Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1914, p. 7

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TO CURE STOMACH TROUBLE The Common Cause is Lack of Blood Therefore You Must Build up the Blood There is the most intimate rela- tion between the condition of the blued and the activity of the sto- mach: The blood depends upon the stomach for a large part of its nourish merit, while every act of digestion, frcm the time the food enters the stomach and i/s assimi- lated by- the blood needs plenty of pure well-oxidized blood. The muscles, glands and nerves of the stomach work onJy according to the quality of the blood. The most, common cause of indi- gestion is lack of rich, red blood. Not only does impure blood -weaken the muscles of the stomach, but it lessens the product of the glands of the intestines and stomach, which furnish the digestive fluids. Noth- ing will more promptly cure indi- gestion than plenty of pure blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the safest and most certain blood- j builder. A thorough trial of these pills gives a hearty appetite, per- fect digestion, strength and health, j Here is proof of the value of these \ Pills in cases of indigestion. Mrs. Alfred Austin, Varna, Ont., eays: ''My system became run-down and my stomach very weak. I had no desire for food and what I did take caused me great distress, and did Rescued After Two Weeks at Sea in Open Boat. Survivors of the SS. Columbian, Found the Cause The Rest Was Easy DODD'S KIDNEY FILLS Ql'ICK- LY IT RED HIS KIDNEY DISEASE. How Hudson MarchhaHk, After Suffering for Five Years, Found Quick Relief and Permanent Cure in the Great-st of Canadian Remedies. Marchbank. King's County, N.B., Jun.e 1st (Special). -After suffering for five years from kidney disease, | brought on by a strain, Hudson j Marchbank, Esq., the well-known farmer of t.-.i-s place, is again a strong, heal' !iy man, and another grand cure for Dodd's Kidney Pills has been put on record. In an in- terview, Mr. Marchbaiiik says: "About five years ago I hurt my back from lifting, and it dsrsJoped into kidney disease. My back pain- ed me all the time, and I was very much troubled with headaches. My appetite was fitful : I bad a bitter taste in my mouth in the mornings ; I perspired freely and my perspira- tion had a disagreeable odor. "I used liniments and plasters, but they did not do me any good, and as there were other symptoms that my kidneys were affected. I de- cided to trv Dodd's Kidney Pills. From Head to Foot. Itched and Burned. Disfiguring, Face and Arms Worst. Cuticura Scap and Cuticura Ointment Cured. Legere Ccrijer, Moncton, N. B. "When my baby was five months! old he bad a rash which used (o trouble him very much. Tie rash w as very bad and ha was covered froui head to foot. I got no rest day or night with him. It would itch and bum so much that he used to scratch till he used to bring the blotxl ami then llnould turn lo a mattery sore which disfigured him. Tlie worst was his race and arms. ' I tried a good many different salves and snaps but to no use; ho got no better. But after a while 1 thought I would try Cutlrura Soap and Ointment and had only used them two or three times irlien I sa'.v agreatchaoge. Thn sores dried up aud can- ? off and be was cured." (Signed) Mrs. Ucorse French, May 20, 1913. For pimples and blackheads the following is a most effective and economical treatment : Gently smear the afTectd parts with Cuti- cura Ointment, on the end of iho flnger. but do not rub. Wash off the CuUc.ura Oint- ment in Jive minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing forsome min- utes. This treatment Is best on rising aud retiring. At other times use Cullcura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to assist in pre- venting Inflammation, Irritation aud clog- DATE FROM SOLOMON. Jewish Tribe in Abyssinia Were Se- verely Persecuted. How a small Jewish, tribe lived for centuries in the heart of Abyssinia separated from the outside world and ignorant of its existence, and how, la the face of severe persecution, it man- aged to preserve its traditions and worship, wa:i told to an audience in London by Dr. Jaques Faitlovitch, a well-known Abyssinian traveller. Legend has it that the tribe first entered the country in the time of King Solomon, having migrated from Palestine in the train of the Queen of Sheba. They quickly adapted themselves to their new surroundings, married Abyssinian wives, whom they converted to Judaism, and lived on quite good terms with their neighbors. But frcm tUe beginning of the thir- teenth century the Falashas, as the Jews were called, endured severe per- secution until at last they dispersed in groups and families all over Abyssinia. Their existence was only revealed to the outside world 150 years ago by ex- plorers. The object of the lecture was to arouse the sympathy of their co-re- ligionists in England on their behalf. Pork & r Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baiting, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces TKey hva no equal. A*M rom MLI * W. OAWSOtl. Toronto. ninety Colborni Strut which exploded and burned off the \ After usi.ig two boxes, my back was coast of Halifax, in the open boat completely cured, and my kidney*! ging of the pores. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ._!_ I ji i . i i p .. i U n . .'' mnnf. arp anlH cvwvwherM. TPnr :i.!ilM>r?il frtvt not afford me nourishment, and for i have not troubled me since." , l*v, CC n. 3 ucioi-e being rescued by! When Mr. Marchbank decided was graaually growing weaker, and ' the revenue cutter &**, First i that his kidneys were the cause of xnild scarcely- do anv work at all. Officer Tiere is at the steering oar. When his troubles, the rest was easy. Almost any of his neighbors could j tell him that Dcdd's Kidney Pills ] f ... - .. . , , *_m*vtl J.IC1C iS 011 111C SUJTCllMI [ did not sleep soundly at night, ; The hoto WM uken ^ the and would wake up not at all re ;l< , ame alongside the S( , neca freshed and with a reeling of dread j rescued the TIM?n had : ust cnoug h i always cure diseased kidneys. Some years previously I had used ! food to ]ast another d This con . Dr. \\ilhams Pink Pills with much ; sjsted of a few cnimbs of bread and benefit, and this decided me to again j lea . thr fr(Jm t , )eir bootg care f u u y try them. My confidence was not tied in a handkerchief. misptaced, as by the time I had used six boxes I was again feeling quite well." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold bv all medicine dealers or will he ment are sold everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post- card to Potter Drug & Clieni. Curp., Dcpt, D. Boston, U. 3. A. CAUSE OF THUNDER Mother Told Him. Edith was entertaining Mr. West, I and Little Sydney was hanging i about. At last Edith told him it was time for him to retire. "Oh, can't, I slay up a little lonirer, sis- j ter ?" pleaded Sydney. "What do i you want to sit up for?" 'asked ! Edith. "Why, I want to see you 'and Mr. West play cards," an- swered Sydney. Mr. West laughed. "But we are not going to play j cards," said Edith. "\Vhv." saJd , Sydney, surprised. "mother said i you were. I heard her tell vou that everything dapended on the way ; vvit pkved your ca-rd-s to-night." TF roc WANT TO BL-T OK .SELL * i Fruit. Stock. Grain, or Dairr fc'rra. writ* H. W. Daweon. Bramotoo. or M Cclbr.rne Ht.. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON Colborni St.. AJEITTS WANTED. iU-U--. i t& W Afl A. .^ . A CENTS' \V.\.\TKI'. S6 ~i ~ A> day. Write Puurleas Cooker Su .Specialty Co., Keriin. 5 NEWSPAPERS '-OH BALE. GOOLI WKEKLY IN LIVii T<JV.\ U* '. York County. Stationery and Buofc business in connection. Price only M.OOO. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish*. tnc Company, 73 West Adelaide 3 treat Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. sent bv mail at 50 cents a box or six A Suecess. ''Was the dear girl happily mar- ried '" asked the friend. "Yes. indeed,'' answered Miss KING TRAINS LEPHANTS. Royal Hobby of Ferdinand of Bulgaria. The Sovereigns of Europe have, and have had, some curious hobbies. The classic instance is, of course, "Citizen'' Capet, who made watches and locks better than he could rule; and to-day. Thought to be Due to the Intense Heating of Gases. For a long time it was supposed that the noise of thunder was caused by the closing up of the vacuum created by the passage of the lightning, the air rushing in from all sides with a clap; but the intensity of the noise is rather disproportionate, and it is now thought that thunder is due to the intense heating of gases, espe- cially the gas of water vapor along boxes for 82.50 by s?uding to The! McGabble ; "it was one of the hap- , amonest others the Kaiser h ' tlle Ilne of electrlc discharge, and the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brock- 1 T *" i ~* ,,,<,,,,.^..i ville. Ont, FLOATING NAVAL STATION Can Ap- piest weddings I ever saw. I never saw so few duplicates among the presents of cut glass and silver- ware." TEETHING BABIES tinct penchant for carpentry, whil* what King Christian does not know about the printer's craft is not worth knowing, says a despatch from Sofia to the London Standard. It has remained, however, for King Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, to take up the consequent conversion of suspended moisture into steam at enormous pn's- sure. In this way the crackle with which a peal of thunder sometimes begins might be regarded as the sound of steam explosion on a small scale caused by discharges before the main flash. The rumble would be the over- ! strangest pastime of all animal train- lapping steam explosions, and the final Be Sunk Out of Sight On preach of Hostile Fleet. For nations that need naval coal-| Teething time is usually a time of j ing. "A little while ago the King, tir- c ap,' U whTcir "soundTfoudesTVould "be ing stations In different parts of the worry to mothers. It is usually ' ing of the ordinary methods of reliev- the 8lear J exp io 8 ion nearest to the ' j accompanied by n.ervoti*ness, stoin-j ( in 5 h > is j n ; ln( l from t the cares of ^Sta^e. auditor. In the case of rumbling thunder the lightning is passing from cloud to cloud. When the flash passes from the clouds to the earth the clap is loudest at the beginning. One in- vestigator has given substance to these suppositions by caustug electric i ***.*.. w V .... ^.w.^vw w . ^ ....w * uw . - -- -. -- flashes to pass from point to point l b ,, T'hn .H?.^- ( KAJ, h * ' greatest friend at this time. ! then, sup i ntending their tollet an(1 ^^ ^.^^ ^^ jn soak(?d world where '?> have possessions, a Rusian inventor has de-l " signed a floating storehouse for fuel a "i,, and other supplies. Manned by a lie . ss - Tne mother can avo small crew of men. the floating naval this ; she can have her baby pass p jjant is required to know. The four base can be towed to any advantage- i through the dangerous teething beasts are housed at a farm on th ous position and anchored, ready to ; time without pain or crossness. receive supplies from colliers and dls-Jfiabv's Own Tablets are the moth- e and extreme f retful- i Jn'^ted _in four elephants. And now , .I he spends all his spare time teaching his giant pets all that an educated ele- outskirts of Sofia, and every day King Ferdinand spends an hour or so with , . , nava^lse c?ew and an e \a, be e k e The v sweeten the stomach, regulate j training them. of the bowels, allay feverishness which usually accompanies th* coming of floating storehouse is very much like new teeth, and in this way make a huge diving-bell, cylindrical in shape, teething easv. The Tablets are sold with double walls and roof containing Dy medicine dealers or bv mail at compressed-air tanks for regulating its ^ cents a b .., x {rom Th / Dr . Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville. I Out. The King has brought his usual Z eal coarse wool, and IIP succeeded in mag- nifying the crack of the electric spark height in the water. It has no bottom, except a wire netting, and Is usually partly filled with water. All coal, petroleum and other naval supplies are received and stored in small water- tight drums. From the receiving cranes on the roof the drums are moved to a well in the centre, lowered to the proper depth and shunted off through windows, in the well upon con- centric trucks, where they remain sus- pended in the water until needed. All the handling is done by automatic machinery. Popular Mechanics. The Death Warrant Delivered Tortures of Rheumatism 101 ND HAY FEVF.R ( IRKi Ti\in Romi'dy of WYstrrn Physi- cian Proves Successful. A cure for hay fever 1 Out of the des-pised ragweed', the loved and feared golden rod and the honey-bearing Spanish needle-- the pollen bearing trio that set the world to sneezing is made, the rem- and the consequence is that his ele- sible that further experiments will add phants would do credit to a profes- to Ills findings, sional trainer. Not only do the pachy- derms recognize their royal master when he visits them, but they can do several tricks at his bidding. The King is very proud of his pets, and whenever bis Court is visited by any- one of distinction the royal guest is sure to be taken to the \\ku a Woman Suffers With Chronic Badache There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on th>--ir feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, womon often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factcries, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptons of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the > kidneys; to leud aid to the bladder and liver; to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit \ is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Ur Hamilton's Pills are ; safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 115 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- j stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man drake and Butternut. CA.NCKB. XUUOUd. LUMl'a. KTO, Internal and extern*!, cured wl!S, ent pain by our bcma Uutment. Writ* B before too !.ir*. I)r Bpllmau UeiiloaJ f" Limited, r .-,!'---,-,,, H Ont Man Wantod I who understands horses] In *vry district we want i such a inaa Will pav ^Canadion Distributors Vanca j * a c Sorry He Sjmko. Peck I'm surprised that v<ni should lose your self-control. Ma- ria. Tha.t's something you never saw me do. Mrs. PeckYou lost control of vourself the day I married vou. Now hold \<jnr tongue. -*_- No defence can be ofT^red when you apply I'utnam's In :i sui . i-orn the of- fender has to ilk-. Nothing so r,:Uii:i to quickly cure corns as I'utnam's Corn luic iu uc lanci. lu i u<r farm to ad- and Wart Extractor, try Putnam's, it's mire the great beasts at their work tree from a. -ids. and painless, -ac. bot- Some Job. Mrs. Crabs' haw - - Haven't I taught you to put things in their right places .' Willie- Yes, mamma; but you never told me how I could find them afterward. Aik for Minard's and Tits no oUier. Druid Catacombs Near London. Eleven miles south-east of London, in KentT a few years ago were discov- ered thi> catacombs of the ancient Druids, which are now much visited by sightseers and aro lighted, for a 'sirt at U-ast. by electric light?. Over ii'fty mil"s of chambers cut ill til- chalk cliffs have already bt-ini explored. The Druids lived in these catacombs when attacked by their northern enemies, and here they buried many of their dead. The stone on which the human sacrifices were made is .'still to b<- and also the well, from whicli vaier Is drawn to this day. and play. ties sold by all dealers. II KH MOTHER-IN-LAW Proved a \Visi-. Good Friend. A young woman found a. A. Trui 1 Optimist. Percival Mr. Hemmandhaw the most optimistic person I < saw. Penelope 'Cheerful, eh 1 Pe renal Yes; even now, when j woman louml a wise, worm to siirriiii.it 1 IIKIM- i>uc reiu- ,-. . - . . . t , . , ~~. edv that was proposed a* a cure be- ** fn f mi , ln h j r niother-m-law. : he is slowly recovering from a fe- I fore the convention of homeopathic , J oke . s notwithstanding She writes : ver . he sees a humorous side to YlVlll trt Tlll\ RAIimiltlphvskians of Missouri, held re- "1 was great y troubkxl w. ; th my : everything. I ICiU IV I iil> HIT Ul ' L :.*!.. i stomach, complexion was blotchy and yellow. After meals I often A Marvel of Speed, An Unfailing Cure For Old Chronic Cases. GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. coutly. Dr. E. J. liurch of Carthago. Mo., a widely-known homeopath. inatk' the announcement. It caused , a sensation at the closing session of ' the convention. Penelope \Vliich surely is fortu- : uate. suffered sharp pains and would have Percival I asked him what h--' to lie down. My mother ften told j W a eating, and he told me the p'iv- With reliable old Nerviline you can! The remedy, he explained, was was the coffee I drank at sician permitted him to have meals. ' But when I'd quit coffee I'd water from two boiled eggs have a severe headache." (Tea con- j Penelope The ideal the result of his wife's severe case of hay fever. He conceived the id>?a a toxin from the weeds that rub out the pain of rheumatism. Scia tica, Lumbago, or Neuralgia rub it away so completely that you feel like new all over. It matters not how deeply pain is, or how long you have rubbing with the king of hi'iiits "Xerviline" will cure Nervlline is highly concentrated j was complete! v relieved of all syiup- w about five times stronger than the or- , toms . he reported, and out of twen tains the same poisonous drug, caf- Perciva! And he hoped soon to feine, as coffee). be able to add the holes out ot a "While visiting my mother-in-law ! few doughnuts. L remarked that she alwavs mad* atlnard'i Ll:ilment Lumberman's 1-. -:i i Kidneys Cured or Money Back There is no risk in baying GIN PILLS. They are sold on a positive guarantee that thoywiHuuro all Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Kheuniatism and Sciatica, Pain in the Back, etc. If, after taking 6 boxes, you can horestly say that Gin Pills have not cured you, take the empty boxes to your dealer and he will refund the money. That shows how certain we are that Gin Pills will euro you. 50c. a box ; 6 for 82.50. Sent on receipt of price if, your dealer caa't supply you. Sample free if you mention this paper. \$$ NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO., OF CANADA LIMITED. - TORONTO. hen you use Postum. "I began to us? Postum as soon N'ot Legal Tender. Grateful Patient Doctor, I owe in deeply and gets right at the core of the pain at once draws out the lameness, takes away the stiftness eases the joints that have hurt you so much. Out comes the pain every time you rub on Nervilino. which contains, some of the most valuable pain-subduing remedies known to science. Worth its weight in gold to every family iu the Jand, and sure to cure the emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that constantly arise. Get the large 50c. family size bottle; small trial size 25c. Nerviline is sold by every dealer, ev- erywhere. cure or as a preventive, i meteetr cases were successful. "1 am not announcing this as a cure,'' he said. "I certainly hope that it will prove as successful on further tiaals as it has so far, and if it proves the cure we have sought so long, I want the entire medical fraternity to have it. "The process of preparation re- quires great care. The pollen must be gathered early in the morning before the sun rise*, for the toxin found in the pollen iu the heat of the day is a different thing from that found in early morning or late night. I shook the pollen from the ragweed, two varieties 9f golden rod and two varieties of Spanisli needle on a plate of glycerin and prepared and strained a toxin with water that I injected into the bodies of the patients. It carried the ac- tive poison or principles of the pol- len. For a cure I used four doses two days apart. "For a preventive I began before the time for the patient's hay fever to appear and used an injection eaeh week for five weeks. "The toxin has shown its virility by hastening the hay fever season of patients iu n overdos*." He Was Quuliflt'd. ''I believe," said the beautiful heiress, ''tha!^ the happiest mar- Yfagcs are made by apposites. "Just think how poor I am !" ar- gued the young man. YOUt OWN DRUGGIST WILL I M.I. YOf Try Murlue B;e Remedy for Red. Weak, Watery Eyet and Qranulated Eyelids; Nu Smarting Juit Ey Comfort. .1 Write (or Book of the Eye by nint Fre. Murlue Kye Remedy C'o., Chicago. Brown "How is it you let your wife have her own way so entire- ly!" Jones ."Because 1 once tried to stop her.'' MUuaid'M Ualauiit nca b FhvK!aa. and my complexion ha-s cleared up beautifully. "My grandmother suffered a great deal with her stomach. Her doctor told her to leave off coffee. She then took tea, but that was just AS bad. "She finally was induced to try Postum, which she has used 1 for over a year. She travelled during the winter visiting, something she ha<l not been able to do for years. She says she owes her present good health to Postum." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkg. Postum now comes in two forms : Regular Postum must be well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum- is a soluble pow- der. A teaspoonful dissolves quick- ly in a cup of hot water and^ with cream ana sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. 30c and rX)c tins. The. cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. "There's a Reason" for Postum. Sold by Grocers. Mlnard'B Liniment Co., Limited. Gents. 1 have used your Minard s Liniment In my family ami also in n stables for years mid consider best medicine obtainable. Yours truly. ALfc'UEP HOCHAV. Proprietor Roxton I'ond Hotel und Livery Stables. A Lady Bountiful. "Do you like Miss Pra,ttle?" "Yes; ahe'sjso generous. Never keeps anything to herself, and is always ready to give away even her best friend.'' Keep MlnarU'e Linlmant In the hoae. "Mft," sa-id the five-year-old, "do they call sailors tars 'because they're s>o used to the pit.chhig of t.he ship!" ED. 7. ISSUE 123 Ml. You Can Buy Cheaper At Home Ask Your Local Merchant for the "HOME TRADE CATALOGUE" and Save Money There is a HOME TRADE MERCHANT near vou. Better Quality. Lower Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

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