Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PBI5CIPLBb NOT MEN.' VOL 3:5 No. 31 Fleah.erton, Ont., Thursday February 19, 1914 W. H. THUBSTON tad He Was Watched And Addressed On Thursdry evening of last week about sixty citizens of Flesberton visited the beautiful home of .Mr. Geo. Mitchell in town to do honor tt> one of our former citizens, Mr. John Boyd, now of Mark- dale. Mr. Boyd wa* p esented with an address accompanied b> a handsome solid told watch suitably inscribed, by the citi- zen*, as a farewell recognition of his val- uable set vices while l.ving here. Mr. Mitchell acted M Mist f of ceremonies and called on Mr. R. G. Holland n. ivad the following address : Mr JODH Botd. Dear Sir. It U needlM to say your removal from Fleihert on has been deep'y regretted by your numerous friends, who have felt it to be a great lost lo the vil- lage. The responsible position of truat in which you were placed by your fellow citrons were unmistsksable evidence of the ecu-em ill which you were held and of the confidence of the public in your integrity and business ability. During your year h of commercial activity here your time was not wholly devoted to your own interest*, but sacrifice WM made for the interests of the village and that which tended to the welfare of tbe com- munity generally. Your business enter- prise and commendable public spirit was noted and appreciated by your fellow citizens, who at this time desire to ex- press to you their high appreciation of all your services in a public capacity, and also of the position you filled iu tbe o- eial life of th* place. As a icken of our eststm and as an addsd link in the chain of our friendship, we present to you this watch, together with our hearty good withes fr the happiaesn and prosperity of yourself and family in your new horn*. Signetf by the cominif.ee on behalf of the citizen*- Jo*. Blackburn, Ueorge Mitchell, Tbos. Blalcsl^y, R. G. Holland, W. Btmkin, W. H. Tnurston. W.U. Thui-M n made tbe presentation. Mr. lioyd expressed hi* gratitude and surprise at th* handsome gift given him, and teli tnat it was somewhat unde- **rved. He bad a warm place in his heart for Flesherton and its peopl*. He had practically grown up here, in a busi- neis way at leas', and would always have kindly memoru-s of his life here. After Mr. Boyd'a addiess a lagre num- ber of citizen* were filled upon for short addresses. These were interspersed wiih violin music by Miss Hule and a trio by Messrs. Murray, Sullivan and Holland, after which a dainty luncheon of cake, pie, sandwiches and c >tfee wu served. The gathering dispersed about 11 o'clock feeling that a very enjoyable eveninu had ; trn their lot. Eugenia Paragraphs The Women's Institute intend holding their monthly meeting a week earlier, on Friday, Feb. 27, in the evening at the home of W. C. Pedlar, Rock Mills. All members are requested to attend and bring their husbands and friends and help to spend a social evening with Mrs. Pedlar and family before their removal to Toronto. Died- Feb. 16, 1914, at PaUley, Mis. Thomas Paul, sister of Messrs. Henry and Joseph Fen wick. On account of the recent illness and death of the late Mrs. Holme*, dam-liter of Mr. and Mr*. James Leppard, who died Feb. llth, the authorities of this place deemed it necessary to inform the superintendent of th* Children's Shelter, Owen Sound, who came dotrn and he and Mr*. F. T. Carr, guardian of the two children one four years old and the other two moutbc had them safely shel- tered in their new home in Owen Souitd. Burial of the mother took place at Salem burial ground Feb. 13, the service beinp conducted by Rev. Wm. Davidton. De- ceased leaves a husband and parents to mourn her lost. The youny people of Eugenia engin- eered a surprise party at the home of Mr. Abe McMwter, 10th line, on Thurs- day evening. Ail tnjoyed the evening very much in spite of the cold weather. MissLydiaGenoe of Murkdal* visited fiienela here the past week. Mr. (Jen. E. Martin of Philadelphia wss the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wil- liams the pad i week. Miss Pearl Cairns spent the past wetk in town. Th Methadtit* will give a shredded wheat banquet and cboke programme on Thursday, Feb. i. Those who enjoy good eating and an intellectual fewrt iu combination will all be there and who does not 1 Kimberley Budget Talk about the ncrth pole : I think we have it right here. It was just 30 below zero here on Monday of hist week, Mr. Hammond Maxwell of Heathcot* wa* a caller in our burg recently. Mr. dim-Id* Abercrembie of Fair- mount visited with his brother, Thomas, here one day last week. Geo. Stuait and R. Irain of Flesherton visited frienda in this vicinity on Monday. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Rupture Expert Here SEELEY, WHO FITTED CZAR OF RUSSIA, CALLED TO ORANGE- VILLE. F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila- delphia, the noted truss expert, will be at the Alexandria Hotel and will remain in Orangeville, Tuesday only Feby. 24, 1914. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield as now used, and approved by the Ubited Slates Government wi 1 not only retain any case of rupture perfectly affording immediate and complete relief CoHey, occupied j Dut closes the opening in 10 days the pulpit in the Methodist church on ' on tno avenge case. Thi.s iustrument Sunday evening lat and delivered a nne . received the only award in England and discourse. ! '" Spain, producing results without sur- Mr. Ben Knott and lister, Ella, of j &** harmful injections, medic*! trcjat- Thornbury, visited friends in our burg \ ment8 or Prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has for a few days the past week. Mr. Russell McMullen, Eugenic, wai a caller in our village receoily. Ur. Harvey Morwood of Marltdale visited thti past week with friends here. Mr. Win. Mi'Knight of Duncan visitvd at J. M. Faweett's ou Monday Ust.; fir and Mrs. Wilmer Turner of Eu- genia visited with the latter'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hill. Mr. C'harlei Milne and bride of Camp- bellfoiJ are at present visiting with Mi. Fred Stuart. Mr. s. Fawcett capture* tine speci- men of the mod hen on Monday last. He succeeded in securing it in a snowdrift. When caught it was found that there was a solid cake of ice around its bill which titarded its progress somewhat. It ii ot unlike a small diver in appearance.^ Mr. Kineit Proctor and Edna Camack i-.il td Fleht?rton friends last week . documents from the United States Government, Washington, D. C., for in- spection. All charity cases without charge, or it any interested call he will be glad to show same withwut charge or lit them if desired. Any one ruptured should tememher the date and like ad- vantage of this opportunity. teid't, Epping, on Muoday laat. Quite a number attended the John iiui>n8 mi-rtgage sale on Friday last. oed prices were realized on most of the Ceylon Miss Ethel Bennet wpei.t over Sunday with M;itk<I:ilr friends. Mr. and Mrs. James McC'lockliu and little daughter, Mable, who have been on a two months' trip to British Colum- bia, and other western point*, returned home Saturday. Mrs. (Kev.) Steven*. Fisher Kiver. B^-nt a day at R. Cuok's last week. Mr. Fred ChisleU, Shelbume, .spent Over Sunday willi his parents here.* Miss Elk Warlinz, VanJeleur, is vis- iting her sister he. Mis Myrile Hvmphill is v'siting Lun dilk friends. Mrs. W*rd snd little son from B.C. are visiting her brother, Mr. S. R*nd. Mr. J. W. Cushnie is .spending couple of days with Durham friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. McClocklin and Miss Warling Uft Monday to spend i couple af days with Glenelg ftientla. Mr. Stanley Muir and friend, of Han nver, visited over Sunday ith tho for mei-'s mother here.- Victoria Corners Mrs. UeSavigoy, Owen Sound; Mr. Herb. De Savlgny iwd baby, Betty, from rhe West, visited a week at Mr. Geo. Moore's, after whicS they returned ti> Owen Sound. Mrs. Robt Aubewni and baby, iltueel, Proton Statiou.nccom- panied them for a few data' vwit. Mr. id Mr*. Wilfii'd GaUaher visited a few days at .Muliiwr. Mr. Montgootery and M*ssrs Will and Ed. CorUtt Visited at Mr. .J. Corbet'*. Mr. JiM. Bert lost a valuable ho-se E*t Mountain i*-* Miy Humbeistone of Kppmg psnt the week end at her home here. Born On Sunday, Feb. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. H . Thompson, a daughter. Mr. McTau'h had a very succe*aful auction sale at the former residence of John Symon*, Friday, Feb. 13. David McHullen of Feveisham and Mr. and Mrs. H. Foeater, Eugenia, vis- ted at the home "f Mr. and Mrs. A. t'arruthers Sunday last Mr. and Mcs. G. Gorley visited Lady Bank friends recently. Mies Hazel Allen spoilt the week end as usual under the parental roof. We hear that the young people of Kast Mountain intend holding a carnival in th* rwar future. Hatherton Mr. S. Grummet visi'fd friends in Heathcnie recently. The Misses Viva and Winnie Sei'.ey of Flesherton high school spent the week end t the parentl liome. Mis. McLean. Mclntyre, spent a week with her sister, Mrs. J. S. Winters. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church, Maxwell, held their February meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Down, where a ple.vant and profitable time was spent, after whish lunch was served. Mr. Roy Fcnwick brought the ladies ovei and took them back to Maxwell- feeling very grateful to him for so duing. Mr. and Miss 1'atton of Uocklyn and Messrs. Mick anil Tom Seeley t'ron Stayner, wlio attended the McQuay and IVllerby wedding, are the guests of Mr and Mrs. Ernie Hayes. A number from here attended th Presbyterian ttniuueliug in M.-ix*e. where a bountiful supper was served and a good program given. Mr. C. Winters has hauled brick from Proton nnd intends having hi* house veneered and other improvement* made Tim many fi lends nf Mrs. Art.hu Browmidge will be pleased to know shi u rapidly recovering after undergoing very eeriaus operation . Mr. Will Guy of Kenorais visiting his parents t tb Temperar.ce howe, Maxwell. Born -Ii: January, at Calgary, to Mr. ai.d Mro. Arthur McCurclieon (ne* Miss Alice Seley)a sin. Vandeleur Intended for Last Week. Mr. and 51rs. James WaiHim of \\'n nipeg \tsii-d the latter' K brother, Mr. J. J. Magee, recently. The Vuuleleur branch of the W. I. held tbkir annual concert in the school hotueon Friday evening. There was a goodly attendance and a very excellent program wa* rendered. The proceeds amounted to 910.55. Edna L'lve tun returned home Mr. Stanley Raid viaited at Mr. Herb. , (Uir 8pen .j illR ^p,,, of w , ck . with friends at Portlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Thoraaa Freeman of the inwiiliiiB Artemesia and Euphrasis, ac- companied by Mr. John Hnlclmison of Orantoii, viaiferat.W. J. Hutchinsoti's recently. Mr. Harry Baker was laid irp witb a severe attsck of tonaihtis. Mrs. T. A. Neely of Toronto was the of her sister, Mrs. Wii: Hulchin- woek. Rirerd.le is tbe ordtr of. he < Hauling sa' Messrs. F. Cutting and G. Ue attend- 1 gjn> f()r , coup | e of (Uyg d a grand ball in I'ui JH Hill vicinity oa ' 'uetday eveniog. Me. and Mrs. W. Dillon of HUui yiv are visiting friends here. Miss Beatrice Le of Lcaiaius;ton ii he guest of Mr. and Mrs. Appleyard. What Liquor Will Do Tom Kutledge, a rcaideut on Xina St., imbil>ed nut wisely but too well Saturday When In 1 got home shortly after We are pieced lo report that Mrs. W. I nl 8 ht . f. i I midnight he wis Kvliting drunk and pio- Sumiiisrs is convalescent again after her i ... I ceeded i > turn his wifn and ohiluitu out recent Mr. D. Alcoi of Vatideleur tuadii a visit to our bu^ on the tirst of th week. Miss Mauuio Cowan of Beavurdale was a caller iu thi vicinit ? last week. Mr. and Mrs, H. Burns jjave a booster At Home to the young people of this and adjoining vicinity recently. Mr. and Mrs, \V. Connley returned i.inii- ou Saturday last, aftiu 1 .spending several weeks with friutids in < >r<iiii(eville recently. Mr. J. Hawkins of HarKaway was a plciuiant CHll-.-r in our burg lut w e\. Durham At tho adjourned meeting of the coun- cil mi Thursday night last.Mr.Hevb. Fetti- grew appuiatod constable, health ii>- s|ici"or. street inspecktr, caretaker of the town Ivill, etc , at a s-ilary of $.~>IX) and the fees, llu is a new in in aud we hope he'll make good in piexerving law and order, to the betterment of the town morals. The annual- congregational meeting, of the Presbyterian nhurch was held on Monday afternoon fioni two to four o'clock, when reports relating to the tinmicial and other conditions of the church weru confciderHl and satisfactorily disposed of. At tbe clone a second meet- ing w;n held to moderate iu a call for a pas! or, when a majority vote of the members in attendance made a choice jt Rv. S. M. Whalejr.B. A., of Ewt Xorra, near Tavistock. Mr. \Vhaley is an un- maiiied man, a Huent speaker, and re- guarded in his present charge, we un- derstand, an excellent pastor. His sermons here have evidence of consider- able oratorical ability, aud w^re clothed in an uninterrupted flow of good English. Chvonick'. In dl.r.i, , of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th it. e,t, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thuwdiw each month from 8 to ft 12a. Duinl-tlkjlst Wednesday of esch Jewelry if each nMm&fc. -**? Flesherton Planing ~^nd Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the wek except Sunday* and every week in the year. Bring along your grists . Our sash and door factory is always at your dispoial for anything you want in our hue planing, matching, etc. Floor intr, saih and doom, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- onable rates. Get estimate*. T. Blakeley, Prop. FeblS 13 ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT !A Sign of Spring! See our display of seeds Not how cheap, but how good Five Rose Floar Purity Floor Eclipse Flour Low grade flour Pastry Flour Wheat chop Molasses Meal Linsee<l Meal Bran Shorts Mixed chop OH Calre Any thing you want in feed or seed at theVlesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. of the house. A neiKhbor summoned Nightwatehman Dawson and Constable Marshall. The officers pat-iticd the man and finally persuaded hi'ii to go to bed. About 3. o'clock Sunday mornins; he kick d up 'inothor racket forcing bis wifu to leave the h"iisu in hi*r nightdress and itocking^. The woman >uiiimoned the otticeH, who wont to tho house with the intention of aiix^tiugUutledge aud taki it! him to the town lock-up. The man, who was only partially diuwied, consented to accompany the oltic.-rs, but getting au opportunity boltei out of a side door and after consigning Marshall and Dawpon to a place where the thermometer nev. r drops b.-l iw zero vanished into the datk- neas. The night was stormy and bitter- ly c"ld and Kutledge was bareheaded, barefooted ;>nd chid only in Ins llirt :<nd trousers. The ottieci-s started in hot puisuit, hut thi! fleeing man (juickly dis- tanced i hem. They followed him to the West Broadway railway crossing, nearly a mile distant, where they Itwt tho trail nnii -it'r.- :i fruitless search weva obliged to return to town empty handed. About :! :0 Kutledge aroused David Sawyers jutit west of the raitnty crussing and on the atrcngth of a trumped up .-i >ry about his team running away obtained shelter for the remainder of the night. Eurly ou Sunday a telephone message informed the ulticcrs of his whereaboutb and they aucceeded in arresting him without any further difficulty. tStvangn fco say hi s feet were nit frozen and he does not seem any the worse after his nud escapade. Police Magistiate Pa'tullo remanded I! u- ledgu until Saturday and ycntenlay grant- ed him his liberty on bail. Clearing Out Balance of Men's Heavy Rubbers MEN'S 3 eyelet Kubbei-s. reg. 2.10 clearing $1.70 Men's Leather Top Rub- bers reg, $30 clearing at ....$1.90 Bal. of Boys' nt reduced Prices. Girl's Overstock- Rubbers, deni- al.. $100 ings with Custom Work and Repair- ing as usual, Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases. Thos. Clayton DIVISION COURT 1914 FLESHERTON AND 1>1 NDALK FlnUerton April 15 Dutidalk June. I" <.ct. H DIED on Sutur- Pau', nged PAUL At P.vsloy, Ont., day, Feb. 14, M.u-U Fcnwick WJ years. The funeral tonk place from the reai- dence of her brother, Mr. Joseph Fen- wick, east baek lint.', Artcmes's, to K!> i sli- fitoii cemetery en Wednesday, Feb. IS. New Suitings FOR SPRING We are showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR^

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