TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINC'IPLEfa NOT MEN.' 701 3:J No! 10 Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday, tSeptember 1 L 1O1CJ W. H. TEDRSTON F - I)ITO " r.l.ll PI CP -Will Take Power "V, From Eugenia Falls. A special despatch from Owen Sound to the Globe on Monday s,.ys: That O*en Sound is destined to take its electric energy for p'iw or n 1 lighting purpose* from EugenU Kails, on the Beaver River, there s.-cms to be little dnubt, in view of the results of the tests for power available there at Io* water mark this summer, a season that has been the driest for several yiar--. It hid been established on ibe investigation of a practical hydraulic cnu neer, Mr. T. Hogg, that there is head enough of water at the lowest *atei mark to generate at least 1,6CO horsepower. And this is only at the lowest ebb. Normally there will be a generative potentially of abjul J.500 horsepower, and in the spring, fall, and winter there will bo over 4,000 horse- power to be drawn upon, and the latter amount would be constant for twelve months of the yeur. On Friday a number of the members of the Council and others interested in hydro development made the trip to Eugenia for the purpose of looking over the situation anil seeing at first hand what was the prospect in the midst of the dry season of getting power enough to satisfy the reipairuments of the town of Owen Sound. Among those who went were Mayor Lemon, Aid. Legate (Chair- man of the Electric Li?ht Committee), Mr. S. J . Parker, a prominent citizen who was interested in the local strain power plant before it wa.s taken over by the municipality. Town Clerk Chas. Gordon, and a number of others. Last spring the Ontario Hydro-electric Commission offered the town Hydro power at a rate of $.'U per horsepower for 800 horsepower. The scheme was that they sh< u'd develope Eugenia Falls in Arteuiosia township. The town had first aiked tor |a quotation on 1,500 horse- power, and this was given at 9'?.). Then they asked for the quotation on the smal- ler amount of energy, and got the favor- able price quoted. But though there was no doubt in the mind of the Council as to the advantage of tiie offer in terms of dollars and cents, there was still an ap- prehension that there would not be suffi- cient power available at Eugenia to meet the demands of the town all the year through. Consequently the acceptance of the Commission's otier was deferred until the Council could see for themselves the amount of water avaihtolo during the dry season. All summer the falls have been weired weekly and sometimes daily, und the result when tho deputation went to Eugenia was such as to leave little choice for the town but to accept the terms, and have tho development work begun at as oarly a date as, possible. . The line from Owen Sound to the f.illa will be about thirty miles in length, and from it the village of Chatsworth can be served, and in all likelihood the village of of Markdale. There are also other smal- ler villages and other towns which may come in later, thus tending to materially lessen the cost to Owen Sound. With the growing use to which electricity is being put the rich farming country through which the line wil. pjss will be greatly benefited. It la expected that the Council will l<ike action at mi early date and close the question with the Hydro-electric Com- mission. A red game rooster beat his wiy over the G. T. R. from West Toronto Junction to Ouelph on Wednesday, but was arrest- ed as soon as he arrived in the G. T. R. yards. The rooster started his adven- turous journey at Toronto. Flying up on the pilot of the engine as it stood at the water tank, taking water, itenaconsed it- self above the cowcatcher, and as the train drew out of tho yard crowed lustily- It atugk to its post until the train got to Guelph, where one of the train cl'ew found it. It presented a most bedraggled appearance and was almost all in, it feathers being filled with cinders and sand. One of the station hands took charge of it and to-day it it ns lively as ever. . David Pilon, of Tiny, was committed to Barrio jail by Elmvalo magistrates. Pilon is suffering from epileptic insanity and created a disturbance at the homo of Wm. Qreenlaw, where he had just start- ed to work. Pilon took a tit at night, which very much alarmed tho household, as he hurled . tho bedding around the room and wrecked the furniture. Eugenia Paragraphs On Wednesday. Sept. 3, the Ladies' Aic! of tho Presbyterian church, wiih their friends, assembled in the body of the church t) show respect to Mrs. Wood- burn brfore her departure to the city for the winter, its she was one of the rirst members of the society at the time of organization in 1891 by Rev. .John Wells, pastor . -it that lime. The President ad- dressed the meeting and called upon the Vice President, Mrs. Thomas McKee, to read the following address, and Mrs. Francis Geno.-, Secretary, presented the beautiful leather bound Presbyteiian hymn book and Bible : DKAK MILS. Woomu RN, Your .stay an. ii n us has been pleasurable and help- ful. We cannot but recall and cherish your helpfulness to the Master's cause in our midst. Your efforts have been un- ceasing and your influence for good un- weaiying. Such an exemplary life will follow you, rest assured, that both the Ladies' Aid and your immediate friends in connection with the Eugenia Presl.y- tnrian church will follow your course in life with prayeri and keen interest, and even cherish the hope of your being one of our number, even if only for a few months, every summer, to recall past success and brighten futuie hopes for the Master's cause in Kugenia. Our good, wishes accompiny you wherever you go. As a slight token of our love, gratitude and deep respect kindly accept, these little gifts as mementoes of your stay with us. They will recall our fellowship and common interest in the Saviour's cause, and in some measure help to pre- serve memories in relation to Eugenia that will still be verdant when the sojourn is well nigh c'osed and opportunities blend with (he uni.-i.- of other shores. Signed on behalf of the Ladies Aid Rev. A. McVicar, Pastor. Died At Smilt Ste. Marie, Out.,. Sat- urday, Sept. ti, Curtis George Scott, be- loved husband of Mrs. Scott, nee Miss Lilian Madill, formerly of this pluce. MISE Florence Parliament has returned from her visit at Drayton. Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Holman and childien of Moncton are guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers of Mountain View Farm. Mr. \V. (J. Graham has returned from his visit up nonh . Miss IV:,i I Cairns and Miss Shumway were the guests of Mr. II. Cairns recently. Miss Jessie McKen/.ie of Ceylon visited her sinter, Mrs. Win. Hislop, the past week. Mr. Roturt Gourloy spent the pasl week with friends in Shelburne. Sacrament was dispensed in the Pivs- byteriau church on Sabbath morning, when I", communicants partook of tho Lords supper. Tho Eugenia Women's Institute have decided to have an ice cream social in the Oiango Hall here on Sei;t. 19. A good lime is uxpoctod. The ladies are sparing no paint) to make this a treat for all. Mr. Ted VanDusen of Chicago and L). MuTavish of Flesherton called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Meaford spent the past week with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Wickcns and daughter, Nellie, have returned from tho West and and ate .spending a week or two with Mrs. Frank Weber. Mrs. Guy Orr of Flesheiton is the guest of Mrs. A. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thompson of Flesherlon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. On Tuesday morning while driving into town with her friends, Mrs. Geo. Short of Feversham met with a painful accident-. When passing the steam roller which was working on Hurontario street south of Eighth street, their homes became fright- ened and upset the rig. Mrs. Short was thrown out and suffered very painful in- juries. Sli'j was removed to the G. it M. Hospital where it was found, upon ex- amination, that no bones were broken, but that she was badly bruised and had snllbred a severe stinin. Mrs. Short will have to remain in the hospital for a few days. Col lingwood Bulletin. I. O. Holmes of the township of Keppel, was sentenced at Walkorton to two years in the Kingston penitentiary. The charge was of n most serious nature being for indecent assault on four school girls. The cnso was heard before Mug- istrate Miller of \Vnlkci-lon. Feversham Items A serious accident occurred at McKun-'s sawmill on the l^th line of Osprey on Friday last, whureby Mr '.las. I/,,ird had his font, together with the tlesh and oiusclus of his log up t.) his ki:e, torn off by getting caught in the chain while drtwing logs into the mill on the car. Dr. Roezell, Maxwell, was called and found it* necessary to amputate the leg above the knee. Mr. Iswnl is doing as well as could be expected. Much sym- pathy is expressed for him, as he was an industiious and careful young man. Mr. Charles Stephen." of Collingwood is spending a few days wrh friends in Feversham . Mi" and MM. Gedi Jul-an and two daughters spent Sunday with Mrs. Jul- ian's brother at the Uatteuu. Mr. Will Davidson of Collingwood spent a few days l>ist week with his father-in-law, Mr. A. J. Coin-on. Messrs. Fred Hale, Wm. Coulthard, James Ferris and Robt. Croft loft for the West hist Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Baitersby, .vho have spent the past month with the hitter's parents, Mr. and MIH. .J. Paul, left for Owen Sound on Monday last, where Mr. Uattereby has secured a posit on. A number of our citizens visited the Toronto exhibition. Modelites At Hanover DBAK Mil. AIIVA.VCP. : Here we are ni Hanoi n- with the rest of the Model- ites. The time goes very slow, but once we gi't acquainted with tlie people we hope it may go faster. We have now spent thice weeks here. The Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church nave the a reception on Friday evening of last week, when a very enjoyable time was spent. The program was exctdlont. One of the most pleasing features of the ev- ening was music by tho humanophone, which ws invented by our teacher's wife. Have you ever heard one .' If not I guess you'll have to come to Hanover. Ou Saturday the Modelites, about 41), picnicked at the Sulphur Springs, about two miles distant from the town. We Kpent a -ery pleasant afternoon in games, e'c. To-morrow evoniiiL' (Tuesday) we are again invited out. This time the League of the Methodist church are giving a leception, so wo are looking forward for another good time. In this way wo are becoming more and more acquainted and finding out that Hanover is a pretty place with many rinu people. EI.VA M. .1. i,. Rock Mills A number from here attended the ex- hihili-m last, week. Miss Berthit White, who was visiting nt b'overslmai, return'^ l,,,, accompan- ied by her cousin, M v. Li/.:-. English. Mr. and Mrs. Dai-jju. I ,.,;it, Sunday iit Duniuch . The Uoekvale Baptist pc. .,... ;uo "real- ly in-proving the look of then church by taring i tinmliin;> coat of piaster put mi the outside. A wire fence was put around it a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ja. McLean ;md little daughter, of Hopeville, were the guests of Mrs. Roy. Mrs. Tlios. Julian of Fevershnni spent a fow days with her daughter, Mrs. Le>via Pedlar. Mr. Kubt- Akitt has returned from Hranlford, where lie was visiting his daughtHr.Mrs. Fred Field, Master Guoro Field, who spent his holidays with his Grandfather, returned to his home wiih him. We aru pleased to report tint Mrs. has Hoy has recovered from her illness. Mr. Bob. ijiuighlan ;ind wife hnve again returned to our burg to live. Bob h;vs a warm spot in heart for Rock Mills. Mr. Waller Russell has rented the W. C. Podlar farm. Expect to hear wedding bells ringing soon. Martin, the 7 years old son of Mr. Geo. Bye, Holstein, suffered sadly tho utherdny xt the hands of someolderboys. While about the engine of the mill at Hol- gtcin they got him to look with one eye a' a steam top, then one of them turned the tap. Tlie boiling hot steam came out with full force on his face and scullded one side of it from the brenst to the focehoad most severely. It is believed that the sight of tho eyes may bo saved, but the injury i of a very painful and eerious nature. -Con fedei ate. Pr iceville Jottings AIJ electrical storm pass -d over this vicinity on Sunday nil/lit and checked the high t'.tinperikturo which existed dur- ing thv lust few days. About , : inch of rain full. Mrs. White, formerly of Siugeen .I'n, who has been ill for several months at her daughter, Mrs. Bert Medingh, pas- sed away on Thursday, Aug. 2K. In the absence of tho resident ministers, Uev. Mr. Me Vicar, ;>,l hy Rev Mr. Dudg- eon, both (if PltNuerton, conducted the services at resideuco and cemetery. The cortege, to Kle.shcrton ciinetury ws a large one. The Presbyterian pastor, Rev. .). A. Mathewsoii, and family, win.] .spent tlu-ii .seven week's vacation at thuir summer cottage on Lake of- Bays, returned home on Aui;. *J!) and the former conducted union services in tlie Methodist chuich on i In- morning of the Hist, with a large and apprtciativi- congregation. The pastor. Rev. J. A., and Mrs. Leecc, arrived home ot the expiration of their holidays lust Friday, Sept. 5 and seem to bu hemli'lcd by their outing Mr. D. McDoiiiId, teachir, attended the_High court I. 0. K. in Toronto, as delegate from 1'riceville Court. D. <i. McLean lost a valuable a few days ago, he hid a team at the freight shedj tor a load of goods, when thuy be- came restless and ran away, one horse striking its head against a true and break" ing ira neck. Mr. Robertson, the new principal of uur school, has moved hi.s family to town Our school bper.ed on the -nd with Mr. Robertson as piinc'pal and Miss Little of Owen Sniii.d as assistant. Miss Mary Aldcorn returned the tiist, of the month to take charge of her school again this your at Cumilla. Miss Annie Harrow has charge of tho Nu. li school over on the oth line. Stanley Feryufoii has gone back to Toionto to take clwrgiFof his room again this term in Huron street school. Miesos Ella MuKinnuii und Btcky Mc- Millan are attending Model School at Hanover. .Several C.P.H. surveyors huve l>.en at work here for several days. Mr. Falconer of Mono KouJ has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. John Moore, for n few dsys. Mrs. Walker anil son, Mitchell, who was severely injured in tho ball gurne on civic holiday, have retuined to their homo in Toionto. Mr. Walker fuels considerably better. The David Walker family, who were spending the summer months in a cottage here, have returned to thuir home in Toronto. vY. ti. Watson, in company with his unclu, (!. L. Watson of Waltois Falls, attended the undertakers' convention in Toronto and also t Ho National Kx. Vandeleur MimNallteCUlbtrtof Colpoya I lay vi-,it.-.l her uncle. .Mr. S. (iilbi'i-t, and otliiT frinuN hereabouts dining tliu ast week. .Mr. anil Mrs. S. U'ailim; "f H.illanil < '.-11- tre visited friemif in tlii vicinity fur :i t'uw day* last week. Misxe Irene 'iaiidhi and t'liris'eim .ilu- latit wiek with their fiiincl. Mis." Tillie Hun fliaiinn. Mr. .lohn Sliaiimiii i f Vancouver is uniting the old luiinr JIM! renewing the a<-<|imintunci>K of his iHivhniid dayn. John liaiiiade (food in the West ami looks m if the nir of the I'aeitic ooMBagpMd with him. Mr. and Mra. C. 15. HoUind ilsite) Mm- ford friends ft oliort time atfo. Miss -Jean Wright lift on Tlimscliiy, week, for Toronto, to attend Hnrlimil ('"llt'^iate. Mr". MeMamiH and son-in-law, Mr. I'atter- s:in, .if Newmarket, visited the fnrn>er'< hnither, Mr. .lohn liciland. Many of our citizens attended tlie National Exhibition this year Mr. and Mrs. Itynm Covering "f Hrork- ville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Davis. Mr. Will Woods, with hi threshing outlit, it making the dust fly in onr nrighborliuml these days. The grain is yielding tine. Mrs, (ieo. Pritrhiird niul daughter, Mary, vinitcd Km'klyn Cctendt recently, Miss Siulie Warling has returned home after a month's visit with friends nt Owen Sound and Wiarton Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Mclvor and little daughter, Violn, of N..rth Hay, visited ai W. Buchanan's one day last week. That the past harvest lino not been such a bad one as fanners in general anticipated, we note that Wm. Dnnsrnn last week throshed 1,050 bushels of grain oil' 42 acres an average of nearly 40 bushels pur ncre. Creeniore Star. Flesherton Planing - And Chopping Mills J 1 am now prepared to do cli:ip|ni)Lj eveiydayin tlie week except Sunday.-. and every week in the yeur. liring aloi'U your grisis. Our .sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in nui line -planing, mulching, cto. Fluor MIL', sash and ilours, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at teas- onable rates, Cot estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. F.-bi:, i:: i y C W C Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: W, dliesuay, Fob. 1! Dundalk VVednesday, April l(i.... Fltsherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 . Fleshortoti Wednesday, Oct. 15 Dundalk Saturday, Dec. (i Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Out. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT." $ FRUIT, FLOUR & FEED ! Fresh fruit arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. We can sure please you. Five lioses, Five Lilly, McGowun's ;ind Eclipse, Pastry Flour. All kinds of (bed always on hand Get your Binder Twine. Machine Oil, Coal Oil, axle Grease, Jem Jars, Bread, Biscuits. No. 1 Groceries in all its lines. YOU FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN Drop in the Price of Boots To clear out balance of .Summer Good., in men's Wear. We have some Velonr and Box Calf sixes * and 9. Ke^nlar pi'ice $:.'..~>0 to $'J.7^ to clear at $1.1)0, and a good line of Men's Gun Metal Button worth ,5tf.r>0, clearing at A-J.UO. sixes 7L s, <, 9. In Women's Dongola, Oxford, a nice straight toe, sixes :5. :',\, 4, -U. Regular price $1..~>0, $1.7.">, Clearing at$ 1.11). ^\ 11 Women's Patent ami Tan Pumps at greatly reduced prices. In Misses and and Children's Chocolate and Dongola Oxfords Must be cleared to make room for Fall Goods. Thos. Clayton REPAIRING AS USUAL BOWLER. The Tailor- French Cleaning Done Every SATURDAY Get your old Clothes r e n o- vated makes your SummcrSuit from the Choicest line of Goods to be found any- where .... Our prices are right. Our workmanship the best-. (Jive us your order . , J. Bowler ;, >THE TAILOR BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.