Flesherton Advance, 22 Jan 1914, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINCJPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL n:J No. -2: Flesherton, Ont., Thursday .January 2*2. 1914 W. H. TBUfijTO Wodehouse Doings Intended for Last \Voi-U. Mr. T. S. McAfee f Wainwriylil, Alberta, is homo on n visa with his puruntf, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAfee. Tom is making gond in llie West and he certainly looks as if tl.e climate WHS agreeing with him. JIr.ThomasBenihH.il of Cha'sTvorth spent a few days the part week with Mr. J.ihn Buskin and fain ly, "Green Hill." Miss Elsie McN. vin has returned homo from Markdale. Mrs. Edgar Donnely nud son, Ivan, have returned from u visit with fritndg in Toronto. Miss Winnie Ward of Ton nt o is visit- ing old friends here, the "tiesi of Mrc. Will Ward. A number of our young people spent a pleasant Mew Year's evening with Mr. and Mrs,. Juines Wiley and family, River- dale. The gathering in honor of Miss Luella, who WHS holidaying from Normal school, Toroutn. Rev. Mr. Cawley < ucupied the pulpit on Sunday afternoon. He is a very able speaker and his interesting difi- c-'Urses are indeed enjoyed by all who attended. This Week's Items Hauling Ions is the order of the day. Some six teams are hauling frum Kouklyii to Markdale for Annst.roiiir Bros. We have been treated I > some genuine Ontario winter weather. Twenty-two decrees below means something in thete prts. A snoiv blocadv will likely be Die next (|iiestion. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Donnely were the genial host and hos OH* t' a de'ightful in"si."il patty on Friday evening last, tm-ii in honor of Mr. (leorgo Knott. Some twenty ni-.sts were present and the evening wholly spent in nai-ir, was heirtily enj.jycd by all. Miss Annie Giliay of Collingwood w:is the uuest of her lister, Mrs. Donnely, a fw days the pa'- 1 week. Mis* Eva r.ii-km visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. C-uTulhers, Kimberley, during the week. Mr. George Hutchinson of Kimberley occupied (be pulpit in Nuw Ivislmnl on Siiinl jy afternoon U.-t . We are very sorry toreuoit Mr. Birch <juitj ill of 1 grippe. We hope for his peedy recovery. Mr. and Miv. J. W. Wiley spent Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Metritield, Beaverdale. Mr. James Woods is laid up at pres- ent with a boil on his neck which turned to blood poisoning. A number from here attended the tea meeting at Kimberley on Thursday even i OK last. Tint violin solos by Miss Hulse, Klrhlu'ilnii, was a number worthy of ipecial mention, and thoso who do not take the tint opportunity to hear her. will surely mum a treat. Mrs. H . 8. White who accompanied her, deserves much credit also. A good programme was enjoyed by all. Osprey Ag'l Society Thf annual meeting of Osprey Agricul- tural Society \vns> held on Monday, Jan. IV, in the Oningo hall, Feversham. < Hli cew elected for J14 : Pros., W. H. (5uy ; Vice-Pros., G. H. ll.iwl.m ; Direc- tor*, Jos. Ferguson, James Speers, IT. Sportbrd, G. A. Uoss, J. A. Kernalnin, James Elliott, J.-trnus Douglas, John Me KiniKin, Geo. MeDouald, Jos. Alli-l.ni. Auditors -I. H.Perigoe, It. J. Cok|uelte. The fall fair will IHJ Oct. 0. It was d..- tided to again hold a Held crop compe- tition in 1914, crop to be ou's. Mem- ber* wishing t > entsr for this competi- tion are requested to notify thu secre- tary, J. A. Kcniali.-iii. Miixwell P.O.. mil liter than April 1. Tlio following letter from Alex. Mor- rison, who judged the horse* at the fall fall', will explain itself. Georgetown, Dec. 1 4Je<>rgc Huwton, Ft'vcrsham : Sir, In answer to your letter I wonlc say that the men that were in the riii) or anyone else didn't tiy to use any in Huence with me as to how the prized wero to he awarded. 1 knew nothing of any mado-up team and had 1 known T would not liuvd awarded them any prize. Tlieno facts I am prepared 1 1 prove. Yours truly llnxh Mo Fever sham Items Too Into for Lust Week Mr. niul Mis. 1. Harvey I'erigo ana children of Port McNichol are visitii^ In; foinier's parent* and other friend* lere. Mr. iluy Knitting has returned to Calgary, Alt*, .iftfci two weeks visit with s psren's hero. Air. Keith Hohertsoii of Hiiwardeu S isk. wlui h.i-; como oast on ,i visit this winter was a visitor in this burg recently. Mr. Henry Buckingham of Swift Cur- rant Su.sk. is visiting friends in ibis neigh- >orhoud. Mr. and Mr-;. A. Long and little laughter of Weyburn Sask. visited the . .1-111 n' brother here last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leitch and daughter, L'eenie, Kiudersley Sask., are visiting with Mrs. Leitch'a mother, Mrs. Jas. .iiiughlan of the suburbs. Master Harry Uurk gave ;i party to a lumber (if his young friends before li'.-iv- n^ for Toronto, where he is ntleiulini! ichuol. Wo understand ilmt Mr. JIM. T. Me- venzie is laid up fro.n having his knee i.ully hurt. Eugenia Paragraphs Kim be rley Budget Miss Coojy has rotii'iuHl to tho ciiy after visirjng fritiiuU hen; a fortnight. MIK. L. Lniimer and daughtur visited with friemls in Pi-icuville. Miss Nellie Wickens visited fr'ends in Kimberlny recently. Mis. Lewis Genoo and daughter vii-it- ed friends in Feveisham the p.ifct week. ' Mr. Weslny Arniitiong has returned to Drawing sawli<gs i-i tho order of the day. Quiti' u number fr.nn hero attended court in ' ' ^^- : last week. Mr. .las. !^l Bb'-' visited friends in Flf.-ln-ri fl^lln.iy.s recently. Mr. Kmt'stTrTOor shot a tine t-ptsci- inen of tlio ronyard tribe ono dy last weuk. . ^ . the West after visiting his mother here j Mr. Ge-j. Hutchinson visited Dund.tlk for a few weeks. The young ladies were fri.mds ,,n Monday and Tuesday last. The imstojp llev. Mr. Cowley, occu- |)ii.,il tlfu unlpit in tho ^lethoJist church on Sunday evening last. The Kev. itentlemau i.s one of the most eneigeric preachers lhat was over on this circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Julin Munaty of Beavor- da'f visited at M. H. Haiuinund's one day last wuek. Hermin Smilli of Etst Mountain Alice Wil- visi'ed itt Mrs. T. J. Reid'a, recently. Mr. John Taylor of Uo;kl/n visited friends in lliia vicinity a few days tho OR. BURT Specialist in diseases of ih'e iye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-30 10th *t. cast, Owen Sound At the iToveie IIOUKO, Murkdale, 2nd Thursday each month from to a Ilia m Dumhlk.lst Wednesday of .each month . Vandeleur Happenings Mr. M. I'earuOf Duncan was a visitor n our neighborhood on Saturday. Mrs. T. \Vhitoandson, Will, of KJII- niiuiif, viiitej thj fmn-jr's brothon, William and Ge;>rge Hu chinton, for a ew days last week. Mr. J. r. Graham, S, i civtiry of tli.i E.ial Grey Fanners' Institutu, is on his >il|{rim4ge atten lini; the meetings of the Instil mi-, which are being held through- >ut the disin.". Miss Kdna Live is visit ing fiiends at PortUw. Messrs. I'M and Rob'. Hotluy if Meaford arc vJHiting friends hereabout. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Pritclmrd enter- tained a nuinber of the young people of tho neighborhood on Wudnesdry evening in honor of their nephew, Mr. J. Mc- KCM/H-, of Winnipeg, who IK visiting with them sorry his stay was so .-hint this linu*. Miss Xaidii Lawlcr has g me to wield the birch at Bixley, Cut. MM. F. T. Cart accompanied her as far aa Toronto. Miss Nellie WickenH is elected as or- ganist of the Methodist church hc.ru. Mr. Rob. Liiwrenca of Kimberley vis- ited friends here the past. wuek. M;ss Muriel McTavish spent a couple of diiys with her cousin, Miss lianiH, i he p-ist week. Mr. Fred Ducket t visited friends in Thombury recently. Miss Ada Hiilstond, who Ins been at the Euguuia house for a considerable time, wont to the city on Fridny. She will lie _;i.',uly mi --.i-il us ii choir nu'inber and general i i\<.rn.- with all. Mr. Ed. Smith of Sl|plburnu is the uuest of Mr. Tudor. One of our Eugenia la.lies, Mis> L zz.e (>hornu, who left here eleven months ago to ir-iile with her parents in Idaho, wo l.Mi-n has tnken lirst prize for the best. Kinking younj.' lady thure. This solves ^ the problem why we do not have any old i militia in Ku^vni.i . Itov. Dr. Mcliilvnry of Toron'o gave a tint' address on Sabbath morning to the i audience spellbuund children on Sunday school work which ; and piiinttd rental was also instinctive and helpful to par- j Ixmsu's sul.jcct for' the unts as well. "The Business Kud of Hev. Wm. Dinwoo.iliu in tlio evmiing j said- Unit every fur.nor ouulu to nvu a splendid address on "A friend i *y*tein of book-keeping so that he that Nticks uluaer than a brother," ftliicfc ; c ' ml<1 lul1 *"" L ' lu ualauce WAS on the was listened to with deep interest. , right aide of the lodger, lie also spoke Walkerton Mr. Henry Frederick, a^ed .')4 years. a well-known Brant farmer who resides w.th liin pirants, naar Dunkeld, choked o denh at his ln-mu while sw.iliowing H pieeu of meat. William Gould a Carrick townthip was bned ?L'.OU and costs or a total asHvssment of $8.00 by Magistrate Toltoti in Walkerlon on &iturday for assaulting a man named Wise, who, it hud been working for him. Ac- cording to the stoi \ , some words enued betwceii the two, and the boss in migcr pommelled his tuaii'Servant with the above irsult . A (amc imitation o' the CharKe of the Light Brigade occurred on the main atrect hero on Thur^dny afternoon when Mr, Alex. McCartt.r'i driver, while being driven by bin NOII, Ketigie, became tm- tnanHgenlile, and ftheelini; towards the sidvwalk made a wild charge at Iteningers birber shop. For a time it looked s if it would 1 mil with all fours in amongst the upholstery and lather, but a fritndly barber pole interposed and got the brunt of the attack. While stopping the Hight the collision unloosened the knoh on lop of the pole and hurlrd it against the largo plate glass in f root of tho Agricultural Office, shattering a^fiO.Otl window and making more graft for the glass trust. As the window was not insured, a nice point in law has ariten HS to who will have to benr the !o<s, the landlord, the tha tenant or the owner of the horse. Victoria Corners MISS Gallagher from Alliiton is visit ng her brother, Mr. H. H. Gllaghtir. Mr. MoQua.v cf Meaford, And daught- er, Miss McQuay from the \Vtst, are visi'.ing in the neighliorhood. Mr. Robett Hendiirson from Alln-rta visited a few days with hi* aunt, Mrs. G. Moore. Mrs. 1 'iii. i,. n who is noi quite so wull h.t.H gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. Sheniaon. Miss Mary Hmiley is staying in Pto- ton Station vicinity a past wouk. Tliu Fanners' Institute nu'otinijs which won.- held in the town hall on Fridny Friday afternoon and evening last, we e very hu^el^tt tended. The auhjec-. f r tho i.. '.j^fc^ .I,,- i \\its "A.f.ilfu' n i.l Mi ^ifl BIII-.I' In mil il i in it vi- y ahlu manin^^vl !$ave a *hoit hist'.iy of lilt,' plant frum its origin ti 1 the pie.-, 'in j^xy. He also gavi much valu- able intoriiiation AS to when WHS the proper time to oubit, eurin^;, i-tc. In the I'M'iiiii'; it joint nil'.' .n. ; of tl e Farmers' and Women's Ins'ituto as her subject beiug "^ lu% M f '. ' Mrs. "" the Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills T am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring alon your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you wrtnt in outline planing, inatchiiii;, etc. Floor inir, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishiiigs supplied promptly ,-tnd at icas- oiiablo nit vs, (Jet estimates. T. Blakelej', Prop. Febir. 13 ly A Splendg^tock from \r T you may readbj wiake A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car ry Photo Suppli W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Watts is a gifnU spea While Mr. ami Mrs. Wm.Hislop were driving to church on Sunday iimming the lu.rse In ... inn! uniKanage.kble, upset them ! nut, and th>y were both Imd y shaken up Lite no serioua injuritta. Mis. 1 1. MoMullen spent the past weuk in'li her dnuglitm- at I'ricot ille. Mrs. D. JamieKon is visiting Mi-8. Hillock of Maxwell. Miss Bella McKenx. : e of Ceylon who 1ms been visiting with her sister Mrs Wm. Hislop for tho .summer returned to her home on Saturday. . M r. Geo. M i- K e n/.i.- of Ceylon was the guest of Mr. Win. Hislop, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wtckons of Kim- berley have moved to Mr. John U. Jami- son's residence at Eugenia. The Lidies Aid Society of tho Presby- terian church here hold their annual meeting mi Thursday, January 1", l!tl+. a fow minutes on restoration and showed chat land unfit for cultivation c,mlu be made protit-ible by growing such tiees as walnut, oak, maple, elm, etc. The musical part of the programme was furnished by li.nl talent, including Mr. John My Ins, who is an expert on the violin; Miss Currie of Paisley, who gave some grand selections on the organ, also Mr. lienjamin Can ut hers, who sani; a beautiful solo. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Mr. John Fitwcett made a buxine.sa trip to Klcsherton Drawirii( li in our vie nily. Wo are vory sorry to report lit'le Miss Eva Allen mi the sick litt, but hope to Resignation of otti JUI-N were acct-pted and ' see | lor HOOIl ^^ to atfend school again. the new election as follows; I'res. -Mrs. j ; Vice IVes -M^s. A. Trew.- Mrs. Francis I AJex. Carruthers Smith ; See. and Ceylon Mr. Patterson and Miss / lla McLeo 1, Toronto, attended the fune:al of the latter's grundmolher, Mrs. S. Stewar', on Thursday lust at Flesherlon, return- ing io the city Monday. Mrs. John Wright, three ch.ldren and her mother, Mrs. Dodds, left Friday to join her husband at Wingliaiu, where he has secured H position. Mrs. Wilson Me Mullen returned Fii- day from week's visit with Creemore and Tor into friends. Mr. It. Hi'oddie of Toronto is visiting friends here. Mi's. K. Sergeant and babe of Owi n Sound is visiting at E. Sergeant'*, here. ' Dr. ami Mrs. Hawk, neo Ina Me- Mullen, who were mained New Vest's Day at Maple Creek, aie visi'ing the' latt.er'sp'irnt!i, Mr. and Mrs. James Me- i Mullen. They leave Tuesday f-)r their ' new home at Medicine Hat. Mr. Sam Ctmlett left Monday for the j city, af er a week's vacation with his, parents. Miss Sadie Sniait of Fletftert-.n high vibited the wuek imd at her parental home hero. 3/t'Hi-rs. Jul.u Biauitf and J/ilton Neil of .Wai-ki'a'i: \,,i-i at .Wr. J< hn .l/iri in'- on Friday last. Mr' Farrell of Vi-ntry visitoil frirnds in our licinity, retentl^ A number from here attended Mie At -Home held recently in thd Orange lull, l''i!'_i::ii:k|inl all report an excellent time. Miss Mary Hum be i stone of Epping visited the latter part of the <viok at her home here. I .Wr. Ohm-lie Kawcett had a very successful wood bee recently and also a > dance at night, which we r'. .-I assured ' everyone enjoyed. Mrs IU/..-I Allen, teacher at Keypt, visited wce.k einl at her partmul honm ! here. -l/i . and Mrs. Geo. Stewart arc at pix-siMii visiting friends in Toronto And : other plieer, before leaving for their now , homo in Weyhuin, Sask. NINE MONTHS FOR STEALING SHEEP John Symont of Kimberlpy, who was Mr. .1, Cbinlvtt is .spendinj.' a few days gout up n-cently for trial on a charge of with <T'onolg fiiends stealing a sheep, was tiiej before .Jud|>o H Cook was al ( (won Sound Fiiu'ay Sutherland at Owen St.und on Friday No SpeciaFlSiJ^Here. Our prices are always . rightfo is our goods. Flour $.00 per bW. Ki i?sh Fish .^ .')c per H>. -.Tic Baking powrk-r^ for l")c. Wooden Paita 10e t.-acli Candies from K)c to- 70c per U>. Your money buck if you are not. satisfied at Flesherton (Jrocerv ttft. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. Clearing Out Balance of Men's Heavy Rubbers MKN'S :3 eyelet Rubbers, reg. '2.10 clearing $1.70 Mend' Leather Top Rub- bers reg, fy'2.~)(} clearing at ....$1.90 Bal. of Boys' at reducc<l Prices. Girl's Overstock- ings with Rubbers, clear- ing at, $1 00 Custom Work and Repair- ing as usual, Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases. Thos. Clayton Uarriri ot London wan found dead on the rond by a farmer, luv.'pg probably had an nttnck of apoplexy. attending lhe Simon's trial. Mis Maxtie Foruson left Tuesday 1 after a month's vaoiti,.., at the parenin , lollie last. The evidence was the ^} hlld no ''e"' 1 *" ' i * t S Mt V- He " sentenced e months in jail. so KtronK that ' pronoun- 10 Just Arrived Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your Winter Suit with J. Bowler >THE TAILOR rench Cleaning done every Saturday. Get your old clothes renovated* BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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