Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1914, p. 4

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February 12 1014 THE J- L E S H E & f N ADVANCE TTH ton ptibliihe<i every at tir offici), CuiliDRwixKl Street, Siiliifri|pti"ni price tlpvr annum, i pai.l in advance ;9l.5J tu-n not go |>i(i ling :''(< on application. Circulation 1,100 wi-eklv. 1Miiu-bU>u- Editor Snerton odist Church ames Dudgeon, p*tc>r. ,1-iv, " p. m , The Auxiliary of |f. S. will meet. Prayer Meeting. It 8 p.m. Mis 1 1 *i-. wi'.l meet ftrs of the choir for practice. Sunduy . 10.:t . in. Conferen. for TRII workers. 'in Pastor will preach. Piaster will preach. Srorth IA-I-U Monday evening 8 Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pastor. Sunday Schoxil 10 a. m . Service a 11 a. 10. some of these rive- aid ten-thoui-aiid- Inl'ar-salaried ye tlemi-n w uld throw ip I hen present incoiiies and get buck o i li.- i.ui I and i i:s.- SMII-.I i IMIIJ bi sides heir taUiios where llie inconid would c-uunted in htindred.s instead uf thuu- dH, it would make a va>t diflT<-ie"ce in the cn.st of living. PARASITES "Big tleaN have liule fleas U[H>II their bickk to bite Vm, And there floas haie other II, - and EI> ad intiiiiti-in .' Turouto has this winter thousands ol unemployed, ho are all looking lor chari'y and receiving it. Some of it is genuine and some of it is spurious. One Xtmtleiuui aid t > the Advance the uther day. "Toronto prides itself on iti won- derful growth, but hen yu lake intd oinsideratioii the poverty and number ol indigents ai- announced, it -i-.il- to nit the city bis nothing to blow about.' Wrl'. that is oi.c wny to li>ok at it. li ia a fact, howfvrr.that a lar^u percentai^i '! the idvi-rtised poveity is only i<iake believe. It ii said by nn-u aim know thm very many, who ni<ght with perfect truth be culled parasite*, work out dui- iii! tin- suiiinier, place their - i\.ii'_'-- in a -bank aiiJ x'> to the city for the winter, when- they arn turn to be frd at least. Tbt-ir moiiuy ii nheic it onnot be dis- i :i-, i-i-od nr ^ot at, and they niu-l mil be allowed to starve l.y the waim-Lt'iirli d citix;iiM i if our big city. , Thin. of all pra- Ken, is the mo.sl diflicult with nliirh In deal. Il is so dillicu't to di.stin.^nisli t' e jenuii.u fiom the ipurioill I-BM-H uf win I. It is a |n iblcm that all la>ge i-iiii-s h;.vi- In c.iil > 'i 1 with. We all kii'iw ho- to contend with \er- mill mi the f.inn, ami a lint- t' ' li <n!> is about ull tint in ri'i]iiirtd in the I)OHIL-S- lic ciicle, with an occaaioniil IHIX of n-d piet-ip t it<- iiintmen', but these wi-ipons uf defcnej do not opernti- siti-if u-'i'i-ily if |!|>Urd to the ^unus limno uliun bo t.kkts it into hit head to emultte the. vermin in what IK gi-m-niHy consijen-d the lower ype of lif,'. \\lK-nthinocJursit i-t vxlre:iiu'y hard to penetrate hem-nil the exterior and' ditiCuVi-r wh.-ther his mutivi-i arc tllnie of the con^tienlioiis poor or the wiles of a fakir. TvTduto bal parasites, and pliiilyof them, bu 1 if cannot be actually i-aid that it i.s to her discredit. The wisent niuong us are not mind readers. We have not reached that Klageof mtnUl develnpm-.-nt, and until we do so the paraxite will con- tinue t-t bi'o *nd fatten off the body cor- porate with little fear of extermination. And n li-.t is ii u of Tiiriint i is also true of every cmmunity. The human pirn- oite n n\ Is and creeps wherever mankind coni(ieg.ktea. In .nall communities like our own he ia not go difficult to ..detect and he puts in a precarious existence, but he has o en known I > exist evon hen-. A Plucky Arrest High Constable Ward had an experi- ence this week when nricfcting A. We-itb- eihead, of Cape Chin. \\ .- .ili,-ili-,nl in I h s wife htvu evidently not cot along well together for years and be has been lull in.; the 1'n/..- pretty hard lately, His wife found life with him net iu- He itte-ii|iteil tn choke her. then l-wim; a pipe, which he valued very highly he i lin- iteiu-'l in kill her, if she could net find it. Accordingly ahe and her family left him and came down lo Liont Head, and mi i;ir it ibe Crown Attorney, who immediately .tdvited tlu Constable to ku an arrest. Hut arresting Weather- head is .11)0! lr-r matter. He e ; ghs about 245 poiim U,is as stmng at> Samson, and when Ward got to his house he was grinding an axe. nnd tuld him that he knew what hu wan after -HI. I ordered him oH' liis prn|Mtrty. "No" Mtid Wald, You do not know what 1 want, I am i-.il'l. let UK go to 'la- li. a v HO I r.in %ft warm, for Ward winted lo get him icway from the axe bin when he gut to ilie kitchen lie siw a doubtc barreled shot-gun lunging to the wall, and u butcher knife on the table, solheCon- Kt;tble .1 -i i i, il to do his business .,i;i. kly He told him that he li.id a warrant foi hia nrrest nnd gave the leitoii, ohich r in -nl some language tb.,t would lol look well in prill', and the Constable was toll lo uet to a warmer climate. Ward grabbed liis m.-ui by the arm, and his assistant caught hold of ihe other should- er, but both of them would soon have b .-en like cli.-iff in n gnle of wind bail not Ward ih nt n his .stick, :il:\ - carried in hit Irp poL-kel, ii.il given him a tilow on his ami. At tb-it moment the him! man i emu- ii and int-hed to the reictic. where- U| o i the Constable die* hia revolve-, ai.d \Y,-;itherlied seeing it was a ca?e of , Honor Rolls ni I'.. iriiin.ilii.il 8t-ho I ivpolt For .lanimiy liHI!. Science- Form ii (,t. Kaittinsj 8"), M. Murphy u"J, A. Wright 00, U. Sayn-s !{. E Spencer :<L'. Form 1 T. HpotVord ( 42, U. Fenwick 'M. Latin Fui in 2 A. Wright 51, E. Spencer .">1, M. Mm |i!iy 50, (J. K-utt ini;, 41, K. Sayoi-N :57. Forai 1 H. Fenwiok 64, T. Spotford 52. Algebra Foim 2- Q. KaittinR 8:', A. Wriuht C7, K. Spencer 63, M. Murpl.y 45, 11. Sayerrt 30. Form 1 H. Fenwick 41, T. Spoflbrd 2. Grammar Form 2 M. Murphy 88, y. Kititiing 84, A. Wright 8,'J. E. Spen- cer tiT, It. Sayers, 54. Foim 1 T. Spott'ord, o!t, H. Fenwick 54 . Ft-vrrihain 1'ublic School report, for J.-tnu uy I'.'l.: Sr. 4 Viv.-i Sputicer, Eva Aruott.May Colquetti-. Jr. 4 Hvta Weldi-ick, Emily Fen wick, !(en i Leech. Sr. 3 John Kngludi, Annie Clinton, Angim English, Nellie Spencer. Jr. 3 Olive Clin'on, Mary Julian, Rosie Hrisckenbury. Jr. Lena Moore. Tt-rranci- Moorp, William TylJr, Alico Arnott. Average attendance U2, M. MacFarland. Rep >rt of S. S. No. :! Artemesia for January, Class 4 Hnby CVwell. Clarence Orr, Willie Irwin, F,lijh Benthim (absent) Sr. 3 -Rhoda Beit, Willie Orr. Jr. 3 Mildred Sharp, Susie Chard. Sr. 2 -Mildred C^swell^Fred Irwin. Jr. -'- -IiU lliven, Ai'ele Ihven and Gcorsje Akins (e.|iml), MildredJMroie, G irdmi Irwin (absent). Class 1 Margaret Moore. Tiimary - Wesley Whi'u lleiiorl. for Iiinuary S. 8. No. Arteine.sia. Sr. 4-M. Nichol'K, L. Sicholls, E. husineMi, to'd \\ aril h.i w -uld uu peace- fui:>. llew.H tn.ugl.t bef-,,e Pl)lice S.CN ens. Mabel N,, bolls, \\ . Nicholls. Ma-ji.-tile Miller Tuesday morning and i Jr. 4 1 Siii.non, K. SieveiiH. L. Lock lined $10 ami C'.tts for attempting lo j h". vv - Heard, L. Love, R. Acheson, choke bis wife, and allowed iiiiii out on ', V\ . Nicholls. fcl.lMHt I. ml until lie nppearn -n the other : .", - K. Slintnn S. Ludlow.O. Lockhart, j of Ihrentoiiii'g her 1 fe. In Ilia j (}. S insoii H. Stevens, W. Nixon, _!'. were three i fmir but tie* of lii|iior, . Seott. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Overcoats Reduced ~~ 20Per. Cent This Week To move out the balance of our Overcoat stock quickly we offer a reduction of 20 per cent from our Regular prices which we marked in plain figures. The Garments are All new and Include Overcoats with shawl collars Overcoats with belts Overcoats with Convertible collars Overcoats with velvet collars Overcoats with fur collars All Sizes From 32 to 44 ALL THE NEW SEASON'S CLOTHS ARE REPRE- SENTED IN THE LOT. BULL I : OR SERVICE The thorougliln-e.l shorthorn bull Field Mar-hall '""''''I - wl11 llc for senice on lot I7<i. I' S. K. Attcmem. Terms fcl. Aug -'A.*. STIXSON, Prop. I !.i-h (' i he gets .tn Kchn. by tll'i r lie. \Vinrti>ll Entrance Exam. Superseded Thai tile Inn lionnred " Knlrancc i-\- aiuinatii'ii " IN to loso pail "f iis sgniti- ance is in-lic-il il by tit- aiiiioiincemeiil y Dr. L. K. Kmbiie, ehainnan of the NOTES The GloUo announces that "one tenth of the city's population wa f haled to court I i~i year." No thfi~~c iuiilry cousina me wondering if any among ihnir oily relatiom (who Com about half of Toronto' population) a ere among tht "submerged tenth." o o o An Owen Soond butcher hop wan H>urUrir.ed of about eight dollara'^wnrtli of beef. The ihief managed*lho trick in 'lu.i way : Laying hit cip over the mall pi.n-.i- of meat, while the butcher's face wax turned, the thiuf ran a hat pio through it. When ha picked up the cap vrfoourMithe meat adhered. The pro prietor did not nclica hii lorn until I'e wept up .-ii night^and weighed Tup" h r s ftweei/mys preptratory to placing thrni in the safo. XXX !/ j i-i.-., doctor* and legi.sluV>r are now enteiiny upon a propaganda of ml- vine. It 18, "Get back to the limd and raise something." This would be Mi ioliitimi to* a vexnd <|iii!Mlin wla make* living n costly 1 Tho mlvion I'H Kouiiil. Hut say, we would lil! to MT folks practice what tliHy preach. If Sr. 2 Frank Nicholls. Jr. 2 ]'.. Siinson, M. Nic-hol'.s, Acheson. A Little, L. Nieholls, I--I). Steven", V. Moore, 1!. Heaul. U-.l. I'.ilg.-ron-. Ii. L. 1'.. Wa.k.r. T.-acher. (ills ill le iioceptrd in higli schools', merely upon the presentation i.f c-ertiti- iti-s fi'i'in tin- principal! if t !i IMIMII- a> il innm.il in b-l |I.,M- wlin Mill wih In wiit,- s prey. till Class - Li//.ie Miupliy 7.''. school.-'. ! M " r l'y "'". J""i's MnrpI'V. il,,. ,.,,|. !!.il i"aK Loroe Wright 08, Adi-line elimination may do so. Dr. -Jnd Ulas Sr. - M.-inrici- \Vrij;ht{.-ilmeiil ) hai raulo ilia following i tat etnent | L'ml Cl INS .Ir. I. ila' Smith H4, Klda rt-gitrdini; the clun^ . S-ijrrs (abst-nl). " Tla- high Hchod niUMiici- Nurd of First I'hs.s Sr. Fn-uiii- Heatly 7.", examiners h.ivi- decided I., necept tor ihe ' ll > 1 ' 11 Murphy 5fi- yrar 1IM4 ceriiticntc of the principals of First Class Jr. Jack Hraekonbury S7, tlu; pulilicand xepnrnte tchooU and of WflliB Wright 82, Milton Roberts 72. |iiin ip.il <>f III- noinml lomle! I'.-bool i Primer rluss for admission into the lii^b schools. This .in of admitting pupils is iillowed by the regulations of the Department of Ed- ucation as an ilternntivu to the high school entrance examination, which is held in June of oacli year. The adoption of the system of ac- i-e|itti)j? ceniticates does not entirely elim- j .lohnny Heaiiy 82. -Gortrude Mott'it, Tcucht" if Kuyi-nia Scln Report 1HU. Sr. 4 \\. Liliini-r. C. I '.irk, kins. Jr. 4 W. McMnsier, \V. Armstrong, for January K.. Haw- YOU ARE THROWING MONEY AWM every day yon continue to skim the Cretan from your milk liy using the old ri-.ivily setlino; motlunl ! You ciuvt get ull the butter fat and if you don't get all the tuittcr fat, you arc not getting nil the profit there is in (let a Dairymaid Cream Harvester; try it for a month, :iiul it will save you both time and money. jf*'+ - It gets nil the Imtter fat from the milk, and it will save enough to pay for itself in less than a year. Call and let us explain why it is to your advantage to use a Cream Harvester and the Dairymaid in particular. This machine has many advantages which other machine* do not have. You want the best Cream Se\x\rator there is oil the market, and you will get it if you come to us and buy the Dairymaid. x ^av" ^ " If you are not ready to buy, call anyway, and we will at least spend a pleasant half hour together. inutu thit entrance examination, which may si ill be held a- a test for the ndiuis- ' NNulker - HJOII of caiididiites from any of the above | Sr. :t- M. I'ark, N. William*, K. Pur- imiued ,l.i -' - of sclionls tlit may not accept tlits 8yaie.ii, and "f ciudidart-K who are not pupiU of tho SC!IWI!H." vis. -U. I'. llaney.M. llaney.Ci. Wilaor. Mi-Mosler, L. VVeher, M. Dor' Mullcal Rebus. Gustavo Dore, iJia famous painter and engraver, on< > bought B vllln on the outskirts of P-irls nnd wrote over the entrance tbl.s ninslcol rebua, Do, ml, el. la, do, re. This, properly inter- preted, b "DoniMIe a Dore," or In plain English "Ho ne of Dore." The Last Wordr "Your wife Ilkejpthe last word doesn't she?" /'I don't think so," answered Mr Meeklon. "Anyway, she's mighty r$ luctant about reaching it." Burn Them. Qarbage and love letters should b< burned before they create trouble 60 YllAltr EXPERIENCE A. P. .11,11. Ft. Ln.tmi, E. Sr. 1 McKee. .Ii. 1 () WtlllanM, R H. Williams, C. Williams. A. Attontlanco -Jl M. G. McMullen . lilli III '. RADC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. n rmirtlng a .'..<! r'i and rionrlnllnn m>? iKi-ortaln nr oplnlnii fr whi-llinr lU)i"'i>lr'l"llj 1 r'< r >nl)< l |''''' l 'l'' < H'AHOBOOK imflnu ent fn'ft. olilotil Hf/iMK y f:>r Btu'urlug pmlnnu. l-iili'iiin liiken tl.muuh Minni A I u. rciy tjin hil iixtlre, wllbuiit ctiirce. In tlio Scientific JUnericatt okly. Ijirgeat ulr- inial. Tumi* (or in i l..-ilil. Huld by illCo.w""-^' New York m ft-vit. rguww JSJS,Wf* A To onto pawnbrokw bought a wnlle' co:i<ii'iiing I, in ten-doll >r bills for twenty-tivn cents. , IHE 111 IHS. I Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to 86 ItkU 33 to J3 Peas 1 12 to 1 12 Bui ley 56 to 56 Buy 12 00 to 12 00 Duttur 22 '.c 22 Ku, fresh 32 t 32 I Polatoea per bag In to 75 jOcese 12 to 13 i Ducks 15 .o 15 , Fowl II to 13 I Chickens l.'i 10 10 TurKeys 18 to 21 You Ever Sleep? If vou do )(ti will lie wise to; pay attonridii. 1 am at the present time muking B Spoeially of Iron IJeds. '1,'lic original of tL picture given at the lica-1 ol; this udvertiiu-tiioiitjwill only c-j-^t yon $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and c -jinfortable on which to lay your wenry head. ()f course we liavu other hcds at other! prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds fiich ns everybody! wants. Kuril)!*!* and Mattresses to! (it, all In I. . Examine our stock any- , __ way, before pttrebaa&g your sleep | inducera. W. H. BUNTiR. J. COLQUETTE FLESHERTON, ONT. Feverstan7 , Ont . for the Cockshuit I'low Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. Wagons, ButJg't'*. Cu'ti-is, Sleighs, and Gasoline l.njin. Meloitu Cream Supnraloi.s, Bilker Wind Mills. Puuips, I'iping and I'ipe Fittinys always oh bund. Bealty Urns', of Kergus, Burn Tracks, Litter Carricre and stulilu lit Units. Cockslur t and Frost & Wood Kepairx always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fcwcrsbam, Ontario. " Looking back* I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of .'Satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. Hemphill Agent, Ceylon, Tamworths for Sale Uo'.h se\ neatly ready for bree<liU(.'. Hrioi light lor quick salt*. UKO. \V. llU.-iS. Maxwell P. O Sheep Came I'.si ray *"~ ~~ i '.-mil- .n thn ( ii-inisi s uf the nnder- HiuiuJ, lot l.'l, con. Jl, Ofpi-fi, about .Nn. lat, HIM- s'niep. The ownttr i- .11 luiva SHIM.' f.y paying oxponsc . -mil prov- iiv,' property. Fl,,! Ilille Fevershum, Feb. Ii, I!>U. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH iWU-e Hii.l U.-si.lune. 4B8. 9th St. East, Owen Semi d, O-it. Hours ! to 12 ii.ut., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m, to 8 p.m. Oilier hnuix by appointment Winter Tvrin from Januaiy oih t COLLINGWOOO BUSINESS COLLEGE Attend this big, Successful School of bu^incKg Iruiiii ? nn(l let us belli you into Hi'ino'hing wo.tli while. Fr.'i> i-atalogue on Kiri-r ivny time. T. E, Hawkins. Principal Ontniio. Good Salesman Wanted ! Foi every town and district where we tire not represented, l-'rui;s are bringing high prices, anil Nursery St' ck is iu demand. Make big money thiti Full and Winter by tukingan agency. K\]iL'i-ience not noces.sniy. Free rnuip- iiii-nt. Excluiive territory. tlighest Commisaiorb paid. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington Font hill Nurseries TORONTO, - - ONT 1 March 11 Bull for Service Thorouiihba-il American breJ llei-o ford bull lor servicf on lot 161, 2nJ W. T. and S. U., Arteni.:si. Terms $1.00 cash . -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. ANADIAN PACIFIC WINTER TOURS -T(K_ California and the South Ketui-n Tlokelx At low Farea THE "LOGICAL ROUTE" TO WESTERN CANADA FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Tc/ onto 7O.2O p.m. daily Compartment Ijibriy O^wrvatioo Cur, Stindnrd S'eeoii g Jr, Tourist Sleeping Oars, Dining Cr, F.r.t Class 3ocho and Colonist Cms. Prticiilats rcRaiding KAIL or OCKAtf tickets from ny Canadian Pucific Agent or write. M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., C.P.Ry..Toro- to. S. RAND.AGENT CEYLON. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The umlorHijiH'il luive H puro bred Uerefnid lin',1 fi.r xei vice on lot 171. 3rd W.T.S.R., Ai-ieuu-MH. TerniH f:5fi>r pine bicila. il.50 fur Krailes. All cows K.-ivod mnsi lio n.-iid tor. T. & .1. WATSON. I ""ii 14

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