ecember 4 1913 THEFLESHERTOX ADVANCE .; BUSINESSCARDS WH WRIGHT. TKLVOKB & McDONALD Barrister. SoIlcitorB, *c. Offices, Urey & Hriu- Block, Uwu Hound. Stauilard Hank Mlock.KIbBrton.(StnUyl. W. H. Wright. W. 1'. '1'ellord J"., I. 0. McDonald, L. u .B. SOCIETIES AO O W meet* OL the last Mondaj in each mouth, in their lodge room ri>ton ball Fleiberloii, t 8 p.m. U.W., W. J. Hellarny ; Kec., C. H. llun.baw: Fin., It. J.hriroul*. Viiiting brethren Inrited DKISs-K ARTHUR LODGE. No. 333, AF 4 r \M meeti in tht Utaonlcball. Arm trouK'fc Block.Kleaherton, eerr J* " or betore the toll mocn Herb Smltli, \\. M.; rha*.Munibaw, Secraiary. P OUKTFLE8HERTON, 895, I. 0. F. ireeU In l<Cla>toV.illock the last Wednesday eveulnn t-ach month. Visiting Foresters heartily IcomeC. K., O. Bellamy ; K. 8., O, C'alrLi; JHrasc pay'duea to Vin. Sec. before tbe drat av ol tbe month. PHO8EN FHIEN0B Fleaherton Council V CbuHin Friends meeta In Clayton'ahallflrst and third Wednesday of each month B p. m ray aaeanienta to the Kecorder on or before lc* first day of eatb month. Chief Councillor T lilakele*, ; Recorder W. H. Hunt. DCDD MATHK-.VB. Markdale. Licensed K auc'.ionter for the county of drey. Oop<< ecrvice at resscnable rates. Dales can be a .t at The Advauce. o 08 MEDICAL D K CA M c V 4 S Ont. Physician. Burgeon etc Office and retiiieuce Peter it.. Pleaherton f P OTTEWELL I Veterinary Rurgeon jraduate of Ontario Veterinary College rendeuce asooiid door aoutb west.oo kry atreet. Tbl itreet rani aouth t >tytrian Church. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURRAY U D. S . dental surgeon hoQOi Kraduate of Toronto University and hoyal I'ollege ot Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Gat admisinistered for teeth extraction Lftct at re*ldence, Toronto Street. Fles^ertoo. LEGAL UCA8. BASEY * hKNKY-Harristers. I- 1 Solicitors, etc. 1. 11. l,ucan, K. C.: W. K. Harjcr K. ( '. : W. D. Henry, II. A. Olllcen. foroni'n. hOC'J TiadcrH Hank IWg.. I'l'oue wain 1412- Maikilale Lucas Jllock, Phone 2 A. Hrancli office at Duudalk o|ii!U every Haturday. LrsixKss CARUS VCUL1X)UOH 4 VOL' NO liankeis Markdale ^eiicral banking business . Money loaned at reasonable rates Call on us. DM 1 H ML. I.icrnied Auctioneer for the County of Urey. Teruia moderate and tatiilactiou cuarauteed. The arrangements and dat*a ol Kale can be made a*, TIIK ADVANCK Ke.ldenceudI'.O..Ceylou. Telephone MOMVtiOO. Dec. C.07. W'M. KAITTISO. Mcenaed Auctioneer foi * the coutiiifB ol (irKV and Kiincot*. Fariu and Ktock alii a hptclalty. Terma aioderate atitactiou KuaranUed. Arraniif. oientx for datea may b made at the Advauce ^tKt" or Contral t.'lrrlnmc oll.ce teverliaui 01 tyaddrewing uie at Feverahaui, Ont. Pure lired Molstcin Hull Chan>?clin>; TrinccJoe lin.l l.v ChaiiKi'li'iK Itulter U"J' ."" t of Tidy Abbckerk I'riricuss Jusoiiliint-. Tin- >;reHlHtbuttor iiinki'i(f ttrain kn..ttii. 'IVi in "' H. -i vice k- f"t ^r<K 1( <, ?- r ' fur iiurt- l>r>'<l. <;KO. MOOUK A SON. PI,>I., TOtoMUCTT, Poatmaitcr, Ceylon. rouiiiiiMiiiiiii!! inH.C. J .CotiTeyancer, dod. ii oitiinrrv, lea'eii, will* etc carefully drawn up olltctioui mad*, charxoi ruaNODabie. Alo rocerlv*, dour, feed etc, kept iu Block, I'ricet WH, Small Farm For Sale -t L-i- '3, <-.^. . K.. I( ' r-Diiii. Uivk fr. mo l.arn i h "rchnrd, chcrrif, H "iimll fruit. Iw will buy it. Apply to \VM. SF.OAN KimU-rley p. <>. fel l>HKrmcnt ; ii!iini, |>'iIoH ii KJII aim 44 acres, Dec. :>, 1:! to FARM FOR SALi: OR RF.NT Lot 141-141!, 3i'l range E. T. & S. R., -iin- -i. btick house, K'""' outbuild- and orchiird, well wteie.l. Apply ISAAC SINCLAIR, Flei-li.iti.n. 1 8-P-. Our Clubbing List i Honor RolU The following prices are for strictly! puid in advance BubscriptionKonly. \V| Kcport of g. S . No . 7 Kuphrasia, for have no accounts with other papers. FleHherton Advance f I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News , 1 50 Weekly Globe !K) Mail-Empire 751 Family Herald & Star Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun !K) Farmers Adromta 1 50 Weekly Wit.ieit 90 Saturday Niht 3 00 Home .1 "in i: i] 00 26 Novamber. Fourth L. Cornfield, M. Cornfield Poultry News..,. Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 G. Risk, G. Reid, H. Roger*, <}. Rogers. Third I. Beckett, G. Knott, H. Reid, H. Dale, R. Whyte, J. Stay. Second K. (jilruy, A- Knott, 81. Burns, R. Risk. First I. Gilray, S. Cluuiton, M. Fetch. Priuiier A. S. Beckett. R. Risk, K Petch. Fleshier-ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to (Jive Entire Satisfaction LArNDKY Basket clones Monday night, delivery Friday eveni-ig. U.- -Cecil Risk.W. Clugston,S. Hainee, N. Knott. Tho*e who attended every day ilmin- the month. : G. Kott, A. Knott, \V. Clugston, S. ClugsUn, I. Gilray, E. Gilry, S. Haiiies. I. Beckett. H. Dole, L. Cornfield, G. Reid, H. Reid. M. H. Humbeistone Tvucher. CLKANIXG and DYEING- We are gents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, PROPRIETOR BULL FOR SERVICE Registered HolKtein Bull, Korndyke Piftertje Clolhilcle, N". 14780, whose dam, Trisue's Clnthildc Pietertje 2nd,No. 2988, has produced over 80 Ibn. milk |>er day. Terms Grade cows $1. 00, pure bred COWH >.:. All . .i- nut returned ill be churged. Also registered Yorkshire Imiir, No. :<45H1 .Term. fl. HENRY HOLM AN Lot 40, Con. 4, AI!.-III,-M.I, I'ort.Uw P.O inn rtf NOTICE Nulici! is hereby uiveii tht a Hy-l^nw WIIN jiiHKed by ihc Cnuncil of the village of Kli'xliei'tun on the lif:li iluy of November, J!M.'!, providing fur the issue uf dcbtndurM to the amount nf 91^00, for thi! purpose of enabling '!.. Public School I ^ - .1 i of -,u.l \ i ' c.; to ilo certain iinprovuiiieiits anil repnirs to tin- public choiil hi'iise, ;md tiiat uch Ity-Li\v wais n-gistere J in tlie Id-^iKtry ottice for South (iicy, on the 17th day of Noven.ber, I'.M.'t. Any motion to <|imsh or set nmda thei -.HIM- or any ] < u therrof, must IJ iimde within three inonihs after the tirst pub- lication of ibis notice and cannot be in. i'li- thereafter. U-iteJ this ITtli November, I'.tl.'t. \V. II. TlirUSTOX, Cleik. ion Public Sch"ol report for November. KOOM i. 4 Frank Thtmrton, Besnie McVicar. Shirley Murray, Delbeit Patton, lieubtn , Alniedn Le*Jitrd, IV>bs Trimble, Mina Heard, Lilly Lever, Amanda tjtewarl, Mary Culgan, Mabel Fenwiclt, Jim Stewart, Wilfred Teeter, Wilfred Watson. lUr R. N. Cornfield, Frank Bunt Violet Watson, Olive McMullen, K-si , Oar){o, Ada Thompson, Clarence Fmher Wesley Armstrong, Mabel Kichardson. i 1 1. 1 .'! jr Kutheiine Me Vicar, Krnesl lii'. i- (ieo. Mitchell. 2 sr Ruby Lever, Flnxue Kichardson, i- in il. Harry LetJurd. 2 jr HilclaOoldhawk, Lillian Buskin, Jim Stafford. I'KIMAKV HOOM 1st r -.luck Kai-Htedt, Klhel Watton, Ksniond Walters, Norval Stuart. 1st jr Kenni-th Stuart, Nelsuii Shunk. Orri'll Fisher, Allie Norris. Farm For Sale li Kt icivt, lots 1(J and 18, li>t con. S- D. It , Aitcinesia toKUHhip. HIIIM! mail, i.i-iit ' tchool, KIM 1 build- IngH, plenty of WMur, Will sell cheip. -lit "(Ml WATTEIW, Dec. 17 Priceville p.o. A few line* at low pricet, Pocket Knives, Razora Sciaaon, Pipea Clothea Brushes* Hair Brushes HARDWARE HOLIDAY GIFTS Crockery & Glaai, Jarlineres, Jug*, Salad Bowls, Fruit Setts, Water Sett*, Table Setts, Toilet Sett* Atttotnolnbe Sk-iu-i, Pucks. H ckoy sticks, Stnipi uiul anklu Sll|:|.ii:t.-i. rlTTLKKV C.iivinB Set's, limy Sp, M nM, Pic-kle Forks, I'.e Forks. IliittiM' Knives, Kr.ife and Koik SI-MS, (,Vllu<iid Knivi anil Forks, RoKcwuiiil Kat.dlc Knivis nnd Forks, Steel, (inlil Mrdul Pocket Cu'tlerv, uumiinteed. ct'T <;LASS, ASSOUTKD PIF.CKS- Made from the i.-t crys'al, cut nii'l linish-d beautifully. A MOFFAT UANtiK Fdlt CHRISTMAS A beilor (,'liriHln'as Present cannot be bnu.'lr, miiiuuiler 1 (o ({ive satisfaction. OTHER I'SKFl'L PRKSKXTS Food Choppers Mops, Oianilu and Tin Kitchen I'tensils, etc. A full line i f Sh-'lf anil Heivy Haul A.-ne. Shcrwin Willian H Pii'iiis and Vainishes ooo Frank W. Duncan FI.ICSIIKI^TON, ONX. Boar for Service A large wl-ile Yorkshire Hoar fur service lutliM.Hril raii| W T. ik S. H., Artuuioiila ""'- . NV Jas. Pattison & Co. > H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --ALSO- A line ol Ready-Made Clothing Which we p it alteration* in free i.f ohar B e, if required. Isepl2 Mil Mi For Sale or Rent POKTLAW STORK -For pm-tlculai-H ply to K. J. Sproule. Flesnvifcon, '^r re. Geo. Thorn|won, ClmUiworth, <>nt. 1 Dec. CEYLON, ONTARIO. WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Winter (inodx xl greatly ri-ilnci a piicm. Just at the riglit lime of year you don t net d to 'nit untill ni-nr ."prinn to no< these i winter i'iod at little over Imlf 1'riceK. We have nil sale for thin week Lichen tweed shii U f.'l 25. tea., fur $2 till LitiiiBtT Twiifil SUiitH J'.'.LTi tor 81.75 1 only, LliV Tun Suit, wi/.o ,'U 1 uM, iv f!4.00 fur JIO.OO (lirlM 1 CO.UH, re $4. <H) for *'.'."< I Lttdien' Cimts, $8.() f<.r |4.50 Jo.WI H,,yH' OxercoatN- re 84. "fi unH 4.6t for t:i.!K> Hiya' Pea Jacket-, teg SU.IM) for Uf.25 Man'* Ovtromi*-. VM, ft> IM for , ...fB9Q Men's Winter Cups 'J5c nnd T)0o for 15c Men's Winter Cups Mi to 7i>c fr 26c Ask to see these Bargains. we will be pleased to show you them. Millinery at a Little Over Half Price ! ! ! JAS. PATTISON & Co. I I GENERAL MERCHANTS i . : . ~~ ~\ CEYLON :-: :-: ONT. !!! |$S I II t I! H I 1 $ 5 GIVEN AWAY *5 The Winner of this Price, offered in last week's issuo Of this Publication, and who grave the correct name of "Body Builder" Flour, is ED. BEST 4 f. 2. Lo*f from Loaf from IVa*H*d Flour Ordinary Flour Figure 1 shows a wheat kernel. Figure 2 shows the specks of dust and dirt which lodge in the crease of every wheat kernel. It takes about 25,000 wheat kernels to make one loaf of bread. If there are only 10 bits of dirt in each wheat kernel, there will be 250.000 bits of dirt in the loaf of bread unless this dirt is TAKEN OUT IN THE MILLS. Every Kernel of Wheat USED IN MAKING THESE FLOURS Is Thoroughly Washed CANADA'S LATEST FLOUR Made in the newest and best equipped mill in the country. Capacity : 4,000 bags daily. BODY BUILDER FLOUR Made from the very best of Western Hard Wheat. It is positively unequalled for purity and cleanliness. ALL THE DESIRABLE, STRENGTH-GIVING, NATURAL ELEMENTS OF SELECTED HARD WHEAT ARE RETAINED IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE IN "BODY BUILDER" FLOUR. Use HODV HUILDHR Floi.r, and these valuable elements will invigorate the blood, :ind build up body and muscle to a degree not hitherto known. BODY BUILDER FLOUR-Not the Cheapest BUT the Best . , Try It Yourself Try It Today "BODY BUILDER" Special Household Flour WIITOBJ \rnmw HOTS WISHED BEST for BRERO BEST for PASTRY BEST for CAKE! and BEST for HEALTH! TTSICKAitGI MONEY BW Other Brands "GREAT BEAR"i "UDH HEART"! No other Mill In Canada Washes all Its Wheat ONTARIO AND MANITOBA FLOUR MILLS, Limited OTTAWA and 8UDBURY, Ont. 60 YEARS- EXPERIENCE Flesherton Tin Shop- MARKS DESIGNS . . . - COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone en(tlnf a sketch and drscrlnllon mar Uy uirertaln our oplnlou frea whethr ' a.......... IMII I'l'iiiiiiii iiw iv nviurr ,.,... ,..! is probablr i>M"l8JjlA..i" < """ lu " 1 "'- tlontwrlctlrponndentlal. HANOBOOK on I'.ts sent free. OMest * '-- *"" 1 avntfrite. (>l<1est agency forsecurlnvj>atentB. I'Miuiis taken tbruuuh Miiuii A Co. ncalre tpcrial notice, without charge, In the Scientific flmericatt *._^AABAlV lllstBtt^ltAll W..llkrlv T .la^ .<., A handsomely Illustrated weeklr. I^riteet cir- culation of any scientific )nurual. Terios fur Canada, 1:1.7;. a rr. postafe prepaid. Bukl bj Highest Market Prices For Cream FiirnuM-s liming cieim to sell tlurin^ (he faM aiulwintci- innn'K rnn si cure lies result* liy sni| piim to ihu Wnlker'on Cr Hinory. A 1 KxproHf ol H-BM pui '. F.vury ctncuefully wi'iglud 'nd lOHtod. S.-iiii-ionthly paymehts. WritH fur cftim, " the WALK Kim >N CRK A M KK V, 1 Dec Walkerlon, Bruce Co., Ont. 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Kickelwaro and Agatwaie for domestic iuse. Call on me and get yonr supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove furnish- liepairing of'all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Claro Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. VA<BVMb ^'V*1>^V^-W^ f*^?* I I I I I I I I I f