November 13 1913 T H E F L E S H E II T X A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS WH. WRIGHT. TELFOBD & McDO.NALD lUrriht. r. gnllcltom, & c . OtDcei, Qrey * Hruo* 11!. M k. Owon Bouud. BtamUrd Hunk Hlock. KlMbr*on. (Saturdays). W.H. Wright. W. I' 1'tlforrt .)., I. C. WcDouaH.L. U B. SOCIETIES AO U W rneeti ou be la>t Mondaj ID each month, In tbelr louge room Clayton'' ball Pletbertoo. at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Uellamy : Kec., C. H. Monnbaw: Kin., K. J, Kproule. Viiltlog brethren InTited PRINCE ARTHDK LODOK. No. SS3. A.F.A A U, meet* in the Uaeouicbill. Artu trons'B Block, Klmbcrton, eTery Friday on or befor* the fall moon HerbSsiltb, W. M.; Cbu.llun*htw, Secretary. P OURTTLEBHERTON, 986. I. 0. F. n>eU Jo WOUftODl Bl06k tbclaM Wednelv eveulng each month. Vititlofi Fortr heartily icome'C. K. O. Bellamy : . B., O, Cairni; Pleaae pay'duM to Via. Bee. before the flrtt v of the inoDtb. CHOSEN FhlENDB-Fletherton Council v ChoMc Frieudi meeti ID Clayton'ilull Brit and third Wedoeadav of etch month 8 p. m Fay aauinnenti to the Kecorder on or before tcr Brit day of each month. Cbief Councillor T. Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Buut. RUDD MATHEW8, Uarkdale. Licenaed auctioneer tor the county of Grey, Go<x crvice at reaecnable ratei. Datei can be n:ade atTlie Advance. oW MEDICAL DR CARTER U C P & 8 Ont, PbyilcUn. Surgeon etc Office and reiideuce Peter it., FleibertOD JP OTTEWELL, Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College residence second door Booth waM.oo M.ry itreet. Thit itreet rani loutb Fresbyterlan Church, DENTISTRY Dr. B. C. MURRAY I,. D. 6.. dental Burgeon bonoi Rraduate of Toronto Uoirerilty and Koyal College of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario, tiki aduiiiinutered for teeth extraction Cjftce at residence, Toronto Street. Flesfcerton. LEGAL VCAB, RANEY & hKSHY-Barrifter*. *-> tiolicitori.eto.-l. 1. Lnca*. K. C.; W. K. I!ru-y, K. C. ; W. D. Henry, H. A. Offices. Toronto, hOC-9 Tiador Bank BldjJ.. phone main 1*12; Markdale Lucat Block. Phone 2 A. branch ottke at Oundalk open every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS VUUUX3UGH 4 YOUNG Hankers Markdale ,>eaeral banking buinea . Money loaned at reaiooable ratn Call on us. DMcI'HAlL, I.icrnied Auctioneer for the County of Orey. Terms moderate and tatiHiaction guaranteed. Tbe arrangement! and datci of li can lie made a>. THK ADVANCE office. Kentdeuce audl'.O., Ceylon. Telephone connection. Dc. ,07. WM. KAITTls'i;. Licensed Auctioneer foi the countlei of drey and Hiuicoc. Farm and Stock >alo< a Hpecialty. Termi moderate atll action Ruarantted. Airauitv- aienib for date* may bo made at tbe Advance jfltee. nr Central telerbnnu oft'.ce Kevnrsliain Or byaddreuing me at Ktvtithaui, Out. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Chant<elinM Prince Joe Bred by Channeliii(( Ilutter Hoy out of Tidy Abbekerk PrincusH Jost'pliinu. The greatest butter making strain known. Term of ncrvice- $2 for grades ?- r ' for pure bred. <;K<. MnouK.t SUN, ivop., TChlHl.KTT, Poituiaiter, Ceyloo. ComiuUilouer In H. C. J .Conveyancer, deeili, uiortgir,**, Inane*, willi etc. carefully drawn up ollectloni mad.-, charyei reaitonabie. Alio i fi-ii-r-, floor, feed etc, kei>tlu stock, 1'ricei teht. Small Farm For Sale I'art T^ol 'i, con. 4, Kuphntnia, hricV- facd oottige, frimu barn wi h r*Mmeot : HiuaJl orchard, churricr, . 'lnuii, apples nnd small fruit. ],< t aoniaini 44 acr*. Hevvnteeii hundred will buy it. Apply tn W\f. SLOAN Dec. 30, ]:: Kimbr!*y p. n. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 141-142, 3rd range K. T. A S. R., AitemcHia, brick house, good outlmild- ingo .Hi' I orchard, well watered. Apply to ISAAC SINCLAIR, Fleshprlon. 1 Sept. Boar for Service A { whIM Yorkshire llo*r for itnloe H lot 16*,:trd range W T,AB.H., .A rtmuot ia Ternn (I.M- It. WAIJ.RM. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT .TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring SciWiwbic GQQ<U, first class Workmanship. --AL80- 4 line of Ready-Made Clothing we put alteration* U Uvt vf if required. For Sale or Rent l'< lUTLAW HTOJIK For pi tlculiUH apply to 1 1. J. Hproulo, Kleiiherton, or Mrs. Geo. Thomson, Clint* worth, Out. 1 Dec. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the lau'i-si altendKiice in its hiitury, The Collingwood BuHinesN College ha placed in A K<"><1 posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from ^January 2, 1013. Send fur handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE Hawkinst Principal DR. J3URT JpcclalUt In} diieMCi of tbe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office--30 10th t. ea*t, Owen Sound At the Rovere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12n m Uuii'l Wednesday of each month.. Farm to Rent or Sell 100 acreK, near Kimberloy, nearly nil cleared. Would rent to Huihible teiianr who will hnve the option of buying on. easy terras. Apply at The Advance- office. Docherty Upright Organ for sale, good as new, can be bought cheap. Apply to R. C. WALKER Flesherton, - - - p. o. Jas. Pattison & Co. 11 CEYLON, ONTARlOe NEW FALL GOODS JUST ARRIVED ! is, Sheetujand Compforters. .V uV v - for Men, Boys, Women and Girls also for theCBabioH. New Dres Good*, New Collars. Yokes and FancylGoods, New Sliirts, Ties and Collars for the Men. Underwear of all kinds, Nw Booti ami Sheen, trunks and Suit^Caees, Hats and Caps and in fact utmost anything 'you require. Special fur sale tliis week in Buys' Overcoats and PeajackeU, it prices that can't bo heat, also some Boots nnd Shoes your choice for , ,'ic: and DOc a ]>air. Live poulty taken on every Wednesday. Dressed, nny day. Highest market prices paid for Poultry, Butter and FgRii. Best gradi'i of b'lour alwys on hand, Five Roses, Cream of West, Purity, Toronto Pride arid Milverton Flour. Everything Kuasonable. (il'K MOTTO IS : "Small Profits and Quick Returns." JAS. PTTTISON & Co. CEYLON "I GENERAL MERCHANTS : . ONT. Honor Roll* Report of S. S. No. 4, Arteuiesia for October . Sr. 4 M. Nicbollt, L. Nicholls, E. Stevtne, M. Hanley. Jr. 41. Si inn, n, R. Stevens, L. Lock- hart, W. Heard, L. Love. Jr. 3 E. Stinson, G. Stiiison, S.Lud- low, O. Lockhart, P. Scott. Sr. 2 V. Miners, F. Nicholl*. Jr. 2 E. Stinson, M. Nicholh, S. . Achesun, L. NicholUi, A. Little. 1 D. Stevens, M. Miners, B. Heard, V. Moore. B-E. Nicholls, M. Acheson, J. B<tdjeiow, M. Scott, E. Nixon. Average attendance, 30. L. B. WALKER, Teacher. Report of S.S. No. 2, Osprey, for the months of September and October. Fifth class Lena Miller, Jetsie Hub- erts. Sr. 3 Leslie Scott, Margaret McKin- non, Jessie Mclnlyre. Jr. 3 Bruce Douglas, Mary McKin- non, Chester Miller, Tommy Roberts, Vera Cameron, Fred Muirhead, George Dickenson. Sr. 2 John Lockhart, Elmer Minn, Margery Cameron, Maggie .Mclntyre. Jr. 2-Willis Muirhead, Willie Me- lutyre. First class Gladys McSherry, Sadie Muirhead, Teresa McSherry. Sr. Primary Bessie Potts, Annie Mc- lntyre, Vertia Stevenson, Roy Lockharr, Ida Itinii. Jr. Primary Djnald Mclntyre, Ern- est Muirhead, D. A. Mclntyre. Report of S.S. No. l.'i, Artemesii, for October. Sr. 4 W. Latimer, B. Armstrong, C. Park. Jr. 4 W. McMaster, W. Walker, W. Armstrong. Sr. 3 M. P*ik, N. Williams, W. Fisher. Jr. 3 H. Haney, M. Haney, G. \Vil- son. Sr. 1- P. Latimer, P. McMaster, M. McKee, I. Haney. Jr. 1 L. Weber, M. Duckett. Primer -A. Pedlar, K Lint<m, M. Fun wick, E. Williams. J. Williams, C. Graham, V. Oratum, E. Graham. M7G. MrMvLLEX, Tc:icher Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance aubscriptiongonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Fleaherton Advance ... f I 00 Youths Companion . 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News . . , 1 50 Weekly Globe 00 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun.. 90 Farmers Advocate 1 50 Weekly Witness 90 Saturday Niht 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry News ...t...." 2o Poultry Iteview 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 Ram Lambs For Sale Some nice fine bn-d Oxford Down Ram lambs with good breeding and quality at right prices. Richard Allen, UK. No. 3, Plesherton. Telephone io connection. FlesHeirton Tonsoriat Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening. CLEANING and DYEING- We are gents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Ho' stein Bull, Korndyk Pietertje Clothitde, No. 14780, whose dam, Trizie's Clnthilde Pietertje 2nd,No. 2988, has produced over 80 Ibs. milk per day. Terms Grade cows f 1.00, pure bred cows 93. All cows not returned will ba charged. Also registered Yorkshire boar, No. 34581 .Term* fl. HENRY HOLM AN Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemesia, Portia w P.O tinll rtf II II HARDWARE! ! SPORTSMEN ! Here is the place to buy your Guns, Rifles and Ammunition, Traps, Etc. Now is the time to buy your New Range or Heaters Moffats Canada A, guaranteed to give satisfaction, the range that will save half your fuel and hold fire over night Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Sherwin Williams Buggy Paint to renovate your cutter for the winter. Implement Paint for your sleigh also for your plows and Imple- ments to keep them from rusting. See our line of Winter Mitts and Gloves. Frank W. Duncan ONT. ir GIVEN AWAY $5 ftft "-"' \j/J0W To the First Person v;ho 3 within the next Three Days, sends in the name of the Flour which will be advertised in this Publi- cation later, will be given, free of all obligation whatever. GOLD The name to be used is not generally known, and it is a flour that has not been advertised before. FROM WASHED WHEAT \ The Flour Is of excellent quality, and made In the most \ modern mills, and is from the BEST CANADIAN HARD WHEAT \ Remember. You Have an Equal Chance With Any Others Who May Enter the Competition Entries submitted from Wholesale or Retail Dealers, Flour Agents, Employees of the Company Itself will not bo accepted. All You Have To Do Is Simply Give the NAME OF THE FLOUR end In one) name only, you may be the Winner. Send In your answer addroseod tot **--<" FLOUR COMPETITION Advance Office, Flesherton, Ontario. .. The name of the Prize Winner will bo announced In this Publication In the near future