(AFTER EFFECTS OF DREADED LA GRIPPE by the USB of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Throughout Canada la grippe (in- fluenza) prostrates thousands of busy men and women every winter, wrecking their health and leaving behind numerous serious ailments. It is the after effects of la grippe that cause such widespread misery. Here is the reason. La grippe leaves behind it weakened vital powers, a shattered nervous sys- tem, impure and impoverished blood, and a low state of health that renders the sufferer extremely liable to rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia and nervous disorders. You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and pure through the occasional use of Dr. William*' Pink Pills. Or if, be- cause you have not recognized your blood weakness, la grippe fastens its fangs upon you, its disastrous after effects can be driven out by the same medicine. Dr. Williams' rangemente being made of magnitude never before required by the Clyde. An important feature of the Aqui. tania, as in the Lusitania and Mau- retania, is that extending through- out the most vulnerable parts there is that great desideratum,, a ship within a ship. In other words, there are two shells, the inner as well as the outer shell being water- tight. The space between the outer and inner skins averages about fifteen feet, and at short intervals there are bulkheads dividing this inter- vening space into relatively small compartments. It will be under- stood, therefore, that any fracture on the outer shell due to collision will result in the ingress of the gea being limited to a small area at the side of the ship. In addition to this important provision there are six- teen bulkheads extending athwart- ship from the port to starboard side. It might be thought that this combined system of transverse and longitudinal watertight subdivision was in itself sufficient safeguard against flooding, but further pro- vision has been made by the devel- opment of the svstem of fitting wa- lnt< ? the construction of the Lusi- ta " la d * he Fr m 1 , *~"~*^*" v ' *-** it *uxcuui> , , i i t_ t i i i Pink Pills increase and enrich the i ^f^S _ L w ? w * a /^ rod r uccd blood supply, feed the starving nerves, and thus impart new health and new strength to enfeebled men p ^ted^/s -T B ^ ?* ^tefis Sr^iSutsfts nected with the Sun Life Assurance Lusit?nia and the Mauretania, with . /' , x, w.s., says: | was j additions consequent upon increas- taken down with a heavy cold and ^ ^am and length. The Aquita- la grippe ana was confined to the j nia is also fitted with Frahm's anti- house for some weeks. I had the > rolling tenk8 wnich have proved 8o best of medical attention, and al- ! successful on the Laconia. though the doctor said I was cured | The passenger accommodation is Salt Rheum Began with Itching and Burning, Watery Pimples. Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment Cured In Two Weeks, X/AHM a Brfflant, Qua. 1 rafFon* with alt rheum tar Bin* montba. Io began by itching and burning and my band* brake out la watsry ptmptea and I could no* slaop, only entch mf btuid* aod they would bUed. The ptmplM were small and white, about the iii Of ptn heads filled with water. I coold oat put my band* la water at aiL "I tried . and . bat fotrad BO relief unto. I need GBatoan Soap and olnttnenn. I put the Otttteura, Ola- ment on my hanrtj after walking them with t hi Cutlcura Boap and la two weelu they were perfectly eared." (Blsned) Brldjet A. Brlaad, May 17, 191*. I was still far from well, and did not have the vim necessary for a strenuous business life, and did not attend to either office or field work. Talking with a friend he said 'Why (not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' I decided to do so, and before I had used a box felt an improvement, and before long the Pills made me feel like a new man. I can't there- fore say too much in favor of this valuable medicine, and hope that *any who may read this and be in need of medical attention will be persuaded to try this truly wonder- ful medicine." You can get these health-renew- ing Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Co., Brockville, Ont. Medicine A GIANT STEAMSHIP. Cunard Liner Aqnitania Has Inner and Outer Shells. The new giant Cunard line steam- ship the Aquitania, which is now be- ing rapidly prepared for sea, having been launched on April 21, 1913, from the yard of the builders, Messrs. John Brown & Co., Clyde- bank, Glasgow, Scotland, combines In her design and construction the experience and invaluable informa- tion deduced from the construction and performances of the Lusitania provided on a scale commensurate with the great size of the ship. The first class public rooms include drawing room, hall and galleries, lounge, smoking room and veranda cafes, on deck A ; foyer, restaurant, grill room and dining room on deck D. There are also a gymnasium and a swimming bath. The second class public rooms in- cbie drawing room, lounge smoking room and dining room. There are altogether eight decks on which pas- sengers are carried. The division of the ship into wa- tertight compartments is much more extensive than is required by any regulations, and exceptional con- ditions might therefore have been obtainable in connection with the lifeboats, but the Cunard company early in 1912 submitted its designs to the Board of Trade for an instal- lation of lifeboats, including mo- tor lifeboats, to accommodate all the passengers on board. FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS Tho UBawtag la a moat effective and eco- nomical treatment: Gently ameer the af- feetod put* with CuUeura Ote tmeas, on the cod of the flnr. but do not rob. W-uhoS Lho Cattenr* Ointment In five mtoutca with CuUeura Boap and hot watr aad continue b.t J!ng for eoma mlnutee. ThU treatmact I* beat on rtiing and ratMcj. At other Umea uae Cntlcura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to aatlat In preventing Inflamma- tion, Irritation and clogjla of the poraa. CuUeura Soap aad Ointment eold everr* where. For liberal free sample of each, with 82-p. book, aend pot-rard to Potter Drug Jc Chem. Corp.. Dejt. D, Bojtou, U J. A. other side of the pond, or the American mail put off such a boat as the Lusitania, never forgets the sense of unlimited bulk tl^ com- munication between this continent and Great Britain assumes. He sees thousands and thousands of fat mail bags shooting down the sides into the waiting mail boat. He ia aware that from unseen and unexpected nooks in the ship he has traveled on, a cargo of mail ia being put forth that the ship of a century ago would scarcely have had space to accommodate. HEALTH FOR BABY To keep the baby healthy and strong his little stomach must be kept sweet and his bowels working regularly that ia the secret of health in little ones. The mother who keeps a supply of Baby's Own Tablets in the house can feel rea- sonably sure that her little ones are going tc escape the results of and the Mauretania and the many | childhood ailments, for the Tablets other famous ships that have pro- instantly relieve and cure such ceded her under the Cunard flag. troubles as constipation, indiges- Each succeeding vessel built for tion, colds, colic and worms by reg- the company during the seventy- 1 ulating the stomach and bowels, three years of its existence has in Concerning them Mrs. Jas. De- one way or another marked an ad- roche, Cache Bay, Ont., writes: vanoe on its immediate predecessor. "I have used Baby's Owji Tablets The principal figures of the Aquit- 1 for three years and have always ania, according to information sup- j found them the best remedy for lit- plied by the Cunard Steamship j tie ones." They are sold by medi- Company, are : Length, 901 feet ; j c j ne dealers or by mail at 25 cents breadth, 97 feet; depth to boat | a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- deck, 92 feet 6 inches ; gross ton nage, 47,000 tons; speed, 23 knot's; accommodation for 3,250 passengers ,and a crew of nearly 1,000. The unprecedented weight, length and other striking features ! Immense ,of the great steamship involved the .consideration of unusual conditions and, like everything else connected cine Co., Brockville, Ont. i with the construction, demanded ar- CARGOES OF MAIL. Postal Traffic Between Great Britain and Canada. Some idea of the tremendous Let the Breakfast Call mean a dish of crisp, folden-brown Post Toasties served with * sprinkling of ,nd some rich cream. This delightful food made of choice Indian Corn- naked and toasted is ready to serve direct from the package. JustT the thing for break- fast, lunch or supper, winter or summer. A try tells why ! Toasties are sold by grocers everywhere . Panadl.n Potrnm Cereal Co., Ltd. Wiacaor, Ontario. postal trade between Great Britain and Canada is given in the figures secured from the General Post- office and published in a London paper. During the week before Christmas, 8,500,000 letters for Can- ada were sent out. The figures are : Parcels. Letters. Australia 19,500 8,600,000 China & Far East 10,000 India and Ceylon. 48,000 India and the whole of the Far East 5,000,000 New Zealand 19,000 620,000 South Africa 30,000 3,125,000 Canada 8,500,000 The figures concerning the par- cels gent to Canada were not pro- curable, along with the rest, be- cause such parcels were sent en- tirely from Liverpool. Altogether, the G. P. 0. reported that 50,000,- 000 letters went out during the Christmas rueh and ten thousand extra employees were engaged in London alone to handle the work, and twenty-one buildings were pressed into service, including drill halls, public baths, and auction rooms. It will be noted from the above figures that more letters were for Canada than for South Africa. Aus- tralia, and New Zealand combined, and more for Canada than for China, India, all the Far East, with either Australia or South Africa thrown in. There has, in fact, been a tre- mendous increase in the mail busi- ness between Canada and Great Britain in the past fifteen years. Anybody who has seen the Cana- dian mail put off the ship at the Flowers, Fruit and Sunthlnt in January and aJways, are to be fonnd in California, the ideal wintering place, reachod com- fortably and conveniently by the Chicago. Union Pacific and North Western Line, via the faataat and most direct route*. amidt the luxurloua eurrnandingv of the compartment, club and observation par- lor, or more moderate-priced and home- like Touriat car. Three splendid tralna Good-Bye, Old Baekacta Kervtiine Will Fix Yon! Gee whis think of it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure your lame back. Every trace of lameness, rerr bit of stiffness, every sign of wnakncs In the back's muacles can be rubbed away for all time to coma by iruod old "Nervlllne." No other liniment can do tlla work BO quickly, can panetrato 10 deeply, can brine eaae and comfort to the baok-wsary sufferer as Nervlllne In- variably does. Backache Isn't the only malady Nervlllne Is quick to cure,. For lum- QUEENS COULD EARN' LIVING. Moot of Them Are Experts Sciences or Arts. Interesting information concern- ing the queens of different couo- tries is given by the Neue Freie Prease, showing that if the occa- sion arose many of them could eas- ily earn their livelihood. Queen Elizabeth of Belgium pos- sessed a doctor's diploma of the University of Leipzig. Besides, she it an excellent musician and playa the piano and violin skill. with great Queen Mary of England paints, sings and is extremely clever with of Norway is a distinguished play- wright, uaing the psuedonym of| Graham Irvimr her needle. Queen Victoria Angus- gives. For chronic rheumatism thers '? f German y . a specialist with are pain-destroying properties In Ner- ?? e , camera and Produces a special vlllne that give It first rank. Ths way '. kl * * rt P n to. Queen Wilhel- 1 It limbers up a stiff joint and takes m:iia of Holland paints miniatures , soreness out of strained or rheumatic and porcelain, while Queen Maud muacles Is simply a -wonder, If you have an ache or pain any- where, if you have a son back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle If you bars lumbao, con- F seated chest or sore throat, Just try painter. Nervlllne. Rub It on plentifully it ' Carmen Sylva (Queen Elizabeth won't blister, It can't do anything but ' of Rumania) is a world famous poet- cure you quickly. The large BOo. ess and novelist. Helena, Queen of jokingly remarked that in she could easily earn salary in the music halls of London or New York as an expert swimmer and riflewoman. She is also a oom- dressmaker and . family size bottle is the most econ- alze of Nerviline, the king of all pain- relieving remedies. A CEMUKY OF PEACE. John A. Stewart, xecutive chairman and chief or- ranizer of the American movement IT..' l.'n: r[. i li. lurm? -i-'n'IItl-U bTAUlV 11 . . daily The Overland Limited, faetwt train | IOT celebrating a hundred years of Seeking Distraction. "Why do you suppose it is,"ehe asked, "that nearly all the great men of this world have been mar- ried?" "I suppose," replied the old bachelor, ''it's because they had to do something to get their minds off the troubles they had at home." AJl ready baked to a nicety ; whole; mealy and full flavored. Heating only is neceuarj. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE at any druggists at $1 a hottlf . for *5. an<l Krndall'gwiilcurc. Thousandof farmon and horsemrn will say so. Our book 'Treatise on the horae free. ,.^ Dr. I. J. KENDALL CO.. Eaasourg Falla, VI. to Hun Francisco; The Log Angelee Llm- i neara hi>rw>w>n I'.n-ir ited. thn-e dy to the M f !o City of the ' iaC * . ' Ur<?a l.. BTlt&ln and Laud of rtuiiBliinc. Tin Salt Lake City; and tne United states. His homo . th 8an Franclaco Limited. Tho Overland Boute offera: Safwty -8peed-Benry and unexcelled dining car aerrioe teat it. Ratra, llluatra.td matter and fall partic- ulars on application. B. H. Bennett, Oen- eral Age OnLaxio. Chaaged His Mind. "Alphonse," said the heiress, "I New York. is in Breaking It Gently. *'I hev come to tell yur, Mrs. Ma- lone, that yer husband met with an accident." "An' what was it, now}" wailed have been thinking." "Thinking Mrs. Makme. of me, precious!" asked Alphonse. | ''He was overcome by the heat, "Indirectly, yes. I have been mum." thinking that, were you to marry! ''Overcome by the heat, was he. me, everybody would say you only did so in order to get my monoy." "What care I for the unthinking world 1" ''But, oh, Alphonse, I will marry you." "My own dar " "And I will not have peoplo say unkind things about you, so I have arranged to give all my fortune to An' how did it happen 1" "He fell into tha furnace over at the foundry, mum." Women with Sallow Skin Here Is a toad Treatment! Yon Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty is largely the out- ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks and * poor complexion needs medicine [ needs a potent tonic to regulate her ! system. To tone up the stomach to Insure ; good digestion to give new life and vitality to the whole system where Is There a remedy like Dr. fiamihon's P11U? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like they correct con- stipation make nourishing blod Instil force and vim into a run-down system. If nervous and can't sleep your re- medy Is Dr. Hamilton's Pills they search out the cause of your condition and you rise H the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready for the day's work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut P'J1&. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon Insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night'a rest al- ways follow their use. To look well, to feel well, to keep j 5 well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are FARMS FON lLt H. w OAWSON, Nlnsty Calbarna Strtsk Toronto. IF YOU WANT TO BUT OB BELL A Fruit. .Stork. Grain, or Dairy Far* Bmmpton. or M writ* H. W. . Colborne St.. Toronto. M. W. OAWSON. Colbern* St.. Torarto NEWSPAPERS FOH SALE. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NKW9. paper properties for eale In On- tario town* it right priori. Apply quickly subscription rfn"wa' t>ma ia jont open. Ing. Wilson Piihlirth'ni Company, 7J AiMaiilo Street. Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. -TRAWBERRIES. RASPBERRIES Hr v fT Varieties. Free Catalog. SfcCouneU Ron. Growsend. Ortar-o CA.NCEB. TCMOBS. LUMPS*. KTO, Internal and external, eared wLtfc. cat pain by onr home treatment Writ* p bffor* too Lit* T)r Bfi'-nan Medloal Ont Th Soul of a Piano Is tit* Action, in -.--it on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action CORNS ARE LIKE KNOTS. Tar by year they trow harder and In- dealers In 25c. boxes. the missionaries. Why, Alphone, KtaU7 mow painful. Why suffer wb n where are you going >" Alphonse .'<L* ^"Tar," in^ I rf out again paused long enough o n his way to and g^ tTa . nteaA * care . Us8 Putuain -. B wiV.**. the door to look back and mutter, "I'm going to be a missionary." A Question of Height. Michael Come quick 1 Patrick is stuck in a bog up to his ankles. James Don't worry, then, if he's only up to his ankles he can soon Til* eloae Intlmaolea of old as* Mem to eonaitt in oom,?a-lnj gouti and rh 'mat's (DAY Helpless From Rheumatism Extractor, 2c. at all deajen. Conceit (Limited). Poatr-Thinks he's the whole thing, does he ' Parker Well, I'd hardly go as Mike Yes, but he went in head first I far as that ; but he certainly con- siders himself a quorum. Ilinard's Liniment Co., Limited. 8ins.-I have ueed your U1N AKI> s LINI- MENT for the past 25 years and whilat 97 por oent. para Su phur> Iiqufle4 by a few other i-ifre- dtonte jnat aa pure and b-u.:h* ful. Ton can uae it e.ttalv no4 profitably M an AWHi-KPTlO. Try it on that cold lor*, or any other acre you may hare. Leading nnrt-a raoommand It Prtoe, 68 oerta n bottle. ^JT >!'> by J! >>r\iit'fe. It your druijriat don not <-arrT It remit direct to STTL- 151 Bay utirvt. Toronto, and end u* hi* na-me. R pRODlTCTS Mlnanl't Liniment Cure* DlaUmpir. Cln Pills Civ* Prompt Rslltf By Curing Th Kidneys. Mr. Samuel Longmore. of Montreal, saya: "Jnt a word of praise for GIN PILL3. About fifteen months ago I could not walk acron my room, suffering severely with Rheumatism. I took GIN FILLS and be- came quite well. Two month* ao. I had ' what political economy is ? Rheumatic Pain* with Neuralgia, I r*- j Mike (embryo statesman) Git- sorted to GIN PILLS again for one week tin fa m<J8t fe f<jl . and became quite well. 60c. a Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free Teacher Why Not. -Now, who can tell me the least . . .. If you write National Drug A Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. Toronto. Pat's Character. Courtesy to the gentle sex is a feature in Pat's character, and he is an adept at courting. "It's a great pleasure entirely to be alone, especially when your sweetheart is wid ye," observed one reflective swain. "Ah," said a sweet Kerry maid to her lover, "if you were me, Tim, and 1 were you, I would be married long ago. Do you dream of me, Mike t" asked a girl of her young man. "Dream of you, my darling? Why, I can't get any sleep for dreaming of you?" Wanted. Wanted Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by graduation. Unusual variety of experience. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed. Finest con- tagious disease building in th<- State. Children's Ward and Ma- ternity Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address Miss I'rederiku K. Gaiser, Principal. money. Mlnard's Liniment Curj Diphtheria. __ ___ I have oocaaioiiauy used other linlmenta 1 can iafely ay that I hare never used "iy Packets. the I'iif. She Before we were married you used to catch me in your arms. He Yes, and now I catch you in any rnn.il to youra. If rubbed between the hands and in- haled frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the head in twenty-four hour*. It la aleo the Beat for bruieea. tpraine, etc. Tour truly, J. O. LESLIE. Dartmouth. Julia's Hard Luck. "Have you heard about Julia's Mlnard's Liniment Cure* Garget In Com. The Exception. "Patience is a virtue," quoted the Wise Guy. "Yes. especially in the people w owe money to," amended the Sim- ple Mug. Try Murlne Eye Remedy If yon have Rd, Wak, Watery Evas Mrs R was an extremely careful hart ' Iuck "^- ^ hat is it T" . or Qrilated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eva Pain. Druggists Ssfl Murtn* By* Remedy, Liquid. 25c, SOo. Marine Ely* Salve In Aseptic Tubas, Uc, 50c Kve Books Free by Mall. jnrs. fL. w :fcs tui ojurtriuciv varriui : . ,. mother, and had repeatedly eau- 1 " She **><>* Blllle 9 engagement ring _ _ . i i_i . . __n ' _ . _ t t tioned her six-vear-old back to the jeweller's to be valued. Julia!" "Well, that's I always do that." Yes ; but the jeweller refused to might contain germs. One day the j 1 *! g ; little girl came in and said: "Mo- 1 "." 8 . ; ther, I am never going to play with | lv ? |' ba ?* . to hw ,-, H * ld Blllw my kitty any more, because &he has j hadn k P ald for lb - germs on her." "Oh, no," replied her mother; "there are no germs on your kitten." "Yes. there are," insisted the child. '"I saw one hop." DODD'S '') KIDNEY; '/ PILLS JU>. 7. ISSUE Mlnard'a Liniment Cures Calds, Eta. Soiiclit tn Converse. Seated comfortably in the rail- way carriage a commercial travel- ler found beside him a rather se- date looking gentleman with whom he sought to converse, and began by explaining what goods he sold, and in what large quantities he sold them. "And you, my friend," he added, "what is your linel" "Brains," answered his companion gruffly. "Ah! brains, you say t That must be nioe. You carry no sample*, I see." A Striae to the Job. Office Seeker "Is there anything else in the job you speak of besides the salary!" Political Boss "Th ere' s a little work on the side ! ' ' Office Seeker "Ah ! T knew ther ( > some string to il." M**tM t,. Reead> Ce.. Chlcaae A Fine Husband. "Gladys Jane has a perfectly lovely husband." "Sol" "Yea ; he's willing for her to bars anything she can get on credit." It frequently rains on the jusk because the unjust has swiped his umbrella. is an enemy within th camp. It will underniine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to indigeation, btliousnc 1 **, Impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the moat fretiucnt cr/iaes of appendicitis. T neglect it is slow sulcid*. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills positively cut* Constipation. Tney are entirely vegetable in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by talcing Dr. Mor.e'., Indian Root Pills