Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1913, p. 1

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TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." - PBINCIPLEb MOT MEN.' V9L33 No. 8 Flesliertori, Out., Thursday, August 28 IQ13 W. H. THUSSTON ; / .* ' * fc Kimberley Budget Mr. Win. Stuart spent the week eu< w ; : h friend* in Fleaberton and Eugenia. Mr. David Weber,one of oar enterpris iog merchants, is busy at present building a cement foundation for a s'able. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McClung visitec Thornbury friends a few days the past week. Mr. Geo. Proctor and son, Harold, made a business trip to Cullingwood on Friday. The progressive trustees of our public school hare secured four dozen single Keats for Che senior room. Mr. S. S. Buritt and J. Abercrombie are busy putting in the same. Lord pity the nrchin found carving hia initials with the old jkck- knife on those seats. Miss Belle Duggau, accompanied by Miss Christiana Doyle, viaited Heath- cote friends the past week and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwaid Fawcett. Miss Virgie McMullen of Toronto, and sister, Millie, of Eugenia, are visi'ing with their sister, Mrs. Jasper Stuart, at present. Mr. Edward Fawcett of Heathcote occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning lait. His address was listened to with interest by a large congregation. Mr. Howard Smith who has been visiting friends in Toronto, returned home on Friday. Mrs. Thos. Neely aud son, Thos., of Beaverdale, viaited at T. J. Reid's, on Sunday list. Mr. Hnrry Teed and Thos. Soule of Duncan were callers in our burg on Saturday. Mrs. Melvin Harris and son Walter of West Toronto are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. Thos. Carruthers. Mr. Geo. Duncan and sister, Elsie, of Dundalk, visited with their sun.. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, a few days last week. Miss Lawlor of Ceylc is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Fred Wickens, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Corbet t and family of North Bay are visiting friends in this vicinity and are the guests of the latter's brother, Mr. T. Ellis. Master Beverly Plewes of Colling wood who has been visiting with his grand- mother, Mrs. Jno. Plewes, retuiued home on Sunday last. Messrs. Harvey aud Milson Morwood of Markdalc, visited at Mrs. M. Fergu, son's one day last week. .Messrs. Herb aud Herman Allen of Meaford, spent the week end with friends in this vicinity. Walkerton While drivios; a rake on his farm near Maple Hill last reek, Mr. Roger Inglis, a well-known farmer of Brant, had his right leg broken below the knee by his hoist) kicking him on the leg while he wss sitting on the lake. Joseph Abell, a Uusaian Jew who con- ducts A junk Business in the old Western Hutel here, was fined $1.0" and costs or about fd.QO in all, for cruelty to a hound which he had locked in a barn and was apparently starving to death. The ratepayers of Walkertou will be getting round shouldered this year carry- ing money to the town hall, the Council having met on Tuesday night and tixed the tax-rate for Wslkerton at :tO mills on the dollar. This is a rai.se of 2 mills orer last year's rate. Mr. VViu. Morgan's horse ran an ay with a load of grain ou hi* farm in Brant on Wednesday morning last and crashing into its breast, making a wound from which it eventually bled to death. The horse was a splendid 5-year-old roadstor and valuud at about $17o. The Sftugceu river which is innoreU altogether on the greater maps of the world uud depicted but dimly ou even the minor ones, is nevertheless the most expensive luxury that the ratepayers of Bruce have to put up for and with to- day. Of tin 1 total sum expended for county purposes in Bruce, it i estimated that within the past few year* nearly j one-half has been spent iu bvfdftiltg tlie Sjui^eeu river alono , Herald aud Times. Vaodelenr Happenings The members of Vandeleur Division ol the 8. O. T. met at the home of Mr. anc Mrs. E. Wilcox on Monday evening anc presented Mits Margaret Davis with a manicure set as a token of their esteem Miss Davis lefi on Tuesday morning for Cobourg, where she baa secured a posi- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver of Markdale were visitors at Mr. Geo. Wright's a short time ago. ' Miss Walton of Markdale spent Sun- day with Miss Roue Gilbert. Our school trustees are putting in ment steps and making other much needed repairs to the approach to the school house in readiness for the opening nf school next week. Misa Mary Pritchard of Markdale is holidaying at the parental home here. Mr. and Mrs, S. Croft of Portlaw vis ited friends here recently. Mr. Thomas Brought on, wife and fam ily, of Corbetton, were visitors ac George Shannon's recently. Ben Buchanan of Toronto is renewing acquaintances here. Miss Kate Davis of Otillia attended the wedding of her sister, Daisy, which took place on Monday of last week. Mr. Allen Cooey and wife, and Mrs. Puck, of Toronto, visited with Mr. S. Gilbert and other friends last week. Mr. W. N. Hutchioeon and wife of Markdale paid a short visit with the lat ter's father, Mr. Wm. Cullis, a few days ago. Mrs. Polybank and little daughter, of Chesly, were visitors at the home of J. frf. Davis a short lime ago. Mr. D. Weber and family, and Misa Violet McLean, of Kimberley, visited at Mr. A. McLean g the first of the week. D. Minns of Gravenhurst is the gaest of his brother-in-law, Mr. G. Pritchard. Miss Adeline Hicks of Collingwood was the guet of her uncle, Mr. Ed. Wilcoz, recently. Jacob Neely aud wife of Meaford vis- tad the former's brother, Robert, and other friends hereabout recently. Roland Ratcliffe of Sheffield, England, is visiting his brother. Will, at J. M. Davis's. Mrs. E. Gilbert of Kimberley and laughter, Mrs. F. A. Xeely, of Toronto, isited at Mr. W. Hutchinson'sou Friday last. Mr. McDonald and wife of Owen Sound were the guests of Mr. A. Me- ean and family on Sunday. In in effort to st ip trespassing on its UackMhe C. P. R. had twenty-six brick- makers at Milton fined . nominal sum for going by the tracks, as has been done tor twenty yean, ou their way to and fro,m work. East Mountain Wedding bells are faintly tolling. Harvesting in this vicinity is pretty rell advanced and the merry hum of the Id threshing machine will soon be heard uuc more. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullen and amily visited at Mr. Robert McMullen's >u Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. Humberstone and daughter, \lua, have returned home after a two reeks' visit with friends at Mauitoulin island. Mr. Leslie Chard was a caller in this icinity recently. Miss Sadie Smart visited friends in Jar k dale for a week. Mr. Clifford Goheen of Dundalk left >r the West on Tuesday last, but when le got .\s far as Toronto he was taken eriously ill and was attended by three peculists, who feared it was apendicitis, mt we are glad to say he is improving iicely. Mrs. John Martin returned home on Saturday last after a mouth's visit with riends in Owen Sound. Sho was accoua- iauiud home by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Voodrutfof Texas. Miss Lizzie Welsh is visiting friends at lesthcoto at present. Mr. Howard Smith has returned houic fter visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Anderson of Toronto visited at Jr. John Mai tin's ou Sunday last. Married Elizabeth Park nd Pftviil Albert Smith, on Friday^ Allg. 1, at the Presbyterian nwn.v, YeHow Grass, Sask. They will bo at home after Sept. 1 at Weylmrn. Best wishes of their many friends go to them fov a prosperous jour- ney through life. Miss Elsie Martin visited her friend, M;-S K>m Rickett, of Murkdale. Eugenia Paragraphs Mrs. Blackman -if Vancouver, B. C. . and Mrs. Woodhouse of Cullingwood, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. James Armstong. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson of Port law were the juesu of Mrs. McMuter over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jamieson and chil dren have returned home after spending the past few week, with friends here. Master Wilfred McMaster has gone to the city on a visit . Mr. W. T. Graham has gone on a visit to friends in Heathcote and Parry Sound District. The regular monthly meeting of the O. W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Francis Genoe, Wed., Sept. '*, Jat 2.30 in the afternoon. Visitors welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Holmger have returned to the city after, spending a week wich friends here. They were greatly delight- ed with our beautiful falls and scenery. Mrs. Charles Hopper and babe of New Liskeard, Uiss Scilly of Maxwell and Mrs. Tom. Phillips of Lady Bank were guests of Mrs. Wallace Armstrong. We are sorry to report the serious ill nesa of Mr. Joseph Hawkins, who was taken down suddenly with a paralytic stroke on Saturday night. He is now under the care of a trained nuns. Miss Etta Latimer has been engaged as teacher of the eighth line school this coming term. Misb Barbara Thompson is home trom Cnatsworth on a visit. Miss Virgie McMullen returned to the city on Tuesday. Miss Millie and Mr. Russell visited their sister at Priceville. Mr. Chas. Hoy has been engaged to paint and decorate the exterior of the Methodist church. Priceville Jottings Held over last week The temperature is rather too high ately to suit the average citizen, Nuiu- i>ers of people sleep at night out on the awns or in hammocks under the trees. Fall wheat is a fine crop, though not extensively sown in this locality. Oats, barley aud peas are fairly good . We un- derstand that George and E. B. Ostran- der sowed one bushel and three pecks i>f wheat last fall and threshed a few days sgo 94 bushels besides what fell on the floor. Who next .' There has been considerable discussion about here over comm ercia\ fertilizers as i manure. Some farmers say that they ' are afraid that the said fertilizer would only act as a stimulant and then leave the land poorer than before." Well, if a man does not know what his poor field requires in order to raise ;i profitable crop is can get i ieport from the government )r experimental farms regarding ferti- .izers for certain crops. There have >een a few small tests made in this lo- cality with some of these fertilizers, and we will soon know what the result wrll Mrs. White, who has been residing with her daughter, Mrs. B. Meddaugh. 'or some time, wac seriously ill last week )ut seemed to improve considerably the >eginning of this week. Mrs. Robertson returned home a few lays ago, accompanied by her daughter, lira. Chapman and children, of Toronto, ilso Miss Ruby Robertson is at home with her mother for a few weeks. G. McTaggart is ill at present with lueumonia and typhoid fever. Mr. Walker, who got badly injured in he ball game on our civic holiday, is iin- rovmg at present. Miss McCjuarrie, north line, who was 11 tor several mouths with lung trouble, passed away on Aug. 15. Interment ook place in the cemetery one mile west i the village. The Orancjeville Sun says:- -Frank Hur ison, one of the veteran conductors of he C.P.R., has been transferred to the \vswater ruu in the place of Conductor .obert Osbourue, who along with Bag- gemati Robert Bridley.has been supet- nnuuti'd. Fi'auk commenced his rail- road (.'aWei' oil the oKl Toiouto, (.<i'ey and Bruce away back in the seventies and has been ou the job ever siuco. Mr. Harrison has many friends up this way aud they ,ill wish him every sucee.-s. There h;\< been a big improvement on the Teeswater branch and with -Lie. Walker aud Frank H t: :i<< M on the job if should get more like a railway every day. Wodehouse Doings An electric storm, accompanied by a heavy rain, jja.swed over this vicinity on Friday morning last. Though many would have tiniished harvesting, everyone was thankful to see the long-looked-for rain. During the storm Mr. Jacob Lougheed's barn was struck by lighti.ing, aud though not tired, was somewhat damaged. Miss Adeline Hicks of Collingwood is vis,ting old friends in this neighborhood. Misses Nettie and Ella McArthur, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Chateworth. Miss Reiia McXeviu has returned home after a pleasant week's visit with Miss Carrie Kerhahan. Miss Millie MoMullen of Eugenia, a former teacher here, called on| her manj friends here during the part weak. Messrs. Stanley aud Geo. Wiley, Ton Riddle and Ja-s. Wiley left Wednesday for the West. The Epworth League gave a' socia farewell to the. lx>ys going West, iu the church basement, <>n Tuesday eveuin last. A short but pleasing programme was given, after the usual League meet ing, after which all were treated to ice crea u. We wish the buys every success and a safe return home. Mr. Fawcett of Heathcote very accept ably took charge of the service here Sunday afternoon, in the absence of our pastor. Rev. Mr. Sinclair, who, owini. to sickness, was unable to take his work. Mr. Will Woods returned home with his threshing outfit on Saturday. H has been some time in the neighborhood of Goring, threshing clover. He will now commence threshing grain. Master Jim Kirkpatrick is holidaying with f fiends at Goring. Mr. Will \Vrd is improving slowly. as also is Mrs. Thompson, -i- Mr. Ernest Morwood made a famines* trip to Duncan on Saturday. Mr. .J.'s. Squires had a new windmill erected one day last week, to replace the >ne demolished in the Good Friday wind storm. Messrs. Jos. Cherry and J. Brown made a trip to Meaford, one day recently. Ceylon Mr. Charles Adams of Bowmanville is isitiug his parents. Mrs. P. Muir. Miss Lilly aud Master Mervin are spending a couple of weeks with Toronto friends. Miss Jennie >'Meli-i left Saturday for eveJaud. where she inttmds entering a v 'spiral to learu nursing. Miss McDonald. Durham, and Mrs. Murdock of Caledon, are visiting Mrs. J. sud S. McFadden. Mr. aiid Mrs. Joe Hemphill and babe. of Toronto, are visiting relatives and 'riends here. Miss Coleman i-f Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Dargavel of Rock Mills, are ;uests nf Miss Nessi (."olliusou. Mrs. R. P. Legate, Lena, Murry and Muriel left Monday for HanHsty, Aha. Mr. George Snell, wife and children, eft Monday for a two-months' trip 10 Alberta. Mrs. Pepper of Orillia is visiting her daughter, Mi. S. Rand. Miss Ruby Radley, who has been vis- ting at James Ridley's, returned to To- onto Saturday, accompanied by Miss .illy Radlty. Master Willie Pattisou left Saturday or a few days' visit iu the ujueen I'iry. Mr. R. Cook paid Durham a business isit on Saturday. Ar.iliie MePh-itter of Owen Sound is pending a week at Mr. Fred Wright's. Mrs. James McLean of Proton is visit- ug her sister Mrs. James Pattison. Mr. Fred Sproat, who has been out Vest for some time, arrived home last vuek to visit his wife at R. Whittsker's. Mr. R. Cook aud Master Cecil Cush- lie left Tuesday to take iu the Toronto xhil'itioi), Miss Ida !\iule<.i:;o left Monday to join her mother at l.ethbriJ^e. t!eo. Caiins is in Toronto this week. Mr, Gordon McMullen,Toronto,is holi- daying ;it his parental home. Miss Ruinate, Durham, visited :il Mis. R. Loi;:te's last week. Flesherton Planing . And Chopping Mills J I am in) w prepared to do chopping every day iu the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists . Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you wanr in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor" ing, sash and doors, and all bouse fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leae- unable rates. Gel estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl513-ly . W C IT JT A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are date* for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 19 Dundalk ! Wednesday, April 16 Flesherton \17 A A *TnTTfii"iCr Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk V " ** f *' 1 Illl* VI Jg , Wednesday. Aug. 27 Flesberton Wednesday, Oct. 13 Dundalk Saturday, Dec. 6 Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. FRUIT, FLOUR & FEED ! Fresh fruit arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We can sure please you. Five Koses, Five Lilly, McGowan's ami Eclipse. Pastry Flour. All kinds of feed always on hand Get your Binder Twine. Machine Oil, Coal Oil, axle Grease. Jem Jars, Bread. Biscuits. No. 1 Groceries in all its lines. ICE YOU FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN m&&f&R0^^ Drop in the Price of Boots To clear out balance of Summer Goods, in men's Wear. We have some Velwr and Box Calf sizes S anil 9. Regular price $i!.oO to *7o ro clear at $1.99. and a good line of Men's Gun Metal Button worth ,3.50, clearing at $'2.90. sixes 7i. S, S^. 9. In Women's Dongula. Oxford, a nice straight toe, sizes 3, 3i, 4. -U. Kegular price $1..30, $1.75, Clearing at$ 1.1 9. All Women's Patent and Tan Pumps at greatly reduced prices. In Misses and and Children's Chocolate and Dongola Oxfords Must be cleared to make room for Fall Goods. THOS. CLAYTON REPAIRING AS USUAL BOWLER. The Tailor- makes your SummerSuit from the Choicest line of Goods to be found any- where . . . French Cleaning Our prices arc right. Our Done Every workmanship the beV. Give SATURDAY us your order Get your old Clothes r e n o- vated . . . J. Bowler >THE TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT

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