Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1914, p. 2

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POST SYSTEM _sr >' ' / Zpnes Local Rates Will Ap- ty niles From Each Post Office A memo rking of tx-011 '. ully orery Question, the ' to admit rcel pott are-a OT*T uiade In r**. wr n*< 00 W)pt Ii,"". inlortMTithe o !on. rt*. wr,> fixed that would to tin doart- from on* nd . -.''1 r or vn c~lo tike eilrm would fee too hiffh d r ' .. rn>^. or even Km ame province. plan appeared to which tlm rate* .to the distance ui be carried. Provincial oundanet Bin font of i.hm.ceofrtLphlcal post- Canada and their *am ei* when , ne prnvlDcea a/c oanaid*r- [ .f- : <l 'h', UK provincial ln mot convenient .. __ ____ of the tone*, and uucntly the rnti wr flied by pro- t TV i n.V - the ey-m a rry rmiwh *:.-r to fellow than nne eyRlem ii :.<( upon nilleafe aJone. 8rot or loci! rate 1* flr* cent* for l.pojjnd and one cent for each ad- ; pound or fraction thereof, up to i 'H'if, and two cnt* for each ub- l pomid up to elTn pound* within ra.llut of twrnty inil<- from tb plare of tmtiUnff, lrr9pK-ti> of provincial boundr:*. Tli 11 to (Iv* local iner- 'hunii n adrantnrp within their own neiclihnrhxod and also farmer* and gar- dener* v )j,- t<an uae the mxll* for tend- ing produce to th<-!r local market at a low rat*. "A I'iri-f of 11 poundfl can h ont 20 mile* for S o*nt a ponnd. a.nd th!0 should ! tire farmer* a d<xided adrantate In marketing cn and ot}ier perishable mat- ter It will alo KIT* a decided advantage to th* Country merchant over th depart- meiitaj rtore*. l'h farmer can *nod on'. c'-od* In parogl* up to 11 poundi to hlfl ctiptunierw i Mirnu a pound while If the a-'iine good* wei* ordered from a depart- mental (tor**. The former can ml out rcrn imim i.-han ,'fi mile* diatant. It would roht about t cents a pound for poatage. { "The next rate la fijpd for the In -whieh an article ie poated. For the flrat pound the rate 1* 10 cent*, and each > additional pound 4 cent*. Th ooit of U*>andlinK a one-pound parcel U ap ! m:it!y tho same a* thai of 2 or J po. and con*eque>atly it wp neoeatary to fix a Tiln.mum rate for the flrat pound con- Laldnrably b4fher than the average rat$. for the additional pouudu Included iu the weifht of a parcel. Method I* Siwiil*. "For an adjacent province the rat of 10 cent* for the flrat pound will apply, but for each additional pound an extra rhargv of 2 cents will be iiupnaed. making the rate 10 cent* for the first pound anu ( cent* for each subsequent pound. Beyond 'lie province adjoining the one In which a ; .tr.'-l ii mailed, an additional 2 cut* a pound will be Impound for each province that ha* to be croaaed /to the daatlnntion of the parcel, up to a maximum charge of 12 cent* a pound. "The method of finding tho rate on any parcel 1* extremely eiiuple. Rate ottrdi will be furnished to all poetmaatera and for dlntrlbutlon to the public, ther* being a aeparale card for eucn province. On th'* card i> given the amount of poDtage chargoablf on any parcel up to a weight of 11 pouud* within the province In which a parcel : po*ted and to all other pro- vince* of the Dominion. "When a. parcel it. mailed the po^tman- T K-ir from the addrms thu prorlnoe to whlnh It has to be carried, and a gla-nce at thl* caM ehow* him. without making any calculation, what the poetagt- wiQ BaiU of Rate*. The flrt rat* l five centH for th firet pound and one ent for e;icli addit;nnl ponnd or fraction thereof up to four poundx, and two cnt< for eiinh BUDKIV quent pound up to 11 poundx. within a radius of 20 mile* from the place of mxll- Ing. Irrespective of provincial boundaries. The next r&to ! fixed for tJie province to where the article* 1* posted. The flnt pound I* to b* t:i oent* and eh addi- tional pound four cent*. For an adjacent province the rate of ten cent* for Urn flnit pound will ap-'y. but for each additional pound on extra charge of two cents will be impo*d. mak- ing the ra.t* ten ccnta for tho flrot pound and hii cents for each eubscquont pound Beyond the province adjoining the one tn which a parcel ii mailed, an additions! two o*nti a pound will be Imvovej for each province that h* to be croeeed to the destination of the parcel, up to a maximum of 12 cent* a pound. MKETINO OF LEGISLATURE. Attornry-Gcnmil to Take Charge, As Sonior of Council. A despatch from Toronto says : The Ontario Legislature will be <a!!ed together on Wednesday, February 18th, instead of on Feb- ruary 17th, as originally intimated. Th official announcement was made by the Government on Wed- nesday. Lat year the House open- ed nearly two weeks earlier. Al- though no official intimation has been given concerning the leader- i4iip .f the HOUM, it is taken for granted that Hon. J. J. Foy, as wninr niniuber of the Executive Council, in th absence of Sir James Whitney, will direct the JAPAN'S NEW ISLAND. Three Milrn I . -I By South of Iwojima l-l.ind. A decnatch from Tokio says : A m>w vo'r-anu: island, fiv miles In circumference and on* thousand feel in height, hag appeared three rnileg east by south of Iwojima Is- land, ou of the Bonin group. ANOTHFJl WBECI. Mlial's the ls<> When There's an Easy \vy Out. 1 1 4* V Alung with live tea and coffee habit li.ss grown the prevalent <lis c-e nervous prostration. The following letter bhows the way out of, the trouble: ''Five years ago 1 waa a great O'ffee drinker, and from its use I I.e-caroe so nervous I could scarcely . ' ' [' at all nights. My condition gn-w worse and wor.se until finally the (ihyiuciari I consulted declared my troubles were due to ooffce. (Tea is just as injurious because it contain-. <affeinp, tho same drug found in i-offoe.) "But bring so wedded to the bev- rrnge I <lwJ u<jt see how I could do without it. especially at breakfast, as that meal seemed incomplete witliou: coffee. ' (hi a visit, my friends deprived me of O'ffexf to prove that it was harmful At the end of about eight tla>s 1 was less nervous but the craving f,,r coffee was intense, so 1 went bark l/o the old habit as soon as I ff' 1 * Koine and the old sleepless night* <am near making a wreck of nie. "I heard of Postnm and decided to try it. I did not like it at first, lid mise, as I afterwards discover- ed, it was not made properly, I found, however, that when iriade after directions on the. package, it was delicious. "It. had a soothing effect on my nerves and noue of tho bad effevts that cofft* had., so I bade farewell ft p-iffee and have used only I'os- n ii since. The most wonderful unt of the benefit to be de- rive/) from PoHtum could not ex- c4-<><l my own experience." Name given by Canadian Postum Co . Windsor, Out. Write for a copy of ''The R<.a<l lo Wellville." I'ostum now comes in two forma: Itcmilnr Prwfum numt be well bulled. In-lain Postum - is a soluble powder. A teaspoonfut dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with rrcam and sugar, makes a de- lici.iiiy hevtragft Intttantly. tin. f.|| hnth kinds. T) ->* '* a RoAsiiir* for Poslum. PRICES OF FARM P8CUUCIS 'ROM THt LCADINO TRAD! CENTRES Of AMERICA. frlctt tl GattU, Criln, Cht*t* ane OHM frttfuc* it Horn* r,o Abr*a* Toronto. Feb. J.- Flour- Ontario wheat Boar, 90 pr ont.. &}.& to U 60. eaboar<l, and t KM. Toronto. Manitoba* Firat patents, lu jute bag". )5.40; do., econd.i, 14.90: fltronf bakent' In jute buga. 14.70. Manitoba wheat -Bay port*. No. 1 Northern. 96 l-2c. and No. t. 94 l-2c; track. Goderioh. All rail. No. t Northern. tl.Ol; No. 2. 1-fc. Ontario wheat -Frir of No. 2 aro 97 to e&o, outeldu. and 91 to 92c on track. To- ronto. OHU No. 2 Ontario oati. J5c, oatilde. and nt 38 to 31 !-" on track. Toronto. Wrtrn Canada oaUl, 40 l-2o for No. 1. and ul 39o for No. 2, li.i v porU. Hi; ; 1- .' 54 to 65c, oula:d. Corn New No. J American. 70c, all rail, Toronto gy No. 2 at U to Wo. ont*id uokwhvat No. 2 at 73 to 75o. onteide. Bran Manitoba bran, 22.50 a ton. in bat'. Toronto freight. HborUi. $24 to $24.50, Toronto. . Country rrodaot. ButterCholo* dairy. 23 to 24c; inferior. 20 to 21; farmere' aeparator print*. iA to !6c; creamery priut*. 30 to 31: (olid), 27 to 29c: storage print. i, 27 to 28c; eolidN, to 26 J-2o. Eggit i '.!>,, lot* of new-laid, 40o pr dni- en; ulnrage, clcct. 36 to 38c. aud itorage, 32 to 34c per doien. C'hece New rhecte. 14 1-2 to 14 3-4o for !.. iu>, and 15c for twin*. Bean* Hand-picked. 12.20 to |!.2i per buihcl; prlmm, $210. Honey Extracted, In tine, 1! to 12o per Ib. for No. 1; coinb, 13 to $3.J5 per doen for No. 1. and $2.40 to $2.50 for No. t. Poultry Fowl, 12 to IJc er Ib.; chick- em. 16 to IB.'; ducka. 13 to 15c; goree. 14 to 15o; turkeyi, 19 to 22o. Potatoe* Ontario, lOc par bag, on track, and Delawarcs at 60 to S5c. on track, lu cur lot*. Provision*. Bacon Loni clear. 15 to Ifa per Ib., In rae lota Pork Hhort <-nt, (2850-. do., nir*n. 124.50. llama Medium to light. 11 to 18 l-2e; linavy, 17 to 17 1-Zc; rollB. 15 to IS l-2c; breakfaat bacon. 18 to IV, l.a. kn, 22 to 24c. I.ard Tierces, 14 l-4c; tubs. 14 l-2c; palls. 14 J-4o. Baled Hay and Straw. Balod hay No. 1 quotd at' $14.50 to $15 a ton, on track here; No. 2 quoted at $13 to $13.60, and miied at $12 to $12.50. Baled straw i.'ax lota. $8.50 to $8.75. on track, Toronto. Winnipeg- Grain. Winnipeg, Feb. 3. Tawli: -Wheat, No. 1 Northern, 866-8c; No. 2 Northern. 84 7 80; No. 3 Northern, 82 7-8: No. 4, 77 l-4c; No. 6, 70 !.',; No. 6. 65 1 :i .< . No. 1 rele<-t<xl reds. 81 l-2c; No. 2 rejected deeds. 79 l-2o; No. 3 rejected seeds. 77 l-2<^ No. 1 nmutty, 1 1 2c; No. 2 emutty. 79 1-Zi-; No. 3 imutty. 77 l-Zc: No. 1 red Winter. 86 5-8c; No. S red Winter, $4 7-8o; No. 3 red Winter. 82 7-8c. Oat i. No. 1 C.W.. 33 3-8c: No. J C.W., 32: extra No. 1 feed. 32 l-4c; No. 1 feed, il 3-4<ii No. 2 feed. Jlo Barley, No. 3. 41 3-4o; No. 4, 40 l-4o: rejected, 38 1-V; feod. 38o. Klnx, No. 1 N.W.O. $1.27 1-4; No. 2 C. W.. $1.24 1-4; No. J C.W . $1.11 1-2 United Stattl Market. Minneapolis Feb. 3. Wheat, 89 18 to 89 1 4c; July, 90 3-4 to 90 7-8c atked. Cah: No. 1 hard. 91 3-8 to 91 6-8c; No. 1 Northern, 88 1-8 lo 90 3-8o; No. 2 Northern. 85 1-8 to 87 5-8c. Corn, No. 3 yellow, 58 to 58 l-4o. Corn, No. S yellow. BS to 68 l-4c. Oats, No. S while. >g 1-2 to 3 S-4o. Duluth, Feb. 3. Wheat. No. 1 hard, 80c; No. 1 Northern. S8c; No. 2 North- ern. 8c; May. SO to 80 l-8c; July, 81 Mo, I.lnseod. ranh, $1.60 1-8; May, $1.63 1-8; July. ll.CB 1-$. UT Btook M.ik.t.. Toronto, Feb. 8. Cattle <Jood but- chers, $$ to ft. 25: medium, $7 to $7.10; common, $6 to $8.26; choice cowa, $6.50 to If. 76! good, $8 to $8.26; medium, $550 to $6.75; common, $4. DO; cuttei'H ami cannerg, $8.2B to $7; choln bulls, >7 to $7.26: good. $6 to $6.80; common. $6 to $6.76. Ktnokerc and fad*m Steers, choice, J7 to $7.35; good, $8. SO to ff; ilglii, j:i i,i. to 15.25; milker* and pritiirari, up to $so. Hheep and lambs Mglit ewen. $.BO to $.76; hea\y, |3 tn II.lBr; H|irliiK lanihs. $ti.80 to $050; bucks. $3 to $8.10, with 76o off. ITin 19.15 to $0.40. red and watered; $8.80 to It, f.o.b.; $0.25 to $.60 off car*. Calv Hood veal, $8.75 to $11; common, $6 to $5. HO. Montreal. Keb. 8. Prim* beeves. 7 $-4 lo 8 i v. . medium, S S-4 to T 1-Jo: rom- inoii, 4 to 6 l-2r; milch cowa, $40 to $7Ti encli. I'alveH, 4 1-3 to 7i % ; aheap, WHY KEEP ON COUGHING ? Hera It A Remedj That Will Shp Do you realize tho danger la ft neglected cough ? Then why don't you get rid of It? Yes, you c*n shake It off, even though it hms stuck to vorrtui a long time, If you RO about it right. Keep out in the fresh air as much as you can, build up yonr strength with plenty of wholesome food, and take Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Unseed, Licorice ami Chlorodyne. -i'liis reliable household remedy lias broken up thousands of hacking, per- sistent conghfi, which were just as -troublesome as yours, and what it has done forsomanyothersitwilldoforyou. . Na-Dru-Co Syrnp of Linseed, Licorice- and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no [ harmful drugs, and so can be given ; safely to children, as well as adults. Y-iiii physician or druggist can confirm this statement, for we are readv to send tnem on request a complete list of all the ingredients. , Put up in 250. and 500. bottles by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 31 f COLLISION AT SEA. .Nineteen Passengers and 22 of the Crew Drowned. A despatch from Norfolk, Virgin ia, says : The most shocking trn gedy in the history o f the Atlantic coastwise trade waa enacted off Hog Island, 60 miles- north -east of Cape Charles, Va. . in the early hours of Friday. Nineteen passen- gers and 22 members of the crew of the 4.700-ton passenger ship Mon- roe, of the 013 Dominion Steam- ship Company, lost their lives when the Monroe was .rammed in the dense sea fog by the steamer Nan- tucket, of the Merchants and Min- ers Transportation Company. Tho Monroe, rent from her stem clear to her engine-room, filled ajid sank within ten minutes of the collision. ahoiit 6 liout lOc. ap, l.unlrv about 8c; hoga, IDE HEWS in nmnn UAI'F .MXKS FROM ALL OVEB till: M oi!i: IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, thr Empire and tht World lo (ienoral Keforo Tour Kycs. Canada. Middlesex county council may de- cide on an industrial farm. The Nyberg Auto Co. will locate! at Berlin and employ 200 hands. j Fenian Raid bounties paid total $1,585,600, being 58 per cent, above estimates. The Federal Government's adver- tising and printing bill for the past year was moro than $1,400,000. Owing to the campaign that has bren carried on by a lady Dominion customs officer against smuggling, the stores of Port Huron, Mich., have docided to stop advertising in the Harnia papers until the special officer goes to other points. It is reported that the majority of the municipalities of Quebec and of its representatives in Parlia- ment, as well as the Chambers of Commerce and labor unions, are giving their support to the Cham- ber of Commerce of Montreal in its demand for the immediate con- struction of th Georgian Bay Ca- nal. Great Britain. London's strike of coaJ porters has collapsed. Th London Times announces that Sir Lionel Garden, British Minister to Mexico, will shortly re- turn to England on leave to report to the Government upon the out- look in Mexico. Tnitcd An antidote for bi-chloride of mercury poisoning is said to have been discovered by a Chicago phy- sician. Gennrnl. Gen. Villa has repeated his pledges of loyalty to Gc-n. C'arran- za, head of the Mexican rebels. REDl CINfi OUTFIT. Pennsylvania Coal Minr* Arc Shut- ting Down. A despatch from Philadelphia says : Because of tho unusually mild weather, some of tho anthra- cite coal producing companies are greatly reducing their output. Tho Reading Company's collieries, em- ploying 30,000 men, closed down on Wednesday night for the remainder of the week. On Thursday the col- lieries of tho Susquehanna Coal Company, a Pennsylvania Railway corporation, suspended operations until Monday. Miners say they cannot recall such long continued mild weather at this season of the year. CONSTABLE REID SKNTKXCED. O(s Seven Years |or Allowing Pri- soner to Escape. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Ex-Constable Robert J. Reid, one of Krafchcnko's guards, and self- confessed participant in the plot which effected Krafchenko's escape, appeared before Sir Hugh John Maodonald, police magistrate, on Thursday morning, and was een- tenced to seven years in the peni- tentiary. MINING CENTRE BURNED. Tuxrda Island, British Columbia, Short of Provisional. A despatch from Vancouver says: Vananda, the busy mining centre of Tuxeda Island, was swept by a dis- astrous fire on Tuesday night, and a lack of provisions in the camp will mean that some temporary suf- fering must exist until a boat ar- rives from Vancouver with a fresh supply. The flames broke out in Deighton's store, and within a short time the conflagration had spread and consumed the general store, post-office, telegraph offices and Customs, as well as Kirkn-ess' drug store and pool-room. Dyna- mite was used effectively on the Miners' Union Hall to keep the flames from spreading to the hotel. Very little was saved from the path of the flames. Why present an old appear- ance before your time ? LUBYS HAIR RE8TORIR Your Gray H*ir can be rt- stored to its Natural Color. THOUUHDi NATI At all Druccl SOo. Bot. Liquid Couli Mixtures Can't Cure Bronchitis But the Healing Fumes of Catarrh- ozone, Which are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tubes, Bring Quick Relief and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and chest ailments needs a soothing, healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing organs In the chest and lungs, attacks the trouble at the source, disperses the germs of dis- ease, aud cures tha ailment thorough- ly. And this medicine Is "Catarrh- ozone." The germ-killing balsamic vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the bron- chial tubea, and finally reaches the deepest air cells In the lungs. All parts arn soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essencos, whereas with a syrup the affected parts could not be reached, and harm would result through beuumblng the stomach with drugs. "I have been chronic sufferer from Catarrh In the nose and throat for over eight years. I think I have spent four hundred dollars trying to get relief. I have spent but six dol- lars on Catarrhozone, and have been completely cured, and. In fact, have been well for some time. Ca- tarrhozone Is the only medicine I have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief, but will always cure permanently. Yours sin- cerely (Signed), WILLIAM RAOAN, Brockvllle, Out." For absolute, permanent cure use C'atarrhozone. Two months' outfit coats $1.00; smaller size, 50c., at all dealers, or The Oatarrhozone Com- pany, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. CHINESE BANDITS. Virtually Burned the Entire City nl Lilian Chow. A despatch from Shanghai, C'hina, says : A force of 2,000 ban- dits on Thursday sacked and burn- ed virtually the entire city of Liuan Chow, in Ngan-Hwei Province. W. Entwhistle, of the C'hina Inland Mission, with his wife and children, succeeded in escaping to Luchow- Fu, but the Catholic missionaries are still in the looted city, and it is believed they have not been in- jured. The brigands apparently arc connected with the bands com- manded by "White Wolf," who have for a considerable time been ravaging the eastern part of Honan Province. Wanted. Wanted. Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by gradua- tion. Unusual variety of experi- ence. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed. Finest contagious disease building in the State. Chil- dren's Ward and Maternity De- partment. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from timo of acceptance. Address MiKs Frederika K. Qaiser, Princi- pal. TWENTY GYPSIES POISONED. Ate Moat lulriiilcil to Catch Wolrca In Northern Spain. A despatch received at Madrid on Saturday from the Town of Bocerrea, in Lugo Province, says that 20 gypsies have died in horri- ble agony as Ilio- result of eating poisoned meat which was into>idfd for w<vlve that infest the district. READ THE L FOH THE PROTECTION OF TMC COH AUMEH THE 4NOHEDIENT8 ARE PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL. IT 18 THE ONLY WELL-KNOWN MCD-IUM- PRICEO BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN ALUM AND WHICH HAS ALL THE INGREDIENTS PLAINLY STATED ON THE LABEL. MAGIC BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM ALUM IS SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS SUL- PHATE OF ALUMINA OR SODIC ALUMINIC SULPHATE. THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT *C MISLED BY THESE TECHNICAL NAMES. . W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL THE FEDERAL ESTIMATES "- ~ * Grand Total for the Year 1914-15, as Tabled in the House on Thursday, is $190,735,176 A despatch from Ottawa says: A redaction of almost $12,000.000 as compared with the expenditures authorized for last year is the con- spicuous feature of the main esti- mates for the fiscal year 1914-13 which were tabled in the House on Thursday evening. The grand total is $190,735,176.42, a* compared with $202,656,166.59 last year. Of this total $146,786,124.42 is on consoli- dated account and $43,949,050 is chargeable to capital. The largest decrease, that of $3,703,702.48, is under the head of public works chargeable to income. There is a decrease of $150,000 in the Naval Service appropriations, another of $138,750 under railways and canals (income), $114,244.10 under miscel- laneous, and a decrease of $71,905 uuder militia. Large Incroaaoa. f Th largest increases are $1,- 266,800 under agriculture, $1.911,- 84X).75 under post-office, $250,958.22 in provincial subsides, $383,550 under immigration, $405,533.33 un- der trade and commerce, $745,570 under railways, $584,041.57 in civil government and $1,738,013.32 on account of public debt, including sinking fund. During th fiscal year ending March 31 last th total authorized expenditure was $184,196,317. but of this amount nearly $40,000,000 was left unexpended. During the year which close* March 31 next the expenditures on larga national undertakings and in cojiwction with investments has been very heavy. In thp Agriculture Department the detailed votes include: $770,000 for experimental farms, an increase of $11C,000; for the enforcement of th* Destructive Insect Act. $50,- 000 : development of dairy and fruit industries, $225,000; cold storage encouragement, $200,000; health of animals, $500,000 ; administration of Meat and Canned 'Food Act; $240,000; development of the liv*; stock industry, $400,000, an in- crease of $200,000. Under th Agricultural Instruc- tion Act the provincial votes are : Ontario $230,868. si Quebec 187, 409. l\ Nova Scotia 61,144.45^ New Brunswick 49,407.20' Prince Edward Island . 27,832.81' British Columbia 52,799. 3 Manitoba CS.076.45. Saskatchewan 61,152.31. Alberta 51,bl0.41 Veterinary colleges 20,000.00' Total $800,000.00 The Railway Department esti- mates include :-- New terminals at Halifax, $2,500,000; wharfs and docks, Halifax, $160,000; installa- tion of block and telephone sys- tems, $164,000; new car ferry and dock *t'Port Milgrace, $458,000; new rolling stock, $1,000,000; east-i ern extension in Halifax County,! $850,000. For the Hudson Bay Railway, terrninals and elevators, the vote ia ( $4,500,000; for the National Trans- continental, $8,000,000; Quebec! Bridge, $3,000,000; Welland Canal, $4,000,000; Lachine Canal improve- ments, $215,000; Trent Canal, $l,-\ 000,000. Public Works estimates include the following capital expenditures! for the continuance of works a! - ready ia progress on harbors and rivers: Toronto Jiarbor, $1,000,000; French River improvements, $500,- 000; St. John harbor, $3,000,000, and a million each for works ab Victoria, Vancouver, Quebec and Port Arthur and Fort William. Public buildings votes are largely for the smaller class structures,, and practically all re-votes for the continuance of works already in progress. MAGAZINE EXIM.ODED. Italian Soldiers Killed and Serious* 1; Wounded. A despatch from Genoa, Italy, says: A powder magazine of the nearby fortifications exploded on Wednesday. Five soldiers and one civilian were killed and nine others Trere seriously wounded. Hamilton Police Commissioners granted increases of pay to the* force. 7/ INVESTMENT High Class Profit-Sharing Bonds. Serles-SIOO. *SOO. Si ooo INVESTMENT may bo withdrawn any time after one year on 60 day* notice. Bu*ine at, back of these Bonda estab- lished 28 year*. Send for special folder and full particular*. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING TORONTO, CANADA E Camphor chapped hand* and lip, similar irritation of the tkin. hat soothing, emollient prop- ifeelf. d women in particular find a comfort U saves the effects of wind and coW* do Camphor m the unol Pal p In drug |UU anj wktiir*. 1m "ai.hn. C BROUGH MFC. CO.

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