Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1913, p. 8

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September 11 101: T II E F L E S H E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS W . hrntt<r, Solicitor". \s. Uulce, <ln ft flruc' Hiock. Ofto'j Sound. Stnmlanl Hank Blook.KlMberton. (aaturUvH). w.H. Wright. W. I', i'ulforj J ..J. O. \l IJ.iunl 1, i,. I.. 11. SOCIETIES AO U W uiecls oil tlio last Holiday in each mouth, lu their lo ic room Claytou'shall PlenUortoii, at H i>.m. M. W.. W. .1. lii-lliuiiv : HI-K., C. 11. Munsliaw; l-i-j.,1:. J, hjiruu;. . Viniliui; b PRINCE AHTT1UU LODcr.. No. :i3a,A.F& A U. uiautt iu tin Uasonicbtll. Arm tron'H Block, Klesherton. every Kriiiay on or before tUo full uiocn (i. A. \\ut-iii, \\ . U.; Ttnn. (')avtun. Secre'.Kry. flOUKT.FLKSHKRToN. 905, I. 0. K. ii?e ib "Ctayton'i lilook tl! last Wednesday c-vaiiliift each mmitli. Vi-itinR Koreten lir-HiMlv Icouiu C. It., n. lUUamy ; K. S., Ci, ( D. Sto . \V. !'. ^kiu. 1'lt-KM- pay iliK-n to Flu. Si-c. before the Brit av ot tlie uiuiitli. CHOSKS KhIKSOS-FlMbertou Council Cho-rn Kn.-ii.iii mceti in Ciayton'shall first and tliir.l \Vii.lnefulav otr^cli mootll ti )'. in 1'av --. Hinenla to toe Bvcorder <>n or before n - ti-li uiiiuth. Cl'i'-t Councillor T. Blakelev;Hecorder W. H. Hunt. R UDD M \TIIIV\S. Markdale, Licensed oot* be . Ht ii liable rateo. Dales cau made at Tb Advance, o 09 MKI BDICAL DR CARTER M C 1' & S Ont. Physician, Surgeon etc Office and residence Peter n., Fleeliertou JP OTTEWBLL Veturinary Surgeon Jradaate of Ontario Veterinary College rerideuce Bjcoud door nouth weit.oo k*ry itret. This itreet rani south Presbyterian Ctinrcb. DENTISTRY Ur. B. C. MURRAY U D. R., dental unifjeon bonoi' graduate of Toronto UuiverHity and Ko; a: College of Dental Surgeon* ot Ontario, Gan mdojUiuiBtorcd for teeth extraction ijIMnv at residence, Toronto Street. Fleiizerton. LEGAL I UCA8. 11AXF.Y A hKXHY Harrlntern, ^ Solicitors, etc. -I. II. Lucan, K. I'. ; W. K. Kaney, K. r. ; W. D. Henry, K. A. OUictnt, Toronto. HUi',-'J Tiadera Hank lilitp.. phone main 1412: Markdalu Lucaa Hlock, I'hone 3 A. Branch oBlce t Duudalk open every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS WCULU3UGH A YOUNH Hankers Markdale general banking bUBine . Money loaned at reasonable rate* Call on UH. TCHISLKTT. 1 uBt master . -...-. Coininiinioner in H. f. J .Conveyancer, deeds, inortAac.*!*, lea**;*, willrf etc. carefully drawn up Otfcctlops wad >. cuarses reasonable. Alto roceneJ, Hour, feud etc, kept iu block. Prices lbt. DUci'HAlU I,icrnsed Auctioneer for the County of Qrey. Ternm moderate and _ taction guaranteed. Tin- arrauKumenu and dates of sale., can ! made THK ADVAM-K office. Kcsideuce and P.O., Ceylou. Telephone connection. Doc. 6XT7. VVM- KAiTTINU, Licensed Auctioneer foi " the iTiiuntii-i "f i.roy aud binicoe. farm and Stock sales a (specialty. Ternm aioili-ratn i-atiMm lion RuaranUed. Arranit"- jientB tor dales may be made at tbe Advance )0ifi., or Central tiileplioiiB office fcevorimaui IdruKBlui; me at Feversuaui, Unt. CEYLON'S Meat Market f For Fresh and .Cured , Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at McClocklin's BUTCHKK SHOP fCeylon, - Ont. f'ure Bred Holstein Itnli Llian^cliiiK Prince Joe Bred by Chaii^i'liiii; I'-uitcr l!\ "<J ,f Tidy Abhrkcik I'liiii-i--. .l.iicphiiii'. ^F'm greatest Imllcr niukinu si i am knoun. Term of s.'rvici' t- fur grades, %~> for |>ur<! bred. liKO. MOOKK A SUN, Pi, .pi., back* I see I never ,.,. jfefoiv." Ti-.iS is the exchiiii nion of .'satisfied . | We have fitted successfully stubborn thatptliers !,,' I, . ; i.i. iion guaranteed. free. ' . A. Armstrong. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH i Resident -I'l'-i, '-'Hi Si. K,IM, pwen Soiunl, out. !/?,"!, |ttr hours by appointment. Low Rates to' London For Western *-'air ReMini ticki tf will be iuiiie I ut Fare (iiiiiiiiuii'ii charge _'.p ) by < '*uadi>in P..C ilii- Kiilwky from itll siaMnm in ('.in- mil, Kinu> > 'in. Slurb it Fjik", Kenfrew and west but nd wi-s' of Suclliury. (i.md goinn SoptemlitT 5, (i, 7, H, 10 iind 1.'!. Special K\L-iirsioii Kut-s will In; in efleot 8eptotUr , 11 aifl ]_'. Keturn Limit on all ti<;'<oi.^, SiMit. l'i, 1913. F. ill particularj from any (.' P. It. agent. lilillfl Carefully Corrected Eac.'i Week I Wheat H.-> to s;, | Ou :t:i to .:! i Peas 1 12 to 1 121 Barley 55 to 55 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 I ItiiMor on >, '>ri ' 20 K.-UJ, fresh 'J- i .'2 Potatoes per ba I!.") to 40 Geese l.'t to 14 Uuoks 13 .o 14 r'"-.vl Id to H Turiceys '> to L'L' Dates of Fall Fairs Oct. 7 8\ Ayton Sept.2:5 24 Cold water Sept. 18 111 Oundalk Oc'.! 10 Durham Sept. iM 'J4 Feversham Sept. HO, Oct. 1 Markdale Oct.14 15 Mi'Hford Si'pt. 30 Oct.l Mi. Forest Sept, 17 18 OwunS.iund Oct. 7 Priccville... Oct. 23 Kocklyn Oct. 23 Shelbune Sept. 2:524 Tara S,.pt. DO Oct. 1 Walter's Fills Sept. 1C, -17 Wiarti.ii Sept. 2:5- 24 Woodbridsje . Oct. 14-15 LIFE IN MACEDONIA. It Is Very Much In the Open, With Lit- tle or No Privacy. We arose early one February morn- ing and left our fairly clean hotel In jN'enpolis for four hours of travel over the modern rood near the Via Egnatla, which should take us to ancient 1'hlllp- pi. Our vehicle was a somewhat dilap- idated back, such as Americana are familiar with at almost every consid- erable railway station, but a surpris- ingly comfortable conveyance for this part of the world, lluttllug down some steep, roughly paved streets, we came to the center of 'the old Nenpolls, pass- ed near the great Itomau aqueduct and ascended another steep street on the other side of the market pluce. Early as It was, we found thnt the people of Kavalla were up and doing. The stalls of the fruit men were at- tractive with oranges, pomegranates, lemons and dates. The vegetable deal- ers displayed a tempting array of cauli- flowers, cabbages, onions, okra, leeks und potatoes. As In all eastern cities, tbere was no privacy. The cook was preparing bis breakfast on the sidewalk, the shoe- maker was plying his awl, the tailor his needle, and the blacksmith w_as shoeing his horses almost in the very street Christian llerald. A MOTHER'S TRIBUTE. Pathetic Ceremony at Night on an At- lantic Ocean Liner. Strange, perhaps, to us, but very touching, is the tender, intimate solici- tude of the Latin races for their dead "1 nostrl mortl." as the Italians are wont to call those whom they baye lost Tbere Is a simple pathos In the incident that was related by a passen- ger on one of the great transatlantic mail boats. A few days before the steamer sail- ed from Havre Its captain received a letter from n peasant woman of Indre- et-Loire. In It she explained that her only son had been a cook on the Titan- ic and had gone down with the vessel. She was sending, she wrote, a cross wblch she begged him to drop Into the sea at the spot where the disaster oc- curred. The cross came In due time, n simple cross of wood, fashioned rudely enough by the mother's fingers, and one night, as the great vessel neared Newfound- land, for the space of a minute her en- gines ceased to pulse, and the little wooden cross, weighted with lead, sank beneath tho waves of the Atlantic. Paris Cor. Philadelphia Telegraph. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to ' pay attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Deds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and c'jinforto.ble on which to lay your weary head. OfooncM we have other bcda at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary lied.s such as everybody want.-). Springs and .Mattresses to fit all bc.lrf. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. FARM FOR SALE In i in- ront<hip of Artumesia, in the Ununly i>f (irey, !<! IK, roil. '2, and lots IL' :incl IU, c'in. :'. X.I). II , c'lMtainint; 100 acrm ; frinie house. Ap[)!y tn N. Me- Fyilcii, t'nn P-iik. Oiil., or A. N. Mnr- van, Xew Liskwn J, or .Inhn McKavduti, Ceylon, Out. 1 juyl.'i Stevenson on Invalidiam. Robert Louis Stevenson, himself the most heroic of Invalids, would have agreed with Sir George Blrdwood In his contempt for the valetudinarian. "To forego all the Issues of living In n parlor with a regulated temperature," ho writes, "as if that were not to die a hundred times over, and for ten years at a stretch! As If It were not to die iu one's own lifetime, and with- out even the snd Immunities of deathl As If it wero not to die, and yet be patient spectators of our own pitiable change! The permanent possibility la preserved, but the sensations carefully held at arm's length, as if one kept a photographic plate in a dark chamber. It is better to lose health like a spend- thrift than to waste it like n miser. It Is better to live and be done with it than to die dally In the sickroom." London Chronicle. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED in its \Vit!i i ln> l;ir<ji">t iiiii'iiiliiii history, Thu Ooliinffiruod Hnsino^s t' 'llc^e hus pUced ii; a i/ood posi- tion, every gradu ill- of ttie pruMunt yeitr. Wintt-r ti-rm from J-inunry 2, I'. 1 ! Suiid f'ir Imiulsonid C.ttali>iiiu'. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. \i;cui for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Piii:;ii"-. CultorF, Sli'ighs, and Gasoline En^inex, Melolte ('ream Separaloix, linker Wind Mil's, Pinups, Piping mill Pipe Kill NIL'- alwayn oh ham). Hualty Itros'. of Fi'i'Kiis, Kuril Tracks, Litter Carriers and sUbli litlinnN. Cocksluilt and Frost A: Woi'd l!c']nii . ,-ilw.ij . on hiind. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ontario California'a Petroleum. Petroleum was produced In a small way In California very early In the history of tho country In fact, long before It was Invaded by the army of gold seekers. Mr. C. Morrell, n drug- gist In San Francisco, Is commonly credited with being the Qrst to attempt the distillation of kerosene from crude petroleum. This was lu 1857, but sev- eral years prior to that Andreas Pico made illuminating oil from petroleum wblch he obtained in the Ncwhall re- gion In Los Angeles county. This oil was burned, so It Is said. In lamps In the mission San Fernando. Argonaut Not Stationary. A carpenter who had been engaged to build a cabinet for paper, envelopes and other oflice supplies In a local com- mission house was busy at his task when one of the bookkeepers Inquired: "Is that going to be a stationery cab- inet?" "No. I don't think so," replied the worker. "At least I have Instructions to put casters on it," Cleveland Plain Dealer. HULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull, Field Mar-h-.il !M;ni - will bit for service on lot I ,', I . S. U. Artoinosi i. Terms -81. lAn- .IAS. STIXSON, Prop. ORPHANS IN AUSTRALIA. " .They Are All Wards of the State an* Carefully Protected. Tbere are no orphans In Australia. That is not because parents never die there, but because when they do the state at once steps in to the rescue of their little ones. Children who have been robbed by death of their natural protectors are practically adopted by the government. Unless some near relative manifests a desire to assume the responsibility j aud can demonstrate his ability to do ms foot '" K r Jas. Ashdown Injured Mr. James Ashdowi., hud a sericu* mi?lmp a l^ti '3id Ave E , few days u, *hich mi^ht have been a serious affnir. As it is he escapedjwith a severe shakinu up which will lay him up for a time. Mr.Ashdown was \vorkioa on the C.P.R. construction force near Orangeville.w here the company is widening one of the bnd cuts. He was descending a ladder from U "< " team sh " vel to ft car wbe , n Ile mi ' sed fe " 15 ft - !o lha so the child Is committed to the chil- dren's council, which selects some home among the Tanners of the coun- try. These foster homes are examined closely, and often two or three are tried before one Is found In which the Her Portrait. Tho painstaking artist, anxious to please, remarked^ to prospectlre cus- tomer: "I can paint you a portrait of your wife which will be a speaking like- ness." "H'm. Couldn't yon do It In what they call still life?" Llpplneott'a. hi s bu 1 . The full force of the fall came on .houldrrs. He was badly crushed, fortunately no bones were broken. When he wns picked up bis injuries were thought to he very serious, but he was ible to be taken aboard the night pasgcn- er train and brought to his home in good child finds congenial surroundings. After thirteen the state feels that It8 ward should earn more than board and { O.vrii Sound, where he is makin lodging. At that age, therefore, he is: pro j, ress towa-da recovery. Sun. hired out, usually, however, to the fos- ter parents who have been previously taking care of him. Three- fourths ot his wages are deposited in savings banks; the remainder is his. When be becomes of age or if he wishes money in order to learn a trade or to attend a more advanced school or, In the case of a girl, when she wishes to marry the savings are turned over to the word. New York World. FATE OF THE GRIZZLY. Electrocuted But Survives From the Elmviile Lance. On Suturdny afternoo.i us I51ain Kitchie und Thomas Uolwon were stringing wire f.ir the municipal telephone system at the corner of Amelia and Peter streets, 'he telephone wire came in contact with the hydro wire on Peter street. Bliiin tried to pull down the loose telephone wire with his plyers, but WHS unable to reach .it. Robson, who is considerably taller, The Tenderfoot Was Anxious to Get the Full Particular!. (reached up and grasped the telephone An Idaho guide whose services were ile ' whic ' 1 had "ecome live by contact retained by some wealthy young east- with the hydro current. The instant he crners desirous of bunting in the north- grasped the wire he full backward on the west evidently took them to be th Kr ,, im d and almost instantly his clothing greenest of tenderfoots, since be un- an(] the arHSJ where he fel , ca ht fire , dertook to chaff them with a recital , , . .. , . something as follows: j the I" 18 ""-' 6 " f the currcn J*** h \ s "It was my first grizzly, so I wtu body. Wain ran to Mr. J. R Grahams mighty proud to kill him In n hand to J^rd, which is near by, and returned hand struggle. We started to flgbl with a scantling with which ho knocked about sunrise. When he finally gav ^e plyeis out of Robson's ^hand. He up the ghost the sun wns going down." !(htn went d()wn (o the reduclng station A Fellow Feeling. Hector I hope you didn't find my lecture dry lust night? Old Garge Well, zur, I wouldn't go so far as to say that, zur, but when you stops In the middle to 'ave a swig, though It was only water, I sees to me- self, " 'Ear, 'earl 11 London Taller. All Stars. Wlscguy I want a dramatic sketch with forty heroines In It Sketch Writ- erForty heroines? Wlscguy Yes, sir. We have forty young ladles In our dramatic club, and they all want to play the lead. New Orleans Times- Democrat. Patience Is the strongest of strong drinks, for It kills the giant despulr. Jcrrold, ; At this point the guide paused to note the effect of his story. Not a word was said by the easterners, so Cl|1 'rent the guide added very slowly, "for the Robson's second time." ..,,,_.. ... . aml " ske(l Mr - Tldeman to turn tt lhe right hand, by which the Iplyers were held, was fiiuhtfully burned "I gather, then," said one young gen- he of , he cul . m)t p artg of tleman, a dapper little Bostonian, "thai ' . ' it required a period of two days to tw " bn * vr * were mlloved and there 18 a enable you to dispose of that grizzly." probability that the hand may have to be "Two days and a night," said th amputated. Where the end of the ply- gnlde, with n grin. "That grizzly died era touched the left breast a hole was mighty hard." binned in the clothing, aud where the "Choked to death?" asked the Bot> hMd ci(me iu conUct w ., h the the tonlan. "Yes, sir." said the guide. 1 halr anrl lhc SC * } V were burned ' "Pardon me," continued the Hubblte, Uubsoii is making progress towards re- "but what did you try to get him to c ,, u , r y ami was, indeed, fortunate in es- swallow?"-Llpplncott's. c.ping . lectrocution. Had it not hap- pened that one end of the telephone wire which en-s-ed the 22iX) volt hydro prim- Meaford High School will re-npen on TUESDAY SEPT. 2, 1913 When cUsst's will be formed to meet Mis need* >( iill s-udents. This school prepare* for Matriculation, Teachers' muumnntiuns (entranca into theNomnl Schools Riid the Faculties of Education-), Commercial Specialist and Commercial Diploma. ".NOTHING il'CCKEDS LIKK srccKss." WB would liko all jnrents having children to educate to consider carefully the following points about this High School:- 1. BUILDING, grounds are une/cell- ed in tht province; four and a half acres of ground with splendid athletic held; well ventialfed clxs-i rooms; gymnasium; good board in private families; fees 10 a year. 2. THE SPLENDID WORK of this school has a 1 tract ed to it large numbers of students from far and wide, and lias caused its attendance to increase rapidly. . AN Ul'-TO-DATE Science Room, fully equipped, in which the Student performs HIS OWN experiments under the supervision of the teacher. 4. FULLY ORGANIZED Commercial Department in Book-keeping, Stenog- raphy, Type- writing. Business Law, English Blanches, Etc., in the hsuus of a Specialist who is a Chartered Account- ant; special attention given to writing and spelling. This Department is equipped with seven of the latest, up- to-date Underwood Typewriters. Each Kiaduate receives a beautiful Diploma. Our (graduates easily obtain positions. RECORD OF THE SCHOOL FOR Itii:! V In 11(13 this school passed ~2'2 out of 25 candidates f..r entrance into the Normal Schools, 12 of those securing honor certificate? : the whole class of matriculants, 15 obtaining full matricula- tion and two pirti .1;.'{ for honor Matricu- lation with 7 honrrs; I'.t out of twenty- two in the Lower School examination, with two honors; ."> for entrance into the Faculties of Education with two honors, and the whole cla: s of 8 for Commercial Diplomas with two honor certificates. <i. The High School Inspector in his report says: ',No school in the Province ia in a more flourishing condition. The spirit of the school is admirable and im- presses a stranger at once asqui'e out of the common." Send to the Piincipal for teautifully illustrated Announcement, mailed free on application. A. A. Dundas, B. A., Homer Reid, Principal. Sec.-Treas. In London Clubland. In some of the ultra exclusive clubs. says the London Tntler, It Is a serlout '"7 was grounded ihern would have been breach of etiquette for one member to no (scape from instant death, speak to another without obtaining a ~ r : IT~~ ceremonious Introduction beforehand. A Motherly Rooster A painful case has just occurred lu a certain old established and extremely ' P.. ultiymen see many curiosities, but respectable Pall Mall caravansary. It I ure is an exceptional one. A biueder appears that a newly Joined member in a m-ighb<.iii.g town had aBuffCoch'n In callous defiance of custom ventured hell ,, mt bl , eump , , 0()(1 the fore {Mt of the other afternoon to make n remark: . , . . , .., August, dut on account of the lateneM ot about the weather to a gentleman Wltk whom he was not .personally acquaint- | tl ' u HCa! "" lle tlld ni)t C1>r<) * u 8tt her - cd. The recipient of this outrage s " hmku her up. glared stonily at Its perpetrator. "Did you presume to address me, sir?" he demanded, with an awful frown. "Yes. 1 did," was the deflant reply. |f'"""'' >* "I said It was n One day." The other business ti oohucn was place under him. digested the observation thoughtfully. ;Still he continued to sot, some egs were Then, after an Impressive pause, he ,,!, u . e a under him. This was on August turned to Us bold exponent " e " :17, and six OKES eie placed under him. pray don't let It occur again," he re- marked as be burled himself once more lu his paper. "Her mate, a huff bantam rooster, at, , mcc ,, <>fc es!iion , jf tho nes , , occup> , ... , .. ; mg it stt'iidily in in morning until aural To be sure that he meant He sat an steadily as an old hen, and on September 7 live < f I he six rgg.s hatched. As a mother he proved very successful, iraUing every one of the five thicks. "- Exchanges Echoes Julia Finn, a Hanover A Knocker That Meant Life. So cruel wero some of the punish- Km :n and Fireside. i ments meted out to criminals ID Eng- land centuries ago thnt It was small wonder the poor wretches claimed the "right of sanctuary." If they reached n church or some other privileged place Jl ' h " Y '"" " Ha "ver Boniface, was the law could not touch them. A curl- j" 111 " 1 $ 100 and costs for selling on Sun- ous relic in connection with this ous- Hay and bottle -filing. torn exists today In tho form of the o.llii.Rwood c mlncil wiu issue R distress quaint knocker on the door of Durham , . , , cathedral. The applicant having ham- "'"'""" B " lnKt tllB *iheni ! "<* mered at the portal, one of the persons Stl '''' WM ** f " r tllleo y eal ' 8 "ears in luaido would Inspect him through the/Mxi' 8 - eyes of the copper mask above the ' A red infl.rer U the latest achieve' knocker and after due parley would , admit tho frightened criminal. i" 11 '" 1 " f l' lanl brfed rs - II ls croen _______ .3 t bitween the common yellow suntloxvr- Natural Tweezers, ""' A " '''' variety. The predominating Indian tweezers are simply a small color crimson and brown, the tips of pair of clamshells, with edges clean the time's are golden. The rlower heads and hinge unbroken. "The old time meRRIU . e from 8JX , (>i , lt iluhes Indians," writes Hrnest Thompson Se- '.. ,,.i , n " d "" Iltlter - ^' Ie thls will add (>i , lt ton In "The Book of Woodcraft and Il - new Indian Lore," "had occasionally a M ve "" economtc purpose it straggly beard. They bad no razor, |' "'" variety and profusion of but they managed to do without one. jtli>wei borders. As a part of their toilet for special oc- 1 T v is caslons they pulled out each hair by j means of tho clamshell nippers." conuni; east to visit, ihi old liniiie in Hanover. The ex-cham- pion is through so far as any personal Her Help. activity within the ti|iiuvcd ring is con- "The fact of Ihe matter Is, I never c-rncd, but is on th lookout for promis- nmounted to anything before I was ing material for the jmdded mit market, married. [Tommy is desirous of dri>:>i>iii! his "nom "Then you give your wife credit for . , ., i j , , awaking your ambition V | lle plu . me , a " d des ' r t(> be known by "No; for making It necessary for me hls orl S'""l "">'. n W*a Post. Frank Madigan, of Tav^tock, who was on tlie HHinilton-Toroiito Hyer the other il-iy, wanted the train to stopnt Oakvillo which it w.is not timed to do. He pulltd ,th nner'enry rope, stopped tho train, and hustled down tho atteet to one of the hotels. Ho thought it n big joke that he should sto|> tlio train, but f.mnd out otherwise. Ho nas arre.st.nl at the hotel i*n<l.or^^ not stay In the flat If you insist on , on Molllla >'. H'cu he found out that he playing the cornet. Mr. Toots- I'm ">' llt have to go to Hie penitentiary for glnd of thnt They were very annoy- [mining U r"l' e > ul ' 1 he did not. Tho ins- Cleveland Plain Dealer. Low Rate* for Labor Day Via Canadian t - Pacific Railway Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada. Port Arthur and east and to Sault Ste Marie, Detroit, Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Falls. N.Y., as follows : At Single Fare Good going Aug. :Wth, 3Ist,and Sept. 1st. Return limit Sept. 2nd, 191:1 I At Far e and One-Third Good going Augutt Siftth, :!0th, 31t, and Sept. 1st. Return limit September 3rd, 1913. Secure tickets aiid full information from any C. P. R agent. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of we put alterations in jharge, if required. Isepli Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly- paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 30 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & bt*r 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun !K> Farmers Advoeata 1 50 Weekly WiUeae 90 Saturday Niijlit .'i 00 Home Jouvuil 90 Poultry New* . , , , 26 Poultry Ueview 40 Uod and Gun magazine IX) 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE to get out and hustle." Chicago He& ord Uernld. Made a Hit. "Did you make a lilt with your speech nt the banquet last night?" "1 guess so. 1 forgot what I Intend- ed to say and said what I ought not to have said." Detroit Free Press. Magistrate lined h.m $35 and bound him over bjMi J3.0CO boim to keep the peace. '. RADE MARKS , DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone pmlltiu a nkotoh and donrrlntlnn may quickly ascertain our <>ptiitoa free whothcr an Intention n Mrobablr MMntMmL Commanlea. tlODSStrlatlrconddeutlaL HANDBOOK on I'ateute sent froo. Oraeat aitoncy fyr aecurinic patents. ratcnis taken thruuKh Munn A Co. receive tfeciotnuttee, it lihuut charge, iu tlio Scieniific Hntcricait A han(l>melT lUuatrutod weekly. LarKt cir- culation of any sclent Iflu journal. Terms for Canada, :<.7.'> a year, potane inepalu. Sold by Mil I' Bull for Service Puio ln-ed shorthorn bull for service on lot 1W>-70, 2 E. T. & 8. R., Ar- temesia. Terms $1. -RICHARD ALLEN, Prop. "

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