Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1913, p. 5

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August 28 1913 THE FLESHERT ON ADVANCE OF CANADA nil aa adva&ug* tometuaes to eepa bank account in the name* of two persons, M> that either one ^TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, D B B Manager. BrmnchM ibo at Doriuun and Hurutoa. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station as Trains follow* : Going South 7.43a.m. 4.28 p.m. Women's Institute will meet in the high school on Wednesday) Sept. 3, at 2.30 p. m. Mrs. Joseph Goimr North Clinton wM read PP r on "Bible study . . ^ ; n *k^ k..~.^ " -,! LT D TI u.".: .:, - 11.28a.m. 8.58p. m. The wails are closed at Fleahertoa at follow : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south -, 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail clett at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g VICINITY CHIPS Or. Webster and family of Toronto are guest* of relative* in town. Mi** Celia VanDvsM of Toronto ia wiling her mother in town, Th* public and high school* will open on Tuesday of next week. Mia* Bewia Wood* i* spending a few weeks with her brother, J. L. , Toronto. Mr. John Bellamy returned last week from a three w*ek' visit with hi* son at Lwdeay. Mrs. Harpell of Torcnto ha* been the guest of her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy, for a few week*. Born In Flesherton, on Saturday, Aug. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gib- son, a daughter. Mias Mmta McCarthy of Niagara i* visiting with her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Stinson. Mrs. F. E. Harper of Chicago is holi- daying at the home ol Mr . and Mrs. i. Stinaon, "the ideal farm." T. in the home," and Mrs. R. H. Wright will give a solo . Every member is ex- pected to re* pond to the roll call with a pickle recipe. Mr. Will Dinwoody of Frasno, Cali- fornia, who is visiting relatives and friends here, occupied the Methodist put- pit on Sunday evening and preaohad a forceful sermon from the text : " iier Mm. T. H. Banks of Perm visited with Fleaberton friends over Sunday . Miis M. Tw&mley of Buffalo U visiting thin week with her cousin, Mrs R B. Wright. When the teachers in the public aeuoo return to their duties next week they will had an immensely improved con- dition of affairs in the old academy. One thousand dollars' worth of improve- ments have been placed on the building. These embrace a well and o-Mooc ind- mill, enlargement of basement and ad ditional stairway, complete plumbing and water system, large water tank, lavatories, coal and septic tank, etc. Whith these improvements the scchool will be complete and comfortable. The staff remains as it was before. Mr. Holland principal, Miss Switzer intermedi- ate, and Miss Bell primary. During the holidays some vindictive boy with more muscle than brains broke five panes of glass in the teachers' class room withstonea. A reward will be paid for information leading to the conviction of the guilty party. A Forest Fire Near Parry Sound The editor of thia paper returned last week from a fortnight'* holiday up in the ye. r ways of pleasantness, and all | country north of Parry Sound, where her path* are peace." Mr. Din woodie's j fires have bean raging. Up until Mon- day of last week no firm had menaced that section, sixteen sailas north of y old friend* here were all delighted tohearhia. Died In Fleahatton, on Thureday, Parry Sound OB the Canadian Northern, Aug. 21, Margaret Eva, infant daughter I bat that afternoon no lee* than six tire* of Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Waiter of To- j noted at various point! from five to route, aged five months. Interment , ten mile* away. One of these fire*. took place in the Church of England which proved to be the most serious, cemetery at Walters Falls on Friday, started ten or twelve milee away from Mr*. Walter add two little ones had been where the party waa camped on the visiting friends here for a few weeka. ' Shawanaga river. When the smoke waa The little one had been sickly for some first aeen at 3 p. m . , far to the north- east, it waa not thought to be serious, but it was in line with the high wind that time with indigestion. Mr. Bloomfield Ferris of the Meaford Road suffered a painful accident one day j wms blo *i>R from that direction and it last week. While adjusting a grain sling I C4me down w "& great rapidy, on a beam in hi* barn he lost his balance ' "* U railway at I a. m. and at and fell to the barn floor, a distance of'. * 3 . a within half a mile of oor about sixteen feet, alighting on his feet, j c * m P' T 6 ' 8 "* it necessary to break A small bone in one ankle was broken 1 ''"P nd *t our stuff up the river to a and the other inkle severely injured. The injury will incapacitate the unfortu- nate man for work for some time. place of safety, which was accomplished by 7 a. m. When we left Boakvlew station that forenoon a great dead of the district was in the grip of the fire J. A W. Boyd have purchased Me- fiend and thoua . Dd8 of dollars worth ^ Farland's stock in Maikdale and leased ^^^ timbar , tieg lnd UabBrk had their store, residence and elevator. The I been destroyed, while the sawmill and but The Mi. W. J. It lakes tone and dan-liter Aim* of Stratford were callers in town on- Saturday evening. Miss Willa Wright has secured a posi- tion aa teacher in the second form of Coldwater public school. Miss Lulu Mitchell has secured an engagement to teach ia tne Paris public school, Kindergarten department. Mr. Fred Karstedt, Jr., who has been in EngUnd for the past couple of months, ' make, as Mr. Boyd has been one of our returned hcme Monday. ' mos*. active and energetic citizens, and 1 it will be difficult to find snyone to take; b one ()f th(j heavie8t ^^ ^ alsc stands to stock here will be added to the Mark- dale Hock. This means that Fleaherton will loso Mr. J. A. Bcyd and family and the Dig corner store will be vacant until a new tenant is found. The new move will be made at once, in railway station where ia grave danger, Three times the mills were on fire, the fires were extinguished. women and children were sent cut by special and regular trains to places of safety, but the men remained to fight fact the M .- Fsrland business is now in the hands of j tne g re8i At i aft account,, ^th atat ion the Flesherton firm. This announce- j an d mills were safe, thank to copious ment 'a one we regret exceedingly to rama w h; c h fell on Friday. Mr. Albert Ellis of Kimberley, who is taking out timber and tanbark up there. Mr. and Mre. Herb. Campaign and son if Chicago are spending a week at Mr. and Mrs. John Brown's, East Back Line- bis place as a public man and citizen. The remains of the man found in Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Walter wish to swamp one mile north >( Markdale have thank the people of Flesherton for their sympathy and kindneas to them in their hour of trouble. Mr. H. S. White, Principal of the High School bete, was married in Blen- heim, Thursday last, August 21st, to Miss Bird Mae Kindree. Mr. Wes. Buskin left Monday morn- ing for the West to look into his real estate interests, and will be absent about five weeks. At the June session of Coun ty Couiici Principal White of the Flesherton high school was appointed a member of the Board of Examiners for North Grey. On Wednesday last Miss Lulu Mitchell gave au aftemon tea to about twelve young ladies. It took the form of a handkerchief shower for Miis Ruby Trimble. A very happy time was spent. "Squire" Stuart alac stands to lose considerable. The burned area comprises some of the best deer hunting territory in Ontario, and is hunted ovtt every fall by two turned out to be those of John Orr, a former resident of Owen Sound. He had previously been a married man, with j Flesherton parties. The hunting will two children. His wife a few years ago, probably be destroyed, temporarily at went to Michigan, where they had J least, by these tires. Another tire at previously resided, on a visit, taking the Deer Lake, six miles north, also proved children with her, and after some waeks j equally disastrous, absence, sent word she had decided not I The writer will never forget the sight to return. This preyed upon the mind presented at midnight on Monday, Aug. of Orr so that he became melancholy and ; 18. To the south-east a black columc of partially demented. Iu fall of 1911 he ] smoke was rising;. At the zenith a bright wai placed in the Home, where he re- '. moon rode the heavens, while the whole mained until early in June of 1912, when, j northern half of the sky ws of au inky smoke and cinders At the same time sane and perfectly harmless | blackness with the ha was allowed his liberty. , from the big fires. Mrs. W. W. Trimble Trimble left on Friday and Miss Ruby last for Detroit where the Breen-Trimble nuptials are to take place. Misses /ill i and Ethel Trimble will join them this week. The nineteenth annual convention of East Grey County Sunday School pine and hemlock needles were falling on our tents like rain. Mr. W. J. Lever of the East Back Line had a flirtation with lightning dur- ing th thunder storm of Friday morn- ] The fire which came down on us was first experi- ence with a forest fire, and may it be our last. nig tiiH inuuuer storm ut r rmjr uiuiu-j ing last which was none too pleasant an estimated to have travelled 8 . . . ,/ ,. mile an hour. It was our experience, in fact which left a very dis- agreeable sensation for some time. Mr. Lever's barn ia fitted up with up-to-date lightning conductors. During the storm Although the destruction to property wns great, several families having lost he was sitting in the doorway hen belt came down the rods. A portion of j ** *,' 'natter "for" "thank'sVivingT the tiuid was evidently deflected, any- ft their all, including home and household 1 goods, still no lives were taken as toll, way something hit Mr. Lever on the' back and left a 4-inch square mark which | Association will be held in the Methodist : logged as though a ir.ustard plaster had church, Kimberley, on Thursday, Sept. eighteenth, commencing at 11.30 s. m. Mr. George Walter, who went west a few weeks ago, has purchased au improv- ed farm near Bassano, Alberts, in the irrigated district. Mr. Walter will not return home until October and will prob- ably move his family west next spring. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon wishes to announce that he has secured the Rev. Mr. i>m woodie to supply the work of the Eugenia Methodist circuit, Mr. Hatzin having resigned. Mr. Dinwoodin will begin his work on Sunday, Aug. 31st. Mr. J. R. Bradbury announces the engagement of his second daughter, Ivy Maude, to Mr. Percival Dixon, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. The marriage will take place in St. Saviour's Church, Bliud River, Ont., on September 10th. John Sample died at hia home in Feversham on Sunday, after an extended illness. Mr. Sample drove the Flesher- soaked in ("or several hours. He was stunned, to.i, but soon recovered. The only other damage done was the com- plete splitting of one of the large stones iu the foundation. Mr. Lever is thank- ful for having escaped so easily. Mr. George Johnston of the Toronto Line received the sad news last week announcing the death of his youngest son, Low Rates To Toronto via Canadian Pacific Railway To accommodate Ihose wishing to visit Toronto for the grett Canadian National Exhibition, the Canadian Pacific Railway will issue return tickets at single fare from Fort William, Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie, Windsor snd all stations iu Canada east thereof to aud including Hull, Ottawa aud Apple Hill. Good going Aug. 23rd to September Gill, in- clusive. Special Low Rate Excursions From Port Burwell, St. Thomas, Hyde Robert John, at the Moosejaw hospital, | Park, St. Marys, Goderich, Listowel, where the young man had gone for treat- 1 Elora, Winham. Tceswater, Walkerton, .. .. M,.,, r. n fh h,ain. Th nr.K Owen Sound, Port MoNicoll, Parry ment for tnaior on the brain. The first telegram received announced his illness and his mother was at the station buying Sound, Bobcaygeon, Ivanbce, Hamilton and intermediate stations . also Berlin, Waterloo, Presion and Heepeler Aug. a ticket to go to him when the fatal word) 26ih and 28th, Sept. 2nd and 4th. came over the wire that he had passed] away. He was em ployed as a bookeeper . in a large mill at Moosejaw and was 20, HcketZ Sept "flth" Secure years and 10 months of age. He went west about a year and a half ago. The remains arrived here on Monday noon Fiom Windsor to Melroae, Ambro to , Tweed to Smith's Falls, August Sept. 3rd. Uoturn limit on all programme particulars regardiniTspecial train service, etc . , from containing rates and full train and were taken to his parental home, j Toronto, the interment taking place in Flesherton any C. P. R. agent or write Murphy, District Passenger M. G. A pent, During a severe electrical storm in Kincardine township Daniel McLeod, a cemetery Tuesday afternoon. The ton-Feversham stage for a number of young man was of a quiet, exemplary '. ^1?: ^S .^S^ years, but about a year ago was obliged , disposition, and much sympathy is ex- . Wil , kiu e d by lightning. The young man to give up the road, since which time his j tended to the family in their loss of son had been married but a week and the ANNOUNCEMENT ! We wish to thank our many custom- er 3 and friends for the very liberal patronage extended to us during the past twelve years. Very soon we are moring our entire stock to Markdale, where we hope to increase our turnover. We will be much pleased to have our old friends visit us in our new place of business, when opportunity offers. Car of Hour and Peed Just arrived for quick turnover We sell at 98 pounds Purity Flour, the best in the land in jute $2.90 Purity in cotton . ,... ... $3.00 Feed Flour .'. ,... '.. ".'.'.'. _.' $1.50 Shorts v ji.20 Bran ''."'. '"$1.00 Sugar Best quality granu- lated. Price this week $4.30 Twine This is Twine eek 650 feet Dearing Smoked Hams AND BACON Reg.2c for..- 23c j: & w. B o Y D Get one of our 75c Wlip. at /"* 7 7"~ Q< TT T~* T^~T/~\ A. T Slater Boot a JT l_LO-r7 llV 1 \J1 V Entire Stock A7 COST and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE sons have carried on the busiuess. I and brother. 1 wife It prostrated. Just received a car of White. New Brunswick shingles, $3.50 per thousand W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. For Sale or Rent The property of the l;ite Mrs. McAuley of Priceville. For further information apply to D. Mc- C'ormick, Priceville p. o. Qg&tete Fur Sale--Ftll wheat for seed. Daw- son's Golden Chaff *l.OO per bushel, also two Oxford Down ram lambs. Apply to W. A. Weber, Vaudeleur. For Sale cheap and on easy terms.good 9-roomed brick dwelling in Flesherton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two good lots with same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in first claes condition and repair, with hard and sofs water. Will sell very cheap if sold thit month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. Nov't. House For Sale - Iu Flesherton, a first class brick dwelling and stable with two acres of land, hard and soft water under cellar, undoubtedly a very suitable resi- dence for any retired farmer. Apply to Silss Shunk. Fleaherton. Mare For Sale Young mare suitable for ladies to drive.and colt by her side not afraid of automobile*. Will sell or exchange for heavier. Henry Fenwick, Eugenia. j OWEN SOUND, ONT., *= Fall Term opens Monday, Kbt JljJ Every graduate guaranteed a 5? position . %(5 Thorough courses. fetf Large staff of Specialists. ^Individual instruction. Best equipped College in Canada. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., it? Principal. SJJ G. D FLEMING, Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Bull for Service Puie bred shorthorn bull for serviea on lot 169-70, 2 E. T. & S. R., Ar- teoiesis. Terms SI. -RICHARD ALLEN, Prop. 5pclaliit m dliemiei of tha Eye, Ear, Nose and : Office-30 10th st east, Owen Sound At the Revere house. Markdale, 2ncE Thursday each month from 8 to a 12.i.m Dundilk.lst Wednesday of each month. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Hera ford bull (or service on lot 151, 2nd. W. T. andS. R., Artemesia. Terms ll.'H) cash . -JOBS ADAMS, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS $200*) private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Two cars shingles on hand, $2.35 and $3.25 per thousand. W. A. Armstrong. Rain Coat Lost On August 4, between Fleshei-toc and Mirkdale. Finder please leave at Standard Bank. NOTICE If you h*vo a clock, sewiug machine, milk separator or organ that requires repairing now is your opportu- nity to have u Axed at au extremely mod- erate charge. 1 will be in Flesherton and Ceylon next week, so kindly leave your order with Tho Advance editor or drop card to John Boyd, Markdale, Out. NEWTINSHOP I WISH To announce to the people of Flesherton and surrounding country that I have opened up a new tinsmithing business in the Christoe Block, and am prepared to take all orders ottered in my line. Eavetroughing at- tended to promptly. Furnaces sold and installed. Repairing neatly and promptly done. 1 TVii stray sheep came to my premises abnut three weeks ago. Owner please prove property and take the same away .1. A. Hogarth, West Back Line. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK " FLESHERTON m ONTARIO.

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