November 13 1913 THE F L E S H E R f O N ADVANCE An Independent newspaper, imUinhril evry T'.nrwUy at i4>' o|Re, Collln|W<Md .Strwt, Kl'-ohfit'in. SulMOiiptiiiii price VI |wr annum. when |-aiil inadvtnM ;(l .."> > when not in paid Advertising? raten nn Replication. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. TUuraton- Bdltcr Fleshcrton Methodist Church The auxiliary of the Wom*ii' Mission ry Society will meet n Thumdny <' three o'clock. The Rest Fund collection will IKS taken up. Sunday morning and evening the pul- pit will again be supplied frcui Toronto. The Epworth League Monday night will be in charge of the Literary Depart- ment. It will take the form of a niiture atudy evening. ELECTRIC RAILWAY On the twenty econd of October the Railways and Manufacturer's Committee of the (iuelph city council presented its report recommending the Council to memorialize the H/dro-Klectric Coin- iniuion to report on the feasibility of a railway from Gue'ph "poieilily to Arthur, connecting with Monnt Foreit and through the Ik-aver Valley to Menford or drifted down thii way and found it difficult to apologize for the dtiluy on ihn part of their Council. Among these were both Grit and Tory, and all had the name sad story to tell. We do not blame the Sun for attempt- ins; to set us, 'If square with the electors and otticialti of Owtn Sound. It has a task tiet out before it i h .1 is unenviable and difficult. We therefore cart the it antic of charity over itg Thornbury." This WAS made pottaible by the Hydro-Elec'ric IUilwy Act, 1913, which empowers the t'nmmiwiion to con- struct Huch lines. Accordingly ach municipality aicng thu proposed route has been communicated with anc) reiolu- tions in accord wilh the proposed line bare already been passed and f. rwardeu to the Coinmissiun l>y thu municipalities interested. The route is along that surveyed a few years ago for proposed electric road from (iuelph to Thornbury and Collingwood and for which a charier is held. The ' 'wen >. .im-l people, however, have been trying to switch thii liu to suit their convenience and the int -i. sN of ' >w<-n Sound, The county town news- papers have jumped into the schriuu hot foot and are alreidy talkinu almt the "proposed line from Guelph to Owen Sound"' although no such line has been proposed. to Owen Sjund is now thtir slogan. I. .- week a resident of Guelph visited Owen Sound and put (he railway bug in the ear of the Owen Sound Board of Trade, with the result thit 'hat body is now busily engaged trying to divert everything their way. If Owen Sound wants electric railway connection with Guelph why not get after it independently wiihuiit itUmpt- iug to destroy the exmting proposal of a railway actoas Proton, ArtemeiU and through the Beaver Valley? a district that is badly in need of improved rail- way facilities if ever a district .- The Keaver Valley especially ntedi such a line, and the possible development in ha', fruit-growing kectii-n would Itself largely compensate for the building of, such a line. There : other indu>tri<K to be developed there, in.., that would build up a Urge railway traffic. Such a line would alio till a long frit wsnt in en ss country passenger traffic that a line 10 )wen Sound paralleling other at earn railways would nut rill. If Owen Sound wants another line fiom <he South let it fo uftr luch in- dependently and not attempt to destroy the clian- >. of other sections of the country that are in much greater netd of railway facilities than lh county town, which is fairly well supplied with C. P. R. and G. T. II. Let them quit playing hox for once and plant treei of their own, and cease trying to pluck f. uit from other people'* orchards. A DISGRACE An Knglidhraaii who has only been six months in this county was fined twenty <! II in by a Toronto ma^in'rate for not sending his small daughter to school. Whou brought before tin- J. P. the man explained that he was a pninter by tiado and had been unable to get work since coming to Canada six months ago. This made it necci-tary fir his wife to go out to service and his little giil was obliged to take care of the baby. As he was un- able to pay the Hue this man was sent to j-til- The boweli of compassion appear to be withered in that magistrate. The fact that some anonymoun good Samaritan paH the fine does not detract scything from the heinousneaa of this hardhearted act of juitice. Justice, forsooth ! Too if ten tyranny and oppression nowadays hides under the mantle of what is called justice, and this appeirs to be a case in point. If we are to welcome English ar- ti/.tna and workers a immigrants, they should not be met with such harsh inter- pretations of our laws ; if we are not in give them welcome let such informntiun bd disseminated at the fountain head. Persecution after arrival is n method for any self respecting country to pursue, even in the case of which class this man is n"t shi>wn to belong. HOTELMEN LIKE ROWELL POUCY The Walkerton Herald and Times charges that nearly evoiy hnt.*l man in Snuili Bruce voted the Giit ticket in the recent bye election in that, riding. Thii is . suspicious circumstance. It locki as though the bunifares of South l'..i.. -. at leant, ar not afraid of Mr- Roweli'e abolish the bar p<jlicy. Either ihat or financial inducements were brought to bear with the knowledge lhat many people at ill put faith in the old - 1 * . "A bird in the hand is worth two in the wildwood." We wonder which horn of this dilemma the Mount K i--v Confedera*e would |>ra*p.? I MAIL CONTRACT SKALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster Genural, will be receivt-d at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th December, 1913, for the conveyance | of 1 1 1. Majesty's mails on a propoHed con- tract for four yew, aix times per week each way over Markdule (via Irish Lake, Truver- stoii and Ehordale) Rural Mail Route f i-o m the PuHt Master General's pleasure Printed notices containing further in- f >nuiirm as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Om'cex of Markdale.IiishLnke.Travernto.i, Ebordale, and at the Office of the Post- Office Inspector at Toronto. Post Om'co Inspector's Oftiee, Toronto, October 27th. 1913. A. SUTHERLAND, Otfice Inspector MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KO TKNI>BKS addressed to the Post master General, will In- received at Ottawa mini noon, on Friday, the IJ'h Dec. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week each way Over Banks Via Gibraltar and Rural Mail Route. from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. 1'iiiii M! notices containing further information aa to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Banks. Gibraltar and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. Pot Office I nspactor's Office Branch, Toronto, October 27th. 10115. A. SUTHERLAND Poit Office Inspector. THE SUN AND HYDRO The Owen Sound Sun of last week devoted two precious columns of space to answering an editorial in this paper < f the week before entitled "A Council from Mitaouri." The article in the Sun i* an attempt to idow that the hydro <im ntmii was not unduly deUyed, and that the Owrn Sound Council it a body of carrful, cautious men who have only the welfare of (heir town at heart The Advance hitd as ground for its statement. The Advance ih an "irredpoiuiblu 1 journal and its ''spasm ' waa not bated on fact. The Sun ha* all the kiioalvdRe that i going, and without the past anaesthetic*! warnings of that paper it 1* blood chilling to contemplate what the rvcklrM tendencies of the Owen Sound town fell, cm migl>t have led the town Into. A* a matter of fact the Sun has lieen IkU liysterical knocker of hydro from its inception to the present time. It hah -Been attempting to nhow that hydro han not been bticcessful elsewhere, altliougli its puny attempts hnve oi<rrgoiin'y failed. Only thu day before thu I n m. men of Owen Sound were called in to advise the Council as to what they should do, the Sun canm out with it.i uximl wnil ol "Go nlowly gentlmen, go slow," thus giving one InNt glimmering ga-p of itn idiotic opposition tu pn>gres. The Sun ssks UH where wu got our informalivi. We will wiinwcr. A good ly pi'iiioii of it " ' Uot frrini thu coluiiins of the Sun itself, liut the hotter and in re nliithle portion WHS secured fn m reputable ci'ixcns of Mvu Snund Mho Eugenia Paragraphs The heavy mow Htotm of Sunday after- 11 11. i. changed the appearance and calcul*- ii, nis of things quite suddenly. Mr. Foester of Waterloo is the guest hit brothtr, Harry, of this place, Born At Eugenia, to Mr. and Mrs. Alf Holmes a *.>n, on Nov. 4th. We wero pleased t'< see Mr. Joseph Hawkins able to be out for it drive on Ki I.I iy l.r:t. We are pleased t-j learn that Mr. Rob- ert PuriU intends moving his family to hi* farm, Eugenii, afttr7yeri in the city of Toronto. Inspector Huff of Mutfoid cu'led on the fcchool utaff here Friday. Mr*. Win. Cameron spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Graham. 'Hi W. I. appionteJ Mn. Wallace Armstrong and Mra. A. Cameron drlegatei t<> attend the horticu'ture ui- hibition and convention in Toionto Nov. 20 and 21st. Mi. Krnio Morgan is home visiting wife and little daughter. Mr. Will Lalinier and fun i.f I linnis are visiting hii parents here. Mr. nnd Mi < Jack M ... <if Vande- leur viiited thu Uttet's slv'er, Mrs. P MuilrtlllW. We are n>rry to learn of MIS l'.;nl i 'm-i.-i Iteing laid up from . !l r: of vaccination. Mr > i ii in. -I Fi.shur moved his family to Toronto l-t Wi-dnesdiiy nftor living with us for nineteen yearn. Ilrfori? tliir dt'pirturu fifty or more of their ncigli- IHII RS.sellllllud lit ill. -II In. Inn i 'II 'I'll. "ill, i\ evening to hid fuiewell. \li.-i Hpvnding a ].- . I., .in . in gnmcH, otc , Mr. nnd Mrs. Fi.slicr wort: invited to IKS Hitatod nnd the following xddios* wan to i hum : Dear Mr. nnd Mrs. Fisher nnd Fam- ily : We linr mot togotluir thin uvuning ,i little i-onipaiiy of friendH un-j neighhoi-H fur the purpose of i- \ | n !; our regrut of your iiiiini'ili.-ito rtMtiovnl from In gfiiia. You hnvi' long hi'un living in our inidNl nnd rutrt'd a fninily which hits in- deed i. .-I a o.-.lii i n- ill. They were nhvnys ramly nnd willing I . ns.siMl in any giMid work, I'ulli .siici.illy nnd Npiritunlly. We li'- 1 : you to nccept tliCHe munll tokenx nf our esteem, nnd inny God's hlosning f. How you on your remaining journey through life. Signed on lieluilf of your friends, Mri. It. Mi: Maxtor, Mrs W. A unit long, Mrs. .1. A. Willinius. Mr. Fisher gvo n fitting reply. It WIIM i-.l a gient 'up to th- in, nnd he tliiinkcil the people on I. l.ili of hm wife nnd family. Luiieh was Hurved hy I he Indies, nnd nil joiiud in singing " God lie with you till \v meet ngniu." \Vi- are in in in hopes that we will nut get lii leu on our railway throngli thi part, ns > ditl !."> year.< ngic MAIL CONTRACT HEALP.D TENUEItS addreaaed to tu Pott maHter General, if ill be received at Ottawa until uoon ou Friday the 12th December 191:1, for thn conveyance ..( Hi) Majesty'* uiailB on a proposed contract fur four years, aix time! per weuk over Singhampton(via Feverslmm) and Rural Mail Route from tlm 'I'oatDiaater Oeneral' I'leuure ilDttd neUOM containing further infoma (ion as to conditions of propoaod Contract may be teen and blaok forms of tender may be ob tained at the Pout Offices of Kingliampton vi a PeTerham and at the oftice of the Pout O.'llc Inspector Toronto. Post .MI.-" ! :i -:.-.'.... Office. Toronto, ' > t 25th 1913 A. BfTHEKLAND^ Post Office Inspector F. R W. HICKLJNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Overcoats for November Days These cold raw days emphasise the need of a good cosy, comfortable Overcoat You'll find garments to suit every individual need in our New Fall Stock at very reasonable prices. Chinchilla Coats with Shawl Collar and Belts Frieze Coats with Deep Cellar and Belt oats with Convertable Collars Single and Double Breasted Coats Black & Grey Milton Coats with Velvet Collars. Prices from $7.50 to $15.00. Men's sizes from 3tf to 44, FURS t FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! JVIen's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats, Ladies' Caperines, Ladies' Stoles and Muffs, Men's Fur Caps, Children's Fur Setts. All Reasonably Priced. Our Underwear Stock for Ladies', Misses', Boys', Youths', and Men is complete in all sizes, prices, and qualities. New English Linoleums, 4 yds wide, some New Patterns received this week- Prices from oOc to 60c per square yard. Anything you need in Stylish Millinery, our Millinery Department can supply you. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY. NEW CONVENIENT TRAIN TO WINNIPEG CANADIAN PACIFIC MAIL CONTRACT SEALKDTENUKKK&fldreMedtotlie Poitmao- ter OeQiiral, will be received at Ottawa ui.tll no .n. mi KM la- , the 12th of Dec. 191:! for the conveyance o< His Mtjost)'d Mail* on a proponed Contract (or four yeara e\\ tioien per week eacli w*y Over Ravenna (Via) Kalopore and Kara' Ml. Ill Itollttf frointbel'oituiaatar General'* pleasure Printed notice* containing timber informa- tional to i-o-iiitii'in of proposed Contract may be teen and blank form* tof Tendor way I.,- obtained |at the I'oit OOieea of Ravenua. K'>lai>ore an J at the Office of the l'ot Office In- Toronto. I'ostoffice Inspector's off! :n Toronto Oct. 24th 19i:<. A. Sl'THRRLAND. I'. 0. Inspector. MAIL CONTRACT SKU.HI TKNDKK3 atldroinad to the P .v tuaiitor General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday the 11:11, Deo. 191:1 for the conveyance o( Hii Mi jeaty'i Mails o a propoed Cuntract for four yjara nix time* per woek each wat oer Kiml>nrley (via Heathcotf) anil Rural Mail Route from the I'leaaure of the Poetmaitor Geueral. IVintnil notice*. contaiuInK further inform* i .. ae to condition* otpropot'Ml ('ontraot mav >nenaud blank forini of Tender may be obtained at the Pout Offices of Klmherlev Hvathcote, and at tlui Office of the 1'ostOllicu In .1-^1 i.ii at Toronto, Post Office Dcpariniout. Mail Bervicellrancli Toronto, Oct. tt !Ui:t. O. C. VNDEIISON. Superintendent The popularity of Canadian Pacific ser- vice, and the eicellenee of that road's equipment, has been so greatly aprocint- 1 liy the travelling public that it has been found necessary to put into service an entirely new Through Standard Ex- press Train between Toronto and Winni- peg- Commencing Sunday, October 27th,lhe "Gate City Kxpres" will leaTe Toronto at 2.30 p. m., and will run daily there- after, arriving Winnipeg at 8.25 a. m. second morning. The train will con- iat of the highett-clasi modern equip- ment: Observation Compartment Car, Standard Sleeping Crs, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, Fitct-class Coach and Colonist Car. This will lie found the most convenient and the best train be- tween Toronto and Winnipeg on account of the daylight departure from Toronto at an hour when the I'uion Station is not badly congested, and also on accoun 1 of the early hour of arrival at Winnipeg. The present "Vancouver Exprest" will continue to leave Toronto at 10.20 p..m. daily and will consist of me sime equip ment as the "Gate City Exprem." This tiam is the best to take for points west of Winnipeg, but for Winnipeg and east the "Gate City Expreas" is the right train to travel by. Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent or write M. G. Murphy District Pttaaenger Agent, Torun'o. BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull, Field Marhll 90691 will he for Herni-e on lot 170. T- S. R. Aitamiii*. Teruu f 1 . AUK JAS. STINSON, Prop. Looking back.I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free.' W. A. Armstrong, Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisemontjwill only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Qet something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wantti. Springs and Mattresses to! fit all bc:ls. Examine our stock any- 1 way, before purchasing your shop, itiduccrs. j W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. W. L. WRIGHT GENERAL MERCHANT - Have you yet paid us a visit and inspected our splendid new stock of Dry Goods, Readyraade loth ing, Boots and Shoes. If not it will pay you to do so. I still sell Groceries, Flour and Feed. Our lines of Flour are Purity, Five Roses, Royal Household, White Rose and Morning Glory. Bran, Shorts, hop 11 1 Low Grade Flour for feeding purposes. t ^ .* ft We pay the the Highest Market Price for Butter and Eggs. Flesherton, Ontario. Flesherton Tin Shoi I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agatwaie for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove l-urnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipelining, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON * ONTARIO. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Aj-cut for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Muggies, Cutters, Sleigh*, and Gasoline Engine*, Mclotto Cream Separators, linker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe FiUinus always oh hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Curriers and stable fittincs. Cockshwt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroora Wellington Street. Feversbam, Ontaro GOOD LOCAL AGENT At once Io represent the CD* Old and Reliable F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Full delivery 1913 and Sprina delivery 1914. : : : : Start nt onco and secure exclusive territory. \V e supply handsome free outfit and pay hichest commissions. Write for full particulnre. 1 Jly 13 Stone & Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT