August 28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE #lcsl)crton An independent newspaper, published every Thurtday at th* office, CVllinzwcMxi Street, Klmiherton. Subscription price 91 per annum, when paid in advance ;$1.50 wben not n paid Advertising rate* on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. rinii t,.n- Editor Dundalk OUR FORESTS AND FIRES The immensely costly tires that raged in Ontario during laat week touched closely etery citizen of this province. It is not alone the actual owners of these timber limita that suffer, hut the people as a whole. Every man who uses lumber --and who is there that doe* not/ is in- terested in this matter, for our forest wealth is being fist depleted and the price of forest products has been mount- ing steadly upward for years. The thou- sands of acres of timber lands recently destroyed ooly tuaten the day when our lumbering interest* will be a thing of the put and we will be obliged to use costly substitutes or import at big prices. A couple of yean uro the Department of Forests and Mines announced that a new and more bunioeas-like dyetem of ranging waa under formation. Perhapi the organisation of the new system re- quired longer to complete than was an . tieipated. A radical change such as wsi required cannot be made in a day or a year. Il it a thing that must grow. But there are some thing* that could, and should, be remedied forthwith without waiting for the complete organization. One of these things ia the passing of a stringent Uw regarding the starting of fires daring July and August. Another U forcing the lumber companies to pile their brush and not leave it promiscuously scatter**! orer the forest floor, an invita- tion to any stray match that may be dropped or tinder for the lightning bolt. The firea are caused in many ways, bat the railway! ate blamed (we believe Unjustly; for most of them. None of the large forest fires in Parry Sound District, which we saw and describe m our ne*s columns, were started by the r Tailwayn. The worst one started eight or ten milee from 'he railway. Another was started by a settler burning rubbinh in lii yard. St ill another started from mumps that a settier waa burning. The eparkl communicated with hii barn, which was reduced to ashes, and the nparks from this communicated nith the forest near by. On one occasion the writer came upon a fire burning in s rocky depression up in that wild country, where it was reuonahly certain no man bad been, and as reasonably certain that a bolt -A lightning waa the culprit. Wo conscientiously believe that lightning ii responsible for more 6res thin it is itiven credit fur. Of course no Uw can de' with such cases, biit as a rule the ranger can ; but thr law can deal with the nun who sets stumpt or rubbish on tire in the dry season. And these things can be attended to without waiting for the formation of any elaborate (>tnd necessary) fire ringing system. Some- thing must be done to protect our forests better than they have been protected, or shortly we will have Do forests worth talking about to protect. While working >U the harvest Mr. John Batchelor, of Brice Hill, hvi hit hand badly torn in a binder on Thursday list. He was finishing up cutting a field of oats and pushing in some straw with his hand to make up the last sheaf. The hand w8 caught by the needle, which penetrated right through back of the in- del filler and tore ihe flesh and cords right out between that finger and the thumb. It is a very nasty wound, but when he was in town Monday it watt improving nicely. One day last week James Wellwood, the implement agent, wai splicing ropes for barn forks. He used a hickory skewer, about three-quarters of an inch thick and MI inches long, pointed sharp- ly at the end, to make the splice. While pressing very hard ths akewer slipped and was forced up into his nose. The point protruded through the side of the nose not far from tha eye. Mr. H. 0. Moody was badly hart in a runaway accident on Main steet on Fri- day evening last. With two children and Mm. Gardiner she was driving about town when one of the shafts of the buggy became loose and fell. The hone took fright and Mrs. Moody was thrown to the hard road, receiving several severe cuts about ths head. Mrs. Gardiner, with great presence of mind, held the two children in the bottom of the buggy until the horse was stopped, near the elevator*. The locking of one of the wheel* by ths loose shaft prevented a more serious accident. ANADIAN PACIFIO Canadian National Exbibiton TORONTO Return Rates from FLESHERTON $2.60 DAILY AUO. as TO .. .. e $2.0O AUQ. 25-28 8EPT 2-4 All tickets good (or return until Sept. 9. ASK FOR OFFICIAL PROGRAM Contains Hit of daily eventeat the Fair. Epecial rates ad trim *ervice from all stations. S. Rand - - Agent Ceylon. Osprey Council The Municipal Council of the township if Osprey mot at Maxwell on Saturday, Aug. 9, last, According to itdjournment from July 10th. The members were all present. Minute* of the last meeting read and adopted. Communications, Hccounts, etc., were received from A. }',. Trout, agent for the Children's Aid ^Society, asking for a grant ; Municipal World, legal advice regarding hoipita! Hccount ; John Rutherford, County Clerk, statement of county rates for 1912 ; County Treasurer, tax sale list ; Herald oftici:, Dundalk, account "~>c, printing bridge notice ; Collingwood hospital, regarding account for keep of McKay ; application for grant from JUanrbll Women's Institute ; Krnest. Hawton, regarding the opening of certain -! reets in Feversham. By-Law j Mo. 578 was puseod, provid- ing (or the issue of debentures fur 91)000, repayable in ten e<mal annual instalment**, for use of the telephone By-Law No. 57, to levy rate for county, towr.fthipand school purposes, as Dp follows : county rate 2 6-10 mill, 12720; | '.mem! achool levy $4981.50, at 4 8 10 mills; township purposes 4 8-10, $5050.- -iit! ; ilao the various amounts required y the several school nectionsfor trustees' : vies and aohool debentures. By-Law No. 680, appointing .fames I .Iliott collector for the north half, and Vm, H. fnkster collector for south half, Odoil adjourned to meet at Sing- Jmnpton-on October 4th, next. THOS. SCOTT, Clerk. Or. J Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Hiiro .uid Residence 48, !>lh St. East, Own Sound, Out. kliniir~ to 18a.m., 1. :!'". 4.:;o p.m. t.' 8p. Other hour* ly pi>niut incut. Two or three weeks ago Jas. Keating, of Melincthoo, was badly hurt in a run- away accident in this village and was just beginning to regaia his "Ireogth htn he attended a barn raising at Walter Oar- ton's on Thursday. Ha net with another misfortune by falling from the frame- work. He alighted on a seed drill which waa on th* ground below. Hia wrist was broken and the side of his head badly cut by the fall. He was unconscious for nearly half au hour, lie was removed to Mr. Carson's house and his injuries attended to by Dr. Martin. Henild. Awful Accident In a Sawmill A tragic event occurred in Osprey on Friday, August 15, as briefly referred to in last week's Advance, wben Herbert Wesley Scott, eldest son cf Mr. Nelson \V. and Emma Scott, met with a fatal accident while working in Bailey's saw- mill on the north line. The unfortunate younsf man was engaged in running the eitgine when he observed a l-It broken aud whilu he was attempting to lepair it the belt, without an instant's w,umn<_ r , ln-caiii" wound about the main shaft and the boy was druwn with it. He was thrown over the shift and his leg turn oil' at i In' kiln', while severe wounds were received about the head und body. Dr. MuFudden of Singhanipton wan called and was on the spot tn less than three- 'i inrtcr* f an hour mil Immediately tel- ephoned Dr. Bradley of Creernore, who arrived shortly after. The doctors de- cided that the only hope of Having hit life was to immediately mnputate the injured linjj) further up. This wan performed by them and the wounds on the treated, bat the shuck to the nervouH system was too great to be withstim.l ttnrl the stricken youny man rapidly sank. I ' ii li took place about 7 o'clock, five hours ufter the dreadful accident. The Interment took place on Sunday afternoon following. A short service was held at the home nnd the remains wore n-iii ivnl to liadjeros church, where xer- vice win conducted hyRev. Mr. Smith, assisted by Hev. Mr. Meredith. The body was then pluced to rest in lliidjenm cemetery. _ The funeral processioir was 0110 of the I u <;-, and most impressive ever hold in that section. Hundreds of friends at- tended to hear tribute to the decermod and to express nympathy with the grief stricken family in the hour of their sad bereavement. The young man would have beun _<i years of age in November and was n tine, big, manly young fellow and a popular young man in the notKliborhood, and wax a ,>!!. Mul fnvorite with all with whom hu came iu contact. He is turvivod by liis father, mother, sister Leunie and brothel Leslie. The greatest expressions of nor- row that people can act or utter are ex- pressed for the sad occurrence and groat ympathy is expressed for the bereaved family.' ;._" ill mm Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to 85 Oats 33 (,, ,;;t Peaa 1 12 to 1 12 Barley 65 to 55 Flay 10 00 to 10 00 lluttor 20 't 20 Kg8, fresh 20 i 20 Potatoes | i bag ;t5 to 40 Goeno l.l to 14 Ducks ];t o 14 Fowl lo to 13 Turkeys 22 to 22 OEA.LED TKNDr.KK addresied to the on- '^ drsignad. and endorsed " Tender for Wtiarf t v.ii'n Point Ont.," wilt ba rceiTu(J at this offloa until 4 p.m. on. Monday, 6pt, 15. 1913, for the constrnoton of a Wharf at V ail's Point, Ont. Hlani, ipciBcatlon and form of contract can ba Mn and forms of tender obtained at this Department and tt the office* of J. O. Sinn, Kip.. Diitrict Engineer. Confederation Life Buildinv, Toronto, Ont.. J.H. Armstrong, !>!., District Enginxir Midland Oat., and on pplicttion to the Cost Office it Vail'i Point Ont- Penon> landerini ire notified that tenden will not be coniiavnd anleei ma<ie on the printed forma lupplled. and algDed with their actual sinnatnrea. stating their occupations and places of reeidence. In thecaa* of firm*, the actual signature. tb natnre of the occupation, and place of re*idoo of each member of the firm malt be giren. Each tender mult be accompanied by n ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honorable the Minuter of Public Worka. equal to ten (10) per cent, of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the penon tendering declinee to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the ten- der be not accepted tbecheque will be returned The Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the loweet or any tender. HY order. K. <' OESROC'HRRS. Secretary. Oepartnisnt of Public Work*. Ottawa, August 15 1913. Newapapere will not be paid for toil adver- tisement if they insert it without authority from the Depaitmeat 4M44. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. This week we are clearing out the balance of our stock of Ladies' and Children's Wash Dresses at Reduced Prices. A good range of sizes to select from.. Special prices on White Lawn and Embroidered Blouses Pickling and Preserving Time Granite Preserving Kettles, Aluminum Preserving Kettles, Granulated Sugar Pure Pickling spices, Gem Jars-all sizes, Gem Jar Bubbers, Fruit Presses, Wire Strainers and Sieves. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KII TKNUEKM addressed to the Poit- inaitter General, will be receive4 J at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 12th Sept. I'.'l.".. for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week Over Markdale "Via Irish Lake Trarer- ston and Ebordale tiMin the Postmiwtur (iuneriU'.H Pleasure. I'mii'il notices containing further information an to conditions of proposed Conirnct may bo Keen and blank !.uin> of Tender may lie obtained at the Post Olh'ces uf MufkiUlu. Irish L'ike.Triversion, KbonUle and at the Office of the Ollice Inspector at Toronto. I'ont Ollice Di'purtii.enr, Mail Service Llianch, Torot.tii, August 5th, 1"! (}. C. ANDKIISON, Supi-rintenilent. GOOD LOCAL AGENT At once to represent the Che Old and Reliable Fon thill Nurseries Splendid lu>t of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delirery l'l :'. and Sprioe delivery 1914. : : : : Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit and pay highest commissions. Write for full particulars. 1 Jly 13 Stone & Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT. Notice To Trespassers Notice is hereby given that Ml interfering with the fencing around the Flesber property will be held responsible fur ii in; _:.. Imo. JOHN HKARD, Lesee. Flesherton Tonsorial Parlors Dates of Fall Fairs Flexliertmi Oct. 7 8 Ayton Sept. 23 24 Cold water Sept. 18 19 Dundalk 10 | Durham Sept. 2:124 ( ' I'V v. i -h i M Sept . ISO, Oct. 1 Markdiilc Oct. 14 la! Mi-Hford Sept. 30 Dot. l[ Ml. Purest Sept. 17 18 ' Owen 8>>und ... Oct. 79 j I'riceville. Oct. 2- 3 Kocklyn Oct. 2-8 SMInmo Sept. 23- -24 Turn Sept. 30--( tot. 1 j Walter's Falls Sept. 1 17 Wiarti'ii Sept. 2H - 24 ' Wondbiidije Oct. 14-151 We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday eveniug. ! CLKANISG and DYEINO- We are gents for t'nrker's Dye Works Clothes | cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR For Sale by Tender Tender* will be received by the under- signed at Port McNicholl up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday 15th day of August for the purchase ot the solid brick store and dwelling oppnite Kl mi Mills in the village of Feversham, also for the purchaHO of the rough-cast dwelling and properly on Wellington St. West lately owned by John Speers. Tenders to -t >ii- 1 1, iMi 1 own terms of |iayment ami intetet. Lowest nor any tender not i:eceitarily accented. -I. HARVEY PERIGOE. FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HA8VE8TINQ IN WESTERN CANADA HQOINt TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO VM " MCTUNN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Plnahalf o*n p*rmUfrom allpolnuuii of MaoLeod, OalftrrorVilmontonioWlmilpcc It* Q DATES on to Renfrew Inclusive and east thcrtof In AlNWff Hal .-JfiflEToront* and West nn Grand Trunk Main Una to Sarnta Inclusive BJW fcisth thereof. AUGUST -3* Prom TOMMM and North-Western Ontario. North of but not Including G"iH'l Tunk Line Toronto to Sarnia anil East of Toronto to Kingston, Shastet Ufc and Renfrew, Including these points. Sift RH 3rd l'il f'M*e .mil uU stations In Ontario East of but not Including ,< tS Trunk Lino Toronto to North Bay. SEfTEMBEt Sib !" illi*iiu.ns on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay Inclusive, --Mfesl them* In Ontsuto, Including C.P.R. LlnrSudbury to SaultSt*. '.QOrlo. bl not Imluilinn AaTlda uiul Wrst. ONI-Wlf SlpOJfttUSS Til kn Will Bl SOLD TO WHINint) ONLY One-way SMOM cine MtlCti to Winnls** only will be (old. Earn ticket will Include a ncatitM rtlAuU. with an utmiion coiixm. When extension coupon has been signed .at WfetoiMg by rarnier, allowing Ii* | M , encaged the holder to work a a farm laborer, the couooa wll he honored up to SpV-nbei 80th for ticket at rote of one-half . eiirVt mile (ralnlmiimi * cents) to any utation west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Paclflc, Canadian Northern. V (mail Trunk Facile Ruilwaya In Manitoba, S9katdiewaa or Alberta, but not wtiLf f Edmon(<, Ck^to or Macl^od, Aim. ^ certificate will bs fcsued entitling purchaser to a second-clan ticket good to return torn any station thr Odlan Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Puciflc Kallwavi In "Mbciu. Saskatchewan vtul Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and lulmontoii to original Cartlai pplrrt by the nine rqute as travelled on going journey on or before November 3th, tllS. on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to Winnipeg pddcil to I18.-00 from \Vlrjnliieg, 'provided the holder deimlts the certificate with the Ui-Keiageot on arrtval at fleatlrfatlaiVand works at least thirty days at harvesting. I'.or j see neate t C.P.R. Agent, or write Y. p.P.A. RAND, - AGENT, - JKLfcSHERTOIS, - OMAJIIO Jas. Pattison & Co CEYLON, ONTARIO. The place you can get nearly anything you want in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also Hardware, Hay Rope and Biudertwine. Brant- ford Bindertwine 650 feet, and 600 feet, can't be beat. Also Canadian Portland Cement at $1.50 per barrel. Paris Gieen in 1 pound and half pound packages. Scythes, Blades and Snaths, Scythe Stones and Rakes, also the best machine oil. Remember we pay highest market price for Butter, Eggs, \Vool, Tallow, Skins and Hides. I TERMS CASH AND TRADE JAS. PATTISON & Co. \ I GENERAL MERCHANTS ' 1 CEYLON ONT. YOUR.BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE ' NEW METHOD TREATMENT K> desire to call the attention of all thaM afflicted with any BUod er SUa DiMaMto our M "liihnit Trti n i (purantttl cure for tln>ae complaints. There it BO ex- cuse for any person harmc a <Usfl(urd face from eruptlona and blotches. Jfo matttr whether htreditary or acquired, our speciflo KSMdlM and treatment mutraUs* all pot- sous in the blood and expol thtm from the ystem. Ourrait experience In the treat- ment of thouiands of the most serious and complicated cases enable* us to perfect a cure without eiperimentlnf. We do business on the plan-P., Only fot k You Ucriro. If you hare any blood disease, con- sult us Fra* of Char* *>nd M us pror* to you how quickly our remedies will remote all eTidences of disease. Under the influence of the New NUthod the skin be- i-.iin.--i clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up. enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair (rows In attain, the yea become bright, ambition and energy return, and the victim realizes a new lit* has opened up to aim. . YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FKEK Send far BoeUct cm Dheaaes ! Ma "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FMES If onabl* h> e.ll. writ* for a Qutio 1M fw HWM TnatsMS* Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, ^Detroit, Midi. || OTICF ***" ktters from Canada must be addressed ' " *! fcs to our Canadian Correspondence Deport* ^^^i* ment in .Windsor, Ont. If you desire to gee ui personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ?*>* * 2? Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory lor Canadian business only. Address all letters aa fellows: DM, KENN1DY A KINNtDY, Wis*or. 0* .Writs tes em prirate iddrm Tamworths (or Sale Hoth nex nenrlj- ready (or broediuc. Trices right for quick silo. OKO. W. UO-iS, Maxwell I 1 . 0. Boar for Service A lurse white Yorkshire Hoar for service nlo r ifti, Sr,l rtuga W T. A 8. It., Arteuiesla Terms ?1.W It. WALLER. BULL FOR SERVICE Ueg ; stcml ll.'lstriii Hull. Korndyke Pittertje CUnHilde, Nu. 14780, whose (Urn, Trmo's Clotklld* Piotertje 2nd,No. i!>SS, has [>ioduced over SO llwt. milk per day. Tenns Grade cows $1.00, pure bred cows 83. All cows not retuiued will be Also registered VurltHhire boar, No. .Tcrnia fl. HENRY HOLMAN Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemcsia, Portlaw P.O Onurtf