Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1914, p. 4

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March 5 1914 THE J.< L E S H K r O N ADVANCE An independent iifxv*paiT, jnibliglied every TXn-aday at th*" ollice, CojlniKWood Street, FI. -.herton. Subscri | >ti. >n price $1 peraumuii, wlim paid in ad\ >nce ;S1.5J when not so paiil A.l% -I li-iiiu rates on application. Circulation 1.100 weokly. W H. Tliuratoii- Editor Flcshcrton Methodist Church Hev. James Dudgeon, pastor. Tliursd'jy, 8 p. m. Prayer Mming. Vridny at 7.:'-0 p. in., choir practice. 1hos desirou* of joining the choir will !>'.<. iso meet Miss Plewis nt this hour at the church. Sunday, 10.:>i> a. in. Class Meeting. 1 1 H.UI.I In- pastor will ho!d n reception of iii-w member*. 7 (>. in. Pastor will preach. Kuworth League Monday evening 7.30 I' M. Thomas Or. sby, Port Simpson's pioneer missionary will be the subject. fe<~WV > V '"V/^Vvw^w^v^-'WrfV Iffi HOCKEY Baptist Church R C Ken. Pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m , Service at II . m. Bible htuly ut Air. Und', Ceylon, Thursday t veiling this week. Plum Culture in Canada The subject of plum culture is treated in a bulletin of 7'-' F*X itM.ued by tr.e Depaitment of Amk-ulture at Ottawa, The information presented has been largely derived from the expel itMicugnincd in connection with p!um growing at the Central Kxperi-nentl F.irm during the past twenty-rive years. In this bulletin, i. if. ! .nation is given as to the best im-tlr ods of preparing the soil for plu-n or chard, wi'h particulars also as In the p'anting and' subsequent care of the trees Insti notions are aiveii as to method* <>l pruning, ^'rafliiiK aud on many other t ppics relating to ihin branch of fruit in- iluKliy. Lists of varieties of plums suit able for pUbting in different pints of OinaiU are given with descriptions as to the rhtrictor, quality ar.d time of ripen i"ng "f each tort . Some of the insec's am diseases In which th plum is subject are .ftls referred to and methods of treatment etiggefcted. Thi bulletin which wiw pre pared by W. T. Macoun, Dominion Hor ticultuittlifct inXo.43 of the Exp-ri'iienta Farms urn) is available to '.hose who write for it to the Publications Uranch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa Everybody Wants Railway Grand Vnlley is now moving for n electric railway, according to the Star, which -iy- Reevc Menary called a special meeting of the Village Council on Monday nigh to consider petitioning the Hydro-Klec- trie co.nmissiou to run the proposid elecuic railway from Ouo'ph to a point the Georgian Bay, thru Grand Valley. From here it is suggested to run it to -Shtlburne and to Honeywood and then up the Valley to Coliingwood. This is a fteitilu wection ol country that is badly Jundicapiwd for want of proper railway facilities, and ought to he a revenue pro- ilucer. The matter CJiuo before Grand Valley council on a petition from Melanclhon township and it met with it hearty ra- sponw. A Survey c.t' the route has al- r< .ly bcrn made.but it does net necessarily CHI-HI that ilu- will be the mute adopted. Oenerally titoor Ihreo or m re surveys are made *nd the ro'ite choncn i- the one offering the yrmtvHt ad vantages in grides and revenue under Reminiicencei of the Hockey Match Feb. 20, 1914 A couple of Fleshurtuii young ladies amused thc'iiKolves by " sizing up " lhi< L)undlk players on the above date with the following lesult. Tlie feet in these lines may not be all that cou'd bo desired but neither are the pedal extremities of tlie Dundalk hockey playeis anything to cheer jver. And I hero really may bo no poc'ry in the verses, but the subject WH not one to inspire the muse, and the young ladies h;ivo made tho bet of ft bad job- Ed. Advance. McWilliams, we have just been thinking We can give yi n gome advice : When you're refereeing hockey Keep the players on the lev. Cs.'iiwitli, Carnwiih, we've, been thinking That in tho goal y< u looked so cute ; iVhen you come uyain to play hockey. Don't In ing your lady friends to root. i. i .Inn. Gordon, we've been thinking That on defence you look no nice ; When you want someoi.e to scrap wiih Don't forget we're on the ice. Seawright,Seawrigh',we'e been thinking If the boys were nil like you You would have a team to equal Flesherton's loyal White and Blue. Russell, Russell, wu've l.een thinking What u hockey ist you aro. If you kiep on p'ayin^ hockey You'll be Duudalk's brilliant stir. lv; o,. 1-:^ in, we've been thinking That fur a dozen years or more You've been seeking education. Did you l.elp Mr.Willi mi'. CMUl)t the score ! Claridge, Claridge, we've been thinking Though you're Rinailest in the trim. Do not worry about thtr, buy ; Lack in size your looks re-deem. Chlcy, dies' c-y. we've been thinking You aie always on the run. In the future when you're travelling Call on us at Flrsherton. McDowell 'Dowrll, we've been thinking Though you do live on the farm And have got 'i good strong muscle, You can't do Flcsherton any harm. Champ, oh Champ, we've been a-thinking You appear to have nt. tense ; When the two teams bUrt u-scrapping You ihculd stay behind the fence '. n o o The Fleshcrton hockey team plucked up couiage once more and tackled the Markdalo team on their own rink Friday night, but did not return with any de- gree of glory, the score being '. :: in favor of the Northern Lights, Honor Rolls Fleshertmi Public School tor Fob mr/. ' Ko-.M 1 4 Almecia LeUarcl, Shirley Murpiy, Delbei't Futton, I'essie McVicur, Altdn Mitchell, !;..!.-' Trimble, Jim Stewart, i Lilly Lever, Amaii'la Stewart, Reuben. Cargo, Wilfred Watsnn, Mury Colfiin, Frank Thurston, Mina Heard, Wilfred Teeter. 8r. H-Mubel Field, Frank Bunt, R. N. Cornfield, Violet Watson, Rune Car- go, ClmtmcH Fisher, \Vcs Annatrotig. ROOM 2 Those markcd'with a star wure it.-ciii for one or more examination*. .)r. 3 Earnest Davis, Stewart Me- Tdviib^Kendall Boyd, Oeo. Mitchell, Ed Levrr and Ui(|uhart Rhunk (enu^il), Gladys Dudgeon, Kathorine McVicir,** Irene Julian **. Sr. 2 Vera Lvver and Bert McLeod (equal),* Glndys Lever, Harry LeGard, .rlussel Trueman, Ruby Level, Flossie Richardson*. Jr. 2-Hilda Guldhawk, Mamie Mc- Tavish, Lillian Buskin, Harry Curringtou Wilfred Lever, Ernest Flynn, Jim Staf- ford, May Cariington, C'ecil MuTavish, Ed Ottewell, Edna Ferris*, Gordon Blakely, Jamie Wright***. Room 3 Class 1 Sr. .John Carrington, Reggie Boyd, Harold Bellamy, Jack Kaintodt, Olive Mathcwiitm, Esmond Walter.Ethel Wataon Freda Muthewson equal, Norval Stuart, Evacla Wilson, Lillian McMnllen. Class 1 Jr. Eliio Ferri*, Kenneth Stuart, David Coltian, Nelson Shunk, Marjorie Dudgeon, Errol Trueman, Alfie Field", Louie Cargo, Orrel Fisher, Willie C.irringion, Mamie Nuhn, Allie Norris. Shot Hounds, Cost $25.00 A caws of peculiar interest to owners of doer houndh w.is tiied at the Hitting of ihe Divinion Court in Urillia, liefore Jud,-t! Windier latil Friday. K.J.Genno, of Wuiluyn, sued William Harnhnrdt, of l!m<iiM for damages for shooting twn hound*. Tho ptaintift's contention was that the d.^s were at largo during ihe close Reason for deer, therefote. he had a perfect right to shout them. Mr. Tud- hope, for the defence, argued that the defendant must prove that the dogs were actually miming deer at the lime, and that the fact of their being t large in a country frequented by deer did not jus- tify the shooting. The Couit upheld <hi vii'W of Ihe caie and judgment was given for the plaintiff for 925 and costs. I {.i nil- Advance. Mr. Will Ewing' barn, ' |..i II. Blh lin.-, Amaranth, was dentroycd by tire last Thursday night. Mr. Ewing was descending the s'.eps into the stable carrying a bug of oatu Mid a lantern, when the handle came off the lantern allowing it to drop. It fell into a pile of hay and straw at the foot of thn stairway .find exploded. Mr. Ewing managed t< j?rt out most 'jf the Mock, but the oth.r contents were c innonicd. A <:o;it, which contained 857 in bills. WK Imrne'l. Mr IMS Hit.- synumthy "I Ihe ntii;hb(,r- (I in himnfortunnte loss. --Banner. |{.\. ,l.i!iH- HiH-ris. o:u: of llm oll.-.t in Civirid:i, |* sod Report of S. S. No. 3 Arlemesia for Fehiuary. C'UB-4 Elijah Bcinham, Ruby ('as- well, Clarencu Orr, Willie Irwin absent. Sr. 3 WiHii- Orr, Rhoda B.st, Jr. 3 -Mildied Sharp, Susie Chard. Sr. 2-Mildred Caswell, Fred Irwin. Jr. 2- Ida Breen.Ad.-le Breen, Geo go Akins, Gordon Irwin, Mildred Moore. First Class -Margaret Moore. Primary-- Wesley White. M. B. Wilson, Tfchr. The Late George B. Bristow Born in Yorkshire, England, eighty- our years ago, and having enciicled the world before settling in Ospn y towuship wheic he lived a great many yeare and n .-Mm- widely known as a breeder of .horoughbred slock, is in brief the out* standing features of the life of George B. Briatow, who piisned away nt hig home near Rob Roy on Wednesday, Fobruury llth. When but a young man he left !n.- native land and started in seek his Fortune in the great world. lie came i T. .s- to America and on landing in the Uni'ed Slates joined in the gold rush to California. After engaging in digging For the precioui metal he gave it up in disgust and sailed for Australia when) he remained a few years. While there he M n 1 1. il Suianna Pethick of Adelaide and shortly nfter they sailed for England. I. it. -i they came to Canada, and Kctthd n Opn-y on lot .'!''', conception 1?, where loth lived until thf close of their busy ivcs. Mrs. Uritlow died fouiteen years ign i il the parui.ts are aurrivad by hree son*, William H. and Walter of Si.i :.IWM- 11;!., and George on the home- stead, also three daughters, Mrs Reuben Swalm of Cullingwood, Mrs Joseph Dy< i of North II iy, and SuKanna, at home. While farming was the occupation to which Mr. Bristow gave mo.it of his at- lentioii in his early days in the township, he nlwuys hnd a leitning to fancy cattle. In limn his herd became famous and on many occasions his animals proved prize- winners. Ho had a pride in hist cattle, and 10 mine better than his competitor)! wns his great uim. He succeeded and, not only in the vicinity of his home did he obtain a high re|mUiion, but through- out the Province. Tho funeral took place ni| Friday after- noon to the Xrni Methodist, church cem- etury. Tho pallbearerp wero throe nephews of the deceased, George, Will- iam and Thomas Bristow, Andrew Jur- dine, ThonuH Bowins and James Bale- man. Tho services wero conducted by Ilev. F. R. Meredith nf Sir.ghanipton. A McGilvray, who lives near N.ittawa, had one of his hand<i bidly In /.u the other night ai.d it is feared that it nil! have to be atnputattd. Hon. Chas. R. Devlin, Minister of C'llonixition, Mines aud Fisherits in the Quebec Government, died at his home in Ayliuer, ','nr.. at the ago of 51!. On Friday nil,t John McGce. 9th line Erin, about ttvo loU bcluw Garafrnxa townline, drove lu<m from Hillsbnrg with a I.. i. i of chop. In working around the barn he diopped a cigar from his mouth and, on missine it, could not re- member where it could have dropped. In a little while the place was in a bluze and thu Inrge nctv bnrn with 30 hrnil < f ciltle, 12 of which were for eiport, 5 horsen, with some p'gs and shp, the seasons crop, and all tho implements etc. went up in smoke. The loss is about ?7,000. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED THNUEIBftddroBed to the Postui at- ter liuiiiiinl. will berooelved at Ottawa in. til noon, on Vrldav, tlie ir.i of Aorll, 1914, for tlie oonveyauoe o' His Alajuity'ii Malls on a propound ConUnot (orfonryear* nix times par wook okcli way Over Dunoan (South- Weit) and Ituial mail Riinte (rain the I'rcttu&gtei' Oauoral'a pleuure I'mitoi.l notioea ODiilain1u|{ fuTtlier inforniB- tloh M to iKu.iiirinn.s of propotiad Coutract, may be seen and bliwik forms uf Tondor may be obtained at the I'ost OtHoes of Dvnetn and i thu nth,-.- of ttie I'.nt OIBce In upeobur at Toronto. I 'ivti r.nirc- Inspector's off! .n Toronto Jan. 1Kb F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. New Spring Goods In Stock This Week Everything Reasonably Priced Men's Felt Hats and Spring Caps. Spring Shirts, Collars and Neckwear. Leather Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks. Boots, Shoes and Eubbers New CarpetsJRugs and Squares New Linoleums and Oilcloths. Curtain Poles and Rods. Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. New Wall Papers and Window Shades. Household Linens. New A Hover Lace?. Ladies, Silk and Net Waists. Ladies' Cloth Skirts. New TDress Goods and Silks. Swiss Embroideries and Laces. New Corset Styles. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Mars-hall -- WWttl will be for service on lot 17, T. S. R. Arteinesia. Terms 81 . A.IK JAS. STIS30N. Prop. HARVESTING MACHINES 1M4. Sl'TUKULAND, P. O- Ins|>Mtor. Ill I1IHH Carefully Corrected Eaeh Week Wheat 85 to 85 Oats 83 to >I3 Peas 1 12 to 1 12 Barley 55 to 56 Hay 12 00 to IL' 00 Butler 22 * 22 Kgs, fresh 2rt i i8 Potatoes pet bag 75 to 75 Geese 12 to 13 Ducks 15 .o 15 Fowl 11 to 13 Chickens 13 to 10 TurKeys 18 10 VI Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement {will only cost yon $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to tit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Eightunn inurchcd to the iittico of thu niH.yor of Winglmm anil tle- in n:lod work or brend. Tht-y all refused to tnke work on Ihe fnim. . One man xai<^ he woul 1 u ri'j'l ruin work if tht< stutilos wero reii'.ivt'd us lie ohjecli'd to tin; nilor of iinntirt'. Nearly every applt- cant hud I't'sciti-d iho farm f jr town life. Lord Minlo, f iintr Govevnor-Geoera.1 of I'.imitln and Vicorciy cf li.du, ilini in .away nt h, nt the ue of eighty six. England. \RADE MARKS OOPVrilGHT: , AC. Anyonn ionrtlng a okoloh nn<l rtMorlntlon m? iiucklr ascertain onr opinion free i Uicr ' luvtmilnn Is pnihui.ly i- tu-iitiihlti. Cnmnmnion. ill. i.i .irictlyi-oiiBiloiill.il. HSNOUOOK on I'Menta sut ire. lihlpst Hifonry for nonnMnirpr.Mnu. I'nionli tivken Ihruuuli .Vunii & Co. rucolve Hvci.il notice, nlthoul.obnn.-Q, luth Scientific A bundsomoljr lUualratcd wopkly. C'liloiiciii of any wtenilHo loumnl. Ouiiula, *'!.7. a yom, ; . u-est ctr- nus fni- bold by " Looking hackl see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. busker and shredder to McCormick machine toflO They are built rigbt yon will find it to your interest to bny McCor- ,. mick machines/ ; AMcCORMICK mower for the hay; a McCor- mick binder for your grain; a McCormick com binder to cut your corn; a McCormick a W frfi tm* TO* Sf^ht and S. Hemphill, - Agent ~^~ ~ ONTARIO. CEYLON, R. J. COLQUETTE Fever sham, Ont. Agent for the Ccckshutt Plow Cos Full Line cf Farm Implement* Wagont, Buggies, Cut tern, Sleigh*, and Gasoline Bnnine*, Melotlo Cream Separatoro, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt aud Frost & W,,. a Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ftvmbam, Ontario* Tarn worths for Sale Bnli sex nearly ready for bteoduip. Prices right for quick g%le. OKO. W. ROSS, Maxwell P. O Or, j7~Raiph Smith OSTEOPATH Oftioemid Residence 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Winter Term from January oih nt COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE Attend thin big. Successful >Sohoi>l oF husim-tis in'iTii _. and lot us In In ymi into something woi'th whilu. Prpe cabahigbe on Kn'cr any time. T. R. Hawkins, Principal Ontario. Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town and district where we aro not represented. Fruits lire hrin^'inu high prices, and Nursery St> ck is in demxrirl. Mnke V)ig money this Full and Wintri liy taking an Hgi-ncy. Experience not i\ec<!*ii'y. Freo n|ui|>- inent. Exclusive territory. tliirhest Commissions, paid. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington * .. F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries TORONTO, - - ONT 1 March 14 Bull for Service The>r<>uxhbreil American bred Uer ford hull lor service on lot J51, 2nd W, T. andS. R., Artrnneia. Terms $1.00 cash . JOHN ADAMS, Prop, ii ANADIAN PACIFIC WINTER TOURS TO California and the South Return Tlokein At U>\v Fares THE "LOGICAL ROUTE" TO WESTERN CANADA FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Tot on to 10.20 p m. daily Com part Went Libnv Observation Cur, Stnridurd M oeiiii gt!.iri>, Tourist 8lce]iin<; CHrs, ninin (\r, Fust t'Uss Joaclus nn.l Colonist ('ais. Piirticiilais i-enHnlinf{ UA1L or OCEAN tickets frnm any CHinulmn Pucific Agent or rili\ M. 0. Muriihy, D.P.A., C.P.Ry..Toro,,. to. S.^AND,AGENT CEYLON. HEREFORD BULL IOR SHRVICE 'I'lii" uiHliTni^ncil hve ;\ 'pni'-i l>rod Hi-roford bull f>,r service on lut 171, 3rd W.T.S U.. Artumosw. T.'rins *:> ("r (iun> liretls, 81.. "iO fur grailen. All cow.s served iiumt lie tr. - T. ,V J. WATHON. I mar H

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