Flesherton Advance, 7 Aug 1913, p. 5

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1' August 7 1913 THE FLESHERTONAD VANCE B THE ESTABLISHED 1675 TORONTO THE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. I Mr. and Mrs. Klein, of Toronto, spent a few days with the Utter'* brother, Mr j J. Dargavel. of Ruck Mill*. Mrs. R. Bantham \n spending two weeks with Mrs. Alf Tharston at Catar- act. Miss Cecelia Wilson, H.inover,is spend' ing the week with her friend Jennie Roy- Dundalk FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BED Manager. Branches also at Durham and Harrislon. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. in. 11.28 a.m. 4.28p.m. 8.58p.m. The mails are closed at Flesherton at follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south a.i 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g VICINITY CHIPS Clarksburg crows are expart chicken thieves. Mr. Will Dinwoody of California ii visiting relatives her*. No Advance will be printed next week our turn for a holiday. Bliss Rita Buskin visited with friends in Guelph last week. Miss Clara Duncan is visiting friends in Owen Sound this week. Miss Margaret Pennell of Toronto cal- led on friends here this week. Miss A. Howard is spending a -nonth with her mother. Mr. Leslie Norris spent civic i oliday at liia home bore. Mr. Chas. Adams spent civic holiday with his parents near the village. Miss Minerva Stafford has returned after a three weeks' visit at Maxwell. Only three pupils passed the Entrance to Normal examination from the Mark- dale school. Mr. and M. T. Walter of Toronto are guests of Mrs. Geo. Walter; Mrs. Walter will remain a month. Mi 'H Hilda Goldhawk is spending her holidays in Woodbriege and Toronto. Mrs. Fred Wright and Miss Nellie Carter of Toronto were guetts of friends here this week. Mrs. John Bellamy Congratulations to seven Dundalk pupils who were successful in passing the middle school examinations for entrance to Normal School. The naires I are Flossie Acheson, Eva Bailey, Elsie j Duncan, Walter Green (H), Lottie Irwin, Vera Russell and Wilfrd Wright(H). Mr. J. F. YauDusau, who moved to the West in tho early spring, intending | to locate at Midicine Hat, MM. in the jewelry business, was dissatisfied with the outlook, after visiting various other points, and has returned to Toronto. He thinks Old Ontario is about the best there is. When he was in town last week returned from Toronto after a two weeks visit. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Harpvll, who will remain indefinitely. Mrs. A. Bentham and her grand- daughter, Miss Edith Sheppard of Toron- to, are visiting friends over the holiday. Miss Myrtle, accompanied by Mr. A. L. Stanfield and Miss Teddy, of Toronto, Mr. Glen Perch of Toronto is spending \ are visitors at Mr. Thos. Blakeley's for a a fortnight with friend* here. I fortnight. Mr. R. Bellamy of Toronto rusticated ' Miss Ethel Trimble went on Friday to for a couple of days at his home here. Muskoka, where she joins a party of Mrs. Fred Tucker of Toronto spent a' young people from Owen Sound on an few days of the put week with friends here. The Markdale Standard takes its holi- day thic week. Our turn comes next week. Mr. Edgar Bellamy, wife and babe, of Saskatoon, are visiting with relatives here for few days. Mr. A. B. Buie of Dauphin, Man., has returned home, after visiting friends in this vicinity for a few weeks. The Advance is sorry to learn that the eldttst son of Mr. A. R. t'awcett of the Burks Falls Arrow is ill with typhoid ver. extended holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Trimble announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruby, to Judge Breen of Cadillac, Mich. The marriage will take place early in Sep- tember. Mr. Charley Oitewell his secured lucrative position in Toronto as city veterinary inspector. Congratulations. The new Flesherton-Portlaw rural mail route was inaugurated on Friday last, August 1. Mr. James Fisher is the car- rier. The route will supply over thirty boxes, Mr. F. W. Nicholson of Toronto spent Mr. Robot Brown of Forest, Onfc.,was a pleiHant caller on Saturday while on renewing acquaintances he had not yet decided where he would locate . A very serious accident was narrowly averted Monday forenoon, when a team belonging to Mr. James Keating took fright at a passing auto 1 Mr. K had just finished his shopping and was ready to start for home. Ha had a load of lumber and shingles on a wagon rack and hail driven up to Tom Macint'yre'i for some parcels. He was off the wagon standing on the sidewalk when the horses started up. Mounting the wagon in an endeavor to get the lines the up- right at the front of Ihe rack broke and he fell at the hones' heels as they turn- ed the corner at Ritchie Bros. The wheels passed over the upper part of Mr. Heating's lexs and one of the horses struck him in the mouth with its foot. The wagon came into contact with a telephone guy wire and stopped the progress of the team nearly in front of the Herald Office. Mr. Keating wis carried on a stretcher to Dr. Martin's office. Fortunately no'bones were brok- en and he wai able to be moved to hii home in the afternoon. Although he has suffered a good deal of pain he U grate- ful that he escaped; from the mix-up so well. Herald <X)dds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale- -Four tint class colts rising three years old. Apply to W. Orr Flesherton p. o. Telephone in connec- tion. Mare For Sale Young mare suitable for ladies to drive, and colt by her aide not afraid of automobiles. Will sell or exchange fur heavier. Henry Fenwick, Eugenia. civic holiday with friends in town, re- turning Tuesday evening. Mrs. Nichol- son, who has been visiting here for some small tables, 2 rocking chairs, and about One sideboard, one kitchen table, four > holiday visit to old friends at Fever-, weeks, returned home with her husband. htm. Messrs. Fred Sullivan Dr. W. O. Robinson of Tyndall.S. D., McTaggart, | spent a few days of the past wuek with So&k., and Charley Sullivan of Stouuhton Sask., are visiting their mother here for a couple of months. Dr. R. Henderson and wife and Mr. E. W. Miller and wife, of Toronto, called on friends here for a couple of days lust week while on an auto tour. his cousin, yo editor. It is twenty- three years since the "happy couple" met be- fore. The Advance <vill not be published next week. We are taking the annual holiday, but this does uot mean an entire 23 yarHs tapestry carpet for sale. Apply to W. J, Talbot, east back line. Fresh lime for sale W. Meads, O.D.R. Driving mare for sale, 4 years old. Ah. Brino. Sound in wind and limb. Fred .1 im .--< n, Kutfttlin. Calves For Sale One Thoroughbred Holstein bull calf and one Polled Anaus A. Harrison, Fles- n,, { hull calf, for sale. \ cessation of work. The uthce will W||L~J" 'open as usual for business. The next j Two Clarksburg ladies killed a big ' j ssutf O f The Advance will b,s dated | Egg Vats for Sale-Suitable for cis- poicupine in their back yard. Tho , August 21. ! terns or watering cattle. Piinif condi- C'lnrksburtr paper devotes three-quarters, 1 , : tion. Will be sold f jr half what they of a column to the incident. , Mr " ^ Cob L f][ e ' the *"* ^ ' * ' ke - M ' S ^ C - rl "'" a large barn o4x<>7 on Thursday ar.d, ton, Ont. Friday last by the old muscle met!\od. ; " M M i .u t c Fur Sulo cheap and on cany lerms.gond Mr. John McDonald WHS tho framer of The hot weather of last week dried up the raspberries. Those who were not early in the tield this season had diffi- culty in getting their usual supply. Mr. J. H. Campaign of the Chicago fire department spent a couple of days son, , Dr. Murray's party left for their annual fortnight's outing at Bell's lake on Friday. last week with friends here. His Frank, also spent a week with hi, uncle, I rh l wft >' ls l l!ir e ouo tll1s M, I o I consists of the following: Dr. Murray of Toronto, Di\ E. Murray, Jos. Mantle, the oldest Mason in Can- ada, who is now in his 104tb year, went to London, Ont., from' his home in To- ronto last week, to attend the wedding of his niece. ' Mr. Neil McCann, an old gentleman Bain of Denver, Colorado. The Denial livina with Mr. Mark Wilson, got a nasty j couple are guests of Mr. John Boland, of fall off a wagon on Friday last. In alight- ing his head struck snmo piece of iron which made a cut in his forehead re- quiring eight stitches to close it. Mrs. (Dr.) F. A. Thurston and two little daughters, Ellinor and Helene, spent a few days of the past week with ye editor's family. They left, Tuesday morning for a fortnight's camping in Parry Sound district. The Stayner Sun announces the death . 9-rooir.ed brick dwelling in Fleshetton, the big building anil everything went to- , wit), goo d brick-lined stable or poultry gether bentifully and without accident of house, and two uood lots with same, any kind. ! young bearing orchard. Apply to R. .1. Sproule, Flchherton. IMartf For Sale Good !)-roomed frame dwell- ing and .stable, all complete, in tiist cla.-s condition in: I icpair, with hiril ami water. \\i'l sell very cheap if sold tint month. Apply K. .1. .sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. \ov7t. House For Sule - In Flisbcrton, a tirst class brick dwelling and stable with two acres of land, hard and soft water under collar, undoubtedly a very suitable* resi- dence for iiny retired farmer. Apply to Silas Shunk. Fleshertou. and Fred D.-. Kendall and Harold Mitchell, Chailea Richardson, Wes. Armstrong, W. Moore- Fred Sullivan and Charley Sullivan. The Advance had a very pleasant cil' on Friday from Dr. W. G. Bain and Mrs' of Mrs. Win. Gollop, mother of Mrs. James Chard of Flesherton, in her 85th Vandelour, the latter being a sister of Mr. Buland. Dr. Bain is not practicing medicine at present, but is devoting all his time to his mining interests, which are heavy. He is inter es'ed in copper, mostly. Artemcsia Rural High School baa been remarkably successful in the recent Entrance to Normal examinations, hav- ing passed all tho candidates who wrote, three of them with honors. Eleven wrote and eleven passed, as follows : For Sule -The undersigned otters for sa'e three lots in the village of Coylon.on which are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with stone cellar: and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound, or W. J. 4>llamy, Flesherton. Haxel Allen, Ellison, (U), Lillian Bunt (H), Winslow Kernnhan Lila MISCELLANEOUS "Don't forget" the garden party one mile east jf the church on Silas Phillip's farm on Friday. Aug. at /ti, {leave the postomce ^ 'j These wishing a ridn willbo cbargud lOc. 8ih. Ris will 3 o'clock p. in. -,-.. I llicse WIBI1IDK Ji IIU" "iiiuu uucnxw AVW. year. She was born in Devonshire, : Zltit , (i L ,, w](>T< Lenft Legftt e, Annie Me- 1 p nolle Mr , .Albert Stewart for a seat in EngUnd, coming to Canada with her j jyiiihu^ Mamie MoLoughry, Iva Mitchell, ihe rig. husband 35 yeau ago. In religion she; Kat(J Wilcoek alul A(llt Bright. This is pursQ folind _ Slilllrdrt} . llis , ht i llht , was a Methodist. ' a record that few schools accomplish and, j,, Uoyd'g- store containing a sum of Mr. Riclwrd Woods, -tf Masouville, is ' none of them can transcend. We hearti- jinonoy. Loser call ftt this office and ottering a reward of $5CO for information ! ly congratulate the bunch as well as t he | identify. ?2()(H) private fund* to loan on farm that will lead to the arrest and conviction 'teaching staff. This school has more than ^ ^ of the party or parties who entered his ! justified its existence. As rx gentleman !,*, t^go'securily at lowest- rates of ' in- promise* and administered tho poison j who was visiting in town last week re- terest. Apply R. J. Spronlo. Flesherton. that led to the death of his two valuable j nurlcc*. "jour school is by f the be*t ~ T ^ M ,^ , e , on hanJi $ 2. 25 nnd stallions, "Newton Don" and "S*m asset Unit ArtemcMa township possesses. ' ,_, 5 ^ , lu)U8ttn( i. \y. A. Armstiong. Brown." AuiJ lle W:1S Whirlwind Sale SPEtlAlS Week of Monday, August 4, to Saturday, August 9 Wall Paper ENTIRE STOCK TO CLEAR AT Half Price Get one of our 75c. whips at BRAN For this week only, July 21st to July 26th PER CWT. $1.00 Slater Boots Entire Stock of Slater Boots to be cleared At Cost SUGAR Carload Rod pith and St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar PER CWT. $4.70 Money Savers 7 Bars Comfort Soap 25c 4 Durham Starch, 4 pumpkin 4 Salmon 25c Herald Salmon 15c Rangoon Rice, (j Ibs 25 Pearl Tapioca. 4 Ita 25c Green Tea, 28c ; Black, reg. 35o. 27 40c Blue Ribbon Tea 35 New Scissors, reij. 50c 25 New 25c Hair Brushes lOc Summer Fancy Vests for Men .... 98c Men'a 2 piece Summer Suits. . . . $ti.98 Cleariug Lino Raincoats 91.98 Men's Summer Luttre Coati 91.48 Clearing lines, Suits 910 and 97.98 ; Boys' at 3.29 and 91.98 Overalls and Smocks, reg. $1.25. .89c Felt Outing Hati 39c Stocking lOc 12k ; Vetts lOc ; Towelling 5o Work Socks 12Ac. Fancy and Cashmere 19c Big Lot Boots 91 98, Black Can- as 98c, Baby Boots 25c Women's 92.25 White Canvas buttoned 9189 Women'* Oxfords at 91.98 and. 91. 39 65c Quart Cans Paint 45c Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers per doz 75c Wall Paper 5c, Fine Shirts 89c. Work Shirts 39c, Pants 91. 19 Men's Summer Underwear 33c New 1 1. M ik On and Knitted Ties. . 19o Trimmed Hats at 92.99 and 91.98 Women's and Girls Straw Hats 98c, 09, 39c 25c and 19o New Silk Mulls, re*. 50c 25c Royal Yeast Cakea, Fresh, 2 for . . 5c Wrappers 59c, House Dresse* ~ '>, Repp Skirts 91.48 Silk Walsti 91.48, Children's Wash Dreaits 57c Red and Gold Seeded Raisins, 4 package* for 25c 92.00 to 92. 50 English Felt Hate $1.00 Blaclr Putette Silk, 1 yd. wide. reg. $1.00 for 79c. 1000 Matches SAGINAW TIPS Regular lOc. for Smoked Hams And Bacon reg. 2ttc. for 23c HATS & CAPS 100 Men's and Boys' 50c and 75c Caps and a big box of Women's and Girls' Straw I l.'its, choice lOc. BROOMS No. 25 Broorat, 5 strings, perfectly straight, reg. 4Uc 25c TWINE Deering Binder Twine ttoOft. to Ib. 12* STRAW HAT WEEK 4/iy Straw Hat W. B O Y D FLESHERTON Harvest Straws A nd Scores \ n of Others I U R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. Wagons, Buggies, Cutte:s, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotte Cream Separators Baker Wind Mills, 1'iiiniis, Piping and Pipe Fittings always ol> hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable li'tini;.-. Cockshuit and Frost Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Feversbam, Ontario OWEN SOUND, OXT., Fall Term opens Monduy. Sept.] M Every graduate guaranteed ;i ^ j^ position. S^ 5^ Thorough courses. ^ W* I.-ir^c stall' ui Specialists. (fjf apliuliviiluiil instriu-l im. jg ^j l'.i-,t equipped CollBge in Canada. Q ^ C. A. KLKM1NC. F. 0. A.. S ^P Principal. O9 MO. D FLKMINC. - SHM-etaiy. ig a* OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO w Bull for Service Puie bred shorthorn bull for service on lot lti!t-70, 2 E. T. & S. R., Ar- tcmesia. Terms 81. -RICHARD ALLEN, Prop. DR. BXJRT in dlscmes of I ho , NOS6 WESTERN CANADA A BUMPER WHEAT CROP Office-30 10th t. east, Owen Sound At the Rnvoro house, Markdnle, 2nd | Thursday each month from 8 to a lU-t.m UutiiKlk, 1st Thursday of each month. Bull for Service ThoroUkihbruil Aineric-.ii lu-nl l].n> ford bull lor service on lot l">i. -ml W. T. :nnliS. R.. Ai-teni"si-. 'IVims 81.IM) cash. .H 'HN ADAMS. Prop. THOUSANDS OF MEX REQUIRED This Year's Htrvest promises to be the largest in THE HISTORY OF CANADA. According to present indications the when', crop of 1913 will be the- greatest ever harvested in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan or Alberta, thus re<|uini)K the farm i laborer of the East, to assist in harvu&tiug tlio world's greatest bread bosket. The Governments of the respective Produces st.Hle that ninny thousand men will be required fur this year's harvest. Theno will have to be principally recruit od from Ontario, and the prosperity of Canada depends nn securing labor prom- ptly . The C.-mndinn Pacific, on which Company will fall practically the entire task of transporting tho men to the West, is already making specinl arrange- ments for this year. Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Sask- atchewan and Alberta wi:l be run and special trains operated, unking the trip _ in iilmut thirty-six hours and avoiding ' any change of cars or transfers. This will be day shorter thin any othei route. Date", rates and conditions will bo announced in a few days. 'j i.^ -- ! I B I!! II II I i I I DI NEW TIN SHOP I WISH To announce tn the people of Flesherton and .simounding country that I have opened up a new tinsinithing business in the Christoe Block, and am prepared to take all orders ottered in my line. Eavetroughin<j: at- tended to promptly. Furnaces sold and installed. Repairing neatly and promptly done. I BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull, Field Marshall '.'(MiD! will be for service on lot 17<>, T. S. R. ArtemeBia. Terms-*! . l.Vug JAS. STINSON, Prop. IMI !MI II D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. II II I ! II II II I ! I i II II II I I I I II I I j I 11

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