T RHEUMATISM DURING MARCH Victims Can Cure Themselves With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills During the month of March peo- "ple who are afflicted with rheuma- tism begin to have unpleasant re- minders of their trouble. The wea- ther is changeable balmy and springlike one day, cold, raw and piercing the next. It is such sud- den changes of weather that start the panga and tortures of rheuma- tism, lumbago and sciatica going. But it must be borne in mind that although weather conditions start the pains, the trouble is rooted in the blood, and can only be cured through the blood. All the lini- ments and lotions in the world can't cure rheumatism. Rubbing may &eem to ease the pain while you are rubbing, but there its value ends. Only by treating the disease through the blood can you cure rheumatism. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured so many thousands of cases of this trouble. The new, rich blood these pills actually make drives out the poisonous acid and rheumatism, lumbago and kindred troubles are banished. Among the many suffer- ers from rheumatism cured by this medicine is Mr. R. J. Sinclair, of Gosen, N.S., who says: ''About two pears ago I was laid up with rheu- matism. For two months I could not walk and had to stay in an in- valid's chair. My feet were badly swollea and my arms seemed to be paralyzed. I had been using doc- tor's medicine for a long time, but it did not seem to help me, and the doctor finally told me that the only thing that would cure me would be a change of climate. At this time I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and got a supply. Af- ter I had taken them for a while I found they were helping me-, and I got a further supply, and they com- pletely cured me, and I have not been sick one day since. I strongly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for this trouble." If you suffer from rheumatism, or any other disease of the blood or nerves, begin to cure yourself to- day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which under a fair trial will do for you what they have done for thou- sands of others. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents n box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GREY IS A STAY-AT-HOME. The> announcement that Sir Ed- ward Grey, the Foreign Secretary, will accompany th King and Queen on their forthcoming visit to Paris recalls the oft-stated fact that Sir Edward has never set foot on for- eign soil. It has been said that he visited Madrid in 1908 and Berlin last year. It is announced now that Sir Ed-tcard drey. neither of these visits was made. A few years ago Sir Edward said in a speech : "For twenty-eight years my has been a continual struggle to live at home." It is generally reported that Sir Edward speaks no German and very bad French. Mr. Venizelos, the Greek Premier, said some time ago that he had the greatest difficulty in understanding Sir Edward Grey's French. Mike Hits Back. "Where's that bulldog you had la*t summer i " asked the motorist, as he drove into the yard. "Oh, the poor baste swallered a tape measure," replied Mike, "an" he died, sorr." "Indeed!" exclaimed the man. "He- died by inches, I suppose," he continued waggishly. "Oh, no sorr," said Mike: "he went around th' back of th' house, sorr, an' died by th' yard." Quick Cure For His Rheumatism ROBERT J. PYI.E FOUND IT IN DODD'S KID.NEY PILLS. He Suffered for a Tear, bnt Hwj Return to Health was Quick and His Cure Complete. Bourg Louis, Que., March. 13. (Special). How quickly Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure rheumatism and other forms of Kidney Disease when taken in the early stages is shown in the case of Mr. Robt. J. Pyle, a well-known farmer living near here. In an interview Mr. Pyle says : "Working in cold, wet weather was the cause of my trouble, and for about a year I had occasional cramps in the muscles and stiffness in the joints. I was often dizzy and felt depressed and low spirited. I was nervous and my skin itched and burned at night. ~- "When Rheumatism was finally added to my ilia I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. One box cured me completely, and I have had no return of my trouble." Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Mr. Pyles Rheumatism because it was caused by sick Kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure sick Kid- neys. If you have any two of Mr. Pyle's symptoms, you have sick Kidneys and you need Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Sale!) Logic. Bachelor: "Why should I get a oook-bookl I have no wife-." Agent: "But I have and need your commission. Have a heart!" PilM C-ire.l la 6 to 14 y Dru*6lsts refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching. Blind. or Protruding Piles. First application glvea relief. 50o. All ready baked to a nicety ; whole, meal/ and fall flavored. Heating only la necessary. NEWLY DESIGNED BIi'LA>E. Manchester Inventor Has Machine Which Should Break Records. A cable from London says : A highly ingenious device, which un- doubtedly will prevent many future accidents is about to be embodied in ROYAL SICKXAMES. Princess Royal Used to Be Called "Her Ryal Shymess." The Royal Family are no more above nicknames than other people. The Prince of Wales has always been known in th family as "Davie."' because when he was called "Eddie" it. reminded Queen Alexandra of her lost son. The Princess Royal used to b called "Her Royal Shyness," from the agony ni nervousness she went, through if, strangers were present.; and Princess Alexander of Teck is often affectionately called "The Useful and Ornamental." It is al- so whispered that certain Royalties. a very beautiful daughter with a very plain mother, have been nick- named by a mischievous young prin- ces* "The Daydream and the Night- mare." Magical Effect on taialp Tlirali Pain Goes Quickly SofiflntfWliilB YEAR'S SUFFERER CURED "NERVILINE." BY! RELIEVED IDS MIND. Questioner Mitch Concerned About a Few Million Years. An eminent English man of ! science recently delivered a lecture j during which an amusing incident occurred. In the course of his re- marks he said something to this ef- fect: "It is a well-established fact that the sun is gradually losing its 'heat, and that in the course of seventy million years its heating power will be so diminished that all beneficent effects will he lost, and no life can exist on the earth." As soon a this sentence was ut tered, a sturdy Briton in the rear of the hall rose and signified his de- sire to ask a question. "Pardon me," he said, "but bow long did you say it would be before, this ter- rible calamity would occur >' ' "Why, about seventy million years." repeated the scientist, with! a, smile. The questioner fell back into his M-at with a deep sigh of relief. | "Thank heavens:" he muttered. "I: thought, I understood him to say seven million." Docs Your Head Ache With Catarrh? HAVE YOU SORE NOSTRILS. WA- TERY EYES, MUCOUS DROP- PINGS IN THE STOMACH. CATARRHOZONE WILL CURE YOU. For the first time In the history of medicine, a treatment for the cure of j Catarrh endorsed by the medical pro- fession has been given to the public. \ Hundreds of patent medicines have been advertised, but never before has the legitimate physician In good stand- ', !ng recommended the free use of a Ca- tarrhal remedy. The merit of Catarrhozone Is so un- ' questioned, its cures so numerous, as to entitle it to rank as the one remedy by which t'atrral dteease in the head, none and throat can be reached ami cnrod. The cures of (.'atarrhoione i are permanent. Even those blinding headaches, that stuffed-up feeling in | the nose and forehead, ave relieved lu | five minutes. Chest pains and dls-j charge of nauseating matter U stop- j ped. And just think of this you stop! nawking-yoti no louger snuffle or gag ' because Oatarrhozone heals and ' soothes away all irritation aud eon- ! geatlon. Why delay? By using Catarrhozone to-day you start on the- way to halth. Catarrhozone will make and keep you free from every trace of cold, throat. | chest, or catarrhal trouble: has done It for thousands. Why not for yon? l-nrgo ii/ lasts two months, cost* $1.00; small lze. SlV. All dealers or V.y mail from the Catarrhoaone Co., lUiffalo, N.T.. and Kingston, Ont. BABY'S OWN TABLETS BAHISH CASTOR OIL Once a mother uses Baby^s Own Tablets she will never again use C'astor oil, that barbarous purga- tive which all children loath. The Tablets are a gontle Ituxative : plea- sant to take and are absolutely the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Hector BLanchette, Kouville. Que.. writes: "I havo used Baby's Own Tablets in place of castor oil and am well satisfied with them." The Tablets arc sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont. CANALS AND AUTOS. England's Waterways May Yet Be Converted Into Highway*. Few tilings can rcoro strikingly illustrate the changes brought about by the progress of recent years than the proposition to con- vert the vast number of canals in Ejigland into trunk motor highways for the exclusive use of auto traffic. Thd suggestion is made by no less practical a personage than Danson Cunningham, one of the most prom- inent members of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce and the Mer- sey Docks aud Harbor Board. It is much less tlvan a century since England was especially proud of her system of canals .connecting all im- portant point* of the country and supplying the. then cheapest known form of transportation. They aro still used to some extent, but the railways have taken away the larger part of their business, aud it is now found, by experiment and in actual practice by large business houses of all classes that goods can be moved more cheaply by motoV trucks than by rail for limited distances, be- cause Uie cost of switching and loading and unloading on freight cars i* wved,- while deliveries are made with greater promptness and bts'ka*;e Is reached in. proportion to the lessened number of times the good* aro handled. It is thought that the proposi- tion to convert the cans,!* into road- ways for motor traffic will meet with opposition, since the Kngliah are not yet ready to ahandog. their canals altogether, ami that the. re^ sui of Uie agitation of the subject will be the building of special mo- tor roads connecting all the great manufacturing centre* of Uie north- ern part of the kingdom with one another and with the principal sea- ports. Women workers in Chili receive r.n average of 36 ceuis a day. Time. Efne : "Mummy, when you and daddy was engaged did you engage him or he engage you?" Minard's Llnimtnt for sale everywhere. No Lie. First Wanderer: "I pay my rent by the quarter now. Bill." Second Ditto: "G'wanl What are you giving us?" First: "That's straight twenty- five cents a night." Try Murtee Eye Remedy If you have Red, Wak, Watery Ey or Gnnalated Evelics. Doesn't Smart SoctSes Eye Pain. Druraiiti SB Murine Eve Remedy. Liquid. 23c, Me. Marine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tube*. 2ic, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mall. T, , Vo person reading tills need ever a new British aeroplane now near- - JJ gj" ]ong , Neuralgia . ing completion. Nerviline will quickly cure the A difficult problem, which has al- WO rst Neuralgia, and Mrs. G. Evans, : way confronted aeroplane designers in her strong letter written from Rua- ! and has become more urgent than sel post office, says: "One long year, ever with tlve- great increase in the longest of my life, was almost en- 1 11- Urelv given up to treating dreadful; speed, has been that of enabling gg^ Neuralgia, The agony I machines .to land at a reasonably . ex p er ,; ence (i during some of the bad slow speed, and yet fly as fast as attacks was simply unmentionable. To possible. Th necessity of this pro- use remedies by the score without vision may be gauged from the fact i permanent relief was mighty discour- that the. modem aeroplane, with its "King. At last I put my faith in Ner- n i j i viline' I read of the wonderful pain-! full load, weighs the better part of sub(lu i ng power lt p08seR sed and made a ton, and that the usual flying up my mlnd to prove it valuable or i speeds range from 60 to 80 miles an ; useless. Nerviline at once eased the hour. i pain and cured tha headache. Con- A. V. Ro, the. Manchester design- ' tinuous treatment with this magic-! er, has adopted the expedient of i *J Wn rejnedy " red , m en ^ y ' , and I have ever since stayed well, providing his latent, biplane, a very j Mrs EvM . 8 paae , 8 but one of hun . . small machine, with "Swept-back Qre d 9 that might be quoted. Nervi-: wings, and is expected to beat all ; line ia a specific for all nerve, muscu- existing records with what are ; lar or joiat pain. It quickly cures I neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, lame i back, neuritis and rheumatism. Forty i years in use, and to-day the most ' j widely used liniment in the Domtn- ' CutioiraSoap And Ointment Treatment: On retiring, soak the band* in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticura Ointment, and wear soft bandages or old loose gloves during the night. Cntirun 9o*o and Otatrseat vn sold t\rmf boat ttcwwld. A llbere: nfTTir" o! r*a*. wna 33-pMB feooUM oe the tan it.: umUMnt of : *m and Ccflk. DtH. 1J i. Boston. L". fi. A. FARMS ran !.. SASK. IMPROVED FARM. WO . under orcp. fully equipped. owner. Perry Love. Ret'.riw, A'.bert*. termed 'air brakes." A. pedefi- Reud the Papers. Teacher: "What i a trian!" Conn-try Pupil: "A feller gets run over* by an automobile." M. w OAW3ON, Nlfwty Coltoorni Toronto. IF TOC WANT TO BTY OK SELL A Fruit, Stork. Grain, or Dairr Farm. writ* H. W. Da-wBon. Bratnpton. or > folborne ?!.. Toronto H w. OAWSOM. Colbarn. St., Toronto WANTED. ion. Don't take anything but "Ner viline," which any dealer anywhere j i can supply in large 50c. family size ' what bottles, or In a small 26c. trial size. His Flesh Horribly Burnt His druvg'ist *<\!d h;m a .-'IO-A-.I i. :vl corn cure; whai he should iiavo bought wuj* Putnam ' Con! Ex:riv;or; It's purely recetabli* and aote in 24 hours. Inf'ot on ouiy "Puluam i txurac:.T." 25c. *,; aJl dealer*. Industry. Prisoner: "Your Honor, I stole to buy tools, so's I could go to work." Jud-.-e : "What tools did you i need .'" Prisoner: "Why. a brecc and bit. ' AGENT^ \VK '.YA.NT vor. Dnm:nin &haio Adjuster Co.. Wind- sor. Ontar'o. We will pay you $120.00 ti ditribu> rclig-.ouii Htenunr* In your community. Sixty <iay work. Eipnene - - no requre. en or . tunity for promotion. 8o"J time ma red. Intfrn:i:i.ii!.i'i R:b;c Press O<mp may b uny. < - .! .a jiuimy. a diamond cost money . ' ' drill. Dem Only On* set the gf "BKOMO QUIJBiSE" 25c. full name. Look Cures Miuta* By* JLancdr C*.. Ckleaa* llow Personally Conduced. He: ''H&ve you seen our new al- tar I" She: "Lead me to it." Minord'n Lintmnt Co., Limited. Have u*l MINARD8 LJNIMEKT for (Ymiy; fuiLiHl m>Uuu( tMiu&l to it; *ur CHAS. B. SHAHP. Hawksha.ir, N B, Sept. Ut, 1905. WVSTK [.AND. A Sensitive Protest. "You've gone to a great de.al of trouble and expense to give your i boy an education.'' "I wouldn't mind that," replied a Cold in One uy. i Farmer Corntosse!. "if Josh would- | n't come hum_and expect to lexjn me as much in two or three weeks , as he found out during the whole Farms Are Hnilt Out of River Silt kenn ' In a l';irt of England. A curious method of reclaiming ' waste land for agricultural pur- poses prevails in a limited district of England along the Trent. Ouse, Don and other rivers that flow int.,' the great estuary of the Humber in northern Lincolnshire and south eart Yorkshire. The water of the tides that come j up these rivers is exceedingly mud- Minist-er (who has surprised Me- ; d y . In summer a cylindrical ' Dougal writing a. betting slip') : ' fi}i e< i w ; t h this water to a depth of "McDougal, I am verra surprised at twelve or fifteen inches will present- yr. Ye ken it's awfu' sinful tae I T deposit an inch or more of mud, gamble, NEWSPAPERS FOB SALE. C1 OOD \VKFK1. V IN I.IV1-: T' AVN IN f Yor\ 'Vu-r.Y. Si;itioi:e:-y and Bn"lc Ht!S>Iness in cor.n*ruon. PrVe only 14.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Omipuny. 73 \Vot Adelaide Stroet. Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. S. BASPBKRK1KS KIVTT (^ V&rief.N. Krrc C;;Og. il<;ConuU A Son. Grm-e?end. Ontario. liSCELLANEOUS. Minard's Linir-.ant C-.i'et Dandruff. Pardoued Him. "He has some sing," St. Peter said ; "but cover them with chalk; He's often, listened for two hours to other people talk." CANCER TUMOK? LIMPS. KTO, Inierual and extern*!, cared with* cot p!n by cur hem* treatmeot. Wr.t m bi-for ftvi lat. Dr Bellmaa UadioU Co.. LlmitJ. CY>ll'n*wood. Ont. don't y' ''Wee'., meenister, I McLkiuaral : known locally as "warp." No one mnst either ( i cnow - s where tlid varp conies from ; KENDALL'S Spavin Core Heard in a Bake Shop. Baker: "No five-cent loaves of pumper nickel left, sir ; onjy the> j Large ones." Customer: "Very well, give me a ; loaf of pumperdiine." j Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Const Vi Oaicaico A North Wetrn Ry., ! March 15th to April 15th from point* in Canada to BjiH Lake City. Oeden. Lo I Anitelee. San Pranciwo, Portland, Taoom a., SeattJe. Victoria. Vaucc-nver, Kootnay I Dwtrlct nod Canadian Noxthwwt poiaM. 1'1-rough Tourist sleepers and frte r- i .'itnng chair oar from Chloaoo. Vnrlabl* ] routes. Liberal etopovers. For full in- , formation ** to ruiftg. route* and !>,. , cure, writ* or oaJl on B. H. Boanett. Uenera.1 Ar>-ut. 46 Tonge Street, Toronto. Tax on Baby Carriages. Among the curious taxe* imposed in Germany on various subject* are j those on baby carriages, where the j amount is 40 cents each ; and 31.50 tax on caged nightingales, of which there have not been any for many years. Humors of the Court. Judgo: "How did you com* to entwr the premises i' 1 Prisoner: ''WU, your honor, it was two in the morning, kitchen window wide open, no cop* about blowed if you wouldn't a-cliuibed in yourself."' DON'T HAVE IHIATISN GET CIN PILLS NOW. atul bo fnw of pain all -winter. Mr. ltobrt Wilson of Hardfleld, N.B., Bays: "It *fT>rds in great plM^ur* to oonTffy not only to you but aJeo to all iifTerT8 from Sak*oh *iid RhcuniAtwin. the ra( rolt^f I hnv* obtalud fn>n> t.h* of Gin Pills. 1 f<wl iKiviikful 4o y>u. I recommend WIN PILLS to njrne suffer- inc a I did. " SOc. a 'Boi. 6 for M.50. fismpl* fr* if yow wpHo National IXnig A CJimnic.il To. of Limited, 'furuuto. gamble or drink. Ye know the pro- j f or< to q uot * an English description j verb says, 'Of two evils choose the I o f t j,i s locality, ' 'The Humber at its least. ' It wadna b corryin' it out mouth is clear water, and no no.xis [ to choose neither." i n the countries washed by these. rivers bring iu the warp, but on the j iMTMiary they do much mischief by i spoiling it. In the very driest cu- ' sons aud longest droughts it is. best and most- plentiful." Originally, the tide water used to overflow the riv-er banks, and spread a deposit of mud over the surrounding country. When the rivers wore banked in, strips from a quarter to half a mile wide on either side became fertile tracts of land, and were greatly esteemed, as they were well drained and produced g<K-d crops in aJl seasons. Beh.inl i these tracts, however, there are ex- tensive tracts of lower lands that were waterlogged, since they were be-low the- level of the river. The system of "warping," or building up these waste lands into fertile farms by the uso of the river silt, dates back to about 1730. A piece of land is first inclosed with a bank, and connected with the river by means of a "warping channel," provided with sluice gates. Twice a day during the high tides of the summer month* the richly charged tide water is let in. allowed to de- posit its load of silt ou the laud, and flow out again at ebb . A * each flooding may result in the deposit of an eighth of an inch of soil, in two or three years the surface is raised as many feet. They flood the land no longer, but they sow it to white clover, and drain it by means of ditches that discharge into the warning channel, which now serves a-i the main drain, l^ater, the land is out up into farm.* of one hundred and ftfty to two hundred acres. Wlie*t and potatoes are the princi- pal crops of warp farms. Mlnard't Liniment Cur> Burnt, Eto. - '- nnriausand iarm- eri tor Jj yr:ir . Hit. I ii )'.i^";>ny\Td its tvcrtli i-j I'U'.ulrcUs of thuusaui'.ii of c-^f ". Bickerdike, Alta.. Tan. ?.i, W13. "I have twr-n trsin^ Krndn'.'.'i S-'vivtn Cur* fora gooU many yc^ri y.-:t!i ^-XH! rcsiilts, iA fact, 1 axu never \viliiuut iu" n. N $1 a bottle S tor $5, t drugs!*!* or writ^ for copy or our l>ook "Tteotisc ou the Hor>c' irc^ Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enoebcrg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 79 On* thorough application of Zsm" Bttk at night will bring ease by morn* ing. Zam'thtk stop* tk* ttnarttng, Heal* th* cracks and makes the ftandt fmooth. Mrs. A. P. Phillip*, of ATM'" OMfc Quo.. Myti "I mfftred twlbly from I almost dried with the pain Add *rrwtrt ing, ZftTO-Duk Wfef r*commadd and it gave iae *M almost iwaooB >** applied. Now HIT hands an quite Got u Surprise Himself. Cholly : "And was my present a surprise to your sistfr ',' Wi!ii: You bet^Sis said s!ie never thought you'd send her any- thing so cheap." Minard's Llnimtnt Rolltves Neuralgia. \re you better off for getting married.'" "Yes; formerly I liad good quarters." 'And now?' Well, now I have a better naif." In a certain literary club year* go oue <>f the members, in propos- ing the name of a candidate for membership, mentioned among his qualification* that, he could speak several iload> language*. To this an opponent, re-plied that he never heard the gentleman in qnettion speak but one dead language, and he murdered that a* he went along- tiw d th< hun els is an ity for good health. waste matter from the food eolKect* there it got rid of at lMt nee a day, it decay* and pouon* whole body, causiu* blHouvncai, i gestion and lick Madache*. nt) other harih mhMral purgBtiv<k lrrha(.e the dcikat* lining of HM boW*. Dr. Morae'd Indbn Root Pill* enlJrefy \-ej*tbU> reguJat* tit* bowrl* effectively without weak- ening, lickeninf or gripiof . Uw Dr. Morse's * Indian Root Pills F.I). 7. I SSI K \-i '14.