Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1914, p. 8

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January 15 1914 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH. WRIGHT. TKI/FORD * McDONALD Brrieter, Holloltom, Ac. Office*. Oruy a- Bruc Hlock.OwouBouud. Standard Hank Hloek.Kleaherton. (Saturdays). W.H. Wrlttlit, W. P. Telford Jr., J. 0. JtoDonaM, u h. .B. SOCIETIES A U W maali oi> tbe Ult Honda; O in easb month, in their loag room nytD> hall Kltwborton, at 8 p.m. M. W., W Hellainy I tan., O. H. Munibaw: KlB.,H. J, Sprout. VwiUBg brethrataliiTlUd DKI.SVK ABTHUR LODGE, No. MS.A.F.A P A M. ro.t.ln the Ma.onlcbal Arm troBK'1 Hlock.KlMhertOD, \'T f'/Jfy or bfor the roll mocn HerbHmUb, W. liaw, Secretary. P OUBTFLB8HERTON, 998, I. 0. P. iraetalD Clayton-it Block th lait Wednwdav evenl 1 * th month Vl.tllod Korean, heartily iSme'C. M.7. Bellamy ; B. 8, O. Cain..; o. Sec. before the ftr.t iv ol the month, PH08BN FhlENDS-Fierterton V ^ V ChoM,u Frl.ndi rneeW In Clayton .h and third WednewUy ot each month 8 p . , m r,y Mrnent. to tile Recorder on OTMWi vc.rirUdayof each roontb. Chief Councillor T. HlaktlKT; Recorder W. H. Buul. D K UDD MATHKWB. Markoal.. , ut ..ioneerfortue county ol ntMM re.icn.ble r,taa. Dates ade t The Adianoe. O 0* be MEDICAL so.yac. Offlc. and reeldence-Petr at.. Flaiberton etc P OTTKWELL Veterinary front rtenan Church. * DENTISTRY Ur E C MURRAY Ix D. B., dental Burgeon bonoiVadu.to of Toronto Uuler.ity and Koy.l * ollM!e of Dntal SurRonof Ontario. (Ui KluiUiniBt,red for teth extraction t flic, at residence. Toronto Street. FleBbertoo. LEGAL , V CAS. BANEY * HKNlY-l\rrijlj, *-* 6olicitor,eU.-I. B. LOOM, K. C. : W. B. lunoy K. C. ; W. D. Henry, B. A. Offleci, Toronto. HOG-9 Tiadore Bank Bid*.. l>hoo main H12; Markd.le Lucae Hlock, ruone 2 A. Hrtuch office at Uuudalk ojieu evtiry Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS ft YOUNG Bankers alarkdale ,ieral banking bueineu. Money loaned onabl* rate* Call on UK. DUcPHAIL, Meraaexi Auctioneer for the County of Orejr. Termi moderate and lit action guaranteed. The arrangement! .1 latee of >ali can be made a>. Tim ADVAhOi flic.-. Keaideuce and P.O. . Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. B.07. tiru. KAITTINU, Licenced Auctioneer foi " the countlei of Ore? and Hinico*. farm and Btock aalea a epeoUltr. Termt jioder.ta. eatUftctton guaranteed. ArraiiKf- uieote for date* may be made at the Advance mm, or Centrtl telephone olKce XeTerebtui or by addreaeing me at Fevenbaui. Ont. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Mml liy Changeling Butter liny nut of Tidy Abbekerk PrincosH Josephine. The j-iv-tt ' butter inakini; ktrain Term of Korvicu ~$2 for grai's, fur pun- bred. (JK< >. ftlOOKK .t SON. I'ropi., TChlSbETT, i rttuiaiu>r, Uoylon. Cominl8ionor lu H. I . J . C'ontreyctticer, ilil. n,ortKrfn. leaaen, will* etc. carefully ilrawn <i|' Olloctioue mad.*. charf;e reanouabjo. ,\Jco rooeria*. Hour, feed etc. keptlu ntuck, Prlcer Ichl. Small Farm For Sale I'ail Lot 'J, con. 4, Kupliraxii-i, luick- ',<,,! ,-.,' 1,1;.-, ti-.in.! barn with liasctnont ; small orchard, cherried, jiluaiH, :i|.'ili'i and -'nill I'niit. Lot ' contains 44 U.MC-. will liny it. Apidy tti | \V,\1. S 1,0 AN Dec. '.V>, l-'i Kinilicrlry p. n. DAWN. XI-I-P tin? world forever at the dawn, Ere yet the opals, cobweb-strung, have tlried, Ere yet too bounteous gifts have marred tbe morn Or fading stars have died. O, Veep the eastern gold no wider tha , A a angel's finger-span, Aud bush tbe increasing thunder of tbe sea To murmuring me.ody In I hope fair coves where tempests ne'er should be. Hold back the line of shoreward- sweeping surge And veil each deep sea-pool pearlier mist Bre yet the sliver ripples on the erge Have turned to amethyst. Fling back tbe oharlct of encroach- ing day And call tin- winds away Kre yet they sigh, am : . let the hasten- ing sun Along his path In heaven no higher run, But show through all the years his golden rim With shadows lingering dim Forever o'er he world awaiting him. Hold every bird with still and drowsy wins. That In the breathless hush no clamorous throat Shall break the peace that hangs on everything With (brill, awakening note; Keep fast the half-seen beauiles of tbe nisi In undisturbed repose, Check all tbe iris Imds where they unfold Impatient from their bold. And close tbe cowslips' cups of honey- ed gold. Keep .11 things hushed, no husbid we seem to hear The sounds of low-swung clouds that sweep the trees; I.. ' :io \ no harsher music reach the ear, GREAT WALL CRUMBLING. China's Mail-Made Marvel In Searing Kutl of Long History. China seems to be wasting away in many directions, particularly finan- cially. Let us bope it Is a case of darkness before dawn. Even her Qreal Wall, one of the wonders of the ancient world, is gradually wasting away. The process of decay, reports Mr. Monroe Woolley, who has observ- ed it. Is nevertheless very slow, a testimonial to tiie thorough methods of the builders and the lasting quali- ties of the material. The wall was built 249 B.C., during the reign of the Tsln dynasty. Probably there Isn't a similar work of this magni- tude, as old as tbe wall. In existence to-day. China's Great Wall, says Mr. Woolley, is capable of rousing big emotions, from when one stands on a mountain summit and sees the wall crawling here and there at Irregular angles like a huge serpent over moun- tain ranges and penetrating Into diz- zy valleys as far as tbe eye can reach, the magnificent work ueems wholly beyond tbe power of human bands. The wall seems to have no end. It might girdle the earth. The fear the builders had for their enemies must have been intense to bring about all tbe toll that Is wrapped up in this crumbling barrier, which has stood through cent lyics while nations have come Into being and passed away. The engineers, who superintended the hordes who worked on the wall, must have been remarkable men. In those days they cared little for straight lines; surveying instruments were evolved many hundreds of years later. There were no hungry steam shovels to eat away mountain sides; no hydraulic dredges to Mil deep de- pressions; no colossal machines for automatically mixing mortar; no giant traveling cranes for lifting mas- sive boulders into place. The sup- position Is that all the work was done with tbe naked hands, with plain brute strength, and such crude de- vices as the men of that age could improvise. The Great Wall extends from the coast along the northern boundary of what was ancient Cathay to the westernmost province. Since the ac- No eurtiilii-t stiii IK|.- than these, qulsition of Mongolia, the stone bar- When whispering shadows aiovei rler stands ae a grim relic in the cen- wlthln the grass j tre ' tne empire. There are several And \irytreraoispasR j arml! or branches to the wall. One Through all the earth wlMi life awak- J "* runs east and west Just north eolng thrilled 1' Pekln - while the main arm to tho coast extends some distance still fur- U;> world forever at the dawn. Vet, keeping t:o, let coining lifclesr seem, Hut huubed, as If th- miracle of morn Were trembling in .IB dream. .Some tbadowy moth may pass with where all sorts of conditions are to be met. It wends its serpen- tine way across barren deserts, moun- tains, and lowlands now and then making a break for rivers crossing Its path. One of these is a twin, or dou- ble river, for many miles, and It Is said that It has changed Its course downy Ulgbt And f-ido before tbe sight. \\ .'. ,e in tbe unllghtened darkness of tin- wall Tbe chirping i-ilikets call; From forest pools where fragrant !'.- camels or by boats towed up stream. lies are | f or hundreds or thousands of miles, A breath shall pas.: afar, by men running along tbe banks. It nine times In two thousand five hun- dred years. China Is notorious for her lack of roadways. Even to this day the re- mote regions can be reached only on And o'er tbe crested pine Khali hang one atar. Marjorle t,. S. Plcktbai 'nil of Pinions." In "The A HEALING YARN. i .111.- Id .-i i HI KprliiK nuil Its CliriiiK INnvcr. Here l one of ill.' most romarkiible "healing" yarns that bave rome across lately. Princeton Chili native of Cape xpring In that It was told at the in New York by a llivicn concerning a fount ry. which, be c'uinis, IK a SUM- cure for rheuma- tism. The water of this spring, h? ;uvs. tastes like vi'-hy and has been known by the natives for generations as a sun relief for the pains of n.i-u- inatlcs. The slory tiial attracted moiit at- tention was about a business man )f that country, ivho had heard of the spring but pleaded he bad no time to go and drink ils ualers. Hut at last the pulns >vcre bud 1-110113.1 to start him, so one day with a friend ho went across hill. He hobbli .lie ,.;. and up the I ip on liU crutch P and I 'Kan to drink the v ater. He conlinuod for HO- the water till ho Boar for 3 ervice Ainu!" wl-itii YurKflliirn Uonr fur ICTTlce D lot 1&I. ft rd range W T. A n. H., A.rt.-mi-i H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. A LSI ) A lin<-- of Keady-Madc Clothing Which wu put .liii-i.ui'.ii- in frt'i- iif jhaiue, if re.i|uired. nl hour' guzzling A-IIH full of It but nil effeci In any way except tl:.'t hli) thirst was allayed. Then lust lit-fcre It-living he soaked hi:, itn dcrv.ear In II. ho! bled back to the cnrrlai-.t- inifl MarKi! home. Half ;i mill- along tin- v. ay. the s'oiv KW.I, he I epali to feel strange . i.:-atiiin:; flia.siiiK tlicniKt-lve.s liis syrl 'in iia 'f Ills muscles were iiroiind under liis skin aiu! tlii- stlii'encd joints le^an toppling, II' 1 ronld feel the limherlng pro( s>.n Koing on K) distinctly and it w., M , -n '>m-aging dial In insist- ed on getting oiH of tr.c t-iirriaye and trying M -.all;. Slrfi.gth wr.s coming I liini and 'it-fo -e a mile had 1)3 -' covered lie gave a slioill of joy, tossed liis crtiti lies a.siile and r:in ahead of tin- ciirrbgi- tin- lialnnce of the wav home. His rheumatism hud tli-part- i I and it never came hack. BULL I Ok SliRVICH ___ ll..'-ii-m Dull, Ktirndyku Pitfterlje ('lotlnlde, >'o. 14780, whoso ilniii, Tri/.ie'H Cl'itliildc I'icturtje 2nd, No. L'UHS. lis prodiicL-d n\ ci 811 II.-. milk pur day. Terms GrudectiWB $1.00, pure l.r.d COWM 9H. All i "iv.-. itut roturned will bo clmrged. Aim i reuibturud VoikHhirt) l>or, iv :<I681 .Ten II. 1JENRY HOLM*' Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemetin, Portlmr P.O 6 FARM FOR SALE Sprino Creek Kami, lot 40, Con. 4, Artemeciii, containing ICO acies, '.HI acri's cleared HIM! in a good stats of cultivation, balunco good lurdivnod Ixisli. Good frame barn and ccmeut conutite huu*o Mpriug creek running across corner of farm, alxo QOod wrll iindi-r cover, t 'is- tern* at barn and houno. Kurnl umil il. livery. Apply to H. UOLMAN, MtixwuU P.O. Nieces (if I nuljind'-, I' ..I l,.n:icatc. There are two relatives of tho I'oel 1 aureate living ' 'anuda. These are the Misses Bridges, nieces of the doc- tor, who have a live-acre ranch In a delightful part of nrillsh Coluiuhlu, near Mission City. These two ladles came from Kngland bou.e years ago and bought land in It. C.. and have led a retired 1'fo ' ice that time, raising chickens and gardening. Nat- urally they are greatly pleased wi.'.i the honor recentl." conferred upon their uncle, Pr, Robert I : rid -.-. by Premier Aso.jiih, In appointing blrn Poet I .mil. :! 'I lii! I .i-,l<-iiu Art. I'unadlun Govornment has done well l>y tin' artists of Cana and has passtul a hill Incorporating a uatlomil Kaltcry. Works of Cana- dian artists have benn sought and n n linen) In rernoit! rornors of the ult.iic. and tbe L'liiin v will gladly buy uny worthy wnrk of .In- existence of which It In informed. Of counts, i ' artists are not In tbe posi- tion of old masters, but tbe country Is doing ll.s best for those It bas. Is claimed by some that the top of the wall was used us a thoroughfare especially during the construction. At places on the southern side of the wall, graded Inclines are built to the summit. 'I'h. s.- might have been used for driving beasts of burden to tho top of the wall for trips up and down the length of the structure, while tbe work was under way. The wall Is not high. In places an athlete might clear It with a vault- Ing pole wern is not for its unusual tiilrkii.--.- At regular Intervals are formidable Rtone towers. Here no doubt the commanders of the defend- ing legions took their stations \. :. n invaders en mo from the nortb. > .il\ AmcnitU'M. "No, we never stay ut homo Sun- day. It's too dinuKrrt'uble." "Disagreeable 1 ."' "Yes. Our next door neighbor goes away and leaves his dog locked up in tin' liousi- and the poor bruit- barks and whines all day." "It nets on your nerves, eh?" "No, It isn't Hint. But the neigh- bors expect us to Interfere." "Well, why don't you? Tell your frankly about bis howling dog." "How ran 1 when we've JtiBt got a ntw phonograph and my eldest daughter Is learning to sing?" Horrible. "Oh, Henry," she said when .the had thrown off her wrapn and (lung herself into a chair, "I'm so inoiti lied." "What's the matter, dear?" "I met Mrs. Higgles at the recep- tion l bin afternoon and she seemed so nice that I stood there before the crowd for half an hour and talked to her. When wo were leaving her chauffeur drove up In an old four cylinder cnr and alter she had taken her seat In it she called out right before everybody that she would ex- pect me to call on her soon." \Ylint Sni-prisetl Him. Dr. Thirdly was a mild, gentle and prosy clergyman. Hut at one evening service ho grew a bit Barcastie. "I see a great many of you Bleep- ing," said the good doctor mildly. "I do not wonder at this, for your work is hard, and many of you have come a long wjy. Therefore, 1 am not surprised to son many of you sleep- ing soundly, but what does surprise me a little IB to see so many sleeping who had auch a comfortable sleep at both our morning and our afternoon Service." Horrible SiiM|tlrlon. Her Father (to young man who had asked for his daughter) Thai's a very serious proposition. Can you support a family? Her Suitor (ireat Scott! You haven't lost your job, have you? Telling U'njx. "Adele has some telling ways." Yes. and one of them Is ihe can't keop a secret." Aluminium Ware. Aluminium ware can be polished with a mixture of borax, ammonia and water, applied with a soft cloth. THE NEWEST GAME. H' Come To Stay I mil Snowdrift Time Anyway. In Toronto these days auto polo (8 the race, la tbe morning before scbool, during noon-hour, and >n fat all the spare hours, are spent In "auto-pololng." Tbe early evening Is tbe best time of all for tin game. Every asphalted residential street from crusty very much upper crusty Rosedale to cosmopolitan Euclid avenue swarms with whirring "polo- autos" of very late design, driven by young Jehus who fear not women, neither regard they man. As for bicycles, butcher carts, big touring cars, they may go bang. Oa with the game; and if anybody doesn't like it they'd better keep on the side walk. Getting a "polo-auto," isn't as hard as getting an automobile, quite. First of all the energetic boy rips off the rollers- of the roller skates, which were till recently his pride and joy. These are to be tbe wheels of his car. Next, he gets a thin board, some two feet long and six indies wide. One pair of rollers is nailed on one end and another pair is nailed at tbe opposite. On the front of this long, low platform is fastened a light wooden box not more than 18 inches wide, and Just higb enough to reach above tbe boy's knee. A two-foot stick with a block nail- ed on the end Is the polo mallet and any soft object whether It be little sister's ragdoll or big brother's foot- ball serves as polo ball. Thus equipped the youngster Is ready for a game. With two other boys he brings up his tea-box-auto to the left of Scut ly. the umpire. The leader of tbe Teas is a flamlng- pated youth who honors the name "Reddy." Opposite to him is his rival "Curly," whose men all have soap boxes. With one foot on tbe plank, the other out at an angle of 45 degrees the right angle for a quick shove one hand on the box and tbe other grasping tbe polo mallet, all are ready for the umpire's signal. "Whlrr-rr!" With a rush they are off. The ball bounces back and forth and street traffic is suspended. "Craah! Bang!" A tea car has crashed Into one of the soap boxes. The "Injured" ones scramble out of the road and drag their disabled car along. For the next few minutes their business Is to sit on the curb and submit to the ministrations of the amateur ambulance squad. Tbe game goes o.i. Tbe poor um- pire for all umpires are objects of pity Is fairly rusl *d to death. Not only does he give orders, settle dis- putes, keep score, shout directions, and toss the ball bis most Important duty is to see that he is not killed. Tbe score now stands at 3-2 In fav- or of Curly. To the left of the um- pire is Reddy, with one of Curly's men as check. On the right Is Curly, with one of Reddy's men. Up goes tbe ball. With a quick push Curly sends it to Reddy's check. Now, It Is that check's duty to send it back to Curly and so make a goat. Back comes tbe ball, with two men eagerly racing behind It and two equally eager men racing to meet It. A wild scuffle ensues when the four men and ball meet. A swift stroke on the part of tbe Teas and the score IB declared In favor of Reddy 3 to 3. The autos all line up now, ready fo- a race, for "ties" are always cele- brated in this way. People fly in all directions to make a clear path for the screeching, rattling autos as they dash down the asphalt grade. When the rush is past, the grown-ups take a loug breath and "talk It over." They vow the police never arc around when wanted and Commlsinoner Starr ought to stop it, and ic on. Toronto Telegram. THEY INSIST ON FAIR PLAY. i-.-i.i'i \Vonien I). -1111111(1 I't'iK .-HiiHi.!! l''roetl(>m nix) \re \ inniiiK Out. If ever Alexander II. of Kussla met on his walks a girl student In spec- tacles and (iarihah'lan cap he bean to tremble, thinking thai she must he a Nihilist, bent on killing him. Hi:; hatred of women who endeavored *o obtain higher odm-uiion to (It them- selvci-s for the sew ice of the masse:) would have been ludicrous if It had not horn such a serious thins for the women themselves. And yet even tho prejudice of klnn could do no more than temporarily shock the feminine march to educa- tional freedom. lioc.'iil C\CII|H hi.\v that woman's part In mihllc life hasi grown to the proportions of a mass movement with the awakening of hu- man conscience, and that Russian women are actually making as much progrona as the women of other Eu- ropean countries. The University af Tomsk baa petitioned the Minister of (education to eligible women of Siber- ian birth to graduate in medicine and an important congress in St. Peters- burg, presided over by the ox-Minis- ter of Education, and comprising 1,000 delegates, has suggested many reforms that will render the path of women's education less thorny. It la a psychological effect of the recognition of woman's advance that they have spontaneously developed an amazing ability, courage and or- ganizing power. The fact that there are now about a thouasud Russian women practicing as doctors is suffi- cient justification for their advent in- to tbat profession. Tbe question of admitting women to tbe bar was recently raised by the appearance of a lady, whom tbe St. Petersburg Bar Association bad ac- cepted as a member, as attorney In a criminal case. Tbe prosecuting attor- ney refused to proceed witb the case, bolding that women under Russian law were not authorized to practice and he was supported by the Imperial Senate. Over 100 women have quail- fled as lawyers and they are making great efforts to obtain a footing In tbe legal profession. There is urgent need for their services In wide areas where tbe population of the country district* lit entirely without legal ad- vice. The agitation to obialn that re- form la powerfully supported and a large and inllueiitiully attended meet- lug bus been in Id in St. Petersburg to protest against the continued ix- if women. A farmer near Walkerton punished . boy from the "Home" so severely that it was neeesfary to send him to Kincardine hospital for treatment. Tbe offenoa wa 8 tlur the boy did not qet the cow* up io time. The farmer came up for trial and was fined |50 or 30 days in jail. In such cases as this the option of paying t ; m should be withdrawn. There are alto- gether too many ol these case) of biutai treatment of children, and the prevalenc 6 of the custom indicates thtt the offenders have no real dread of the Uw. A stiff jail term, with an occasional beating such as he gave the boy, mi:;ht serve to arouse the apparently slumbering apark of man hood in the accused in thucase. Guelph Mercury. F. 'J. Conper a. id D. Brown, of Lion'* Head, are promoters of a proposed rail- way to penetrate the Bruce Peninanla. Statutory notice is given by E. 0. Spere- ir.an, solicitor, of Owen Sound, that app licHlions will be made to Parliament a. its next session for incorporation under the name of The Bruce Peninsula Rail- way company. The route named is from \\ i:u ton, or a point in Keppel Township, Grey Cuuuty, northerly through A umbel, Albemarlr, Bastnor, Lindsay, and St.Ed- iMiindj, to Tolierrnury. The privileKe.s axaed for are those of a "blanket char- ter," and do not restrict the motive pow- er of the proposed railway to iteam. Fleslaeirton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satiafactioo LAUNDRY-Basket close* Monday night, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING- We are gents for Purkfr'a Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR Our Clubbing List Tha following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsouly. We have no accounts with other papers. Fleahertou Advance f I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 'JO Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Star (ft Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun . . 00 Farmers Advocate 1 "'O Weekly Witnew 00 Saturday Nil?h t 3 00 Home Journal 30 Poultry News 2-j Poultry llevie w 40 Hod and Gun magazine 00 II II HARDWARE! has pissed. Another year U upon us and now I ask the opportunity of wishing the people of Flesherton and surrounding com- munity the season's greetings. ; ; : : I uls. i think this is ail opportune moment t ouy we will curry in stuck during l'M4 a complete line of seasonable Hardware : ; : : : Last week I received l*rge consignment of highest icritdo refined coal oil nt 20c per gtllon for the next 30 days :::::::: : Tru&ting to stet a share of your business thi year : : : : : : : : Frank W. Duncan FLEBHEI^TON, ONT. II NEW YEAR SALE 3 DAYS MORE. JAS. PATTISOIM&CO. Onions Raisins & :t pkgs ->f corn, Sugar 8 Ids now cook- i::, 1 01 1O11M _'.""' Currants starch, mince mtiit or three l-'ir.l gradu Si . ti Ills. S)MIlisll tiklilu on i on H This se'a son's 3 Ibs. for 23c. bo 1 ties uxtructtt Lawrence lira n u la t cd. Q&.. for 0c. ftm. $4.W> 101) His. Canned Goods Beans ti Ibs for. . . .iiiic Soaps Second grade BuHvt-r gr n u- lated, ?4.5j Corn " IV s for Toiimtom Barley ti U). for. . ,2.")o Rice Comfort soap 7 Iwrs foi ^.">c Sunlixht Soup t! l).-i;-s for 25c. 100 Ibs. First (jrade St. Luw- reuce, yellow 94. W- IW Ibs. Si 1)0 a case. (i ll.s. fnr..2."ic. Oatmeal Tea Royal Yeast - Coal Oil '! |>kt{4 lOc. Htst Grade of U-..11eil Oat g, Black, (jrcun or American o i 1 -'.<> 1UO Ibs. mixtjd, 30c tea 4 Ibs for....l'5c t?0c gnl. !)lhs. f.......2.-.c 27cu U). , TKUMS CASH MU Tit A UK. Phone or Mull Orders during the sale. Is^ff^r^M- 1 Uemna..t.s -Mxer 100 ut veiylow prices. Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwaro and Agatware for domestic 4 use. Call on me and get your supplies. H Kiivetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ONTARIO.

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