Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1913, p. 4

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December 4 HUH THE Fl; E 8 H E B I O N ADVANCE An in l.'|iMi<l.it t- w-|i.i| . i . puMixheil every Tnnrwlay t ih' office, C..UIIIBWIHKI Street, Kli-slim t..n. .Siib-iwi'ii' m \tr\oe 31 iwr annum, wbn I'MilinaiK-tiiw ;$1.W when nut *<> paid .V.l\ liwu' t.it.-i n application. Circlllat ou 1.100 wi>ekly. M. Thurston- Kaitor Flesherton Methodist Church Wednesday evening prayer nitsetii g will U led by the pa*to-. Come, i hough y. .n ni iy not have funned the habit. Sunday morntug and evening the \>* tor will preach. Monday evening tin- Kpwr.rth League will be in rlnr-1- of the Missiiitiaiy De- ,j>ii tint-lit. An inteiistiuf talk will be ^ \ifii on MitMon work in New Ontaiio by Mr. Dudgeon. We invite you to attend. Baptist Church II. C. Kerr, Pastor. Sunday School 1 a. ni , Service at 11 a. .., Subject for DJC. 7lh, "Tha humanity of Christ." Watch for the big concert on Dee.l'.lth. Talent from Toronto. ARE WE ALL GREEN ? "h' enough to make less favored 1 i. -_r. . n with envy the WIN Muikdulu is so conspicuously honored. lr;i:j tin- home of the Speaker of the House of Commons *nd the Treasurer of ihe I'l vince of Ontatio, nd now Mr. Whitney l.,i a reiidence in course of erection here." Thus -IVM the Markdttle Si..-.,l,nl. Well I Well: How import-mi Murk- <UK- must fed, to be sure ! Markdale hut two members representing i- uiul the other townn und rural sectiom have no nlerestwhateiur.il the represi tativi H from Msrkdale. Naturally that wuuM be inft-ned from the self doiitifation quoted above Hut we fancy the lion, gentlemen themselves would irneiit and deplore the publication of :in item such *b that quoted. Kor mny years they !i n represented 1. 1 ' Grey, and rep- resented it well, itiid t he meru incident of thuir residence in Uarkditle i< not -urtii u-i.t to turn anybody green with nvy that is, anybody with any sense of reason. Were circumstance*! reversed, the Standard might, harbor such a feeling. The electors of East Crey do not look upon their member* a "The Hon. I. B. LUCM, M. F. P.for Markdale," 01 "Hon. T. S. Sproule, M. F. for Markdale." but I tun thrir interest* for the whole lidini.', and in a much broader nenne and with much greater honor they repreHent the people of Ontario and the whole Domin- jn. What the Standard sees in their -i! uensliip in that village to create a| green caat in the complexion of sister town* pses our comprehension. Tl e editor should not measure others with his own little homemade yardstick. County Council The November seasion of the County Council ha* been in pr gress since Mon- day evening and the time has been taken up purley with routine work, the passing of accounts and presenting of repoits fiom the various committees. So f<ti there have been no by-laws nor deputa- tions before tlio council. The u-pnrtH of the two committees which weie appoin- ted nt i he.) u in; session to expend the Hum of I175.CO each upon the North (Jrey Registry OIKce und the South Grey Reg- istry Office caused somu discussion on Tuefday afternoon. Messrs. Legate and Cordmzly were the committee nppointed to expend the sum of 8 175 00 upon the North (irey Keg !ry Office. They report- ed that after examining the registry office they found that the money provided was altogether inadequate for the neeJs of the registry office. They f-jund that holes had been eaten in some of the document* by mice ud the whole building and equipment WAS in such ;i state lliat $17.V 00 would not begin In cover the cost of repaiis whi.li were required. They recommended that the county council visit the regifitry office in a body ami decide as to what is le>t to be done with it, u, in its present condition, it is unsttii-f.nc'ory in every way. Messrs Calder and Linsday er< the members of the .-;!, a, in. which had charge of the expenditure of $ l"5 on the S .ulh Grey Registry Office. They found thtt for $200, i hey could put in a new system of filing ctses und '.his had, accordingly, been done. Sjme dlttUMUtn arose on Wednesday afternoon over a tnution by Mr. bet of Thornhuiy that the clerk be instructed to fend a I ill to Mr. Hiirn- es*. ex-manager of the Grey County House ( f I: !,. for the keep of his diiv- ing Imrie for six years prior to lltl.'f at t~j.OO [>er yer. The mot r on arose out of an ace nmt which Mr. Harness render- ed to the council for the Home of Refuse wliiih he had paid fi-r and also for some looU belonging to i mi which were used on the House of Refuge farm, the total account amounting to about $'JO. The in. ml,. -i - of the council did not tke kind- ly to the ideal of retaliating on Mr. Harness l.y submitting a bill of this kind. It was argued that it woulJ show a small spirit on the pait of the council and although there had been no agreement with Mr. Harness as to keeping a horse for his own use, it was known to the members of the House of Krfuge com- mittee for the I i-t ter. yeors that the h.irse was being kept for the use of the manager and there hud nev.tr been any objection. The present inmager alo keeps h horse and no objection has been taken to it. The warden, Dr. Mearns, pointed out that, in a court of law, such ,, bill cou'd not be collected. The House of Refuge committee intended to meet Mr. Harness with a view i> making) a final settlement with him but the sending of such a bill would only tie their hands and antagonize Mr. HarneKr. When the mover nw that his motion was not re- ceived favorably by the c.ther members of the council, he withdrew it and the incid- ent closed. Sun. Grey County Apple* Kditor Advance : Dear Sir, -A Grey County exhibit of Apples wan one of the features this year at the Toronto National Live St. rk and Horticultural Show. Owing to the un- favorable weather fur the development of fruit, a very great display was out of the question, but still the county was mble CO in. -i 100 boxes of vory creditable Spys and Baldwins and also to competo in several classes where smaller quanti- ties were required. Thin, prize was ob- tained in the 100-box competition, first ami third in the barrel classes for Kings and second and third for Spys. Kvidence of the quility of our Spy* is not lacking, for, in the class of single boxen which was very keenly contested and required pples of exceptionally high quality.Grey county was awarded third prize. All the exhibition apples were obtained from the t hoiiibiiry distinct. The boxes of Kings tid Spy* were sold in Toronto for 92.50 in. I the Baldwins for $2. The Grey county apples thii> year cannot be com- pured with (hose produced during favor- able aeaaoiis &o we can solely look for- ward to something better being accom- plished in the future. H. C. DUFF. County Council Endorses At the r ,u my Council In seation at Owen Sound last week 21 reeves expres- ed themselves in favi r of the hydro- electric railway proposition in the follow- ing terniH : ' That in view of tho fact that there ra twunty-ono reeves present, that this incut in < deiires (,> place itself on recoid s being in favor of a report being made by the Hydro Klectric Commiftsion on (he project of an electrij rosd between Ouelph anl some port on the Georgian Bay, in accordance with Section .'J of the Hydio Electric Act, and that copies of thin resolution be forwarded to the vari- ous municipalities and to the Govern- ment." Mr. Calder of Din ham seconded the resolution, which pasid unanimously wi-h ent hur win. the pioductfl of the farm, all >oihead-j rantagoof tbe buyer as well * to the] farmer u.,1 in this case it furnishes the best possible railway and power ' ervice to a large section of country hieh is not at present served at all, or very poorly, and where it serves it furnishes the br.st p isi-ible competition. The demtiiil seems very opportune for the construction of nich a line, ju*t when ihe Hydro Electric are arrnging to build p >wer ttations it Klora and Fergu* and further northern points, when a common right of way can be used for power lines, liich carry power at a high voltage, cm- not be uied by the farmers without an expensive transformer station, but the electric railway crrries power at a re- duced voltage. For instance, in Guelph, the vultnge is 550 volt*. This power has a voltigo that can be used by th" farm, ers for about f.iur miles on both sides of tli. line. An exhibition has just, been held in Toronto showing the use of electrici'y upon the farm, not only for such uses as sawing wood, pumping w,v er, running cutting machines snd light- ing the house and barns, but also for plowing mil field operations, running the sewing machine, rocking the cradle, hatching eggs, and all kinds of usual i ii in work. It wag only lant year that p iwer lgn to be used by farmer<i in Ontario, and for ihe first year, I am told, the aver au<* cost on a hundred acre farm was $8. ItO a mouth. Already that plica lus been reduced, I a>n t'>ld, to 87 a m -nth, and ax power is used there is a coi'CtmU reduction in price. That Hydro-Electric Railway J. W. Lyon, a well known business man of 3uelpn, in an interview with the Guelph Mercury on the hydro-electric railway pioposition, has the following to say in part : After \isiting portion' of the territory and making inquiry into other portions of the territory, 1 am more than surpris- ed that a country abounding with so much wealth, so well settled, with so much freight, snd so many people.should have been neglected so lung by the rail- ways. I am told that from Mount For- est to Flesherton is) gnme twenty-seven miles not served at all by railways, and this riilway would probably bi-sect that in such a way as to render the neelcd services. I am told that the valley of Ihe liujver is not excelled by the Niagara Peninsula or any other pottion of the Dominion for fruit growing, but the ab sence of a market makes it impossible to profitably raise fruit in quantity. It is ia well known that fruit lands in the Niagara district are now worth ?l JMKI to $1,500 an acre. It in easy to imagine the immense advance in the price of the land if tapped by an electric railroad, which would serve freight purposes much better than a sleam road. The general effect has been that farm lands have more than doubled in value. Land previously worth $100 an acre is now worth from S:iOO to $1100 an acre, the reasons being that the railway, accompinied by the telephone, enables the i uoi, -i to telephone to town and find the price of anything he has to sell, send it in on the cars he wishes, and tel- ephone his merchant to have his supplies sent out, miking a ready market to buy and sell. It enables the children to atteni school, the family to attend meet ings and gatherings, and put him in touch with the advantages of urban lif-s, with all i ho advantages of suburban life, and makes thu condition of life far more agreeable, plensant and profitable. Tho effect upon the town is tlmt it tends to cheapen the cost of living. It makes it very much easier for people to receive t first hand, without middleinan's profit, Ki-v. l)r. John Neil, psstor of the Wen minster Presbyterian Church, Toron- to preached two ;ery interesting sermon, in Knox Church, Shell.unie, on Sunday [ait. Dr. Neil was a native of Mnti- Centre until he was twenty years of sge IM the couisa of his sermon on Missions a*, the morning service, he related an in- cident about a town he knew which p*iil 81'JO a mu nth to a baseball pitcher, but were generally short on 'heir appropria. tion for missions. He said he did not wish his hearers to think that he was op- posed to baseball ax hu used to ;> <v the game himsrlf and he had a distinct recol- lect:on of playing a game with Shelburne nearly fnny years ago, when the Mono Centre Club got a servere diubbing. At the evening service Dr. Neil got off the follow n<4 in which there ii more t.-uLh than poetry. He said that the pist generation h.id been brought up on oat- meal and the shorter catechism, while the present generation U being fed on toasted cornflakes and Eaton's catalogue. Hawkins vs. C. P. R. The following letter from McMurchy 4 Spence, solicitor!* for the C. P. R., t the Oraneeville Banner re the Hawkins fs. C.P. R.'.'iwsuit.is dolf-eipUniitory and p. mm. -MI in therefore unnecessary : Toronto, Nov. 24th, 19i:i 4 Kditor the Ranner, Orantgeville, Ont. Dear Sir : Our attention hag been called to the rrport in your iaue of the l:lth inst 11 1* k UK vi. C I'. R.- that this -iciion wu* settled by the Company by paying $700 dsinaxcH. This report ia both mis. leading and incorrect and can hardly have bum the result of a mistake as ftim- il.ir reports have appeared in the Orange- \ ill.- papers. The fact is that tho case was settled by payment of a nominal amount, $^00, as a compassionate allowance to cover ined ical and other expensea without nny ad- mission of liability. Yours Truly MncMurchy A Spencu. Meteor In Tossoronto The A !!i -!. .n Herald makei the fol- lowing reference to a meteor which fel' on thu farm of Milfrcd Murphy, HOD >.' Mr. iind Mrs. Kobt. Murphy of Prim- rose : A dull roar ud a bright streak of litfht travelling in an oblique direction wan thtt interesting phenomena witnessed by a few Tohsoronto rosidenU on Saturday evening, tho lit init. It occurred about C JO p. in. in the vicinity uf the farms of Milford Marphy nd Win. Stephens, the meteor striking earih neai the former's hou*t). Mr. Muiphy wan in mde at tho time of tho incident and distinctly heard the peculiai roar which increased in volume and suddenly ceased. Ho was frightened for a moment, his first impression hoine tbut an explosion of some kind would follow. He went In tho door and looked around outside calling to anyone who mii(ht be there. Gei ting no answer and seeing nothing he went in again und gave the matter little further thout(ht till hit neighbor, Mr. Stephens, camn in and .f, I fii him if he !i "I M ui thu falling star. Then Mr. Murphy understood. To- i" i In i they went out and so irchcil for the meteor, Mr. Stephens havini! wit- nrsMil iis descent and knotting just about where it struck thu ground. The.y were not long in tii dii.g it. I'.y this time it Imd cooled off, but a MIMII,' odor, i . : in'ihii ' that frmn Imrneil powder, WHS readily detected. The mt-or hail evidently explod>d as only a pur' on of tho rock vs contained in (lie piece picked up. It ia now on oxh l.iiioii In The Herald window. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Only Three Weeks Till Christmas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW. Don't w<tit until the last we*-k. when everyone i in a hurry, but make your selections NOW, while you have the best choice of <|uiek selling merchandise. Our 'JhrUtjm assortment is now at its best. A FEW CHRISTMAS MINTS ! Hocky Skater, all sizes... 72c to $4.00 Hockey BoO's. all sizes $1 .2f, to $3 . 00 .Sweaier Coals, all colors ~5c to 85.1)0 Wool TiM|iie and Aviu'ion Cap* . . 25c to $1.25 Silk m.d W.M.l Motor Scaifs . 50cto$1.50 Lidies Kid Gloe<, all lengths W-00 to $2.50 Knitted Siik Neckwear 25cto$1.75 Men's Kid Gloves and Ainu ^5c to $2.50 Initial Handkerchief*. Silk and Linftii 25c to 50c Fancy Lawn and Linen HtmJkerchieft 5e to 50c Lace Collars und Fncy Neckwear 25c to $1.75 Ladies' Wool Slnwln 50c to f 3.60 Meu a and Buys' Fancy Supenders 10c to 50 Fancy Silk and CVhmere Hosiery 60c to $1.20 Silk, Ne 1 , and Lawn Wi k ra $KK)eo$5.00 Ladies' .Fancy Slippers and I'uni[>a $1 50 to $2.75 Fancy Linens, Tray Cloth*. Towels, Centre*, etc 25c to $1.75 FANCY CHINA A beautiful assortment of Fancy China, suitable for presents Cup und Saucers, Fancy Plates, Bon Bon Diohep, Celery Dishes, Spoon Try, Cream Pitchers. Beny Dishes, S-ilad Bowls, Biscuit Jars, etc.. etc. Special Price* lOc to $1.50 Our Grocery Dept. is Ready for Christmas. EVERYTHING REASONABLE PRICED. Specii> 1 .Reductions on Millinery for December. BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull. Field Marshall X>91 will be for service on lot I'll, T. S. R. Artemesia. Terms $1 . An- JA-*. STINSON, Prop. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement^will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have oilier beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wantd. Springs and Mattresses to fit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. " Looking backI see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. EVERY GRADUATE! PLACED With the largest Attendance in its history, Thu Collingwood Business College has placed in n good |>o.si- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from |J.inury 2, I'M:: Soud for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal An Army Stands Ready to testify as to the well-proven merits of the I H C line of gasoline engines. Once tried you will never be without one. Combining economy in price with strength and safety in con- struction and simplicity of parts, the I II C engine is ideal aa a power producer for the farm, shop and dairy. Saves time, money, trouble, and patience. Can be put to a hundred uses. Always ready. The I II C engines are made in 1 to 25 horse power sizes in vertical, horizontal, and stationary or portable types. See us for particulars and catalogues. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon Photographs For Christmas ! CAMERAS T^AND^T SUPPLIES BAVfi jiwt received an assortment of the Latest Styles in Mounts and Folders, hirli will maee a Christmas present that will IK wS5ST^i^ - V " UI ' frit? 1 ^. !* H sizes of NSIGN CAMERAS, a nifty present f,, r Young : : und rid. : : Come Early before the rush W. A. HAWKEN PHOTOGRAPHER FLBSHERTON ; ONTARIO . Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bitvl Here ford bull for aervio ion lot 151, 2nd W. T. andS. R., Artenif.-sia. Terms $1.(0 cash. -JOHN ADAMS, Prop, Tamworths for Sale . OKO. W. HOSS. MaiwellP. O. Farm to Rent or Sell 100 acres, near Kimborley, nearly all cleared. Would rent to suitable tenant who will have the option of buying on easy terms. Apply' at The Advance office.

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