'October 30 1913 THE FLEESHERTON ADVANCE t . THESIANDARD BANK OP CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 92 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending Slat of October, 1918, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Saturday, the first day of November, 1913, to shareholders of record of 23rd of October, 1913. By order of the Board. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, :_ Toronto, 16th September, 1913. General Manager. 155 C. P. R. Time Table. Accidents at Meaford Mr. John Veiled, a single man working . T , for the Seaman, Kent Co., met with Going North . . a. 40 o'clock. For mornmg train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev ' g ; Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South _.-... B 7 43 a. m. 11.41 a.m. 8erlous accident at the factory on Friday 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. ra. i last. While operating his machine Mr. The mails are closed at Flesherton at Veitch'a hand in some way came in con- follovs : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and tact with the roller with the result that 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south a.< ; the hand was ud , y Ucerated from lhe thumb across the ptlrn below the fingers ' and also from the thumb to the wrist at the back of the hand. It waa thought ' t at first that Mr. Veitch would Icse the . use of the hand, but fortunately no un- i favorable symptoms developed and Dr. : Bennetr.the attending physician, reports Mrs. R. H. Wright and children are | t ; lat though 15 stitches were necessary to vUitin? friends in Owen Sound. ! close the wounds, he has good hopes of Born In Flesherton, on Wednesday, ' saving the injured member. C. VICINITY Oct. 22, to Mr. and Mrs daughter, still bom. Rev. Mr. Oten of Corbetton and Rev- Jaa. Dudgeon of the Methodist church here exchanged pulpiw on Sunday. Iburaday afternoon a painful accident befell Edwin Hall, of Conn, whilo n- gaged in feeding a threshing machine on form half a mile from the village. His left hand came in contact with the Cylinder when he reached over to re- movs some wheat which overlapped th cylinder capp, and his hand had to be amputated at the wrist joint. Harry Flesher, an Orangeville car- penter, while working at some repairs at Ritchie Bros, store, ran a splinter into hia thumb nail. Blood poisoning and erysipelas developed and resulted faially. Music is fashionable iu Elioiilton now and all the giddy young things like their friends to think they are taking lessons. put 1.1 why ttut young lady mounted the street car the other afternoon ih the violin case io her hand. But what her embarrassment when the case felt apart and sausages and butter were distributed over the seats of the car. By the end of this month there will be 60,000 subscribers iu Canada to the rural mail delivery system. Applications for the service are coming in steadily and up to date 57,570 boxes have beat, placed in position along the routes. In this list Ontaiiu has more ihan all the other provinces combined. The division at present is as follow* : Prince Edward Island, 3,700 ; Nova Scotia, 1,250 ; New Brunswich, 3,000; Quebec. 2,550- Ontario, 44,825 ; Manitoba, 350 ; Sts- katchewan, 335 ; Alberta, 700 ; British Columbia, 1,300. cra!S-fe5=^^ Munshaw, a Another accident of ascmewhat similiar nature took place on Monday, the victim being Mr. Charles Vail, residing on 15 i and 10 sideroad. Mr. Vail was working at a cutting box when his left band was Mis Florence Thurston is attending forced against the knife, severely injuring Ihe Provincial Sabbath Sch. o' couvention | the fleshy pait of the thumb. Dr. Ben- in Owen Sound this week. jnett, who was immediately summoned- ....I ! dressed the wound, putting in rive atitch Owen Sound signed up its agreement ( with the Hydro ,-n Monday evening to ; ' ''P*- _ take 1200 horsepower from Eugenia. j^ Applies Everywhere L.O.L.241 will hold an oyster sapper j - on Nov. 5, at Prott n Station. Supper j Our merchants are alive to the fact at hotel. Good programme in hal 1 . j thut advertising in a paper with the cir- Everybody come. ! culatioc cf The Advocate is money wr II Mr Charles Stewart and Mrs. (Rev.) \ sp<nt. A few weeks .go Mr. H. C McVicar are delegates from the Sabbath } Smith, jeweller, doubled his advertises School to the Provincial Sunday School , spce in thU journal with the result that convention at Owen S.und this week, j ^ business has increased beyond expec- . : tations, and he says: Mrs. G.M. Laird will receue for the , ^ ^ ^ ? ri.st time in her home on George St , i Markdale. from four to . on * ednesda, , ^ V ^ ^ ^ November oth. businesa every day." It is the .-ame Lizzie, the (i year-old daughter o Mr. ; ^^ ^.^ M ^ uge TJ)e Advocate to Wm. Fields, died on Friday last after ^^ kn<jwn what they ^ ^ ^ or only two days' illness, of croup. Much j buy __ Mitchell Advocate. sympathy is exposed for Mr. and 51 rs. ; --- Fields. Why the Youth's Companion Should Bjlh rabbits and partridge appear to I be J B E very p am i|y. be plentiful this fill. Two boys of the ; town secured thirteen of the former on j Because it is unusual, and no other source Saturday and hunters have brought in c*ii supply the same kind of reading. The large numbers of the lal'er since the fact aud tiction are novel, and every line teason opened. The night train on Saturday was re e hours Ute owing to a run off below Sh.l- \ i"haustible entertainment and benefit borne Five cars of a stone train Mt the ! to the family. In quantity, it provides mil. ai..l blocked the track for a quarter more than any other American monthly of a mile The mail* and passengers had ,' periodical -and is the more appreciate Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. If I had adver- is fit to loud - A of The thre e Youth's Companion .s it i. lo-d.y is of A few choice R. I. Red s.c. cockerels for sale good enough for show birds. W. H, Thurston, Flesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full- stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills aud all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot I 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a gi d state of cultivation. Good bank barn &ud new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For Sale Good 0-rooined frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in first cla5S condition ind lepair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Fleshcr- ton. Ont. No7t HILL BROS., nARKDALE This week we are offering many Special Lines of Fall and Winter Merchandise at MONEY-SAVING PRICES If you want to buy Light Rubbers in Men's, Women's, and Children's, Ladies' Mantles, Men's and Women's Underwear, & Woollen Blankets. GET OUR PRICES. We can save you money on any of these lines Special in Men s Light Rubbers We offer 100 pairs Men's Fine Rubbers in Granuy Consolidated and Independent makes, good lasts, 6 to 11, regular value $1.00, this week's clearing price a'.l g-zes ,.50c Women' s Light Rubbers at a This week we offer five cases of Ladies' Light Rubbers at money-saving price*. 65 and 75c, Special clearing price Big Discount In this lot we have both plain and stortu Uubbeis, reg. value 65 Boys' Rubber Special Fifty Piirs in this lot, Regu'ar value 75 and S5c S[.e:ial Clearing Price Snap in Hen's Winter Underwear We have 25 dozen broken lines in Men's Heavy Ribb Underwear which must be cleaned up. In this lot you will find garments worth up to $1/25, Special Clearing Price. . . .'. .................................................................... 5 * Ceots - Ladies' New Fall Mantles We have 25 Ladies' Mantles to clear. They are all Now Fill Coats in Grey, Blue, Tan and Mixtures, these coats are good vnlue at $15, Special Clearing Price . . . Some of ..17.95 Woollen Blankets If you need Woolen Blanket) we hive thorn. Our stock at present is complete. We cm give you orood Blanket < in L'nion from $2 75, to |4.00, and all Wool Bliuketa from f-.i to ft>?50. Our v.-ilues in this line cannot be beaten. SPECIAL TEA OFFER To introduce our new brand MAPLE LEAF TEA we will otter special induce- ments to quantity buyers Best grale, put up in 2. 3, and 5lb. tins, rexulxr 50c tea. Black only, special 37 ic per Ib. 2nd grade, put up iu 2, 3. and "> Ib. tins, regular 30c value (b.-ih black and Japan) fot 25c. HILLBROS, - MARKDALE For Sale, One brood sow, due to farrow OD ths 23rd. Inst. Also one pure Bred Hols'eiu Bull tising two years, No. 14730.- Apply in Henry Holman. Flesh- erton. to be transferred. No express matter came through. The new fall timetable on the C. P.R. camu into effect on Monday list. The morning train south leaves here at 7.43 as heretofore, but tha afternoon train leaves 11 minutes earlier- -4. 17 p n. Going nnh lhe noon train airives at 11.41 and the night train at 7 12 p- m. The Owen Sound Times says that down around Flesherton and Dundalk three or f ur inches of sn .w fell on Tuesday of last week. W ; e cannot speak for Dundalk, but a iiuarter of an inch would be the limit here, and it win so mixed with rain that it didno". lie any length if time. Chalmers Church congregation at the close (.f i he service on Sunday elected because it comes titty-two times a year instead of twelve. The Companion as ic is tu-day, enlarg- ed, and broadened iu scope, including the Family Page, the Boy's Page, and the Girl's Page as departments, irith einht splendid i-eriils and 250 shorter Holies, its accurate aud impartial editor- ials, Science. and Current Events, makes a volume of matter that touches eveiy genuine interest of the family. So carefully is it edited, so varied is it( contents, that a family would be well supplied with entertaining fiction, up-to- i.o other periodical entered the he me. If you are not familiar with '11..- Com- pauiuii as it is to-day, let us send vou Rev. A. McVicar and Messrs.J.F.Chard, i mple copies containing chapters from J L McMullen and Frank Cairns dele' *'">>< " *'*' r*t Canadian sales to tho Laymen 1 * Missionary Con' aerial, "The Timber l.ewuw," and the ... .]. Announcement for 1914. gress at Orangeville next week. New subseibeis who send $2.2u for the fifty-two issue of 11*14 will rtcieve free the remainiuK issues of 1913, and a o py of The Conifanion Practical Home Calendar in addition. Peter McMuixlo new Hopeville, lost severul pig-> Utely from a peculiar ciu?e- MeMuulo had threshed a lot of rlax aud the pig* hHd access to the siraw pile, with the lesult that thtir stomachs be- came clogued with the rlx and indiges- tion caused their death. Five or sil of the aniiii >ls have died. Something like twenty-live hunters are leaving this section to day for the north wcods. One pariy goes to Dean Like, Al&mna, another to Spanish, Al- goma, and three parties to Parry Souud District two from Flesherton and Kim- berley and one party from Rock Mills. There will bo a howling time in the bush this fall. The Oi.tario Sunday School Association will hold a dual convention this week. One section is being held at Knox church, Ottawa, on Wednesday, Thursday and 'IHE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkrley St., Boston, Mass. New Subscript. on* Received at this Office. PIANO FOR SALE rent. <r with stoie at your place on trial. Leave word at this oHice or with S. Connel, Owen Sound. Apples for SaU> Will be at mv farm in Fleslli-rton suburbs. Monday, Nov. 3, for the pur pose of felling apples otf my orchard to thoee wnn'ing ihtm. W. G. Pickell. MISCELLANEOUS m mini Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat ................... 85 to 85 oats ...................... 33 to J: Peas ................ 1 IS'ol IS! Barley ............... 55 to oa Ha , X ....... 10 00 to 14 OC '' Eugs, fresh ............. jW i Potatoes per bag ........... 75 to Geese .................... to Ducks .......... ..... 12 .o I Fowl ...................... W to Ij Tariceys ................. la lo 1. "SPECIAL" -Some intelligent laborer* wanted for :ill year work, in our different dep;irtmeuts. in<-n who may grow quick- ly into better than common laborers' pay. Eniuire for particulars and send qualifi- cations to the Cnllingwood ShipbuiUing Co., Collingwood. Out. Man's Rain Coat l.vHt on thow day between the show grounds *nd Stewart's corner, Flesherton. Pa : r aiit's in one pocket. Finder pUase leave ;it the A,l- vanco ."Hire, or retuni to W. .1. Weads, Priceville. Rewird if asked for. 82000 privtte funds to loan on farm inmtitage security a' l"wesf rntes of iu- teivsr. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE , ! In the township of Artemesia, in t County of Grey. \l 13, con. 2. and lots 12 and 13, con. 3 N.D.R , c mtaiuing 1'J'' acres : fnnie house. Apply to N". Mo-| Fayden, I'no P*ik, Out., or A. N. Mor van. New Liskeard, or John McFayden.i Ceylon, Out. i J"yW Ladies wh wish to have their own hir combing mad.- up, braid or switch, auply to Mis. J. A. Williams, Eugenia Falls. Lost between Flesherton and Fever - >!i.-nn,.-i silver coin purso containing ?-'V80. Finder please leave at The Flesher' on Advance ' Some per on, pn-baHy in error, took four tics and a ha'ter from the cattle pet s on fair diiy tht did not belong to th. m If they would kindly teturn the SBine to Alfred Thistlethwaite their honesty woulil be apprvciated. It was in the back rtom of the | hotel, and the talk had turned to ' hens. "Talking of hens" said the chair- | man, "reminds me of an old lieu dad hud on the farm out in Huron. She would i hatch anything from a baseball to a 1 lemon. Why, one d-iy she sat on a ; chunk of ice and hatched out two quarts j of hot water." "That's nothing to a club-f 'oted hen my old mother once had," remarked the Doc. "They had been feeding her by mistake on sawduat in- stead of chop stuff. Well, gents, she laid twelve egg and sat them, and whan _' of this week, and another will be ( ne y hatched eleven of the chickens had held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- ' wo ,,d e n leg* and the twelfth was a wood- dy of this week in Owen SounJ. Mr. \ pecker." Marion Lawrence', general Secretary of the Internal ional Sunday School Assoc - ation and many other noted worknrs will be in attendance. Prof. F.. O. Excell, j 100 acres, near Kim V.crley, nearly I'll music lo-der, Chicago, and Prof. Alvin cloare.l. Wm'd tent to suitable tenai.' R .rer of Winoiu Ink.?, Indiana. a wizard who will have the option of luiTUig on at the piano, will be amongst tho enter- easy terms. Apply M The Advance The Flesherton Branch of the Women's IiKstilute will me-" in th High School "" Wed.,esdHy, Nov. 5th at 2.30 p. in., when a paper on r-irst Aia to the Injur- ed will be aiv.Mi by Mrs. Carter, and the SuHVmjetto Movenifi't by Mr. Whit?, principal of High School. All members respond to roll c<\\\ with a cndy reci|?. Thtj regular monthly meeting of the ii branch of the Women's Ins'itute will be held at Mr*. Adam Smith's, on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, at 2.30 p. m. All members are requested to bo present. All accounts due J. & W. Boyd must be i>niil at once. And the bell rnng. Farm to Rent or Sell Fi-rS,il, R.>gisterod Shropshire sheep, either sex, from prize winning stock, lo one shonhurn bull cnlf, nine month t old Apply to Jas. FiiidUy, Markdsle p. . The L. O. L No. 609, Otauite Vi.ll.-y will b"!d a b>.\ socinl in their hn!l u >ii'v.7th whi'.n yvojiranime i-l b. 1 ^ivon 1>y ouiHide nil-it. Adumsion loo.. L; dies with boxes free. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours-9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m.; to 8p.m. Other hours by appointment. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 33-34 3ti. Con. '.), Artemesia, con- ining 150 acres nearly all cleared. Brick house, frame barn with basement stable, two orch-uds. Well watered. For. terms apply to MlSS J. ,J.\MIKS"N. vr \V. J. BKLI.AMY, F o-her;cn. Nov. '.) Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bre.l IK-re ford bull lor service on lot 151. 2nd W. T. andS. R., Artetnosin. Terms $1 i'0 cali . -JOHN ADAMS, Prep. Careful*! You better be careful in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manila binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction, that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. MtCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick quality. You will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hcmphill, Agent, Ceylon OWEN SOUND, ONT., instruction. j : yeais success. Kvery graduate guamntoi.'i .i " position. j j lnforniatioit free. _C C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., j < Principal. CO. D. FLEMING, Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO CANADIAN PACIFIC I'KST NEW TRAIN FOP \\1NN1PEU mill po nts Kast thereof GATE CITY EXPRESS Commencing October 2l>:h LEAVE TORONTO - - 2.30 p. in.) n . ,, v ARRIVB WINN1PK ! s.i a. m. I U ( Second D> ) THR<>l"("5H EQl'IPMENT : C>im:ivlment Olwervation C'iir. Standard Sleepidg Cms, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, First Class Coaches, Co'onist t. ir VANCOUVER EXPRESS LEAVE TOUt >NT(. - - 10.4) p. m. AHU1VK VANCOl'VKK 11. HO p. 1-1. THRCl'l'SH Eyl'lPAlENM' : Cinpar-iii- i nt Observation Car, Standard Slep- idg Cars, Trurift Stooping Car. Diniiii; Car, First Cl*ss Coaches, Culoms: C,n- Geiipral i-hanire of Time October Stith Particulars from Canadian Pacitio Ageiits "r write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., C. P. Ry . Toronto. i Tamworths for Sale BoM\ (exiieM'y reuly fcr broe.ling. Pi ices r\pht to>* quick s*xle. GliU. W. UOSS, Maxwell P. O' S. RAND, Agent, Flesherton.