Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PBINCJPLEb NOT MEN.' TOl 33 No. 32 .Flesherton, Ont., Thursday March 5, 1914 W. H THCBSTOM E Hydro May Give Us Earlv Lighting Flesiiertuu his ill- proru'se ttat if at all putsible we will I.e n\*en electric lighting this spring. With the Euyeuiu development it will le necessary to sup- ply light for their t> worlf. and M the hue fnmi Eugetia !::! is still intact it will be no very difheu't IM alter to supply carri.t fcr this iilla:e while the devel- opment work is iiuiry foiuard. Tiiis will be/ood news to vi Ugars, who hive boen v.iiting so lurg and so putiei.tly tince the Geijrginn bay Po*er ^o. fell tloivii on their lighting, and we all hope the li^lit will soon be ivi'.h Ui> agin. The duubting Thomisea wh have been >vtiyin<< that 'be- lijuhu-tieci r c cminu Miuo u; i^iu even yet thruw down the proposed Kn^enii developmtut will hae their eroakiuvs somewhat sileueed by the fact that two car loads of [Britlsh^Columbia cdar poles were ualortde'l at this station on S.iturJay .-ind brooght into town, for Use mi the system, and two wore car lu.-kds arrived on Moi.iUy. These ;tre l- i.iu pikJon the Fiei'iei coiumuDt in the village fur use along the line. Thry run f roui ."10 to TO fee', in length and are in- tended to i> used in hollows : even up the line, white shelter Untaiio poles will t't- used on ordinary stretches. The clerk of the village has received frotu the communion an estimate of tiic c jst of |iywer ti> be. delivered I.ero. Thera are thrfe yri>upingi and the price U dif- ferent ui.dcv each grou{-iiii. The cost of biirpuwrr will therefore be dependeut upon what other municipalities come into the c"inbiuali< n, and is htieed u iollows: With Ku.reiim, Dundalk, Fie'her' .-r . H..nuiei. WalkeitJii, MurLualc, Chats- \>rth ind ( >wen Sound iu one group the c -t would be &J7.41 per hoi-sepower With Owen Sound. Shallow Like, Fleshertoii, Dundalk, Durham, Hanover, Wtlkvrtou . Maikd&lc, Chatsworth and Owen Sound in i group tho price would be '20.(X>. With Owen Sountl, Ckatftwoith, ftl.irk- lalt>, Flushertou aiul Dumlalk in n jjruiil 1 the price would be $30.06. Thtae prices, however, are based on the ridiculously sinill estinmt) of only rifty horse i ' -wer. No other inunicipality between here and Owen Sound asked for o initll <n amount, and no doubt the actual horsepower used would be much larger, with ; crrrespondin? decrease in the ptoportionate cost ^f power. Oificeis of tlu commU^ion say that very cont ingency will ba intrt at Eu- j;--nii. They will be able to deliver all the [iiwer for which they uuy contract, be the seasons wet or dry. With the torst( dins n be erected thi" suinmer they will b-j b!e !> control suflieier.t water to uvtke iheui independent of dry easun.i, eveu for twn dry years iu suc- Wode house Doings Intended for Lfc Week Meisrs. Wilfred Fawcett and MJ'.C , Bradlty ..f .1. A W. Boyds aUff, Mk- 1 dile spent over Sunday with tbrir par- j en's here. Mrs. S. II twkins of Ku:cti:-i spent a few days tie first of but week with her biv.ers Mr;-. Jos. S|u : res aad Mrs. Will Ward. Mr. George KnotC [>aiJ Hatherton 1>. D. No. 1, Maxwell, is itilfac'.i' ii, nd is much ;;>(>rei:iiiU-d 1-y Hie pi"|>lo. Miss .leswie Cumov in "f Me In tyro. pent u week with her tiioo-. Mis. ! S. Wuitoi. Tho Ladies' Aid i>f llie Ptrsbj ttti-H clmreh. Maxwell, mot at the home of Mrs J. Sv WiuUT. la- 1 : Thursday. A gpodly uumlievof ladies wott present, ;iud a pliM-itn' :inil I'mli.'.iliU' tiuu- nftw hu-h lunch, was <>ei-\el. Mr. Itect Martin, Swintou 1'ark, v-sit edat Mr. II. H,in.ly'a last wocti. Mi.-< Liille Atnott visited fnouils in Singhkiu^ton one thy last \vci'!. Mr. snd Mrs. .Ii>iui Sedey friends in Staynev rev -n'ly. Tho Misses Han#l and Myrtle \isi'cii with their uncle atul *MT.' witlJMrs. Will Fithor, IVvllaw, wet'k, Mrs. J"hn Seeltty. SSr., lu> lin in Tmvnto f a- smile titne, hus roturued home. Miss W right uent StimUy in Duu- d,tlk. S. S. h* Iwn [>otj>oned until the tint Suuday in April, where it will lx- hvli in futui* in th Onng hall. \V. H. Johnston, \>-'st master ainl eu cial mcrvhiiit of Uivoi'viow, dievl rather suJili-nly on SinuUy wck t that place at the an <>f I'M years. He KM a meail'fi of the Slorhndint church and in politics A lilx'r.tl. He h*d no family, but his wid- , <iu- i vi -s IKIII. Mr. last been farewell visit 'o friend* here lart we--k before i Ic.iviii'i shortly for the West. Mi-sKl.t \\iley sjKent part r.f last ! week with HIT cuti*ii>. Miss Viu-U-t Wiley at ll.trkaway. Mr. and Mis. Will Wiley visited with frier.d-t at Fleshertoa the (.'Ost week. Mr. Herb. Wiley and si.ver, M -, Olive. =lso Mbit Olive Hatch, ill ..f -Kiv- erdale, were recent vi^irorb rh Mr. aud Mrs Samuel Wiley and umily. Mr. and Mr. James Cherry spent Sunday with friei d* a'. Kiuuerley. Miss >rl;e KirU[.atnck *nd brother. Roy, riiteraintd the Epworth l.emue ou 'll.ui-sla) Dveninir last, when :ill en- joy td a [ilea-int tvontax. Mi.-s K.I Buskin spent the week end with h?r fiieod. Mi.-* Nettie Mi-Arthur. 5Ir.- Stanley Wi'ty h? purchased a spun of handsome t>lck drivers. Rev. Mr. Caw ley is ^jeudir.g a wetk r Ct)'.j.V.', litre ho w.is formerly ta- liuned before euui-ni :> this cir-vjit. A supply waf sent t<> the apjoin'UK-nti on Siiii't-y li-t in hi* ;v*j^nc'. Mr. and Mi-. Albert Hutcliioson acd two (.-hildrrii cf Srrortiiti U. Sask., who :iro spending the winter with Ontario friends. \;.;tt.l iho former's bi-i.th*r. .). It , and wife and family, the rir>t of the Wtek. We are pleasd to 5e Mr. Birch able t<. 'n <>ut anionu "> o ice more, after liij recent severe attack of grippe. Mr. aiul Mrs. \\'ui 1-win of UivcrJu'e vpeut Siindy with tlieir daugh'cr, Mrs. J. W. Vili-y -ind Mr. Wiley her- Mr. Will llalclttfe of Vjndek-ur n at present w<>rkin<r for Mr. Fred '"ulii.-. Miss Myrtle Fiooiu.in of the tuwuline A. and E., is vLsiting with Mr J. H. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mis. Win. Fawcett and daughter, KWgie. \t-iti-d friud$ at Kiuberley n Tl:ursd%y list the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. CurutieW. Mi*. Bradley and daughter. Km . of Markdale suburbs, were (he guests of Mr. and Mis. Robert Bradley one Jty last week. A number of our young people attend- ed the rink at Kccklyn on Saturday r- cning l.-i>t, where they heartily eujoyed themselves. Miss Emily Ltwson is spendiiik: vine time with friends in Toronto. Mr", -lohn PickeriBe \isited rx-ceiuly With frui.tUat Mr. Howard i.' ark'i team eseiped from the hsiuls of thur driver while t the chopping null ;it WoUehouse on Tuesu.-iy lan.t. They itaited f.-r home but were, caught by Stanley Wiley Lifter ruunii s{ about a uiile. They wtro well warmed up but no d:iint^v was >l >ue. Mi. .l;i:oli Longhead lot i v;ilu:tblo Holsteiu c> from pneuiuoni'i the past week. Durham Tiie Furniiui-f Cin|t;iny is au iuimeiise aniount "F tiinlier tiii< winter. As their four mills. Doru.-ch. lovk Mi : ls t'xylon an 1 Utirhain, the y^irds :ir 11 filluiil up r[idty ;irhi the tot;il turinii'4 wilt 1* much larer than in any former v. i- -it, Kroiu their own timber lands they h.-ivi- liken i-ul orev ;x million feet, uiul they eKi'tc; bcfuie llie cloe of the winter to hvo over four :iud i irilf inilliou (set of logs in theii- four yards. Lst Wednesday night 'he livery tblos of Mr. \V. J Atkinson t Hoi- stein, formerly of tl\i< place. were burned. From what we learn > lantern was over- turned, and exploded, sotting thr place on tire, tlve flames sp 1 elding so rapidly it w;is fuuhil impossible to cxtinsjuish thenu It wa with dittl culty tint sur- r\>undiii); building* were j.ivotl i bucket hoi-oic work. Kimberley Budget March certainly cauic iu like a roaring lion. AS we expeueoced oo of the worst wind storim of the season on Sunday and Monday hut. Mr. v\ m. F.iwcect of Maxwell visited friends in this vicinity a few days the pait week. Mr. John T*yl.r of Uoc.lyn visited fiien<U here recently. Quite a number attended the shredded wheat baL^uet a: Eugenia un Thurs-:av nijjht hsr. and all report a good tiue. Mr. J.'Un Plewe* U visiting Ceylon Mr. Roy Piper, Toronto, baa arrived home aain, and will reiu i i for the sum- mer. Mn. Richards of Moou R. al visited her s sUr, Mrs. Muir, List, week. Mr. ud Mis3 White of Elmrale spent couple of we.k< it Mr. H. Piper i. Mr. Alex. McLeoJ of the West is on ', an extended visit with hi moiher hre. MUs tirace Muir left List week t'. \ i-it MLss Lilly U visit- friends. Mr. Benuen many friend* ire pleas- :ru able to be around agtin after bis severe illness. Friday ti Mr. A!K-rt Litter of I'nion .^^p,^ . , Sirs Pat'.jaon left the p<ilpit in thi Me h.jdist church on Miliaery onenin-s in Sunday evening. Mr. John Seni'h ..f the Kst Moua- iiin. and daughter, fcrfu-, .isi el mend's .it Rob Roy cue. tUy list week. Mr. Ashley McCalluta of Duncan el with his auut, Mrs. J. M. F.ii 31:.-.- \V. \\U;tc'4 Ust ri-centiy. Mr. \\ui. Harrii uiaiie a to Colliutiwooil one day la-t week. trip Mr. Wm. Sruart attended the liytiiu diU last ThursiUy. Electric Riihray t^uel at liu^j.h Ml were visitors at Mr. week. Mr*. Ja.-. M'--!. ; iei <ier. " put * Mr. at.d Mi*. Ja~. MeCiovtU.i at. .-no d the t'unera: i.f Mr. and Mr*. Will Tnumous' litile infjiit daughter il Kbur- 5pccialit in Ju. . , of tka Eye, Ear,No$e and Throat Office-3O lOth it. eajt, Owen Sound At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a IB Dundtlk, 1st Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I ui ni> prepared t<.> do choppinul every day iu the week eicept Suridiiys andeery week in the year. Bring along " your x" >ur sash .inj door factory i- .i!w-xys t ' your d:spoal tV..r nnythini you wmr :n our line -p'aiiin^;, matchiijj. ere. F! . in.'. s;ih :ind iio>ir. and uli hou.se fur- . - r.plied promptly . ind at teas- on.iii'e ri'. T. Blakeley, Prop. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. A. Armstrong, Jeweler LESHERTON, Mr. Allert I'uidv. wdo in* been vtry ill for some tiwe. wa* on SrituaJay te- h s i roiher, Kd- trip to the city. Mr. Ge-,. Hu'chmion ha* secured the Ke , iciM Hoh,,e.,Kte (rf K,,,.i n Pen contMC. tor carryin-.. th .nail on tie ...uturv. -h,- broke ,n-,, 11 ,.-,.,,s t .,e rural mill route frum Kioiberlry to _i. . . , ,. about a year and * hair -n >, ud hw been released, was ai town i u Saturday. Mr. Henry Walt u of the 4'h line v>ut.h. delivered two cattle at Markdtle on Wednesday Ust that netted him over in . JV< , a tij .,, e fa| mtf *-A'0. \\ ho sys there is no money in WlirJ , oll ;;. oa _ , cjttle ' Mr. J.x- Hemphilh Ihindjlk. vi-ited ha brother bere last e-k. The Staudard and Advaiic-- c <pied an item a'j'jul Holmes ia: week luch wr>s Mr. mid Mrs. Marten Kerney wheu their ; about a year .mo a^half rm,>, broke into second sou. Frederick Norman, died the cellar of U. 1'iMik'* .-tore, evidenrly uddenly from hemorrhage of the stoni- f Jr the purp->se of taking cue t-f li>{Ui>i ach, aged nine years. He had been ail- which h;id cmue > the I'.P.R. i-cmon. iusj fur about three dijs from severe contrary to law. and *as seized by Con- cold, aad was apparently cu the jnerid stable C'ook. Holmes, cut tiuding the wbeo he took a violent fit of vomiting on case, ar.d not wsutiis^ t.> y> euipty- Saturoay afteruooif, which u.n followed b*uded to his p*K took h cuuple ot pat's about two hours Liter with a severe hem- of butter, ; rolls of meat, LuItgM orrhnge of the stomach, i he aufferf r . and jars of frui: These he t'x k away. emitting j much bioud tint he passe^i emptied :ke butter pai!s. longht them away before a doctor could be procured, i'lckund *as bou: lo leenter when he Acting on behalf of Wm. Liefso. hotel- ** >^PP ed b J ll " ->"*tbk-. la the keeper of E'mwood, Lawyct Klein has ' ulorni "=: Holmes was arrested anJ taken .._/ o. . II i . ft ; W alkerton A -id death occurred it the home of incorrect iu several l Sound. IL.luies niwut bui- f-r he left .A Mocking on the wm- S ' U " ith st<>ne th * fu " *''- ^ the "f"the stocking to put out of business ' n ' b r uf ^ *-^ k fl "" n y th llim 1U Uis " ork - Jud * e Sutherland sentcuceJ him t- three years '" Kingston penitentiary and t , learn a trije in that tlmi '- caused a u- ice of libel to bo ser.vd Mr. \\ ui. McDonald. M.P.i'.. cJifr ..f the Chesley Kuterptij,-, for the puMica- tiou of an article in last week's F.uter- prUe, alleging that Liefso ran his hotel for the sale of booze only aad that the S rub end of the plaut w* nexlected to such ;in extent that on the previous Fn- day evening th-Chesley editor wt for lv minutei waiting for bis supper, and i!- 'hou^li ouie>>ne peeked in the kitchen, PricCVlUe no attempt was made to servd bi:n, i-id - that he was allowed to depait w on,j,:y Tbe p^v.n,. .^rk-ukunl S c ety has at w*eu he came. a , r ^^ ti , holj a ntfU crop WIU{K , llion An Older .|Ua.shiiii: the c -nvicti >n ..f thisjeir. The variety ..f araia chcsen HirU McAllister,* y. u-iij >chcxil;each*r is white ivits. ind .iy [lersnus withiu 15 of l.i 'u's Uoid. underbill;; a t'-O-days' , miles wh . wish t^ enter 5 acre field can sentence in Walkert m j.-iil fr i.npioper xe i 111 entry form fr^ui the seiretjry. behavior toward- Ihrcd lutie ifirls. WIN #7:, w ,u be divided mu> several prizes. as in.tde by Mr. Justice *Midtileti<n at t.lsgoodc Hill, Toronto, on Friday lasr. McAllister has been in jul si: ce Jan. _'.' la.sl. Hi-; Lordship siid tlie conviction on the exidence. w*s IMI), and lal he been trTioi; the c.ise i;e would !,a\e hosi' taled to convict U(K>II such tes'iiucny as c< tilduced ill the casu. lit mak-uu the onier t\.i the '[ua>hini; of the voti- vicliou and the iaimedmte disi.-h.irje of I the ni!Ui fn'iu jii', his Lnrdshiii a\e pro- lection to the uj;is'r:te, which jr>'hi'r- its McAlli-iter from entering : .vir. f.ir daiiiam-s .-issiinsf him. -- Herald niul Tuu U . i; r ., t ,, w l .. :i u . % wNl i-jsincss Mr. an I Mis. nt -.>t to ip. are home a^ain. W. Sackett's poult-y bouse, near tl e n, got on tire one mahl during th- late coM sp*T. an. I w.> t.uined t; t'.e ground, tlirt>ui;h #>a' fowls wero destroy oJ. Markdale A lid of yoan^ fellows from to jrn eii- i 'yctl the Bellini hospitality of Mr. ami Mi^ Irwin, of the IVuk !! u-e. Klesher- ton. on Tu*s.' ty nijht. While FrcJ Miuhewsou uid ROD AND GUN There ire as iwual many Uiin-s t-> in terest thfsportsui.au ,n lh- latest issue of > . K>nv< "", 1 *T^* W ^ li '". ll * *** '"! UIN! siul t_.ini iu I'anadct.the Murcli il hand. ! A Sign of-Spring! See our display of seeds Not how cheap, but how good ONT n Five R.->o H'uir 1'urity rltmr ^e Flour ;ratie flouv Flour \Vll :. Bras Sit sses -Meal octl Meal DilUke Any thing you want in feed or seed at the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. z&&&^^ Ml-.N S Spyt'U't Tail.bers. i-eg. 10 clt'artnir ........ *1.7. Men's Leather Top Kub- at . >i.- l u Bal. of Boys' at wlucel Prices. Girl's Overstock- & with KuhiK'r-j.' clear- " Custom Work and Repair- ing asusual. ] Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases. Thos. Clayton which Ins recently coine (> hand. The Ojibwiys at Abitibi Viy IVvn.ird Muddi- inaii: A Walrus Hunt within the Arctic I'ucle, A Caribou Hunt iu the Yukon; The Little L;ko of the Iv^ Trout; Anjjl- insj Notes by U. Murtiiuer Batten: and other Dories and articles, aKw with the departments devoted to the- ioter- the foi-iiiei glanced sud struck >li!son on the left atui just abcvc the tlbov. mak- in;j an u.;'iy si*sh, which mnured severe s'.ilor-es u> close. Ur. Kg' dresseil the wound, which is healing nicely. Tfac c p ,, U inruill ,. The proceeds uf :i Nile of A farui*r's stuck and imp'ciiitMi'.R uniou'it- | ui tt> $>;,.VIO. lloi.M:?5 tnnt>u:hbrcd cuttle at MH average pi'ie- 1 of *! It!. In-^lewood was , down on SNiturdsiy afternoon. est of the trap l,,,e, trappi,,- shooting. M ^ ^ ^ w|ltellt , ^^ Mved> but lhe e^r., etc., which are as usual w<-!l main- , , ,. tained, are combined to make a magazine that should IH> read f>y all v^iiaJim sportsmen and by those Ametioans who come to (. aiiadi annuallv f i irfui; aivl tihii!_' '\'\r< tuj:- liich is tho only l>oset from Tho fiiv by A for their tie- vo'.e.l wholly to the interests of Canadian .nitd,r life ispublshed },y \\ J I'^jlor. ' Limitetl. WoMMoekt '.*U is sup- spark a p.t^- is Vein' used stttitm house. lie u\ie Bris'ow, the woII-Vnow rattle l'ic ler. of Rub 1\ -y, ilitnl recently t the a^t. .-f Jiii. New Suitings FOR SPRING We arc showing nearly 50O different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S.J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR

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