January 8 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE . THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN ?er Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. Toronto, 16th December, 1913. is? C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.17 p.ni Begin the Year Well - T . ! The pleasure of every member of the Going North t . .. ", . ., ,. 1141 a tn ' ' aral 'y during 1914 can be considerably 9.12p. m. | Increased by reading each week that The mails are closed at Flesherton at ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and VICINITY CHIPS greatest of all weekly papers, The Family ,,.. Berald and Weekly Star of Montreal. It 7pm.; and the afternoon mail south aj, nas pages for everyone, old and young. 3.40o'clocK. For morning train south I( . ia reall ui what wondertul mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ** g] value one ge , s each week in that paper . One dollar is a small sum indeed for such a vi -i amount of good clean wholesome reading during the year. No mistake can be made in sending one dollar to The Family Herald Office, Montreal, for a year's subscription. It will be the best New Year's Gift to the family. To Whom It May Concern It having come to my notice that certain stories are being circulated to the effect that I charged a young man board after visiting at our place last summer, I wish to deny these stories emphatically and will prosecute any person who repeats them. Proof of the of these stories can be proven. ENGLISH. Miss Lolita Beattie visited friends Dundalk last week. Miss Celia VanDusen of Toronto spent Sew Years in town. Mr. Joe Alexander of Dundalk spent Ne* Years Day in town. The Owen Sound Times will hence- forth issue semi-weekly. Mr. Keff of Singhampton spent New Years with Mr. T. Buhner. Mr. Carlton Bellamy and family "f Lindsay agent New Vears holidays with his parents here. Mrs. (Dr.) Webster and two little daughters, of Toronto, were New Years visitors here. Mrs. A. Carter and little daughter of Toronto spent New Years with the former's mother, Mrs. Murphy, The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Artem- esia will meet in the Orange hill at Cey- lon on January 14 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson of Col- lingwood drove over on Sunday, return- the same day. At the first of the year the stores in townwill close at 6 o'clock, excepting Wednesdays and Saturdays, accordinu to bylaw. Mrs. G. I. Willis ariived Wednesday with infant daughter, Berna, from Van- couver to spend the winter with her patents Mr. and Mrs. A. Beattie. Born At 249 Queen street, Winni- peg, on Monday, Jan. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sturdy (nee Lilian Rutledge) a son Leonard Frederick. Kimberley poultrymen are holding their annual poultry show Thursday and Friday of this week. Flesherton fan- ciers will exhibit eight or ten different varieties. The Artemesia township jouncil paid out at their lust meeting on Dec. 15, for sheep killed by dogs, the sum of $328.31 This is more than all the dogs iu the township are worth Shelburne Free Press. Mr. A. T. Hutchinson of Strongtield, Sask., who is visiting friends in this vicinity, was a caller on Monday. Mr. Hutchinson says the weather out in his district has been phenomenally fine this year. A Milwakee dentist kissed a young lady while crowninfr a tooth for her, and she now sues for $5,000 damages. In Markdale a young lady receiving this sort of treatment would be digging around to find some more cavities to be attended to. S. L. Fleming, who has taught Fern- dale School acceptably during the past term, has received an appointment as teacher to Rock Mills school in Grey county at a salary of $650 per annum for the year 1914. General regret is felt here that he has decided to leave. Bruce Peninsular News. Stewart Smith The home of Mr. and .Mi--. John Smith, Kimberley, Ont., was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, Dec. 31st, at ti o'clock, when their daughter Myrtle Estella was united in the holy bond.s of ma'.riuinny with George Stewart ct Weyburn, Sask. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jas. Dndgeon of Flesherton. Mr. and ' Mrs. Stewart will leave in a few weeks for their home in Weyburn. Ottewell-Kearns A pretty wedding took phce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Kearns of Owen Sound North on Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, when their daughter, Ethel E., was united in marriage to Mr. W. John Ottewell of Feversh&m. Ont. The young bride in her smart navy blue wedding costume looked handsome and was attended by Mildred B. tfearns, while the groom waa attended by Mr. J. H. Thompson. Many beautiful gifts were presented to the young couple, who left on the afternoon train tor Ottawa for their wedding trip. Their many friends extend te them their congratula- tions and good wishes. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. McEachern of St. Paul's. McFadden-Waller On New Years eve the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Waller wss the scene of a very pretty event, when youngeit daughter, Annie was married by the Rev. Jaa. Dudgeon to Mr. Robert McFadden of Mono. The bride was attended by Miss Lillian Dudgeon, while Mr. George Waller was best man. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold locket and chain, to the bridesmaide a gold broach and to the best*iran a pair of cut!" links. The happy couple left on Friday on a wedding trip to different points in Northern Ont- ario. Card of Thanks To the Electors of Artemesia, I take this opportunity of thanking you for Ih e support you gave me in the past election Hopl'Jg we will have a progressive and pleasant year, Yours WM. ALDCOR-N Card of Thanks Ladies and Gentlemen, I beg lo thank you most heaitily for the very generous way you sustained mo at the polls on Monday last. I assure you that this emphatic expression of your confi- dence iu me will be an encouragement and incentive to greater study and efforts to give you i-lHciont service. I trust that no neglect or action on my part will load you to regret your choice. Faithfully Yours, -T. R. McK EN/IE. Methodist Anniversary The Methodist Sunday school anni versary held on Thursday night last, was) another pronounced success, the proceeds all told amounting to $67 . The program was quite up to its usual merit, and in addition to the excellent work by the children there wnro short speeches by the pastors of thu sister churches. The school is very prosperous, both financially and otherwise, as the following facts ani figures, as submitted by the superintendent, Mi. W. II Bunt, will go to prove. Officers 5, teachers 10, pupiU 106, Bible class 20, visitors t>5. Two pupils and one tevsher died during the year. The school was open IS Sundays during the yeur. At tlii' end of the year there wo* u balance on hand of ?61.Wt. There were receipts during the yunr, including balance, over fro.ii last year of $215.40. Died Snoddcll .U I'cliK-y, Out., mi ,lar>. 3, 1814, Gra;8 Bouser, wife of thix late Thomas Siunlden, and sister < f &Ji-s. P, Holmiin, of Fli'sherton. Married Walker-Schild Mr. A. E. Walker of Daysville. Sask , formerly of Eugenia, Ont., was united in marriage to MJSB Emma Schild. Edam. Sask., at Meto, on Thursday, December 18th, 1913. The young couple will reside at Daysville. Paul Sharp Married at the Methn- M parsonage, Weyburn, Sank., by Rev. J. Holmes Toole, Samuel Paul of Lanii, Sask., son of Elijnh Paul, Eugenia, Mist Clara B. Sharp, late of England. ANADIAN P/XCIFIC Train No. 27,now leaving Toronto 8.45 p m. daily, arriving Sudbury 5.5T> a. m , will be din- continued between Toronto and Sudbury after Saturday. January 3, 1914. Train Xo. 28, now leaving Sudbury 10.45 i). m. daily, arriving Toronto S.OO a. m., will be discontinued between Sudbury and Toron- t i after Sunday, January 4, 1014. Toronto-North Bay sleeping car will be dis- continued with this aervice. Toronto-Saul t Ste. Marie sleeping car wil' be handled Toronto to Sudbury on train No.3 1 leaving Toronto 10.20 p m. daily, and Sud- bury to Sault Ste. Marie on train" No. 27, ar riving Sault Ste. Marie. Ont, 1.12 p. m- BUMBO Time, and Sault St. Marie, Mich., 12.40 p. m.. Central Time., Sault Ste. Marie Toronto sleeping car will handled, Sank Ste. Marie to Sudbury on train N >. 28, leaving Sault .Ste. Marie. Mich., 2.30 p. nu daily. Central _Tiuie, and Saul t Ste. Marie, Ont.. 3..% p. m., Eastern Time, an 1 from Sudburv to Toronto on train No. 8, arriving Toronto '.1. 00 a. in. Full puriiculars from any C. P. R. Agent, or write M. (',. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toioiito. Notice We have received instructions from Din-trim Furniture Co. to purchase logs for them at their mill, Ceylon. Also to inspect and measure same. For prices etc. apply en G. or F. Collinson, Crylon. -Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Loom For Sale Fly loom, foot power in good order. Will weave fourteen yards per day. Apply to Ann Cu.iper, Eugenia P. 0. 25Jan Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. . For Sale One good work liorsn, one cutter, one robe, one set single harness W. W. Trimble. Apples For Sale First class winter fruit. Apply to Fred Jumieson, Eugenia. A few choice R. I. Red s.c. cockerels for sale good enough for show birds. W. H, Thurston, Flcsherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy te rms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state cultivation. Good Lank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproul Flesherton, LOST AND FOUND Sum uf money found at Ceylnn. In quire at C.P.U. statios. MISCELLANEOUS rfttJZJ$^^J&&&~&!&&& "SPECIAL" Some intelligent laborer wanted for nil year work, in our different departments, men who may grow quick- ly into better than common laborers' pay Enquire for particulars and send qualifi- cations to the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co., Collingwood, Ont. The annual meeting of the East Grey Axricultural Society will be held on Tues- day, January 20th, at 2 o'clock in the town hall, Flesherton, All members are requested to attend. Chas. Stewart. President, Wes. Buskin Treasurer, Silas Shunk, Secretary. The District of Artemesia, L. O. L' will hold ill fir annual meeting in Mark' dale lodge room on Tuesday, January 13, at the hour of 2 o'clock. All reports from primary lodges should be forwarded to the Secretary previous to this meeting. Fred Mathewson D. M.,Silas Shunk.Sec. At I he annual meeting of the I. 0. F., held on Wednesday, Dec. 31et., 1913. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : 'J. R., George Bell- amy ; V. C. R., Win. Meads, Jr. ; Fin.- Sec., Wes. Buskin ; Rec.-Secy, Geo. H. Cairns; Orator, W. J. Meads; S. B., W. J. Moore ; J. B.,Jno.Thistlethwaite ; S. B.. Donald McLeod;J. B., W. A. Armstrong; C. D. , Chas. Bellamy. A high class recital, with Mr, Frod J. Perrin, Toronto, humorist, will be given iu the High School, Wednesday. January 21. under the auspices of the East Grey Agricultural Society. Come, don't miss it. A. O. U. W. Special meeting of Fles- herton Lodge oft Wed., Jan. T, at 7.30 p. m., Claytons Hall. AH be on hand. A Hiiirisun, Recorder. All IhoBA owing accounts to Jas. Me- Clock liu, Ceylon, are requested to please settle same with S. Hcmphill, Ceylon, by February Ut, 1914. $2U(N) private funds to loan on fjirni mortgage security at lowest rates of in terest. Apply R. J. Sproule. Flesheiton. Property To Rent Good G roomel brick house in the Village of Fleshorton, with wood.shcd MM. I well, nlso ;".>,! hrick stable for 4 horse', wi'h hay burn und 5 l.-s Poss.'ssion about 1st of January. Foi |>.4i Kin us apply to MRS. 3. COLQUETT, i'"lesheiton !>.>. HILL BROS., HARKDALE. T -r -y- This Week We Offer Many HOLIDAY LINES FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS BUYERS These lines are much below our regular prices. Tn our store you will find Gifts suitable for Father, Mother, Sister and Brother. Remember there are only twelve more business days before Chrismas, and the newest gifts are picked up quick. It will pay you to get your needs Early. See us We can .supply you. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHER Fancy Felt and Leather Slippers from 75 cents to Fancy ShirU from 1.00 to ................ 33.50 New Neckties from 25c to ................. 75c New Scarfs from 2Cc to .................. f 1.00 New Swearer Coats from 1.25 to .......... $3.00 GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTHER New Handkerchiefs, a large rouge, from 5c to 30c. New Gloves from 50c to 9? 00 Fancy Felt Slippers from 75c to 51.73 Fancy Sweater Coats from 81.25 to $4.tK) Fancy Hand Bags from 80c to S5.00 New Waists from 2.25 to 82.25 New Waist Lengths in Silk for 3.00 New FURS, many styles .-ind prices. - you can ask Heavy Rubbers For Men We have the largest stockof Heavy Rubbers in town. We have anything for in this line and can save you money on your wants. Special 12-inch leather top, best quality, sizes ti to 12 at $4.00 Bottoms for leather tups, solid heel, sizes b' to 12 at 81.73 BOYS' sizes 1 to 5 at 1.25 YOUTHS' sizes 9 to 13 at .1.00 Special Showing in Women's Fine Shoe Leathers We have just received a shipment in Women's Fine Shoes in Patent, Gun Metal and Vici ' Kid, made by beat Cantdian Shoe Manufacturer in the trade. These Shoes weru made to sell at 4.90. 4.50 and $5, all Good Year Welt goods in the best leathers procurable, just the thing f<>r a nice Xtiius. box, Special this week .'1.48 Special Showing in Women's Fur Collared and Fur Lined Coats We have an extra large range in Ladies' Fur^Cul- lared Coats in ijuilt and Niggerhead Linings, mar- mot mil sab'e collars, moderately priced from 14.00 to 18.00 Lidies' Fur Lined Coals from :!7.."0 to 60.<K) Grocery Department NEW RAISINS 3 Ibs. 25c. NEW CURRANTS 3 Ibs. 2.5c. NEW Peel, mixed, per Ib. 15c. Our new Special Blend Ten st 30, :!5 and 40c H Ib., put up in 2, I! and ."> Ib. tins, cannot be beaten. Every tin guaranteed. HILLBROS, - MARKDALE I*!"l*j*J:'^"^*JV^"^::'yy>:gy^^ lil L WRIGHT III SUCCESSOR TO J. &. \\\ BoYD FLESHERTON CHRISTMAS IS PAST Our first Christmas Season in General Business and we have done an immense Christmas trade, and I now take this opportunity of thanking the people of Flesherton and surrounding country for the large amount of business they gave us, and I hope all have been satisfied with the way they have been used and the quality of goods they purchased. OU R. AI M. has always been to sell the Very Best Goods we can buy and the best is none too good. To handle the very best is the course we have laid out and we intend to stay right with it. So bring in your Butter and your Eggs and anything you have to sell and we will give you the Higiiest Prices that can be paid and give you No. 1 New Goods at Lowest Prices. - I hope you have had A Merry Christmas . And I wish you all a Happy And Prosperous New Year ! ! , 'HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR. PRODUCE MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, Will be received at Ottawa until Noorr, on Friday, the 13th February, U'14, for the conveyance of His Majesty's mails on n proposed con- trnct for four years', six times per week each way over Clarksburg (via Banks and Loree) Rural Mail Route, f oin the Punt Master Genarnl's pleasure Printed notices containing further in- f-irmation an to conditions of proposed Cuntract may be seen mid blauk forms of Tender nuy he obtained nt the Post Offices of Clarksburg. Hunks, Loree ami at the Office of the Pnst Office Inspector fit Toronto. I'cst Otlico InspiH-i.-r's OnVe, Toronto, J.iiniwy. 2nd !''!. A SITIIKIU.AND, Post Ottico Inspector , - ECZEMA CAN BE CURED I Will Prove It to You Frer Ton wbo are suffering the tortures of Ecxema. Itch, Salt Rheum or other kin diseases you whoso days uro miserable, whoso nights are made sleep- less by the terrible itching, burning pains, let mo send you a trial of a sooth- i , - MlltM , L . . Ing, healing treatment which has cured hundreds, which I believo will cure L * * fc ^ J you. I will sond it free, postage paid, without any obligation on your part. *- Just ail the coupon below and mall It to me, or write me, giving your name, ace and adarM 1 will send the treatment tree of cost to you. *tfMMMHa*MMIH|VMH^>- * * -.-.-- mm mm CUT AND MAIL TO DAY" mm* mimmmmnmimmm mmmi mm* I. C. HUTZILL. Druggist. 038 We.t Main St.. Fort Wayn, Ind.. U. S. A. Kama. I'leasa seuJ without cost or obligation to me your 1'ree Proof Treatment. -..- - p..*t Office Pi.>vinoe Street and No..