Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1914, p. 5

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February 26 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The STANDARD BANK of CAN ADA STATEMENT CO.VDEJVSD From Report to Dominion Government, 31st Jan., 1914 RESOURCES CuK on hand and in Central Gold Reserve and Notes and Cheque* of other Bant. . $7,91 5,545.95 Government Deposit to secure Circulation .... 130.000.00 Due by Banks .... 610,623.02 Government, Municipal and other Debentures . . . 2,540,277.52 Call Loans on Bonds, etc. . 2,659.645.66 AMCU immediately available $13,856.092.35 Loans and Discounts . . 30.664,507.4 1 Liability under Letters of Geditper Contra , . 106,968.37 Bank Premise*. Freehold, i Head Oftce and Branches 1,053,505.51 Othe.Aiets . . . 66.919.14 $45.749.992.78 LIABILITIES Capital ..... $2,860.240.00 Reserve Fund. Surplus Profits and Rebate of Interest on Bills discounted . . . Dividends ..... Notes in Circulation . . 3,901.434.57 92,579.23 2.652,643.00 35,018.592.10 1,115,53551 Due to Banks .... Acceptances under Letters of Credit ..... 108,96837 $45.749,992.78 C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station The W. I. will meet on Wednesday, 3 1 March 4, at 2. :iO p.m., in the high school Trains follows : Going South Going North when papers wil1 be given OD Cookifl(1 7.43a.m. 11.41 a.m. | and dou o' h uts, by Mrs. J. McMillan 4.17p.m. 9.12p. m. and Mrs. Hawkcn ; Literature in our The mails are closed at Flesherton ad [ Homes, by Mrs. R. H. Wright, and a ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and i solo by Miss Josie Richardson. Erery- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south aa !.v. d wpW,m 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south! mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g- , Mrs. George Thompson of Osprcy met ^ | with a severe ud painful accident recent- ly.by which she is likely to lose the sight of htr left eye. She wts holding the j lantern fur her husband while he nailed board on the pig pen, when the wire nail flew and penetrated the eyeball. Mrs. Thompson waa taken to Owen VICINITY CHIPS , week Dr. Murray ppeot all of last Toronto. Mr. Elwood Genoa of Toronto is holi- daying at the parental home thia week. Miss Amanda McTavish is visiting friends ,-it Corbel ton. Sound hospital and. placed under the care of Dr. Burt, who is putting forth every effort to save the eye. He fears, however, that the sight is destroyed and is yet in doubt as to whether he will have Messrs. Frank Irwin and R. C. Walker j "> "move the eye. Thii will not he of Durham called on friends here Sun- day. returning tbe same day. Mr. Geo. Walter and Miss Florence Thuntou apent a few days last week with friends at Walter's Falls . Died On Saturday, February 21st, 1914, Susan Porteoua, beloved wife of John Porteous, Si., aged 83 years, 1 month. The time for receiving tenders for the erection of i school in S. S. No. 5, Osprey has been extended until March 20, 1914 Geo. Lawlor, Sec., Eugenia P. O. Mr*. J. W. Armstrong left on Satur- day for au extended visit with I.er daugh- ter*. Mrs. Aikcnhead aud Mr*. Clark, at Toronto and Ottawa. known for a week or ten days yet. Mr. Thompson called on Tbe Advance Mon- day morning on his return from Owen Sound and aid that the inflammation waa much reduced and the danger that the brain would be affected ha been obvi- ated. Mrs. Thompson is a couam of Dr. J. P. Ottewell of Flesherton. Much ympithy is expreaaed for Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and there is universal hope that the injury may not prove as serious as was feared. The high and public school hockey teams collided agnin on Saturday night with the same uld result, only not quite Mr. Bowler has been licking a num- , ... | ao much of it, the high school showing ber of raw recruits into tootm<> shp e i .. .. f fl . . ..... dutmct signs of improvement. The score stood 5 to -1 in favor of the public for the past few weeks and will soon be in a position lo appcur in public with a brand new band numbering thirteen members. Ho claims to have found school. List week The Adv.-ince said the some good timber among the- younger i Flesher'on hockey team paid its own ex- (jeoeration and hopes to have a band , penses at DumUlk and came home with- that will be an houor ti himself and the j out finishing the game. We should have town. It wiil be delightful t j hear the ' completed the story by saying that the .sound of the horns ones more. : Dundalk team after sleeping over the Miss Rita Buskin an.l Miss Irene Orr, piano pupils of Mrs. Joseph Blackburn, were in Toronto last week taking exams, at the College (f Music, and were very successful. Ou Senior Secor.d Miss Bu.skin passed with houors, and on Sen- ior First Miss Orr took Brst class honots. The young ladies, together with their teacher, are to be congratulated. A It of people appear t > have gone wild on cows. Auctioneer McPhiiil tells The Advance that at -.ne of his recent sales near Dundalk cowa ranged from $75 to $85 juac common, ev hookers. Up in Sul'iv.-m they have it about aa bad. At a sale them the prices r^ii^ed from 87 to $155, and a cow with calf itfoot brought $158, but these were thoroughbreds. Richard H. Hooper, who ran furni- ture factory in Flesherton over thirty 1 matter decided to send alone a cheque I to cover the Fleaberton expenses and I this was accordingly done. A belated conversion is better than none and wo are desirous of giving all the credit that I is due, therefore this explanation. The return game of hockey was played J on Friday night between Dundalk and our home team. The boys faced oue an- other a little after eight o'clock, but when Dundalk sr what they were up ngainsr, they withdrew, and would not play until the goal keeper for the town ,-erydy j teanl was taken off, which was agreed to 'about 9.45. The game atarted fast, and iho referee btgau penalising the Fleshertou toys without any reaaon. This soon caused disputes, which ended in a free-for-all. TliH referee was told that he was to blame for not acting justly. He took years ago, died of Bright's disease last I the advice and the game was good from week at Achesou, Ks, aged 50 yean. While living here he married Margaret Myles, a aiater of Mr. A. . Mylea of Kimberley, and who only lived a short that on. The Dundalk teaai played some very good combination, which waa well met by the home defence. McTav- iah and Piper wore well in the lime light by their hard work aad personal rushes. By I The game at half time waa 2 goals to 3 the in favor of the home team. At full lime each aide had scored 11 goals a piece. Auction Sales time after, the marriage. One son, Loro Hooper, survives from this* union, the second' marriage, contracted iu States, he leaves three sons. About a year and a half ago Reginald Holmes of Owen Sound was sent down to Kingston for burglarizing County Constable Cook', store at Ceylon, taking i A credit , U(J , ion ^ of fwm jtock( i|n . a case of confiscated whiskey and a couple | F , emeDta &nd hougeho i d turui ture will Of iiili of butter. H. waa recently re- j u held Qn kt 31( ^ 8> Arteme8 j. ( oo leased on parole after serving all but j Thur8d y< Mlrch 5> tbe p roper t y O f Mrs. twenty mouths of hi. term. The youn K j w c p^,^ who i(J MmovinK from lhe man has lo report regultfly at the Owen | farm> gee Ufge bi|U Wm Sound police court and mad* hit first re- auc ti olleer- the p jrt last weak. It is thought tbe mis- demeanor WAS more in the nature of a youthful prank than an intentionally riminal act, and the demands of justice have probably beeu met. Last week our subscriber* got thtir papers a day late and they were fortu- nate to get them even then. Friday morniug of the previous week the cyliii. Uer of our gasoline engine burst with the frost and had to be seat to Toronto for renewal. It came back Wednesday night and after working on it until 3 a.m. and and 6.30 to 8 a.m. Thursday, we got it together and running. Mr. James Patton, lot 8; con. 19, Pro- ton, will hold an extensive credit eale of thoroughbred stock, including his sttll- ions and fine bunch of Clydesdale mares, cattle, sheep and farm implements. The advertisement of stock appears elsewhere in thia issue. For implement*, etc., see bills. The sale will take place on Fri- day, March 6. Mr. Patton has sold hit farm and gives up posanision on April 1 D. McPhail, auctioneer. unusual that our subscribers iu the coun- try kept the telephone hot with inquiries as to the cause of delay. We will try to While ice waa being put into Wingo- felder and Krueger's icq-house at Walk- Tue delay was so erton on Thursday morning, au ice-pick, which Mr. Rult. H. Long was using, slipped off a block of ice aiul caught Mr. Geo. Obrechl in the arn>7 one of lhe avoid delay from a similar cause in furtire { tougs being deeply imbedded in the flesh ana have learned auuther costly lesson : mul indict in a wound that required live about the g-tsolinc engine. ] -,; rch.'s to c!oie. Horal d. NV. A. Gei-olamy, the well known fiiundryinun and fanning mill manufact- uier of Tara, ctied recently at the adv.-incea age of 82 years. He wai a native of Prince Elward County and for 5" years had lived in Tara where he be- c.inie widely known as a manufacturer of agricultural implements. HU fanning mills are of world- wide reputation. De- ceased WHS a member of Tra's first coun- cil. In religion he was a Methodist and was generous in his support of that church. In politics he was a Liberal, but on several occasions had cast his v.>tt> for the Conaervative party. Notice To Creditors In the matter of the estate of Frank Moore, lute of the Township of Proton, in the County of Grey, Firmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario 189", Chapter 129, that all the creditors and others having claims against the est-Ue of the above named Frank Moore, who died on or about the 2ttth day of December, A. D. 191.1, are required on or before the second day of March. A. D. 1914, to eend by post prepaid or deliver to Charles Mnore, Markdale Post Office, or to Herbert Montgomery, 110 Pendrith srteet, Toronto. Post Om'ce, the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said Frank Moore, deceased, their Chi is- tian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the aaid deceased among the parties entitled thereto, naving regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, aad that the said executors will not lie liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. HERBERT MONTGOMERY, CHARLES MOORE, Executors. Dated the 29th day of January, 1914. Odds and Ends > ^^a^a^^B^^' ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale one good six octave organ, one parlor suite, one parlor heating stove and one cook stove. Apply to G. H. Walter, Flesherton. For Sale On pure brod bull, ten months old, a Broiidbooks ; also one brown horse live yea:s old, by Percy performer. Can be seen on lot 12, con. 9, Osprey, Eugenia P.O. 'Phone iu house. G. H. Burk. For Sale Berlin barley for seed. A new strain f the six rowed variety. ?l.'00 per bushel. Apply to Lewis Fish- er, Fleherton. For Sale Cheap youtnj driving mare, about ')00 pounds, or would exchange for gnod driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Klesn- erton. Jan. 22 Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand aud for sule cheap a full stock of I >coK. Mortgages, Wills aud all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will liiul it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy him.-. Lot 13, cull. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and iu a good state of cultivation. Good lank I. .mi &nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS The Maple Gien Creamery of Markdale wishes to thank all patrons for past support, and solicits a continuance for next season, also any new patrons who would favor it with a trial. Pay and statement every two weeks. A personal call will be nude, if possible in the near future. I am prepared to cut shinsiles and lumber or custom wcrk. I will cut shingles and take shingle timber fur my pay. 1 will allow highest price for ahingle timber, according to quality. Anyone putting in timber will put it together and put his name on it, as I won't he in the yard. I gave good satisfaction to those who bouzht shinglea from me. I am uoing to run it myself thia year and I think I can give belter satisfaction. Yours truly, EDWARD SAHGENT, Ceylon p. o. Fur Mitt Lost Wednesday. Feb. 4. between Kimberley aud Park House, Fleaherton. Finder please leave at The Advance Office. Wood wanted Fifteen cords good body gieen maple wood, 22- inches, to be delivord at tbe high schojl. Apply to J. P. Ottewell, Flosherton. Wanted large second hand box heat- ing stove, must be cheap and on reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleaherton. Jsu.22 Uould take in a number of cattle for the winter months. Apply at the Ad- vance Office. 92000 private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesheiton. Sheep Came Estray Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot i:i, con. 9, Osprey, about Jn, 1st, one sheep. The owner can have same hy paying expenses aud prov- ing properly. Fred Ililo Fevoisham, Feb. G, I'.H. HILL BROS., - HARKDALE. . ^ ^ ^ T ^ T T ^ * . T T~ T ^^ T T T ^ ^ FIRST SHOWING OF NEW S PRING GOODS NEW SHIETS, FEINTS, SILKS, CLOTHING and SHOES We are still showing good values in many WINTER lines. SPECIAL SHOWING IN Ladies' Fine Shoes We have just placed in stock 500 pairs Women's High Grade Shoes in Patents, Vici, Tan and Gun metal. These shoes are regularly sold at 4.50 and 5.00, Special Price for early buyers 33.98 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY FIRST SHOWING OF New Silks Special one yard wide heavy pailette silks in tan, black, navy and Copenhagen ; Special per yard., l.l'J Special Block Duchess Messaline, extra heavy quality, Special value at per yard 1.50 SPECIAL IN NEW CURTAIN MUSLINS 10 pieces New Muslins with plain centre and pretty border designs, in white and cream only, Special per yard 18c. RUBBERS Our Stock of Heavy and Light Rubbers is Still Large - - ALL SIZES LOT NO. 5. Men's Low Snag Proof, Ruckle or Lace; reg. $2.25 to $2.75 ; clearing price, $1.89 LOT NO. 2. Women's Light Rubbers, high and low heels ; reg. 65c. and 75c., to clear 48c. LOT NO. 1. Men's Light Rubbers, best quality ; regular $1.00 lines, to clear SBc. LOT NO. 3. Women's Overshoes, all sizes; reg. 82 .00 and 2.10, clearing price $1.29 LOT NO. 4. Men's one-buckle Overshoe: reg. 81.75; clearing price : $1.29 LOT NO. 6. Boys' Buckle and Lace Heavy Gum Rubbers ; regular $1.40 to $1.75 ; clearing price $1.15 LOT NO. 7. Men's Leather Top Rubbers : 7 in. top, regular $3.00, for $2.89 9 in. top, regular $3.50, for $2.69 12 in. top, regular $4.25, for $3.89 16 in. top, regular 5.00, for $4.25 HILL BROS, MARKDALE ' < i : tt I Jii W. L. WRIGHT III FLESHERTON Great Reductions in Prices For a Limited time, Only. Not a dollar's worth of ol<l i-t Shop W I am going to clear out the balance of our which is now coining in. Just cull aud see not be disappointed. RUBBERS Men's Cobalts, 1-' inches-, reg. 84.50 for. Men's Sudbury, 7 inches, re. $t.50 for. . . Men's Forest Kiua re^. ?'! -'"> for Men's Ki -sewond reg. ?3.00 for Men's Huron, :( eye reg. 32.25 for Boy.s' Huron, 3 eye reg. 82.00 for Buys' Huron. :{ eye reg SI. 75 fur Men's Kelt Socks, reg. $1.00 for Men's Arctic Shoes, leg. 81.00 for orn Goods in the stole. Everything New and l'p-T"-Date. Winter CJ< t's M 'Multi ( n i km c u f< r ouiSprinaiti c-k. the goods at the prices we arn quoting. \\'o know you will 82.NI .?2.tiO 81. w .81. IW I' dioum Slippers, reu. '.X)c for "Oo Claret Slippers, rest 81. &i for 81.2!) Men's Leather Mitts at Reduced Prices. Big Reductions in Ladies', Gents nd Children's Swonters, Woolen Caps and Mifts. All the Latt-st Novelties in Gent's Fuinishin^s Fancy .Shut", Collars, Ties, etc. LaJieb' Furs, Mantles, etc., at gruatly Reduced Prices. We have a few ends of Dress Goods wlr'cb we are selling off. Men's Black Cloth Coit with fur collar, reg 822.00 >ys A number of Men's Fur Coat, China Dog, re 922.50 for. . ^818.00 Men's Fur Coat, Silka Bear, ta. 32(1.25 for. .21.0U Good value iu Cloth Coats, reg 8H5 50 for IJ3.28 A few Boys' Coats left at, reg S8.50 for 8<i .< A few Boys' Coatn left at, reg 86 75 for *5.40 Boys' two piece suits oing at a reduction. Five Roses Fluur. . . . Purity 'Flour Royal Household.... Shorts Bran Rolled Oats Rolled Wlics-, Selected K IIMH- Currants, Fiesh Tiout I3est Grade American oil. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes Canned Corn Canned Peas Tomato Catsup Pork nd Beans Canned Salmon Sardines Corn Meal Best Granulated Sugar. Cranberries -HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE; HI NEW BARBER SHOP The undersiRned has opened barber ahop in the brick block over the post- office, where I will be prepared to meet as many of my friends as can make it convenient to call. Give mo K call when you want a hair cut or shave. Razors honed. CHAS. HOY, - Prop. Tenders Sealed tenders marked, "Tenders for School " will be received by the under- signed up to (> p. m., February 20th, 1914, for building a school iu 8. S. No. 5,Oaprey. Building is to be ' either -ti-iu- or brick. Plans and specific! ions may be seen at undersigned's place of residence, 8th eon., Oeprey. Lowest or any tender not, nrct'tRarily accepted. By order WM. LAWLER, R. K. No. I, Eugenia, Sec.-Treus., Public School Board, S. S. No. 5, Osprey. JV ^ "" CBn enter .any day at the V 6fa-M0Mm9i OWEN SOUND, ONT., ^ Every graduate guaranteed a position. 33 Successful Yearn. Large Staff of Specialists. Wdindvidual instruction. ; Wglp>formation free. 5$ C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A.. Jp Principal. 3$G- 1). FILMING Sccretary.il OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance $ I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire , 75 Family Herald A Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun . . 90 Farmers Advocate 1 50 Weekly Wit.iew -90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry News . . , : . 2f> Poultry Ueview <JO Iv'il and (Inn magazine 90 Notice i We have nceived instructions from Durlrim Furniture Co. to purchase log* ior them at their mill, Ceylon. Also to inspect and measure saine. For price etc. apply 0<> G. or F. Collinson, Cvylmi

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