Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1913, p. 5

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September 11 1913 THE F L E S H E R T OX ADVANCE .B THE ESTABLISHED 1875 KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bill* by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, E B H Branches aUo at Durham and Harruton. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Mr. Frank VanDusen of Dundalk was in town on Sunday. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish had nar- Going South Going North row , f ; M 7.43a.m. 11.28 a.m. ' . , 4.28p.m. 8i 5 8p> m- 1 Saturday evening while driving in from The mails are closed at Flesherton at | the station ftfter arrivil of the n '8 h t follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and) Lrain - I" passing the 'bus at the Orange 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south ;u Hall hill the driver ran up on u bank at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ( the side of the roitdi The b wag mail close at 9 p.m. the previous evgi , , v v 6 1 overturned and occupants were thrown under the feet of the 'bui horses. For- ; tunately these were suddenly stopped by I Mr. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. McTavish pulled from their precarious ptai'ion. Thouuh somewhat bruised, no serious VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. William Wallace of Owen is visiting with Miss H. Wallace. Mrs J. M. Tburston and Mies Sound damage was done. Myrtlu Thurston of Chicago are holidaying with relatives here. Born- In Gravenhurst on Wednesday Sept. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Wilson, * son . Born In Toronto, on Wednesday, Mr. Ted. VanDusen of Chicago is visiting his mother, Mrs. A. S. Van- Dusen here. "Ted' : has been a member of the Chicago police force for the past twenty-four years, but severed active con- nection on the first of July and now en- joys his pension. Steele VanDusen, his son, who is well known here, took his Aug'uat 27, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards, ! examination in July for Detective Ser- ;t son. gesnt. He was one of 3000 who tried, Millinery Opening, Sept. 18. 19. and) onlv 20 of "hum were successful, and 20, with Misn Bruwn in charge F. G. Steele passed second highest. A quiet wedding; took place in Toronto on Wednesday of last week, when Miss Annie Rebecca Wilcock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wileock of Flesherton, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Karstedt. The Markdale Standard advertises the Fevershara fall fair data as Oct. 8. This is incorrect. The date is Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Miss L. Walton of .Kienberley spent a F. Ottewell, also of Flesherton. The couple of days the first of the week with cereln ony was performed by Rev. J. C. Miss Belle Clinton. | Wilson. Mrs. Ottewell had been book- Mrs. Simpson and Miss Vera Gold- keeper in Boyd's store for several years and was widely and favorably known. The groom recently accepted a remuner- the hank of Ridgetuwn are visiting former's son, Mr. R. H. Goldhawk. M ISM Park of Amhersburg arrived on j tive position in the employ of the vet- erinary department of the city of To- ronto. Both are estimable young people and their many friends join in hearty Monday toitake charge of F.H.W. Hick. lings new Millinery parlors. The Mission Band will hold Cake, ie and Candy Sale in the Public Library on Saturday, Sept. 13th at 3 P.M. The Methodist church have a space on congratulations. A number of members of the Owen Sound Council met Mr. Hogg, the hydro- tha editorial page, where each week the electric engineer, at Eugenia on Friday notices for the following week will be j i asr . i t was a ^ to be a visit of iiispec- printed. Get the habit <,f looking it up. ; t j on . Xhe party came down in two autos. Young men, take a box of homemade candy to your best girl on Sunday. Ycu will bud it at the Mission Baud Candy Sale on Saturday afternoon in the Public Libraiy. Mrs. Samuel Cleland and daughter Last January the people of Owen Sound voted in favor of taking the Eugenia power, but thn Cooncil has been shy and has been demanding M sorts of guaran- tees before committing themselves to the scheme. The commission agreed to sell Miss Lucy, of Stonewall, Man., are vi s it' j then i certain amount of power at a cer- tain price. The Council, as we under- stand it, asked the hydro commission for a guarantee that they would deliver the amount of power specified. The com- mission would scarcely agree to a lale of goods that it could Hot deliver. Still, that has been the sticker. Perhaps after T this personal observation of tbe possibil- J nines lurner, South Line, Artemesia, . . , ' m I ities at Eugenia the Owen Sound toun- on Saturday, Sept. 6, 1913, Mary Turner, i .. ... . , 4 , Moil tt ||] waive further objections and ing the former's brother, Mr. Jos. Black- burn. Misses Irene Gaudin and Christena McLeod of Cross Lake, Man., called on friends here last week while on their way to attend the lathes' college at Whitby. Died At the residence of her nephew. relief, of the late John Turner, aged 85 years 2 months. Married In Detroit, Mich., on Tues day, September 2nd, Miss Ruby Turn Mr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble of this place to Cadillac, Mich. Mr. Fred M. Breeu o They will reside ic Cad'llac. The groom is judge of the Probate Court at Cadillac and the young- est judge in the United States. Whew! It was hot last Saturday. It cil carry out the will of the electors. Mr. i Uogg, at all event*, thinks it will have that effect. Two very interesting services were held in the Methodist church OH Sunday, when three of the repreentativc8 of the Gideons were present Messrs. Cole, Dum'eld and McKenzie and took charge of the meetings. The Gideons is a soci- ety formed among the commercial trav- ellers with the object of mutual im- hkely will be again next Saturday, so , .. , . , , . ., "1 provemont and the placing of a Bible in don t do any baking for Sunday, but coiiiu to the Cake, Fie and Candy Sale given by the Mission Band next Satur- day afternoon in the Public Library. in great. There is no doubt that the The guls and boys will be there at throe wor|< lhose eM Oon8ecrated , lien are every hotel bedroom in Canada. It has existed in Canada only for the past four years, but already the work accomplished that made. Councillor J. I. Graham says the apple crop in this district will be about half a crop this year, but the quality is poor. The government reports a 40 per cent, crop for the Dominion. If these estimates are correct the county of Grey will be ton per cent, ahead of the rest of the county ,n this game. Talk about the tiutncial stringency and the difficulty in selling municipal deben- tures ! The Clerk of Osprey lownahip> Mr. Timings Scott, docs not put much faith in the argument. He had $3,<iOO woith of municipal telephone debentures to sell and they were not to be sacrificed. As a u'.Mill of his negotiations the sale was made last week to an Artemesia gen- tl<- ii KIII of the full amount at par. The debentures, tao, only draw 4 5-8 pec cent, interest. A recent sale of tive par cent, county debentures only brought 90, and this was considered extra g-iod, about 94 being the avojage. With the sale in question the Clerk hits saved the township of Ouprey sonio 8200, which is an item woith paying attention to. . UUlUf^ ** lit m ' |MHl-( il'l ^'!Ml. ,VI UH evening service, Miss Hulse, the lady high school teaoher, rendered a violin solo that touched the hearts of the con- gregation very deeply. The selection chosen was "Cavalleria Rusticana" by Mascagni. Mis Uulse is certainly a master of the violin and everyone is de- lighted to know that we Imve a musician of her unusual qunlifications dwelling with u. Principal Campbell of Ches'ey high school has received the appointment of teacher of methods and school nmimge- ment in Stratford normal school, at Ihe hands of the Education Department. This appointment was made few dayp before the term began and it leaves the Chcsley high school board in a nasty position. They ore indignant. Mr. Dau Luesi ng, the enterprising local greenhouse man, showed The Post a head of cabbage last Tuesday morning that weighed 10 In. 6 ox. Pretty good for thi* time of your. Win c*n bent it ' Uiiiiovcr Post. GREAT NORTHERN FAIR Collingwood, Ont., Sept. 24, 25, 26. 27, 1913 Lassoing a train THE MANAGEMENT ARE PKKPARINfi TO MAKE THIS THE GREAT ANNUAL EVENT. A little ten-year-old boy, Willie Me- Guugh, 'tried to emulvte il.e VV'tstern cowboy, in n rather unusual manner, at Furnfelt, Mo., not long since. Inthe morning Willie had downed a cowboy outfit his father had given him on the Fourth of July. He hitched his trousers, Bisr New Entertaining Peatures! 8wun8histruslycapi)isto1 Iooselyiullis holster, pushed the brim of hit miniature sombrero back from his forehead and started forth to love tlit- pUins- to wit his father's backyard. There he shot down a tcore or more of imaginary riirilling Aeroplane Flights by IlOted Aviator. i Indians and equally as many bad men] The wonderful Japanese Troupe in their marvelous before he decided to turn cattle rustler. PROGRAM DAILY : Acrobatic Acts. The Randovv Bros., the funniest of all actors. Uniformed Brass Band. With his brand new lasso, made from a clothesline, he roped the pump in the yard, ihe family cat and every doornob in sight. Sighing for new world* to con- quer, he strayed down to the railroad tracks. There was a rumble in the disi This will be the biggest event of the year. $1200 for tance - A fast freight train h..ve in sight. Special Attractions- $1200! The Big Fair will make good., Here WM8omelhin worthwhile. He , swung his Ubso over his head in frantic by, *J1 OWEN SOUND, ONT., agIiuinMu.il instruction. *? ' a success. 5^ Every graduate guaranteed a 9j position. Jyjf Information free. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., itR Principal. ? G. D FLEMING, - Secretary. gL OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Good Premium List Good Exhibits in Agricultural Hall DR. BURT 5peclaliit In Jin ii -.9 ol Ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th it. eait, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Duni3%lk,lst Wednesday of each month. Bull for Service Agriculture, Livestock, Fruit and Flowers, Vegetables, Domestic, Ladies Work, and Fine Artw, something to interest, instruct and amuse everybody. Entertain- ment for all and fur ;M a ^<>d time, (.'nine and bring your friends. DON'T MISS THE AEROPLAN FLIGHTS THE SPEC A L ATTRACTIONS THE BIG BRASS BAND THE TRIALS OF SPEED in zeal. Just as the train whizzed Willie let go. The swirling rope hovered in the air for a second and then settled widely over the coupling rod. In an instant the rope straightened out and with it Willie, to whose waist one end of the rope was fastened. Willie shot ' through the air like a rocket. Sam ' Vaucie, a merchant, who was standing on \ Thoroughbred Americsn bred Uere the platform, grabbed a Hag and stopped i ford bull for service on lot 161, 2nd W. the approaching train. "Some butfalo. ! T - and S - R " Artemesia. Terras $1.00 that," Willie grin ned through his pain, a they carried him home. Prop, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 Citizens' Day. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ti Fanners' Day 3 Special Trains Sept. -><> Meaford to Colliugwood and return Tottenham to ColUngwni>d and return CixiksUiwn via Allandalc and return Single Fare on Grand Trunk Railway Sept. 23 to 26. For Prize Lists write the Secretary. No entries received after Sept. 23. 1>13. JOHN McKEE, President. W. A. TOM, Manager HY. FOREMAN, 'Odds and Ends>: ARTICLES FOR SALE Mr. Alexander McDonald,* son of Mr. 'Neil McDonald, of the Eighth Line Syd- enham,ffas the victim of a tmty accident on Thursday which will oauee him much discomfort for i time. Mr. McDonald was drawing gravel and was hitchtng'the second of his two teainn to the wapgon when one of tha horses kicked wickedly. The young man got the full force of the blow right in the face, with the result For Sale Bell organ, witlnut caie.gnodjthat throe hones were badly splintered, tone. Apply to L.D. Sterling. Maxwell, and his upper jaw was dislocated. Mr. .; McDonald was* brought to the General For Sale Second hand furnace andl . quantity of brick. Tenders will be re- *" d Marine Hospital where Dr. Middle, ceived for purchase of aame up to Oct. 1, bio attended his injuries. Sun. 1913. Not the lowest tender neceisaiilyi accepted. Can be inspected in basement FARM FOR SALE OR RENT of school house. Terms cash. Apply to| J. Latimer, Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 13, Cow foriala A good aize and also a good milker, Apply to John Wright, Fleiherton. Artemesia Eugeuia P.O. For Sale Four first elms heavy colts. Lot 141-142, 3rd range E. F. & S. R., Aitemesia, brick house, good outbuild- ings and orchard, well watered. Apply to two which will weigh IgWwBbr "singj ISAAC SINCLAIK.FIesherton. 3 years old. Apply to W. Oir, Hesher- . ton p. o. Telephone in connection. Sept. Fur Sale or Rent The property of the late Mri. McAuley of Priceville. For further information apply to D. Me- Cormick, Priceville p. o. For Sale--Ftll wheat for seed, Daw- son's Golden Chatf $1.00 per bushel, also two Oxford Down ram lambs. Apply to W. A . Weber, Vandeleur. For Sale cheap and on easy terms.good 9-rooir.ed brick dwelling in Fluaherton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two good lots wiih same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. IMartf For Sale Good D-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in first class condition and repair, with hard and sofs water. Will aell very ?heap if sold ihit month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Floshpr- ton, Ont. Nov~t. ANADIAN PACIFIC ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS Sept. 11, 12,13 ROUND TRIP TICKETS At Very Low Rates TO DETROIT CHICAGO BAY CITY GRAND RA PI DS CLEVELAND ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS, Etc. Return Limit, September 29, 19l3 Full particulars from any (.'.IMt. Agent. House For Sale - In Flesherton, a first class brick dwelling and stable with two acres of land, hard mil soft water under cellar, undoubtedly a very suitable resi- dence for any retired farmer. Apply to Silas Shunk. Fleaherton. S. Rand - - Agent Ceylon. Road Closing Notice TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA NOTICE it* hereby given by th Mu- Mare For Sale Young mare suitable for ladies to drivo,and colt by her side not afraid of automobiles. Will sell or . , .- <_ exchange for heavier. Henry Konwick,;"' 01 '." 11 ( , - <>unc } 1 " f *J Township of Arto- Eugenu mesia that the win Council will, after four woeks from the first publication 'hereof in t ho Flesherton Ailvnnco nuivn- ,|mper (ihi> <lnto of which first publication : is the llth day of Siiptemluir, I'.llH), pro- Lamb strayed White lamb, darkj 0001 ' '" I'" bylaw for closing mid dis- fuced, mniked on both ears. Finder|l M>Mn " f " lo undermentioned original kindly communicate with D. McOi.nald, llll " W(llK ' f " 1 ' l ' 01 " 1 IJ8 between lots \'M MISCELLANEOUS Eugenia P- O. mil l.")l in the second rangu south-west if tho T. and S. Road in said Township, 32000 private funds to loan on farm viz., from the west buck lino north mortgage security at lowest rites of in- 'easterly a distanoa of 64 rods mow or lew ternst Apply U. J. Sproule. Fleshetton. ' r J Two stray thoep came to my abiut three weo!cs a S o. Owner prove properly ntul ta K-O the same jxway! ..I A. Hogarth, West Buck Line. All persons intorectvil ;\vo horoby re- to tnko notice and govern thein- ocoordingly. Datoil the llth S-|iteiiilK-r, l'.13. -W. J. HKLLAMY, Twp. Clerk. CALL ON W. L. WRIGHT FOR XHE BEST* BRANDS OF FLOUR Cgilvies Royal Household, Five Roses, Dund.lk White Rose, Ford's Patent and Morning Glory. Everything You Need in Groceries ! Leave your Order with us for your Cherries. Black Currents. Berries, etc. Our Ice Cream Parlor is open day and evening Ice Cream always on hand at THE FLESHERTON GROCERV F.LESHBRTON, ^ QNTTAR1O. Everyone dairying for profit will find that a cream f separator is indispensable. * It is, therefore, simply a ques- tion of which separator will best meet his requirements. j-._i The Dairymaid cream harvester has been designed ' to meet all demands. \jtjaj>iultjp(jhc best material by The essential points of^thc^Dairymaid cream har* 4 ' Tester are : " ~ """" ~- v S. ______ ^Simple construction} Large capacity} Durable construction, 1 Easy cleanings Close skimming, * Light running. These, and many others, are valuabl* features which make a Dairymaid cream harvester best suited to those dairying for profit. % __ . *""*!, ' -N For every up-to-date, well regulated farm, a Dairymaid cream harvester is a V, necessity. It will save you the incon-^ venience of hauling your milk to the creamery," and bringing back Cold and, tainted or sour skim milk. ' f - Use ',a Dairymaid cream harvester and , ' separate your milk while it is still warm j and secure all the butter tat. ' * Call and examine a Dairymaid crtinT harvester and secure one of the handsome little booklets telling you more about this separator. S. HEMPHILL, AGENT, CEYLON. NEW TIN SHOP I WISH To announce to the people of Flesherton and surrouiuiinir country that 1 have opened up ,i new tinsmithing business in th C'hrisioe Block, and am prepared to take all orders offered in my line. EavetroughJDg at- tended to promptly. Furnaces sold and installed. Repairing neatly and promptly done. f II D. McKlLLOP > CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON * ONTARIO.

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