Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1914, p. 4

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April 2 1014 THE J< L E S H ETON ADVANCE 1 It ! >^ /Icohcrton C An iinl<M*n<lent newsp)M-r, jmlilUhed every Tiumdav at th* office, Collingwoixl Street, KK'therton. .Sniicri|iti<m price -1 per annum, hen |>.iiil iii .i<lv <m->- ;$1.5.) when not so jaud . MvertUinyr rftte* on application. Circulation l.llHI u.-.ikh . W M. Triurston- Keillor Flesherton Lethodist Church Ilcv. .liuiit-s Dudgeon, pastor. SuwUy Services 11 a. ui. and V p m. Thursday, 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting. Friday at 7.:tO p. ra., choir practice. Thoso desirous of joininn th choir will |>le8e meet Mis* Plewit, at this hour at the church. Sunday, 10.:tO t. in. Class Meeting. P.mtor will preach at both services next Sabbath. Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Psttor. Bible study at Mr. Kenne<!y',Ceyloi>, Thursday evening this week. Sunday School 10 a.m. Service at 11 a. m. Subject for Sunday "The Heavenly Vision. ' A RECORD RUN David _!. !.-.. I ,-r !n, watch. It _':;,, in., but tht) worbt Inli of road hid bean covered. II li.nl ninety minutt's to m tin sixty miles and hu be- lieved he could do it. The h'reinau stripped to the waist, WHS wet with pers- piration, but hi.H i>ye danced wiih i In- spirit of the race. Kail fences, pole.o.ind patchfK of forest tlished by, and some of the curves were KWUU<{ with it momentum that almost threw t lie driver from his seat. Meu and women, working in the fields, waved (heir hands and shouted. Cattle and horses, with animtil tenor in their eyes, ran fast to escape tin- myster- ious monster. At last the engine rose over the crest of the Ion?, straight down grade that runs through Markdale. The station agent elicited luck soiu* people who had gathered on the platform, just in time, for the Mono hurled herself through the place, some people declared, at seventy miles an hour. The suction might have drawn the people on the plat- form under the wheels. II il! m.! Centre and Chatsworth, little 1, HIM',, is in 187<>, wure passed BO quickly that only the clatter of the switch points indicated the astonishing progress. The engineer danced at his watch as St. Vincent crossing flicked jiast. The time was 3.4G p.m., aii.i lie had twenty minutes to cover less than five milefi. "" NOTICE TO STALLION OWNERS 099 Extracts From the Ontario Stallion Act No person almll stand, travel or ,'H, i for uae any stallion unltss and un- til ili,- name, description and pedigree of such stallion has been enrolled and a certificate of such enrollment procured as hereinafter provided. For the purposes of enrollment the owner of every stallion shil) submit to (he I'. i'<l all evidence of the breeding und ownership of such stallion, and upon receipt of same and payment <>f the fee, the Board shall iosue a certificate accord- ingly. Fee fi 00. All certificates of enrollment almll be renewed amumlly in accordance with the regulations and upon the payment of the fee hereinafter provided. F<?e, Jl.tt). In addition, if desired by the own- er.any stallion may bo inspected as here- provided, in which cae the report of such inspection shall form a part of the record of enrollment. Fee 85.00. Every stallion shrill be enrolled in the name of the owner at the time of the enrollment, and incase of a change in ownership thu enrollment shall be deem- Since that dy no locomotive ha* sped ed to be cancelled unless within thiity down the giade at Murray's Cut with ^ "V* Hienafter evidence of the change- such recklosi speeJ. Even the engineer ' of ownership satisfactory began to feel a thrill of uncertainty. J. S. C. In Toronto Star. There in no official report of it among the roundhouse papers of the old Toron- to, Grey, and Hruce Railway, but it is paid that the little English built, bell top Mono made the fastest trip recorded or unrecorded between Toronto and Owen Sound. . No engine driver alive to-diy would ever atieuipt to cover the distance, 122 miles in less than three hours wi-h one Of the heavy locomotives now used on tho line. If he did attempt it, he and his engine would probably throw them- selves ftom one of the curves on this line of eitraordioary curvature into the ditch. But the Mono, with her little driving wheels, gripped the old narrow gauge, tore up and down the giades.and "took " the curves, and made a journey that the older railroad men ofOutario talk nl>out to this day. Now, thi* story is probably true. I Uimk it is because an old T.. G. and B. man told it, and 1 am going to repeat, partly in his own word?, what he says happened on that record smashing run. "It was in August, 1*7'>," said tho old driver, as he shovel his tap back, and scratched hit bend, remin scently. 'that the superintendent came hurrying "ver to the roundhouse and -ai'J, "Davy, wo have got to net these freight records tlnough to Owen Sound by four o'clock. The Africa, (i think that was the vessel he named) sails at four, and she hs g ,t to have these papt-r-, or there is going to be a mix-up that the fn-ight department can't straighten nut in a century." "All right, sir," said Davy. "I'm v. mded up and she's carrying 180. If I can get through to Shelburne without wroudiug-up we'll make it." In the picturesque language of the "road," the old eiiKineer went on to tell how David climbed into the cah, caught the bundle of manifests tossJ to him by the superintendent, opened the throttle, uii'l stalled the greatest race against t inn- in the history of the division. Lit- tle by little the engineer opened tho throttle wider, and with each motion the Mono leaped alien I with a nuw speed impulse. As she tote along acrofH the fields an 1 through the f-mst cutting, the fopine rcckid from side to side, threatening every s-cond to throw her- self from 'he forty pound rails. The en- gineei's face became tense and white as Jie fined his eyes on the track ahead. Farmers stood in the fields n; open- mouthed amazement, for the locomotive and its drivnr looked like wild things bent on sulf-desl ruction. Near Wood- bridge ihe Mono dashed over the high wooden trestle with a clang and rumble ,>l metal that could be heard for miles. Like a dart she sped to the foot of Ciledon mountain, and commenced her labored climb up the grade. Gathering speed, and with exhaust spitting fitfully, -lir hit the horseshoe curve, and, a* th e old engineer said quaintly, "Went around it on two wheels." The run down the sl'ipc to Caledon and Orangevilla was daring beyond cicdence. It was the supreme teat of courage for a locomotive driver with a duty to perform. The mapping of a piaton rod or tha loosen- ing of a bolt meant destruction anu death. The diiver had supreme contitl ante in the Mono, am 1 as for himself hu never gave a thounht. North of Orange ville another nasty grade was climbed tut the engine was steaming splendidly, and they pulled up to the woodpile at siirllnm.'- on time. A dozen men weie wilting In I", i,I the li'tt'lcr with selected, well-dried maple. Davi.l, the engineer, ; */*lld flic lirman climbed back into the oul), ami u ,v ,1 comi-li>e, The uliucrs DIM canto !-l^to il.m were sriiri-cly Mimmu, U ..ui^rj^Mciiuriu of Ihe i x- to the Boaid . 1ms beeu furnished to the Board, in Could lie stop the engine before he reach- 1 which case a transfer certificate shall be ed the end of steel t Four hundred yards ' ued *y the Board. Fee $1.00. ahead was BoyJ's whrf and a hundred When a stallion has reached the age yardu beyond that was the end of the of eight years the tirst inspection there- line. Slowly David shoved over the after sh ill bo tho final inspection nnd throttle. With the iustuict of thu train- .the enrollment made on the report of ed engineer, he was conscious of a plight such final inspection shall continue to response, and it gave him confidence, form part of the enrollment >nd a cer- Again the throttle mo\ed and again speed tificate shall be granted in accordance slackened. Then he threw " her " right ' therewith on each subsequent renewal over. Tho fireman rang the bell vigor* of such enrollment. The Inspection is ounly and great clouds of escaping steam good for two years for all horses lets almost enveloped the Mono as she came j than eight years of age. to a standstill at her destination, with aj The certificate of enrollment of any record that may never again be oiua'led gtalliou shall form a prominent part of on the divixion. The engineer looked at ' wy neW8 papor or other printed adver- his watch. It w*s ','> 48 p.m., and the I tisement issued to advertise such stallion. distance -122 miles had been covered ,. , . , 1-1 MTV poster issued tJiall contain a py i f the certificate of enrollment i printed in bold face and conspicuous Africa was waiting. The purser with a , typ(> ^ <|wjl n , jt ^^ a|iy j,,^,. bundle of manifests hurried aboard, the lines wore cast off, the captain sounded the en.' HI,- room bells, and she sailed for . the north ON TIMK. Lvcry I"" " who '* Ullty fa C01 " travention or any of the provisions of 1 this Act shall incur a penalty of not in two h<>ursand forty-ei^ht minutes. Out at thu er.d of ihe wharf the steamer i-Mi , pedigree or other matter I untruthful or misleading. which is LinleyPriestley At S( M try's church, Maxwell, Match 4, Miss Tt-na Priestly to Mr. Harry Lin- ley, by the Rev. N. Williams. Miss Lillie Priestly was bridesmaid, while Mr. Will Linluy did duties as best man. Heartiest couuntiulations are extended the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Linley left lust meek for their homo near Van- guard. Sask. f. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. We are showing a wide range of truly shining new models. Tastefully trimmed with rich inater- and mounts. Some of the shapes are Tagel, Chip, French Braid, Silk and Ratine straw in every new color. The hats we offer are up-to-date,smart and becoming, but not exaggerated or extreme. Look over our shapes and see if you don't agree with us. Our prices are moderate. Miss E. Long in charge of the show room. m T i f* i Our selection this year is better than ever, in INCW WaSH VJOOUS Prints, Ginghams, Chambrays, Zepnyrs, Fancy %^*y%^% %/%/%/%/%/% %/*/%^%'%'%'V ft TT M I TIT Crepes. Rice cloths, Ratines, plain and fancy. Cotton Voiles ana Marquisettes. All the new colors are represented Prices from 12c. to 50c. a yard. New Rugs and Squares, Linoleums and Oil- cloths, Window Shades, Poles, Jap Mattings, M^itsl^L^'CuTtaTi^^ Art Muslins, Scrims, Cretonnes, Sateens. House Furnishing^ New "Wall paper Paints Brushes Jellstone Alabastine Floor Paints All ready for House Cleaning Time Everything Reasonably Priced HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Marshall WK1!1 will be for service on lot 170. T. S. R. Artemesia. Terms 81 . AUK JAS. STIN80N, Prop. B. i. Stands for Best. more than 8100 nor less than -">. recov- erable under The Ontario Summaiy Conviction Act. Each owner of a stallion shall transmit to the Secretary of thu Board a copy of every poster or other advertisement iss- ued or used for the purpose of advertii- ing such stallion fmthwith after the issue thereof. In default of compliance with this regulation, the Board may cancel any certificate issued for such stallion. As tho Enrollment Board are arranging for the rigid enforcement of the Act this ! present year, they would therefore re- The marriage of Mi.ss Allie Wilcock, ' quest all stallion owner* to comply proni- il.Hiuliti'i of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Wilcock, . plly with provisions of the Act, as nd- and Mr. George I'lim-. eldest son of vertiaing a horso which U not enrolled is Mr. and Mrs. Frank dims, was tolcui- [ a contravention of the law, and therefore nixed on Wednesday last, ihe home of the bride,'* p pretence of about forty Cairns Wilcock quests. Rev. James Dudgeon officiated. Mias Pear] Cairns, sistor -A the groom, playud the wcdJini! march. The bride, who was gowned in white, carried the customary bridal bouquet. After thu wedding din- ner lhe young couplo left on the nfter- noon train, amid showers of rice, con- fetti, Kood wishev and rain, to \ i-ii frieiu'.s in AllisUm and Toronto. The bride travelled in a navy blue euit with bluu nnd tango hat. The numerous and !'. nit. lul gifts received show how highly the young couple wero esteemed. On their lu'urn they will resido on Iho old Wright farm on the west back line, which March -", at ; nil owners wishing to have bills printed reiil*, iu the I hould enroll at once. Ad'lrets all communications to, H. W. Wade, Secretary, Bldgs., Torcnto. Walter Dud's little girlDorothy was nn her way to school on Thursday morniiiu when she was Attacked by a vicious dog owned by \V. T. Crawloy, Wobstemlle, whicli was fallowing his rin. The child was kiiufkbd down nnd severely bitten in a dozen or inora places on Iho face mil arm, ami the ferocious bruta did not desist in its attack until Mrs. Crawley got out of the cutler and drove it off. Hi . Smith ,in s-i"l the woundt of tin- child and ordered thu dog ohaincd up fr the yroom recently purchased. Tho Ad- 1 fourteen days to sue if rabies dovelope, vance joins their hot ing them bon voyage. f fiiends in wish- Rabies in Arthur The dogb in iho township of Arthur, Wellington county, are said to be under juarantine, owinj; to the outbreak of rabies. Three il-..;s have already been destroyed. It would nppe.ir that tho trouble began with a doc; tight which happened two weeks ago. Tho other day one of those doi;s began biting indiscrim- inately. It was tied to a wugigon, but as it still continued to bite even the waggon, it WHS killod. Tlte Provincial Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention, 1 ain at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost yon $5.00 5.00 $5.00 (jet Bomcthing nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wantrf. Springs and Mattresses to fit all bods. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuduccrs. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Beattie Litter Carrier Beattie Feed Carrier Beattie Hay Carrier Beattie slings forks and track Beattie steel stalks & stanchions Beattie drinking bowls Beattie pumps and churns For Sale By S. Hemphill Ceylon. Mr. Amyot, to whom dog wai sent, declared the i >f iho The Mono, wna wnOUr before it is despatched. The government Rhould take stringent measures to rid \\\- country ofalioul uinu out of every ten dogs that at present exist in tho provino. - Croomore Star. A new tkt book has been issued by the Ontario Education Department. U is a bonk on milliners. The name of the author is kept secret. Piohably it is just as well- -for him. The book is not to hu placed in the hands of pupils individually not yet, at any late but is recom- mended for use in school libraries. It will thus be used as a book of reference. Its contents are certain to arouse com- ment and a certain amount of controversy. It is eaaiur to l.iy down the principals that should govern our numier.s than to formulate tho rulea for cariying them out. Rules are often useful in order to illustiato tho principles, but cirried to excess they bicome an intolerable bur- dan. Our Ontario youth are not too The statement in the Legislature, by | C() , lH ,,i cuoull f ()r g ,, d manner* and a littlu Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, ., , . that tho Oovl. would enforce the Canada | more, attention to the subject m our Te'iireriicu A. I, and I ho appropriation ! schools will do nn Imrm. Mt. Forest in tho ostimMes of Jo, 000 for tht pur- 1 Confederate. pose will hke'y loud to ninny county vi li"< being taken this fall on the C.T. A. or what i* popularly called the Scott Act. A cninpaign for liiueo niul tircy on tho g*me dato will likely be lami ln-d shortly. ; , | . , . ,., * \ uiw ., i-uii. ". ,/I|M->. ,'u .tun i ii utr miii gome who opposed local option in L/hes- i mmi ti,, one two-yoar^old heifer, Tu,' own ley have signified lln'ii iulfiiti ,11 of vot* is reituMtsd (o in,,\, pr party, . xprn, in to mku ihf opi'ii li'ir illr;'tl through- <' i^'k" it tiwuy. this count) 1 . -Chi'.'ih-y Knlt-rprivd \Vm. 8mitli, Kntrenia \>.. \\.ll. No. 1 that tho dog was -iill.-i Hi" from rabies. A prnulamlion WHS at once idsued ordering all dog* to be kept lied up, as it is thought other dogs have been bitten. CAME ASTH4Y " Looking back.l see 1 never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. Wagons, Buggies, Cutlets, Sleighs, and Gasoline Enuiues, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Itepairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Feversbatn, Ontario* Tam worths for Sale Prices UKO. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O Jiotli sex nearly ready for breeding, right for quick lo. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours-9 to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Winter Term from at January 5ih BUSINESS COLL1NGWOOD COLLEGE Attend this big, Succehbful School uf business trainir.i> mid let us help you into H.mietbjns? worth whilr. Free catalogue on request. Kn'er any time. T. E. Hawkins Ci,llu><_!\\O' (1, Principal Onttiio. Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town nnd district where we are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices, and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make big money thiti Full mid Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Free equip- ment. Exclusive territory. 1 1 i,;!n- .1 Commissions paid. Write for full particulars. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Uere ford bull lor service on lot 151, 2nd. W. l.andS. R., Artemesia. Terms 8100 MM . -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. ANADIAN P/VCIFIC WINTER TOURS TO California and the South Keturn Tickets A.t low Farea THE "LOGICAL ROUTE" TO WESTERN CANADA FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 1O3O p.m. daily Compartment Libray Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Cam, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Car, First Class touches and Colonist Cars. Particular regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from any Canadian Pacific .Agent or write. M. O. Murphy, D.P.A., C.P.Ry.,Toron- to. S. RAND.AGENT CEYLON. Stone & Wellington H , REFORO BULL FOR 8ERV1CE F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries TORONTO, 1 March It - ONT The undersigned have a pure bred I Ion-ford bull for service on lot 171, 3rd NV.T.S.K,, Terms 3.'t for pure breds, 81.50 for grades. All cows served must ba paid >"> T. & J. WATSON. 1 iimr 14 f < ' * ' . '

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