Flesherton Advance, 22 Jan 1914, p. 5

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January 22 1914 THE FLESH ERT ON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stcck of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of February- next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. Toronto, 16th December. 1913. is? C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fiesherton Station follows : Go : ng South Going North t 7.43 a. in. 11.41 a.m. [ On Thurcdiy evening list a number of 4.17p.m. 9 ' 12 P- m - I 'he enthusiastic citizens of Fiesherton, The umHs are closed at Fiesherton at a( . com M , h fc ^ M ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and , , i .1 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon ui.il south *> dale wh e *? w.tn.ssed the farst 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ' hockey match of this season between the mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g' boys of that place and Fiesherton. It t was really most paiiiful to watch the puck slip in past the x 01 ' keeper until they numbered 1-11 or something in that vicinity at the end uf the game in favor of T__ rrr=: Markdale. We are safe in savins that Mr. U. Coin field of Weyburo, Sask., j Fiesherton cnn not support the same ia home visiting relatives for a month. bunch of men this season as they did last. The lefiree, Chas. Kaveeniire ea>isfaction lo ^ ^^^ ^&* "~ VICINITY CHIPS "^S. Mrs. R. Goldhawk is visiting fiieuds in Shelburne for a few days. Mr. Alex. Stewart, has none to visit his One redeeming feature daughter, Mrs. Nixon, at Mono Road. Miss M. Kindree of Winchester is vis- j itiug her sistrr, Mrs. H. S. White. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roy of Innisfree, Albtr:a, ra the guest" of the Utter'* sister, Mrs. S. Roy. Rock M.l's. Mr. J. R. Fawcett. Kitnberley, and Mr. H. Don of Hatheitni spent Sun- day with friends iu town. Several of our citizens took in a Meth- odist tea meeting at Kimberley on Fri- day evening last and report an enjoyable liuiu. Mr. Mark Wilson recovered ve of his truant foxts on Thursday list from a hol- low lo^ near BUkeley's mill pond. The other two are f.i.l on the hunt for micu. Dr. Burt, specialist in disease of the eye, ear, no<,e and throat, will be at the Richardson, both sides, was that there were no penalties of any account. The return shooting match w;is played j here on Monday uiaht. when the Mark- dale home brews won, 5-2. The locals were out played at most points of the I Kame, and the visitors did not require j the aid of the reforte, which he freely i ave, and iu one iim-ance he failed to see a deliberate foul l-y his own man, and ) when the local pluyer deliberately struck the Markd.ile player in retalliarion the >Iuush:w House, Fiesherton, fur consul" tit : on, Wednesday, January 2 tested and glasses supplied. referee lacked nerve to put either or.e off, as he should have dune. Pussibly glass- es weie required. Pat Kelly, goal umpire, 6Ued with pattiotic spirit, declined to admit it when one of the local*' two goals was scored, and so was put off the ice. This was thefignat for a general shake-up be- hind the nets. In the closing minutes of the game the Eyes | locals spurted and stored the two points, pushing the Markdalo defence to Miss Maude Boyd gave an "after its limit, repeatedly they shot, but with- rink" party to about thirty-five if the j outiwnlc. and the visitors broke away, young people on Friday evening last, i scoring the dual point just before the Mau.lo is a charming little hostes, and a bell ng- very happy time was spent by all. George McTavish played a strong gitiue Mr. James Cargo, who has been sev- J "<* led in the rush :it the Snibh, while iously ill of stoir.ach trouble for a long Sullivan figured in the tiring line in each tim?, waj takeu to Turontu on Satin-day j g"l scored, but he was well watched, to undergo an operation. A physician! Piper was aggressive, aid Mitchell as dime up from Turunto and accompanied i P'it broke up many line shots. Cairns him down. We understand that the ca.so j '" g"" 1 howcd his old time form, (padded, is a very serious one. et -' but 8ti " serviceable) aud stopped A school lad who can ill .ffJrd the lot*, S ""' " k ' e tho;s - had an . vert-oat taken frtim the rick un ! o o Monday night. The coat contained one j i'| lu Flebherion lii-h school and of his school books which he needs Imd- J p uu ii c sc hool hockey te-ms met on Fii- ]y in his woik. Will the party who took the coat, presumuly by mistake, return it to this office, at:d tho liner will be grate- ful. The fuueml of tlio late Mrs. Alex. day evening to pLiy their first game this s-tison. The pluyinx w.is clean and of unusual inteiest. Both teams put up souie fast players and the btrugule w-ts desperate. In the first half of the game Stewart was largely attended on Friday j fortune, appeared to favor the public list. The remains were taken Presbyterian church, where the to the , sclnujl team which manat^ed to scure two past" Rev. Mr. WcVicar, preached a touching j:oals, while their i nponents scoied oua goal. But when the second half seiuion, after which interment was made i the high school players teemed to take iu Fiesherton cemetery. The pall bear- heait and entered into the struggle would ers were all sons-in-law of deceased. Mis Jessie Wntt, sister of Rev. L. W. Thorn, died at Civighton, Nebiaska, on Dec. 11, at the ge of 62 years. Mrs. Watt was well known liere, having kept determined ili.-ii the high .school not be beaten, and succeeded in scoring two gols to iheir c:>mpetilor9 one, thus tying the score at three g"a!s. The refeiee did his duty edicitntly and justly. foi- Thorn pievious to his marriuge. The Crichton News of Dec. 18 published a most eulogistic notice of the deceased ldy, whose estimable qualities appeal* d to all who knew her. She leaves a son. Harry, and daughter, Mrs. Wi.smer, of Bristol, Mass. Leonard Belts, one of the oldest resi- ' docis of Artemosia, passed away at his home, Collingwoud gravel, on Widnes 1 day night t' last week, at the ripe age > of 95 years. Mr. Belts was always ai Eighth Line Osprey Saw-logging is tie order of the day. Mr. \V. H. O'Brien has returned to his home near Khedive, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley vi.sitcd nith Mr. and Mrs. F. Spofford, recently. Mr. Wi'l Soniers has returned to Cal- gary. Mr. Harold SpoftV>rd has resumed his Hatherton Aniuni: thii.se who visittd our burg during Xmas week were; Miss Bertha Winters, "Toronto; Mrs. Robert Seeley, Suyner; and Mrs. Sam. Crombie, Crom- b et>', Crossing, with their brother, Mr. James Winters; Messers. Charlie and Walter R'iss, Toronto, Mr. and Mir. \Va;d Ross, Shrigley, with their brother, Mr. Albert Ross; Misses Lavina aud Maude Black, Toronto, at the parjutil home; MUs Nellie Ridley, Ceylon, at her aunt's, Mrs. E. Seeley; Mr. Robert Potts, Jollingood, at h.s cousin's, Mr. J. S. Winter; Miss Addie Grummett at her brother's. Mr. Alebrt Grummet t's; Mrs. Campbell and little daughter, M ir- jorie, Toronto, with her uv.ther, Mrs. J. Seeley; Mr. and Mrs. Will Acheson and infant son, Furgus.at the hitter's parent- al home on the centre line; Miss Nellie Jamison at the parental home. Mis.s Mary Winters is visiting with her uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs Sam. Ciombie, Croiubie'a dossing. Mr. and Mrs. Je.ss Grummett and family, accompanied by Mrs. John Beety and Lilian While, spent Christmas wiih friends in Noltawasaga. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnolt and fum- ily spent Christmas with the latter'* mother, Mrs. Field, Maxwell. Mr. snd Mrs. J, S. Winters and fair- ily spent Ckrintmas with the latter'* mother, Mrs. McLean, at Mclntyre. Mr. John Graham and daughter, Asa, former residents of Osprey, but now of the West, are visiting friends heie. Born On Friday, Jan. 2, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. David Winters, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jamiesou (nee Miss Elsie Grey) we extend our heartiest congratulations. At the Methodist parsonage. Maxwell, on Wednesday, Dec. ."!, by Rev. James Phimister, Mr Win, McO,uay and Miss Mabel Young oF Osprey, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. We, ith their many friends, extend to them our he.irtiest congratulations. At the Methodist parsonage. Maxwell, Wednesday, Dec. 24, by Rev. J. Phim- ister, Mr. Chris. Monaglian of the 8th line, Osprey, and Mies Millie Parker, 3rd Hue, Oprey, wore united in wedlock. We also extend to them our heartiest congratulations. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE hard working, frugal man, and amassed studies at the Collingwood Business Col- fair proportion of this woild's goods, He leaves two sons, Thomas a"d Levi, the litter on the homestead and I in- for mar on a farm opposite. There are a number of daughters, among whom are" Mi-s R. Akitt and Mrs, .E. Binnington. lege Mr. Fred Hale spending gome time Sterling. Story Date* Back to Lord North There are some g <od stories in Mr. l.as returned with friends after near Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins have moved to a farm neir Eugmia. Their mny noi s h bors in this locality wish them every .success in their new home. Mrs. VV. H. O'Brien is spending a few i days in Collingwood, the guest of her sis- Hegiualo Lucas biography, jus. out. of; ter> M| . s Lord North. One tells of an amusing blui'der. Laily North was no beauiy. It is said that oue night at the opera somebody asko ; : "Who is that plain-luukiug l.-idy in the box iiUMisit.'?" "That." F.iid North, '-is my wife." "I did i\ot mean her," ciime the < b- vious lejoinder; '"1 n-.eam the 1-uly next to her." Mr. Will Connor, Duiidalk, visited with friends hero recent'y. Mr. James Bums and Miss Katie vis- ited \Vuriham fiieuds recently. Miss Sadie Hawkins lias resumed her studies in the Mmkdnle. Ivgh whonl. Card of Thanks V\'e ,\ish he eby to llKiiik frieiu's .11 id "Thai, sir, is my daughter; ;md 1 in;iy ui-i y hb.)rs for their extr, me kiudiuss tell you that wo are coi^idered to lo h, our recent hour of trouble, three of the ugliesc people in Loinloii." A. Stewart and Family. For Sale Che.ip- youna driving inirn, about M50 pounds, or would exchange for guild driving horse about 110- pounds.- Apply to R. J. SprouKFleshO ertoii. J:m. '-'2 Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply R J. .Sproule, Fiesherton. A fe* choice R. I. Kel s.c. cockerels for s*le good enouh for i-how birds. \V. H, Thurhtoii, Fiesherton. Legal Blanks For sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, \Vi.ls aud iill other legal blanks. Any requiring such will lind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tfrms. Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a lirst clasa faun and in a good slate of cultivation. Good Lank barn rnd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherlon. LOST AND FOUND Sum if imiuey found at Ceylon. In- quire at C.P.U. station. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted larj?e second hand box heat- in as'ove, must he cheap nrd on reason- nbly tood condition. App'y to R. J. S proule, Flcherioi). Jsn.22 "SPECIAL" Some intill gei.t liilorer wanted for all year work, in our different department?, men who may grow quick- ly into better than common Itborers' pay Enquire for particulars and send qualifi- cations to the Collingwood Shipbuildiug Co., Colliiigwood, Out. 'Jould tuke in a ntimbir <( cattle for the wintei moiithn. Apply at the Ad- vmice OHice. All t.hoso owing accoun's to .las. Mc- OlocUlin, Ceylon, are requested to plen.su settle siime with S. Hemphill, Ceylon, by February 1st, 1914. 2000 private fund* to loan on farnij mortiznga security ai lowest rites of in teresr. Apply R. .1. Sproule. Flesheiton. JIliMltli Carelnlly Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to 85 Oats 33 to o3 I Peas 1 12 to 1 12 Barley 55 to 5n Huy IS 00 to 12 00 Duller 2i> '( 2'_> E;gs, fresh 3S i .!_> Pot aloes per bag 75 to 75 Geese ]L' to 1:5 Ducks ir> o i: Fowl H to 10 t hickoii.i 13to II Turkeys.., 18 10 HILL BROS., HARKDALE. Just Eight Days More To Get Winter Supplies At a Big Saving We have added many more lines at Big Discounts off regular prices. Rubbers Our stock of Heavy and Light Rubbers is still large all sizes. LOT NO 1 Men's Light Rubbers, beat quality; regular $1.00 Hues to clear 33 LOT NO 2 Women's Light Rubbers, high and low heel; reg. 65c & 75c to clear 48 LOT NO 3 Women's Overshoes, all sizes; reg. 32.00 and $2.10 clearing price 81/29 LOT NO i Men's one buckle Overshoe;reg$1.75 F clearing price .; $1,29 LOT NO 5 Men's Low Snag Proof Buckle or lace, reg. $2.25 to $2.76; clearing price ..$1.89 LOT NO G Boys' Buckle aud Lace Heavy Gum Rubbers.rtg^l.lO to $1 .75;clearing price 81.15 LOT NO 7 Men's Leather Top Rubbers; 7 in. Top, regular 83.00 for $2.39 9 in. Top, regular 83.50, for $2.69 12 in, Top, regular 4.25, for $3.89 16 in. Top, regular $5.00 for $4.25 Men's Underwear Iu this lot ther are over a hundred Garments; a clean up in aur odd lines; reg. 68c to 1.25 value; clearing price -48 Women's Coats We Lave a few good coats left in sizes 32, 34 and 36, these Coats are good value at $5.00. Clearing price t>8 GROCERY Department s P eciak Granulated Sugar, per cwt 81.50 Comfort Soap? for ......25 A good Pink Salmon 2 for 25 Canned Goods, Corn Ptas, Tomatoes aud Plums, 3 for 25. Corn Starch 4 for .... 25 Currants 4 fo.i 25. Raisin, 4 for j 25 Special Clearing In Women's Underwear We have 25 dozen Women's Underwear in Good Weight, Wool Garments in Natural, black, Red, and White; reg. 75c an 85c a Garment, Special Clearing Price .... 48 Visit our Hardware Department. For Snaps in TINWARE and UKANITEVVARE G ranite Pie Plates, leg. 12i for 7 Tin Dippers, each 5c. Tin Pie Plates, reg. 5c, at 3 foro Granite Tea Kettles, reg. $1.25 for 69 Tin Cups, each 5c. ^ Bake pans reg '25c for 15c In fact anything you want in Hardware we have it at Money Saving Prices. HILL BROS, - MARKDALE W. L. WRIGHT FUESHERTON Great Reductions in Prices For a Limited time, Only. Not a dollar's worth (,( <>ld ' r Sh.[) \V"i" <'"' !< i l!' s I am ijoing to clear out the Iwhmce f < ur Winter Cc i cV . I Everylliiujj New i l I ki i< II nnd I'p-TVDate. lUiSprinustc ek. which is now coining in. uot be disappointed. Just cull :iud see iho g"ods at the prices we urc quoting We know \ "U will - RUBBERS Men's C.-lml's. 1- incho.'. reg. S4 50 for *:: Men's Sudhury, 7 inches, r<?. 83.50 for t Men's Forest King re.:. *:i '-'5 for g-8 Men's Kusewo. .1 ruj?. $.">.DO for 8 Men's Huron, :: eye reg. S'.'.W for 11.98 Boys' Huron, :; eye reg. -.00 f.,r B..ys' Huron, :> eye rei,' 81.75 for . Men's belt Socks, re-j. SI. 10 for Men's Arctic Snoes. teg. $1.00 for f'->c I'M rs 11 .In .'in i-ilippeis, rog. '.MX: for 70,: u .. i -en s Clnri-t Slippers, iei* 1.35 for 1.21) JL'ii's Leather .Mill* i! Reduced 1'iicis. 13ig Reductions in Ladies', Gents und Children's Sweiteis. Woolen Cap* aad Mitts. All the Latest Novell ir in Gem's Fuiuishings Fancy Shuts Collars, Ties, etc. L;i lies' Furs, Mantles, etc., al greatly Rtdttotd Price*. \Ve have a few ends of Dress Goods wh ell we aie ii off. Men's Black Cloth Colt with fur collar, reg S^ : . CltV .00 Five Roses fc'kur 85.75 per barrel Purity Flour ?5.75 per barrel Royal Household -5 75 per barrel Men'V Fur Coat,' China D,', reg 822.50 for. . .818 OU Bran ..................................... $1.10 Men's Fur Coat, Silka Bar, m; 8l'<i.25 for. .821.00 R ,lled (aU. 8 Ids for ............... ......... 25c Good value in Cl-th Coats, reji *1 50 for . . SJS.'.'J u.,!i B d When-, 7 il,s f.r ...................... 8*1 O^JOLI ,lILi^ ^., x j . , . . . f .... A few Boys' Coats left at, reg 88.50 for. . A^u W mbi'r 1 ofBoyb' two piece .suns U<MIJ{ at reduction. SO .Selected Raisins, 3 for Ciirrrini.s, .'{ for Fii"h Tiout 1'is- (..lave .\imi ii- 1 n ' il, 5 j -.>5c I _'c per Hi. We SPECIALS IN GROCERIES p-r LMII a for 25j 3 for 25c Canned Tomatoes Canned Corn Canned Peas Tomato Catsup Pork Hiid Beiiis Canned Salmon Strdines Coin M I ' i)e Best Granulated Sugar :JO.bs fur *1.00 for . 3 for 2Jc 2Sc Cranberries Ibs f. r 2oc HIGHEST-PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE: the cKfld. saw one )ODD'S ' IDNEY PILLS ISSUE '14. lo I' onverse. Seated comfortably in the rail- way carriage a commercial travel- ler found beside him a rather se- date looking gentleman with whom he nought to converse, and began by explaining what goods he sold, and in what large quantities he sold them. "And you, my friend," he added, "whab is your line!" "Brains," answered his companion gruffly. "Ah! brains, you say? That must be nice. You carry no samples, I Me." A String to the Job. Office Seeker "Is there anything else in the job vou speak of besides the salary?" Political Boss "There's a little work on the side!" Office Seeker "Ah ! T knew therp was some string to it." ,. 8<>r , "Yee anythingiOur Clubbing List _ . The following prices %re for strictly it ' e Q,p H i,l in ndvance subscriptionsonly. \Ve because 'have no accounts with other papers. umbrella. Klesherton Advance S I 01) Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Dnily News 1 .10 Weekly Globe HO Mail-Empire .... .... 7,1 Fiimily Herald & Star 5)0 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun !M) Farmers Advocstj 1 50 Weekly Wit,,it'iu> 90 Sid unlay Nigl.t 3 00 Home Jonrual !M> Poultry News ..:: '2A Pouliry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine (10 Cons Uanene Under mi nd ruin It lead* impure headachi frequcnb neglect M Indian : Const ipe veretabli ticket], your I Indli Notice We have received instructions from iiDurhuni Furniture Co. t< purchase lot* for iht m at thir ini'l, Ceylon. Also to inspect and measure same. For pr.ei* etc. ftpply 0. or V. Colliusop, Cey'.ou.

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