Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1914, p. 4

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January N 1014 THE FLESHERfON ADVANCE T H K /Icohcrlon v An imleiwndeut newnpaper, imblislieil every "'MM !;,, at tli 1 ' ..tli,-.-, CulluiKwuud Street, Kleiherton. Subscription price $1 porannuni, when paid in advance ;$l.r>J when not >n paid \ 'h ! . i-inir ratrn on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. Thuraton- Keillor Flesherton Methodist Church I; . . .1 1.- Du Jgeon, pastor. Sunday January 11, I'.M I, Annual Missionary Day. 11 a. in. the Pastor. ^/' LV.tO Sabbath School. 7 u. m. Rev. W. NV. \Vallc^ / H. A.,<i Markdale. Prayer Mcetin(^eacJ(("riiui-8day evening Kpworlh League, Monday, at 8 p. m. Thursday, 3 p. m. The Auxiliary of the \V. M. >S. will meet in the basement. year herffce. In ome districts nearly ' quarter of a mile and found Keith tu ram 1 everything hm been shipped swuy except bling out of the snow Iwnk little the dairy cuw.s. worie for hit experience. Hacking up! Another i-m ..- of ih j beef khor'tigj i* another mile, and a quarter, the horte wa b the vealing of HO many calves, few \\y\\ < found dead, aud hick ano'liur mile and , being kept than are rea'ly necrtMfry to' ( l ual ' (el ' tue y found William Yiike.Koith's replenish the dairy herds. The/njef in- i companion, walking up the track to Hoi dustry in Canada should \\olJfo allowed i lein, a distance of two mile*, to dwindle to the producliofTof veal only. | It seems that the two men were driving | The heifet.s should be kiypl ff P for the pur- pose of producing iiKu^calvvs, to utilize thorough feed on btoe form and to make iiiaiiuio to iiiiiiijjr&n 80 i! fertility. Veul- niij heifer < >^<,-s while it may give the farmer a y/jnck retuin, is destroying good beef-ny&j,].. material and is too much the goose thnt lays the golden Flesherton-M/Vi Baptist Church R, C. Kerr, l'tor. Sunday School 10 a. in , Service at 11 a. ru. Subject for Sunday, January 11 : 'Shall We Knnw Each Other in Heaven." A POSTAL LIBRARY To peisuade the dominion govern- ment to establiih a "postal library" IN the ambitious enterprise embarked upon by Joseph P. Tracy of LBthbridne He hiis H viti in of areat libiMiy with a book for every man, worn in and child in the dominion, which would be circu'ated through the raiils. It is estimated by Mr. Tmcy to cust f 1O,OCO,(HX) for books and $5,000,000 fur racks for l< k, printed loims, record*, etc., and would be Ixiked after by the postmasters. He liaii opparently i.ot decided whether postage would be required for (he Ixjoks or not, bur considers that it should be Mtf-Mpporting. The proposition looks like a good one in theory. A book fur every person laid down at their own post cttice or delivered to their house would bruin the public library very close ti> all ur.d would be a greit boon. Of course a pcrbou might not be cheerful in waiting until the -i.vw/t'.i'.i ,,,],,.,, i, ,,i road the book he minted. But this could be overcome. Btcause the post orticc is already successfully establnhed the Lethbridge man would make it perform still mother duty. In tbii he is like many another agitator with the germ of an idea. Kvery fall when the long evenings give time to incubate great thought)) a crop of new propositions, in which tUe postal service is to be nude the goat, cumes out from all sides, to enjoy a uhoit life, only to fall into jhe benevolent past which kiudly forgives and forget". Sometimes i he i'l'-.i germinate* and grows into favor jlli. n-ii'ly to be given a trial before it falls. Two Rowing illustrations of this 4i e the savinvi bank und government tnnuitieb system. The banks have ^rovrn partly a joke and the annuities jiroposition which had the postmasters .1 agent* hts been a total our, tutrcely providing sufficient funds to pay for the clerical work embraced. Mr. Tracv believes that the postal I hrary is as logically to be expected ss parcel poit. We fail to "get" him in (.hit. Just as logically we might expect >he government to o into the mail order business or any other) line of commerce as to commence peddling hooks merely .. i-.tn .,- books may be sent by mail. Tne Advance has come slight suspicion thai the postmasters of Cai.ada believe themselves to be paid no more salnry than they etrn and Hi i 1 their lent and fuel allowance is none too uenarous. If thii is the case thuy would bare some- thing to say when the proposition camo up to handle a public libnry und to hare their "dis case" flirting with casii nf !. acioss the nay. In itself the plan may be al right, but if it ware adopted the postmiisters' salaries would be tlua for a Midden rise, and similarly wou'd iho rent allowance be in. i. .,i ni Wu need not worry about the proposition. It is an hot .house affair never calculated to withstand the chill blast of opposition. Kvcn though it did, do government wuuld saddle, itself with a fifteen or twenty million dollar white elephant, but wi.uld devise some method of producing ruvei.ue fn.ni i , which would be a worse proportion than the old transcontinent- al iiilwoy. ^__ THE FUTURE MEAT SUPPLY Fur weeks prior to the removal of the .\. 11. i if. in UrifT on c.ittlf, speotllaton .fun 1 busy . .'!:. t.ir: l:u- slock ill C.ina and then, for some wsek.s aflor, quite a formidable pr<'< -.-ii u nusscil '.he border. Thte gftUl*r ing process hut rese uWed a cU'iin-up, but H is i-Mmnely improbable ihit lit'.i'i ' 'i tun" or '.'neW c.in supply ib-' same numu-r t > Am.ricnn, miiktts u NOTES Prayers were offered in Toronto churches for Premier Whitney's health. We had the impression ill ii on the eve of so m in y local option contests the churches we mid be praying the other way. XXX Hanover elected a Deputy Reeve at the coming Municipal Elections fur the first time in its bistury. It requires 10<HI municipal voters to entitle a town to have a Deputy Reeie and Hanovo* now has 1U1K. XXX Aii esteemed friend from the west re- newed liU subscription thi* week with one of l he new 84 bills. In suite rf the fxct that the bill was dated I'.m.' this was the tirt one we had yet seen. Do joti 'get" us! Yes, we still have a few re- ceipt forms left. XXX The Durham papers ate already clamoring in the interests of W, Culuer of that town for the Wuidenship, but are not likely to get bauble. Brcese of Chatsworih is the man most likely to sscure the honor. Durham and Hanover a-e tno i In i- together to make such an appointment expedient, the latter town h.'ivini> had the honor of supplying the \V u .1 -n last year. SIR JAMES WHITNEY SERIOUSLY ILL home from Mount Forest and in the snow storm lost tho way. Yake eot out to iimke tome inquiries, while Keith remain- ed in the bujgy. He apparently drove onto the trucks and the G. T. R. train coming from Pahnerston to Durham, dash- / through the storm in an effort to make up part of its two hours' lateness, struck the buggy, immediately killing the horse, and rolling the man up into a safe position on the small snow plow. Carrying him a quarter of a wile it rolled him off, but the cap which the euginetr 8tiw later remained, or the train ui'ght have gone on to its terminus without without knowledge of the accident. Mr. Yake, failing to find the buggy, started walking back along the track to Holstein. II" was uninjured, and Mr. Keiih is only suffering from shock. Sir James Whitney lies' at the Man- lulten hotel, New York, seriously ill of heart trouble. Sir James left Toronto early in December for a lour in the South in an effort to restore hi* health. He had suffered a nervous breakdown and Dr. 1'y in- considered that a short trip would be sufficient to put him back in good condition. IMI the way back from the South Sir lames became seriously ill in this city, and took a|>artments at the Manhatten >.i Dc'.'embtr 14. Since that time he us been coistintly in charge of a nurse, while the two physicians luvn been in . irncli n. .-. All telephone communicat- ion has been cut off from hid apartment. . > I) Whitney, who was with him for iir 1 1. u went back to Toronto. Her stay at home was short, for on Tuexduy she returned to New York with Mr. ... ullm ' After a few days he rallied, then fell back once :i:oie, but even then Dr. < '} n thought a prolonged rest aud 'i 1 '"' 1 wou!d restore him. On Friday last, 1 lowuvcr, bis heart action began to cau?e . a: aUrni. He rallied, but has had several attacks of thu same iviture. While these would not cause alarm, tin- .'i \ ,n 1 1 1 1 . state, in a voung man, the ! fact that Sir James is over 7') lus caused ' In-ill to watch him closely. The news tlmt a rumor of the Prime Minister's death had reached Toronto i caused a distinct shock to thu members of (he party. There was nothing in the condition of the patient, they maintained, to justify any rumor even of danger. A despatch from New York on Sunday says : "There is no perceptible change in his condition, " said Dr. 1'yne to-night, 'out on account of his age and his weak. .-Mil condition, his condition is grave. Sir .Inn. is 70 yearn old. and soeni!) to be hem ing up very bravely despite his age. I have not given him up yet, nor do 1 think ho will die. He is auftoihiti from a complete nervous breakdowi. , and if I .m keep him <p.iiet I think he will get well. Hu is resting i|iiietly to-night." Farmers' Institute Farmers, Institute meetings will be held in this district en the following dates : * Walters falls January!.') Heathcote January 14 Kavenu* January 15 Kimberley January 16 Flesherton January 17 Hupeville January 19 Badgerog January 20 Maxwell January '21 The speakers at these meeiiiij(s will 1 e I! L. MoorehuUf-u of Cairo and Mrs. F. W. Walts of Toronto. Mrs. Watts will address the Women's Institutes. Some veiy important ({uostions will be discussed by ln>th Kpeakers, for which see bills. .Ur-l in .' at 2 and 7 o'clock in. The Institute meeting at Price ville this year will be held on Wednesday, .Ian. 14, at 'J p.m. and 7 p.m. The speakers will consist of the district repre- sentatives of Dufl'erin, Bruce and Grey counties, who will give illustrated lec- tures on Seed Selection, Fungous Dii- eases, Silos and Ensilage, Poultry and the Marketing of Farm Produce. In ad- dition to Priceville, simi'ur meetings will he held at Dundalk, Itocklyn, Hanover and Chatsworth. S. J. Foster Stackhouse, leader of thu British expedition which plan* to start for the Antartic next year from Kngland, is a biother-in-law of Mr. A. Hutchinson, Mt. Forest. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. New Year Specials This week we place on sale our entire stock of Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloth Coats at a 20% reduction from our Regular Prices which are always mark- ed in plain figures. All these gar- ments are this seasons as we have nothing old in stock. DRESS GOODS REDUCTIONS The busy December days have left us with a lot of short ends of Dress Goods and Suitings these are just the right lengths for Misses and Children's Dresses or odd skirts. They include some of the newest and best selling Fall and Winter weaves, all in perfect condition ALL AT REMNANT PRICES*"" SEE TABLE DISPLAY. Furs Reduced Owing to the mild winter we have a few more Furs than we need at this season. We have reduced prices all round as the following list shows : Black Hre Muffand Stole, reg. $9.00 for $7.50 Black Hare Stole, reg. $5.00 for $4 00 Mink Marmot Stole, retf. $9.75 for S7.75 Persian Paw Muff, reg. U.75 for $8 25 Peisian Paw Stole, reg. $17.50 for $15.00 Siberian Wolf Muffand Stole, reg. $21.00 for $17.50 Ladies' Fur Dined Coat, reg. $50 00 for 842 60 Ladies' Fur Lined Cost, reg. $65.00 for $52.50 Men's Fur Lined Coats, reg. $40 00 for $35.00 Men's Fur Lined Coats, reg. $50.00 for $42 50 Plenty of other lines to choose from all Reduced. BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull, Field Mart-hull *>1U will IHJ for service on lot 170, T. S. R. Artemesia. Terms #1 . Aug JAS. STINSON, Prop. OWKN SOl'ND, ONT., Every graduate gimritnterd a position. JP :i:i Successful Yearn. J Large Statf of Specialist*. Btfindvidual instruction. ^Information free. J$ ('. A. FLKMINO, F. C. A., Principal. G- D. FLEMING Secretary.! OWEN SOUND ONTARIO R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. WagoiiH, Buggies Cut tern, Sleighs, and Uanoline Engines, Melotto Cream Separators, Hakor Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. lleatty Bros', of Fergux, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and ntahle in i m Cockshutt and Front X Woi d Repaint always nn h mil. Wareroom Wellington Street. Petersham, Ontario* Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 atn at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisementjwill only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course wo have other beds at other prices, all equally low iu price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wanU. Springs and Mattresses to fit all beds. Examine our stock any way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. An Army Stands Ready to testify us to the well-proven merits of tho I II C line of gasoline engines. Once tried you will never be without one. Combining economy in price with strength and safety in con- struction and simplicity of parts, the I II C engine is ideal as a power producer for the farm, shop and dairy. Saves time, money, trouble, and patience. Can be put to a hundred uses. Always ready. The I II C engines are .made in 1 to 25 horse power sizes in vertical, horizontal, uud stationary or portable types. See us for particulars and catalogues. S- Hcmphill, Agent, Ceylon Caught on Plow, Dumped into Snowi G<>0d S a I C S IT1 a fl Wanted ! 1 1-! i m Jan. 4 To lie. lifted up with' his bngjiy and horse, cimUd along at a rapid rate for a mile, and then tumbled into H huge but soft HIIOW bank WHS the experience of George Keith, a farmer of Kgreinont township, last night. When he had colleciod his thoughts, Mr. Keith found that ho hud been struck by a train whiuh be had neither semi nor heitril be cause of a blinding snowstorm. The mun in the < iti of thu engine knctv nothing of tho human freight cnrriod on- tliu butturlly H,..\\ plow in front of thu eiuino until during hill in the sluim thu engineer s:t\v a hat in front. II in meili'ili-ly slojipe.l the tr;i ; n, and walking I' O II t !l I we For every town and district where are not represented. Fruits aru bringing high prices, und Nursery Stock is in tlenmnd. Make big money this Full 'ul Winter by taking an agency. Experience not neeessaiy. Freo quip- mont. Exclusive territory. 1 1 i-.;l. i- .t C'lnuuisHHiiiH paid. Write for full puitictilarp. Stone & Wellington " Looking back. I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, to the front of his to]i anil the hut. found huiiuy , that si.me oiu> Inil li;'en killid hi- bucked tho Ir.un up 11 TORONTO, 1 iMauh 14 fi- Term from at January 5th BUSINESS COU1NGW06D COLLEGE Attend this big. Successful School of business tr-i >HI and let us bilp you into something worth while. Fri'i 1 rataloyuuon vc(|Ut'st. Kn'f.r any time. T. E. Hawkins. Principal Ontario. Photographs For Christmas I TTTK HAN E just received an assortment of v " the latest Styles in Mimnt.s and Folder?, which will niaee a Christmas present that will be .ippi-ecmted by your friends, also all sizes of ENSIGN CAMERAS, nifty present for Young : : : : and old. : ; ; Come Early before the rush W. A. HAWKEN PHOTOGRAPHER FLESHERTON ONTARIO Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 4(18. Oth St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1..SO to 4.30 p.m. 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. to Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred ford bull for service on lot 151, 2n T. undS. K., Artemisia. Terms cash . llerp W. -JOHN ADAMS, Prop, Tamworths for Sale .1 .i, . riglitfoi quick Ble. reatl >' f r broodiug. 1'iicoa OEO. W. ROSS. Maxwell l>. 0. Farm to Rent or Sell 100 acres, near Kimberley, nearly all cloaretl. Would rent to suitable tenant who will hiive the option of buying on easy terms. Apply at The Advance office.

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