Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1914, p. 4

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February 19 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE An imlependeut nwrapaiwr, publiilieil every TNnniJay at th 1 " office, Col lingwood Street, Kfcaherton. SiitMcrl|itli>u price }lrwr annum, wtann paid in advance ;f 1.5J when not <> |>id Advertiain? i uti-s on application. Circulatiun 1,100 weakly. XV H. Ttiurston- Kdltor Flesherton Methodist Church I: . . .l.iii- Dudgeon, pastor. Thursday, & \>. >. Prayer Meeting in C'urge of thi! Kpworth League. Kriduy at 7..W p. ni., choir practice. Sunday. 10.:W>. in. Conference fo r Christian workers. 11 a. in 1* i>i i will preach. 7 p. in. Pastor will |<reach. Kpworth I..- inn? Monday evening H i' M. Flefherton-*v\/7> Bapt ist Church R. C. Kerr, Fator. Sunday School ID a. ni . Service at 11 a. in. Subject for Sunday, Feb. 22; "The Father's KIM." I'.ili'e ttudy on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. McLeod. Ceylon. commiiHiotier shall receive coniinissic n on uy .in, .riir expended over Him unt herein apjiroprialvd Carried. Council iicijouiiu'd. The foll'-wina resolution WHS omitted from the minutes of January session : A Mourn Brown - Thtt a speci.-il grant of ftill bo made aud expended in gravell- ing 120 rods opposite lots ::ii and 37,con. S.D.U., and Commissioner Aldcorn ilmll expend $40 out of his Appropriation and Mr. Aldcorn shall have charge of the irk Curried. A Missionary Letter Novar, Purry Sound, Fob. y, Dear Editor and Header*, Several months have elapeil since I IIHVO writ ten to your valuabla paper. Thinking perchance a word from the mission field m ght revive the missionary spirit of the south, and thus do something for the Master, permit me to touch slightly upon the conditions existing upon our mienim fields in Muakok* and Parry Sound. The mission fields of these districts h*ve seen their heigh* of progress, true that the mishionaries of the It is past have had a treat work to do upon these fields. In the not fai-faduo. past the aspect was different from what it is now. As one travels along our roads at present iU stuff a skilled Rivicullurist whoie M r vite are available to woodlot i.w.i. . Municipal shide-mes are not, m-iclly speaking, wood- lota, hut mm. dualities no desiring could doubles MINT,- the advice of thin expert tegirding ll'e trees requiring removal. Wr- By the High Scho d Reporter Un Kiii lay evening last the High School and Public School hockey teams collided on the ice for the third time this winter, and, as was to be expected, the public school team came out victorious with a score of 5-0. Had the High School's score been iliti-uss.-.! under the heading of " Hid " it would have been described as " maximum density." li is In '1 11 1 1 that this is so and that fortune will favor the Ili-li School soon by giving them n few'victoties. Reginald Rooney, Arthur tp. , brolie his leg on Thursday last while he!p ng get ready for his auction sale that day. Hf was assisting in the removal of a cut- ting box from a sleigh whenjhe | slipjxd and in lhe fall snapped the bone in the same place it was broken last autumn when he had a runaway accident. Mr. he sees the devastations made by the I Rooney has certainly been unfortunate woodman's *xe, and the bartt and ruggtd but In is correspondingly lucky in having things of nature exposed to view, atrip- ' such good friends and neighbors. Aft<r Artemesia Council Aitemesia council met on Monday, T"eb. !), members all ; resent, the Iteeve iu the chaii. Minutes of previous meet- ing were read and confirmed. Commu- nications a* follows i-r- ; jur.-iiMi'i-ii and read : County Treisurer. list of landx liable to bo aold for arrears of tuxea in 1914 ;P. F. McArthur, asking refund ol taxei on lu-i business ataeBsment for I'M ::, T. K. Thornbury re doj? tatti ; Win. Swanton, D. McLrod autl C. \V. Bellamy applications for the office of assessor for 3014 ; Margaret (iordon, M.It . asking the Council to pitsx a resolution favoring the extension of lhe Municipal Franchise ,\-t to permit married women taxpayer* r . vole : the liner* and Mr. Graham, i ;..vi*I comtoittee to inquire into the suf- ricienc y of the treasurer's sureties report' i t',i.i tlif said surety consisted of a bond of the I - ml .n Guarantee Co. fur $4UOO, with premium paid to the 8th tiny Of November, 1!)14. llyl.m - 774 to appoint an as.seasor, itnd 7 7^ to appoint a trustee for Maikdale t.:j!i school, were pattAeil through their several iitAgcs with the name of C. W, Bellamy as anwssorand David Foster s trUHtec. Brown Cauicron That this Council ia of opinion that the existing Municipal Franchise Act should be enlarged to as to include married women taxpayers, and B copy of this resolution In- furwnrded to lion. I. I- Lucas, the ineniher for Centre Grry.---Curried ununimuuily. Brown Aldcorn That the Reeve and 3fr. i ii.ili.ini In- a committee to inquire into the condition of the treasurer's ae* cuiily and report at this meeting Carried. Aldcorn Cameron That the Treas- urer be instructed to pny John Nuhn 44!M>5 for tile got from him by Mr. < > - well in 11.'J -Carried. Grahftm - Brown That whcreaH ob- jections were lodged with the Georgian Bay Power Company against making a alt"of their Eugenia power until thin township i.s indemuil'ed, and are in re- ceipt of notice from the Hydro Power Commission that they are about, to take over the]*arue and a hearing will In- given, the Keeve and Councillor Cameron ap- pear before the OommJHiion and prem our claim Carried. Camnron Brown That the report of the committee on the Treasurer's fture- tics be received and adopted -Carried. Aldcorn- Cameron Thnt the matter complained of by Mr. (ieorge McKeneie be referred to the llecve and Councillor Blown in deal with at the proper season Carried. Aldcorn Cameron That the Clerk write Mr. McArthur explaining that the Council cannot deal with the matter re- feried to by him ai there was no appeal to the Court of Revision of r.l:i Carriud. Cameron Aldooru That 11350 is hereby appropriated to lie expended on the highways of thin township ns follows: Dir. No. 1 9300, Oir. No. 2 $1)00, Div. N ,. :t 1325, Div. No. 4 300, the Valley Road |125. Tlii, amount include* all work ou town lines and over and above any new work in the township, [and nlso expenditure on bridqeH costing not more than 125 each, the Reeve and cninmin- aioncr of the diviiion in which a bridgo is to he built costing over t'.'ft shall bo a committee to tuild the samp, and no upecial expenditure shall be made with- out a resolution rf this Council cxoopc in csn of emergency. 1 . , 1, nuiumisBioner ahull rport to thin Council before receiv- ing any commission. The Treusurer hill In- 1 i-.|iiu.-il t<> I. IM.I i to Council AH Moon HH tiny commtfisinner In. expun l(d ped a they .ire of nature's magnificent display of virgin forests. With the best of our forests gone, so have departed a great number of that factor of creation, humanity, which oar church is calUd Some of my ap- once flourishing upou to minister unto, pointmentd that were his accident a few months ago neighbor* put about '25 teams in his fields and finish - eJ his fall plowing. On Ihursday auc- tioneer Hefferuan in the bigness of his generous Irinh soul got all he could for the various items on the list und then refused to tike his usual percentage. centres of 8piritual growth of our church, ! there are helping hands to day Truly, as there where the heart of many a missionary I were in lhe times of the srood Karmurtain. WAS g'addrned in receiving into the folds of Methodism many hard-workinc lum- bermen, their wives and their children, whose hearts were made tender by the strange old story of the ctou, are now Ml. Forest Rep. Mr. and Mrs. \V. .!. Winter, of Chats- worth, celebrated their diamond wrdding Febraury 3. The scene of the happy but unusual event was at the hone of War- re<luc-d to a membership of MX to four- j den HIld Mr8 .Breeze. SUtistics tell us teen. You may ask what is the cause. , Mys a Ioca i Change, that, only one The answer IH found in the dopo],ulation cou[(le ,, ut of e | evell thousand ever live of the settlement. Some of the old, lo , ee thelr dialnolld weddtng day. Mr. faithful laborers have been called home. | Winter was born in Barastaple. county and M for the youth, the ,,,,- of the j Dovolli EnyUnd, in 1830, and Mr.. Win- ter, nee Helen Tiiylor, in the county of Antrim, Ireland, in 18,'<8. They were married in 1854, and settled on the flth concession of Holland, where the village prairie has pervaded their hearts, und as a result they have sought out t he pro- ductive .soil. Hence aiiies one of the duties of the present diiy missionary, to rtlly together of Msssie now stands. Of a family the Mattered forces thnt are left, to get fifteen i-hildren, eleven nre still living, them t a understand that " win-re t wo or I of honi Mrs. Breeza is * daughter, three .-ire gathered together, theru will I be also." I have seen me on some ap- pointments direct a sermon to no more than three individuals. It 11 here that Satan tries to raise pessimhm, to sweep our hearti with discouragement, but those of us who have read Service's "The Quitter," when he says " to light and to _ Notice i hereby given, pursuant to Section 127 of the Ontario Insurance Act,l u 12,that the Annual General Meet- ing of the Grey nnd Bruce Mutuil Fire hght, when hope's out of sight, why (.hat's the best gamu of them all," will soon take heart again. In conclusion let me Hay, the evil for. CCH against us aru Pessimism and Back- biting, while more thsn a match for these nre Optimum on the part of sound hearted christiiiiH and the Spirit of Truth. Though our work is not o groat, in that the harvest field is not so extensive, yet there comes to us the feel- ing that there is still a great work to be done for Christ, " Like tides on a crescent ici-beach, When tho moon is new and Ihin, Intu our henrti high yearnings i '..in.- welling and surging in ; Come from the mystic ocean. Whose rim no foot has trod ; Some of us call it longing, And others call it God." J. WILFRED GREENWOOD. There are thirty-six grandchildren and fourteen great -grandchildren. Annual Meeting Grey and Bruce Insurance Company F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Price This week in MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS BOYS' HEAVY RUBBERS MEN'S OVERSHOES BOYS' OVERSHOES LADIES' OVERSHOES FELT BOOTS Grocery Special : Grape Fruit Marmalade Oranges BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred B I ml on lul Field Marshall SWG91 will be fo r service on lot 176. T. S. R. Artcmeia. Termt fl. \ug JA3. STINSON, Prop. Village Shade Trees Dr. Fermw mys that in "walking along the streets of any city one will tind at leaat from twenty five to fifty per cent of the trees in a damaged condition." In the small t<iwns of eastern Camtdn, t in safe to lay that at least seventy- five pri .mi of the shade-trees need attention for, unlike the cities, these towna em- ploy no "tree dcctora" to guard the health of the trees, and evn trimming it done bat irregular, nul often carelessly. Yet if the shade-trees in many of these towns were dettroyed oue of their chief attrac- tions would be KOIH>. There are several reagum why tho trees in these old towim require special atten- tion. The chief is probably due to de- InfturHtice Company will be held in Mil- j I'-i Hull, in the Town of Hanover, on Saturdny.thc 21st dny of February, 1914, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving the Auditors' Sttte ment, the election of Directors aud trans- action of other businesi. ~H. H. MILLER, Secretary. Hanover, January 30, 1914. MAIL CONTRACT HEAI, KI>TKNUKHHrtdreiBeiHo the Postmas- ter Oemirt), will be received at Ottawa in, til noon, on Frldav, tbe 3rd of April, 1914. for the conveyance or Hit M^luaty's VlallB ou a proposed Contract for tour yeura six times per week each way Over Duncan (South- West) and Rural mail Route from the Postmaster General'* pleasure Printed notice* containing further informa- tion a> to conditions of proposed Contract, may be teen and blank forms of Tendur uiay t t obtained at the font Offices of Duncan an. i at the Office of the Host Office In- spector at Toronto. Postofflce Inspector's offl :n Toronto Jan. l">tb 1014. A. SUTHERLAND, I>. O. Inspector. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this ml \vi ns. mi-n tjwill only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Oet something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to fit all In- Is. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. THE Illlift Carefully Corrected Eaoh Week Wheat 85 to 85 Oats , 83 to Peas 1 12 lo 1 12 Barley 55 to 66 Hay 12 00 to 12 00 Butter 22 ',( 22 Bugs, fresh 30 t 30 Poiatoeiper bag 75 to ?*) Geese 12 to 1.1 Ducks 15 ;o 15 fective crown development, the result of j OhScens'.Y.Y. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. * l?o 10 overcrowding. Misshapen and weakened Turkeys ,.. 18 to 21 crowns result in uxoeuivo windbreak, , and ragged breaks, if loft untrimmod, } provide the best possible entrance for ' fungi and insect pests, so thut a great ' number of these fine old shade-trees, ' which because of their very ago aro un- j able, unassisted, lo shake oil' these foei, are slowly dying through neglect. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE M HI ni . - treod of whatever xpeuiea should ho at leatt thirty feet opart and the muii- ' icipal act empowers municipal councils to ; remove trees within ttiis limit without i tho owner's consent. If tlii i>toviion ; j wore judiciously noted upon in the old towns of ritatci-n Cuiwtut, (he remaining' Hlmdf- trees would IT given it now lease of lift-. Tho Forestry Branch of the To- 1 'HADE MARKS DMIQNB COPYRIGHTS Ac. AIITOIIO imdlng ktch nd dMorlMlon mr inlcitlr luoertaln our opinion free whether nr invention ! probably miontAhte. Communtoft. "lontUI. Hi lloill M rietly (-otxtlloi ...., enttroe, olile>t xcnnrr furnoourl I'atBiitl tnken tnrouuh Mum ' landed, without obi Scientific luff iwtenta. h Munn .t ('>. receive u, Iu tbe A hndomoly Illustrated weekly. I nrgert olr- ciiltium of nny Hcleniltlc jounml. TurniM (or r.uiiuiu, IH.T.I n your, |i,i-iiiini i'n-|i.i. Hold by pur cent, of nnd n o pfttlmoi.t of the luterln", Ottawa, has on MONEY AWlgi every day you continue to skim tbe cream from your milk by using theold gravity setting method ! **-*aJii , You can't get all the butter fat and if you don't get all the butter fat, you are not getting alltheprpfit there is in Get a Dairymaid Cream Harvester; tryitfor a month, and it will save you both time and money. ^P"^*"*' It gets all the butter fat from the milk, and it will save enough to pay for itself in less than a year. - Call and let us explain why it is to your advantage to use a Cream Harvester and the Dairymaid in particular. This machine has many advantages which other machines * You want the best Cream Separator there is on the market, and you will get it if you come to us and boy the If you are not ready to buy, call anyway, and WO will at least spend a pleasant half hour together. > ***** S. Hemphill, (Agent, Ceylon " Looking backI see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Winter Term from January 6th at COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE r- . Attend this big, Succehsful ISchoiil nf linsinpss n nun n nnd let us In IP you into something worth while. Free cntnloguo on request. Knter nny time. T. E. Hawkins. Principal ( 'nl 1 1 in: wo. il, Ontario. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Lin* of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Buggies, Cut tern, Sleighn, and Gasoline Engine*, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and. Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergux, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable 6ttings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always <m hand. W.reroom Wellington Street. Feotrsbam, Ontario. Tamworths for Sale riolli sex Dearly ready (or breeding. Price* right for quick slp. GKO. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town mid district where we are nut represented. Fruit* are bringing high prices, and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make hit; money this Full and Winter by tnking an agency. Experience not neceasnry. Free equip- ment. Exclusive territory. Highest Commissions paid. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries TORONTO, - - ONT IM.-utflt 14 Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Uere ford bull lor service on lot 161, 2nd W. T. andS. R., Artemesia. Terms 11.00 cash . -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. CANADIAN WINTER TOURS TO- Calif ornia and the South Return Tickets At low Pares THE "LOGICAL ROUTE" TO WESTERN CANADA FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave To/onto IOSO p.m. daily Compartment Librty Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Caw, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Car, Firtt Class touches and Colonist Cats. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from any Canadian Pacific Agent or write. M. O. Murphy, D.P.A., C.P.Ry.,Toron- to. S. RAND, AGENT CEYLON. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undertigncd have a pure bred Hereford bull for service <>n lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.U.. ArtemcRia. Terms 83 f..r pure brcds, $1.50 for grades. All Cows served must be uaid lor. T. & J. WATSON. Itnavl4

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