SPARKLING EYES AND RUBY LIPS The Birthright of Every Girl Witt Rich, Red Blood, The sad eye that goes with blood- lessness is a sure sign of misery anc weakness. Anaemic that is blood- lessgirls and women have dull, heavy eyes with dark lines under- neath. The eyelid is pulled down, looks pale and bloodshot inside. .This is not all. Anaemia works havoc all through the system ; girls " grow painfully weak and irritable ; , they are breathless and incapable of much exertion, while older wo- 'men who are anaemic complain of being "never really well." There is only one way to brighter, .better health for pale, pining girls and women. That way is to invig- ftrate the body with new blood the rich, healthy blood that imparts Strength, cleanses the system of all impurities, and restores the bright eyes and red lips of perfect health. Thousands of girls and women know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People make this new, rich, red blood, and so restore .health and strength, more surely than any other medicine known. There would not be an anaemic woman or girl in the land if those 'suffering from this condition would t give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a 'fair trial. That is why so many t recommend these pills to their suf- fering sisters. Mrs. R. B. Keith, * Steeves Settlement, N.B., says: "At the age of 13 my daughter "Sadie began to complain of con- stant headaches, and did not have * her usual good appetite. I went to a doctor and got some medicine, ' but it did not help her, and finally she had to discontinue going to * school. She seemed to be growing weaker every day and wanted to lie down all the time, and would continually complain of being tired. The doctor gave her another bottle of medicine, but with, no better results. There was not a bit of color in her face or lipe., and I was afraid she was going into a decline. A friend who was in to see her said ''if she was my child I would ' try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," and I decided I would take the advice. In a couple of weeks we could see a difference, as her eyes looked brighter, and she would try to eat a little. When she 'began the pills she could not dress herself alone, but little- by little her strength came back until she could go for a walk. She continued the use of the Pills several months with the result that she was again strong and active-. This was over two years ago, and she has been a strong, healthy girl ever since. We have since used' the pills for other purposes and find them a good family medicine." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be se>nt by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes jfor $2.80 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Out. A BISHOP'S EXPERIENCES. Teaching Mathematics to the Na- tives of New Guinea. Bishop Stone- Wigg, who was for some years in charge of the English Church Mission in New Guinea, did his share of the routine work, and sometimes took the "upper mathe- matical class" in the school for na- tives. Arthur K. Chignell, in "Twenty- One Years in Papua," de- scribes some of the bishop's experi- ences. The phrase "upper mathematical class" is pretentious, but the class contained some boys who could do compound long division, and long measure, and a despatch from Sir William MacOregor to the Queens- land government speaks of "one phenomenal boy who was studying algebra probably the first Papuan who ever did so." They were all taught copy-writing and composi- tion. They read English to a cer- tain extent, and the native lan- guage fluently. They were taught conversational English by the Qouin method, but they did not much like to speak it. They learn- ed the outlines of geography, and oould read at sight a sol-fa tune written on the blackboard. "I enjoy these sums," wrote the bishop; "the little heads get so muddled, and the little faces so perplexed. The wild ehots at an- swers that they make combine de- ipair and hope- despair of ever get- ting the right answer, and a faint hope that they may hit upon it by accident. There is one splendid lit- tle fellow, who regularly gets his Bad Blood b the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged- up kidney* and ikin. Th undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole iystrin . Dr. Morse'* Indian Root Pill* act directly on the bowel*, regulating them on the kidney*, giving them tune and strength to property filter tb* blood and on the skin, opening up the pore*. For pure blood tad good health take Dr. More' * Indian Root Pills '.'ins as wrong as they can be, anc! s my pencil goes through each er- ring figure, the sounds and sighs he emits are enough to upset my gravity. Another boy, whenever he hands me his slate, says, disparag- ingly, 'All wrong, bada' (master). "It is hard work getting them to use their heads. They have never had to think, but their instincts are as keen as can be. Yet they learn wonderfully well, and though much patience and perseverance are de- manded, their teacher sees steady progress. In dictation, their spell- ing is very accurate, a mistake be- ing of rare occurrence, as the lan- guage is phonetically written. But they have no idea of divisions be- tween the words, and as you dic- tate the sentence, a little head will bob up and ask, 'Bada, pive (5) word V or, 'Tiree(3) word V And if you do not tell them, you will have all the words running into each other, like cars in a railway colli- sion." There was one promising little person, nicknamed "The Arch- bishop," who evolved a system of marginal notation to his sums. Against an indistinct figure he would put "Tuau, wei, naeni" (This, O my friend, is a 9). Oppo- site the next, perhaps, it would be, "Tuau, wei a terei boai" (O friend of mine, I have d:>ne this wrong)!! and wrong assuredly it. was I He then ventured on English, and wrote a diffident "rom" across an- other sum. He meant this for "wrong," but the sum was right! The bishop always had an answer for the critic who asked, after be- ing told about the general educa- tional work of the missionaries, "What, after all, is the good of teaching little blacks to make doilies?" "It is not the doily that matters," replied the bishop ; "it is what the doily represents the patience, perseverance, and concentration of mind that it is so difficult and yet so necessary to teach in this tropi- cal land." Feeding the Growing Chick. Keep the growing chicks well sup- plied with granulated bone, char- coal and beef scraps. The latter ' must be fresh and free from any j musty odor. Much damage hasj been done in the growing flocks from the feeding of poor dry beef scraps, therefore great care should be exercised in purchasing this ar- ticle. Charcoal is one of the most important things to have about the poultry yards, notwithstanding the claim of some poultrymen who suy it is unnecessary when the fowls and chicks are given the proper foods in the right proportions. It keeps the gases down and assists digestion and prevents many cases of bowel trouble and other diseases. Husband (at the Police Station) They say you caught the fellow who robbed our house night before last. Sergeant Yes. Do you want to see him. Husband^Sure ! I'd like to talk to him. I want to know how he got in without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for the last twenty years. WHEN BABY CRIES. Stops a Cough IN ONE NIGHT A Remedy Thct Never Fails It's simply wonderful to think how quickly a bad throat or catarrh car, be cured with Catarrhozone. Its rieV balsainic vapor Is carried along with the breath into the Innermost recesses of the lungs, bronchial tubes, and chest, making it impossible for the germ of any disease to live. Thus soreness in the chest is at once alle- viated phlegm is loosened and eject- ed from the throat, old-standing coughs are removed. "I suffered from an irritable, weak throat for three years. I had a severe cough, pain over the eyes, constant bad taste In my mouth, and noises In my ears. It was chronic catarrh. No- thing gave permanent relief till I used Catarrhozone. In one hour It reliev- ed, and in a few weeks drove all trace of catarrh from my system. "TIMOTHED8 A. SALMON. "No 6 Lopez street, Kingston, Ja." Large size guaranteed, costs $1.00, and lasts two months; smaller sizes, 25c. and BOc. Beware of imitations and insist on "CATARRHOZONE" only. By mall from the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y. HOW ROYALTY SLEEPS. The World's Rnlers Are Carefully Protected at >'ight. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown," says the poet, but the precautions that are taken to as- sure the undisturbed rest to King George of England must at least bring quiet to his pillow. The out- side of the royal palace is of course guarded by soldiers and detectives all night ; and several night-watch- men pace up and down the corri- dors through the hours of dark- ness, says a London correspondent. These men are shod in thick felt slippers, so that their footsteps will not wake the royal sleeper, and one of them is always near the King's room until his majesty is called by his valet in the morning. Every door and window in the palace is frequently examined, and it would be impossible for any in- truder to get in without being dis- covered. The King is as well pro- tected as the Tsar of Russia, who has a guard of armed Cossacks out- side of his room, or th King of Spain, who is watched by a squad of specially picked soldiers, who keep the keys of all the doors of the palace during the night. Too Much Political Graft. Many any It can't be prevented, neither can wurr or corns i but they oun be cured by Putnam'a Corn Extractor) it uurei ooriw and wart* without pain In twentyfour hours. Use only Putnam'*, 2So. at till dealer*. Do not get out of patience or scold or shake your baby for cry- ing. He does not do that to be ugly that is not a, baby's nature he wants to laugh and be happy, but when he cries that is the way ho takes of telling you he is in pain ; that his little stomach is out of order or that his new teeth hurt him. Instead of being cross give him a dose of Ba/by'-s Own Tablets and you will soon, see him laughing and happy again. The Tablets sweeten the stomach ; make teeth- ing painless ; break up colds ; cure constipation and expel worms. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cento a box from Tho" Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont. Cows Bred to Pay. In Friesland (Holland) nothing but dairying is carried on. The Friesland farmers carry on their business without cereals. The whole of their energies are devoted to the production of butter and cheese. All the work is carried out on the factory system and all the factories are under co-operative manage- ment so that the producer gets the whole of the profit. The milk is paid for according to its quality as well as its quantities, and there is such a complete system of accounts and records that everybody is per- fectly satisfied. The result is that they get a uni- form quality of goods and the best quality of everything is made while the expenses of production are cut down to their lowest point. The system of records has enab- led the Friesian farmer to breed a cow which gives a higher average of milk than any other cow In the world. Look through the records and you will not find a cow which gives lees than 700 gallons of milk per annum. The average is nearly 900 and a number of records run up to 1,000. Owing to careful breed- ing and by eliminating the bad but- ter producers, thy get an average of 3.4 per cent, of butter fat in their milk. Old Sown for Breeding. If we breed and raise our own sows we always have to have a young BOW before we can have an old one, but as a rul I breed from old sows and if I have any that have not proven satisfactory I cull them out and select the young gilts to take their places, writes Mr. A. O. Choate. I find that the pigs from my old sows always weigh from 26 to 50 pounds more at ten months old than the pigs from the young sows. They seem to have more bone and are more growthy. This is my reason for breeding from old sows. There is one rule which I always follow and that is, never to breed a gilt so that she will have pigs un- til she is at least a year old and I always let them run with the rest of the shoats until about two months before I expect to sell the bunch and then separate them. As a rule this is about breeding time when they will weigh about 175 pounds and not be fat, just in good breeding order. My reason for keeping old breed- Ing sows is I can get more bone and more growth on the litter and two litters a year. HAIR AND SKIN KAUIY PRESERVED (MOM SOAP Assisted by occasional use of Cuticura Ointment. Cutlour* Soap wd Ointment *ra molt tkroottoot thr worM. A Utxrt! umpl* ol ueh. with 33-PM* Skin Book, not pomtro*. Addmi Potur Drat * Cboa. Corp.. Oepk 2K. Boston. U. S. A. The One Exception. Lord Kitchener of Khartum, the famous English soldier, is essen- tially a man of the camp and the battle-field, a cold, silent, grim warrior. However, the following incident will show that Lord Kit- chener can be a gallant courtier as well as a brave soldier : Lord Kitchener had been sum- moned by Queen Victoria, who wished to congratulate him upon his brilliant work in Egypt. When she had finished, and Lord Kitchen had thanked her respect- fully, tho Queen suddenly added, ''Is it true that you dislike wo- men?" "All except one," Lord Kit- chener replied, grimly. "And who is that! 5 ' Queen Vic- toria asked. "Your majesty." The Rest Was Easy. "I understand you speak French like a native." "No," replied the student; "I've got the grammar and the accent down pretty fine, but it's hard to learn the gestures." Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Fullness After LIQUID SULPHUR has become ft household neceesity to those who have used It reg-ularly (or time. Many Toronto citizens have writ^ ten UB voluntarily, giving ua permission to use their names If necessary. Cases of ECZEMA of years' standing cured; RHEUMATISM completely gone; Sore feet relieved; would not be without it a8 a disinfectant; a Dimple hut. effectivo anti- septic, et.. eto. Try it yourself. Price 60 C'enta bottle, all druggists, or LIQUID SULPHUR, 158 Bay Street, Toronto. IIungry. "Darling," he murmured, as soon a they were seated in the high-priced restaurant, "you can have anything you want on the menu. Shall I read it to you 1 !" "No," replied the dear girl, "just read it to the -waiter." Try Murtne Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eye* or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggisti Sell Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, ZSc, 50o. Marine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube*, ZSc, .We. Bye Books Free by Mail. An ** T.nio Oood tar All vi tfcat NM< Car* Murta* EJ R.m.dy Co., Chloaj* Tho man who follows his inclin- ation seldom travels long in the straight and narrow way. Hlnnrd's Llnimont Cures Distemper. "When I was working around the fnrm last winter. I had an attack of In- flammation," writes Mr. B. P. Dawklns, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of Intestinal Indi- gestion. Nothing helped be until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowets. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am well no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. { This Is a whole lot ot good for one I medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it." Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- i ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, j sold in yellow boxes, 26o. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont Algy "You say she only par- tially returned your affections?" Clarence "Yes; ehe returned all the love-letters, but retained; all the presents." Mlnard'* Liniment Ctir>i Coldi, io. At His Own Price. "So you sold that mule for $8." "Yes," replied Erastus Piukley. "He kept a-beating me down an' a-beating me down, till finally I jest sold him ele mule at his own price. I didn't want to miss de chance of de mule's Uirnin' loose an' kickin' dat man's stingy head clean off 'im." DODDS KIDNEY ?' A BETE 5 123 THE?* STRENGTH OF THE STUBBORN Why Mary Malone Left the Service of Mrs. Bixby. How much perfectly good, ser- viceable will-power people waste in mere obstinacy! Martha Malone, after working three years for Mrs. Bixby, appeared one morning at Mrs. Wilson's back door, and ap- plied for a place. "Why," said the surprised Mrs. Wilson, "I thought you were work- ing for Mrs. Bixby!" "I was, mum. But I've quit." "Is that so?" Mrs. Wilson could not conceal her surprise. "I thought you liked her." ''Indeed I do, mum." "And I'm sure she liked you." "I believe she did, mum. Least- wise she always seemed to." "Well-" Mrs. Wilson was Btill wondering what the trouble bad been. "Well," said Martha, seeing that some explanation was expected, "you see it was like this, mum. I always put the blue china plates on the righthand side of the cupboard, and this morning the missus comes along, and moves 'em, and says, 'Martha, every mornin' for three years you've put the plates on the wrong side, and I've had to come along and move them and I can't | stand it any longer." "And," said Martha, "I says to her, 'Mrs. Bixby, every mornin' for three years I've put them plates in the right place, and you come along and moved them, and then I had to come along and move them back, and I can't stand it any longer, either.' "And so I quit. * Woman In Pain For Three Years Tells of Her Remarkable Cure. "Very few people could so patiently suffer for three years as I did," writes Mrs. M. D. Durand, from her home In Augusta. "Sometimes I did feel very discouraged, but knew that a remedy would some day turn up with the pow- ' er to relieve my sufferings. Nerviline j was the one thing that ever did me real good. It had the power to sink Into my stiff, sore muscles, and It drew out the pain and gave me release from such distress as few people know. My j condition was largely Rheumatic, and on this account I do urge every person with Rheumatic tendencies to use ! Nervlllne rub It in frequently and bind a hot flannel cloth over the ach- ing parts. This Is very soothing and will surely cure." No home complete without Nervi- i line. Family nlzo bottles, BOc.; trial i size, 26c., at all storekeepers and drug- gists or The Catarrhozone Co., Buf- falo, N.Y. CLARK'S PLUM PUDDING! Ready to setrt mftcr heating utuur- pused for quality and flaronr. Don't -wute your time in prtpa ration. Buy "CUAV. VV U.itl., l.i i'r.. EDUCATION. ELLIOTT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. To- ronto. Canada'* Poniilar Gomnier* ml flchool. Magnificent Catalonia frra. FAKMI tALI N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborn. Strut, Toronto. IP YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit. Stock, drain, or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Daweon. Brampton. or 9t Oolborne St.. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Colborni St., Toronto NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. AND JOB OFFICE nc 11 Qraveiihurst. Proprietor being a drutrgiet. Is unablo to tc'.ve the printing office the attention nceBsary, and ^fferg it for sale at a. nacrtflce. No opposition. One of the hrt uewnjv>per openinm in the Province for a practical Aup?y Wllaoii Publishing Company, Toroiiu). MISCELLANEOUS FOH BALK .SILVER PATCHED KOXE8, also dark rede. Wish to buy 100 pair of Mink for breeding purposes. Graham Bros.. R. B. No. 1, Strathroy, Ont. CANCER. TUMOHS. LUMPH RTC. Internal and external, cared wlthl out pln by our boms treatment Writ* TO hi-fori- o/i Into Dr B"man Medloil (^ ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND B'AD. 1 der atones. Kidney tmnble. QraT). Lumbago nd kindred ai!m"t posit irrlf cured with the new German remedr. "Hanoi," prlff 11 50. Another new remedy for Dlabetpi-MfrilltuB. and nr cure. If "Hanoi's Anti-Tliabeteo." Prlre $!.00 trmu drnsicisth or direct. The H*nol Maniifa* tnrinr Comnany of Canada. Limited Just 25 CENTS brings you a "Jim Danuy" MOUTH ORGAN, 16 reeds, highly polished nickel cover, card- board box, above about one-quarter of actual size. Be sure your kiddies get one NOW. WAGNERIAN SUPPLY CO., Dept. W., 729 Dorchester St. W., Montreal. Mo:-, a. "Woman," orated the suffra- gette, "is denied her great oppor- tunity. She is continually re- strained, held in. And what is the cause 1" And before any one had a chance to yell "Man," somebody shouted "Corsets." Mlnard'l Liniment Cures Dlphthtrla. No ll.mi.-iT. "Johnny," said the elderly gen- tleman to the youngster who was puffing away at a cigarette, "are- n't you afraid of bringing your father's hairs in sorrow to the grave V "Nothin' doinv' replied the ur- chin. "Pop's bald-headed!" I waa cnred of terrible lumbiigo by MINARDS LINIMENT. KEY. WM. BROWN. I was cured of a bad case of earache by MINAHD 9 LINIMENT. J1E8. 8. KATJLBACK. I -was cured of neneitiTe lungs by MIN- AHD'S LINIMENT. MRS. 8. MASTERS. $1O,OOO.OO IN CASH PRIZES GREATEST BONA-F1DE OFFER EVER MADE IN CANADA. 1tt Prize $3000 2nd Prize $2000 3rd Prize $1000 4th Prize $600 6th Prize $260 6 Prizes $1 00 ea. 20 Prize* $GOea. 30 Prizes $25 ea. 100 Prizes $10 each Thu it jutt * plain buiineti proposition for dvertuing purpotet end 11 open to every perion ia Caitnaa. TUere is no catch or fake bout it. andcvny body dandi an equal chance of securing one of the magnificent piizet. Write to-day and itart on the road to fortune. ENCLOSE STAMP AND FULL PARTICULARS WILL MAILED YOU COOKE ft GOULDING FEDERAL LIFR BUILDIN0 HAMILTON, ONT. Getting Careless. He Your father didn't object to our engagement as much as I ex- pected. She Poor papa isn't as particu- lar as he use-d to be. Minard't Liniment Cures Garget In COMB. Want a Nickname. The problem of the moment at Eton is how to nickname Prince Henry. His brother, Prince Al- bert, was called the TxsbsteT at Os- borne. As a rule, the nicknames of British royalties have been any- thing but deferential. When King George and .us brother, tho late Duke of Clarence, were middies, they were dubbed Sprat (King George) and Herring. Afterwards when tho Duke was in the 10th Hus- sars, he was nicknamed "Collars and Cuffs." Prince Henry has al- ready had a satisfactory nickname. His brothers used to call him " Smile r," on account of the sunny expression which his features re- tained even under circumstances of embarrassment. ED. 7. 1SSI E 4-'13, Her Dad (sternly) "So you want to marry my daughter, do you?" Scared Suitor "Y-ycs, sir: b-b-but not any worse than she wants t<j marry me." His Excuse The tramp had called to ask for food, and the mistress of the house asked him to wash his hands in hot soap and water before she would give him anything to eat. "Not much!" said the tramp. "Why not! 1 ' asked the woman in surprise. "I was married once and my h US- SUB kpt me in hot water all tho time, and I've had enough, thank you. Saxon "It's . a fine morning, Sandy." (Sandy grunts.) Baxon %I I said it was a very fine morn- ing, Sandy." Sandy - "Verra weel, verra wecl. 1 dinna want tn< argue." WHY KEEP ON COUGHING ? Here 1$ A Remedy Thai Will Stop It Do you realize the danger in 4 neglected cough? Then why don't you get rid of it? Yes, you can shake it off, even though it has stuck to you for a long time, if you go nbout it right. Keep out in the fresli air as much ns you can, build up your 'strength with plenty of wholesome food, and take Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorica and Chlorodyne. This reliable household remedy h& broken up thousands of hacking, per- sistent coughs, which were just as troublesome as yours, and what it has done for so many others it will do for you, Na-Dru-CoSynip of Linseed, Licorica and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no) harmful drugs, and BO can be given safely to children, as well as adults, Your physician or druggist can confiriti this statement, for we are ready to send them on request a complete list of all the ingredient's. Put up in 2,sc. and 500. bottles by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 317