Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1914, p. 4

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February 26 1014 THE J.' L E S H E 11 r N ADVANCE I'll K *** /leoljcrtoH 3 ^m An Independent IR-V.V|.;>|T, pulilioiiei! -MTV Ttuiraday at tii 1 ' office, Culhnff'.roud Straet, Ktalierton. Siil.-cri|.ii .11 i>ii- *1 i>i-ri>numn. u'li'-i: DftidiDadTHttCfl &91.5J wben not 00 jxii't Advi-rti-iiii.' raie ;: :i|'pli> -utioir. ' 'irculation 1.100 weekly. \V M. 'rjiurston- Killtor Flcsherton Methodist Church llov. .l.uius I) 'i l:.'i-.>ii, |i i Tliuntbv, "* l>- > 1'rayor Meeting I'ikUy at 7.: ; p. in , clinir practice. Sunday. l<i.;n a. in. Coiifurencj for Christian workers. 11 a. in. Past-.r will jjU'iicli. 7 p. in. Pustor will pleach. Kpwurth League Monday evening 8 !' M. Cun.si'CTittiiin meeting. Flesherton-'xVx/T) Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a. in . Service at 11 a. m. Bible study at Mr. Pallium's, CVylon, Thursday evening this week. Osprey Council The municipal council of the township of Osprey met at Fevenhaiu on S;t'ur- dy, Feb. 14, according to adjournment from Jan. 12 last. The members were all present. Minutes of lint meeting wore lead and adopted. CommunicttionH and accounts, etc., were received from : J. A, Kernahan, treasurer, account $2.25, discount on vhtijue and expenxei of bank draft ; Jas. Sewell, claim lor sheep killed by dogi, amounting to 940.00; J. & W. Itnyd.acct |2.G.~>, cement b2 not returned ; county treasurer, list of laml- liable to lie soli! in 1914 for arrears of Uxe* ; T. E. Thornbury, canvassing for finle of dog tags ; Isaac Triynor, C.K , agreement ol land owner under Ditches and Water- courses Act re (Jrummett ditch ; Salva- tion Army relief work askin<.' for dera- tion : National Sanitarium Association for Consuirptives, asking for a donation report of commit tee on treasurer's Umdc Municipal World, accr. 823.35, supplies Municipal Franchitnj Referendum com- mittee regarding extending the franchise to married women ; report of auditors on acci'unts of f5R.~ ~ Bylaw No. 5H7 w^s passed tppnintinf f i'id coiniui.^ioiiern v:/. : l)iv. No, 1 Joseph Henderson ; No. _', YV. H. <iuy N . '.'>, John Thomson ; N r. 4, Irwin Morrison : No. 5, J. I!. Mmriiead. Orders were issued on .Ihc treahurer to \.iiy J. A. Kernahnn $-.L'5, disci nut, nn< vx)>en.si'H on draft ; Municipal \Vorl( -*j::.:t.\ supplies ; Willis Ncff $1.00, an- itary inspector, quaioiitioe for smallpox ; Salvation Army relief work $.">, .lumes Mewull &Wi.Wi, lwn third value of sheep claim ; Alex. Dougln* and Robert lli-rn, Ul.'! each an auditor , ?fi of KV<! amouirt to be charged in the telephone system. The report of the auditors win adopted nnd tho printing committee was instructed to arrange for the priming of IJOO copies. The report of the committee on the treasurers security was adopted. The Council adjourned to meet at - liimpl'in on Saturday, Mutch 7, next. -THOS. .SCOTT, Clerk. Bugenia Paragraphs .Mis. Tim i., . Paul's fiinuriil took place roin the home i.f her lirotlior, Joseph . ? eniok, Klcsherton, on Wednesday Insl when tlie leiimim were accompanied by tttc cortege to the Methodist church. v!i ! I; v. Mr. Dudgeon ofiouted. The :iM-d 1'uly was burn near Toronto ind spent MION! i.f her life in ibis neisih- lii'ini. Aloin: willi lior brother Joseph lived on the farm liow owned by iVm. Hawkins. About eleven yours ago she married Thomas Paul of v - ( )spiey, rith whom she lived until his death six yeam {.>. T/ttely she had be.'ii making icr homo at Paisley. She wits highly expected ciii/.tn anil of a thoroughly re- i^ious character. The sympathy of the mmunity is extended to the friends. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fenwick of To- .ni i attended the funeral if their aunt, Mi.-. Tim u. i. Paul. Mr. McKenzie of Winnipeg was the guest of Mrs. Oeo Graham and family. Mr. Bert Graham is visiting friends in Toronto. The regular meeting of the W. I. will be held at Mrs. W. C. Pedlar's, Rock Mills, next Friday evening, Feb. 27, Mr. Trout of Owen Sound is expected to be days last week, present. A load of young people from here at- tended tho hockey mutch between Dun- dulk and Flesherton. Miss McMullen spent the week-eud wifh her sister, Mrs. Hugh Hammond of Priceviile. Miss Sheardown of Mount. /ion was the guest c-f Mrs. John Parsons recently. Mrs. Win. Hawkins was l-adly scalded on Sunday by a hot pan of grease splash- ing over her face und hands. Married In T-ronto Feb. 23, 1914, Miss Mm y .1 mi -> .M, second d.-iughter of Mr. J. K. Jaiiiieson, to Mr. David Go. nor, son of Mr. Thomas Geuoe of this; place. A reception to the hijjhly es- teemed young couple wus given at their home on the 8th line. Vandeleur Happenings . ' A jolly parly from this nei :hbi rhncd numbering about Ihiriy-tivo speut n very enjoyable timt! at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. \VillJSwanton on Wedne-duy even- ing last. Mr. find Mis. .!. U. Hollt-y spent the week-end with frifiids :it Moaford. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Lhvi.s entfi tallied a number of their friends and neighbors on Monday evening, week. Mr. Delbcrt Alcox is laid up with an attack of quinsy. Misses Susio and Gertie McC'locklin have returned to the.ir home nt Cjylon after epeiiding thu past two months with their grandparents, Mr. and MIK. Joliii NVurlius;.' We aro sorry to report Miss Sadie Wailing on the sick list. K. E. Baker and Mies Tiliie Uu- chunan visited friends at Kimbci'ley on Wednesday last. Tha Vnndeleur branch W. I. held their regular monthly nieetins at tho home of Mrs. JohnTectoi on Thursday. Mr. Scott of Saskatchewan visited with his cousin, Mr. J. H. Holley for a few as- Division Court in Diuidalk Division Couit as held on Thursday of last week. Pedwell sued R. H. Little fnr 50, damages for delivering hay not up to contract. Tried by a jury. Verdict for plaintiff for 841. Goff v. Irwin Account ?J7 -'5. Judg- ment for 80.52. Mills v. Uowliy Kowley shot Md! dog. which he claimed was a nuisance, and Mills sue! for 825. Judgment was reserved. The parties live on the town- | line Melancthoii and Osprey. The above was all that came to tiiiil out of fifteen cases on the docket. The rest were either udjouri:cd or settlfd out of couit. Through the Ice Mr. Alex McKon/ic, caretaker at Kings Royal Puik, had an experience on Monday which he will not rare to have duplicated and which came near being a fatality, when he broke through the ice on tne bay, and only saved himself by being able to fwim and keep allott un- til he could scramble up on the solid ice again. He had ?onc out on tho bay to lift a net which he had underneath the ice in the approved winter fishing fash* ion. As he was going toward the net he came tnja hummock of ice, where iiMi.nl cracked > nd heaved up in a ridge. Without thinking he jumped over the ridge and the ice on thu other side prov- ed to be rotten. II.- went through it as if it had lisi'ii paper, dining up and getting a grip of himaelf after the icy ducking he eel about, to work his way cautiously and carefully toward strong ice. He had to break some more of the thin ice before lie came to that which was firmer. It was careful and ticklish work in the freezing water which would rapidly benumb a man immoried in it ai Mr. McKenzie was. After a few min- utes which seemed like itgea, Mr. Me- Ken/ie was able to place his hands on olid ice and carefully drew himself out. II.- WM a mile from his home or tho nearest occupied dwelling and he had to run for it. When he reached home he wan incased like an armoured knight of old, in a solid, glittering, hard mass, his clothing being trozcii hard like a board. Fortunately Mr. McKen/.io is sufleiin^ no ill effect from the ice ba'h which he had not anticipated. He f.itU to .s>o what enjoyment th.- Russians derive from bmhing in (lie rivers when they first h.ive lo i ul holes through the ica to got to tho walei. lie avers it cannot be t. - Tim. Busines College Students Have Grand Night The annual At Ilome of the Colling- wood Imtiness college is an e/ent to which the ,-tiidenls and cx-atudonts of that flourishing institution look forward etch year with the keenest anticipation and delight. This year the occasion wits one of mrirkod success both in point of numbers and <|u;lity "f the entertain- ment, anJ Feb. l"> is a dute that will long be lemcmbered in tho anna's of the C.B.C. The spnc'ous collego rooms presented a beautiful sight, the walls ;ind elec'ric lights beina nrtislicully draped and fef- t >ned with the criinsun, him- and crim- son colrrra of the college, tho effect be- iiu, I'.i'li'jhilul and inspiring, nnd lidding to the keen pleasure of the scores of young people who thronged the entire place. About ii'tO invitations had been cent out to points as fur di.-tnnt as ()i- lillir. Hmrie, Meiifnid, Thornbury, To- i..nicr, I'arry Sound and Little Current, und the large number present from nit }( town shows tlrit die loyalty nnd piide of the C.B.C. students in their Alma Muter^is deep and rnduriug nnd is grow ing stronger yettr by year. Early in the evening the shorthai d department of the collfgu was thu scone of progressive euchre, which continued up lo about 10 o'clock, whon tho lusi-i- naling stiams of inuiiic from another i|unrter were the signal to repair to the hpacious and beautifully decorated com- mercial room, where a splendid floor and excellent music in churgo of ML-,. Ander- son nnd Mr. W. Jacknmti lefr, nothing to be desired by Ihcso who lovo to trip the light f.nii ;i..i I--, and thero were ninny. At 12 o'clock refrechinents were served, after which dancing wns rosumed. Three o'clock came nil too KOOII, and many wore the expressions of regret heard as the time for separation p- pixnchod, and ns hand of student cla*peu hand of ex-Htudont in Auld Lang Syno thoughts travelled forward to another year in the hope that all would meet again to spend just such another night within the walls of the old C.B.C. A farmer carrying an exprefs package from a mail order house was accosted by a local merchant. "Why didn't you buy that bill of goods from me ! I could have saved you the express, and besides you would have been patronizint! home store which helps pay the taxe und buildup lliiM locnlity " The farmer looked at the merchant a moment and then said: "Why don 1 ', you patronize your home piper and advertise? 1 roid it, and I didn't kuuw that you hud tho stun" 1 have bore." F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Price This week in MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS BOYS' HEAVY RUBBERS MEN'S OVERSHOES BOYS' OVERSHOES LADIES' OVERSHOES FELT BOOTS Grocery Special : Grape Fruit . Marmalade Oranges BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Marshall 00(101 will be for service on lot 17C, T. 8. R. Artemeaia. Terms 81. Au JAS. STINSON, Prop. Annual Meeting Grey and Bruce Insurance Company Xot'Ce is heroby given, pursuant to Section i27 <>( the Ontario Insurance AcrJ'.IJ^tlmt the Annual General Meet- ing of thu Urey and Hmce Mutirtl Fire Insurance Company will In' held in Mil- ler's Hall, in tho Town of Hanover, on S.iturdny.the 21st i'.y of February,!'.)!-!, ?tt L'.:W o'cloak in the aflcrn<r,n, for the purpose of receiving tho Auditors' Stte nu'iit, tlio t-l.i-tiiin of Directors nd trans- action of other business. II. H. MILLER. Secretary. Hanover, .January 30, 1!>14. (leorpH Miskelly, 0. P. R. conductor, stopped his train between Smith's Falls and MrrrickvilK', und killed n bear with an ase. CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March Sin October 27,lnclutivc. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton nnd Return - 43.00 From Toronto, and Station* West nnd North of Toronto. Proportionate faros from Station! Enst of Tor on in. Return Limit two month*. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND Cl-Af-S) EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL S.'ttlcni travcllinx with live mock ami erleou should tak> SKTTI.I'RS 1 SPECIAL TRAIN wlikli loaves Wot Toronto inch TtiMday clminK MARCH and APRIL .ift'-r ariiv.il ri-iMiUi Mi.?!) p.m. train from Toronto Union t.ition. Si'i tiers un.l farolllr* without liv< itniV hoiilrl so RF.OUI.AR TRAINS, iMvii-i. Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. TRIODin Coioni.it ami Tcmriit Sleep' ' Through trains Toronto to Wi'n.i (H>I.ONISTCARSON T All. MM! N.I rlLirgi ior Berth?. 1'i.ii. iiliinlr irn CmimH.i'.i P.irific AiiCntn or write M. G. Murphy. D.P.A.. Toronto. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to tho IVratniar- tor Uanural, will bo rucoivod at Ottawa HI.I.I noon, on Frlda", the Mrd of April, lull. for tho conveyance o' His Majusty'-* Mails oo a in ., IN. M''l Contract for fonr ycnrs six i mir por week each way Over liiiiii in (South- West) and Ituml nail Riiutt) from tho VostniaBtor QoDeral'a ploaKiiro I'rlutoil notices containing Inrther iuforma- t.ii-n ad to cocditictia of proposed Contract, may bo soon and blank formn of Tender may bo obtained at the Tost Offices of Duacaii and at tli" Ufllee of the 1'ott Ollloo In Bpeotor at Toronto. PontofUce loBpeotor's of li n Toronto Jan. i.Mh IBM, A. BL'THEHLAND, P. O. Inspector. THE mm. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to 85 Gain 33 lo .7:1 PeaB 1 12 lo 1 la Barley 65 to 5.5 Hay 12 00 to 12 00 Butter 22 'c -'-' KaRS, fresh 30 i 30 Potatoet per bag 75 to 75 Oeese 12 to 13 Ducks 15 .o 15 Fowl 11 to 13 Chickens 13 lo 10 Tuncey 18 10 Jil Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. Tho original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement jwill only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wanU. Springs and Mattresses to fit all bols. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. YOU ARE THROWING MONEY AWA/ every day yon continue to skim the croiim from yc..:r r.iilk l>.v usinjj the old gravity soiling method I ; You can't jc-t nil the butter fat and if you don't get all the butter fut, you are not getting all the profit there is in the milk. ---*>*- ***+?*?<&&*** , Get si Dairymaid Cream Harvester; try it for a month, and it will s:iv<> you both time und money. It gets tiU t':e killer fat from the milk, nnd it will save enough to p.iy for itsolf in loss than a year. Call and let us explain why it is to your advantage to use a Cream JIarvestor nnd the Dairymaid in particular. This machine has many advantages which other machines do not have. You want the best Cream Separator there is on the market, and you will get it if you come to us and buy the Dairymaid. t If you are not ready to buy, call anyway, and we will at least spend a pleasant half hour together. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceyoln SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE '. RADE MARKS DESIGNS 'Ta 4c. Anwjio "OiKtlng A l:i>trti r.nit closer! "t Inn ro [iii. : 'v (underlain our opinion frco wurtlier n' InviMiiUvu la prohanlT pnteniiib1& C. iiuiiunion. tl<in>xtrioil7cmiilduntliil. IIANDBOOK < nPntonw . iit frott. Olriotl ncronoy for .. I'nlunH taken tlirnuirh Mum A Co. rucelve out olmiv", lathe Scientific Htnerlcatt ' ily Illustrate! wockly. i. imort olr- ny tetAntino l.mrnnl 'rernm for i a year, poataice | rup,.uu Sold by ;Co, 36lB '" i5w ' New York WeT& If 8U Wartt" toS AC.' " Looking hack* I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. Winter Term from at 5ih COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS IB COLLEGE this hig. Successful School of business trninirg nnd let us hrlii you into K.'mt'thnic; worth wliilo. Ft en catalogue (Hi ivi|iust. 1 liver tttty time. T. E. Hawkins. Principal CollmgwO'id, R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, [Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements- Wagons,- Buggies, Cutters, Sleiglm, and Gasoline Engines, Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fcversbam, Ontario. Tamworths for Sale r.oth sn iieurly rcaily tor breediug. Pik-ea right for quitksak'. GKO. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Bull for Service Thorouithbred American bred Here ford bull lor service on lot 161. 2nd. WS T. andS. R., Artemcma. Terms $1.00 i cash . -JOHN ADAMS, Piop, Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town and district where \ are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices, and) Nursery St<:ck ia in demand. Make big money this Fall and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Free equip- ment. Excluiive territory. Highest Commissions paid. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries TORONTO, - - ONT 1 March 14 ANADIAN PACIFIC WINTER TOURS TO- California and the South Heturn Tickets At low Fares THE "LOGICAL ROUTE" TO WESTERN CANADA FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.2O p.m. daily Compartment Libray Observation Cur, Standard Sleeping U*r, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dining Car, Firt Class touches and Colonist Cars. Purtieulais regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from ny Canadian Pacific Agent or write. M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., O.P.Ry., Toron- to. S. RAND,AGENT CEYLON. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure ln-ed Hereford bull for st-rvice oil lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.R.. ArtemoBin. Terms $3 f.ir pure breds, SI. 50 for wades. AH cows .served must be paid ior. T. & J. WATSON. 1 m ar 14

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