Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1914, p. 1

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if? I * ! TRUTH BEFOEE FAVOE." PBISCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 \e\ WL 3:) Nor :}<> Flesiierton, Ont., Tliursday April 2 , 1914 W. H. THDRSTON *g The Deputation Was Encouraged Tlw immense doU'Rat inn f 1500 people who waited on the government ThtlMday of last week to protest ii^uinxt the (jieor- jian Bay dual and to u k for :i subsidy >r electiic railways, cr.ni>> away with tho vittiou that at li-as' the latter prayer ouU bt fTMrtd for through line;. ID a rt-ply to the lequtnti [resented-- Preiiiier Boi Jen said the deputation had submitted ninny far- reaching pn posal?,hut as they had not been submitt- ed in advance, time mu->t bo given the Cabinet for cunaideratiuii. He could do no more than to tell them that tho pro- posals would receive the very grave con- sideratidn they demanded. There wan no country in the world, in which trans- portation was such a vit:il issue as iu Canada, scattered over ;i large wren with 8p;ii'se population. "Begniid enough to renlivs that we have some protty large >paestions which inu.st be taken inln in-comit by the Government in the nour future," said Premier Burden. "It m>y be that we li:ivo been <i liulo ion ;inil>itionsfnrlruna- cimtinuntal railways, bur c .editions have- been created which inu-l be taken into account by us as trustees of jour nlT.tir*. It i-i needles to say tlmt \ve .see no re-son in principle why nssislunca should not l>o given to Provincial cr municipal owned i-.iilwayn !M\v-:l as to private conii'iuiii'S, iiut you tuis!. boar Ul >niiul tin; lhaiv id . .. in i!i British" Ni'i'ih America act w!ncii H\ulJ ;.ieiu tu providu that p^m-ly l..cnl n-ilivayi. ;u- * nut i-nuili- 1 '. -ut'Mdics. Tluu cliuisi' IMS u. /t keen fully livtil up to in thu List twenty-rivi! y<:its, aiid 1 am r.ot ind tu bay -it a moment. without iiltiluMl \viih my ColleMLjucs, that there sh'UiM IK- .U"!II.T ilfparturo from I hat principle in tho future. \Vt> who au- responsible l.ir Llm Doininiuli - i iMinnit ct/utiua nnrsi-tvi-s l.i what iiniy his of beiietit LiiOn-tiii-iu alone. \Vc are in .111 .iinaxii)'.' periiul of development unji.-u-allelud in :i:iy cnuntry, nt;>l >vc hau- trt-uiendou-i thin>>s in hand for the nt-\t >|tiaMrr o ntury. Inniviu-j conM&rUion l'i Mich .T. yuu su^.-st we inu-i look t !l these Mr. Brlen pointed out that in the great, countries of the world tin- proMems .'!' tr:uiS|->'L-|,ttion had not been utuii-iUii- C.i by the Sutr, but by pnvatt- ;-orpoia- timls t(<>vernc>.i by the StuN-. Tliis had b.-en followed in CannJa v/ith the excep" ti IM of the 1. C. U. As t the watormiy.'. nil ( >"VetT,nient- had b<;oli impiessil with the iinp>>ri:ince or their development. Canada was pi u- vide<l witlia <y*tem of inland waterway une< {".filled any whore. As l>i the pvrer i|iu-t>tii>l>. Mr. Hmdeii s;iitl he ueed not dwell upon the sym- pitliy which liii- or any Government. must show to the Hydro-eli-cirie Uuiii- miesion's work. All peo[)lo wore pi" f mildly thankful for H ha' the Conitnitt- sion had dc n -. lie concluded with the ioll.iwiiiii hinh tril'iile I" Ikn. Adam Heck : Anything i hut Adam Hook sn^ests i Mie linveiiniieilt of Citmidii. is ri-i.ar.dijd as urirmfii.'i-.' ri^htsnnd 1 am .sure in ill t ie-4'i'l the people of Caimda are nt one tviih public opinion in trie Prov^icc rt Saugeen Junction Mrs. Uirl M.-iiJinv \isili-d nvei llii- ,\i.-ok end at Priceville. Miss Stella (h-r vUiti-d with her sister^ Mrs. J. Sloin, recently. Mr. uiul Mis. J. Turner visited at Mr. .1. T. llusl's last week. Mr. Jite W.-its "ii took n business trip to Toronto list week. Mr. B-irt Meadow has resiym-d his position with the C.l'.K. as section fore- man, and is taking up farming on the I in i ican t'.nni. \Ve are pleased torepoit that Mr. \V. White i.s impruving nicely after nu attnck i-f piioiiiiii'iiia. The Electric Riilwiiy survi-yors have made their second survey, and we hope 'bey will return the third time and take a bee linn up the rnud. Mr. John Dow leaves this week for the west. We wish him A line of 8IUO was impi I'hec oi HII- 'iVntial hutt-l, \ : r-tion it ilie L ie.il Opiioi A Trip to Ottawa With Osprey Delegation Feversham Ccr. The fiist stunt of the trip was fourteen miles of a drive over bad roads to the C. P.ll. ar, Fleaherlun, where uur obli-jiiny agent, Mr. Hand, gave us minute direc- tions and information rogaraing tho C.P. R. timetable between Toronto and the capital city. Aniving in Toronlo on Tujssday night wa found we could ',iit over in that city until Wednesday night and go to Ottawa with some of the delegates who found it impimilile to leave with us on Tuesday, which we ijdudly did, and had a look around i ur clean, tidy and business-like- Queen city once more.. 11 o'clock Wednesday ni-^ht all hands gathered t the Union station, and all aboard for Ottawa in tourist cirs provid- ed by the C.I'. R. for the delegates at a small extra cost. Ai riving <tt the capi'al city ut 7 a.m. on Thursday mo/ning wo wera direc'ed to go to the Russel Houue for accommodation, \vh>ru we had to pay oue dollar for no better breakfast than the farmers of Orey county enjoy every morning ol their lives, and tip thu wait ers for dishing it up. At 10 o'clock we hied to Chateau Km rier, whore every delegate was asked ID rt-giitt-r liis name and address, number- ing, as Ihe IVrou'.o dailies have lepi'i-ti-d, J.">l)tJ oi- ovt-r. No need for im> t > r.-;mr thu iatnidtie i in of the delo;->li )n and the pL-:i!ion 1. 1 Prelim r Horden and hi i- 1- Jeai-iit-ri Uy tin- HI-II. Adam B'-eU, U'liid tlmudi-13 of npplnuso. Oim person \\hom - expected ro sc.- at lluj fr nt was our ov.-iiiiicinbfr.it tM'in.i. ho i- c'm- by hi;s almellte, and win !i ap- in I'is ollice by s> me of our dvlegatei) se&httttl as-i-.-.thll'. rent as i hough h never knew iln-ie w i- such a p'rioi- as C.-iriv i.rey. . rtint lln-re w.is a del. ga- tion piv ent to ask ihe uovi-n..m-1-.l to subsidi/.j an >-ectric railway arross his own riuiny, but calmly folded hia Rims Mid r>-pli-.-d 'o th.- p.ntie.s waiting on him that he thought the government should b- very careful nliuut grantiug subsitliis 1 1 (sl-'ctrii- railroad". Wo ihuik if ho ever ooineK before i hu people or' Centre (!ivy again llioy shoull lie ju>>t as carelul to -did -niiiir ol her man 'o Ottawa in his place. I L o'clock Thursday nigh: al| fthourd for IVr ..... o. 7 15 n.m. Friday mi Ixiinl for Kloheiton, and then the M milts i<f mud and snow l-iinks h- nu- again, from a pleasant l.nc tiresome trip to thu capital city. Tho trip from To- ronto was enlivened ly the ui h-gnlo from Kinilicrley eMolling the wonderful natural beauty of ihe IJeiver valley, say- ing they wouldn't have even snow to contend wiih, whieh was answered by one of the hojs telling our worthy frit-mi th i- h>- hid lieaid of a place that was warmer than this where lie would haxe no snow lo .shovel. J. ('. Teiinnnt of Owen Si-mid, orga- nixer for tho (.'.i .!'., is in the village nt piesen 1 niving Court Kevershniu a help- ing hand. I'm. Ttimair. is always a welcome vi^ilm. Miss .Sadie Juli ill has retuinud hoim- after a month's visit \>ith fricntU II>-HV Tonmto. Miss Ark-no liuckingham is vir-itin-,' friends in CoiiHigwn, d a', present. Mclntyre Ceylon ^ Our omg has been without ;i scribe to ' Mrs. J. McMillan of Cuclph college ia The Advance iii<l I think it is about time sp.-ndini; a few days witU her paiWe. we wero represented in that popular Mr. I>. Coleumn, (.won S,,,,,,,!, paper, inaa. are changing, people are i glwat of - S j r< G; o l)llilisou the t we , ving around so much, that new comers i ^,. r . ,, . ' SS ' moving may not kn<>.7 Chat there i.s such a favor- able locality so neat ut hand. We can- ! '. not boast of any wonders thit would i wh " h/B Loe " "' give material to the Huent pen of tho city dailies, but merely the soothing charm of Mrs. M. Korr an'l Miss I.'-n-r f D-.n.- can were visitors at 11. .1. Col.!!!!-!!^^ la.^ wct/k. Mr. and Mrs. .J.ilin ' K -littiux vi.siud with their daui-litei', Mrs liwin Me- Kiown, ill Duncan la*' wi-ek. Mrs. John llihUon is vi-.itiiiL! with her daii'.'hlt-r, Mi 1 .-'. <!io. Hawlon. M ;.-.-: M.I'. lli-i> ii is under the C:U"MI Weareg'ad to ivprt that BIr. C. Fitld >jf Maxwell is recovi-ring from a serious attack of put iimoni.-t. Chief Mi-Auhiy of Oeii Sound was stricken with apoplexy. Mr. G. GtplJiniion visit, <! l,\ K In-otl er in Durham rec|Uy, \vlio hns been very il 1 . Mr. E. S>tr;rflt spent a f t -\v dayi in a contented people who plod .iloii-,' and supply ihe masses with the .staples of l ()wul1 !<uund liist Wl ' el <- life. You, remember, Mr. Editor, Sir I Mr. and Mrs. Neelyof MmluUle woie (iiilahail searching all nroiind the world cHel in town recently. fr the Holy Umil and then tindiii',' it in ' We understand Mr James McVluck- his own garden ! lin has sold his buteherbu.sinc.--H to Mr. Slip's l mining. A few are iiiiikinu v *-. -Stuart of Fle.sherion and will leuve shortly for the West, prcparatioue for tngur nuking. A great many are getting in I heir sum- | A im'ssnge arrived Sntuu'uy uitli tbo mer's supply of chop from tho mills, and sad intt:llig.:nce t h.it Mr. T- Cherry had sawloggmg is wound up. parsed away at hia home in Toruiiro,nftt-r The open air skating rink has been. " n illm>K1 "' st!Vl ' lvl1 n ^. He leaves w, 11 p:,.,,,,ii/.ed duiing tho past winter. " Wlfli )llld Mva " ^ ! '^^ ^ "" -' . ... lofs. Mr. Cherry und fiuniiy Wen- res .Mr. H. Moore is getting a ready sale , dents of ilns Liuca about two yeur.s .1140. l..r Ins alsike clover ted. .. Much sympathy is also e*urts<ed for Mrs. II. lloitmaii, Jr., C.dhngwood, ,, ., .: Mr. H. HnliDHi) and family of Tt-t-swalt-r anil Miss M. Fadden, S.S. No. :!. were , , .. Ill tho loss of his wife, wlueli occimvil r-- renowing .iciitmiutaiu:e.-i at Mr. II. II- it- ., , cei.tly, IOHVIII.' seven children t>i ni.iiirn i. nil Saturday and Sunday, week. ,, , tin- lo.-s ol a lovins; mother. Mr. H-il- Mr. A. Mclntyre, at a, neeting here on ,,, was .,,,, ].,,, fcll . Sl ,, )u . ,; .,,, March 17, was appointed a delegate on the family were lu-ld m hiL-.h e,s( H in. the hydio-olectric deputation to Ottawa. \\'e wish llieui succesi in their iiirssinn. James I'o'ls ami som iiUuinl Durham sming opt-ratioiiH at Mr. Lit-o. Bailey's in week Mr. L. Frook of rVicevillf |im:h,isi.tl Ii imp.ii'lvd Clytlesdiile stallion "Si.\i r . Mia-J pearl Moore. Singlwinptoo, and Stri; ,, r ,, ,, Mi. W. I", -is spent Sunday, ei-k, with ,,, \> :i ,\ .Mrs. H. Mflniiui. \\ hue i-ngni-evl in We are lad to ropml tbat I I Thm>d.,v . ia.l wt Si. .-..,, f onU improving. Si,.- U attended ,,, ;l 1)sJ cn , s ,, ; by Dr. McK.d I, :i and Miss McDou.ld, . smci . ,,,. lln , 1 , ,,, , , uu . |u , nurse, for typhoid fovcr. [.,,. Hl ,,|. The l.a.ne.s Aid ave a sloping . .,.,. . FllU ,,, , . Swill . herse < n Mr. lt.,i,.. Alj.>e , , w , y . iul ,| has ' ,, '- s . mu , JUJB ^ M)lll(J pl . l . s ,, n el| , ( . n . (l ; atihohometif Mis. II. Melnm-s on , t , ! | K11 , C , l.elougu.g lo M,. \V,,,. .lohn Monday. Mine!, I.',. I >:, ... the qOH; ,._ S| . A]1)( . |t ^.^.^ ^ ,,,,,,,.., dition.ii.he roads the attendance was iltld , .,. his toolH. , iarut- .u it -H.M,!d1)avu been, but a , | ,,- i , 1 very eni>,y.ble evening in Am,,,,.; tin s^ .^l,u>'.: |,lur:e, U-en Imntled ., g nu -ratioii. Mi .. .lohnston veais old, wh ch had and inslru- (U>W|1 fl ,, m ,, ellol , bti , i:l " llt " tillm " M "- ,Th:s i-,t!,,. only aiticle Hi-v. Mr. Mc.err is a^onl r..-nered seriously regret led lo.-ini.'. li.'ii, hrs il ne, .iinl ve exp.vt soi'll t ., ., i- i> Mr. Win. t. Devlin, of Uetn.-it, Murh., h.iv,- linn nith us again. as in l.uvn yf-tenl iy mi h s w-iy lo ,-it-n A L'oodly uinniMti' of ymiiig |K-opletook fi tends in i-'ritreviile. Mr. l>evlm tells in tin 1 link at Sinithamptim a w eek ago UN In; wris the devil in Th - I'liroiin-'t- S.il in-tluy and report a good lime. . otlicu in (he early st)venliu<. when tbc ^^^i biisiiu!!-.s, wa.s in >!i i tin- mamigfinient of \\liiie A Johmttoii, with uhoin In: leiti n- j ed the t lade. He t hen went t o Michigan, where he established 'he Kill man '!'>'!<- In loving mumory of Albeit GeorM ,. . , , ... , "i i;ili, which ho coiidueted until about Carter, died March -'>, I'.li'J, nged -".I ' Bight jours ago, when hy iiiovcd t i De- troit, wlleri: he has rcsitlud ever s.n. e. AVo K;hel uillian Caiter, oinl M uvh , , J.">. 1!((V>, aued l.'i years. _ w JL* Tin; 'inly son anil d.ni^hUM- of (lei'iu'o 1. aii'l ! he la o Mm^a:.'' Ann ('arlir. Interment Mount, Zioii, (.Sn-y <.'-. I fleii -it itnd think f }<>u nil, I low L am li-f .1! >n.'. K.-r memory is ill-- onlv friend Thai -;iief can en II il-. u\vu. A fliufiful homo HI ce > nj->ycd, Oil how s'o filial nu in .i-yMill, lint. l),-,nh hnK lullllnee v.i .nit i-h.in-- Tlu.-i v,oi Id emi never til!. KllnU atj* dri.lk, KVMM slipped' ami ... . , . f. 11 inti- a mini pud.li!-, .-inl the slraiiL-t.-i' 1 is h.ird to break ilie lonclt-r ih-.n! \\ lu-n lov,- lia.s hound th.- he.n-1 ; I'l.-inplly Mi-4-st.M 'In.: tliey go 'Tilt hard, so h.ud, tu. |-o:U l!u- .>rd 'elothinu I.-HIS- :nd ;,' -I n nw >nil W c must foix-ver p-u't. The sjolden yati-i .'! .'pen, A !(>'"! !>> v.i-i i .,ii'l, l.' n>'. \ i it H l! ll I' III- V ri's llll-ji.ikl-ll, Mr y (jalii'lv entered Hi-mr. John Evans was Friendly It'n all ii-h' ;<i talk to t-verylmdy ill l>undiilk, out John Kv.ms ,,( tlm; t .\vn fouirl ihat it was not all ruin to tJilk to evei-ybi.d\ in 'I' u-onl<>. Ho arrived lluiu with if-W, and being "rich" made easy itcijuaintanet.s with n stranger. T!u-\ Victoria Corners H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -ALSO A linu of Keady-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of ::hai!_re, if required. lscp!2 Mr*. \Vm ralt--:i is visitini; wit.lih.r son, Kdwaid, at DrauniUild, :\li^s K.la Bi't in on the :iuU iis . \Vc wisli to tf'nrix-1 ioi i-riHi- in !n?l week's items. Kitiiri llir.uinli misnuder- i st.iinliiii' or inisii.fi-runitii-n, w j i.-|.ivti'd a wcdilinji celebiat ion lit Mr. .J;i-i. Loci.-' h-ti'd'n winch .lid mil. lake place. Mr. \V.i|t.i-r Ai-lu-son who underwent I an operation for appendeeitis at his home j last week is pro^n-.ssing very fiivo'ahly. i There was no sei-u..e at Iniflione on [ Sundrty, as Mr. Dinwondie, our iiiiuistur, ill with la gripp.-. Mis. Stevens has been laid up wi'h in- tl i-om.ii.'u rheuinutism. wfd.iH'.'l' .-i i". -I il as Kulloviiiig a ]'i fi- 1' n: s, t s,,'ite liui-- ago, I'!.. tin pin the. new suit "!i ill :iil ulfey, and the si rang r. r.in uway wiili ih old trousers w ,lh .-ill the money 111 ^iiiiio. l-lv.tn.s rip..ited t-' 1>. I'-ili 1 . I Newton, who purkcil nut Kianl; Mc'iiir ; amonjsuS u -.ill iv s ,lninl<> 'is tho nin>. and chiiraiod liim with lliefl. Metiuirr cl .imeil ill. -re w.-i.s only #Sl i-i this trou- .-ml was reniaiKied >iutil Maxwell Millinery . . . Opening April 3rd. and 4th. ., btrgest stock u.-or Sh'twn in Mnxwo 1 A!1 tlll! llltoltt in lmlld m '" 1<! l)Atl1 iiU " ims in iniliin, in all iho ui- " I'"'!; 1 -' :lBCtion of tagel and huir biMi shades. A w?d,,v,' u;> mmr IKven .Sound. NVilll)(J 1( . usl , u j,,,,,,^ B n lny ,,] brought a Id year old girl into that tnwn not lonmwo for t.lle puip.nso of i/ctnni{ patr.uis on my opening diiys, alNo hring nmniod. The mitiistHr asked m,ni . ( IIM- a , () , fliul , ds :U1(] "\\vil tak a uut> LioiM IMS. ore perf'irmmu tl-e o-io'ii >ny i and .i the a S'V rs d d i'l suit lie Ir.ik thft <>' kindness yet for the days n' mild lutiji ui-lt.nii/ married the- man "t n doiill-*- _^ ham-ll.-d leeture ami Dan rupi.l snllt.red S. M. OSBORNE a sovoio chi 1. \\ itli Miss- ( Ntbprue in chaise. I>R. KURT 3peciall| in di8t't>$ of ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-30 10th t. east, Owen Sound At the Rflvure. house, Murkdule, 2nd , Thursday each inonUi from 8 to a 12a.ni < l)und<dk,lht U'adnesday-of each month . ! 7 " Jeweliv Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping I every day in the week except Sundays and every week in tlm year. HI-MIL; alon ! your jjriHiR. Our sash and door factory i- .-ihvays t ' your disposal for any thine you want in j o'uclme planing, inatchiin;, etc. Fluor ill", sash ;iinl iliioi-s, ui.d all hoiisse fur- >liiii>4.s supplied prnmptly and t leas- ali'i- i.iU-~. Cet i-siim.'tli-s. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. . A. Armstrongj Jeweler T. Blakeley, Prop. ' Kehlf. l.'J ly FLESHERTON, - ONT ! A Sign of Spring! l- 1 C J See our display or seeds Not how cheap, but how good c> K".-<: Purity Eclipse Flour I,ow Ljivulo Hour Wlica! chop !5i .\!'.l;iss,-s .Meal ^Hxt'tl c!l<>] .l Mr-al OiH-'akc Any thing you want in feed or seed at the Resherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton, / 4 laix&^^ GET YOUR REPAIRING 8 FOR SPRING DONE BE- FORE THE RUSH AND SLUSH COMES ON > ALSO A NICE ASSORT- f | MENT OF TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRI- CES. 3 ***r* y^'va -,*, xa, " r^^^rT S Thos Clayton. *r x New Suitings FOR SPRING We arc showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. ^ Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S.J. BOWLER M THE RELIABLE TAILOR^ PATTISON & CD'S MILLINERY OPENING, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, THIS WEEK [\

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