Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1914, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?OL 33 No. '26 Flestterton, Ont., Thursday January 15 1914 W. H THOBSTOS Cocks Crowed At Kimberley Kimberley poultry f.ncirs held thmr second annual poultry show on Thursday and Friday of last week. Some excellent ttock was shown, a distinct improvement over hut ?ear being sen in both quantity and i|ualuy. There were some two hun- dred entries all tulJ. About thirty of these were ohown by F!uhrtoii fanciers, who were very succisfiil in their winn- iugs, a* the prize list will fchow A Flexberton bird won the sweepstakes pecial for best bird in (tie show.and two other special* c*me to ihe Fletherton exhibiton. Mr. Harry Wright of Owen Sound placed the award* and gave urn- %enal satitfaciion. During the day a regular poultry -iitociation was formed for East Grey, witn a good membership, and henceforth the exhibition will no doubt be a growing one, at it will receive government aid. The show was visited by a large number, who took a keen in- terest in the affair. Poultry raiting ii developing tn this district and a great improvement is being made in the quality of Ihe atock raised. Following is the list of prize winneri: Prize List Barred Rock -cock, J Louffheed. S McAslin ; hen, S McAtlin.J Lougheed; cockerel, McAilin, Lougheed ; pullet. I/jugheed, Loogheed ; pen, old, R D Carrutbcrs ; pn young. A Myles. White Wyandoltes All prizes to Geo Proctor. White Rocka- Cockerel, S Fawwtt, J Clinton ; pullet, S Fawwtt, S Fawtett ; hen young, S Fawcett. Rhode Island Red- R C cock, E Ellis: cockerel, W H Thuraton, A Carruthers ; pullet, W H Thurstori, W H Thurtton ; pen, W Wodehouae , S C Hen, W H Thuraton, W Wodeboose ; cockerel, W H Thureton, W H Thuraton . puller, W H Thornton. W H Thurstoa. S C Brown Leghorn cock, H Smith . cockerel, T Lewis ; R C Brown, hen, J Pie wen ; puHet, W Bumtt. 8 C White Leghorn -cock, S Fawcett; hen, S Fawortt, S Fawcett ; cockenl, Geo Pioctur, Howard Smith ; pullet.Geo Proctor, H Smith J pen young, S Fw- eett ; pen old, John Plewes. Anconaa cock. J Re we* ; Hen, J Plewes, J Plewes. Butf Orpington Hen, Geo Proctor, W Burritt ; cockerel, Geo Walter, W Burritt ; putht, R D t'arruthers. Ceo Walter ; pen, young. Geo Walter, H Smith : white orpington, pen, old, Geo Uutchmson ; cockerel. W Burritt, G H Walter ; pullet, W Bunitt, <! H Walter: hen young, G H Walter. Butt \\yiiiubitte Rooster, T. Bnlmer; hen. T. Uulroer : pullet, T. Bulincr. Poland* -Cockerel,* Fawcett : pullet, S Fswcett, S Fawcett. HouoWs- Cockerel, T Ltwis.T Lewis; pullet, T Lewis. Silver Canapii:es Cock. *' Hickliiu : cockevci. - 1". cii; '"" 1'ihinei : pu..-., T Bulmcr. T Bulincr : pe:i young, S Fawcett. Laoktinveldcr cocUerel, S Fawcett, S Fawoett ; pullet. S Kawcett. S Fawcett. Britbuia -Cockerel, S Fuwcett. Fveroles--cuckeiels, 8 Fawectt, fc> Faweett. Toulouse g>ee Gamier, F Stuart; KOOSC, F Stuart. Brown Ducks Drake, F Stuart : Indian Runneis, Geo Hutchmsou, for both draio Mid duck : Pekin Ducks- Drake. Geo Walter. K Ellis ; duck, Geo Walter, K Kllis. Bronze Turkeys Gobbler, F Stuart ; pen, F Stuart. White Rabbits pr., W H Thurston, Geo Hu'chinsou ; a o v,Go<> Hutehinsou 1 and 2 ; Belgian, Geo Walter. Pigeon*, Geo Hutehinson. Black Langshau, hen, S McAsliu. Dorkings pen, F Hickling. InUian game pen old, F Hickling ; pen youns;, F Hickling. Black Cochin Bantam*, W H Thurston ; Buff Bants, T CornKold GOTO Bants. T QonsVkld. Specials Best i'tir barred rock pulleW, J L<ui; heed. Pair white wyandotts,Ou Proc- tor. Pair white rocks, S Fawcvtt. Buff Orpington cock. Geo Hutchinmni. Houdan cockerel, T Ltwis Brahma cockerel, S ITawceU.l S C Brown leghorn cocketol, T Lewis. Buff Orpington hen, Oeo Proctor. Lackeuvelder pullet, S Fawcett. H C Brown Leghorn hen. John I lewes. R C red cockerel. W H Thurston. Special for game bantams, T Cornfield. Pair silver eampine*. F Hickliru. Ancota hen, John Plewee. Pair white orpington pullets. W P.urritt S C white leghorn cock. John Plewes. Beat bird in show, buff orp. cockeiel owned by G H Walter, Fiesherson. Kimberley Budget Pricevilie Sawlo^s were comiog into the fetation yards >{ui:e freely last week. A great deil of timber was thrown dowu by tbe windstorm on Good Friday last year ard n iw it is being hurried to (market. Stove Victoria Corner* A number of the neighbots spent a very pleasaiit evening at the hotna of Hr. and Mrs. Edward Pat'on, Dreira- hnj, Monday, January b, on the oc- casion of Mr. Palton's crystal wedding. The evening was spent in gamea and dancing, the music being furnished by Swinton Park and Pro'on S'ation orcheetraa aud was of a first cliss nature. Mr. and Mrs. Patton make moat splendid host and 'boetesi. They received very many beautiful and expensive presents from their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Weatberal are visiting their daughter, Mrs. 3. CorDeit. Mrs. Heard, and daughter. Mini, and son, Willi^, vicited with friends in Marldiale during Christmas week. The annual school meeting was held at Victoria school on Dec. 31, 1913, when Mr. Herb Nich' i wvs appointed the new tru>tee. Talk about a real western bluzinl > We certainly had a tench of otie Sunday night last. Thomas Neely of Beaverdale visited with his cousin, Mr. Stanley Reid, rece illy. The poultry show which was held in j the town hall here on Thursday and Fri- Oweo g^rf tgaio f ,, r their nelt 'day last was a hummer. About L'CO n d the several teachers who were birds wood is more plentiful and M-.uewhit cheaper this winter. The coliegiate pupil-s ha-e re'urned to term, home 5pcciali*t la dU. *. at ih Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Off ice- 30 10th at. east, Owen Soocd At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd i Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m ' Dundtlk.Lst Wednesday of each month . Jewelry were on exhibition and Judge f or the holidays have returned to their Wright of Owen Sound had quite a diffi- ' wot | t ; n various places cult task in plac'ng the awards. Coinpe- I , , ,, L- v. i L. J. L. McKinnoo, thuolog , has return- t.riou was very keen in the Birred R -ck, . ,, ... _ _ ._ ' ed to Oueens college. Kin^ton. Buff Orpington and Rhode Island clause. <. , G. H. Walter of Fle.herton landed the ' J ' L McDonald has secured a school prize for the beat bird in the show with , al 8 d ***"> la Ac; - Dundak Miss Lillian Ariustronc, of Fleshertoo, was a visitor t Mr. Geo. Nixou'* a few day*. Rev. Geo. Kendall, of Dromore. has signilied his intention to accept thu un animouit call extended to him by ihe P.esbyterian congregaiicn> cf Dundalk ud Ventry. The Prrshyteries of Oian- geville aud Saugecn will meet within a few d*ys and the call will co through the regular channels. We understand Mr. Moasop'x residence on \onge St. has _ben leased for iuo*e purpose*. Tlie transfer will likely bo mil. tu two or f hreo weeks. At the re<]ueat of Dundalk Board i Trade the Railway Commission of Can- ada sent .i man here a couple of weeks ago I.) ir.xpect and report mi lUngeroius railway ctosttiiig* in the village. H's r- poil ;iiid recoaiinendatioui now cme from the Secretary of the Commission to Village Clerk Ridley, showing that the C. P. K will be asked to install an ill- uminated electric bell at the Mam Street crossing aud also one .it the Victoria Ave eri>6s ug. It is also recommended that Holland Street, leading to th : gnun ele- vator* from Proton Street, be Herald. a nice Buff Orpington cockerel. Mr. Birt Graham of Eugenia, accjin- panied by-Miss Virgie McMullen, visited friends in thU vicinity one day last week. Mr. Wilfred Hall of Fainnount a.s a caller in town one day this week. Messrs. Richard Allen and A. Harri- son of Fleeherton made a lnuiniss trip to Kimherlvy. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Colley. occupied ihe pulpit in the Methodist church PU Sunday morning last. Metsrs. Geo. Burrit', Jmes K. Fw- Mr. R. Cornfield <( W e yburn. SasU..is Lett, Donald Wallace and Geo. Hutchin- i visitmc: at the parental hornr. Miss F. McMillan returned to her school in Toronto suburbs. Miia Becky McMillan, who modelled last season, is teaching .n i school at Atwood. Thu chief topic of conversation thia week is the shredded ahcat bin<|uet on Fridiy evening f tins week. Supper from i> to 8 p.m., pri>gra'u after. Portkw Fleshcrton Planing And=Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day hi the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anyt.hinz you w ,ut in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor inz, sash and door*, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- nnable r.fos. Get estimate*. T. Blakeley, Prop. Kebl5 i:: Iv A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satuf actory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jewele* FLESHERTON, ONT After Six Years In the neii Sound polic- court Gflorgo Harris appeared before the mag- istrate, charged with hiyhway robbery :il\'iiod to have 1 < n committed nbout six years ago. Hun-is pleaded umlty -ind elected to be tried by the tua>>utra'e. n . ^ jjr. \Vrtgh', stated thai-, for tho last five yean-; Iiirris"hu-vK>B Jiyii; a -.tendy, industrious lite and has a aood P 'sition aa foreman in a factory in Toron- to. He reail s. me leetimonUU from the firm w.th which Harris has been employed, all stating that lu> is a steady, trust- worthy woikinan. Mr. Wiight also stal- ed that full restitution has been inailo and askfd that, in view of these facts, the niijistrnte deal leniently with the case. Mr. Spereiuan. acting Crown Attorney, in view of the circumstances, did nor wish to jrcss ti.e disrsje and the mugiitrate took a similar view aud allow- ed Hairis to go OD suspended sentei ce. - Sun. <>n made a business trip to Markdala <-n ' Friday last. Mr. John Cairns of Eugenia was a cJler in our burg one day Ust week. I Mr. Geo Stuart and family of Flesber- ton arc vUitinz friends in thii vicinity at present. Mr.Fred Taylor uf Glt cpeut th holi- day season with ! i paivnt.^. Mr. Edward Watson and v:i,- fr:.iu il,e Wet visi'ed w.th le'ativesof this i>art. Mr. Alliston, our popular te-tcher, is back to his duties at our school. Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Wootl vf Toronto Mr Jno Buchanan "f Fleshertou is rt- pent the holiday season with friends en ntwing old acquaintances in this vicini'y. t'ie centre line. Mr. Geo. Hutchinsju occupied the j Mr. Abram Blakey is recovetii ^' fmra pulpit in the New England Methodi.t severe attack of pneumonia. -.-hurch ou Sunday afternoon. Mia . Peiktl w , tion holuUyed at tiie Mr*. S. S. Burritt took the topic in puental home. the Epworth Letgue on Sunday eveuing I Mr w . H. McNally was the new trua- tee elected at the annual school oieeting. Mrs. J. H . Watson ha Iwun very iil of Ute. Hope to hear soon of htr te- c-ivory. last. Ceykm Mr. John Collinson of Hanover is ; his brother here. Mr. and Mrs. .1 hnst. n W.w>J..jf West Toronto cilled on friends hero Saturday. Mrs. Wil.on MeMuil-n and sister. M>s. Kentiriuk of Lyndhurst, are ihis week visiting Creemore friends. Mr. Tho*. Cook of Markdale paid his brother here a visit on Saturday. Mis. (Dr.) Holmes, C wen Sound, who has been visiting her parents heie the pt fortnight, returned home Saturday. Mr. Sam. Chislett. Toronto, is spend- ing a couple of weeks with hi* here. Mr. .-iinl M;-. E. Adamx and Miss Wilson, mho hive been visiting it Mr. J. Adams', returned to O.tkvil'e n ,1 T >ront". Miss Viola C<> nbeld has raturned to her studies at tbe Central Business coll- ege, Toronto. Mr. Wesley J-iuiieton and Mr. Glenn of Toront) visited with Mr. W. i. Jam- Kson. Roblin Says he Favors Prohibition Hawkc-McMullen Mapk Creek, Susk., News : Married, at the Methodist church. Maple Jreek, on the morning of New \Varsday, lua Mary, d tighter of Mr, aud Mrs. J. McMullen, Markdale, "n> . to Dr. W. R. Hawke uf Medicine Hat, the Rev. J. D. Wildfong officiating. Tho bride was attended by Miss Sarah Mur- phy aud the groom by his In-other, Mr. Walter Hawke. Little Miss Tnnis Kelts was Howcr girl. Dr and Mrs. Hawke left on i In- Soc train for St. Paul, Chi- c*go and other eastern point*. Ou their A deputation from the Soci.il Service Council waited upon Fremii-r llobliu in Winnipeg anJ urged up"n the jrarents Gjvenuuent the advisability of s>me amendments fi- locil option law, aiking at the same time th.u \ pn>vic> cul plebiscite ou the ((U.'stiou ot th: ab- olition of the b.ir be taken. Iu rec'y. Premii-r U >blin sairi . "Abolition of lh-.- bar woul-i be iu ihe According to the Msufn .1 pip^r< two worst possible interests of sobriety and surveyors of the Ca'iadiiu N.>rth,-r.i i:il- gjod In ing. If you will come ut frank way are in town looking over tlie route ly n d say i~ is pr.ihtbitiuu law you aut. between t'wen Sound HIUI Haini'ton via 1 ;ii with you, tor I m as anxious as Meaford, wirh a view to th- ei'intiuetion any mm i.vmi; u proiuote the cause of of a line >( nil* iy botwej t^->*e PC i nt*. teui|jeri"- '* Lli i, ,_ -;-,;rva;i. *. . ~ . ~ vi^ \*r"s 'ftst ** ^^v * aor is in "-" A nuniU'r "f Ji s ii,,iu nieii ;i;v ^. .'.'-, .. ^...vu my nul^rui i.r i ( how best to pro- gaged on the preliminary survey wUi.-h mote tem; eru c.. ;.M.| -oln-ty io in\oi, e they are undertaking. Ir is evident th.-it else. To e'o-e barn, opeuiiii; up instead, the Camulian Northern j-e-i'Ie are a* irnner.. us wholesale plices, w>.uM. in my l,.i.-- seri'.usly coiiMileniu the building o pi,,ion, be ,-i letro^i ule st.p. Cl-e the of the Owen Sou::,! Meuford conuection birs -uul wh .le-.ile houses too, that is as part uf one of their proposetl lues, but t | H . ihin^. nothing immediate m iy ba expected in the wiy of c instruction, -i-. the Caiuiii.ui Noithern lri\e intiiiia'eil on several occasions that they huxe their hands full for the prtfSfiit with work already under- taken. Aivlrow Hull>ert of (iuelph was thrown off the seat of hia cab while turning a corner ar.d fatally injured. HE Past year was a ^ yeai's * ^business with us. This year rous* be_still greater. To :lo so we have just completed a granary and <tore house anl can now supply you with Grain, Feed, and Flour from a hag to a car load, at W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. yi^^^K^<s^r^ Now Is The Time To Leave your Leather Tops to get Rubber Bottoms se we d on. Custom Work and Re- pairing as usual, Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders Schmietendorf-Whittaker voi. >. /'* : " X X> ^ Thos. Clayton i'>ii Wednesday aftern. on, December 54, at the home of ihe btide's parents, Flesherton, in 'he pieseuco of only the immediate rcl'iiiies, the wedding was solemn ue,i of Mis Laura Aii i Whittaker, to Kerbert F. SclimoitenJorf of Paistey. The room wa> li^ltiil by candles and decorated wrh an ett'tdiru arrungement of evciyreeii*. holly and roses. As "the bride entered, leaning ou the arm of her father, by whom she was sjivea aw:iy, the wisWinii msreli was played by Miss Annie Harrow. Tin- ceremony touk Agriculture, place under a Iart;e H -nl arch, ami was l per f ormed by the Rv. J . A. Ltece, B. Markdale A ' ' l>1 '^ vvil| v- The bride looked beautiful in a it>wn uf white ninon over ' silk, snd carried a showtr bou<|uet of 2|jQ-27th wh "' f 09 *- '''>' ^ >f tnc T *u < - i y ni1 raait '- ' enhvr fr. Her tulle veil w^s held iu place by H wreath of orange blossoms and Four Weeks' Course In Agriculture Department of V*g\* * Vlll\ I VWW'*f(- ', ^.'* 1111. It -^ . k , .- f ' * return thvy will nuke their home iu lied- ! ** ree instructions gl Veii III all , she also wore the groom'i jift, i diamond branches of agriculture. icine Hat. Both the youug r^eple ate widely known io Maple Creek, the (room being veterinary surgeon in charge of the ! Dominion Govornment'a work in this j u district, ami the bride has been cue of " the accounting suff *t h. Small's store I for several years. k . nrKK, Avriculturist J. COKK, Assist nit and [peridot pendant. After the j mooy lh bride and gioo-n left >>n the | afteruo. n train for a trip EM'. The Wido's tiavelliug dre*- was of Alice blue silk, with ha*, of white ermine. On their return thi-y will result) in Pi!cy. Just Arrived . . . Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your Winter Suit with J. Bowler,THE TAILOR French Cleaning done every Saturday Get your old clothes renovated. BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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