Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1914, p. 3

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,iS H : ''* , JM!*- _i-^ : aw**. ouseno Wonderful Power of ; FOR BREAKFAST. *Coff|ej Cakes. Boil a pound of r*r> until it is soft, then mix with 1C twd jjou rwi-a of flour and haJf a aipak ' ml' of fine oornmeal *nd of yea^tjjmoistened make into small ca-ko^ajid.. bake . ill. . welt-battered pan, or, better ti-iJ, fa r a well-buttexed baking JMMlM Oatfebl Wafers. Into about Ralf n.. puund of oatmeal flour mix it h (.( le i wilt and make a dough by wdding'ik teacupful of boiling wa- ter. Tu rn this on to a board well sp-rinkje t with meal, knead lightly, roll thit as possible, and cut into | eaired. Browa first on one 4nd then on the other, and when |ife cakes are crisp they are ready ;{4r u&e. w Breikfaat Rolls. - Sift, a pound of flour civ *he table and rub in four <Aincc| 'if butter, mako a hollow in the an old plate at .the bottom of. S3Tr!<5ep"a n". TCTs * w'3t" ore v - ' sflvorevefy "ay * Uh * dry ;*nnl raff ; i fc will not have to be cleaned with silver pol- LJi nearly eo often. * Save all the old toot^,bjfurtijBf . They are good for iu;iny . -tiuatis, from cleaning combs to cleaning marbk a.nd the Dresden ornaments. A by fill- i minced pine- cthjpped nuts, garnish with green. If the gilden picture fmaie* become discolored,' -tafci th* .w.t"r in which onion* W*e i 1^** K"***^ dip a soft rag~3t laBrf.TOpeov** the frames. ,_ ^, ^ , ^ j When buying n-u^^;J^i^ T|1<? H mixed-nut bait. They are- gener- ally made up of t Ji -ej-^a^rj i*t. When churning difficult cream. It will cause the,. scattered bits of butter to gather. *. I \ f\jf When making apple salad pour in a lip f*rabl place, l&w viujtre, and work in one egg ai-haJf cake of years dissolved > warm water or milk (pre- and set to rise in a warm orni a light dough and al- , iso again. Shape in rolls corridor in the grontp- (i^(nerat!";Hospital from his 'o* Stir Jamas Whitney, .iijd nghting i li-c jjdmiQ"- b&ttlfi, for life', also handicapped by" old" age aiujt* :;phy:jieal .weakness, lien. Sir G^oejie W. J^-Si Ipatjer yjE ^l^lab- eral ip-emfee-raiq th iXjniinioSi en- dte, a'rd fn-mrt'' 'Premier 'ol Ontar- io. It is indeed a strange coinci dence that these two gladiators who so often crossed swords in other days in stormy battles in the Pro- vincial legislature, should now be lying on sick beds engaged in like sjrugjglp against . the common foe. Bith oirS .je/pftcfcod te htaW'go^d chances of recovering at the time of t-J t"f 'jr^'Xf'l^i 5rge is a son of "Ontario, ^r^Bt^&sn. tortK-tri Middlesex in -IMtr'ot fetich' parents/ Ln<l;y R'^fi. who v,;,.-, a daughter if! JfcBi* It. E41Aof>~:ondon, Ont., Peel, the >:. : INTERNATIONAL LESSON, I LltRl .UU 23. L8SOi *J1I. Faiitfc ijrea^uke.U, Text, Luke 12.. to C!ou*ageou3 Sin> .ooa- Deeju ..incited to <Una *t th* h-Jiye of a Phariaee and had bought upon himself jjie- disap- proval' of iiis host for hot first ob- i i{vihg-' tfc* eerwnonial w *Ji(is led to Jua'^e-vexe f the -:n in triii.ug matters ooMTved. ] ithe weightier matters of jus-ace, iiircy, and sincerity.'' i he earnest note in. ' most 'amiaKTe ana best liked of the two wiuh ti 'baking powder, "ful of iiutme.1 " sugar and egg . resulting < thick, cut a.n<( fry ii "sprinkle makes a 1 itLen'a'cup of cups of flour to- of a teaspoon '>tbat to the Roll the ill: inch .o Keep a glafll or ou bursting when any boiling mi is put in try putting a in and pouring the thai generally keeps the 'i'a-1-i.i! but since her mar- sn * I 18 * abandoned given her whole at- of her husband. es third wife, he eviously married in plastered try dipping the nail into cold prcviou-sly been a member of the Dominion House of Commons for a couple of sessions. He rapidly rose to the ', -*"'>- "** frftfin ^ member 9* s ' r designation < jroc4.ji ppnitent has ever been guilty unpardonable fti, And 'any lor p.udyu nj,v b assured tjhat forgiveness for him. persistent .-hold in J64r vchich elders, v^o ip!^, sentence were re- Our London Letter Say. On. Jrltuu Equal* It** O.rmiu. or"tf ,. Armstrong, in :i speech, at the pnblio school- BctSrica masters' conference * SOOth 'Kensington recently:' 'Profeanor fcjpertrUy of the German In research --. b obvloui all nousns U et:lard. adding that It comnrunication or . ln rulers, and the authorities ' it >n Dowers than Uit _XX)urts, 8f.|i as and Roman courts. . that: ; at can atan m,t a country inOTUduoUty Bav . THE CRAFTt ROOK. An , Rir.f and Pleases. Xesfs * 5l^ su , c , T unt . r 5- P"e^ftOd W> ^WnmenT without^ story of tngJish rural lif& is pom-. tle vhance of success. rt]fKba *rrtS. ,".',*' vVi l T!l lll.lttcr llUS tM which '-an things, and la ..--_ g . .-. T ieinullt;,- and iniflvlduolUy have devel- oped."' ";.-.<. / . , .-:> C. IJ. Aflhrord. head master oY" Dftrt- moutM said that tli srenlu of th Knu- 9 more to Rrlve orders thuQ routine work. .'. Would Admit Woman to Bar. A-hllf will be Introduced In thelhou . qf. g^ifmona next session whloKMBI* Oti!-' >:" len lawyers. !*< _^ >r it will receive the aupport of tha Boivernment. without wtilch It auuidB lit- ' qr corgmona n * l?1rffe English women the right to id6 the house, MI alS()U'^" : tiie' doorway ii v ; -rne matter- lius been f ouf ht tli ttt ivi Its, cf>urt|Bi for several yeara and the decl- Hlon to Introduce a bill results from Htff'AWVDuUt. af the Court of Appeal, which,', In December, declared that tha M ^ v did not gV w*ma A jif _ to practice and t hat Ithe only tr bunal \U>ii* PHiil jBv*., w^pen Is" ludifme'nf nut tliat there wan any Inherent *tu ness amonj? women whlfch preven I t- -*! .^WW4.JV-V *"J8JWT* ~l- TTH ^m' ^p. have no fear for toe pr- f Mutiont Sf men, Icmiwing'tnat war I l4m:b %b FfcdVi> Jww^' ! tfi* heavy weight without loosening. I-ingaFprints on dcors and cup- boards^Tafflisk when lightly rubbed witii a fl*HB.el dtpp^^L in paramn. In order to : fb 'iisp^fwith the odor of the oil rub t-h* tloo r down with a clean flannel TTOitog out in hot cut -abou thick ihetn n in _-.. *& smfc and lemon article well . .then witi the . U kind* of rijad. simple tapioca pudding soak tablespoonfuls of tapioca in a -an .boar. Uifii put irrinfir "t to provent - &re) one a tauTi^K>onful of sugar. a,:ra^ed pie dish .till nice. .wll bro' .of flour iuto a ste chops and serve V*J bones from, move lamb aeaeoi .peppt It-audio* of '' .meat bed the fet cold water , . ruUli.-- f with a rough urti^ft fowel until they gloft. Af tr>a^iBeiit a ho t- water "b bt- be quite bejieficial up the temperature ' Jd water and >rub- -: to any kind of w i-c> plan is U^diuap a ar.d rub lightly over the surface, after the mattlog pincii o pre,tRii. :and wio s^cwparV viiety Qje lull *.ik 'sUuly tor a ii all. or basting it frequently. When 1 ,-,-'.J- iJMJft^MA tiSA ittftftfci fi^fc *'iff atlMfc 'string and rdaoe on a _hyt dijli ,8-kim t1ie*~iat off tlio rvy, strain the latter o*#r-"the mee," aiid'sfefr^ *wrhi!iJao T twfc with a *ucelpt of neatly --eu-t- bee unit ' a o! Lam ttt of la tone till c!<Mtr $lHc(- tbMn.- ii'i; a frj'ing pan with a.luiop of butter and fry.' When cooked^ drain the cutlets and leave t-ill cold.' 'Put in- to a mo*fia>n two or throe mu.ih-' room*',' "'ftwirjr Vhopp^d-oTiWm. a rprig of- p*-rrfey, ami hiim> f butt-er. Stir j>vr thjt fira ^11 .4ot, th^n pour in~'OTlA D'PP!UKra%6 l ''^' : i of wlittw4Saui, th*'}ti'rp*> of A and (v^i*ifMa ot -Wire* -6H T Iful y ol ks ^' and " ful of ix>v.-<i-rf>d iiugar-, ( ,.Stit niixt-upo-'liy' th*> 'side of'-tfi? fir it is i! dip the well wil them t the outlets over with beaten yolk of *gg, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry d. rul.* futftafdt K'-<'*M*-V 11 the ceniro of a hot di*ii, forming f . ,.,,... .. . linoleum . or. tied fo as n<it to triisli the haii-s of - should- aJ_ ia. "W^ 1 ' *&* swept in this manner looks beauti- fully clenn and fresh, and does not 'an. v-H 1 ; , tho ke.ttlo (wl-ammotu/i^.""'' L<>t it'' feoil f..r hu . u r . *vl i in . ' t! i .- . dwv. l^uj tl - metal wil^^.Uissolv*:^ easily removed. Rinse wo.ll, th*>n lu.il out onco <n- Before uoirtff f.hfe cont'PTi+s. A K.-<M| rule ^-follow- in ; the ien,r ,- ,J><m't wear ili^;^y. Yjary This w.UL.ne>t Minist* lor|g term of d^tionstrated years in that he ?r a Ontario he had brainy Loran '- anfl inspector of echools in Lamb- t-:u county. He- had the advair&go of; a cour^ at JAW, a* . wejl^a a te^in at editorship, being gueces- txfetor of th Stf*thiwy " insi outer wtills are easily o!ug Things which a man wished, ^refill ly were placea" in roo'raB v G '.Sit HS&3 tXSflJI ^ocrgirrid.,itpon th'- 1 In the "Ea.s'Ci ^ovl.ataiaiibnfi ajr'e talio T.e-aher. La Minister he wiH long be by naany for trf* re- .vlt*c ; i was a, ., .. Sv . .v^ nx Scriptures uitdn ii us* in Publie ;ixs t u 'cdacation *xpit-it. Ho \Ytttl , for gen- aw<l High fnw- - : nw Mi . a n n-at ;i nd wing pride in; the ^^haoi i&ys experiments; and nuinv wh" bless- ed JhinW'I'rjj 1 ^'? iwoitrwHsivone \\ill al <> v gp* up fr^m" rf " Ull^tllr-', boat of .OI :> HK.Ti' svnwm,* -iU*' ' L^^.'C' '? iOICjt -iV! T.h addition of A tftrfc . ftpplo or two i'^;4^oUrri. improve,, tha flavor. . .... Tbe callow* ipott on th olos tbe ft c*tt b* ^ft^ned if olive Wlum -ths latnfi wick "n ahort a.rtd oil i burned low, .pub water iu tim lump bowl; it will rie tho ^\"' -ai, Opiidtwn ho put in a couple of In .^laiwfter, W - inflri>,: .!' pr< ^ r ;<Mi years, fcill holding t!u- st.vLp, in all tftHiJWi'-WU* SuoreTOo r.i_,;LA.. .-4.*.^*- -^ *t.Jt iJT.A.1., be ' a of toilet or~ bo-lui sioap. will remova GRAINS OF GOLD. that calls a man ungrateful suin.ii trp ntl the evil that a rndn can bo-ciiilty of. Swift. V% js well ijisre, i^ IM> oiwvwit a fanwt iii J-'3'iMiRi:?ii^ft h fritl in tin' world. Hazlitt. ^^pian novlr ^Wheu h<^ knows :. Oliver Cromwell, oratorical teacher. His public ,$h<>| -[Spuaking was of th<i vory first rank. No man in Canada and few" men anywhere could so deeply interest a crpw,d in an, iwljjfiw subject by the pow<yoi-'rofs- v Svetld( l d to ora- tory. He i^& qjtM#jis. at home- an<J abropd ; in 'th'Si*fepife<i .State in England. ^Vtf c^rftpilel'X^lise- ful iiaformati<tfi fie i-.vi '.' in tMis respect being a n butof to hi&torieal kriowt^p^ much at home 'bwfcyc a 'yw of oi3up,ators as ori th* sf^mp t fore : the electors, dear] 3- loV^ng fight. \ r|ftor th.; rJpmo-vorol Sif owB-t to the _ ( , and ithe d<-ath of Premier rfartjy liis -,,),< ,vf or . -Mv . Premier of Ontario. Ho t-a.me the f^^orKl .of, a Ahirty-t-^y,.^ 4ffrT|i or ' Lib'Arali^m, inaiiualyj^l Oliver Mowafc. In-^0tr b'- 1 a:*ir* feated b.v tlw Opposition Jauwjn Whjtocy. As leader oj tho f ut 1S tr n aaul of tju 'i4Jl 3puib.lt ,they a l for tjieir r^ifji. '" ' " of ji* T> i i .< 1 1 IK 1 hfH'i i W]> s-k-h \ g 1 <<;' ' -- -'' i - : '; - "* '- 41 titude. g ., . ^ Hej began to say unto hiVdiacipIes first pfviir-^JesH fce^rata to the tU.'H-ipJM peoplje. His - disciples. -Befc-are' r ve of A^wafnTng pnfiise pequjiir'^Iliik*-,- meAnfirg; ''Take Beed?*iwi avoid.'--' wafe h I., urti. hi Scripiuri' -leav^tt -ifil g*nrU.vs used (U5.. ! ft,^jj\-o o sour* in ~ ife " i; ; UP , s iii'fluence.s. Tlje .p trees, *ui.'ii. Uetujno mrr- truv/di-ti has aii Wd^faiiloned objection ViW n^vLa.'tnA.n Ava.r , marK about ppraon.l auceara. t n A nil i_iK,]t.',3- H45JMA t ^?T**v '" '" ' : 'flfVf?r T71H.Kt;-* tn^TTl hfTflf 1 !! lir.T 4iTS "But Jwo oj three., .-aea^pna.. ago u*i &m oven if mad by hr Che?r fayorp^ r^e-sting tree, ;i beeolv *rtTi : Jt'"ijirHpfeair top, began to how *ifni' ctf 1 di3e$.Se;. aiM tJien. #*r: a diJ ? '<3f : -wrTmglteg,' two .. o3>' re? however"," ah exception to j^S ; ;.-;. ..-. ' ,: I, Si. ,Hvpoi:ri-v i* rot only ^ciok it : i.s ufiurS*^, for L!M! alwaj,- . .. . .. bevome" known'. Su Jesus u'fires _IPS ili*riT.!es"to -- ' - and openly,' 1 for the; r an'd act hon- . . made fxo^ ^Eie Bab' vl ilio may felt ..h i were-aune- wouM -b hs hath Ijr 4; tb*boly 4' iu the to arine- the teinpU'd to" deceive.- ).a|F^ htm; killed hath powe-r to ''Hl^t'i'nto ttis pj*sjMkgev- J liJle*aie'3 unjust -stewar^ differeji't. ^.^^^ Some think 7T He who hath power to e*fctinto heir',r.e|i^ i v Qvd, think the Snmei reaWfti'i! rnr Greek con ? are tf th ior- (t) W t5WWTM0& J* tjfr meaus fear wy-ho.ii^.. trying. *V m n<' ': *tiwtj,T4',t* W<f ^UsiiiiLty.. Y uVd 1 \v4^te{*vrms^-i fp-nrinig/G<)i! ; $2) IEJ Scw'pture .W .""i'vjf- n<xk'el8$r. where told to fear Satan, btrt to 're 4 ' sist but tie there*. hen- 'e . to entice us-''in*> : >rhenna, n< .-Hc*wcw; qf Je : fitie "-"? -T^S.^y ^ ^tr ' ^ -9 . ^Tl VV f? ^ fl._.', .npar Je.r.uafliwni, .where ^acrifiees to the heathen god Mo- h < sumed ir^a InSe ?fJc^pr y.e'j|piniial burning.- tHetioi : (. i.pc.iin.- .1 lieal insftina* forj*bS pl*a of .. ._ -^_ ,,_...-- world. FKe sparrows ' jsold for two Dire .almost of no. yaluo at alj,-.t)ut- ijftfc one of them, is ,fqr- sighifof eniv no^Cease-to fear. l>-at<- of .njiire Valu -tba^ji. JMsricte io-jjnahy sparrows. common __ _ tliar iupprtftS. by: <llrmT< of Lord Coke, lasued over " rears -,ugn. conuernlng those who " >cOni^ entiUnd to practice, law from tilttmn la .still binding In Enxllafa Jmv., ..j. :.. -,fV; t 6 -^. t ?.-^ e Ja.'tlw ^desired ..plao..fDr- - r TJtoVorV : 'of orgnnfzritsr the grndt ITO"." l^^^^^^je^^?^ S.i tl i ? n ! d 1 e^: C ^ ^r^ it H < ^K!.^ < ? 8 ^^^^ t ^^ U !i^ T A^^^n*'^^-^ roadjr : nt pay kinjf hard at the, K Q(Ucea of the i>n,_. in^New Burlington street. . 3.tp ; jpj6.origjnfl,l.naefc!tec of the*co1ib'n r "; x Sor$e ten 4,'e^ar^, ago afeut'Ba^ tfiesfe' trees "were cut .down, r1MA : : evetr" then" 1 flie evicted W** t;; brriM fri* trees! caadv -jdthoHgK th*ir*teip8f ft* Uw : A<JVentne !ift- i *P- . "9 'a^^n^fn^^^'^^" 1 v^ 1 -^ of ivH<ri --; '.i;;-i!ic their sygijairiy wllii;ilfl. ,fi'Of by*wh*ch they hope trt t>lac Oresrt Btituln .tkt the top. nf. UUL Antatctla<-ran- * "- * :# *i.^-^:. -_i I" 'UPr^i _:. t- ' interest In the ,,. J '- or "*' any.br them ^:i ..t Sh. by t8 way r orry ittil - v ; the invariable adjunct. o( ^ not. la tha I r Wlv wonte^. -n: -' 'or : th*e. pa4r* wer* perm&tecf^tfo trees near by, hitherto : k baf wiil.-h tiever - ajaea, ..out ^alone. and tin U4X..&U ; Vary dops not use (i powitar putt 4l> Jf>t .:. poivter IMJir. ,,,; . , -| of .mr*lM Dunt- - : . - .- ;<i*jo| 'rooks, perhaps, briitKen*Mf by twigs 'it ibe al- devoteJ ** -ear of his more life th to ohr n Xalecrafi^. IjJbC**.-- rapre r,;: 60 e .canning t*. aet. a n--i ana , Journal. lnHit8 at I Btaifte(1 In die fhat tl actual bv'hicfitrg ^ in ' munif ati ' B"jr>sd: and. l XW fratice without wlrea." ly thw' ttet- *eki<nn 'laH uo do. : Tk* ini.urt: will watch from tlw^top Ofc a, :Ui'L rtree-, until ( ,the}; ico the ;1 .en^(j: r jTO,ro*en,ea.w, 4rfi*way, .-hen tli<vj- wul r? turn to eieeird-maffii' '-L''f*4* '' - A V' ' - - ' ' >, ,- ; thwncst ID nill confidence. .. Cr* Ht Me'ifraph?' based facts. ^ few >-<jrW later on-'ttfo. .patents, nn^ for Im ^nts irrtJiy oasily. Crei*B House. to wMWt 1 T.wrtl'd B, Duke, upon actuR^ jrovemwtim Rftwer,. b .I I W*w !et ^L> the nesAin-p birtls.^i.Tliien kis:-depa.rtrev will jeliirn pr.njipt^ ,aj . if they 'thougfit that ' gone. i ^M-: : i0j>g^.- : #6 ' dlfl door ]f'rewe *% B was built bj.v E!l-, v ]u.-t rui J ':Tu and beoania. Wluwu^. ., 1f .van -'partly reSbW I rTuit-' ' waar.^st ft^ the .baolk fend :.';;5 was made Into a "window.. restored Shepherd's door,--^< "*' , n alt ..s. -',-:::.; a.nd IIM>' lo most lilc-im'dlj- when mn rt t Iu!jii8<'lv c OH bcuig wluih in fc :-,:..!. . . Ev<?r> Hjinif in I hw HorUI i* I ;i >i Hll yurn ; we. it,?6et iqnuey in LU purity; wo do not roiaitt two nwi- nei in 'lJi* :uiv HI ale. Our ef to ftnxl it^effior his stvrlin/ac afiifily. 1907 he was called to tho Senate, of whfch h is on* ...n.. the. Y,,u o.tn'i avoid Jnty hj by-p* th a kiiowit-vill ' MI probably aem a < ?rs^as they eetn to- .von. ^ and flii Wren ti-11 tli 1 tit tih* wrong time. - 1 (,b OiaUncUoo ; all*!Biat "Anie-or ouse U Ws long, low treies, (which not long Car f.flleieiwjrt Brsi f>r rt moi.-.) fcy 3' P V N*a,-ifin6tiL-n? k- *'f T. ! that car efficiency can best be at- ' in the following manner ; * h M9rV* M with the i, w hidi can best- be tl^ o^Hngf of caYs" reasonable cost. ,., .. .^ jad"ifo'"TS Idm. w.ouTd,.rea.uI;t. ..in. .n 4 -'- ''* ' t ' : - idci *r.i*r:;iwU !*!>* If.j^aiimxipieijeiei^^fr tlie siafffs' tftftfte ^e'ftrg; 1-V!rfra^oK^ ifl;.so6,^>r*. WMM% a rWf!fi#*9C- OfX>' ; ca*-JT>*' <w**i':iB*i-^# ; -It flnr HV Jl^eet to provide for developments. TtKe 1 addi- eTtifaKyfh&mi* i>fpW ; : o-^ i, . . .iiiuueh, U W otfe*r* =-*!*> W3*. fvw '* -. ' hW' . .

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