Household come through), and season it with salt and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. A delicious vegetable stock is the result. Beef extract may be added if desired. A. Good Way to Serve Eggs. Boil for half an hour as many eggs as there are people to be served. For four people, put one pint of milk in a double boiler, and when it gets hot add a small piece of butter, and pepper and salt to taste. Thicken it; ^ one t bl apnM of corn- starch dissolved in a little cold ahce9 of bread > Tested Recipes. Hot Tea Cake. Two tablespoons butter, one-half cup sugar, one- ... eighth teaspoon salt, one egg, one ^ Prepare and one-half cups flour two tea- * llow two for **** P eraon ' or cut spoons baking powder, three- one lar * sl * ce into two P iecea > aad> fourths cup milk, three-fourths tea- fc timing off the crusts, toast spoon vanilla. Mix in order given, lt h htl , y ' and b j u " er lt : ?**.** and bake in muffin tins or one tin * PWJ and P lace c lt ln th h fc I closet of the range. Separate tne whites and yolks of the eggs. Chop INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JANUARY 18. III. The Good Samaritan. Lake 10. 22-37. Golden Text, Mark 12.31. Chronological Sequence. As al- ready pointed out in the Text Studies for January 11, th by ten twenty mil MufflL- e . half and add in the period of the eo- y is a matter . secondary importance. In the ' " record the events of to-day's immediately upon ed flour, a little at a time, and atir until there are no lumps. Add one of butter, melted, egg NOTES OF SCIENCE Oar London Letter TO Rdarm in Lmncual*. An orxacixation which promtoo* '. uhaka London u complacency a* tiia foun- tain head 01 Emfi^>U o it inouid b u>uk o has t^Jten for^i at Ox:orJ uad>.T lae direciion at tha poet ..r;r -si . A bar. Briugti. aided by suon uiuB.en, oi t.;u lun aa Thoaii-a Uuroy. Dr. lienrj Brad ey Sir ., alter Raleigh. pro.eMor o( K.i<. i- literature at Oxford, and Prolnnur Joiui Vv. Mjvkaall. Wh..s the object* of the aenociatioo hare not yet been lui.y denued. they probubl; will include the vubhcauon of litoratnra. the delivery of lec:ureii attempt* ultim- mie.y to influence the teaocen orer the whole Country u> aid In the reatur^tioj of the purity of the Language, both writ- ten and Bpoken, and to r eist tha -naec * iary Iccorporation of foreign words, and to encourage the adopt-on in poUte upceci of cr-^p. teree, rigorou word* from the d. alette. The Engliih that Johnson spoke rather than the Eaglkh that Johnson wrote k '. have become dry and hard the object aimed at by the aieociauon. Johnson wou-d hare eaid "rot. ' bui he would hare written "patrefy." Recent statistics credit Spain with more than 3,500,000 goats. In a new h&mmer handle is a se- cret recess for carrying a nail set. A small but practical electrvj rail- way has been installed in a Paris sewer. A novel umbrella it equipped with a storage-battery electric light in its handle. Cables linking British and Xurth American ports convey about 30,- a year. Vinegar heated to the boiling point will soften paint brushes that Captain Batson, of salt. Last of all, add the whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in small pans in a moderate oven. Gingered Figo Wash and look over carefully one-half pound figs; add cold water to cover, juice and rind one-half lemon, one small piece ginger root, and cook slowly <* of ' vin "88 s can be more con - ! , u venient.v followed if two people jd .U tha, : prepare the separate parts but the """ not here intervened. The abrupt manner in i \ i which the story of Christ's conver- retired American naval officer, who satiou with the introduc- is eo'nsr to try to flv across the At- "d uT *:d~!y* addicted" ~:o the passas* lantio in an aeroplane of his own f J Ue J incident designing. oudTi^ dish can be successfully made by introduced into the narrative at one this point for the sake of conveni- | An international competition of agricultural power machinery will In a tract prepared'tor the English ae- : be he!d in Tunis in April. Iy' a *iieycher ' ^oi^^atu^-T'and 1 tha" tune ' ^ ew suspenders are broadened at i well on It* war to beeoma "chiu-i*." the front to resemble a vest, thus pr ''nd <>r ' ?"' li f n d . naa . bee na 5 r< ? ^j making two garments in one. professor nays "cweshyun" for q.uoslion. | Argentine has the longest piece r rd - .of straight railroad track in the- Ireland acd Household Hints. Luke s narrative will be still more A tongue for boding is best fresh . ev -id cn t as we proceed in our stud- from the pickle. When I come he home. 36. The lawyer had asked, When ''Who wheel and whea. never forget it Dr - **<**< conclude. hi. tract . foi- . s sjfftfss he himeif >a in the typxl af..tude of vulgar ignorance In thee matter*. Ha deposed to look down upoa all that he ediT-ated ', world, a stretch of 175 miles. LU "h" in .and circular saws have been in- , . , . , i vented, which are said to work bet- ter in fine woods than steel ones. rJf he r "T !* tute is made of cocoanut oil, egg ^^ an< j a sma !l proportion of ' until soft. Remove figs, make syrup Paste the owner's initials over up to one cup or more, and add each towel nsed on a large family half as much sugar. Simmer till towel rack. thick, and add one teaspoon sherry. Pour over figs and serve cold with whipped cream. Dumplings. Two cups flour fourth teaspoon salt, two teaspoons; baking powder, one egg (may if wish), one-half to three-fourths minced fish or chicken and a little cup milk. Mix as for baking pow- mayonnaise, make a delicious der biscuit, and drop by spoonful lish. on pieces o f meat in stew, keeping j A good luncheon dish is mads of ies of future lessons. Verse 35. Jesus and is my neighbor?" The parable i* unaccustomed to. and not knowing'the , cream. fo i lowera showed him that he ought rather were on their w to J erasa lem , cer himself with the question ' I by a circuitous route, stopping in ' v - whom *"> l neighbor? Am dut'.nction*. he esteem* hie own de- The sam steam engine has been pumpbg water out of a coal min in England for more than 100 year*. Successful experiments in Hon. Adopt Chinese Trad* Marks. Manchester firm of trader* with the teach and to showin S. Some of the best cooks bake onlv test his tioned him, in order to re ~ ability as a teacher. What shall I do to inherit The tense implies that the lawyer had out cf water as much as passible;' the macaroni and stewed tomatoes cook ten minutes without lifting left from the night before. Heat ow) J?rea dee j or pernapa eover. May roll out dough, cut out them over again together and serve, I in of Mme noble like biscuit, and put on buttered perforated pie tin. Cook over stew as above. Fro/en Rice Pudding. Wash two tablespoons rice and eteam in one i in mind the performance of some ie inak- (Cona- . _ . [ 'UQ \J* e^**~ v.~ or pour into a baking dish cover | Mark 1Q 17 breadcrumbs and bake A bad scorch may respond to a mixture of fuller's earth, powder- tiU '" Eternal life-^Literally, the life of the age.j. The expression ' : nal life" was familiar to the Jews before Christ came, as is shown in .1. . . . . 1-1 . t I . LICIV1C \,linau \.<*uiv, c%u *J oi*-w " * . quart milk in double boiler, with ed soap and vinegar formed into a t^e apocryphal book of Enoch (15. t two tablespoons sugar added, until paste and spread over the scorch. 4 6 \ jj ut v tue l awy er like the rich rice is tender and mixture creamy. : After drying, the plaster should be young maa wao asked Jesus the Add one-fourth teaspoon salt and brushed away and repea-ted, if ne- flavor with vanilla or lemon to j cessary. taste. Put in mold, cool, and pack I For savory baked potatoes, waah in ice and -salt as for mousse. Serve and scrub the potatoes until thor- saine question, had an erroneous view of eU-rnal life and its rela- tion to this life. Jesus and his fol- lowers referred to it as a spiritual with sweetened and flavored whip- ' oughly clean, then wipe dry. Bake ' condition the divine life in the ped cream. Cherries may be put one hour in a steady oven. Break in after removing from fire. as a garnish. Orange Sherbet. Sherbets ( g ee j, cts 16. 30 ; 1 John 5. Used open and dress with aa!t, pepper j n,""ia.) V and cream. Serve in the jackets in g6. What is written in the law' are a fringed napkin. Note the skill with which Jeus so water ices with stiff whites of eggs! Gum-arabic starch is made by ! frequently ca'ls upon a questioner added. Two cups water, one cup putting a quarter of a pound of the ' to ,,; ve answer to his own quea- sugar, one cup orange juice, two best whit* gum in a large-mouthed | tablespoons lemon juice, grated, bottle and covering it with a pint' HOW readest tliou t The words, O , rind two oranges, whites three I of water. Set the bottle on a cloth ! Tllou 8 h a lt love the Lord thy God eggs. Make a syrup by boiling wa- ! in a pan of water over the fire to j witjl all thy heart, and with all F.i . n rt,t . . ,-. - *...&**.. . ij; ___ 1 ___ ,C* . * /* * " ^ ter and sugar twenty minutes, add : dissolves. Stir until it liquefies, orange and lemon juice and orange I then strain through a cloth, rind; cool, strain, freeze to mush; To those who have oil lampi a add w lutes of eggs, beaten stiff, and ' few hints will simplify their caoe. freeze until not too hard. Many add one-half tablespoon of gelatin soaked and dissolvc-d, if desired. I. rail. mi Bread. Two and three- quarter cups graham flour (or two and one-quarter cups whole wheat dour and one-half cup bran), one teaspoon salt, one-quarter cup sug- If they are used every night, they should be kept filled and trimmed every day. Wash the lamp chim- neys when the dishes are washed. Do not fill the lamp quite full. Leave about one inch for expan- sion. Corset* can be cleaned at home ar, one-quarter cup nuts, cut fine, by laying on a marble-topped wash- thy soul, and with all thy strength, were taken from Deut. 6. and were written on the phylacteries, that is, the vellum slips worn by Jews on their foreheads andwr'ats. Deut. 6. 7, 8 commanded that they should be repeated mornings and evenings. The heart, soul, strength, and mind with which God is to be loved cover man's physical, intellectual, and moral powers. 27. Thy neighbor as thyself From Lev. 19. 13. A RECORD OF WASTE. Explorer Grenfell Writes of Labra- dor's Lost Opportunities. The fish, flesh and fowl of Labra- dor, writes Dr. Grenfell in the Wide World, have been exploited to more than two-ih.rdu oi made a collection ol abuut 4X> d.-*.zii . one-s:.xtn of one-hundredth of which, when found on certain c^a^ie* of : {rjch th'ck food*, were regarded by the Lll.uoo* aa . , , . .. , . . lucky," ai the hore>.*hoe. for intauce. A mixture CI SlaKed l!m, U ii thought lucky in England. oil and cotton fibre is used in some portions of Turkey as a substitute for cement. A material resembling celluloid i*h manufacturer* might n*e the designs ae wae in- without charge except such roived in reproduction and The Board of Trade placed the whole of the last degree, and no scientific or practical effort has been made for their protection or rehabilitation. Qjir auks, curlew, ducks and many other birds have become either ex- tinct or dangerously depleted. the den.gns In the hande of the tion ot Chamber* of Commerce, and no" have IKO-I appropriated, a very large proportion of them having been u*ed u outtoo trad* Rabbits May Save Engiand. The discovery made by Scottish archaeo- thal their countrymen in the re- but clearer, tougher and more dur- ' I able, has been invented in England ow ,,,. for automobile windshields. In Japan recently there was com- pleted a railroad bridge nearly se- ven miles long, built of native ma- terials at a cost of $375,000. The- French Army has adopted a LU..U -at UC.I.QO-WUO,.. ^^j-.v^.^.. --" , ~ , iiu* bicycle with a removable front deer, owing to forest fires caused bv | taeie m food ha* vand throughout the i wheel and a folding frame that en- carelessness or unrestricted , i slaughter by Indians, as well as -_ i ables it to be carried on a man s tven now the German* find it hard to tiinve that ny penon of taste can eul . uacK. mirror supported by a bracket white settlers, have so far diminiiih- j rabbit. The Englishman* partiality to i ed as to bring semi-starvation to .^' ' doors where once there was always ar . plenty^ The destruction of seal ; ^ herds has brought families once at- ge *t that were our foreign food *app:* hair. t ; to be held in the mouth has been In B treatiee pubhtshed last year on invented by a Parisian to leave a nian'a hands free to arrange her fluent to miserable poverty. For cut off we couldUre some reason our unrivalled herring and mackerel hav left us alto- j State cou.d acquire in " \ Welsh sea captain has invented litlr erery eii wcuks an wi. | duien million* of them which the a ship which, in. mcdel torn], at to eafe. Funeral Plumes to Co. The end of a long tradition hai been br the gether. The eahnon catch is only a shadow of what it once was, and even the returns of our still valu- able cod fishery show increasing uncertainty in quantity and distri-! n a recommendation of the Royal Hu- bution. The growing number trappers, the Lack of protection, or the destruction of their food sup- plies, has made the annual winter time of danger \ CSLS ^ hag proved undinkablc, lh secret lying in the peculiar form of ita hull. A French motor-boat with an en- gino of onlv 40 horse-power is mak- around the world to ?2355FVlSS niako meteorological and astrono- undertaaer* have agreed w discontinue m ical observations. the me of plumee on horeee. Some of the more elaborate that in spite of the crease in the price of pelts. The erection of an extensive) OTJUIV W Uiv invn Wdw. .w y.*-j.c t , - weighed as much a* ten pound*. in addl- aerial station midway between Ber- is expected to lead be- fur-hunt insufficient to maintain in tlon to which horaei at i 'grand" funeral ,. , Vienna i comfort all who tjros*-eute it and a eometime* hampered by black Telet la cotmort an wno prosecute it, anu rwiwu.n and t-i roim1ii.r aoroi prosecute u, ami -; p ;-^i -^taYonVLo'ndon. and immense in- | particularly the poorer part*, ha* for Seals yar* been the home of gorgeom funer- - * t - t. i a 9 at which mute*, olnne* and *'c man:. and whales are rapidly approaching fcs Ution. of mourning were considered In- dispensable to an adequate tribute of re- , . regular aeroplane * weea the two citie* , service a similar fate. myies are yet opened ; no tim- , - ,- r xvrv. 10. . A precept much less _ , i teaspoon soda, one egg beaten, stand and brushing with a stiff j f ani ili ar to the Jews. It was not ' her properties yet developed; and .rran.rom.nt. hold one-half cup molasses, one cup sour brush and gocd whit* soap and wa- ' on the phvlacteries and we do not no use is made of our unlimited wa- | & p "" L. ?.! ll_-J_*im_-. I_._1_ * i .** . . _ /~V 1 ~ l* . <J4\. 1 _^< ..'. i--f _ V . . milk, <.me tablespoon melted short- ening. Mix dry ingredients, add wet and mix. Put in a buttered bread tin and bake one-half to three-quarters of an hour in a slow oven. This makes one loaf. Pot Koast Lamb. From a leg of Iamb weighing four poun3s remove the skin and fat. Slice one-quarter of a pound of saJt pork very thin, and cut it into strips. Put it in ice water to cool, and then roll it in curry powder seasoned with salt and pepper. Make holes in the 51 e*^ and put in tTie strip's "oTf pork. Cut one-quarter of a pound of pork fine, and fry in the pot. Put in the meat and brown well, and then add one- quarter of a cupful of water and cook four or five hours. Turn it often and brown well. Add water a little at a time aa needed. Steamed Cup Pudding. Butter the inside of the desired number of cups ; fill them half full of sliced ap- ples ; sprinkle well with cinnamon and sugar, and add half a teapoon- ful of i".uifi- and two tablespoon- fula of any good pudding batter to each cup. Steam them for thirty minutes, and serve them with oream and sugar. Prepared in this way, the pudding will be lighter and more appetizing than if the ap- ples had been mixed into the bat- ter. Cream a pioce of butter the eize of a hickory nut with one-half of a cupful of sugar, and add one- half of a cupful of milk and one oupful ot flour and one teaspoouful of baking powder. This receipt will ntaka enough plain batter for alx eupe. Quick Lentil 8onp.~ Waah and drain a cupful of lentils, and put them into a frying pan with half an Sion and a generous tablespoonful buttar. Stir and shake them over a moderate firo as long as tooatibla without burning. The Ion til will pop much lik* corn. When they b<>gin to <v>rch, add boiling water from time to time. Half an hour yield* a fair stock, three- quarters a good sown, and an hour a rich one. Rub it through a rola'i- der (not much brany substance will Italy's Hulsrt it Windsor. otier ther, OLD DUTCH INDUSTRY. Cooperage Is Thriving Trade, In Hol- land. Cooperaga Is a recognized Dutch command with ter. Finally, dip the brush into ], now w hat suaaested the associa- ter-power. Only a handful of visit- *hortiy in the pereon of the King of Italy .'industry, turning out immense quan- .; i ' . Wh r : - 8Vgg . e ._ e<l _., t 15 ^ ors come to enjoy the wild scenery, ^^^^^^^ ^TbVof utles ^ machinery, says a consular the unique natural conditions, and entirely private character and will extend report. Most of the trades and m- the invworatinir atmosphere, ! bout a week. dustries using casks and oarrels It :H underatood that an agreement hai as the herring fisheries and the brew- now been arrived at bctwwm this coun- ^1^) 8re i a South Holland, heace the) manufactories of those articles are) maJrt'y centred In that province. The principal cooperage works are at Rot- clear, warm water and scrub again, ' tj on o f then dry with rough towels. ! other. A great convenience are the slip : 28 This do Th form of the covers for hangers. It keeps the. ver b denotes continued action, as though our fjords rival those of . , ___ ___ __ dust off suits and gowns. Purchase if one should sav ' -Habitually do Norway, and have the additional try and Austria wit* regard to the re- a yard and a half It flowered lawn, ' t hi 3 "' ' attraction of being virgin and un- j~*jSSS** t?.' *: merely hem the edges of the lawn I 09. But he, desiring to justify explored. No charting has been ne an. and natura-iy this i* a subject of A delicious frozen dessert is i an important question to the ex- vigation safe. It is little wade of one and one-half pints' c ] us i ve Jew. wondered at if adequate which follows to bej tourist is steamers do not ply in our waters, " in that double cream, the grated ri:-.d of j orange and the juice of two ; six ounces of sugar and one-fourth question. It does not implv that choly stage of evolution that must ~doubt. ie righf.y pound stale macaroons grated, eternal life, about which the law- inevitably overtake every country m ^^ h Whip the cream, stir in the other ver asked first, could be obtained until attention is turned to the d-|don. Old London Disappearing. j Katwyk, Dordrecht, Leyden, Gemert. Many fine eeTeiMnnth century hou* Oasterhout. Oss. Eysden. Zwolle n<J million. The old Meppel. As j^BMKtfr^f^of^STtrSte^ ^hat . Were packed In barrelH ar . n '^ now being packed In boxes, the mak- reckoned to be But It U no ingredients and freeze. through good works. To make silver pudding, dissolve! Going down from Jerusalem one ounce of gelatin in a cupful of ! Jericho The distance is about water over the fire, add half-pound j twenty miles. The road to Jericho of sugar. When cold, pour into " velopment of industries that man to I does not .hare with the tiger and Among tnose threntened r a;i ea d s "down through a mountain , pass, on both sides of which are two lemons and whites of two egKs. j oaves. Even to-day these are the . , deep basin, and add nie juice Whisk all until it is stiff and white. Pour into a mold to set. haunts of robbers. Robbers, who stripped him and the shark. National Characters. The Earl of Kintore, at the din- ner in connection with the Brit'sh- American Peace Centenarv cele- caios is often added to The packing case Industry, however, 9 Is a distinct branch for the- nianu- facture of boxes used for butter, onuhfare, notable for baring been the magarln, fruit, gin, cigars, etc. These reeidence of Borwell. Hudson, the mater factories are very numerous. At Fot- of Joshua Eeynolite. Perdita 'Mr. Bob- Ineon 1 . R'.chnrd Brineley lih^ridan and Kitty Cllv*. HOW TO TELL AN EGG'S AGE. terdam there are eight, with 1,200 laborers, and others are found at Amsterdam, Gulemburg, Delft, Eind- hoven, Goor, Grouda, Harllngen. Hen- gelo, Hlllegom, Hoorn. Koog-on-Zaan. Oosthulzen. Bchiedam, Stratum. Simple Method of Telling Whether It , utrecht. \laardlngen, Voorat, \\>sp! An unusual sort of hash on toast , beat him- Perhaps the traveler was bration in London, remarked it was meat into it and heat thoroughly, ! t rue on e, otherwise Jesus would not riafte that man is an Irishman. then turn out on slices of toast that ! h ave attributed such behavior to Should, however, your companion have been dipped in hot .alted wa- ' a p riei( t, a Levite, aud a Samari- ' ter. This sort of hash requires more than the usual amount of salt and pepper. Encouraging. A man may fait In a dosen different lines of activity and then 33. The orthodox clergy had pro- bably felt no compassion for the having collected his traps, seated til the tra-.n comes to a dd te9 * There is no better Indication ot an than Its density, eggs that float There are only a few factories where shoes are turned out by re-n.v'n being a bad investment. All you need . i that are under suspicion ' aa ' stop in the station, and then te- W J. , ?% ^ ^ J~ on e by cue nlld , the carriage leisurely and with dm- wa ^ h c , O8ely ho w they behave. Moordrecht, MIM. The o;hor workshops are red nil over the country, mostly Brabant where poplar* and the unfortunate man. 34. Bound up his wounds, pour- unconscious of any ability. The world's j ing on them oil and wine Not* the and best men were failures i ra dicl details given by Luke, the left the carriage, in order to 8 anything had been loft behind, man is certain to be a Scotsman. In some line, failures many times, be- p K vs ; j an fore failure was crowned with success. ' sh iiii ngs ^Th word translated shillings (A. V., pence) Wa>'!i und Moans. old and If end if Btf . nd hc nd wl " "tana on me. smau ena, ar * '" Holla " (i business. >' 2 - U u ~ older It will float, with the I* ' hes8 "SSfiW. em ,P lo >' In "bout largo end out of water more or less 8 " n ~ lloll d '""'If f* "P Part -. t lit fna ,no^n1na.,it.i^A u-,m.lA.. . l...., according to Us age. of the machlne-uiaile wooden the remainder and the part "Horatio," said Mrs. Dill, with a is denarii. The Roman den*ru i fof hig A device embodying this principle has lately b* n patented. It consists of h machine-made poo dN being - Ethel Jack Eoxleigh Is good of an air chamber of aluminum on the port * d ' America' onough, but I don't care outside of the stem ot which U a rule. gleam in nor sye, "you are, was the common wage of a soldier a Try small man!" "Ncnsenne , ' or a day laborer. t wa a, Augunta, why I'm over five feet ; coin the actual valufl of winch was ten. That's 'almo!> tall!" "Yes. ! aboiii .-uts, but in pur- but whenever 1 aak you for money obs you're always shcrt !" j ft{t y Marie Nvr mind about his ways, my dear ; think of his means. A fool' idea of a. good joke is one | The egg Is placed on a wire holder at the bottom of the Instrument and power it was f<|\ml to aKnit he J H a() | c , o put over on the cents. fellow. placed In water. strument sinks, The depth the In shown by the rule. FmiH) Com|)liuicnts. \.. i inst ought to ilie ft i UIUCTUL viii a?, na viiuw u u/ uio i uir-, ., Vu U 1 I ' A \. a, Indicates the density of the egg. and | ' 1In R* " n f, phrenologist said about enables you to tll at a glance whet'-eri my hesd." It is time fresli or has beeu in storage. kept a long I "Don't believe him. j thing in it."