Flesherton Advance, 22 Jan 1914, p. 8

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January 22 1914 THE F L E S HE It TON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH. WRIGHT. TI.I.-OBI) A McDONAI.D Hrrit.-r. Snlii-iifi-i. Ao. oitlcet, <>rcv Hr.ir- lllock.Owon Mouml. fltnutUnl Hank H)0ck,KlihertO'i.nJturtavl W.H. Wriijlit. \Y. ''. ,. .: j, | J ... I. o. M.'Miuml-l. i.. I.. If. SOCIETIES A U W meet" 01. lie Utt Monrtuy O iu a.-li month, ill their loiigo room <'lyt<ui hull KlunliPrton, t 8 |>.ui. M W . W. J. 11-lli.niv ; It.-.. C. H. MuiiKliaw: Flu. U .1 Hi.ruule. Vmtlug breUuaoavlUd DKISCK AUTiltll LODGE, No. XS3-AFA T AM ineetu in tin Moiilc hall. Arm roin;- HlocK,KIherton, every Krirtay on or hefor* Hi* lull iuo< n Hrb Sinltb. W. W.; Cb.MuDihw, Scr'.Mr. POVHTTI.KSHKHTON, 99S. I. 0. F. U'cctsin V ( invto'n k JllocktheUnt Wedoetdav b month. Vi.ill.i For.tr. hrtily loom.. C. U.. (i. lii.|liny : H. H., U. ( iru; , < .. \V. nnkin. I'i,.M pay due* W Fin. Sec. before Hie flrl iv of tlie month. niJOSBN - t ( noM-n Friend, meet- in Clayton hall r*t kiul tliod Weliie<ly of och luontli 8 p. m Mv a.rtUi*Dt to t!i llerorder oo orhfor. Ueamd^rtftaVh u.onth. Cbif Councillor T Hl4klev;Uccoraoi W. H. Hunt. R 1-1)1) MAT11E-V8, Markdale, Llcenwd ."c'ioii-er fertile county of Cirey. O' ,*r*co al reasonable rate.. Dt can be iu'U at The Advance, o 09 MEDICAL 0" CA i'T; F p**SOnt,Pbyiolaii.fiar l jeoD etc O(Bo uJ r*idenc Peter it., rieeberton f P OTTHWELL I Veterinary Burgeon .jMdu.te of Ontario Veterinary Colleg. residence coud door nouth west, on k.rv tr*et. TbU street rani loutb |-ii. , tci i.u Chareb. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURRAY U D. S, dental .urgeon IIUDO. graduate of Toronto University anil Kov! <'olle of Dental SurKoonn of Ontario. Cadmiiiiiiterdfor teeth extraction LILce at residence. Toronto Street. Fleaherton . LEGAL UCAB. HANKY i 1' Bollcitom.etc.-I. B.Lucas, h. O.; W. r. Hsuy K. <\ ; W. P. Henry, H. A. Offices, fOrOQto HOC-9 TiadcrB Hank Illi'p.. POOM main 141-.!; Wai kdale l.ucan Jllock. Phone 2 A. Hrancli oBice at Oundalk open every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS v OULbOUOH ft YOUNG Hankers Markdale eaeral banking business. Money loaoeri reasonable rat** Call on u*. DM, -1'H ML. Licensed Auctioneer for tlit County of Or*y. Terms moderate aud tl> action Ruarauteed. Tbe arrauRmenta ,. J litas of sales can be made a*. THK ADVASCK office. Residence aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone cnuection. Dec. 6.07. KILLED BY FALLING TREE Institute Meeting The l-'.i- PN.T. iiinl Women'* limiitute !ini-onliii|fH hold hen- mi S'liurduy I < ' Robert L)i..-wall of llopeville wan in wcu . Wl . 1( aUt>11 a w ) R)1 J ,, ro consUered to Htantaiieoufcly killed by falliiiK tree " | K ,ve bei-n the most valuable meetings Tuesday of l-st week. In company wttli lfrol|1 a)l t , d , :cl ,i,, lla | K u,,dpoint over held u hired mnn he WH chopping in a Kwamp!j lel . Tlu . ,, |)im | il ,,. H w ,. ro Mr. Moore- whcn 11 tree was broken off ami ncw],.^ (lf Lanib , (111 t.',, UMtyi w |, s ,.,ko 1,,,-kwa.d. On account ,.f a \' K Hchind; jn t)|(> aftcr|1()(m 8locU rili . sim , al ,d in h.m, Mr. Dinwall was unable to get oui; lho Ovc , lin8 ,, n MMtt> tvri> i ivo subjects of the way in time, and he was struck. j, () (]lo (,.,,. ,. f this di!l , rict at ,1,9 His .urk was broken and lit- l( ,,. , clK ,,,. H .ti, i4 ddri's,fH were prac- Bhouldcr ciuhvd in. The deceased Kcn-i.j,.,,,. Mr- Mo ,, lx .| 1((UM , i(4 :l f ,, him- lluniaii was 45 year* of iigo ..d was the '._ u y()U|1J , m in> ]U1 j uva( | u tJ of the youugex ..f three brothcra-Andrew liv- Ontal . in Ai ..icultur.l college. Tho ladies mrriin in Ihu ufiernoon s atteni'vd by lifty members mid then- in- ill Artenu'sia, .lames and William in Proton, mid Tlniinan ut Ho'stein. Theic; is aW one sister, Mis. John (Vuphull ofL jfriemlx, who listfm-d to nil MpieM Iron Arthur. The deceased gentleman was , ;Mrs. Witt's of lovonto mi niatteM c"ri- un married and owned the bouiaatead of; , . . . , . , , ., ,. loeuted with tlie liume which they desonbe 1 ou acres ano. a lar^e quantity of live , ,, , . . * UR unuMul y powerful! and mteiestinjr. stock. Foe f unaral took pUee to Salem'.,,. -i > The evunii!' meeting was presided over cemetery on Sjimdiy. . ,. . ,, .-, , ,- , i _j ' 'by Mr. ). K. I'HWcett of Kiiiiberlcy, and __ . Mis. Walt." yau' llip address of the even- Presentation ing .-H, )llie HIU ) | lou ,e influences." Dec 15 (iuJThiH )>idy i* qualilird JtU an iiniuese .- 'fund of exponents to rill the position she himii' of Mr. T. It. McKeuzie, Portlaw, . , , , . (occupies as li-ctuicr for tho Intitule and was taken j M ^session of by a sin prise. party '.if ticnuine characU-r. About 7o of the members nnd mllieu-iiU ..f thej The address was instructive, amusm M.-unt Xion Methodist chim-li tiled in.l|"iotic*l and pathetic, all combined, and until Mr. Mi-Kenzio looked a* if W* *tuddcd with literary gems and hardly knew whether his rocent election "k of widi hat htld her hearers WHsoin K t,, U- contested, or a HIIOW nplll>aund from atari to finish- She slide had .sh.rf .M, many of his ueighliorM ' " pla^in},' and fluent speaker and her iiitu his, I, ,.,i-. When the L-ompany had' 1 *"^* ' M I )Urt! anU unadulterated comet. i onK-r a well-tilled purse wask 'he sentiments she oxpresaes. Those On Tl..,rs,l, pTMented to Mrs. McKc-n/.i by Mr. A. Watson, and the following address read by the |>astor, llv. W. Oinwoodie : We, the iiivmU-rs and adlu-renU of the Mount Xion Mctho<li-t great pleasure in expr. ^vi church, take j,' to Jou inn gfiit it inle ami tliankfiiliu-^s for your influ- ence and pivm.-r.ee in ourckurch services Yuur fiilhfidni'.s in ittu-ndanee and read- iness to assist in our church work have yui-n you a hi'_;li pliicc ill o\n oteein and \ITU, KAITTINO. Licenimd AuctionMr foi > the couotlct of Urey and bluico*. Mi.u ' Ktock !M upeclaltjr. Termi oindrratv utitttctloi) (iiartuUei). Arranne uint for dl* may be made at the Adrtoce jfflce. or Central telertaoue ofl'.oe t eTenhaui or by addreeiing iu* at Feveribaui, Ont Pure Bred Holstein Bull Chaogeliog Prince Joe Br*d ly CluiiRelinK Ilutter Boy out of Tidy Abbekerk 1'rinceM Joirphine. Tin- ^i ,-t rt butter making ttrain known. Term of msrvice fc'.i for grMdes, ffi (or pun- ljrd. SON. who were not prese.it missed the rarest t.liing we ever hud here in the furui of a lecture for many a day. Reva.McVicar mid Dudgeon followed, then Mr. Moon-house ({ave liis ttlk an Alfalfa Many ijiiegtiiinH were lire-J at him and no doubt much valunljlt) inform- ation was elicited by lhoe who arc in- tet\8ted in the Mibjecl of ^rowini! alfalfa. L'na Liga'e, KUie \Vrih', Murray Legate and Elmer Wright wave a couple of humorous .jiui.-i.-- which ere highly uppreeiitcd. All the nieetingx were well niteudid and the spt-akcra were much pleased with the intetest maiiifestcd imd with the attendance. A large number of new membura were -< -IIM- I for the Institute. affection, We appix-i-i it j all the more your assistance when we I'emc'inbcr that you are members of a si-.ter clinr.-h, which pi'ovux to us your broadminded- ness and liW-ralily alun^ re'i^ious lines, implying (hat we are all children of the same Heavenly Father and brutheien and sisters in Christ. Mrs. McKeime's effic- iency ami faithfulness ax mir organist merits our wannest thanks, ami asa faint expression of our appreciation of her ser- vices in that capacity wo request I lint you accept this purse, accompanied with the wish that you may lon^ hi; spared lo ;i<sist in the advancement of Christ's church on earth, and when the labors of life here are ended may yon have a high Ctm "y- HtJ |MVM " " i(low Hlul "V*W prwitioii in the church triumphant. Sign- CommentiiiK on tl.Ls caw the 'Jieeinoie A Tragedy of the West AllM?rt Trent, a rancher at TufieM, Al- ueriii, air.l formerly of Nottia*tgn,Ui w the tp of his head off with n .shntgun rt - . I'otuiaat<ir, Cylon. Cominlioner lull..;. J .CoDTiraneer, deed*, mortgagee, lea>>. will* etc. carefully drawn up olltctn.nl inailj. ebarcea reaaooable. Alio roceriei. flour, feed etc, kept in itock, Prlcei ed mi In-half of tin- church A. W.v-.n. \V. A. Morton. After the prexcnliitinn the coni|Hiny .l- flll.'ll Illll-il With I. T|l. ill, .11-. Ml|, IS. fhoriiM-H anil Milious kill'ls of LMI,I The l i,],' i h -n berved H snniptuoim re |uit lo wh'i-li all iliil aiiiplf justice. After singing " (Jinl lie with yon," all ili.s|ier.si'il feeling they h.-ul iiulrril enjoyuil a p!eii"- ,n' evening. Small Farm For Sale Part Lot '3, con. 4, Eiiphriwiia, hrick- ficcd coltge, frnno barn i h li.i-i-ini'iii j vmnll orchard, cherries, plunin, |.-ili"< and -null fruit. I.M I contains 44 actet. will Imy it. Apply to ' WM. KLOAN Dec. "', '! Kimberlry p. o. Boar for Service A :irr wl-it* Vorkshlrs Hoar fur srrvlcc nlo: Idl.Hril ranfs W T. * H. K., Artoliivtia Ttriiit kl.OU- . WAU.Flt. The Road Dropped Through Walkerton, Out., Jan. 17. A curious phr i mint- 1 1 1. > i occuired between 'IVeswat- er and Wingham, m- u- the villnijc of I'.. 1 ^lavr. A Ui'.'f Hfction of the roadwHy sank In a depth of lifiy l.-i-i, leaving a great bole one hundred feet I MIL' and Star tnys: lie left here Ust sprint; to Inku i-hartie if a much out there belonging to h's brother, and about two months :\%o mov- ed on to n farm of his own. He had been negotiating for tha purchase of thu Mar- in Hi IK, i, farm, Cornhill, .-mil u letter went nM i.i y which cniiHed him to thii k hut the deal w:ts iilf, niid hu then pur- ilused a fiinn out there. He niw :iux- ons to cniiie back to < Intnrio, mid no louht this preyed on his HIM! The Uidy was hrought en.st for intci- ncnt. m my y rds wide. spot 18 another Ui A few miles fiom the e hole, at the bottom of which <|iiicksa >d* are perpotually fwirlinit, as if disturbed liy tome current bi<!ow. '] he appoar^ncc of thust two fiea' holes, nhich tun in a n-.iili ennteily direction townrd the I iwn ol NYinglmni, 'N lo ilm opinimi H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Omuls, first class Workmanship. that a nul'li nun AII livi r rxiats, whicl MoWl Milllew lu-lr lll.lli'l I he llrui'l- IV' M. 8uitand connec'8 l.il-. Huron IM.II Liki I lllMII . A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put ultfialioii* in frte of Imii/e, if required. Ucpl2 BULL FOR SERVICE ISi'Cixi ei I'll lln'hlein Hull. Korndyke IVii-n i- Clolhilde, No. 14780, whoHo dm. Tricie'H (.'Intliildo Pinter! j< I'ml, Ni. 2948, has produced orer Hit )b. milk |wr day. Terma (Jrad eon-* |1.IIO, purt) brid ruws $.'(. All inn- not returned will b charged. Also reimtered Yorknliirp bum, AN ::.>! .Terms |1. HENRY HOLM .O Lot 40, (Jon. 4, Artrineiin, Portia* P itmarlf FARM FOR SAI.r Sprinu Creek Kami, lot in, Con. 4, Aiii'ini-ii t, eimin IHMJ ICO .u -i -, '.in acrrn elmrml nnd in a |{ood ntata of cultivation, I tilancc Ho id Irirdwooil Imsh. (iimtl fiHim- liai ii ami cement roncretu houn 8pring*cieli ninning HCI-IIRII corni'i- of farm, also uood w. II under covar. Cin- ternx al Imrn ainl holme. Kuml mail de- lireiy. A|ip!y lo H. HOLMAN, MnxwellP.O. Turkey Trots I. in l.n m. Ont., Jn. 17. Two fiirii:- i . from ii". ih of Lncknovr hud the tin c ,f their li\vH wi h a flock of turkeys. The turkeys were nice, healthy Imii- . ,i"|i, !!} i- indiiniiii il tor tables, anil tho lai iiH-i-s )n i'|Minl to taku them to market while tak MI j was Ood. They luded tin-ill into a li/ wai(on box, covdied the box in, top, Miles and oiuls, and st iltod for inuikel. I. n'.m>; neither to It in ii that Heveral UnnU of lish ol the imaller variety and pvculinr only i, I, iki' Huron have l> on found in Luke i in!., 1 1,,, which could not pomibly liv nnidi) the h>n^ j uvney through Luke St. ('lair nnd Like Kiit-. mid therefore nnifit have :nitde (heir wiiy lliroiigh mnne rhnn ncl unknown to nmn. The ftow i f the M.v i l.nnl Hiver iw alito getting Hinitl'cr ai.il H! limui runs ulinoai dry, which i* probably cituxed by the draining nway of the witter by the m ground river. Thu people in the vici'iiiy are lomewhnl alunned M i In- phenoinun- J on, us the lanil ubout thei'u i- low and of a iMKgy 1 1.1 1 II I ! Th township of 'I'm uU-rry I.H hiring men and leain, who am iliawing loads of Nt.no. Tim undertiikiiiR is n gig one, and no doubt himdredn of fnaHH will In- necessary before the n>ndw:vy n prop er'y ri-pnired. r ght nor lo left, th y bowleil merr ly 'ilong the frozt-n liii-liway. When tlu-y were iibout three mil<-s on their WHV, however, onu of thini chanced to jl'iiue to the lear, and iliacovei-od that the ii d WIIB out of the wagon box and ill, tu - key* were nil _; 'in-. Hare mid there icro>8 the Niiowy Inndxcape lo the diittaut hon/. >n the mottled forms of the escaped l,n iK .-oiild he icen, souio of thorn h--ad- in for a distant buroyiu-tl, utlnrs vi-yag- ing into indrtinite sluice, .-nnl oiu> or two prionsly i- inii-niplalini: going in r,.,. -t in a nruliy IIH<-I of woiiill.-iii.l. It took three hours to mnn I np |..n t of r l>i i .!. Some got away. Rock Mills Hoi n 1 o Mr, and .Win. John Wick i-ii- 1 , Jan. If, a daughter. .Ui'-.s Dora I'edlnr IMS it turned I otne after n month'ii VIMI with fiionds in Tulnlilo, Mr- Kin. Hoy IN home from the \\ist on n viiit. Horn- Jan. 10, lo Mr. n I Mrs. Alex, Eligl -nil, a Scott - - Sharp On WuJncsday, Jnnuaiy T, 1JM4, at, thu 1'iu^byiurian inanxe, , by he K v. O. R. Sontt, \V,-M,.y ,1. Scott of liiimloopH, B. C., son of Thoi. Scott of Mclntyre, to Mary E. Sharp, daughter if MIH. Robt, Sharp', of Oullin^wixxl, Out. The happy eouplo K-li by C. I'. K. for their bomn in Kamloopo, I!. C. SIR JAMES WHITNEY NOW IN TORONTO Sir .l.iiii."- Wliitiu-y WHO brought from New .York to Toi into on Monday by private (.Mr, nnd .it present lies in iho .rnt i J h'i-|'ii il. The (tiitingiiiiihfd pa tient hore the journey well Hiid a|i|n-ii.s liuhtly improved in health. OXEN AS POLICEMEN. I'M nun - Methods of Caring I 'or Span- ish Fighting Dulls. Whatever one's views may ' in regard to bull flghtiDK there IB one feature of the national sport of Spain which Is particularly interest- ing to the visitor and sightseer. The bulls for the arena are usually kept in large paddocks, wild and un- fettered, for, as Sir Albert Hollit, who has visited one of these pad- docks near Seville, says, "The a 1 I- nuils know nothing of ropes or chains (luring lifetime." !t is a dang'-rous business, how- v. r. (,-ntcriiiK these paddocks. Sir Albert stood gom" fifty paces from Hi.' bulls and in his interesting let- ter describing the Kcene, published in Country Life, gays. "VV> entered with our Mvos in our hands." The bulla, hov/over, are kept In order -hy a cordon of tame oxen, which, if a fcull attempts to escape, at once prevents it doing so, acting skillfully and effectively as' a speefes of bovine police. "The night before the spectacle in the bull ring at Se- ville," to quote Sir Albert, "the bulls are driven, still quite at large, by picadors alons the boulevards, inter- inix. i! with the oxen and restrained only by them. On my asking if there must not be danger to the puMic us- ing the boulevard, the reply was that occasionally a bull might hide in the laishes of the central gar.lens and fall Toul of a workman in the morning, but such incidents did not seem to be regarded as matters of much Im- portance compared with the popular- ity of the national amusement. At times many of the aristocracy and others of both sexes ride on horse- back in advance of the bulls, wlilch la regarded as fine, but rather dan- herons sport. "When at or near midnight the bulls thus enter the bull ring, tho scene Is one of gre.' . turmoil, noise and excitement. In rush the driven animals, bulls and oxen, belter skel- ter, a motley crowd of men and beauts, a veritable pandemonium. The last scene is roost interesting of all. Stables with open doors encompass the arena, in front of each of which Is a sliding door and at the back a lighted lantern. These lanterns the bull makes for one after another, smashing them and extinguishing the lights, and as each light Is observed by an attendant to be put out, he slips down the door of the stable and the bull is thus encaged and ready for the Spanish holiday cf the mor- row. Successively the light dls- Vppear. and when all are out and the doors of the stables closed the police oxen are driven out of the bull ring .0 return to their more peaceful pad- docks end to render similar service to other bulls and other devotees of the bull ring." 'iloroforin and Stains. Paint, grease or other stains can be removed from colored garments or from materials the colors of which are not fast by he use of chemically oure chloroform. Take the garment 'nlo the open air ; n.l lay It upon a flat surface with a piece of clean white blotting paper or absorbent cloth under the spot. Then pour on i few drops of the chloroform nnd pass through the stain. Do not rub hard aud be sure the chloroform is chemically pure. The spot will come out readily and without Injury to fabric or color. This treatment has proved efficacious where gasoline, benzine, naphtha and other cleaners have entirely failed. The Sun Frum a liftlloon. At the height of two miles the sun shines with R fierce Intensity un- known below, where the dust and the denier air scatters the rays, which, thin diffused, lose Ibeir Intensity while illumining every nook and cor- ner of our houses. At heights exceed- ing five miles this diffused light Is moetly gone, and the sun shines a glowing ball, sharply outlined in a sky of which the blue Is so dark as to approach blackness. At the outer limits of the atmosphere the sun would appear a brilliant star of mas- sive size among other stars, and if one stepped from its burning rays Into shadow he would enter Egyptian darkness. \VitterliifC the (iarden. If the garden needs water badly (few regularly cultivated ones do) do not sprinkle the surface, as this gen- erally does more harm than good. Take a hoe and open a trench along- side each row or around each hill of plants, pour water therein, and when It has soaked away till up the trench- PS with dry soil. An ordinary sprink- ling of the surface does not reach the roots, and the sun soon evapor- ates the water, bakes a crust on the soil, and the garden consequently Is In worse condition than before. If you must sprinkle, do it thoroughly in thf evening and cultivate the soil the next morning. Steer For a (ioal. Are you just drifting along, or have you a real ambition? The man who works because he must, with no higher purpose than to live from day to day. Is little better than a ma- chine. Work for something beyond your work, If It's only to build a chicken coop or own your own home, and you have become a human be- ing. ' The world has plenty of ma- chines. They all go to the scrap heap. SUIiig I'p the Situation. "So ne.h was untrue to the man the was engaged to?" "Yes. You see, he drinks, smoket and Kamblci." "Oh. I see. She was too good to be true." \ (ioiitlo Hint. "Life at best Is but a gloomy pris- on," aald the moralizing bachelor. "So much the worse for men whc deliberately choose solitary conllno- ment," remarked the girl who had her trap set. The Vote That Counted. "And what was your family's de--l- itont" "Practically unanimous In my fa> or," answered the young lawyer "mother voting aye and father di enting." The foolishness nr Ind matiuretm-iit of the h'liiauwife his imd a i_'n-.it deal to do with the rise in i he cost of living. Aft for invunue, formerly the housewife was con- tent with g<>d old fii.-liione.l o.itiiint! fr Ih-t iimkin;; of the porridge for lu-rself mid family. This oatmeal cost four or h'vo coutu a pound, while tt>-day tho same housewife 'n buying ill iho highf liming; hi<{h pricei! hreakfun foods that H|I can gel huld (rf at 25 ci ntc a pon:>d. Instead of the beys and iils of to-d-iy ca'inu good, licilth f>ivini( mid huii^m- satisfying o <-ioe.il porridge for brcakfat, they are eating a lot of dried up, criap, fl:^, pis teuiif.ed, a'ntied, pi'tiilied, oFsiticd re- mains of onco us: ful. hut now vhl'out either fttrtmRth <>r jmbsUxM, whii-h IMS been bought by tlu-ir mo'.heia at about twenty. live cnnU a pound.- K.\. Flesfrerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LACXDRY Risket close* Monday night, delivery Friday cveni-itj. ULKANINO HiidDYKIXC We are agents fur Purl, -t-'s Dye Work* Ch.thes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHEFf, - PROPRIETOR ECZEMA CAN BE CURED I Will Prove It to You Free You who are suffering the tortures of Eczema. Itcb. Salt Rheum or other ' 5nF KaUMTrei'tmeSwhich hai~iuredhu'ndrSirirhioh I belters will ours I* * *** " "V you. I will send it free, postage paid, without any obligation on your r*-^'' Just ail tbe coupon below and mall It to me, or write me, giving jam name, age i I will send tbe treatment free of cost to you. -~* - I faOd addreifk. <,-.--- mmm*f* - ~CUT AND MAIL TO DAY* J. C. HUTZELL. Druggist. B38 West Main St., Fort Wayn*. Ind. U. S. A. Please senJ without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment. Name. Post Office ... ~ Province. _--..__.-....----- .... -Street and No.. i! II HARDWARE! Christ :im8 has pissed. Another year is u;nm us and now I ask i he oupoitui i y uf wishing the people <>fj Flesherton and BurruundinE com- munity ' h season's ^reetingo. : : : : I a!so tljink thii is an op[x>rtune inainenC tn ftay we will curiy i i stock during I'.H I H. coinplutn line of seasonable IJnrdwaie : : : : : Li.sl week I received a Im-ge consiynnu-nt i( lii^est ^i-a le refined coal oil at 2)c par gillon fur the next :5<) d^y.s ::::::::: Truktini; to s>et a share of yoar busineii this year :::::::: ooo Frank W. Duncan PLUS HELTON, OKT. I! PATTISON & GO'S STOCK TAKING SALE From now til tln> inn of Januaiy for the purp<i8e t-l reilucin^ our atnck of 11 inl'v.i; ,. Grocfiles, Boots and Shoes and clvmint; out all odds and ends in thu Dry Goods Department. Onions S HIM new cook- ing m ions 25c. Raisins & Currants .'! pl(g3 of corD, itarch, m in cc Sugar Kirst grade Si . 1! III-.. S|,UI!-.il This season's Lawrence table on i o n n 15 I Us. for 2."c for 2oc. gra n ula t ed. ! $4l!0_1001bs. Canned Goods Beans r> ll>s for i">c Soaps Second j^rade Beaver gr a n u lated, f4.55 Corn :t IV.. s for TIMH'oe Pumpkin 2."ic Barley r>lh*. for...25c Rice Comfort soap 7 hars for 1','ic Sunlight Soap li hars for 25c. 100 lb. First grade St Law- reuce, yellow t4.2-lO(l lb. ft>00 a case. ti 11 .s. for. .2oc. Royal Yeast Coal Oil Oatmeal Quaker Brand Tea .1 pkj( lOc. Best Orade of K >l'ed 1) a 1 1, Black, trreen or Icing Sugar American (>\\ '.'.40-100 Ihs. mixed, 30c tea 41bn for u'5c 2Ue gal. !> Ibs. fcr. . .25c -7e a Ib. TK15MS CASH ORTRADK. Phone or Mnil Oi-ders drlivere>( during the sale. Keioiiui.ts -D\er 10l at veiyluw piicea. Flesherton Tin Shoi I have .just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickel ware and Agatwaie for domestic nsp. Call on me and got your supplies. Envet roughing, Stovepipes aud Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairiiig of all kiuds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ONTARIO. I i 3

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