TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 3: 1 . No. 34 Fleslaerton, Ont., Thursday Maroli 19, 1914 W. H. THDBSTON The Old School House ^^ And the Spring Eugenia Paragraphs Fever sham Items Mr. and Mrs. A. Camerin and 'ion Spring-like weather prevails, the crows parents near Writtea for The Advance What memo- stood, th it is a cveJit to the section, of home and As it requiied some time to clear i visiud Mrs. Cameron's ; Flesherton recently. 1 ** I Missis. Aynley and Cooey spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mi*. Mun.ihaw visited Vande- leur friinds. ;ind with a level the school lot arid cover it green sod suitable for a play ground, the children took to the clearer roadway for play, and usual'y gathered down by the spring, whose history is inseparable from the old log tche.ol house. Arwund it iu-iay scenes were enacted. The girls used it as a mirror to arrange their wind- blown tresses. There, admiring glances passed from boy to girl. These in some cases grew with the years and resulted in unions of heart and hand. Plans foi truant escapades were laid. FitthU were fought in the centre of a circle of admir- ing young pugilists. Above this The old scbojl h us.- ' ties ; thonghts wak. n y i.tli. It was the tits' built in the town- ship and belonged to S, ction No. 3. It was a s (u-tre, unhewn lot- building, set n the corner of the school lo>, witti one Hide close to the road, 'he door facing the south-east. The lot was cleared and the house built by voluntary workers, so anxious were the ssttlers to have the MfaooL The lumber for Moors and desks was s-awn by men at a " saw p ; t." There were no sawmills yet. From cedar length* the shingles were ii?en by a fro an 1 smoothed by the drawing-knife on the " shingle horse. " Around two sides i young pugilists. Aliove this group of the interior were Ion? desks facing the of meiry ch Idren, on p .ised wing hov- wall and fastened to it. Long benches|ered the whiU'-winged messenger, mark were placed bc-ide the desk* for sea: s., ing for his own some who. in tbe lsd The building being low, tbe windows 'dys of youth, passed into that sleep were placed laterally so the light txtend-'that knows no wkin> un'i! time is ed ailing the desks. The desk acci>inino-'no more. Perhaps Uatiou was for the older pupils who could 1 " There are things of which we m-iy not write and cipher. speak. In the centre of the room was a Urue There are thoughts that cannot die, stove. Aioiind it seats without backs but we may ho^e that in som- fairer were urringed for the smaller children, Iclime the broken strands will be ga'h- who sat bolt upngh', the feet of theiered up and united forever, i-maller onea danling in mid-nir And \VI-.en the UMSUT cdled >c! ...!. M though this style of heating was in use ^ . CH1 i, [M > r jng ,.f \ ltt \, fr;t up the hill and f->r iinny years, yet there were n- c..ses Uck tl> t ess ,, lls j. i itt i {., ,, ,H too f fpmil curvature or stooped shoulder--. s , ur)i fal . ((1 f()rtn into tlie highways and Strong .bodies were developed that in , )JWilJS (lf | ife to their V4l j eu - d<8 , ;,,;,.,,. >'at?r years withstood well the > train of the buiden of life's day. The masier's Krceptin,. a funeral, ib,- Qpianiio pto .seat was it the side, close to the rimi i. cession a* the .mly ..no tint p-is.t Through' he open window on a Hunnui-r rtl " ll g tlle new r "* J ' Al1 "" f ""'' the afternoon the passer by could hear the ri "* "'* l1 "-' 1> "' ez <'- llle ">" MC l ' f hum of the children's voice, and MO the: fifen d dru "> "knm echoes from .nd hilt as " Rise, sons of are with us agiin in large number*, bur we have nl heard of any robins having been seen in this part of the count rj yet. Miss Jennie Hale is slowly recovering from hej iecent illness. Mrs. Geo. Thompson ii home Mgain Messrs. Geo. William* and Wesley i from ( >"->n Sound hospital, but the Drs. Armstrong spent the weet tnd with ' lilvtf little hope of saving t!tu injured eye. Her many friends in Dundalk. Miss Anni.) Beecrofc us vUiting with Mr. and Mrs. James \Valk er.Ki m bei ley. A nuiulxM-of young -people assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber on Thuisday evening -.nd enjoyed u few hoius of social pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Canuthers visittd with Mr. and Mrs. Albert black bum recently. Sacramental service next Sabbath friends hope tl:at it may yet be saved. Mrs. J.,hu B:ieki:iuham is rec'ivuriii.! nic 'ly and is at present visiting friends I in Co'lingwood. 5peciali>* in dl. ol lha Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-30 10th St. ea.t, Owen Sound At the Revere hciu.se, MarktL-ilo, 2nd Thursday each nionrli from 8 to a 12 1 m Dund-ilk.lst Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grisis. Our sash and door factory is always st A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Tl - - * I I 1 Ihisncignb.ihood w,.s shocked last your disposal f..r anything you I week to hear of the sud.len d,-:i:li . -t Mr. ' John brown. Vancouver, B. C 1 ., formerly , of Rob Roy, ;t ft-w niile-i ru-.; f this i village. Full particular* have not yet in . been recei/ed. master's h, ad bobbing s he drowsed in the wann sunshine, theu .uddenly start ri ' e '" " Kin S WaK " ver llia w " ter - up when a paptr w*i M on the bald ; " 1 utner time- .0111 party tunes rang pace on his head. W.ih a thre^enini; " ut u P" n the *'"' " lhe hllt Jul >' da y- | gkttfcmomi*iwnMV V .*Swl just .hen deep in study, yet hum Ha'ed the Presbyterian church. service on Friday evtning. Mr. Welliiijtoii (iraham met with a painful accident on Monday afternoon. having his arm caught on a saw at the mill. Tho humid bad to be stitched up. The friends and neighbors of Mr*. W. i'. Pedlar and family met at their home 0:1 Friday. Feb. '-'7. t"tther with the me-.tibors and friends of tlj..- XVouieu's In- stitute. After the regular business meet inj the president [>rese:ited Mr*. Pedlar, on behalf of the socie'y, with a beautiful lac i centre piece, accompanied by the following address : To Mrs. PedUrand Family,- \Ve have gathered here to-night to express to you the respect and esteem we entertain to- wards you and iilo to espress our appre- ciation ot \"r eaniest t.d untiiii)-_' labor ,m nn us. It is w.th regie? that we learn of your intended departure fn>m "in niids'. and feel that we cannot let ynu go without a slight token of our re- tar 1 for you. \Vo therefore i-% you to a -ccpl this easy chair, trusting tha'. <.>n.f- times it may recall to your meiii"fy Preparatory! Mr. and Mrs. \V,,,. Lnvl.-r, j<.. have j the sympathy of lhe co iiuum ty in the death of their lab? air!. 1't ininthn old. Mrs. Ali-x. Diiridsi.n is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Stoutenburu', in Collingw.iod. Mis.- Sadie Julian is v;sitin^ wi'h her i-.nr rie-r Toroiro. Mr. Den Brackenbury of the < .Hinu woui hospital staff spent. >niiJ.iy with friends here. Mr. Ttu-k and Miss Ti-inpkius.if - ha iipton spent Sunday w*.t i Mr. 4 ind Mrs. K. H immill. Miss Li U Ak'XUkl-.-r spe i' tlK- ;>i^' week With friend* in Fie-h-'rt.m. Mrs Clu-i". Thompson his rvrurnej home a'ter a month's \i>r tt it S he. si*ler, Mrs. XV. Wallers, in Tcront". MUs HiiJa Ivi-h his U-ft for thi \\'es ( with her it' r, Mrs. Hirry Me< .'> m of Kob U .y. Miss I'.-arl P. .rber .if (.'ol'i^^w.. 1 is visiting her parental h<iuie h"ie. H. J. ('<>!ipiette was on n business trip want in our line p'anii g, nialchin)!, etc. Floor ill!/, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly :ind at leas- onab'e rates, (Jei T. Blakeley, Prop. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler iy ILESHERTON, ONT >f the many pleasant houis tBmIwtwk. 1 Victoria Corners tho ;>ly woman cmne out with p^jils thit he had been caught napping the in- "1 >S pd rved tlie best '"' drinks tv < ident was allowed to ,.s. ,' Thfn - with hal ' W * V1I1 S '" the air, three rousing cheers were yiven As the logs in the wall became S easone<r tolhe|iit , yofthe , pring _ This Wils ., Mie bark peeled off in ( I ices, le^xv d- a ,,, oceurrenco until wn-ms and smooth, white surface, whereon many a S[U , d , e h(iwes f ,, nv eyed the men, and it surreptitious inscription was placed, W(|J u<) , |)-} , er n . ccss , rj .. threats for the master, love messages to lhe girls or chslleners for fights. S """timei * wrnage stop, at the old spring. (Jivy-haired men and women The completed .school house uecam t >hght a|id ^^ f R1 . liun(] it Soilia n ve once the home of the dy and Sunday W(lU(]ereJ far atield The waters f the s hools, the Sabbkth service. ^"''-"'Ijl'VAtlantic and P.cific have borne ihem to prayer meeting, polling booth, lea -neet- if)d frQm fcreign sllll , cs _ Yot the> . Clj|110 ings, missionary meetings the latttr whou " From Ureenlatd's Icy Mountains " and t!es of mission work rilled the into its clear depths, not to see merry, c ite-free face* of childhood. the In- in far-away isles of the Pacific nueu. tne ^^ aro g n ,, w . CIUWIle( l b.o*s, eyes be minds of the younger folk with gre.it do- dilnmcd and faded roscs . Memory viv- inn to M ji-own-up iirsfiunaries but j ( j|y portrays life's roid Hlretchini; far when it was further s'ated how savage ^j. jntn the d j n) distj)1 , ci . Unppy chiefs dined on the missionary.that de^i.-v ohildh , M>di y ,, ulh wllh ,, s snM . t . H !in ,i pit . ciNiled considerably. falls', manhood with its rosy visions, mi.l- ireat revival *eiv!i-s were held in 'he d e life with its responsibilities ; and now *chol house that helped to form f,,,- iU we call it ag good the character of the neighborhood, 'cfore the dawn The travelling phrfiiolosjist gave lectures llfe ' in it f. r a small fee at the door, for Pud- Tha ()]d s)n . jl)s , bub!>)es . x||d rtnns ing imiiiinary bumps, and 2, r . cents fr a ,. j t dld s j xty vt . :u .. s ,,, al)d f,, t charts for heads. Here, too, the tern- Jus. IW.st is r.n the --'CA 1 ^t with Miss Johnston of HorUeley is vi.siring her cousin. Mr*. Milton Rimuni. On March !> h. Mr. and Mrs. ; o. Moore ci-lebrated. wi'h a few of their here. Y>-ii will be missed in church i " Sumlay sol.ool. i )ur 1-est wNhe* u' ' with y. u all to your new home, and may you 1 -nu 1^ spared to i nj >y lit"' iiij service in whatever sjibeie ' iod may see tit to place you. Digued on behalf of y.iur friends nd neighbor--. Mattgie Carson, Miity Hopper. Mr". I'eiilii- -:ts .111 te overcome and neighbors, tha forty- '.bird annivers-iry o' her tlinnks were expressed through her , their marriage. daughter, Miss Sidie. ,)u March tlth. Mr. and Mrs. James 1 Lockhart eelebimrxd, with a few friends, Walkerton the thirteenth anniversary of their mar- riage. _ Mr. i Ihlheiser, hotel-keeper of Tees- A sleigbload fru'ii this neighborhood water. wn^ fined $10" (10 and costs by ; spent very enjoyable evening at the Magistrate Tolton in Walkerton on Fri- home of Mr. Whiter Acheson. day last for selling lo.al rptioii liter that Did you see the rclii.se? If i ot you savoured too strongly of alcohol for an n)issuil h< , !f y<lllr i ife . ' lt ., a nne innocent Kgal tempera .ce driuk. >i,'ht. aiut deserved rbe l.ws of few Messrs, t'ha'les and Loo Buhlman, lintel-keepers of Milliray, were each fined $10 .ind axis by M:>;i!-t ire Tolton in NValkeilon on Tuesdiy morning f.-r liquor on the night ..f the hockey !A Sign of Spring See our display of seeds Not how cheap, but how good ruriry l->Ii|i.--- I.ow ^r tlmir I'a-rry Wh^.t'r i lv.i]> Mi)l;i--i - Mt.i Lin.-ft.-l Meal 1'. ran Shorts ixi-'l diop Oil Cake Any thing you want in feed or seed at the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. hours boaury slce|.. Miss ( 'rr is s;ariin^ pupils. of the shadows just larger and belter just how before who can tell ' Coi-U it pemi.ce lod^o met every two weeks.when ^^ w , |at taks it cOuW t| . n , )f (he . n-.t only was temperance taught, but ^j , ierj(> , s ()f lMlie w , lpl| lho . programmes were ...iron where many nn ., rokt , n f otl . st stre tched from lake t.. lake. .mbiyo speaker or writer entertained |l( (U|n )|h|klj tr , ddell ( , nly 1)y ,i, f t . c , ,,f the auditnco by tlvir mai.len efforts. [he ^^ uieu< fnni) w)uisc lla ,. ds lh(> . irruw The lodg-? procured the firsi coal oil lamp <llr( ,, y HI|d si |,., lllv f liund i,, mar k ; when that was used in the neighborhood, and Uvvn " l4l)cl c i ( ,, O f day were accompanied so much afraid were the people of an e.v by t , u . niuglo (if !ilU , mri i <-; w i leu Uie plosion tint wlu-.i not in us- tin 1 ' "1> ull , mns were told .>' oy the wtxing and ul oil cn were placed on the "'"<> the w , mnv ,,,,,,,.,, and the years l>y the rl.mr of neiifhiwring cellar. te tnn of the M-isons ; when silence and The old school sei veil well in its .1 iy solitu.le reigne.1 profound, until their >.nd 'generation. A substantial brick death knell was sounded by the while building now stinds near where it oi.ce mail's axe. E. A, 1'lCKr.l.I.. Ceylon Hi nii'i'ill vifiteil I'uiiiliik u. ill eh m Miid'iiay last weak in two, \Vnlkertoii youths who are nut yet .mt of Mis. S their teen. fr;eii Is last wis.k. A let tr wa* received bv the Durham j Missu-s Nesfit mid S\l.l (.'>!. in <iru 1. ft cooneil from XV. D. Cirijill, iisking emin- Thursu ay for Toront.-, where they will cil to support a movement tn make a htr- > visil friends for :i few days, prior ; Miss tor of refuse at Inveihuniti, hnVdifld i>n; Svbil Iciving fm lhe \Vesr. the hope that if this weie d tie the ('. j t|s Clearing Out Balance of Men's Heavy Rubbers Ml-;N'S : s , eyelet llul>'ier?. ret,'. '2 O i cU'irinj. #1.70 Mi-n'- I-taihr Tup lioi 1 * roil. -I*-.- 1 " cl.-iU'n.LC ar ....$I.W I>il. of Boys' at ivluccd i'riee<. Girl's Overstock- ings with Uuiilx-i's. clcai'- iiy at $!' Custom Work and Repair- ing as usual, Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases. ****> HoCtoaKlin f Olcnelu vi>iinl here last week. Mr. D. NX ilson lefr Timr-Jay fur an extemied visit with Crecni'.ie fri.iuls. Mr. Chiis.Chisleir. Duilrm , s, ent over Sunday with his parents here, Mr. and Mr. I'allistvr of Maxwell visited if Mr. J is. U.idUy's the first ef the week. Thos. Clayton Chinese Eggs Coming The Canadian l'-:cilic Railway head j Report J'ebrury. ooun I Frotn <iuartcr in Montreal hvo been no'iried Honor Roils if S. 5*. No. T.. Osprey for that the s-eaunhip "Asia China arrived at Van COUVPI- this nu.rn- ing cntiinK o.oOO,OOC Chinese eggs. These are in I he shell and not in barrels j a* he.elofi. e and a.e consigned to differ- ! ent parts of Cnd and tho United Stat- Fifth class \\esley Jieatty 84. Fourth c!Hss--Liz7.i>- Mwrphy (14, Adeline Murphy 57. James Mur,.hy "ill. Third clav Iconic Wrght. '" ! Sr. 2- Maurice XVri^ht. This is the Unie.t .hipn.ent *<** Jr . 2 _ L ,, a Sl)litll 04 . K ,j., s the sl.e.l that has over been received from, (,'hiiu, audit is oxp.-cuvl tint from now Sr. 1 1-reddio Be-itty , :., John Mur- iiii the pricn of rgj; s <>H tnis continent .phy 73. will be nuterinlly i. tie. "el bv the crop J r . l\Villi H Wri .lit 8li, Jack IVuk- laid by the Chines f-wl. S! far eggs Milton U.- 1 ' hive been shipped broken in Urrels but ; the shipment of ew unbroken in tho P. II. wi.ul 1 extend their line fmm bl , r g XValkcit n. The Durh.-uu Ueview says the Al-iyoi ui.d Clerk were instructed i by the council to sign tlie resolution sn[ - porting the luverhiiron request. After h.\i-.d-fjeding five red f.-xes ''or ! ui.iiy wce'is, Mr. Win. Tiotter, ho hi: 8 ' ! ^niie into fox-fanuii.g here, i< look ay i hopefully forward to the tim when their pells would piy him handsomely for i heir Mrs. Uuthva-i. wh.. In.-. I een a visit- b.iiirl nnd m\ko him somethins i-f a mag- or nt Mr.F. Cairns' the past two months, mite in the fur nurket, f-uiul on aiisiug lefc last week to visit Clarksburg friends ;ho other morning that twj of tao \\iley before ret.irnmg to her home ;.t Allwton. reynards had jumped their board bill and ^[lss .1. Cook of Fergus arrived Thurs- inade a suecesiful getaw.iy during the day to Uk > c!ia ge of J;is. 1'atliaoti and night. Although every tflbrt was made CD'S mil unery depart men!:. t.. locate them, nothing resembling a cap- W(J Hro M ,,., y to re p 01 , M rs . j. fatti ture his since, been mile. As several g^, very j||. A named nuiso is in foxes Ivivj been bag^e 1 b,- parties out . lltendiluCLV thootiu; recently thete is room for sus- that part of Mr. Trotter's fur If a woman who lires on a certain ay hive come to grief in a nearby l*rty line doesn't stop listening, there is \\ocxis. Ttlk aliout .sowing tlir? OIH! ,tnd not knowing who slnll harvest it. but tb>> man who yi.es int ) fox farmitr. 1 never knows whether the foxes will skin bun or ho will skin them. -Herald and Tunes. picion "'"n.er -loluiny Be.t'y. eompaiativi-U new departure. GKRTK'-I-K Teacher. Hanover hits pl.i?eil th* ciiwrelte It cense t $"5.<)0, whic 1 ! should pretty well stop tha' evil in the town. goi::g to be trouble. She is the only woman on the line who hiisa crying baby, and you can pick up a receiver any time of the day 01 ninlit anJ hear a baby baw!- i a. If bbo would devote more tim. to her liiiKjr ud wuuld sj> nd less timo-py- iug on t.h j convii sitinn of \\*r iu ighb a'9, unybe her br it wouldn't howl quit > a ni'jch. A'i.-hi*ni New Suitings FOR SPRING We are showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see ail these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR \ ' : I