Harvest promises to be the largest in THE HISTORY OF CANADA According to present indications the when 1 ; crop of 1913 wi 1 ! be the ureateRt ever harvested in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan or Albetta, thus (Mwrioa the farm laborer of the East to assist in harvesting the world's greatest bread basket. The Governments of the respec'ive Provinces state that many thousand men will be required fur this year's harvest. These will have to be principally recruit- ed from Ontario, and the prosperity of Canada depends on securing labor prom- ptly. The Canadian Pacific, on which Company will fall prauticnlly the entire task of transporting the men io the West, is already making special arrange- ments for this year. Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Sask- atchewan and Alberta will be run and special trains operated, making tho trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or transfers. This will be a day shorter than any othei mute. Ddtc*, rates and conditions will bo announced in a few days. Bull for Service Puie bred .shorthorn bull for service on lot lliy-70, 2 E. T. & S. R., Ar- temesia. Terms 81. RICHARD ALLEN, Prop. DR. BURT Specialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd 1 Thursday each monrh from 8 to a 12.m | Dund-ilk, 1st Thursday of each month. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Uere fold bull lor set vice on lot 131. 2nd W. T. andS. R., Artem-sia. Terms $1.UO -JOHN ADAMS. Prop. BILL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bul 1 , ! Field Marshall" - '.Nhi.ll _ w;ll be for! seriice on lot 17'i. I. 8. R. A:temesi*. Terms-?! . HDX0BBI Roan, cnlvei November '.t:li. 1911, brrd by Thomas Mercer, Markdiili". '>nr. calved the property of Andrew Be.ttue, Flesherton, Ont , 2ni owner, Thomas J. Stinson. Fleahertou, Oot. DAM Queen -02680 Empress Orh. Empress 3ch, Empress Kirklevinvton Duchess 4th, Kirklevingtoii Duchess, Nora, Uoweim. Duchess litb. Rou ; Duchea.s(im[.) 4<>0, Duchess, Jemima. Lady, Ora. SIRE Broadhooks Golden Fame i (imp) 50018. Scottish Hero 39102 -! (7W21). Crown Jewel 10th ItitiOT, ' Moblernon- 1.H30, Laird of Kinellar i 7246. Stratton 2508, Hiram 707, Kirklevingtoii 3rd 744, Nolson 872 Fremont 040, Lord Ducie 154 j (13131) Red Duke (88M)TMaalrv(1388f) King Lesr (81!M5).Or.>ntej(423).Mercury I (2301), Monarch(2324)Ac. lAug JAS. STINSON, Prop. . Strayed Kri'in the farm of Allen Campbell, 4th line, Osprey, about July 2nd, a light red cow with a little white on forehead, dehorned, not giving milk. -JOHN WILEY, Owner Maxwell, p. o. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH i Office and Residence- 4tW, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8p.m. Other hours by appointment. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will ouly cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice aud comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have "other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs aud Mattresses to I fit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iudiicers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT.

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