Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1913, p. 6

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HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLICY LARGESrSALE IN THE WORLD Why present an old appear- ance before your time } ly uoin t LU BYS HAIR RESTORER Yoar Gray H*ir can be re- stored to its Natural Color. THOUSANDS HATI (EFITTCD V ITS Uit At all Drugs'*** Oo. Bot. National Live Stock, Hor- ticultural and Dairy Show EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO November 1 7 to 32 $3O,OOO In Prizes Honei Poultry Fruit Cattle Pigeon* Flswerg Sheep Pit Stock Variables Swln* Dogs H n y KcduovU Rntr* on all Railway*. ORleei Trmpl liulKIInf, Toronto. TcUiilionn Adelaide 3808. PRICES OF (ARM PRODUCTS KEPORT) FROM THI LCAOINO TRAOI CENTRE* Of AMCKICA. af Catll*, Cram, Ghaata ana Otnc fnduoa at Homt and Ahraad, Braadituff*. Toronto. NOT. 11.- Flour Ontario wheat floure. 90 por cout, $3.46, eaboard. and at $3.44 at local point*. Ontario. Mam- tobaa Firet patontu. In jute bags. $5.30: do.. Bttoondu, $4.80; blroug bukera . in jut* .* . $4.60. Manitoba whoat-No. 1 Northern. 87 !*; on ti'u. k. Bay porti. an<l No. 2 at 85 l-2c. Ontario wheat No. 2 wheat at 81 to 82o ouuuie. Oau, No. 2 Ontario oat*. 33 to 34o, oat- aide, and at 3c, on track Toronto. West- ern Canada old out*. 38 3-4o for No. 2. and at 37o for No. 3, Bay port*. Pen* Nominal at 90 to 95o, ouulde. Burley-iiood mHltiug barley, o/ to 58c. outside. Corn -No. 2 American corn. 74 l-2c. c.i.f.. Midland. liye No. 2 at 660, outside. Buvlrwh-at--52 to Me. Brun Manitoba bran. $21.50 a ton. In bam, Toronto freight*). Shorn. $22 5U lorouio. Country Product. Butter Choice dutry, 22 to 24o; Inferior, 20 to 21c; creamery. 28 to 2So for rolls, and 26 to 26 l-2o for solid*. l.tifK 'uii Into uf uti.v-laiJ. 35 to 37o por dozen; fresl), 32 to 33u, and atorage. 28 Iu *o per doien. CheeseNew chcene, 14 l-2o for large, and 14 34 to 15o for twins. Beaiia Hand-picked. $2.25 to $2.35 per bushel; prime*. $1.75 to $2. Honey- Extracted. In t.iw. 11 to 12o per Ib. for No. 1 ; combe, $3 to $3 25 per dosei for No. 1, am] $2.50 for No. I. Poultry- Fowl. 12 to 14u oer Ib.: chick .'-. 17 to 19c; duokB, 12 to 14c: ttem. 13 to 15c; turkeyu. freah. No. 1. 21 to 22o. Potatoes On utrloa. 90o per bag. on track, and Delaware* at 95o, on track. , I "Pen-in Gloves" give the final touch of effective- ness to any costume. Best dealers, everywhere sell "PERRIN" A DKSIKABI.K INNOVATION. Butter-Makers Should li- lin-ui-h I', -i . mi Different ChurniugN. A despatch from Montreal aay : Althcupph reformed nwthods of but- ter-makinR, Chipping, )mn<iling and gelling have b<n*n comutlerably di~ oiiBHfd during recent yearn, it seema thai there is utill room for material improvement in certain direotion. Members of the MontroaJ Produce Mrr<:hant' Ansociation hv been drawing attention of Laie to a de- irnb!n innovation which they oan- t,:il T should bo introduced into the buttxvr factories. Tlve suggoHtnon is that the butter-makers tthoald dis- tinguish between the different ohurninfrs, by ni&rkiiK the boxed with tho number of tho ohurriing and Uin d*to. This they cLaim would greatly facilitate Uie exami- nation and grading of the butter, *nd would enable thn trade to di- tini.'u,.-li accurately, instead of up proximjitely, junt what tho quality of tlie butter ia. Provisions. Duoon Lone rlear, 16o ner Ib.. In ca*e lota. Pork Short <<at. xJl -J do., meoi. $24.50: hame. medium to liftht, 20 U> 20 1-Zo; hvy, 19 u> 19 1-fc; roll*. 15 1-2 to lit; hNUJMt hu.-in. 19 to 20c; backg, 22 to Me I.ai-1 Tior-- . 1] I-4c; tub*. 14u: ia.:l. 14 l-4. Baled Hy and Straw. Baled hay No. 1 at 114 to 114.75 a ton on traok here; No. 2 at $12.50 tu $11.26. and mixed at $11. lluluij ntrnw--$7.75 to $8. on truck. To- ronto. Montr&al Markets. Montreal, NOT. ll.~Orn. American No 2 yellow, 80 to 81o. Oat. Canadian Vfvut- rrn. No. 2, 40 1-2 to 41<i. Canadian Weil ern. No. 3. 39 1-2 to 40o. Barley. Man. feed '-'-. raa'iUny. It to 70u. Burkwtwat No. 2, 55 to 56o. Flour, Man. Spring wheat pat onU. IJI-HII. $540; Meootidii, $4.90: ilrong hakiTM'. $470; Winter puioMtM, choice. $5 traiKhl rollvm, 14.60 t $475; do., baicx $2.05 to $2.10. Boiled ...ii" barrclf. $C40 to $4.50; bafm. 90 Ihw . $2.10 to $2121-2. liraii, $22. Hhnrtii. $k4. ifiddlingii. $27. " i '.,.. $28 to $22. HI, Nn. 2, por iou oar lot*. ". ''! to $14.50. ()benn, fTneat we^t priifl, li to U MO| flneat cailcrnn, 12 1-2 to 12 3-4c. Butter. <-holcot creamery. II 1-2 to '-'- . neoondti, 27 to 27 l-4o. Kgg*. froth, 41 to Vlf.; elecb-d. 33 to 34u; No. 1 itook. to 30; No. 2 I-.- k. 23 to 24o. Potatoel, per bag. car loll. 7i to tSc. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg. NOT. 11. <'uh Wheat No. 1 Northern. 80 S-$n; No. 2 Northern. 78 7-8o ; No. J Northern. 763-4o: No. 4. 72 3-4oi No. 1 rejected ed. 7*l-4; No. 2 rej*-td noodii. 74 l-4o; No. 1 red Wintor. 82 l-4o; No. 2 red Winter. 80 l-4n; No. 3 red Winter. 773-4o. Oata -No. 2 C.W.. 33 l-4o; No. 3 C'.W.. Me: eitra No. 1 toed. 32 l-2oi Mo. 1 feed, '! .14... No. 2 '.-.-I. SOc. Hurley- N>. 3. 43 l-2o: No. 4, 40u; rajected. 3$u; feed, 38c. Flat -No. 1 .N W.C . $1.11| No. 2 O.W.. $1.09; No. i C.W.. 99. FEDERAL REVENUE GROWS It Is Likely to Meet Capital and Special as Well as Current Expenditures A despatch from Ottn.-wa flays : Revenue figures for the first seven mouths of th current fiscal year show that the receipts have been l,ll,014, or some five millions more than in the corresponding period last year. The excise and post-offic ruvenuea show an in- creaae of a million, while the Cus- toms figures are about the same as last yer. The takings in the Rail- ways and Canals Department lead those of last year by $1,300,000, whilo the rniscellajieous revenues, derived from saJes of land, etc., show heavy advances. Hon. W. T. White's forecast in his Budget speech seems in a fair way of being realized. Aft-er point- ing out that the revenue for 1912- | 13 stood at the extraordinary figure of $108, 230, 000, and observing that "it in too much to expect that this abnormal rate of increase will be maintained during the present year," he went on to say: "I feel conn-dent that the revenues of the year will not only prove adequate ! to meet the current expenditure, but to met po&sibly the whole, and ; certainly the greater, portion of capital and special expenditure for the year." This, he explained, cannot often occur, but may be 1 achieved in exceptional years. It now appears likely that this fore- cast will be fulfilled completely and that, the year's revenues will uf- | fioe for th eoonsolidated and capital I expenditure. UREAT SHIPBUILDING FIRM. Armstrong-Whitworth Will Start a Canadian Plant. A d?p.-iU>h from Ottawa says: Th great British shipbuilding, con- tracting and steel manufacturing firm of Armstrong, Whitworth Si Company evidently intends to start a. Canadian plant. Notice is given in The Canada Gazette of the Fed- eral incorporation of Armstrong, Whitworth of Canada, Limited, with stock of $2,000.000, and head- quarters at Montreal. The com- pany is empowered to carry on a general shipbuilding and iron and steel manufacturing business, to build locomotives, automobile*, drydocka, terminals, etc. If it is ventually decided to build war vessels in Canada the company will be on the ground and ready to ten- der. ESCAPED FROM PHISON FARM. Prisoners Got Three Months Extra On Their Terms. A dexjpatoh from Guelph aay : A. H. Sohoefer of Berlin and Philip Monohan of Brockville, the two pri- soners who iiuulo their escape from the Provincial Prifton Farm a few days ago, but who were subsequent- ly recaptured near Berlin and brought back her, wero before Ma frustrate Witt* at the Police Court on Friday. Both men plad- ed guilty. They wero given some Hound advice a to their behavior in the future, andi, besides being compelled to finish out their sen- tences of eleven and nine months, respectively, each was given three montiui extra, with an indetermi- nate sentence of two years. INCREASED COST OF LIVING. On- I lliilratl<>n Why It N II..- Case. A dwpatch from Brantford says : A irU-BOWtl local irimrane agcivt who II.T.S jut returned from a trip through th surrounding country observed in hi travels an incident which illu/xi ;it~l <me rea*on for tho increased <x.<t of living. It wan tliai of a farmer who had pu rohaaed two HhoaU or young pigs for the purpose of fattening them. Thoy ...I him $12 lion In- bought t.ln-in. and oot, whon r.-idv for market, $35, And he, expected to toll tin- in for $M. Unlttd State* Marktti. Mlnm-apolli.. NOT. It. Whent 80 W to 807-V; rfay. 85 7 to 86c; No. 1 bird, 8414ii; No. 1 NorUi*rn. 831-4 to 83 J-4o; No. 2. do.. 80 1-4 to 81 34<:; No i whal. 78 1-4 to 79 J-4c. Corn No. i yellow, t7 to 67 1-Zc. Oats No. 5 whito. 35 1-2 to 35 3-4e. Plonr and bran Unohunied. Dnluth, NOT. 11. Wheat No. 1 hard. 84J-8r; No. 1 Northern. 83 3-8o; No. 2. do.. 81 3-8 to 81 7-8c; Montana No. Z hard. 81 5-ec: DMMUtf, 81 5 So bid; May. 86 1-4 to M J-8n bid Unnned $J.34 1-2; NoTemher. $1.38 hid; Deoembor, $1.321-2 bid; May. $1.37 7-1. Llvt Stotk Markets. Montreal. NOT. 11. Prime boeTen. 7 to 7 1-Eti. M--.I inn sold 5 to 6 3A- oommon 8 1-2 U> So bulln a.bout, 4<i, (Uickers 4 to 6 l-2r. Milch coim nnd eprinireni. $35 to $75 each. CalTi-i, 3 1-J to 6 f-2o. Hhenp. 4 1-4o. I.niiiiw. ( i ', HOK, 9 I :v Toronto. NOT. 11. Oatt^-4lhoU-e export. 7.25 to $7.50; choice bii:ohra. $675 to $715; rood medium. $5.75 to $6.25; com. in. >n. $4 to $4.50; cannere and nullem. .(.'o to >J75; fnt oowe. $4 W to $6; common cnw. $3.50 to $4; butcher!' hM. $3 T5 to $625 (!a)T 4ood Tool. *8.75 to $10; com- mon. $475 to *5M flt.ockom and twdnrt fltoen. 950 to 1.050 nonnda, $6 to $640 ALA11M1NG NEWS. Tlinimnnds of RarrelH of Fl*h I ;, in; Ilotling ut (inspe. A despatch from (Quebec Bays : Captain Samuel ('ote of tho schoo- ner Mary Ann, who lias arrived here from Giwpe, gives out, alarm iiiK news about, the hi-rring fl-jhing I lii.i \'-ar. lie wiys that a dixi^ase ha broken out in the horrinx fam- ily t li.-i-t. must in tim sprwid to other fisli. Tho diae.aie rot the on- trails of tliB herring, and Ui cap- tain i-jtyn them are thoiiand.s of barrels of this .\xar' catch lying rotting on tho <I i-p<> heaoh and on the north tthore. . . , > "' uu.illty. 600 to 800 pouti<l, $6 to $6.25- liirhl F.aetern. 400 to 630 pound*. $4.50 tn llvht bnlli. $3.M to $4. flhT) and . . . lamlxi Light unm 4 .11 to $5.40; heavy | $.? to $360; buck*. $3 to $350; cprlnr UmM, $750 to $760. but with 75o per he.id do- 1 ducted for all the im k lamht. II..K $866 f.o b. to <lroT<rn; $9.10 tu $9.20, ted and watured. $9.25 off can. STOLK FHOM THE BANK. Accountant 8enteneed to Two Yearn in Penitentiary. A do>ptch from fit. John, N.R., a.ys : William M/K-Intvr*, fontier aiooouruUiavt of tha Bank of Nova Hi- 'i.i,i horn, p]ded guilty before Judgo Forba in the Oounty ('ourt oil 'I'liurwliiv to >.t*-n!n>K 910,000 of tin' batik'B fuN.li He won Hen- teno*-*! if) two yoar* in Doroh^flter Penitentiary at hard labor, but thn Judge t.i,<l In. woiil<I willingly re <v>niincm<l (o th I lepiirljnent of Jus- tice that Maclnlyre b relciuwyl on parole. It IN understood a pe.tvfcion will bn gotit to thn Minister of Jim ticxi along th<MMt linns and tlwit thn bank airthoritlcii H.IX* re-ady to join in Mic |n-t ition. Maclntyre WAI nr- in Toronto. WORKS ALL UAY And Studies at Night on Grape- Nut.s Food. Some of the world's great men ha\e worked during the day nnd studiod evenings tu fit ihcmeelveg fi>r greater thinga. But it requires a good constitution generally to do this. A man was able to keep it up with ene after ho h.'id lenrned tho tuistaining power of Grape-Nuts, altliough he hod failed in health before he changed his food supply. HP ixy : "Three yearn ago I had a severe attack of stomach trouble which left mo unable to eat anything but bread and water. "The nervous strain at my office from (5 A. M. to P. M. and im- proper foods caused my health to fail rapidly. Cereal and to-callex! ''Fooda" were tried without bene- fit until I saw Grape-Nuts men- tioned in the paper. "In hopeleas desperation I tried this food and at onc gained strength, flenh and appntito. \ am now able to work all day at the office and ntudy at niglht, without tho nervous exIiAUHtion that wa usual before I tried Grape-Nuts, "It loaves me strongtliened, ro- froshed, nit.ifled ; nerves quietfid nnd toned up, body and bruin wattn rest-ored. I would havo benn a living skeleton, or nmrs likely a doad one by thus tiinn, if it had not benn for Grape-Nut*," Name given by Canadian P*liim Co., Windsor, 'Ont, Read "The lload to Wnll villa." in pkgs. "There's a Reaon, ' vr vad th ubovo A new i'ii tppMr* from tint* to time. They are g-nntn, tru, uiul full of human Inter**!. li HEWS IH PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TIIE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World In General Before Your Eyes. Canada. Brockville citizens have petition- ed for u local option by-law. A branch of the Retail Mer- chants' Association of Canada was formed at Sault 8te. Marie, Ont. The forest revenue of B.C. for this yeAr will be about $3,000,000, an increase of $400. 000. Five hundred gallons of dirty milk were rejected last week by Montreal's Food Inspection De- partment. A 8t. Thomas by-law will compel grocers and butchers to close at 7 p.m. except Saturday and days pre- vious to holidays. The National Council of Women intends to apply for incorporating the Council to federate all women's societies in the Dominion. Premier McBride, of B.C., says he has assurances that the G.T.P. and C.N.R. transcontinental will be completed by next midsummer. Builders' exchanges in the West will co-operate with the farmers' ( associations iu urging removal of i duties, so far at least as regards cement. Fifty thousand dollars' profit for the ciry was realized at an auction sale of Land expropriated by Mont- real for a street extension and not required. It will require 30 days to repair tho damage cau&ed to Montreal's tele.]>h<>n system in the business du/triet by a three-minute fire on Wednesday. Marquis Dura//o, Italian Consul for Canada for the pant two years, is going tn Berne, Switzerland, to become First Secretary of the Ital- ian Legation there. His place is being taken by Signor Gualtero. Abolition of bars in hotels, col- lection of revenue on percentage ha--;s instead of by fixed license fees, and reduction of licenses in titles and towns, are expected to bo reoommonded by the License Commission , whoso report is to be presented to the Quebec Legisla- ture. Grent Britain. Alfred Russel Wallace, the emi- nent scientist, is dead. The Hudson Bay Company pro- poses to increase its capital by 1.000,000. Canadian financier* in London have petitioned in favor of the Ald- wyoh site for the Dominion Govern ment office*. 1 lilted Stnlc*. The entire National Guard of In- diana is watching the strikers in Indianapolis. The Illinois Central Railroad^will use the oldest mortgage in the world as a model. Two more U.S. cruisers have been ordered into Mexican waters, one on each coast. General. India | contemplating legisla- tion to improve her banking sys- tem. Thirty-five Filipinos, who took part, in a side thow at the/ Ghent Expedition, are destitute ivnd wan- dering in tho fired* of Antwerp, Mayor Nathan and t>h aldernven of Rome will resign, dun to th do- 1 foat in the iNirliiiniMitary ejections j I of two candidate* mipported by tho municipal party, Maurice. Spangenberg, flrnt officer of the wteamor Grower Kurfurrst, in;-, lirrn promoted to n captaincy In recognition of his heroism in tho Volturno affair, The now C.MnnM Republic wtumpi, have been tunned, (.he van, .us <),. nominations being In three- different designs, reprtMMMitlng commerce, agriculture nnd learning. iiiiiiiiimiitiiiiiiiiiirifiiiiiniiir TO GUARD AGAINST ALUM IN BAKING POWDER SEC THAT ALL INGREDIENTS ARC PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL.AND THAT ALUM OR SULPHATE OF ALUMINA OR aOOIC ALUMINIC SUL- PHATE 18 NOT ONE OF THEM. THE WORDS "NO ALUM" WITHOUT THE IN- GREDIENTS IS NOT SUFFI- CIENT. MAGIC BAKING POWDER COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS. FOR ECONOMY. BUY THE ONE POUND TINS. E. W. GILLETT COMPANY, LIMITED WINNIPEG -TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL imiiiimmiiii imiiniiiiit mum iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiifiiiiiiiriiiiiniimi MINERAL OUTPUT FOR 1912 The Total Value Was $135,048,296, or An Increase of Thirty Per Cent. A despatch from Ottawa says : | That Canada last year saw her best 1 period of mineral production on record is indicated by a general j summary of the mineral production ! of Canada for 1912, just issued by ; the Mines Branch of the Depart- ment of Mines. The total vaJu of last year's output wa $135,0.18,286, 831,827,302 more than during the previous year, or an increase ofl over fhirty per cent. As Canada's | growth and progress in industrial development are more or less re- flected in the statistical record of her mineral production, this is a gratifying record. Since 183t> this production has risen from $2.23 to abont 019 per capita. Ontario heads the list, with ft production of $51,485,000; British Columbia comes second, with $30,- ' 000,000, and Nova Scotia third with 818,822,000. A substantial increase in the price of most metals was . feature of the year, as was the ex- tended development cf ore reserves, . pointing to much greater output* in the future. Coal has been th most important product in point oj value, with a totaJ production ol * 830,019.044, silver coming next in importance, and nickel, copper and go Id, following. With the exception of petroleum, every important min- eral mined in Canada shows an in- creased production in 1912. A MECCA FOR TRAMPS. Fifty Men a Wwk Were Deported From Ontario. A despatch from Toronto says; . Ontario seems to have been a mec- ca for tramps during the past sum- mer. At the office of the Superin- tendent of Provincial Police on Thursday it was ascertained that about fifty mn a week have been stopped by the officers at the inter- national boundary and handed over to the immigration authorities to be deported. The total number for ,_ the season amount* to about 1.000, which is 400 more than last year. The Governor-General. New portrait of the Oovernor- General. H.R.H. tho Duke of Con- naiiKht, as skotchpd at the wedding of hid son, Prince Arthur of Con- naught. FAKKRS PR08KCITED. Fined $5 Kaeli for Selling "(Jimran- teed" Goods in \Yiunipeg. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Through the Dominion Government inspectors 17 juwelers were fined 95 on Wednesday for selling "guaran- teed" goods and UOJTUS jewelry. A campaign lias been started to drive out all fakers, and these are the ftrst prosecutions. Any Headache Cured. Tired Systems Re-Toned When You're Dull. Tired. RcstleaB Day anil Night Something U Wrong in the Stomach. A Prominent Publishing Man Say* the Quickest Cure if Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Headaches never corns o those who use Dr. Hamilton's Pitt*, and this fact Is vouched for by th Assist- ant Manager of the .Poultry Success Magazine, of Springfield. O. Mr. J. H. Callander. who writes: "N'o better medicine than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. We use them regularly and know of marvelous cures that resisted every- thing else. They cleanse the whole system, act as a tonic on the bloo'l, enliven digestion, help tb stomach, and make you feel etronp anil well. For headaches. Indigestion and stouv ach disorders I am confident that the one prescription Is Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Being composed of natural vege- table remedies, Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess great power, yet they are. harmless. They aid all organs con- nected with the stomach, liver, and bowels. In consequence, food la pro- perly digested, the blood Is pure and nourishing, the body Is kept strong and resists disease. All druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c. per box, 5 for $1.00, or by mail from the Catarrhorone Co.. Buf- falo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. unm OF MIRDF.R. Two Men Sentenced to Be Hanged nt Vancouver. A despatch from Vancouver, B. (.'., say* : It took the jury in the trial of Herman F. Clarke and Frank DavU but 25 minute-s ot Thursday afternoon tn find both guilty of the murder of Police Con- stable James Archibald on a brush- ciiveved lot on Powell Street on May 29, when h surprised them in the act of packing their burglar*' tool* after having committed * burglary. They will be hanged U New Westminster Jan. 15. A Gin Pill at Bed Time will not only prevent any form of Kidney trouble but will uusUt the Kidneys in their work of filtering the impurities from the blood. Kidneys worldug properly inctm a good complexion, bjlghteyea, a clear bruin, iu fact a condition of general good health. Gin Pill* are aoUt by all druggists, at 500. pr box, 6 for $^.50, or direct from NitlMil Drag and Chemical I *., t Cantda Limited. Toronio, I $3

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