Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1914, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOU." - PRLN'CIPLEb NOT MEN. VOI 33 No. 45 Fleshertoii, Ont., Tliursday Ju i > 4. 1914 W. H. TECRSTOM Terrible Tragedy On the St. Lawrence Vandeleur Happenings Price vi lie Jottings Kimberley Budget Tho members of V.ituleleur Divisi-in ; S. U. T. held th'-ir annual picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Kldon Rrodie and Mr. 1OO2 People Find a Watery Frank Culhs t>f Ladner, B. (' , are visit- m_' friends in thii neighboihood. Grave in the Gulf. At l.dOu clock a. Fridav list the Mr. Ben l ' le c '' Buchanan has returned tu landing a '.-ouplc of weeks magnificent C.P.K. Me ....ship "Kmpie*8 < 'f Ireland, outward bound , was lammed by the collier Storstad an-l .sink in four- teen minutes after she \v, st tuck carry- in;; tu their doom I'M'- sul*. There are 435 survivi-ra of the ureck, picked up l>y the Storstud and_ two government l>oat.s at the old home. The Vaudeleur branch of the W. I. will hole* their annual summer meeting in t'i.- Foresters H.-ili on the afternoon and even- ing of June .trd. Mr. and Mis. 8. Gilbert accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Smith of Meaf- that put 1.8 from Rimnuski for the scene, f ord, spent Monday with friends t Price The wreck occurred twenty ioil.-< off vil!e. Mrs. J. M. Davis i-; visiting her horti and is the worst ilia I ha* ever oc- curred in Canadian wnteis. The ci'y of Toronto faces the heaviest loss of life, rhere being a Urge number of ToronM- . .11- on hoard. After the tccident the Storstad pro- ceeded under her own steam to Montie-tl where she was seized by the sheriff on l.ii-n fur tw i million dollars ' the in- htanceof thC.P.R. The dramatic scenes that fll>wed faiit "; the vessel - struck were snrKcieiit t<> till a volume, and t'ie terrible sftUir has c;wt jjlooni over this whole country. t ';t|itain Kendall of the Enipress, wlio a." savi>J after <>iiiii<.; under with his Khtp, tells the following stoiy : At 1 ."lOa.u 1 . the Kmpress had p.-ished Kiiiiouski mid was proceeding on hvr course. The weather thickened a bit ; there was not an aciuil for; hut 'he weu- ther had thickened initn extent described oy nautical men as lei'itf misty. There a-s a " vapoiiziny." Captain Kendall wat> on the bridge and oidered the ship slowed down. Then he uuide out the , ylits of .n: approaching ttdimeratd ordered a stop. lie nliistlcd and the ^temer answered, inilic.itui^ thtt Cap- tain Kendall's signall was understood. The atenmers were turn m les apnit when the t isi :uti in was iakeii.cn Ki-ird the Empress. As the big passeinjer liner and the Storstad approached the Km (.less engines had come t" a full slop, but she was still proceeding forward under her nioiiientum. Then Cptin Kendall ordered I hem leversi'd to " slow .stem." The StorsUd kept on her way towaids the liner. It; in thou|{l.t that I'aptnin AinliT!"ii uf the Slorstud tried to eivss the lios of the larger Iviat, but his intentions are not known. NYli.-tt did happen is that she eame closer and closer. H> r no*c missed the how of the liner and she plunged into tht- st.ulioi.rd nide of the Eiiipiess just ;im il-hips, striking the higher bout in her ni'ist vulncrablu pot. It was not ;i severe shock. One iban s.-iid he h card a ' n rind in}!, scmpiiu s..und, ' but the heavily laden colli. r had the weight beliina it, und lu-r bows tore through tho liner's pl.ites as though they hid been of tin rather ihtu ttecl, crush- ing through them in pitiless dtstiuctiui>, and pieirinit her ill the cno spot tlmt not a'l the dou'.ile hulls nnr all the buUl.cads ever nuule could save her life. Then the Slorstad UnkoJ out. Tbat ended 'he tiijlit betwern liner and collier. When the latter die* away she left a wide, yawning hole through which the waters lushed. Tl at was the stroke of doom. The Empress mis-lit nut have survived the effect of tho collier's blow, but it appears that hud the StursUd had her bows in the gaping wnund she could have kept the Empress afloat lunjj enou<;h to have allowed jteople lo swarm aboard aiul to have aUoWii! the diMiplu.cd crew of the Kinpress to launch their bosts. J. til daughter at St Mary's. Mr. Will Alcox vi.itcd friends at Ra- venna ou Tuesday of last week. Mr. Wilfred Cullis of Toronto I'niver- sily spent a few days Ia.>t week at the parental h line. Ceylon Messrs. >.iiu L'hitlett and Norman Mc- L.'od, who went tu the oily a week ago, huve returned. Mr. J. Pallinuii returned Friday from a week s visit with Toronto friends. Mr. Alex. McDonald of the station 1ms been promoted to the < >wen Sound depot. Mr*. W. White viitcd Sauijeeii fiionds lt neeit. Oor sawmill is a^aiu in upentioB with a full i'ii-.-> of men. Mitt* Eik \Vhiitaker left Uit week on an extended visit .ih T-uouto friends. Mr. and Mis. Middaugh uf S ni^een s|)ni Sunday at W. White's.^ At it meeting held in the Oinn^u Mall s,-tuid-y flight U. McUill ai.d Thomas liwin weie iip|H) uted dele^te to attend the Conseivative convention to b<t held June U in Durham. Mr. Cumniin^, Mrs. Major, Toronto, and M -- Kate McDonald, Mrkdale,,are visiloisat 8. McDonald's. Constable Cook took a bus nets trip through Jleiiels this we.k. Eugenia Eugenia is alive with visitors, picnics, motors, e'c . Miss ! .ui-i ni.iii of Toronto and Mis - jf Homines Mills are the quests of Mrs. McMulleii. Adam Gt-uoe i"f Moaford visited his fithtr here rt-ceiitly. Mr. Win Uyslop lust a valuable horse fiom |ii ii\s>. Mr. L>. M.-T*vish ..f Fleshcfon vis- ited friends hero over Sundry. Iv A. Grahmn has purchased a line automobile an.l is also crec \\>g a resi- dence on his line lot on Maul street. Dundalk As the collier drew out the Kmpres* ;l nd a spuunc'l wri>l. The colt immediately I'tgan t-> list and l-ach uc- ceoJing iiiinute tlieli.-t was more accen- tuated. "It wiu so great when 1 came on deck," s*id one nun to me, " that I slipped aliing ihe dook plates and into the water," fifteen minutes after the Mow had been struc'i tl e Empress which htil been canting more and more- lolled on her sido, voiitably in her death agony; and in another insUnt slm had plunged. to the bultoui. Kor fuithei- particu'ars see our inside I'ercy No therein, Melaiiclhon, had two cattle die from l>'v:k i|tiarter last wi'ek and one on Monday . They were vaccinated. l)r. McWillwin'* cult hiul itnothcr nin- invay Tuesday evening. Tll doctor w.ij malting a professional call down the back line in Melanclhnn and his son IVihui r \\as with hiui. Belli s standing at the co't's head with one hand on the bit while 'he doctor WHS in the house. The Himnnl made a dash for liberty and Ueih was draped for me tlisiance luit li.ul t" tiintlly tat gi>. Induing so tho rig went over him :ind he leoeived son a bruises ran fi.r a bid Dundidk and on I ha snush of tho buggy. w:iy made >n Saturdiy niitht we will sell City Dairy ice cream at Iho stoie. If w\- tind it a sueces- wo ill continue th s durinn the summer months. 1>. \\ . \Vidunmn, Foversbam. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH FlesHerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Oivo Euuro Satisfaction I.Al'NDKV l',.iskot close< Monday ni^ht, delivery Kiidtiy eveni-ig. DHi^eaudRvsitloiiM -- IW.'H'lh St. Wist > CLKANIXtJ and 1>YK1NC \\V nv OWIMI Smii.d. O'lt. | agents for Pmkcr's l>y Work* Ctutfew Hours- Dto 13 a.m , l.SO t 4 ) p.m. d*" 11 " 1 lt " a d - VlH '- f ^ tlu ''' n'jnvel.a. e ,t. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to b p.m. ' 'ther hows by appo ntu.ent. T M:nrK, We have been on the sick list recently and liave nut beon able to write up any news for several weeks pist. The rec.-ut riiie .showers and the arm sunshine are causing ,i line growth, and meadows, ^ ra in and fruit, large and -imall, are i-i-in-.' promise of a bountiful harvest. The piledriver is still pounding a>v-,y attheC.P.R. bridge orer the Sauxeen, and men are making excavations for the ct. input piers ,-iud almtiuents for the new bridge. The old wooden bridge that pans ihe mill p<md on Kincardine street has been ciodemned, and the municipal council is arrAiisiti;; to replace it with a new cement and iron structure which will likely be wider and higher t'lan the present bridsje. Miss M. Tryon has written on her third year course in mi'dicine at Toronto university and came h<nne a week ago. Ur. M. Mclutyre was out on the South Line last week and nl severely injured by i horse kicking him. He wag brought home and had to take tu his bed, but we understand there are no bones brokeo, so it is to be hoped tint he wil! not be con- fined to the house very long, for his nid . is wanted ntwrly vrry day in cises of sick or injured stock. Dr. Margaret Pallet sou of Toronto, the Women's Institute lecturer, will address meetings at Pricevillc on Jjne !). L'.JJO mid S.:50 p.m. Mr. Thistel, the tea man of O\vea ' Sound, was in this vicinity last week. Miss Thistvl of St. Catharines, who il taking a h'.liday, spent one week with her father un his annual round. A delegation waited <>n the Artemesik C MI .1! last Monday with a largely sit/tied petition iiskin'4 fur a protected iowalk t'.ir ic.-dtfstri.tin on the .'B.HMiint *. i tige to be tuilt across the Saugeen ihia summer. \\c had a beaut'ful rain c-n Friday ev- ening last which was 'iiuch needed. Stanley Walters of Toronto is visiting at his parental homo. Our public school ba'ebill team, with lurae number of lo.ml fi:ie!t-s, j 'Ui-- neyed to Flesherton on Saturday ;.fte<- 110 .11 last and pUyv.l a gauu with a eom- bmatiou of the hiyh school anilton teams. The score of 28-L'O in favor ot FlcsLerton was a credit to the Kimberley boy*, who put up a scrappy "/aoii asjamst the big little feliows. Bittcries--- Boh Bellamy ,md Beattic, Elli.-, Uurrttt and McComiell. Will Harris rrfereed the game and nave uiiivusil fiiti.sfaelion. Mr. and Mr?. Ed Baker of Yandtdeu r visited friend> h.-re .nit day last week. Quite a number attended the Conser- vative convention in Kocklyu ..n Monday last and report one of the largest crowds ever seen at a convention there. Win. Hughes of Scliricber, < 'nt , ei:- ^iiieer cm 'he Lake -Superior Ui vision, HII<J who is now travelling in the interest* of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen an<i Emjiueeis, visited witli Mr. Clifford Canuck of the Valley Koad not til re- cently. W. Buchanan and daauhter of Vande- l--ur visited with fiien Is here recently. DR. BURT 5pecialiit in di*cM<; ol ih. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 13010th it. Wet, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, >.l Thursday each month from 6 to a 12it.ni DunJ-ilk,lst Wednesday uf each mouth . Fleshcrton Planing "And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping eveiy day m the week eicept Sundays and every week in the year. Brin;; aloii',' your grists. Our sash and ,1,-or factory is always t your diajttMj far anythiau you want in nnr line- pinning. malchiii!.', ero. Floor in.'. sikth and uoir, and all house fur- nubmgg supplied promptly and at iess- onab'e ra'es, (let tu Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Amstrong, Jeweler ONT Eighth Line Osprey Collingwood The C-dliu^wo j j p ijice on We i iesd.iv last st-ized an eug-ca.se th.it had been shipped by express from Toronto to a Mr. . 'allies Miller here, wh cti on bcinjj opened, was found to contain iut inno- cent hen fruit, but about four gallons of whiskey. The case w8 conti.scatcd. Mr. J. M. Biallry. while Hshiin; .it Lake Mm.:... tuar Manituwaums. '*-' week, ciiikflit a lake trout weiehiug '.'7 pounds, and whicii was exhibited in K.I'. But.-hart \ Bix'.". window, attracting consi Jeribhe :iMei)'ioii. It is about three feet in length, and almost foot w:de. Intended for Last Week Mi-v s Oeitie and Leila Mott'it visited recently with Mrs. F. Spotfml. Masters tddie and \VilUrd Duncan Wool wanted Wool wanted Wool wanted At tho Flesherton Cirooery. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. luti n.ir.i for Last \Vtek I A number from this | art >[ ill the :i~>th in Kimliciley and report a good time. Mis* Klva Lever visited at 1 er paren- tal li'inr, Fleshcrton, the patt week. Mr. Herb. Kerr of Thornhill and Mr. nd Mrs. Weatherup of C ,-liii-uwood vis- . spent the ited fiiends in this locility. : heiv. Ins ^ f ew ( nml (],; comuiunity itteuoed returned f. his home near Burks Falls. ! llu . dal . ci , ^.^ |, y \ Vlll Haerow. Mr. and Mrs. Will Benson spent' Sun- ^ E ,. y!lt% oll KluUv evc ,, ln ,, [;,..- 1 and re- day with Mr. S. McL.au of Feversbam. ,,.^'t A vcty pl easiM , tiirc . Mr. and Mrs. John Fenwick and twu jj r ( ; t .,, H.i'n..." letencd avi|^ain- chiWrcn v-Mted leccnlly wi,h Mr. ai.d i t;luc s ; , h s ,,., ^ ll)t ,., v A number fio:n Floli '1:011 m .tor il -, over hen- recently. Portlaw ?nt the '.'4ih with their grandfather. : Mr. John lieii.vui. Inspec'or and Mrs. Hurl' vi-i-ed " Syl- .-an Acadeiny " recently. Mr. F. Somers visited with tueiids in Toront" recently. Mr. .lames MadJcn. nil winter with his bi other l!eo Mis. S- Intruded for Last ^coding i nearly cotnp'i (.rei'ii is now the color. There arc n-iw 4. pupils on our sell, nl roll. Sjine c':is^ t > thar, iys the teachor. Mr. Htm^e Kaaka and frieud of Clarksl-urg vis!u-il a Mi. .J. McKeuxie's If r. Cartur of Toronto visiteJ at the aeecntl/. Mrs. Ashley Uoodfvllnw and Miss E. Martin usitcd at Mr*. \V. GoodfeHow'a. Miss K. I.evu- \iited Miss Myrtle Knux rectntly. The lako scenoiy is beautiful now. Oho ! come for a stil lomo of his biotber-iii-law, Mi. .1. H. Wats..... Mis. .Jolni \V. McKif, wh vt>nt an operation 1 ilely for appendicitis . we are glad to hear, improving a* fast as might lie expected. >Iis.s Viola Cornfield i.f Tori into, uc- couipanied by her friend, Miss tticc, visited over Sunday at the parent il home. Miss Uillie Lyons of Proton Station spent Suiuky with her cousins here. Heathcote Dl , Miiri , H1 . , IMter^n of Ton-nl,- addtesscd the Heathc-.ie W. 1 on Tburs- M r. ( Irr of Toronto is visit ing with his day afternoon and i;ave a very interesting jrothei-in-law, \V. A. Morton. talk on India. 'Ihe sad news came last Thursday from Miss Alda Green of Tliornbuty is vis. Toroiuo to Mr- and Mrs. Firm-in Irish of iting with her unt, Mrs. Win. Milne. luMVnUel.iiicof the doith of their The Bible Society heM their ai.nual Uu-htei-. Kdith, a bri-ht J-O-JIH- girl ..f mtfe tins; in tlu- lVtsr.yeii.in 1 1 urc'i on eigbtct-nyeais. Scarlet fever was the Monday evening of lost week, Mr. Martin cause of death. The body wis brought ,h ow in g some interest in* > i lure.. up nn Fiijay, when interment took place ... ,, ., Miss Marmn I rent ice is visiting with FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent.^un met- tal and tan, either lace or but- ton, also a nice asaortment'in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual. Thos Clayton. in Moult' /.ion burying ground. Tho Family two the sympathy of a nule circle of friends in their bereavement. her brother. Merlin, uf Toronto, for ft few dajs. 1 he liuild intends holdin.' a ^.ir.!cn piiiiy^tj^'* Fleming's lawn June 1 1. Hca-kii.b Longhead lott ont of his - PROPR1HTOK Don't miss-the chance of a lifaiiinc. ' lliiying suits at the fallowing piieeaina i-iiu-h. |18 tfrey wots ed suite to clcir vnluable lioises lit week from lockjtw, for ? 12.01', Jl-' ">0 for f.l.OU. SIU.IH) f < and IIHS another atlVcted with the same i. '.I'., J-J.i"> nld pints fur Si 48, $1 :.'."> '*d scii-f. mliody oveialls for?l.0.">, 91 ovorll>' Miss Victoria Vickers \ i-ited with her 7!K-., and all other -i-ods s-llinu ,- Mm;-, tiiend, Miss Elsie Cirri nor, en Sun lay. m'linv; jiriiiH. Se I'lii; out I*. W. \Vjdo- nmn'.s stuck, K<.-vei>hiiui. Tho l>i; silf is now on at FeveisNm, sciiru'thin^ doini; at the and o.vs ; \Vnlcii.nii sli.r.-. Kwiyihinu ^.HS a' a - :. diixc hf-tvn mil t i tnke is is-ing on. it will py you. j o{ t t,j < .!... nil y .ur I utter 's storo, K New Suitings FOR SPRING We arc showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new linss Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR

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