Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1914, p. 3

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MEN AND WOMEN '.Need tbe Rich, Red Btool Dr. ; Will ams' Pink Pills Ac- tually Make Thin -blooded people do not rc- main BO from choice, but from in- . difference; in some cases from <le- t^oir. People who are pale, lan- guxl, with palpitation of the heart, \ tome difficulty in breathing and a , tendency to be easily tired are suf- fering from thin blood. They need 'only the resolution to take tbe ' right treatment and stick to it un- < til cured. The rmdy that can be relied upon is Dr. William*' Pink . PiUs for Pale People. With eTery dose they make new blood, and new blood means health and strength. Pha red cheeks, good appetite, in- ' creasing weight and strength that follow the use of these Pills prove . their great value to thin-blooded . people. Here is an example : Mrs. B. Steele, Affcon Road, P.E.I., ' lays : " Following childbirth I took * pain in my head which grew so t bad I had to call in a doctor. He . told me that my blood had turned to water and that I was in a serious ' condition. He treated me four months, but still the pain remain - , ed, and my condition was growing _ pitiable. I lost my appetite, and was eo weak and run down that I could no more than walk across a ' room. I was as pale as a corpse, and the doctor to'd my friends he had but little hopes of my getting 1 better. A cousin who came to see me urged me to try Dr. Williams' . Pink Pills, and I sent and got a supply. In about a month after beginning their use I had much re- ' lief, and by the time I had taken six more boxes I was fully cured . and felt as well as ever I did in my life. I have never had; a twinge of tie pain since, and feel that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, . as they cured me- after the doctor . bad failed." Sold by all medicine dealers or rent by mail ait 60 cents a box or ' six boxes for $2.50 by Th Dr. Wil- lia-riLs' Medicine Co., Broctville, . Ont. sure. It is more than likely tha' defective vision is next in order o' frequency to the overdose of alco- holic drinks as a cause of automo- bile accidents. We can, and should protect pedestrians and drivers of vehicles from injury to a much greater extent than we do. Each applicant for a license to drive a motor vehicle should be required to give sartisfactorv proof of at least moderately g.cd vision. NEW AFTERNOON GOWN. 'ACCIDENTS DUE TO BAD EYES. Applicants for License to Drive Mo- tor Vehicles Should Pass Test. Owing to the rapidly increasing number of automobiles, used for business as well as pleasure pur- poses, every State should require that all applicants for a license to drive a motor vehicle pass an eye- eight test, says the Journal of the American Medical Association. All railroads and many electric car companies require such a test. Yet in the groat majority of States the prospective driver of an automobile need only affirm in his application that he has no physical or mental infirmities. When one stops to consider that a railroad engineer j drives over a steel track, guarded , by signals and watchmen, and over a route with which he i* thoroughly familiar, whereas the autoist drives over any road he chooses, not pro- tected by lights and signals, and in some cases travelling almost as rapidly as a locomotive, it is plain- ly imperative that he possess as good sight as the man In the engine cab. If on eye is highly defective the field of vision is greatly impaired and tbe driver less able to manoeu- vre his car in an emergency. Paris, Munich and other European cities have seen the necessity of an exam- ination of the eyes of &U taxicab drivers and are strict in the en- forcement of this protective mea- Deslgned by Meunler, Paris. Model of grey chiffon over same colored satin moire ribbon, used for belt and trimming on tunic. BAET'S OWN TABLETS GUiE SICKLY BABIES If your baby is sickly, if his little stomach is out of order or his bow- els need regulating, no other medi- cine will have such prompt or bene- ficial effect as Baby's Own Tablets. Thousands of other mothers use no other medicine for their little ones. Concerning them Mrs. John G. Crockett, Glenberrie, N.S., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for stomach trouble*, vomiting and constipation, and in every instance they have .proved successful. I would use no other medicine for my little ones." The* Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ju.it (he JL'ore Woman Rises TO TELL HTTB SISTERS THEY CAN FIND RELIEF IN DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. John Cabot, After Six Tears' Suffering, Tried Dodd'a Kidney Pills and Found New Life and Energy. White Head Force, Que., Feb. 23. (Specia.). One more woman has risen to tell her suffering sisters they can fbd relief in Dodd's Kid- ney Pilla. That woman is Mrs. John Cabot, well known and highly re?peotrd here, and she expresses her enthusiasm in theee words: "I certainly recommend Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. There is nothing bet- ter." Asked to give her experience, Mr. Cabot continued: "My trou- ble started in a cold, and I suffered for six years. Rheumatism, neur- algia, stiffness of the joints, cramps in the muscles and heart flutter- ings were among my symptoms, and finally B right's Disease developed. It was then I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and they helped me almost from the start. After tak- ing four boxes I feel 1'ke a new wo- man." Dodd's Kidney Pi'U cure th~ Ir' 3 - neys. Healthy kidneys strain all the impurities and poisons* all tie seeds of disease out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pill* not only cure the disease but by ensuring good blood give new life and energy to every part of the body. Porks, Beans Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They hare BO equal. What la a Sea Mile! What is a sea mile is a question that is often asked. The distance varies in different parts of the globe. At the Equator, for in- stance, a knot would be 6,045.95 feet ; at the Poles it would be 6,107.76 feet, and in the latitude of the ocean route from Europe to New York about 6,080 feet. Nau- tical surveyors take into account these small differences', and the measured nautical mile for speed trials on the Clyde, where the Lusi- tania was built, is longer than the nautical mile used for the same purposes more southerly. The Bri- tish Admiralty knot is 6.030 feet, and the recognized knot of the United States Navy 6,080.27 feet. A knot in very general use mea- sures 1,000 fathoms, and a. fathom being 6 feet, this knot would be 6,000 feet Why Nott Zoolosry Teacher: "Edgar, what is the highest form of animal life V \ Edgar: "The giraffe." Pile. Cured la 6 to 14 Speaking Of Lunch the wife said, "Bring home a package of Post Toast ies Sure!" Toasties are wonderfully good at any meal, and Bomehow seem to match the appetite of both home folks and guests. Bits of selected Indian Corn, delicately seasoned, cooked, rolled thin and toasted to a rich golden brown that's Post Toasties. Fresh, tender and crisp, rcady-to-eat direct from the package. With cream and a sprinkle of sugar 'The Memory Lingers" Toasties sold by grocers everywhere. C*aUn -PeetM <hre! Co.. Ltd Windsor. Ontario- PrnKKisis refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching, Blind. or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50c. An old bachelor may not believe that life is full of contradictions, but a married man always does. Minard't Liniment Cures (mumper. Sure to Hi-turn. One morning a merchant whose goods did not very strongly sub- stantiate his advertising claims put out a new *ign. He was pkased to see that a. great many .people stop- ped to read it. But directly he was puzzled and angered to notice that they all went on, laughing. There was nothing funny about the sign. It merely read: "If You Buy Here Once You Will Come Again." The merchant went outside in a casual surt of way, and glanced' at his sign to see what was the matter. Some one, no doubt a former cus- tomer, had added another line; it now read : "If You Buy Here Once You Will Come Again To Bring It Back." What the Lenders Were Called. They were discussing the North American Indian the other day in a rural aohool, when the teacher asked if anyone could tell him what tho leaders were called. ''Chief," answered a bright little g ' v.l at the head of the class. 'Correct," answered the teacher. "Now, can any of you tell me wht the women were called I" There was silence for a minute or two, then a small boy's hand was seen waving aloft, eager to reply. "Well, Tommy f' aaked the teacher-. "Mischief," be proudly an- nounced. You May Have Catarrh And Not Know it HEAD AND THROAT BECOME DISEASED WITH CATARRH FROM NEGLECTING COLDS AND COUGHS. 'Is your breath bad?" 'Is your throat sore!" 'Do you cough at night?" 'Is your voice raspy?" 'Have you nasal discharge?" 'Do you spit up phlegm?" 'Has your nose an Itchy feeling?" 'Have you pain across the eyes?" 'Is your throat irritable, weak?" 'Do you sleep with mouth open?" 'Are you subject to sneezing fits?" 'Do your ears roar and buzz?" 'Are you hard of bearing?" If you have any of these Indications of Catarrh, cure the trouble now stop it before It gets into the lungs or bronchial tubes then it may be too late. The remedy is "Catarrhozone," a direct btsathable cure that places antiseptic balsams and healing medi- cation on every spot that's tainted by catarrual germs. There can be no failure with Ca- tarrhezone for year* It has success- fully cured cases that resisted other ' remedies. "No one can know better i than I, the enormous benefit one gets from the very first day's use of Ca- tarrhozone," writes T. T. Hopkins, of Westvale, P.O. "I had for years a stubborn ease of Bronchial Catarrh, ear noises, headache, sore eyee, stop- ped-up nose and throat. It affected my appetite and made my breath rank. Catarrhozone -cured quickly." Get Catarrhozone, use it, and you are sure of core--beware of imitations and substitutes. Large size Catarrh- two no, with hard rubber inhaler, lasts two months, and ts guaranteed. Price 11.00. at all dealers, or the Catarrh- ozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., aud .King- ston, Out. "Charlotte, my dear, how is it I find you weeping? Have you had bad news from your husband?" "Oh, worse than that. Arthur writes me from the country that ha would die with griei at being absent from me were it not that he gazes at my picture and covers it with a thousand kisses everv day." "That is very nice of him ; but surely you are not crying about that ? Most women would give anything to have ! such a poetic and devoted hus- band." "Oh, ys. Arthur is very poetical. But you don't know. Just to try him I put mother's photo in- j to his travelling bag instead of my | own, and the wretch has never found it out. Boo-hoo-hoo." BISMARCK'S BITE. Coantfsa SchonvslofT Gave Him a Taste of His Own Medicine. Bismarck had little regard for wo- men who attempted to think for themselves in matters of state and politics. Moreover, he never took any pains to conceal his dislike for them. Occasionally, however, when his adversary was a clever woman, : he found the snub returned as effec- tively as he gave it. London Tit- i Bits describes one such incident : One day he paid a visit to the Russian embawy at Berlin. Several women who were present joined in the conversation, which turned on j aome of the political questions of the day. Bismarck was as gruff and surly to the women as usual ; he flouted even the mistress of the house, the Countess Schouvaloff. At last, to the relief of every- body, Bismarck took his leave. A few moments Later the family mas- tiff wa heard barking at the great man, in the courtyard. Immediately the countess ran to the open window and called, in tones of gentle entreaty : "Oh, please, Monsieur le Chance- lier, please don't bite my dogl" Hal Killing. A report from M. de Kruyff, of the Dutch Agricultural Bureau avt Bultenzorg, Java, points the way to real success in rat killing. He tried the modern method of giving a con- tagious disease to one rat in the hope that all would die. Thia prov- ed useless. FinaHy, de Kruyff hit upon a novel use of carbon disul- ohide. All visible rat holea were first stopped with earth to ascertain which holes were inhabited, for the inhabited holes were found re- opened on the following dav. Ha,'f a teaspoonful of carbon disulphide was poured in each of these holes, and after waiting a few seconds to allow the liquid to evaporate, the mixture of vapor and air was ignit- ed. The resulting omall explosion filled the hole with poisonous gases and killed all the rats almost in- stantly. Scientific American. Will QuicRly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. KEEPTCUR SKIN CLEAR "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the j bowels. I did not require targe doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, ' and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am j well no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves It. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- i ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, i sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. With Daily Use of CUTICURA SOAP And occasional use of Cuti- cura Ointment. No other emollients do BO much to prevent pore-clogging, pim- ples, blackheads, red, rough hands, dandruff, itching scalps and falling hair. CulaB*am>n4OtBUMatra MM tin msl Ih. world. A UtMtml IUBOM al ouh. wtlb 32-M* turn Bok. MM pwt-imr ArtrtTm Potur Dnis* C*rp., Drt- *K. Boitoei. u. . A. An Old Offender Caught For years h naa caused endless trouble, but -when Putnam's Corn Extractor was applied, he came out roots and all. Any corn or wart cured in twenty tour boons by "Putnam's Extractor." 25c. a: all deaJera. May Become Tart. Bear this in mind, ye courting lads, When to the ladies fair ye pop, The girl you call a "candy kid" May later prove a lemon drop. To Car* a Cold in On* Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money 1C It fulls to cure. El W. GROVE'S signa- ture Is on each box. 25c. Appreciated. Lady: "This is the third time I've given you something to eat." Trarcp : "Yes, ma'am, thank you, and if you are ever looking for a place as cook I shall be pleased to give you a recommendation." Try M urine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eye* or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart Soot ties Eye Pain. Druggists Soil Murme Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, .SOc. Marine Eye Salve In Aseptic Taboo. Z5c, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mail. A > TM*> CM* tor an (r Mat MM* Cam Uurta* Ey &> Co.. Chic AMMS ALt- Could Not Be. He: "I thought of giving you & rintf with opal a and diamonds. But perhaps you consider opals un- ' lucky?" She: "Not with diamonds." N. W. OAWSON. ninety ColOorn. *trMt. Teronta. _^^_____ IF YOU WANT TO BUT OB BBLL 1* Fruit. Stock. Grain, or Ds.ry f*rm, writs H. W. Dawwm. Brmmpton. or Col borne Bt.. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Colborn. St.. Toronto S \SK\TCm5W AN IMPROVED KARM. Wusi !*>U. Small payment. Good water. W<ndn>:ll. Stable. Hnni*. Grunar- ie. Slimmer fallow. Market DTO mile* Buhool on farm. Writ* owner. 625 Wilton Aenue. Toronto. Canada. WANTED. Falrvllle. SepL 30. 1502, Mlnard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs. U'd wish to Intorm you that we consider your MINARU'S Ll.N'IMENT a very superior article, and we use it as ;i sure relief for sore throat and sliest. \Vhen I tell you I would not be without U If the price waa one dol- lar a bottle, I mean It. Yours truly, OH AS. !'. TILTON. AKKXT8 WE WANT YOU. WKJTB T}(vrinion Shade Adjuster Co., Wmd. nor. Ontario. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. GOOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County, stationery and Book IluninesB In connection. Price only SI. mill. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company. 73 West Adelaide Strett. Toronto. NURSEHY STOCK. O Varieties. Free Catalog. A Son. Uroreiond, Ontario. . t'lFTY McCounU MISCELLANEOUS. \| AKE YOl'R WTLt, WITHOUT LAW- l yer's few). Your family insured against. expensive lawsuits. Code WU] Form postpaid 2So. GrifflUw, Browue UUg . Montreal. Precaution. "Our new employee has a bullet head." "Then be careful how j-ou fire him." Minard'* Linimtnt Curti Cargtt In Cow CA.NCEB. TUMOUJ*. LUUH* KTO.. uiUTtnl and trnl. cured wltfc. I cm pain by our bom* treattni-nt Writ* an bpfor too l.t T)r B"man Xcdioal (V T.Ji"'*"*. rViU'newtvo 1 . Ont Catarrh ! Treacherous When Fully Developed Is a Horror Note Its Symptoms. BRITAIN'S NEW BATTLESHIPS. Will Burn Coal and Carry Oil As Auxiliary Fuel. With the recent laying down of the battleships Royal Sovereign and Royal Oak at Portsmouth and Devonport, a new departure was made by the British Admiralty. These two ships, with three others to be land down at private yards this year, will be considerably sma.ller and slower than their im- mediate predecessors, and they will also be coal burners, carrying oil only as auxiliary fuel. This means any battleships now under con- struction and operation, but it is believed that the Admiralty in mak- ing the decision was guided more by the opinion that battleships have grown beyond the most practicable size than they were by economy. It is believed that the new ships will have a displacement of about 26,000 tons, thus being smalkr than any battleships under under con- struction, except those in France, which are about the same size. It would seem that France and Eng- land had an understanding in the matter, as all other countries are building ships of 30,000 tons and upwards. The new small vessels will have a speed of 21 knots, and they wil! mount eight, if not ten, 15-inch guns. The secondary armament will consist of 6-inch gune behind armor. Always That Chance. "And you are to b married the sixth of next monh.1" "Yea. Isn't that jolly?" "Awfully. I suppose you are busy having your wedding clothes,' made?" "Oh, no. If I had them made now they'd probably be out of etyle brfore I got a chance to wear! them." PARTNERS WANTED We aro opening hr.ui.-h official through* ont Canada, and the Mtxtug and wan* mxn- gvTM to handle our bram-hes, wh> can ~tftv<*.t $1.000 to ta.OOO. Salary $150 ajid np- wards monthly, and yotir har of th profrts. 300 pt-r cent, profit in our buaiaeai. Address, Post Office Box No. 206, Station "B," Montr*a<. Canadian Nair Restorer Before and . ., icr Using. Restore* Grey Hair to original color. Two might UM from same bottle, hair of one brcomen blatk. the other blond ur other color aa they wrre la youth. Stops Falling Hair. DandnifT, Itching. Oirrn all Scalp Di.wuio*. Produces N'ew Growth. Satisfaction guaranteed or muury back. Prim 75 cwrts r two fw On* Oollv (pntana twidJ Not sold In stures, addreu Canadian Hair Restorer Co., WINDSOR. ONT. "Well," said Mary, who prided herself on her singing and range of voice, "Io you think my voice will fill that large room to-night?' "No," said her cruel brother. "On the contrary." Mr. Waylayem (.suggestively) : "Can't you help a p<x>r lonely man, who hasn't got anything in the world but a loaded revolver I" llnarel Ltnim.nt Cure* CeM, !, El). 7. Experienced mothers say Zam-Buk is best for chil- dren's injuries and skin troubles, because: It is herbal no poisonous mineral coloring. It is antiseptic prevents cuts and burns taking the wrong way. It is soothing ends pain quickly. It heals every time. Just as good for grown- ups. Sold at all ttoret and druggist*. Let us help you to gat more momy out of your bush Th question Is: Are you making good enough syrup? Are you mak- ing all you can? Are you losing any sap. which Is ral mony? Place "Champion" In your f yar camp, and you will obtain the very bst roaulu with lesa work. Wrlto for free book- let. OBIMM: MFQ. co.. UXTTBB 68 Welling-ton St., Montreal, Qn.. POTASH for flll Crops On All Sells POTASH is an Indiupnil PLANT FOOD. No soil will raise a Maximum Crop that does not contain an AVAILABLE sup- ply, sufficient for the orop a needs. WTBXATB OF POTASjt and 8TTUXATB OP POTASH can be obtained from the leading fertilizer dealers and seedsmen. nuyera of "ready-mixed" fertil- !.:< should 1nni*t on brnnda of HIGH rOTASX CONTENT. WRITE for our FREE, edu.-atlve bulletin* on the Important subject of FKRTTUZINQ OEUMAIf FOTABK 8TN-DICATB, 1010 T.mpl. Blrtg ., TOHOWTO. The Frost. Flora: "I gave Jack th tharty- second degree last night." Dora: "Are- you a mason?" Flora: "No; but that's the fpee*- ing p^'int, isn't it?" Mlnaril* Lln,innl Cures Dlphthria M-HJI is the architect of his own 1SSL tt-'U.

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