Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1914, p. 6

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< . <~ t I First Annual Report OF STANDARD RELIANCE MORTGAGE CORPORATION. The Standard Reliance Mortgage Corpo.-atlon of Toronto held its annual meeting of shareholders on Monday, March 2, 1914, In the offices of the Company at 8488 King Street East, Toronto. The following report was | Havld Ratz, James Qunn, David Kemp. value of the stocks, bonds, debentures and loans, and we certify that the above Balance Sheet Is In accordance with the books of the Corporation. O. T. CLARKSON. F.C.A. A. 0. NBFF. P.C.A. Chartered Accountants Toronto, 12th February, 1914. After adopting the report, the share- holders elected the. following directors for the ensuing year: Lord Hyde, \V. S. Dlnntck, Herbert WaddingtOn, Hugh S. Ure nnen, E. F. B. Johnston, K.C., John Ftrstbrook, Nathan H. Stev- ens, E. Jessop, M.D., J. A. McEvoy, nubmltted and approved: - Your Directors have much pleasure In submitting herewith the first An- nnal Report and Statement for the past year accompanied by the Balance Shoot to December 31st. 1913, show- Ing the result of the Company's oper- ations. The Directors are. pleased to submit the First Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Corporation for tho per- iod ending 31st of December, 1913. The Order-in-Council approving of the merger of the Standard Loan Com- pany and the Reliance Loan and Sav- ings Company of Ontario was paseed on the 21st day of April last, and the actual merging took place, on the first day of May. It will be noted that after paying C. McNally, W. L,. Horton, Rev. Q. I Taylor, M.A., R. H. Greene. "ead Office: 84 88 King St. E., Toronto all fixed anil expenses. "ARSOX SQUAD" BUSY. Parish Church of Tillage of White- kirk, Scotland, Destroyed. A despatch from Dunbar, Scot- land, says: An "arson squad" of militant Suffragettes on Thursday burned to the ground the historic parish church of the Village of Whitekirk, near hero. A large quantity of suffrage literature was left strewn about the scene. The church was erected in 1297, and amalgamation, tho balance available of tho battle the Soots were routed by , . for distribution has b>ori sufficient to | Oliver Cromwell's forces in 1650. allow of payment of the usual divid- ends to the Shareholders, and an ad- dition of $100,000 to tho Reserve Fund. which n<rw stands at $400,000. We are pleased to be able to report a HubRtantlal Increase In the Deben- tures placed by the Company, and also In the Savings Accounts. By reason of this our total Assets now stand at over $5.100.000, or an Increase of over $300,000 since thn merper, and the net earnings of (he Corporation arc greater by over $:'.0,(100 than the com- bined net earnings of the two Com- panies prior to the amalgamation The shares held by the Corporation In thn Dovercourt Land, Building and Savings Company, Limited, represent aHseta consisting of real estate having an actual value largely In excess of the par value at which the shares are now Rtandlng on the books. To fill a vacancy in the Directorate since the amalgamation. Dr. E. Jessop. of St. Catharines, a lirge and Influen- tial shareholder In the Company, was elected. Since the last Annual Meeting of the Standard Loan Company, now an Integral part of tho amnlgamatlon, the ili'iith of one of the most distinguished. Canadians, Lord Strathcona, has taken plnce. We feel sure that all our share holders deplore great loss which the Dominion of Cnnada has sustained by the panning of ono of the most not- alile. f.^urex In the hiMory of our coun- try. He wan. t thn tlirm of his death. R Director of this Corporation. We take great pleasure In bearing testimony to the efficiency dttiplayed by the offlclalH and afientu of the Cor- poration In performing their respec- tive, duties Respectfully submitted on behalf of the. Board. (Signed) X. II. STEVENS. President. Dated, Toronto, 13th February, 1914. Balance Sheet as on December 3lst, 1913. ASSKTS Mnrtcacps and Securities against Heal Kxtate. . $4,255,22043 I.nailH Storks, bonds and De- bentures at cost RHII! Estate, forecloxure Office Premises Office Furniture Accrued Rentals Agents' Balances Municipal Debentures, at cost ' r>i-h on Hand and In lianks 31,376 62 411,718 60 88.162 85 174.560 63 6.000 00 648 84 3,357 97 33,603 91 106,785 06 ' HI In tho vicinity is the famous battle- ground of Dunbar, where the Eng- lish totally defeated the Soots in 1290 and caused John Balliol to give up the crown of Scotland. Many of the priceless Scriptural relics and curioa from the Hoi}' Land were de- stroyed by the fire. The incendiar- ies apparently had sprayed the in- terior of the church with inflamma- ble oils. They also used explosives, 8h Suffered for Four Years, and tho Doctor Could Not Help Her, Rut Dodd's Kidney Pills Gave Her a New Lease of Life. Porton. Carleton Co., N.B., Mar. 2nd. (Special). "I find Dodd'a Kidney Pills the best kidney medi- sine I have ever used. They have >een of untold benefit to me." Th speaker is Mrs. John S. Dickinson of this place. She is en-' Jiusiastic in her praises of tho Rreat Canadian kidney remedy, and not without reason. "I suffered from kidney trouble hat started in a cold," she contin- ies, "and for four years I was ne- er free of it. I was treated by a doctor, but ho did not seern to be able to do me much good. I had rheumatism and neural- gia, and iny joints were stiff ; my muscles cramped, and I was always ired and nervous. I perspired free- y with the slightest exertdon. I was depressed and low spirited, my imbs swelled, and I had a drag- ging sensation acroas the loins. Nine boxes of Dodd's Kidney ?ill made a new woman of me." Are not Mrs. Dickinson'a gymp- oms those of any run-down, worn- out woman i They are also the symptoms of kidney disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills give new life :o run-down women by curing their kidneyis. as several massive slabs of were shattered. atone Women with Sallow Skin Here is a Good Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty Is largely the out- ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks and poor complexion needs medicine needs a potent tonic to regulate her system. To tone up the stomach to Insure good digestion to give now life and vitality to the whole system --where Is there a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like they correct con- Btipatlou mako nourishing blood Instil force and vim Into a run-down system. If nervous and can't slw>p, your re- medy Is Dr. Hamilton's Pills they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready for the day's work. Dr. Hamilton links every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon Insomnia and langonr IB marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that, a good night's rest al- ways follow tliflr use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening good for tho young or old. dealers in 26c. boxes. Sold by all MAIUUTIKS To the Public Interest $2,119,989 05 Deposits with Acrrund Interest G12.877 f,8 Mortgages Assumed .... 13,195 B3 Unclaimed Dividends .. 688 2 Accounts Payable 1,217 49 Dividend. No. 2. Payable January 2, 1914 63,225 01 $2,711,193 28 To the Shareholders Capital Slock Subscribed 2,070,810 00 I^esa Unpaid thereon 85,706 72 COLD K1LI.KI) PEACH Bl'DS. Fall Pruning and Mlldno.ss Ad- vanced 'I hrm Too Rapidly. A despatch from St. Catharines says : The unusual warm December, followed by an unprecedented spell j of zero weather, thus killing the peach buds, will havu a inoro dis- astrous effect upon the growers that take the best care of their or- chards th~n upon tho more care- less ones, according to Prof. Ma- <M.UII, horticulturist of Ottawa, who addressed th Niagara District Fruit Growers' Association on Thursday afternoon. The progres- sive fruit grower primes in the fal! for fruit development. Hence the mild early winter advanced the buds so rapidly that they were easy prey for the zero weather. $1,985,104 28 Reserve Fund ItHlance at C'redlt. ii MI (jtatu 400,000 00 14,035 25 15,110,332 81 LOSS AND GAIN ACCOUNT lnieret on Debentures and Deposits $122,521 14 Dividends No*. 1 and 2 11K.471 88 Transferred to RttHorve Fund 100,000 00 Nulance Carried Forward 14,035 25 $355,028 27 Kalancea, Dec. 31, 1912 $ 3.691 72 Net earnings after de- duction of expenses of management and pro- vision for all known 1,0880* 351,336 55 Have Been An Untold Benefit Xew Woman Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCIS fnOM THI LEADINO TRAD! GENTRIS OF AMERICA. riei or cam*, enm, e ana oti ' ridu'M t Mam* an* Abroa* Breadstuff*. Toronto. March J. Flour. Ontario whfat flmire. 90 per oent.. 83.80 to W.85. goaboard, and at 83.80, Toronto. Manitoba First nau nti. In Jut* bagi, 15.40; lo., seconds, 84.90; Blrong bakore', in juto bags, $4.70. Manitoba wheat Day port*. No. 1 Nor- thorn. 99 l-2c, and No. 2 97 IZc; Goderich, l-4c more. No. 1 Northern. North Bay, 1.05 1-2. and No. 2, $1 03 1-Zc. Ontario -wheat- No. 2 at 95 to 96o out- side, according to freight, and 97 to 98o. on track. Toronto. Date No. 2 Ontario oaitg, 36 1-2 to 37o, outside, and at 39 l-2c, ou track. Toron- to. Western Canada oa*, 42c for No. 2, and at 40 l-2o for No. 3, B.iy port*. Pens- No. 2 at 95o to $1, outside. Barley Good malting barley, S3 to 680, outri.di-. according to quality. Corn New No 3 American, 69 l-2o, nil rail, Toronto. Bye No. 1 at SI to 6V. out*ld. Buckwheat No 2 at 75 to 76c, outside. Bran-Manitoba bran. $22.50 to $23 a ton, (n bag*. Toronto freight. Shorta, $24.50 to $J6. TO LYE The Standard Lye of Canada. Has many Imitations but no equal CLEANS AND DISINFECTS 100%PURE Fla-No. 1 N.W.O., $1.33 1-2; No. 2 O.W.. $1.30 1-2: No. 3 C.W., $1.17 ! 2. RKMAIIKABLE.RESIXTS. Vrmy Doctor Tells of Experiment;* With Typhoid Vaccine. A despatch from Ottawa nayt : x>l. Sir Win. Leishman, F.R.8., K.H.P., professor of pathology at he Royal Army Medical C'-olleRfi, Condon, England, who is generally re<x>gni/od as one of the greatest men in thn medical profession in Jreat Britain, told a meeting of the of Officer* of the Medi- Country Product. Butter Choice dairy, 22 to 23o: Inferior, IB to 19o; farmers separator print*. 22 o 25c: creamery prints, 30 to fro: soliciH, 7 to 29c; atorabe print-it. 27 to 28c; aul'.dn. 25 1-2 to 26c. Kgga-Cuoo lota of new-laid. 14 to 35o per tozn; etoraffe, selects, 3Jo; and storage, "i to 32c OUT dozen. Oheeae New cheeae. 14 34 for large, and So for twine. Beane-Hand-pfcked, 12.15 to $2.20 par >ushol; prlmei, 12.10 to (2.16. IIony- Extracted, in tins, 11 to 12o per b. for No. 1; combs, $3 to 1325 per dozen fir No. 1. a.nd $2.40 to $2.50 for No. 2. Poultry Fowl, 12 to 13o per lb.; chick- run. 16 to 18o: ducks, 13 to 15o: geeae, 14 to 15ci turkey*. 19 to 22o. PotaAoea-Ontartoa at 83 to 85o per bag, on track, and Dolawaros at Wo, on track, ar lot*. Provisions. Bacon Long clear. 15 to ISo per lb.. In c lota. Pork- Short out, $28.60; do., men, 12450. Hams -Medium, 18 to 18 l-lo; do., leary. 17 to 18c; rolls, 15 to 16 1-Zc; break- a*t bacon. 18 to 19o ; backa, 22 to 24o. Lard Tierces, 14 l-4o; tubs, 14 l-lo: pails, 4 J-4o. j d*. Farmer* get thn following prioea: Al- ik. No. 1. $8.50 to 9: do.. No. 2. $7.50 to W: do.. No. 3, 16 to $7; Tiraothr. No, 1. $1.76 to *>.16| <!'.,. No. 2. $2 to $250: rod clovor. No. 1. $1.25 to $8.75; do.. No. 2. $7.50 to $7.76. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay No. 1 at $14 to $14.50 a, ton. on track here; No t quoted at $1] to $11.50, and mixed at S12 to $12.50. Baled atraw -Ou loin. $850 to $8.75, on track, Toronto. cal Services of Canada here on Wednesday many of the results of lis experiments with typhoid vac- -ine, of which he ha* made a spe- ial &tudy. He claimed that the success of the vaccine tuia bee/n de- uionst'rated in a remarkable way, specially in tropical countries where typhoid or enteric fever is niort rampant than elsewhere. IXtiEXIOUS SLIT. Man Arrested In North Huy for Stealing Silver. A despatch from North Bay saya : David Pckki of Cobalt was arrostrd Provincial Oonwt&We Fred Le- :<>bvre at North Bay on Friday, ['okki 'had in his possession con- cealed about ihi body in an ingeni- ous euit c* many pockets seventy- Ive pounds of tho finest leaf silver iver seen in North Bay. The pre- Lniinary hearing was held before Magistrate Weegar. Another man H under arrest charged with nego- tiation for the purchase of the or. Wlnnlpesj Drain. Winnipeg. March 3. Wheatr-No. 1 North- ern. 91o; No. 2 Northern, BiJ-So; No. I <orthern, 87 Wo; No. 4. 84oi No, 5. 75 l-2oi No. 6. 71 l-2oi feed, 65o; No. 1 rejected seed*, at, 3-4oj No 2 rejected eeeda, 843-4oi (o. 3 rejected seed*. 83 l-2o; No. 1 smutty, 6 J-4c; No. 2 amutty. 84 J-4ci No. 3 arnutty, 31-2c; No. 1 red Winter. 91o: No. 2 red Winter. 89 3-8o; No. 1 red Winter. 87 3-4o. Outs No. 1 O.W., J5o: No. 3 O.W., V Mo; extra No. 1 feed. 34 l-4oi No. 1 feed, 33 3-4oi No. 2 feed. 33 l-2o. Barley-No. 3. 44 l-toi No. 4, 42 l-2c; rejected. 41 l-2c; feed. 41c. $255,028 27 CHAS. HAUCKHAM. Socrelary. H. WADniNOTON, Managing Director. AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE. We have audited the accounts of I)IA Standard Reliance Mortgage Corpor- ation for the year ending 31st Decem- ber. 1U1S. We havfl seen tha Muni- cipal Debentures, received ce.rflfloales from tha Corporation'* bankers as to tho iianlr balances, verified the cash mi hand, obtained H rertlfirnlB from , tlie Corporation's officials a to tha capeu. FISHINU REFLATIONS. lulled M.i I Si-ii.-.i.- I 1 . i Kit After l.i. n^ Delay. A despatch from Wasliiiifftor says : The Senate on Friday passed a bill to put into effect January 1 1916, the fishing regulations rcconi mended by the Joint Fishery (Ann mission of the United Htatt^s am Canada for boundary waters. The iini.-Kli.ui (jovernmcnt had notified the United States that it would not consider itseJf bound to the regu- lations if the United Stales had not acted by Marcli 1. The Canadian Government approved the rrgula- tions about three years ago. CYCLONE IN ALBERTA. Clarosholm Fair Buildings Were Damaged. A despatch from C'larcslinlni, Al- berta, says: A miniature cyclone Htruck Claretholm. on Frulay, do- ing damage i the extent, of $3,000. The fair buildingH were ewept off their foundations, windows in i,. n . adjacent to the fair ground* were shattered and wagons and Hgiht buildings were carried several Mocks. (fiuntry NO GUSHER But Tell* Facts About Posttim. This lady found an easy and safe wa.y out of tho ills caused by ooffeo. She says : "We quit coffee and have used Postum for the past eight yoars, and drink it nearly every meal. We never tire of it. "For several years provioua to quitting coffee I could scarcely eat anything on account of dyspepsia, bloating afi.T meals, palpitation, eiek headache -in fact was in such misery and distress I tried living on hot water and toast." (Tea is rqually injurious because it con- tains caffeine, the same drug fount! in coffee.) "Hearing of Postum I began drinking it and found it delicious. My ailments disappeared, and now I can eat anything I want without trouble. "My parents and hu&band ha nbout the same experience. Mothci would often Buffer after eating while yet drinking coffee. My hus- liand was a great coffee driuke.r anc suffered from indigestion and head- ache. "After ho stopped coffee, and be gan Paeiuiin botJi ailments left him Ho will not drink anything else now, and wo have it three times a day. I could write more, but an no gusher -only state plujn fact*.' Naino. given by Canadian Postun Co., Windsor, Ont. Write for copy of tli fniiK'US little, book, "The Road to Wellvillo." IVmtum n<j\v comes in two forma I'o-liiin must be wel Report* from the ndjaoent show little damage. The -ultMitial portion of the town e.- ii-- '.'(I i;>' n u< I -. package.^. Inntant PoHtum- is a oluble pow der. A teAspoonful dis<*<)lvB8 quick ly in n cup of hot water and, witl cream and sugar, makea a dolicloui beverage inslitntl) . 30c and 60c tins. The cost, per cup of both kindn is nbout. i ho -.inn' "There's a Reason" for Poitum Sol<l by t!rocer. Montrtal Markitt. Montreal. March 3. Corn. American, TTo. 2 yollow, 72 to 72 l-2o. Oata. Canadian Weetern, No. 2, 44e: do.. No 3. 43 to V 12cj ertra No. 1 feed. 43 l-2o. Barley. Mani- toba feed. 48 to 60o: malting. 65 to V. Buckwheat. No. 2. 56 to 57. Flour. Man. Spring wheat paten>te, flreU, $5.40; do.. srcon<M, $4.90; do. etrong bakers'. $4.70: Winter pa/tenta, choice. $5 to $5.25; straight rollers, $4 50 to $4.75; do., bagg, S2.10 to 2.15. Rolled oata, bnrrel. $4-25 to $4.35; b*g. % DM.. $2 to $2.05. Bran. $23. ShorU, $25. Mlddllnta. $28. Moullle. $28 to ?32. Hay. No. 2, per ton. oar loU. 13 1-2 to ISo. Cheese, flneet w*tern. 14 to 14 l-4c: fln- eat eaeterna, 13 3-4o. Butter, choicest creamery, 27 1-2 to 28: neconda. 26 1-2 to "? T'tt. freah. 35 to 36c; (-l<v.-d. 32 to 33c; No. 1 atock. 30 to 3Io. Fotatoee, per bag. oar lota, 30 to 90o. Unltml Stales Marktts. Mlnneopolla, March 1. WTieabMay, 92 1-Zo; July, 93 3-4o to 93 7-8o bid; No. 1 hard, 95 1-2 to 96o; No. 1 Northern. 93 to 5o; No. 2 Northern, 91 to 93c; No. 3 wheat. 88 1-2 to 90 l-2c. No. 3 yellow corn. 57 to 57 l-4o. Oa.t No. 3 white. 37 1-4 to 37 l-2o. Flour unchanged Bran. $22.50. Bulutb, March 3.-Liraeed. $1.5( 3-4; May. $1.57 3-4; July. $1.59 3-4. Close :-Wheat- No. 1 hard, 94 3-4c: No. 1 Northern. 93 3-4c: No. 1 Northern, 92 l-4c: Montana No. 2 hard. 903-4: May. 93 3-4 to 93 7-8c; July. 94-5-80. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, .March 3. Cattle Choloe but- oherr. $8 to $830: good. $7 60 to $7 75: medi- um. $6.75 to $7; common, $5.75 to $6; choice oo wa. $6.25 to 17; good, $5.75 to $6; medium, $5.35 to $5.60; common, $4.25 to $625: cut- tra and cannerg, $3.15 to $3.75: choice bulli. $7 to $7.75; good, $6 to $6.75; com- mon. *4.25 to $5 50. Stnckera and feedeM Steers, choice. $7 to $8.25; (rood. $6.35; lijrnt. $3.50 to $5.10; epringera t-o $82; milkra. $85. Palves Good voal, $8.65 to 11; oom- num. $1.60 to $5. Sheep and lambs Light ewes. $5.50 to $7: heavy. $3 to $3.50; Spring lambo. $9 to $10; bucko. $3 to $3.50, with 75c off. Hogs-Fed and wxtored. to $9.25 1 f.o b.. to $8.?0. ofT ca.ra, to *9.50. Montreal. Mart^h 3. Choice steers and heifers sold at $8.50. good at $8 to $J.25. fair a.t $7 to 87.50 and il.n lower erido* at 56 to $6.75 per cwt,. Butchers' cows bronfbt from $4 to $6, and hulls from S4 to S7.50 per cwt., *g to quality. Iximba n>!<l at $8.25 to $8.50, and sheep at 5.50 t.i S'6 urr cwt. Calves ranged from $3 to $12 each ae to giio and qu Uity. Hi'Uxjt^d lot* t of hogs sold at $10 15 to $10.25 per cwt., weighed off care. . APPEAL TO THE KINO. . Uoston Women's Association Would Aid Single Women. * A despatch from Boston, Mass'. , says : The Women's Homestead As- sociation sent an appeal on Friday to King George of England to aid the single women of that country 1x> migrate to Western Canada to be5- come the wives, of settlers. Resolu* adopted by the association express-; ed the belief that if tho movement were "carried out seriously" the militant women of England would; cease their warfare on Parliament.- "Discontent generally reigna where, there is a surplus female popula- tion," said the resolution. 7% INVESTMENT High Claa* Profit-sharing Bonds. 9rlea-*IOO. SSOO. *IOOO INVESTMENT mar be withdrawn a.nr Urn* after one rr on 60 dy' notlo*. Bu>inM at back of thcw Bondi *ta.b- llihad 21 rear*. Send for special folder and full particular*. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING TORONTO, CANADA SUN LIFE OF CAN ADA LEADING FEATURES OF THE DIRECTORS' REPORT FOR 1913. ASSETS as at 81st December, 1913 . $55,726,347.32 Increase over 1912 6,120,730.83 CASH INCOME from Premiums, Interest, Rents, etc., in 1913 13,996,401.64 Increase over 1912 1,663,320.04 PROFITS DISTRIBUTED to policyholders during 1913 706,424.19 ADDED TO SURPLUS during 1913 421,904.26 TOTAL SURPLUS 31st December, 1913, over all liabilities and capital 5,752,986.08 DEATH CLAIMS, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc., during 1913 4,982,553.23 PAYMENTS to policyholders since organization 39,385,287.91 PREMIUMS RECEIVED since organization 94,012,632.86 PAYMENTS to policyholders since organization and assets now held for their benefit 95,111,635.23 NEW BUSINESS (paid for in cash) during 1913 34,290,916.79 Increase over 1912 3,476,507.15 ASSURANCES IN FORCE 31st December, 1913 . 202,363,996.00 Increase over 1912 19,631,576.00 The SUN LIFE OF CANADA holds the premier position among Canadian Lifo Aaaurance Companies. The Company's Growth, Ytar. Inoom*. Ant. LIU Aliurancci In Foro* un... I u.zio.n !74,M6.M I.W0.4M.U J.W6.1M.50 18,996,401.64 1 K.4U.U 7.15,91011) 4.001.776.M 16.505,776.41 55,726,347.82 t l.OM.350.00 .T79,566.00 27,799,757.00 75.681, 1!9 06 202,863,906.00 188.1 1845... H03... 1W8 ROBERTSON WACAULAY. H.ad OHIO* I MONTREAL. T. B. MACAULAY, Manlni Director and etrtUry.

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