Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1913, p. 7

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LJFE'S SUNSHINE gladdens Those Who Regain New Hoalih and Strength When the glow of health comes back to sallow cheeks; when Ian- on an averag6> tney UIM a china . guiii weakness gives place to vigor ; n^ every day generally one of the when you notice some pale, ex- men who worked In the gambler plan- hausted invalid restored to active tations, which are made In newly ifcealth enquire. More than likely you will find the cure to have been MALAY TIGERS. An Exciting Time in a Singapore Hotel. As late as 1889, an authority on sport In the Malay Archipelago wrote that in Singapore there were always a few tigers roaming about, and that. yet another of the ready wrought by thousands al- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Headache and neural- gia, St. Vitus dance and twitch- ing of the limbs, indigestion and rheumatism, eczema and disfigur- ing eruptions, and the ailments of (rowing girls and women all dis- fcppear when the veins are filled with the new, rich blood Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills actually make. Here is one instance among thous- ands ; Mr. F. Ashford, Haileybury, Ont., says : "Some years ago I com- rleted a lengthy term of service in ndia, ihe last three years being ipent in the beautiful but treacher- ua Poshawar Valley. Ague and dengue fever were rife, and al- though I wad fortunate enough to escape a severe attack of either, on my return home it soon became apparent that the enervating cli- their matc In cleared jungle. Although there is no danger to-day that tigers will spring upon unwary travelers about Singa- 1 pore, write Messrs. Arnold Wright and | T. H. Reid In "The Malay Peninsula," | there Is a certain excitement about living In a place where the following Incident occurred, and where Us repe- tition Is not Impossible. It la now several years since a tiger wan shot within the precincts of the town. The honor of this particular kill belong to Mr. C 1 . M. Phillips, the head master of Raffles Institution. The tiger had not swum the straits from Johore, but had escaped from a cage in which it was awaiting shipment from Singapore. It caused consterna- 1 tlon by walking into the compound of I Raffles Hotel, and seeking refuge un- j der the billiard-room iu a detached building. The billiard-players at once made a hurried exit. Mr. Phillips having been summoned, took post a few yarda from the uninvited guest, whose eyes he could see shining in the darkness of its hiding-place, and was lucky to kill it. The peninsula in its wilder parts. Indeed, Is a veritable paradi.se for big In Its vast conditions had left ravages on my constitution, ihort the reaction had set in, Inexhorable nature was exacting ajare worthy of the skill of the keenest evere toll from years of strenuous of. hunters. The annual report of the labor. Mv first warning of the im- railway department for 1906 contained pending breakdown were severe ! f h ^t O q u1 P am.ly U ^lu"tmted SC !he pains in the back of the head andj perllg that await tne ; railway pione er yes, insomnia, irritability, a gen- wne n he intrudes into the domain of WATERY INTEHSELY ITCHY Between Fingers, Spread to Tips. Would 8wiN Up, Itch and Burn, Did Not Dare Put Hands in ! Wifer. Cutlcura Soap and Cutl- cura Ointment Cured, Carman; Manitoba. "A braakin* out between my flngcrenu the Urn trouble. It was very Ijehy and spread tg my flavor tips aff"<-duu the naJls. It flrnt appeared to watery blisters and they were so intensely Itchy I scratched them and let the water out making ores. They would ewell up. Itch and burn and Snail/ the nails would loosen and coma off. I spent many sle|Jeas nights. I dltl nod dare to put my hands In water except to woah them. " t kept using ointments. ; Ointment, but was not cured. Sometimes the remedies would help a little bits I was cot fcw from It altogether. I was that way for nine jsars trying everything. I heard of Cutleura Soap and Ointment and eu for them and before I had used them half a washing with the CutJeura Soap and ap- plying the Cutlcura Ointment frequently I was cured In three months." (Signed) Miss Florence E. Sanderson, May 20. 1013. For more than a gen --ration Cutjcnra Soap and Ointment have affordod the most eco- Weary Tiredness Changed to Vigor That Played - Out Feeling Was Quickly Remedied and Health Restored. Story of a Merchant Who Almost Lost Through Neglecting to ma of Disease. Early Symp- "My life for years has been of se- cutters, shop grooms and assistants, drivers, jockeys, newspaper venders and pavement merchants, printers, blacksmiths, messengers, chimney sweeps, barbers and musi- cians. Suicide and diabetes are two principal causes of death. General- ly, it ia only persons of a certain social position who are affected by this malady, such as functionaries, teachers, doctors, lawyers, wine merchants, farmers and the clergy. The clergy are particularly subject. Clark's A nourish ing, tasty, economical meal. A time and money aver. A strength producer. Suicide has also its high and its dentary character," writes T. B. Tltchfleld, head of a well known firm in Buckingham. "Nine hours every I low rates of occurrence, though it day I spent at office work and took | appears in all professions. It is exercise only on Sunday. I dlsre- j rare among the clergy and func- garded the symptoms of Ill-health, tionarieg and just those classes which were all too apparent to my i whf h f th healthie9t occupa .j family. I grew thin, then pale, and ,. ., before long I was Jaundiced-eyes tlon - " 18 more often found, and skin were yellow, my strength among grocers, hardware dealers,, and nerve energy were lowered, and drapers, coopers, polishers, to- j I was quite unfitted for business. In baoconists, lawyers' clerks and the morning a lightness In the head, architects. But it is frequent particularly when I bent over made among3t " Carne !ot8." ghop assist- me very worried about my health. . *", Most of the laxative medicines I anM ' Cutlers, coiffeurs, domestic found weakening, and knowing that servants, costers, lawyers, doctors I had to be at business every day I and chemists. neglected myself rather than risk fur- j But suicides are by far the most often met with among the drink sel- chimney sweepers, butchers, fruit- erers and musicians. Made These People. '"Clothes don't make the man," 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMO OR GENERATOR FOR SALE worse hut r forcibly struck by the fact that they ^either caused griping nor nausea, an j lt 8eemed incredlb i e that pllta could tone> cleanae and regu lat e the system without causing any unpleas- ant after effects. Dr. Hamilton's it \i -MA RJ tj ||] e. Itcb. bur . destroy sleep. A ulnfrle set Is often sufficient. Cutlcura Hoap and Cuticnro Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a Rb -ral free sample- of each, with 33-p, book, se.-irl post-card to Potter Drug * Chorn. Oirp.. Uept. D, Boston, U. S. A. >ral anaemic condition and an in- wild nature. The picture reveals a j definable nervousness. Life had: wrecked railway-train, a locomotive "TRACTS" TOWARDS DOOR. lost its zest, work became impos- ible and companionship intoler- able. It really seemed that I was swiftly passing to that stage where nervousness ends and insanity be- gins, when by chance I read an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I confess I was skepti- cal of them doing what doctors had failed to do, but concluded that the cost was small, and perhaps, the chance iu their favor, and so,. j . , j T, tralian Bight at the great depth of decided to try them. To my joy , iloo fect TWs alrlo 6 ug flgh> " wh , ch there was soon an improvement, , has fifty-three brilliant light organs nd a continuance of the treat- completely off the rails. Its tender re- ] duced to scrap-iron, and its wheels off! X11c a en ts have become such a to one side, burled deeply In the dirt, j n "i s ance that most business, men cause of all this mischief is | give orders that they are not to be admitted to their private offices. One persistent man, however, by one pretext or another, gained in- terviews with the various influen- tial citizens. He reached the head office of the Bank of Toronto, and when the clerk was engaged, he walked into the office of the presi- dent, Mr. Duncan Coulson. Mr. shown iu another picture. It was a wild elephant, a tusker of imposing size. Illuminated Fish. A new species having the appear ance of an electrically lighted ferry boat, has been secured In the Aus- at men: effected a complete cure. I was now as fit and healthy as any man and am grateful that the iucky perusal of an advertisement brought to my notice the wonderful curative properties of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills." Sold by all medicine dealers or Iby mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Ont. Medicine Co., Brockville, I HOW TO BE REALLY HIPPY. Arnold Bcnnrt Thinks All That Is NM>ded Is To Try. Is Arnold Bennett a happy man 1 The question may sfom superfluous and even impertinent, but it is prompted by a little book called "The Plain 'llan and His Wife" which he has just published. He points out that the plain man tends on either side of its body, which itself shines like a mirror, has been named the tudor. Ir was hauled to the sur- face by a trawler aad will be placed on exhibition at the Australian Mu- seum at Sydney, .VS., Wales. More than a hundred other entirely new varieties were obtained, all the speci- mens inhabiting these submarine depths being more or less luminous. Several fish of a Jet black color, with a skin like velvet studded all over with scintillating encrustations of blu- ish light were also obtained, some be- ing shaped like a pair of bellows. Cramps at Night Require Prompt Remedy Agonizinp Pain PriMrnlpd by Keep- ing \iT\ilii!.' II i inly Oil th> Shelf. A Case in Point Illustrated. Pills acted with nu- just as gentle as nature they gave new life to my ' liver, strengthened my stomach, and won me back to perfect good health. My skin is clear, dizziness has disap- peared, and my appetite, strength, spirits are perfect." Refuse anything offered you in- I stead of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which | are sure to cure. Sold In 2oc. boxes. Sve for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or postpaid from the Catarrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. ^, _^ Politeness. Tommy's Aunt Won't you have another piece <>f cake, Tommy ( Tommy (on a visit) No, I thank you. Tommy's Aunt -You leem. to be suffering from loss cf appetite. Tommy That ain't los of appe- tite. What I'm suffering from is politeness. At 67S R. P. M. Very R4>a*anablti Figure (or Immediate Sale. quoted a sage. S. FRANK WILSON & SONS, 78 AdeUJda St. West, TORONTO. said a retired h Mr. Duncan Coulson. Coulson was earnestly engaged in conversation with , a business Deadly cramps the symptcms are friend, but stopped and asked the not to be mistaken. Suddenly and man his business. He was agent "They made tailor. "Where should I be if it wasn't for suits?" chimed in a young la,w- yer. His Only Opportunity. ''Does your wife talk in her sleep, major '" "No. I talk in her sleep. It's the only chance I get." Lord's Day Alliance Active. Vry biiay with :be g->od work, but no more efficient than the old reliable Pu-- ! Minard's Linimtnt Cum Cargit In Edtu-ution. Father Well, what did you learn in school to-day I Johnny Nothin', but I guess the teacher learned sumpin'. LIQUID SULPHUR cum ECZEMA. I'uw knows Kverything. Willie Paw, is man an animal t Maw Yes, my son. most of them are brvirefi. Paw You go to bed, Willie. nan) * O>rn Extr:u:tor. which cures corim and warn in OD day Fifty year* use prova* Uie merit of Putnam*. Use no other, Zic. at all dealer*. We bllT6 MINAED'3 LISOtEST li the bnt: Hath'ai Foler. Oil City Ont. Joseph Snow. Norway'. Me. Charlee Whooten. Hujnvra, S.S. Rev. B. 0. Armstrong. Mulgraro. X.8. Pierre Lander*, eenr . Pokemcuche. S.B. Thoiuat Watteou. SheOcld. N B. Bibber's Bcuk. 'Many judge from Bibber's red nose that he's a tt-avy drinker, but he's not. His u ae id like a gas meter." How co t The Tactless One. "I will confess to you," she said, "that I am older than I look. I will be thirty -one mv next birthday." Really,'" he" replied. "Hardly anyone would guese that you were more than about twenty-nine." "That's the last time," she said when he had departi-d. "that I'll ever try to be nice to a brute." Blood troubles yield to LIQUID SULPHUR The Difference. 'There is cue essential difference between the activities of a fire- man and of a policeman. "What is u. J" "Wlu!e the fireman runa out, the policeman 'runs in.' ' EDUCATION. ELLIOTTS Br>INE!*S t'OLLKOK. T'V ronto. Canada e Popular Commer- '!! School. Magnificent Catalogue ltf. ACENTS WANTED. W Fact. Some men temptation can exile, You can't get them to flinch; But most of us preach by the mile, And practice by the inch. Minards Llnlmont Curt* Oiitempr. Worse. Before I married my wife I could listen to her voice fur hours and ANTED PERMANENT MEN OR W. .men locally. r>.i!.irr and Com- ::i -- in. Mak? F:i* t<i Tn Dollnrs Jar. p-n.trf time aweute<i. Sampler fre* .1 L. Nichols Co.. Publisher!. Toronto, Canada. FARMS F0 SALS. H. W OAWSON. Toronto. Hmty ColOgrn* Strwl, 1^ HriT. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIRT V Parma in all wctioni of Ontario ''.me <nnpi FA TORT rilTK*. WITH OR HailwuT trark.ir*. In Toronto nd cities. ESIDENTUL Rrarapton Anil PROPKRTIE3 doien uthor "It registers ex- re than is con- hours." sumed." Try Murine Eye Remedy If yon have Red, Weak, Watery Eye* to make his life all" means and no! wlth ut warning the patient esperien- ' for a series of religious books, and J or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart end; to become too busy to examine ces such agony In the stomach as to i whpn Mr . Coulson told him his , ^ Sooth ^ ' i contort the countenance and cause him "And now I" ''Now I have to." LIQUID SULPHUR ol*anm the blood. the treasury of his soul ; to grind to a , ou(J fof he , way doggedly without experienc- Keeping I p. Doctor Remember, Mrs. H. W. OAWSON, Coibornt St., Toronl* NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. COPNTRY WKEKI.T NEW^PAPFR F Sale in oml Onturio tnwn ETci>Unt opening for m.in of men? Write Wilson "nhlinntng Company. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. ing the joys of consciousness. louison loiu \ ,,;_- u fa _j T i T. I -.c T/CT uocior iven , j Murine Eve Remedy, Liqnid, 2Sc, SOc. , library was already well filled, CM Murine Eye Salve In A*eptic Tubes, ;one - * t<J 'd . v " u '** vour husband Then It is that the wonderful power a * ent Persisted in exploiting the 2Sc. SOc. ' Ey Books Free by Mail. f s . failing rapidly and we must keep Albnm.' only Beren Cent*. TAMP COLLECTORS HUNDRED fpent Foreign A! snips DI?- of Nervlline can make Itself felt it merits of his wares and, thinking he- might at some future time make We do not clap our friends often: cures so quickly, enough on the back, or if we do it "Last summer I was stricken with a a sale, ank-'d if h<? might leave some *w * DM <t*t Mu,i. ft,. R...4v Co.. becomes just a habit which annoys them and gives us no satisfaction; there are those among us who spring out of our beds shouting Hurrah: but after a time this be- comes as much a part of the routine as shaving 1 . Mr. Bonnet asks whether there is not a remedy, and though his own principles would not permit him to go so far, he tells us that his plain man will presently become explo- sive and even relinquish his forti- tudes in favor of a little fun. Of course there is not a simple remedy, but we are invited to acquire some kind of self-knowledge and to de- termine which things really interest and which bore us. It- may be ob- jected that one cannot be happy by trying, but it is Mr. Bennett's point that you can, and he has a way of being right. tracts. son, ' "Yes," replied Mr. Coul- with the toes, towards the frightful attack of cramps. I feared the pain In my stomach would kill me. "My eyes bulged out and the veins ,, in my forehead stood out like whip- , door. "My cries attracted a neighbor, who Skin dls*asei yield to LIQUID SULPHUR, came to my assistance, and in a mo- ment or two handed mo halt a tea- j The law of the harvest is to reap spoonful of Nervlllne in some sweet- ; more t han you sow. Sow an act and you reap a h.'ibit ; sow a habit ened water. "It seemed as If an angel had charm- ed away the pain. In ten seconds I \ him up as long as we can Chios** Mrs Malone Sure. O.'m d-ing = it. sor. Oi haven't let him have a ,-,,., ~ t going to have much w i n k av slape now fpr three days. T alw Mark* Stamp IJCELLANfOU*. wun t vou and - vou rea P a . was well. Nervlline has a wonderful character and you reap a destiny. MlnarJ'a Liniment Curt* Colds, Ac. What He Thought. An Irish M.P. was telling a story of a man who complained to three I pared tables relative to the rate of name in this locality, and Is consld- , erd best for cramps, diarrhoea, flatu- lence, stomach and bowel disorders. I urge all my friends to use Nervlllne. "MANLEY M. LEGARDE, "Williamsburg." No home Is safe or can afford to miss the manifold advantages of hav- friends, an Englishman, a Scotch- 1 mortality and causes of death in man, and an Irishman, that his ! different occupations, servant was constantly breaking' The principal causes of death no china. I ought asked, miss her. of a wedding. Jack and I want to ' have everything as simple as pos- 1 A Vancouver man awoke from his sibl<?. "Well, you will have it all ; slumbers and heard a mun trying right, lou U have each other, to get in his front d.^r. H- turned loow at the man with a shotgun, and a poJiceman chased th<? stran- ger who took to flight. He wa caught and spent th nighfc in a cell. In the morning it was found that the supposed house-breaker was a, Lmim.nt Curet Olprithtrla. iLr stl.VKR PATfHFD FOTV dark p>'d \Vnh to buy '00 pair fnr brnefiinff ptiri^veci. Or&hum - R R No. '.. Str.i'hroy. On- C1ANCKB. TL'MOltS. LUMPS. KTC.. internal and eiternal. cured with, out pain by our home treatment. Wril us before < \*'f Dr Bollman Medics! r.. T.irn '.'.I. rol'-rgwood. Ont (~1 ALL STONES. K1D.XET AND BLAO. H der S'.OBCS. Kidnvy trouble. Orael. SUICIDES AND DIABETES. 1*1 IT. - JJ L*^*.- Xt II V 11 ^f The Ihiof lauws of Death. Says neighbor . who had ninalffn tho Dr. Jacques Bertillon. i other man - 9 door for hig own whi]e Dr. Jacques Bertillon. the well-, in a bibulous condition. known statistician for the Depart- 1 ; . ment of the Seine, Paris, has pre- : with th new Sanol." price *1 30 Ann'her new rnmedy for Diabeten-Mellitue. and sure rnre. It "Banol's Anti-Diuhetes " Priro *". 00 from drufcztstn or dlr<>ct Tbc 3anol Mannfao. lnnn Conrpany of Canada. Limited. W-nTi:prff, Man. lug Nervillue on hand in case of acci- j dent or emergent sickness. Large family size bottles of Nervillne. SOc. ; trial size, 25c.. alt dealers, or The Ca- ] tarrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. lioth \\.iijin-,- For H. "At last," he sighed, "we're alone. I'm chance. "So have frankly. I," 'Ah ! you have guessed, then, that I lov e BABY'S OWN TABLETS Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little oue. They are. absolutely safe, being guaranteed by a gov- ernment analyst to contain neither opiates, narcotics or other harm- ful drugs. They are good for all children from the newborn babe to the growing child. They cure con- ., . ... tipation, indigestion, expel worms, break up colds ami uiake teething "Look here, Pat," said an old ea^y. Iu fact they are a cure for gentleman to his Irish servant, altHhe minor ills oi little ones .and j "to-morrow evening if you bring box should always be kept in the my tea without spilling a drop in 'What do you think' ted are intemperance, disease of to do with her?" he ' the chest, heart, liver and nerves. The Englishman said, "Dis- 1 diabetes, suicide and accidents. The most healthy occupations are Tho Heart of a Piano is the Action. Insist on -the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action But as she was other- naturally those followed in the open wise an excellent servant her mas- ter was unwilling to do that. "Then air, but there must be mov^me'nt. take it out of her wages." suggest- ! otherwise the constant exposure is been hoping for thisj ed the thrifty Scot. "That would-, bad for health. Thus gamekeepers n't do much good," was the reply, \ and park and forest keepers live she said, very "f or her wages are less than the long, while drivers, who are expos- 1 amount of damage she does.''|ed to the air without movement, wanted to tell you?" ''Yes ; atid I want and get it over with." to say 'No,' ''Then raise her wages," said the Irishman promptly. house as a safeguard against eud- den attacks of stomach or bowel troubles. Mrs. J. P. Richard, St. Norbert, N.B., says : "I have found Baby's Own Tablets all that is Claimed for them. My baby suffer- ed from liis stomach and bowels nd the Tablets ocrtainlv did him good." They arc sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. William*' Medic >n Co., Brockville, Ont. the saucer I will give you a shilling to yourself." "Right, sir," said Pat, and the following evening 1 he won the shilling by bringing the cup in one hand and the saucer in | the other. Nearly every man is true to his first love- himself. It is better for a girl to be given in marriage than it is for a man to be sold. ED. DODO'S ''f KIDNEY I i PILLS 'M 1SSI E 44-'13. are not long lived. M. Bertillon claims that engine- drivers, men employed in wood cut- ting and in malting, school teach- : ers, lawyers and clergymen live the longest. The mortality amongst doctors, employees of the post of- fice, commercial travellers, grocers, ' fruiterers, hatters and some other trades, such as watchmaking and tanning, is low. Domestic servants and coachmen employed in private families also represent a low death rate. The mortality surpasses the aver- age among functionaries, tramway and gas workers, itinerant fish and poultry sellers, drapers, saddlers, bakers, millers, butchers, boat- j men, carters, sailors, cycl dealers,! &c. Finally, day laborers are bod lives, so arc doctors, miners, stone MRS. A. SAICH, of Canni:n;ton Manor, Sask., Writes: "My brother suf- fered severely from eczema. The sores were very exten- sive, and burned like coals into his flesh. Zam-Buktook out all the lire, and quickly gave him case. Within three weeks of commencing with Zam-Buk treatment, every sore had been cured." This is but one of the many letters we are oonsinntly receiving from people \vlio ha\c proved the healing powers of /am- Buk. For eczema, piles, sores, burns, culs and all skin troubles tiu-r* 'u nothing like this wonderful balm. No skin disease should be con- sidered iticur.ible until Zam-liuk has been tried. All Druggists. SOc. per Box. Refute Substitute!. Why we pay more for your RAW FURS W art th oldest RAW FUR HOUSE s will tht largest colltolors of CANADIAN RAW F'.'RS in Canada. That moan* laruer sxwlonca, larr marktts and a LARGER PRICE io you. Ship direot to us. Returns made same day furs are received. Shipment! held separata on request. Fall price list now ready. Write for It. HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITEO. *M St. Paul St. Mail Dept, "C" Montreal. FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for MiMs. Manufacturing Plants, Printing Houses, Etc. C Wood Snlit Pulleys, 12"^ x 48 In lor 3 15 IS In. shaft. 1 Wood Split PviiU-y, IC'i x 48 in for 2 15 1 In. sl'.ift. 1 Wood Split PnlU'v, 12'n x 28 In for 3 7 16 in. shnft. 1 Wood Split Pullpy. 10 ft x 36 I* for :! 7 Irt in. shaft. | | Pulleys of smaller sizes and Shaft- Ing of various lengths nnU sizes to bn sold at. very low figures. Box 23, Wilson Publishing Co. Toronto.

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