Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1914, p. 8

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March ."> 1914 T H E F L E S H E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS WH. WK1GHT, Tl'.l.VOlin McDONALD lUrrintcr. Solicitor*, &c. Office*, drey * lime* lllock, Owop Hound. Standard Bank Hlook. Klhurtou. (Salurrttyn). W. H. Wright. W P Telford J...J. C. McDonald, L>. u.B. . SOCIETIES AO U W meet* ou tbe Itat Honda) ID acb month, lo their lo<ig roum laytou'Khall Pleiberton, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. l(llau>y ; Hec., C. H. Muniliaw; Ha K. J.Bproule. Vuitlns brethren loflted DK1NCB ARTHUK LODGE. No. MS, AT. A r A U meet* in tht Mnonic ball. Arru tron K Block. KlMberton, every FrWM "" or before the full mocn H*rb builtli, - U.; Cliu.Uuuibtw, Secretary. f> OCRTTLRSHEHTON, 998, I. a F. ffeet in V Clayton's Hlock the l*t Wednesday cvetiiiif each month VUUIiir Forester* lienrtily IcoineT. K., O. Bellamy : H. B., O. ('.".; riei>y'duOTto >ln. Sec. before tbe nrnt av of thu month. .1HOSKN FhlEXOS-Flwhwtoii V . 1 " 1 ,'.'!.,, ll OIOBHII Kriendu meets iu Clayton'lill first and tliir.l Wwluenday ofe*cb month H p. I Pay Emolument, to the K>rdir on or I* ore tcu riiKt .lay of uach montli. Chief Councillor T Klnki'l>-\;K'-coriler W. H. Huut. HOMKSKKKER'S EXCURSIONS AND SETTLERS' TRAINS TO THE WEST Thole taking advnntage of tho above Kxcurniuni should beariu mind ilieiimuy exclusive features ottered by the Canadian Pacific I; ul v iy in connection with a trip to thu West. ]t is the only all-Canadian route. Only 1 iue operating throuxh trains to Western Canada. No change of du- porg. Only line operating through aUiuUnl and tourist sleepcrx lo Winni- peg ami Vancouver. All 01)11 ipnient it* owned and operated by Canadian Pacific Railway, aflTordiug tho highest form of eHiciency. Homeseukers' fare will be in effect each Tucstluy, March ItrJ to October 27th in- cluiive.and round-trip sec jnd-classticket* wi.l be sjld via C*ndin Pacilic Hail *>' from Ontario point s(A/.i!da and Kasi)' very low fires - -forcxamp'^o.fi'mn Toronto " - M\THK-\S, Mrkdle, I' yo ., county of Oroy. k vic-e at rcaK.uablo rates. l>te cn OiwJe at The Advani-i.. o(W MEDICAL SOfct.rhyilelan. Burton etc Uli'.ce uJ reideuce l'ter at., Fleehertou ;P OTTRWELL Veterinary Surgeon graduate of Ontario Veterinary College repi.leuce - ascond door nouth unit, op lITrv mrwt. Thii itreet rant south I'isbytorlu Church. DENTISTRY Ur E C MURK*Y U D. 8, dent*! nurgeon 'liunoi graduate ol Toronto Uuivnnity u.| Ki>yl i olk'Ku ol Pi-iittil BBTmCM "1 Ontario. lia* adiiiibinmtoied for teeth eXt.-action LUic at rutiilence. Toronto Street. Fleiuerton. LKCAI. , uiAfi, I:\NI:Y ,v ,-. -" B<>llciu>rii.eto.-I. II. l.uoaH. K. 0.! W. K. llauey K. < . : \V. D. lleiir>. & A. OlMW, roroutn. hDO-O Tiadcrf Huk lil.'P., IJlipu^ ;i!J; Markdalu I.UCBS HlocV. 1'hone 2 A. hi-ancli u^iee t Duiiclilk o|n t-vt-ry Kutur<ln,> . hrsiNKss CARDS JUI.U)UGH * YOfSH Itkiikuri Markilale aeral baukinfj buuiuein . Vloucy loaneo reanonable rate* Call on UK. DM.-riUIL. I.icenseJ Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Term* moderate and tit ctiou Ruaranleed. Tbo arnuiKenientB ,.1 lateiof wlencan beinado a- TUB Aiivixri jiUce. lunlduuce and P.O., Ceylon, MefMM '.outioction. Dec. OUT. \\'.\l. kAITTISl*. Licenifd Auctionetr foi the countipa of tirey and biinc'jf. J>'artu and block le> * Kpeci&lty. Trrnm oiodr*t. tatiHfactiou KiiarauUed. ArraiiRe- .i.i'tjth lor datua may be made at tho Advince ft:. . . . i Central tle| hone oltlcc hovemlmui or by addroaini; me at Keverabaui, Out. Pure Itred Holstein Bull LiKniKLliiiK Prince Joe Bred hy Chin^i'liiiR 15uu?r liny mit of Tidy Abbekerk I'rinccHH Joscpliine. The o lua tet butter umkiiiK trai known. Term of ttor vice W for grauVs, $;"> lor pun 1 l>reil. I;KO. TChlSLETT, P<jituitf>r. Ceylon. Counuliilooer Iu 11. C. J . Coovorancer, .|i.,..|. ii."i ti'tti;.-". leaftan, will- etc. carefully drawn up oll.-ctinut mad.', cliaritw raaonalj'i. A No roccilm. flour, feud etc. kept Iu Hook, Trice* iht. Small Farm For Sale 1'nrt L.t 'J, con. 4, Knplinuiin, hrick- fucfil cn'.i.i^f. Ir.iiii.- I. am ui'h i.i . in. .i.i ; xiii'ill I'ichnrd, clieriiuN. (.linii-. xjiules and in-ill fruit. !..( IP- .mi- 44 acre*, will )>uy it. A|i|ily ro \VM. SLOAN Due. ."'I, I.'. K iii. I. i-il. v |i o. NortToronlO, M> return 9:5-">, to l-Mmontoii and return 84:5. Other p jints in proportion. Kin's from points K* ( of Toronto will I, .li..!iily hi-li'i. K.-turn limit tw.. . rs't rains leave Toronto i- idi Tui-Hil.iy during March and April. I .i, h Tuesday during Mireh and April tho Canadian 1'acifio will inn Settlors trains lo Winnipeg 'ind West and for ihe Accoiiiinodutioii of settlers tnivelliiig wi'h li\e stuck and elloo's, a colonist car will bo attached to the HCtllcr.s' i-tlects train. This cvr will leave 'IVroii'o on regular tr-in nt lO.'J" p.m., and on arrival at \Vc:.!. Toronto it will be attached to settlers' i fleets train as inenli .neil above. For those nt travelling wi'l; live stock ami i-tl.-i't, spvi-ial f .loiiisi rruf will bo Httacheil in roaular trains fmiu T<.mnto, through ''' Wi'nii]K'H without Nuclinr^.'is umdo foraccom- uiodatioii in Colonist earn. T'Hiri-i! ^!eepiii',' i-iiis mi' ills, np-ra'ed on rc^ulir tr.iin leaving T.U-.-II o Itl.'JO p.m. Full part ioul.irs from .-my C. I', li . .V,'enl or wiiie M. <'. Mu-phy, District H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring 1 Seasonable (iuods, first class \VorkmansIiip. .M.SO A line of Neatly-Made Clothing \\'!:-rh we put lllll'llll lolls II) I Hi- i f !i.n .-., li n''|iiired. UoplS AUCTION SALE 0? K,.."-:i.ie<l llursei, Farm Slock and Im- |ilenieuta Tin; imJcraigiied IMS been instructed to aell by public auction OH Lot '.', CUM. lit. Proton --ON FRIDAY, MARCH 6,1914 \\ li.'ii i he following valunhlt* Heck nnd implements will lie onVrecl, immrly: IIOUSKS -Kuyal U'jsie (iir;.) (U414). fouled June lnd. 1!0^' Siie U-.yal Chief, Dam Libliiu |H4i:>| K.iiie Chance il'.W4) fnalud Mny IH I.. I'.UO. Sire Merry Mason (imp) |4(i71| t'ani II i .1 KuHie (imp ) Merry M<id (L'":!'-'^ foaled June L'-.'^d, l!ll I, Siris Merry Mason (imp.) Maid of Stvinton 1'itrk (l>4l:t). Jranie Hamilton (I'O^'llJ), buy, striptii! >n fuci', niab liiml fetlock whit ', l'old June '..'I. I'.'OH, siio I'-u m ll.iiiidlon (iinp.)(3t58i). Jess, :..,;. i I'.IIO. I', v . white atripo on fa.-e, off fetlock while. Kin-, II iron Hnniilt in, iiiip., dmn liy Merry Mason. TlH"r mares an. 1 -ill supposed lo lie in fmil ID S l\e.r StranJ. STALLIONS Silver Sirau.l, iui[l., (HIJ4:t) |l:W12|, fnnlutl P.HM. MI>. liilvor <'up, dun Suluia 1H(:>, lj\ Sir Kicrnrd. Silver Tro'surr (\~iaw) In-own face and four It-UK whiti). foaled JIIIH 1 .1 IP. I'M.:. j Sire Silver Straml, dnin Koyal li isi-. " i (.'ATTLK 4 cows suppose I l.i IK- in calf, iby COM, sic rand four h. n,-, , 11 , in.- 4 VIMH oil, 17 hfiid rising twu J-I-HIM olii, -I In- id lisinu ono >vnr old. SIIKKI'- IJOsfmJ D.IWIH. Also a laii'it i| iiiiil'iy nf imjile ui'lila. S,-I!H n'. 1 o'clock |I.MI Ti'iin.-. A I sums of :-'.! and H'I I. -, i-.i li ; over i liil :iuiunt 10 iniiiiiln' cicili' mi iipprnvi'd joint n i. with ,*) p i . discoiipl fni i IP I \\IKS I' \TMiN. l>. M, I'll AIL. 1'rnprii-tnr. An liiTm-cr. BILL IOH SRVICi: .'il ll-.'slrin Hull, Knl-iiilvUc Pii'tort).' rioilnl.lc. N... I-J7WI. lms.. dam, Tri/ir s I 'loiliilile Pieteiljf ^'inl, NK o'.IMS, IKS pi-, i hi Til in- 1- r HO Ibs. milk per day. Terms Crude cows Jl. 00, pure Kred roH-s $>> AH CIIWK IIP. I ret in noil will be Imrgud. Als.i ic 'istfi'cil Yuikshirt 1 hour, AN ::i.-j.M. Turin* ?l. HKNKV IK)I,M A N Lot, 40, Con. 4, Ailenieiia, t'ortluw i'.O iftiiMir Bull For Service I'uri' Kred whorl lioiu bull, Knipcmr, Mi."j:)7, f >r Divine i.n lot K>7, W.T. S. |{.. Arteme.tiii. Temis ff\ .'id for 1,'rades, #.'! for tlioroughbiedn. All cows sei-vi-il must bo p.ii:l for. 20 Mill". H. OUIJ4S!, J'lPifPiii-tol. DIVISION COURT 1914 N AXU HI Mi.\[,K K. II It .kerns of \Vii'ki-il ni hii.s iin-uril fiiuii hi- sun, who lives in I.. N Ai.^rlis. it I.. nioii tthVh Uieasiire-i 1M in .'11 . in < iir.iinf.-ieiiej nnd stun in <m I i lli.' I i i of I! inrhes. ll \v -i;;li> Kl-hert.on .................. Apr 1 1"' Dundiilk .............. ... ----- lunc 17 J-'ii-.v'u-rlMii ................ "ft- '* CANADIAN HOMESEEKERS' EX CURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN EaohTu-i'lay M.ucli 'Hn < ). inljci J7,iin-lusivp. VYinnipcg and Return - S.VS.OO i iini.ini mi mid Keturn - 43.00 I i .in Tnrunlo, ..PI. I St.illonH Wrsi tintl North of I in nn i n Pnipnrlloiiule fnri-s from Stutlonx Knur of Toronto. Kffiiiu l.iinil l\v iiuinllH. KKI)U('EI) SKITI.KRS' FARKS (ONK-WAY SECOND CI.A.SM I'.AIIH TIIKSDAV, MARCH AMI AI'lUI. Tlll-'U ti.iv.-lliiiR willi livi- flM'l. ;u.'l .it i >UiMi|il l.ik. SK'|-|-|.rRS' SI'hCIAI. I'K.V IN wliii li li-.v ^ \\ < i l.ipuiii.i c.n IP 'ln--l.iv .liniiiu MARIII .ppnl AI'RII .llt.'r BITiv.ll l.'Hul.Pr I II. I'll |,.I1I. ir.lill I:.IPI Toronto Ihiion Statuin. > Itlnt ami fxmllidi wiilumi liv .'.i. ilioiil.l |..-c Rl.<,l I AK IKAISV I .IMP i Tuitintn 111.311 |> in. OAII.Y. Tlirnuiili i ;nrl T..in : -t Slrrpr-m. Tlui'iitjli iiiiim Tiii-nnin in Wlnnii. i: .. i,: \Viiil. COI.OMSI OAKS (IN \l .1. TRAINS. Nil . li irR.. I,. i Ilinlis. I'm i. ul.n lifini ( .iii.i.li.iip I'.i. in Aiti'tit* or will.- M. (,. Muijilii. D.I'. \.. T..I LUCK AND LOVE. F.rtt He Won the Father, and Then He Captured the Heireee. A dozen years ago, fresh from the school of Versailles, came a young un- der lieutenant of artillery In bis new uniform, returning from Normandy, where be bad beeu to see his brother. On tbe train tbe young officer found himself seated beside an old man, who, like himself, wns going to Paris. They entered Into conversation. An amiable iutlmncy wus established be- tween tbe two travelers. At tho west station tbe old gentleman, taking leave of tho young otlicor, snld, "I need n son-in-law like you." Three mouths later the officer re- turned to Normandy. lie narrated the Incident of the journey to his brother :ind questioned him about the Htrnnge companion. "I know this old fellow," responded the brother. "Do you know that he offered you a very pretly partner? Ills daughter possesses an Income of 100,- j 000 francs." "Where Is she? I'll go after her,"! said the oilicer. The brother made n sorrowful ges- ture. "Alas! you are n little late." "Eli. what! Is the young girl to bei married V" "No; her father wns burled eight days ago." The nontenant was silent for a mo- 1 meiit. "Hut I knew her father. A visit of condolence is imposed upon inc." Dressed In his best uniform, bo call- ed upon the lady. lie spoke in the; most tender terms of the old gentle- j man. Without doubt the prestige ofj the uniform was nut without effect on| the younf; provincial, and the story asj in tliti pleasant dramas, ended with nj marriage. The lieutenant is now a prominent member of the chamber of deputles.-Crl de Paris. REiUKE BY SARCASM. AlMUt til* Por.t Place to Ute It le In the Claeeroom. In a well known Boston school there was a boy conspicuously doll at his Latin. He was a straightforward fel- low and a gentleman by birth and breeding, but be was a bungler at syn- tax. Oue morning be bad tangled himself In n simple pbrnse. The teucber asked a question that sbould bave cleared him. But tbe poor -lad did nut know the answer. Then the teacbcr leaned back In his chair, rolled his gray eyes to tbe cell- lug iiinl said for all the class to bear, "I have been told thnt It Is a linn! thing to stuff a wildcat with butter, pnrtlculurly If you bave to do It with a hot nwl, but thut Is child's piny compared with putting Latin in n boy like this." Of course the laugh camo, but ns tho boys liUighod they despised the teach- er. "Sarcasm." snid Cnrlyle. "Is *be Inn- gunge of tbe devil." Be that ns it may, it lias turned many n schoolroom Into n place of torment. A boy may be too dull to be In school, but while allowed to be there he can never be dull enough to Justify a knife thrust from 0110 whose first duty Is to help and cheer him. Boston tlerald. TALES OF TWO DANCES. London Society at First Rebelled Against Waltz and Polka. When the waltz lirst appeared In London it raised n social rumpus. The; dance ciime from Poland to London | by way of Portsmouth, \\here its ad- vantages were at onoe nppiiront to' tbe women, though the men did nut I much like seeing other men claspini; 1 their wives. H was llrst dancod at Altitude's in London by I.ndy Jersey and two or three of her friends, and society was riven from top to bottom :iitu the waltzcrs aii'l autl-waltzers. In spite of Lady Jersey's powerful liilln ; ence, there seemed little chance of the, <iecept:i nee of the wait/.. In 1SIG the allied sovereigns came to London anil visited AlmacU's. There they joined in the walu and removed it from the. realm of discussion. The waltz needed i I. in three sovereigns to make It re- > spectahlo. The polka excited almost ns mu.-li centroveisy as the wait/, on Its tirst In ( Irothiction Into Knglaml. Lady Dor 'ili.v Nevill recalls u scene at u ball In tin- Into thirties when a deputation ofi ladles hogged llu> hostess, Mrs. Spencer| SI.MI|ICI|M\ to allow Hie polka to be. danced by six ladies who understood It. I'erinisslon being accorded, the six' Btepi'eil out with their partners, all of; them, curiously enough, dressed In! id. i. k. which en used people to say It | was n chimney svveep's dance. K\ trunrdliciry exeiteuient wns crented by the Innovation. Lady Jersey, tbe Ducb- i-ss uf Iti.'dford and a number of other women clambering up on tho chair:) nnd heiiches to gain a better view. OYSTERS AND DYSPEPTICS. When the Bivalvea May and When They Should Not Be Eaten. It is popularly supposed (hat the oyster digests himself in the human stomach owing to the great size of thu liver, which is crushed as mastication begins and Is thought to digest the mollusU itself. As the oyster, more over, contains some 10 per cent of ex- iremely nssimilnblo protein, together with pbospborlzcd fats and ylycogen, It has always been freely administered to convalescents, while dyspeptic bons vivunts have never hesitated to ent It abundautly. Dr. Pron expresses the opinion that tho oyster may be allowed, therefore, to those dyspeptics whose gastric func- tions arc deficient, in anorexia, gastric atony, ulcer and incipient cancer, and to convalescents from ai/nle disease-, as It is liUoly to improve the appetite anil to excite the stomach to Increased motor and chemical activity. Itut to tlie large number of dyspep- tics whose stomachs are liypcraiid or hypersensitive Dr. Prtm would forbid the oyster as well as ull other stimu- lating foods. In man; of these dys- peptics the gnstrie secretion is already sullicient, anil it Is unnecessary ami unwise to increase Jt. New York 1'ress. History of the Saw. The earliest tool Unit has been traced In I!- -, |ii 1 1 M history Is tliu saw. It wns found first In tho form of n notched bronxe Unlfu In the third dynasty, or about 5.000 years before the Christian era, anil wns followed In the fourth nrnl fifth dynnstlcM by larger toothed saws, which were used by carpenters. but IN. !. are no tinted specimens until the seventh century before the Chris- tin ii i-rn. when the Assyrians used inui saws. The lirst knives on record were mailu out of Hint and were. In fact. saws with minute teeth. They prob- ably were used for culling up animals. ns thf teeth would brcnk away even on soft wood l!:isps. which arc but a form of saw. were tirst made of sheets of bronze punched and coiled round, but (lie Assyrians in tbe sev- entli rontiir.v used the straight rnsp mailu of Iron similar to tho modern Made the Judge Perspire. Sir John Charles Day. the Knglisli judge who earned the title of the "hooligan's terror." died at the :ige of eighty-two. In tho nineteen yours Sir John was n Judge of tbe high court from ]S82 to 1001 lie was noted for his gift of solemn humor and for his drastic Hogging sentences. In fourteen years he sentenced 13" criminals, to 3,700 strokes of the cat. Once lie said to a gang of Liverpool ruOiaas: "I ntn not Koing to give you men long terms of imprisonment, but when you go In you get twenty lashes of tho cat: when you have been in nine months you get twenty lasucs of the cat; before you como out you get twenty lasbes of the cat And then you can show what you have got to your friends." IIo was per- haps the only English judge who ever did "hard labor." While on a visit to a prison he tried the treadmill, hut when he nskcd to bo set free the guard pre- tended not to hear his request. Tbe judge was perspiring freely by tho time he was permitted to abandon his experiment Figgerative. "A Rchoollioy of eleven," snid Pro- fessor Thomas K. I.oimslmiy, Vale's authority on Kniillsh, "unco gnro nn apt illustration of figurative usage, lie gave it In n composition, writing: "'A liggenitive saying is. "to keep the wolf from the door." It does not mean to keep a real live wolf from the dour. A good Instance Is when tbe l.'iMllonl comes for the rent. Ho knocks at tho door nnd you keep awful quiet, In the hope that he will thin',, there is uohoily In nnd go nwny.'" Washing- ton Sttir. Spread of the English Language. The ICnglish language Is the richest, most virile and most powerful of all the languages now to be found among men. The men who conceived and made good this nation were ICuglisli- men, and of course they spoke tbe only language they knew anything about, the language of their ancestor, the ICn^lisli language. The great Dr. Dolllnger said of tills language that "t it Is assigned iu tbe coming age the Intellectual supremacy thnt In an- cient times belonged to the (Jre.eks and afterward to thu Romans." Iu 1700 Knglisb was the languagu of O.OOO.OIK) people. Today It is the language of 1T,").000,000, and by the end of the cen- tury it will bo the language of .SOO.OOO,- 000 people. Now York American. Tactful. "MNs DC Vere." isuiil (ho lady who wns entertaining the popular actress, 'would yon mind telling me what your real mime IsV" "My real nrMiio? Oh. yes. It Is Tubbs Sylvia Tubbs. Hut I hope you will not Introduce, me to your guests by It." "Oh, no; you needn't be afraid. I'm lust as much ashamed of it us you are." Chicago necord-IIcrahl. Paragon. "Have yon any employee who doesn't talk bnschall, horse racing nnd ini. !!,. in nr.; all tin- time, to the ex- j elusion of business?" "Yes." "Where did you get him?" "It Isn't n him; it's a her." Pitts- burgh Post. Pin Money. It was the bride's first request for money. "I must have some pin money," snid iho. "Certainly," said the bridegroom. "Here's a quarter. That ought to buy five or six papers of plnn." Wnsblng- ton Herald. . .Wae It? "I gave Walter u benutlful necktie of my own make for a blrtlulny pres- ent," Biild M;i 1.1-1. "Was he plonsed?" "Ob. yes; he aald Its beauty shall be for no other eyea than bis own. Wasn't that lovely of blmr'-Llpptncotf*. Slow, but Not Sure. "Your daughter Is not engaged to young Johnson yet, then?. 1 suppose It Ifl n cnse of slow and sure?" "Well, yea-bo IB slow, nnd she Is not at all sure." GREAT DISPERSION SALE Mr. .1. A. Kernahan, the wreltknown, Breeder and Exhibitor nf High Class Clydesdale Horses, in. offdrinp his entire stock of Clydesdale Brood Mares and Fillitu, Shorthorn and Ornde cattle mid Slm>| .shin. Sheep f-i sale by public auc- tion on Friilny, March 13. This is a rare cli-nii- for Breeders to sRure some high c'aK4 stock. Ten months' credit. See posters. Win. Kaitting, auctioneer. FlesHeirtora Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday night, delivery Fridny eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Paiker'.s Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feuthers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Makes Cows Give More Rich Milk. niemiionl Stock Food conquered England, jurt as It conquered /.UK nl.i and the United .SMI. by proving Co the Dairy Expert* that It is the greatest milk producer and* health restorer in the world. The test was made on three cows from the dairy herd Of S. W. Hackney, Esq.. Leeds. England. Chairman of :he Yorkshire Federation of Dairy Farmer?. Quantity and quality of milk was tested for a cer- tain time then " International Stock Food " waa added to the regular i.-.-.l. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD bowed an Increase in Milk of 14.2 pinu daily, and 1.21 pounds of butter daily. Thin proves that International Stock Food, added to the regular feed will increase the quantity and im- prove the quality of milk from every cow. It shows thnt International Stock Food aids <!: :ion and keep cousin better condition. It proves -ii. i; International Stock Food is a money-maker 'or the farmer that every farmer who owns one. or a hundred, cow i should feed International Stock Food every day. Make the test yourself weigh the milk you are getting now then feed International for a few weeks, and weigh again. Then you'll gee how Inter* national Stock Food will make money for you* International Stock Food Co., Limited .: i75i Toronto, Ont. Intern alien a Stock Food is sold by dealers everywhere. SALE LY JOHN FISHK1!, PLB8HJBBTON. HARDWARE! Listen : Lif#- insurance fur your house. A tree often lives several hundred years. N:tturo has protected tlio wood by cuveriiuf if wiih tiirk to shield it from the elements. When trees are sawed into lumber, Xnturo's protection is lest. Therefore tho wood used in your housu must be j .rutected to in- surf) it xgainst the weather and ivenr. S. W. P. is it goiiu 1 life insurance policy on your housf. It pro- (I'd* aij'tiiist (lecny p;iys for itself over ;uul over n^ain in the re- paivs it sives. It adds value and beauty t'i your li line, as well as long life to the wood. Shcrwin \Villmnis' paint ii goiuiinc, whil.j lead, oxide of yjuc purt-st colors, und linseed (.11 ground to extreme tini'iieF.-- l.y |i'ii'iful in.-iuhineiy a c .iiibiimtion of which produces jnint that is <!reatvKt in hiding, covering and wearing qualities, nnd nmkes it thu chcnpest paint to use, us well ns tho most satisfac- tory. Ask for color cards or any infoi iiiation or suggestions. Fiee fur the SIIKLF AND HHAV V HAKDWAHK ML1TK COLD I5LAST LALTERNS Best j-et, MIVOS chimneys, will not go out in any wind Frank W. Duncan ONT. '; r 11 Always Something New THIS WEEK WE AKE CUTTING PEICES ON Men's Heavy llubbers, Men and women's felt boots, Men's and womens' sweater coats, Goat skiu driving robe, $10.00, Sneep skin boots with leather soles, Men's and boys' overcoats, Buckskin moccasins. 1 only fur coat which is to be sold this week at a big reduction. Special.- Lent is coming Get'oiir price.* on Lftke Superior trout, fro/en or pickled. Lake Superior 8isco and Labrador herrings, jilso Kroxen Halibut and smoked Digby Herring. Come and see our new spring goods just in. New shirts, prints, silks and dress goods HIvST SKLKCTIOX Oh WALL I'APJtK KVKU SHuWN 10J{ THK PKK'K Jas. Pattison & Co. Flesherton Tin Shop- *. I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Mickelware and Agatwaie for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavet rough ing, Stovepipes and Stove urui sh- llepairinj,' of all kinds promptly attended to. I'ipetitiing, Including pump work. Furnaces iustalled. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. I i if T/nbor In tbe fnbled mn^icliui'a wnnrl. the philosopher's stone aud the epp of Fortuuatus. JoUuoa. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j? ONTARIO.

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