Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1914, p. 4

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March 19 1914 THE FLESH RrON ADVANCE T II K /Icshcrlon C An inilu|H'iiilciit T'.,iriiiiy at th 1 * (iffici), CulUDg Ktvulierton. Subscription price VI IXTUIIIIIIIII, |ml.li-heil every (iffici), CulUDgwoad Street, whi (mid in advance ;$ 1.5J when not s<> . V'l . i-r'1-.iiu: i .in ^ on application. Circulation 1,1(10 weekly. \V H. Thurstoii- Editor Methodist Church Rev. Jamets Dudgeon, j>, tor. Thurwby, 8 p. in. Prayer Motting. Friday t 7.IW p. in., choir practice. Those desirouH of joining tin- choir will jilt-mi' meet Miss Plewia t this hour ;it the church. Sunday. in :!H i. in. duns Meeting. Fleherton~.v\/7> Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pilor. Bible study at Mr. Bennett'i, Ceylon, Thursday evening this week. Sunday School 10 a. ra , Service at 11 a. m. The Power Line Is Being Located Mr. Kitchen, the hydro electric engin- eer oli" is responsible fur lucntin^ the power 1'ne between Eugenia nd Owen S >uiid, bus bei'U in town for the Wodehouse Doings Iteiunful, .sju.ii^-liliu v. ,v.,.-i, which, Osprey Council The members i.f ih: municiptl coun- cil of the i i>n iinhi|> <>f O.Hproy mot at I if it continues, will make h\oc with thel Nuighampton mi Satuid.y, March 7th, according to adjoin mneNt from February 14th lost. , After the i i-.-nlin ; and adopting of the I minutes of the i.iM mubting the following communications, accounts i-ir., were read: Report from iho Printing Com- imiiri regarding [Titing the auditors' report; Duncan McDougnl, regarding error iu assessing I<W 10, Melanclhon Los; dialling WHS nli iiil wound up Sat- urday for i liis year. Mr. K. D. r.u i , . IH-M of Kimberley made a few bu>ines calls here early in tho wet>k. Mi'.sM-s. Matt Bradley and Wilfred Faivcvtt .spent Sundny with their parents licre. Rev. Mr. I'awloy occupied tho pulpit Km-] iml church on Sunday after A large congregation was present in Nci noon. and enjoyed an excellent discourse. We are sorry t<> report Mr. John Pick- ering on i In. lick IM . but hupe for his early recovery. Mr. Ted Kusiell returned on Saturday uireet, and lots 21 and 22, Collingwood -.1 m'!, in Sint(ham|)toK,fur the. VIMI-. I'.M 1 . I'M- HHI! 1013, resulting in an ovi rcharge for 1,11 T . labor; J. \V. Lyns, secrotary- truaKurer of Great Waterways Cnion and Hydro-Electric Union, asking fur the appoint ment of a deputation to juin with a general depu'ation from Western Ontario t<> sU the Dominion Government from his dip to his native limnf in Lon- to grant legislation to extend tho Hydro- don, England. Ho had a delightful visit Eleetiic Commission and to grant a sub- with friends iherc and a plpas:tnt voyage, sidy to the Hydro- Electric R-iilvrays and Mr. Fnd lliich visited friends at to the Great Waterways Union; Ontarit Heathcote the past week. Miss?e Nancy and Alma Wiley returned home on Monday last from Maxwell, ac- companied by their cou.sin, M 1 Mary Wiley, ho spent the wi-ek with friends here, i Mir . home Monday with Mi. Municipal Anociation, regarding the ap- pointment of a delegate; sen-nil circulars from road machine companies anduulvert tile nmuufacturerK,allof which weie plac- ed oil tile. Orders were isued on the troanuri-r to and Mr*. Ji.hu Mormon, who came up pay John Thompson and Irwin Morrison Saturday and spent the week end. Mr. an 1 Mis. J. I? Hutchinson visited week, making an examination nf lie _-iund. with it view to get'.ini; an idea of the best location to plant the power iine.N fi'iin Kngeiiia <o supply il.i tlisirict with energy from the fall*. He hos friend* nt Kimberley on Sunday, ihe gue*tN of Mr. Joseph Ward aiid family. Mr. and 51ii>. John Hiiks and little son, of M i !. 'i .! , spent Sunday with tho former's ^randpirent.M, Mr. and Mrs. John Abcrcrombie. Mr. T. I. Fawoett hail the miwfo tune to have one uf his nurse's Iras broken three proportions in view, but the im-s-t during Saturday nigh 1 , it having been probable loute for the nmin line nil - west, op the mount-tin from Hi my Web- er's in the valley, wbeie the power l.nuie will be located, fluking ihe town line half H lot west of liasKWood C"U)ers, ni d l illnwiiiL' tbe town line lo its jnnclit n with ihe Toronto and Sydeiitam lint-, a mile and n quitrtcr imnh of M-trkdalr. Owen Sound is the bi;{ contractor for power, and the r.'.ject will be to cet their supply l<> them us direct'y as possible. In the event of Durham, H.iuover and NValkeiton taking the power, another iini; would )>'- I mil from Eugenia via Flesherton and Priceville, aiid providing Dundalk takes their Cditiuittd power, H hr.nch line would be run from Fie-her .ii to that town. The best wooden poli-.s (o be secured will be ufd in building tlusi- lines, the Jijad ni't belli:; heavy enough to iu-ees->i- tate the erection of >'ee 1 towers as used in the NUiiurn district. Tlic cable wil. be of aluminum, .WOO, or about the- eighths f an inch in diameter. The Advance ws tomeulut M;i'|>risul to K-Hin t iial ilie Kum'tiia power IIOUKO will IJH the lirst j-rectnl Ly llie hydio c'linmiesuui. The Niagara powei is de- livered to MIOIII by a }iriv;Ue company, iii'l the Severn |iower was taken over by the Georgian I!ny and Simeoe 1'uwer Co., composed of Ouilingwood and Midland capit .i There in a connideraAilc problem to lie ovi rcume in the rqnipineiit of '. liis | nw.-r !i use, f rmn the fact that vine pie< es of rli.- machinery will wuigh several tons, iiiil (Iu' iii.iiM' nl n : int > the i .II-. 1 in : i ' i ! ly iiUKuited tu UH- cunvcyina of such an i.iiiiic ii-i- lo.li], '1 lie difficulty will le oveicoii.f, but jilit IHIW reiiiniiM to be Solved. The p-pe lin.t t" the puw.-i limi-ii) is <le- t-iilied to < r >s~ l lir |. i 1 .-i mile lurlhif thotinvn plot, nf I'.'n^ciiit -md ilt > -i nd into tilt- vail.-)- a ini'e and i|inrii r ooitli to the pit M r In MV, wl:icli will be cloje in i lie valli-y imnl a fi-w rods ^if tin- n'. I Web. I li'.mi -.l.'lnl kicked by ite mate. Dr. Oliver of Mtrk- dale set the brnkeu limb but it u not ex uectvd the animal can bo saved. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Donnelly of Ep- pinij calltd on M i mid Mrs. Edgar Don- ntlly here .Saturday. A nun-tier of our cit'/.ens arei tuffering fruiii -eveieco'ds and nore eyes. 7 each, for attending Hydro-Electric conventi'iii at Guelph on Feb. 27th; James Klliott and W. S. Inkster Srt() each, collru'ort' salaries for l!)l:i ; Robt. Taylor 81, refund of dog tax charged in crrur. i The clerk was instructed to notify the county treasurer to receive Ihe airears of taxes for the yi-ais 1!>11 and 191t> on lot Ifi, Mel met lion street, and lot* 20 and 21, Collingwood tt'eet, Singhsmptun, less Ji40. 02, also iio'ify the collector Jof 1'Jllt to rtceivc the taxes less $20 on above lots owing to error in ssesHiii^ resulting in overcharge of statute labor. The in-' n i '.: - of the council and the clerk were appointed a deputation to join with a deputation from Western Ontario to Hsk tho Government at Ottawa to sub- sidi/.s the building of hydro-electric rail We are plecsed indeed to leport the wa y s j r) Ontario, condition of Mrs. Robert Clark's eye much improved, the having returned from Meaford, where .she underwent a third operation for cataract. We hope for A complete recovery. The iueiiKiul servico of the lute Mi Joseph Bri'iidner will bo pn-uched in the The report of the Printing Committee was adopted and the clerk was instructed to i;et .'!00 e-ipies of the auditors' report printed al The Advance office, Fleiiherlon. 9400 WH appropriated to eich of the five road commissioners' divisions for . : . Me-.srs. Ki;y and Wilfied Wonds cap- tured two line coons alive list week anil niieiiil thijiping them I i Toronto, The buys were highly p'e:is-eJ with tht>ir capture. New KimUnd churdi next Sunday after- J improvement during the prejcut noon at iho usual hour, 2.:iO o'clock. J' ear - Quite a few of ( ur youi.j/ people at- j n >'-' aw N "- M<J J""vidi,.g for ths tended an oyster Kuuptr at Temple Hill ; borrowing of 8<i,0ij.) from ilia Standard on F.iday eveuin- and all report a good j 1! "" k - Kcs-H". < six per cent, inter- ost, for cuirtnl expenses, was parsed. I'y-Uw No 688 appointing pnthmas terc, puund-koepera and fence -viewers, viz : l'atlinia>tors Jos. Jackson, Robert (iruinni-tt, Andrew Hodd, George Coiuts, R1ii Ila Osborne of Btmverdnte is the Clms. McCutcheon, Kdw. Martell, John ; n M i.f Mrs. J. W. \\iley. I Simd'and, Thus. Il'innon, Geo. Ing!i, Clris. Taylor, J;\*. Menzie, Sam. J. Ar- uott, Frank Scilh-y, Matthew Sgiit', Jas. Saiidlancl, Jus. t'riddle, Hurry Aru. tt, j Ueo. Yoiin". .Ijlio H. Whiten-, T. II. WeddirjR twlls re nnainx. Weatheral, Jos. (Jugin, Ah-\. DOU^'AB, Mr. U y Kelly "f Kocklyn nlteii'lcd John C. IMcFarland.Jamus Itlnkey, Louis Heathcote church hem la-a Sunday. Mr. J. H. (Jardner is uu at Owen Si.und thin week as a juror. Portlaw Jiininie Wi kiimun wlm him in a criiiml ht.ito with Ippcndfoitll isno*, apparunlly, mi l h w*y \<< recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Kdtrurd Wi.tson who have been visiting I tie past two ..r tbreu months with relatives liere.left last week for their home in M<M>S -jaw. Mr*. J. H. Watson, whoso hoalih his not boen very xond of late, left on Mon- <Uy of thi* 1 week for an txieridod visit with her on, nnd her fa! her Mr. Kdwrard Ross of Moosejaw. Mr. and Mrs. David lilakcy'x little ^iri, Lulu, li'i . been sufl'uriri|{ with a painful al)cess oo her face. Dr. Itoszull l.-uiiv I tho enUrneuient on Monday, nud it i thnutfht the little patient ii on n fair way to 1 1 .ovrry Mr. W. H. Hemphill iiiled in Toron- to Iat week. Mi. and Mis. W. J. Jackson of Dun- dalk visited Saturday with PoriUw friends. Judge MclJulh, In a Hiiit in London, gavo decihion that a farm hand who hirm with mi employer on a yearly Con- ine! and who ioivcs in violation of itich .B({roeiueiit, JH not entitled to hi wai'os, hut in liable for d imaxe* Niistainod to ll crops of bin employer liy his broncli of contract. Mr. Isiiai- Maxwell, who bus been homo for tin; winter un.ii'.li- Thurhd.-iy last. Miss Victoria Viekuis is visiting with her fii-tcr, Mrs. Fred II nlcliii.fon of Markdsle. Mrs. Kobeit Aniistioiif' i.s visiiin; lu-r ilauuhtur, Mrs. A. ( '. Wi-lh-r, Duncnii. Wi- me pleasi'd I" report llmt Mrs. Kcrwuid K(-rr is improving after he.r nerious ill liens. Mr. Wi'l am Itovnir spi-nt Siiudny Wllll ll H |.:ilVO' i I.I 1C. Mr. John Maxwull and Miss li-i'iu; i. i i.. i i i '.>. i I. r .t, , spent; Sunday with friundH in Clarkiburg. We wvlcoiiit; Mr. Charlio Hill, Hold. Fenwick. Neil Hlaek, Hobt. Alenx.ie, li . !"' McIoiKs, John iMeKin. non, Ji'ho Loolfharti Angus Morrison, T. Levi Palliitur, L> uis Kerum, Alex. Mc- vtuni.-d West ,-n , Altl ' UI - '' as - Slllliv ". 0| -' 8 - Thomson, ' Uiiiiii-l ItoU'itHon, (iarnptl Mclire, Ivlw. Miidden, Frd. Hale, Robert Allistor, ,1. G. Kll.o t, William T/botunn, John rymu- houil, JH^. Moore, I'hilip Ostcwell, I'ohtiy, Alex. Mcfx>n, (ico. John Elliott, Win. Ksl.jnd, Dan. X ijol Jolm Ott -wi-ll, \Vm.Otljwull, S. San- dei'Hon, K 1 Mullen, Jus. Mullm. Mark Flecther, Muck Mrljran, JauuM Si-wi-ll, Win. llendry, Ilu^li Thoinson, Win Mullen, Walter McKechnii 1 , Dougal Stephens, A I'fim I'd I, Willntm L. 'I'Bylor, Unlit,. Tayliir, Itoburt i'Mwuras, John MoDonald. AlfX (.'ameroii. Fence-viewers Hector Mvlutyiv, J. R.iss, Robt Moniaon, Arch. Huie, J. llatherti.n ' H""' <"i, JH. Klliott, Tho*. It. Freethy <;f Tlmriibury to our villain. '!':. Mi'i h-.ili .1 adull Hiblu class inut ut thtfj lii'ine nf Mr. N .C. Hcwsuiioii l'rii!ay I Geo. McDonald, Thug Stephens, Georuu I llawio i, ,|KB. Men/.ic, William llo'uson, Hibt. Gibson, llu :b JIirJy.Hiivh Tb 111- eveniiix lufl nnd spent a v^-ry eiijoyiili!o evening in playini; gmms etc., ufu r whKU a very dainty lunch was .served. We aro pleaseil lo report that Mrs. Julian is improving. Mr. Lome Armstrong iu homo vacation. lloathcote W. I. held a fi.wl supp.-r in the Orange, hull on Monday ovening last. After the tables wore cleared iiwiiy tlie evening wns spent in games, 'etc. Miss Klsie Gardner spi-nl Suturilay wirh her cousin, Miss Irene Gardner of Hcathcotu. ton, Kobl. Taylor. Pound-keepers Kiel' drd Davidson, .1. McKinnon, \V. II. Guy, James Doiiig'as Walter Kenon, Edw. Harbottle, J.ibii II UIO..H, H ibt. Taylor. Tho council adjourned lo muet at Mnv for liis ' woll HS a Ci'iirl of Hevision mi May IMIth n-xt. - Thos. Si'ntt. Clerk. F. H. W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring Goods IIY Stock This Week Everything Reasonably Priced Men's Felt Hats and Spring Caps. Spring Shirts, Collars and JSeckwear. Leather Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks. B )ots, Shoes and Rubbers New Carpets, Rugs and Squares New Linoleums and Oilcloths. Curtain Poles and Rods. Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. flew Wall Papers and Window Shades. Household Linens. New Allover Laces. Ladies, Silk and J<et Waists. Ladies' Cloth Skirts. New Dress Goods and Silks. Swiss Embroideries and Laces. New Corset Styles. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER. AND EGGS BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Marshall - IXMi'Jl - will be for service on lot 170. T. S. R. Aitcniesw. Terms 91 . U JAS. STISSOX. Prop. O. I c Stands for Best. Beattie Litter Carrier Beattie Feed Carrier Beattie Hay Carrier Do You Ever Sleep? Beattie slings forks and track Beattie steel stalks & stanchions Beattie drinking bowls Beattie pumps and churns If you do you will be wise to pay attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Decls. The original of the picture given at the lirad of this a'ivertisement will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to hiy your weary brad. Of course we have other beds at other prici's, nil equally low iu price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wanU. Sprites mid Mattresses to fit nil bc.ls. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. For Sale By S. Hemphill Ceylon. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 't RAOC MARKS DESIGN!! COPYRIGHTS ic. nketrli and doniTlpUnn nm- nscnrtnln our (ipltilon frea wulhev ar ' A IIVMI'I oMiiilnii iitckly nscnrtnln ntion ifl iirol lout f it>o. oMOHt auency I\>r pixmrliiR pntmita. I'ntonin taken fRrotaih Munn ,V Oil. rucolvo tptrlai ot(c, wUhout uhiirKO, lutno A largo number of mail Hacks convoy- 1 ini{ tin' spring catalogues of the depart- mental stores in Toronto arrived at the v>ii-i. i Walkeitiiu post otlic'fl last, weak and ki-pl tlt "triciirt'onnlVei'MViV'^HAiiiiubUK tho P. O. staff busy for a fw hours. In reaching out for trade the city imr- rhant of Into yoni.sliiiH born steadily ({a in- i ing, he has appropriated tho proper ad- vertifting idea and is now QUOlittJl pricos , with Imninins us leadeis. The morchant ) in rural fommnnitii's must ndopl. ui 1.1 . date modern inlvertiNinu met hods or tlia nf dry ro'. Th n I'll Ihti wholn propositioii ' briefly titled, lli-ralil and Tinus- |1 ** 1 * 1 ''- 8oW b * oio.. . II x.n V.l< ^ iIBlal-wi 'llflW TOfK B.nch OOoc. J K BU W.h.n,.,n.ac. "Looking Ixick-l see I never saw before." Tliis is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Winter 'IVrin from Janiinry oih at COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE Aitond thinbif,'. Successful School of Ini in. , li I.P'.I : ; and let tin hi'lp you into annwhing woi'th while, r rcQ OtktalogQV on Knier auv time. T. E. Hawkins. Principal R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent (or the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements- Tamworths for Sale lloth sex M-:.,. roaily for l . i"n:. Tii^i's right lur quick sale. .Ul-X). \V. J!OSS. Maxwell 1>. O Wagtms, Uiu'yiiis, Cutteis, Slei^hn, ni:d Ga>uline Engines, Melottu Croam SeparHtors, Biikin 1 \Vind Mills, Pumps, Piping mid 1*11)0 Fittiniis alwayn on Imtid. Bentty lirns'. of Ken-iis, Uarn Tracks, Litter Curriers and stable tittinys. Cock.sluut mid Krost <V Wood Ki'imirs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Fcvcrsbam, Ontario. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office nnd Residence 4t>8, !>th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., l.'M to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hums by appointment. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Here ford bull lor service on lot J 51, 2nd W. T. and S. U., Arttinnsia. Terms SI. 00 cash . -JOHN ADAMS. I'rop. Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town and district where we are not represented. PruitH uff bringing high prices, and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make l)i money this Full and Winter by taking an agency. Kxporience not necessary. Free fc|iiip- niout. Exclosive territory. klit;host < ' iinini,.siiiiis paid. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries TORONTO, - - ONT IMnroh 14 ANADIAN PACIFIC WINTER TOURS TO- California and the South Neturn TU-fceta At low Fare* THE "LOGICAL ROUTE" TO WESTERN CANADA FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Tot on to 10.2O p.m. daily Compartment Libry Observation Oar, Standard Sleeping Cnr, TourUt Sleeping Cars, Dining Car, Kirt Class touches and Colonist Cats. Prticulais regarding HAIL or OCKAN ticketa from ny Cnuadian Pacific .Agent or write. M. O. Muriihy, D.P.A., C.P.lly., Toron- to. S. RAND t AGENT CEYLON. HERtFORD BULL lpOR~"sERV'iciE The undori(!ned have a pure bred Hereford hull for aerviut) on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesis. Terms |I! for pure breda, 8l..")0 for ..i -i,U->. All cows Rtn-ved must be ur. -T. A J, WATSON. 1 n-M 14 .

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